Hebrews 2:10-13 (Not Ashamed- Jeff Kliewer)

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Not Ashamed Hebrews 2:10-13 Jeff Kliewer


Feel free to stand with me. O hear the power of Jesus' name
Let angels prostrate fall Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of all
Bring forth the royal diadem And crown
Him Lord of all
The chosen seed of Israel's race Be ransomed from the fall
Hail Him who saves you by His grace And crown
Him Lord of all
Hail Him who saves you by His grace And crown
Him Lord of all Let every kindred, every tribe
On this terrestrial board To Him all majesty ascribe
And crown Him Lord of all
Lord of all Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, comfort for all You are the source of heaven's hope on earth
Jesus, light in the darkness Jesus, truth in each circumstance
You are the source of heaven's light on earth
In history you lived and died You broke the chains, you rose to life
You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust
You are the light shining through all the world to see
You rose from the dead conquering fear Our prince of peace drawing us near Jesus, our hope living for all who will receive
What we believe Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, hope of the nations Jesus, comfort for all
You are the source of heaven's hope on earth
Jesus, light in the darkness Jesus, truth in each circumstance
You are the source of heaven's light on earth
In history you lived and died You broke the chains, you rose to life
You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust
You to see
You rose from the dead conquering fear Our prince of peace drawing us near Jesus, our hope living for all who will receive
Lord, we believe Lord, we believe
Lord, we believe Lord, we believe
We sang that Jesus is our hope Jesus is our comfort, he is our rock We know that he has a perfect plan for our lives
We know that he has a perfect plan for our country He knows, we should know that the promises of his are true
And he will never let us go He will always have us in his hand Let's worship him this morning
You are here, touching every heart
I worship you, I worship you
You are here, healing every heart
I worship you, I worship you
Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness, my
God, that is who you are You are waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are
You are here, turning lives around I worship you,
I worship you You are here, mending every heart
I worship you, I worship you
Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness, my
God, that is who you are You are waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are
Lord, we welcome you this morning here Lord, you are the way, the truth, and the life
You're the one that is a miracle worker, a promise keeper And all we want to do is worship you, nothing else
Things around us may be falling apart Lord, I pray that we remember that we hold fast to the truth
That you are king and you are ruler of everything Miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, our God, that is who you are
You are waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are
Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness, my
God, that is who you are You are waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are
That is who you are That is who you are
That is who you are That is who you are
Okay, let's turn our Bibles If you need a Bible, there's some in the back that you can follow along with It's important that you have the scripture before you so you can study together because we're going to be in Psalm 22 as well as Hebrews chapter 2, verses 10 -13
So if you could turn there Hebrews 2, 10 -13 For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist in bringing many sons to glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering for he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source
That's why he's not ashamed to call them brothers saying, I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation,
I will sing your praise and again, I will put my trust in him and again, behold,
I and the children, God has given me Let's pray
Our God, we turn our eyes to you this morning
We pray that you would help us to pay much more careful attention to what we have heard, lest we drift
Father, we thank you that you are keeping us and we ask that your word would accomplish a work in each of our hearts today that we would not be ashamed of the gospel but go forth proclaiming the good news
We pray that you would help us now in the study of your word In Jesus' name, Amen Has anybody here ever had a friend who suddenly became ashamed of you suddenly became embarrassed by you and turned their backs on you
Many people have had that experience Whenever I think of that kind of concept of people becoming too cool and peer pressure and turning away from a friendship
I always think of that movie Wonder where there was a little boy named Augie who was deformed in his face and he had a friend named
Jack But at some point, Jack was hanging out with some other friends and they began to make fun of Augie And so, this boy
Jack joined in on it and made fun of his friend He was embarrassed of him and ashamed to be his friend
Well, sadly, the boy Augie heard it He overheard what was being said and it ruined the friendship
But the good part of the story is that there was repentance and forgiveness and the two reconciled as friends
And it was a neat story But I had a similar thing, not to that degree but I was a basketball player in 8th grade and the plan was to ride over to the high school after school every day to play basketball with the high schoolers
And that was the plan until my friend decided he was too cool to ride in the same car as me
