DUMPSTER FIRE: Shawn Bolz Google Prophet EXPOSED


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. This is a dumpster fire edition and I got to tell you,
I'm conflicted. But before we get too far into this, if you've ever been told, you know, that somebody's called out your name and word of knowledge and then, like, you know, named your town or something like that, and you're thinking, wow, this guy's really hearing from God.
This has got to be true. Yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below. You've been schnookered.
And so let's kind of dive into the conflict that I'm having within myself at the moment.
And that is I pay attention to what the so -called prophets and apostles prophesy and tell us is coming.
And unfortunately, this installment of dumpster fire, some will say, look,
Cindy Jacobs gave a true prophecy. Yeah, that's, you know, she's a false prophet.
I think this was more along the lines of a warning. But let me explain it this way. So I'm going to turn on my desktop here and we're going to head over to YouTube.
We're going to start with Cindy Jacobs. And this was from the last part of 2018 as she was releasing the so -called
Word of the Lord for 2019. And you can find my review of this.
We did a large segment review of this back at FightingForTheFaith .com. But here's one of the things she said would happen in 2019, which is causing me all kinds of gastrointestinal problems because, like I said, people will say, see?
No, yeah, you'll see what I'm saying. But here we go. We're entering into a season of prophetic reformers.
God is calling the prophets to pay attention to the nations. The Word of the Lord needs to be fresh.
In fact, the Lord gave me a warning that there was going to be some Google prophets revealed. What does that mean?
They go and Google stuff about people and then they call their names and they call whatever. Doesn't mean everybody's prophesying exact words and knowledge is like that, but there are some that are doing it.
Right. And so she was talking about the so -called Google prophets.
Now, we've noted in several installments of Fighting for the Faith, including the podcast, that Sean Bowles is a fellow who does this really weird thing.
Oftentimes when he gives words of knowledge, he has an internet -connected smart device, like a phone, an iPhone, or an iPad, or things like that.
And this past week, the big charismatic event was
The Send. And so there was a fellow who got a word of knowledge from Sean Bowles, and we're going to demonstrate that Sean Bowles is a
Google prophet, as Cindy Jacobs has noted. But this is not a fulfillment of a prophecy.
God didn't tell her this. She was aware of this phenomenon, and she has guilt pangs, and that's the reason why she blurted this out at the end of last year.
But case in point, we're going to be listening to Dennis, what's his last name,
Melnichuk. Dennis Melnichuk, he put up a video explaining the amazingly accurate word of knowledge that he received from Sean Bowles at the recently concluded
Send. And so we'll listen to part of this, and you'll see what
I'm saying here in a minute. Hey everyone, my name is Dennis. Some of you might know me, some of you might not.
I just want to post this video. I want to let people know that what happened in Orlando was so profound and impactful because I flew in all the way from the other side of the world for this event because I heard in my heart
I'm supposed to do this. And I'm sitting there on the last final day, and this happens to me.
And I'm looking for a Dennis who you're either from the Ukraine or your parents were, and you moved to America, and I think to Washington State or Washington, D .C.
Now this sounds so, whoa, wow, look at all the detail there. But you see,
Sean Bowles, he's a Google prophet. Let's deconstruct this, shall we?
So what we're going to do is we're over at the Heterodox Research Initiative, the
Heterodox Research Initiative website, and they did a really good job of pointing out that the
Send that recently happened in Orlando, that if you wanted to attend, you had to register for the event, free registration.
And you're going to need to put in your first name, your last name, and your email address.
And a Google prophet, that's all they're going to need. That's all they're going to need.
So if you were to have Dennis Malnuchek, and he has a website, by the way,
AwakendGeneration .org, AwakendGeneration. So you can imagine his email is probably something like Dennis at AwakendGeneration .org.
And so just quickly do some Google searches regarding Dennis Malnuchek, and here's what you're going to find.
You're going to find a video, Dennis Malnuchek's testimony, that is published on YouTube as part of the
AwakendGeneration's YouTube website. You can find it over his website. And we'll just listen to a little bit of this and see if you can catch any of the details that Sean Bowles has already given.
So my story goes that my family comes from a Ukrainian background. So my mom's family comes from a
Ukrainian background. Got it? She was about 16 years old, came into the
United States, and my dad around not too long after that did as well. They didn't know each other. And they came and they got married in the
United States. And I was the second son born into the family. We were raised in a Slavic Pentecostal background.
So my whole life I heard about Jesus. We went to church. It was something that was always natural.
All right, so his parents are from the Ukraine. And, by the way, he has—well, let's read a little bit about Dennis from the
AwakendGeneration .org website. At the age of 17, shortly after doing time in a juvenile detention center,
Dennis recommitted his life to the Lord at a youth service at a church in Tacoma, Washington State.
Notice the specifics here. He was powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit and began to passionately serve the local church.
Around that time, he and his friends began to seek out various opportunities to love God and other people, especially the non -churched, broken, and complacent in their city and the surrounding areas.
So you kind of got the idea. And he is the fellow who, well, is the creator of this website,
The Awakened Generation, and their mission of The Awakened Generation. It was founded to partner with God to see lives and communities transformed by encountering the person and the presence of God.
We exist to equip believers to live wholeheartedly in him and to do the works of Christ, expressing the truth and divine love of God by the
Holy Spirit. So you get the idea. Okay, so just looking up his information, which is readily available just via Google search, we now learn that Dennis Melnichuk is like the leader of The Awakened Generation.
He had an experience with God in Washington State, spent some time in Juvenile Hall.