So it was heartbreaking My buddy turned his back and started hanging out with a different crowd and he was embarrassed to be identified with me
However, the very next year, as a 9th grader there was a friend of my older brother who went to that same school
And that friend had a car So instead of having to ride the school bus my older brother said,
Hey, why don't you ride with us? And it felt so good that my older brother was not ashamed to call me brother
I got to ride, you know, riding up with the juniors to school You know, where this guy now, he's riding the bus
Hey, it was, you know, you felt really like your brother was not ashamed of you
Well, shame is an interesting thing Shame actually comes from something good
It was God who built within humanity a conscience And when something violates your conscience you should feel shame
You should be embarrassed However, because of the fall people are often not embarrassed by the things that should cause shame and instead feel shame for things they shouldn't
That's part of being broken in this world Well, the main idea of the passage we're studying today has to do with shame
The idea is that Jesus is not ashamed of us
He's not ashamed to call us brother or child He's the one who sanctifies us because we both come from the same source
We have the same Father and so He's not ashamed of us and He has accomplished everything to make us acceptable in His sight to where He's not ashamed of us whatsoever
So before we get into the text to unpack that let's remind ourselves where we are in Hebrews So far, the first chapter of Hebrews was all about the greatness of Jesus He's the radiance of God's glory and He's greater than angels
In fact, angels worship Him and because He's so great we need to keep our attention on Him Chapter 2, verses 1 -4
We have a problem, though We tend to drift from this knowledge so we're warned we must pay much closer attention so that we don't drift away
And then in verses 5 -9 we're kind of reminded that Jesus is greater than angels but Jesus is a man
Well, how could it be if men are less than angels how is it that Jesus is greater than angels if Jesus is a man?
Well, the answer is man was made for a little while lower than the angels but ultimately man was made to rule and Jesus is the man who steps in to do what the rest of us failed to do
Mankind failed, but Jesus steps in and He has all rule and all reign
So, He's higher than the angels Now, at the end of verse 9 we see that He tasted death for everyone and that brings us into verse 10
Jesus tasted death on our behalf so that we could be brought back as sons
He's bringing many sons to glory So, look with me at verse 10
Here is the reason why Jesus had to die It was fitting that He for whom and by whom all things exist in bringing many sons to glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering
Okay, it's a little bit complicated Did I lose anybody there as we read that verse?
What is that saying? Let's take it piece by piece It was fitting
In other words, this was necessary and right Now, there's a scholar named
Kenneth Wiest who explains what fitting means in this context It's in your notes if you want to read it or you can just listen
Kenneth Wiest explains it this way It was an inner fitness in God's dealings
The fact that the Father decreed it must be through the blood of Christ's cross that the captain of our salvation would become the savior of sinners
Follow this did not find its origin in a divine fiat
In other words, God as king didn't just say You know what? I'm just going to do it this way
I say it's going to be this way It wasn't just a fiat but this came from the very constitution of the nature of God A holy
God cannot look upon sin with any degree of allowance
There's the point It's fitting because God's nature requires
Him to punish sin He cannot allow sin to just go on He can't just overlook it
His nature requires Him to be judgmental of the sins of a people
Look at the very next phrase It was fitting that He that refers to God the
Father for whom and by whom all things exist
There's the issue All things came from Him The whole creation comes from God but it's also for Him What does that mean?
Everything that was made was made for His glory for His enjoyment That's why there is a creation but introduce a problem
Now you have beings namely humans and fallen angels who rebel against Him and therefore dishonor
Him His very nature requires that sin be punished
That's why it says It was fitting that He follow along for whom and by whom all things exist in bringing many sons to glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering
We're going to learn that the suffering of Jesus was required by the nature of God God could not just forgive sin without punishing sin or else
He Himself would be complicit in that sin He would not be the Holy God of the universe
It's fitting that sin would have to be punished but we have a captain a founder, a forerunner who accomplishes this for us
Look at that word founder in verse 10 The idea here is He's going to bring many sons to glory but He's needing to do this by making the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering
Before I explain what perfect through suffering means look at that word founder The word in the
Greek is archagon archagon
Okay? Arche, that first root means first and the root ago means to go or to lead
It's the first one to go The pioneer is the idea Someone who goes ahead of others
When I was growing up there was an opportunity where it was scary to go first See, I had some older cousins who were just a little cuckoo a little crazy and they got it in their heads that we were going to peel back the, what are they called?