And then let's just look at his Facebook real quick, Dennis Melnichuk. We learn that he lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania presently and is originally from Tacoma, Washington.
Now we have all the specific details we need in order to fake a word of knowledge.
Or how did Cindy Jacobs put it? Let's back this up and see what she said again.
I may have gone too far, but let's listen again. The word of the Lord needs to be fresh. In fact, the
Lord gave me a warning that there was going to be some Google prophets revealed. What does that mean?
They go and Google stuff about people and then they call their names and they call whatever. Doesn't mean everybody's prophesying exact words of knowledge is like that, but there are some that are doing it.
All right, so she's warning us about the Google prophets, but we have all the information we need. Dennis Melnichuk, state of Washington, lives in Mechanicsburg.
The creator of the Awakened Generation spent some time in Juvenile Hall and his parents are from the
Ukraine. And all of this just took a little bit of time. We did this in what, just a few minutes? So let me back this up and here's the so -called word of the
Lord from Sean Bowles and listen to how all of the details he's giving we got off the internet.
Yeah, watch. And I'm sitting there on the last final day and this happens to me.
And I'm looking for a Dennis who you're either from the Ukraine or your parents were. Check. We got that from his video, yeah.
And you moved to America and I think to Washington State. Right, we got that from his testimony, from his website testimony and Facebook, yeah.
Help me out here. Is there a Dennis? We have somebody. Thank God. Dennis, the
Lord, the Lord himself has been walking with you since you were a little boy.
So notice the prophetic portion of it.
We've identified this guy by giving all of the specific details you can find on his YouTube website and Facebook.
And now the word of the Lord. The Lord has been walking with you since you were a little boy. Well, if you're a Christian, duh.
So he's not really saying anything at this point. This is all word salad. A hard time there in the middle because of some of the things that happened in your family.
All right, so a hard time in the middle of his life. Backing this up so you can hear this again. The Lord himself has been walking with you since you were a little boy.
And you had a hard time there in the middle because of some of the things that happened. Yeah, like he talked about the fact that, didn't he say that he spent some time, yeah, here we go again.
Spent some time in a juvenile detention center. Had some hard time in the middle. Yep, there we go.
Family, but it's going to give you the power over divorce and broken families and adoption.
Oh, and by the way, when you listen to the rest of his testimony video, you learn that his parents divorced too.
Yeah, all of this is all on there. Yeah, I'm just saying. Foster care. My family does come from the
Ukraine. My parents. I know they come from the Ukraine. You said so in your testimony video that was posted long before Sean Bowles gave this so -called word of the
Lord. Immigrated to the U .S., they met in the U .S., got married, and I was born in Washington State.
Yeah, I know it's all on the Internet already. Moved again to the East Coast. My parents during that time went through a really ugly divorce.
Right, and he talks about that in another place too, about his parents divorcing. All of this information, all of it, was available to Sean Bowles via Google long before the send in Orlando.
And the Lord is saying, he's raising you up, that there's something you're called to build of an awakening movement.
You're supposed to build an awakening movement. Well, he's already built it, duh.
It's right there on the Internet, dude. Yeah, the awakened generation. So you can see what's going on here.
This is just straight up manipulation. Something on the East Coast. I think you're on the
West Coast. Something on the East Coast. He's in Mechanicsburg, but he was in the
West Coast. See? Wow, wow, yeah. This is right from Lord Google.
Yeah. And then afterwards I moved back to Washington, lived there about seven years, and then moved to Pennsylvania to do a program here.
Yeah, again, all of this is available in your testimony video and stuff. Yeah. On the
East Coast, and I just see like Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Yeah, I know
Pennsylvania because it says so right here. Lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
It's right on his Facebook. Uh -huh, yeah. And God is saying he's awakening something in Pennsylvania and is calling you to lead a movement.
God's calling you to lead a movement, man. Right, yeah, uh -huh. Straight up Google profit and total manipulation.
This guy's going, how did he know this? Because it's all on the Internet. It's been there for years, man.
Yeah, so he was totally blown away by that, but, yeah, unfortunately, yeah, this is galling.
This is a galling part of this video. Cindy Jacobs is going to sit there and go, see,
I got it right. God told me at the end of last year that the
Google profits were going to be revealed. No, this is not a fulfillment of any prophecy that God gave to Cindy Jacobs.
But again, she did warn that in 2019, Google profits would be revealed. So there you go.
We're doing God's work here, kind of. Well, we are, but it's, I got to turn that off.
I can't look at that woman. Anyway, you get the idea. You get the idea. So Sean Bowles at the
Send in Orlando, he did his shtick, but all he did was regurgitate facts that he found on Dennis Malnuchuk's website,
Facebook, and YouTube, and it takes just a couple of minutes to do this. And how did he know to look for that?
Because people had to register first name, last name, and email address. And when you got that, just Google stuff up, and you can find somebody just like, you know, and find out information about him pretty easily.
Yeah, so there it is. Sean Bowles deconstructed. Word of the
Lord? No, not unless the Lord is Lord Google. But yeah,
Google's not the Lord. I think you get the idea. If you found this helpful, please share this video with others and let everybody know that Sean Bowles is a total con man.
He's not hearing from God. He's hearing from the Internet. And this is all part of some shtick that he's doing to make it look like he's hearing from God, and he isn't.
He's a total con artist. Everything he's doing is totally explainable by looking on the
Internet. It was all there. So share this video. All the information on how you can support
Fighting for the Faith and Pirate Christian Media is also down below in the description of this video.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.