The sewer covers from the storm drains those circular things
We're going to peel those off get on skateboards and go from one house to another underground on a skateboard
Sound like a good idea, right? Not a good idea especially in Florida where there's alligators that travel in these sewers between lakes
Just a moronic idea but somebody had to go first Everybody was scared until finally the pioneer the forerunner the first to go got on the skateboard and went between the storm sewers and fortunately survived
Another time these same cousins caught a shark went fishing they were teenagers I was probably like 10 and they brought it home and threw it in our pool which is terrible because it's chlorine water and the thing's going to die but for a period of time it's swimming around in our pool
Who's going to go first? Who's going to dive in one end swim across the pool and get out on the other end?
I was not the archagon but one of these crazy cousins did it first and then once everybody
I went, I swam It was scary Somebody has to go first But the best example
I can think of from the human realm here of our experiences is war
I think of the movie 1917 where Lieutenant Colonel Schofield and Lieutenant Colonel Blake need to get a message from the
British side through enemy territory to another front of the war to deliver a message that's going to save 1600 men but in order to get there they have to cross what's called no man's land
Who will go first? The intel says that the other side has retreated and they're not ready to mow you down but they have to venture out into no man's land and so these two guys they go first and they eventually get across no man's land and finally
Schofield gets the message and rescues the troops You need a captain someone who's willing to go first Do you see this in the text?
We can't do it We need a founder an archagon a captain someone, a founder who will be made perfect through suffering
So that brings us to that last phrase and this is probably the part that's confusing Why does
Jesus need to be made perfect through suffering? Isn't Jesus already perfect?
He absolutely is perfect There is no moral deficiency in Jesus But here's the concept of the verse
It's fitting that God would make the founder of our salvation perfect through suffering
How so? Jesus is perfect and holy In Him flows blood
Human blood Perfect blood Divine So infinitely valuable that there's nothing in the world that compares to it
But if He remains alive and doesn't suffer death on our behalf
He's not our Savior In order to be made perfect through suffering
He has to shed that innocent blood That's what's fitting That the nature of God is so holy that He cannot look upon sin
He must punish sin So there must be a holy substitute that has to go through with dying to atone for sin
Again, Kenneth Wiest puts it this way The words to make perfect are literally to carry to the goal of consummation
The word is teleu This does not imply any moral imperfection in the
Lord Jesus but speaks of the consummation of the human experience of suffering the death of the cross through which
He must pass if He is to become the captain of our salvation
He has to be made perfect through suffering in the sense He has to go through with it
He has to go and die the death that we deserve to satisfy the wrath of God The punishment has to be paid in someone and it's only the captain only the archagon who's able to do this for us
Look at verse 11 For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source or in the
Greek it translates better all are of one Who is it that sanctifies?
That's Jesus To sanctify means to make holy and those who are sanctified that refers to us
Positionally this doesn't refer to sanctification where we grow more and more into the likeness of Christ other texts speak to that growth in godliness as sanctification but here those who are sanctified that's a finished work it refers to us positionally made holy regarded as holy sanctified and the big idea here is that both
Jesus and us have the same source namely the
Father before the world began the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were in perfect harmony the
Son is eternally generated from the Father the doctrine of eternal generation that's why he's called the
Son not that he ever didn't exist Jesus has always been with the
Father eternally coming forth from him so that's why he's the
Son of God but we were known as sons of God in that source in that moment before time began
God knew us He knew everything about you
He knew that you would be born He knew that you would sin and he saw your sins pinned to the cross behind the hand of Jesus with the blood flowing and cleaning the list of transgressions that was against us
He knew this before the foundation of the world that's what it means the same source we were known as sons before the world began there's no disharmony in the
Trinity the ones whom the Father knew and predestined or elected are the same ones that Jesus atones for and then the
Spirit applies that redemption that's why it says we have one source and that is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers you see that in part
B of verse 11 that's why he's not ashamed to call them brothers the reason that God is not ashamed to call you brothers is because before time began he knew you and he met the price that needed to be paid that you would be included
Jesus did that so now we move on to verse 11
I'm sorry verse 12 it says
I will tell your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation
I will sing your praise here who is the speaker it's the archagon it's the sanctifier it's
Jesus Jesus is saying to us the brothers
I will tell whose name the Father's name God's name he's turning the glory back to God in the midst of the congregation
I will sing your praise Jesus humbled himself in becoming a man took on human flesh he lived in our likeness and then he died for us even death on the cross therefore
God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is
Lord to the glory of the Father you see
Jesus accomplishes all this to his Father's glory this is what's happening in verse 12 Jesus has accomplished this work for his
Father's glory for whom all things were made Jesus is doing this in verse 12 he's singing praise to the
Father in our presence what's particularly amazing about verse 12 is that it's quoted from Psalm 22
Psalm 22 verse 22 and Psalm 22 begins this way my
God my God why have you forsaken me Eloi, Eloi lama thabachthani he's crying out to his
Father why have you forsaken me these are the words of David David writes
Psalm 22 hundreds of years before crucifixion is invented in order to express his heart cry but what he writes figuratively literally happens to the
Messiah a thousand years later and in Psalm 22 the first 21 verses we hear the cry of Jesus from the cross my
God, my God why have you forsaken me notice here we're in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 12 look real quick who is the speaker it's
Jesus I will tell your name but he's quoting Psalm 22 so he's saying he's the voice of Psalm 22 so in Psalm 22 as you read on he had been trusting in God from his mother's breast the virgin birth nursed by Mary grew up among us but then rejected by men and mocked and surrounded by bulls of Bashan and dogs that surrounded him and mocked him and said you say you save others why don't you save yourself that's all in Psalm 22 and then
Psalm 22 tells us I am, my heart is melting like wax my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth all my bones are out of joint in crucifixion the joints of the shoulders are pulled out of socket
Psalm 22 describes that they pierced me through my hands and my feet again a thousand years before Jesus died 500 years before crucifixion was even invented
David the Psalmist writes they pierced me through my hands and my feet that never literally happened to David that literally happened to Christ this
Psalm is amazing speaks of his dehydration being poured out like water soldiers gamble for my clothes being mocked all of this refers to the crucifixion of Jesus the first 21 verses of Psalm 22 but here is where it gets amazing as if that's not amazing something happens between verse 21 and 22 let's just turn there
Psalm 22 I've described for you the first 21 verses which are all about the crucifixion of Jesus but now verse 22 is what the author of Hebrews quotes
I will tell of your name to my brothers I don't think
I just read that right I think I'm supposed to be shouting right there because look what comes next in the midst of the congregation
I will praise you he says you who fear the Lord praise him all you offspring of Jacob glorify him and stand in awe of him all you offspring of Israel exclamation mark do you notice the shift between verse 21 and 22 something happened there he rose from the dead he was dead and now he's alive he's accomplished the work for which he was sent and now he's delighting in his children and in his father he's not ashamed of us any longer because our sin debt is paid in full he's done the work and now he has nothing but reward joy exuberance so if you read from 22 through 31 it is a delight it's a celebration and now this message will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth the last part of verse 31 what do we say that he has done it to Telestai it is finished you see this passage is all about the work of Christ finished on the cross this is what was fitting that he would accomplish the work to bring many sons to glory and having accomplished that work now he delights in us and in his father we're part of the same family we have the same father no shame there's no shame in you and I look at myself and I say
I still have a lot of warts I still fall short of the glory of God does he really delight in me or is he ashamed like who let that guy in here how did he get in the pulpit what's he doing up there that's not how
Jesus sees me and that's not how he sees you when you're in Christ he sees you under the blood completely washed clean, acceptable in his sight he's done it and so he is not ashamed to call you brothers we're almost done one more verse which you know for me is about 15 more minutes verse 13 he has one more thing to say and it's the same point and again meaning let's reiterate this
I will put my trust in him and again behold I and the children
God has given me here Jesus is the speaker and he is delighting in his children these are the children that God has given me
John 6 37 the father gives us gives children to the son he's delighting in that but where is he quoting from answer
I think you know Isaiah chapter 8 in Isaiah chapter 8 let me just set the context a little story time to understand what we're doing here in Isaiah chapter 8 you have a threat on Jerusalem the king of the north who is supposed to be their brother not a very faithful brother are trying to attack
Jerusalem and they allied themselves with Syria with Rezin the king of Syria and those two are in cahoots to come kill all the
Jews in Jerusalem but Isaiah gives a prophecy and he says that the
Lord said go to the prophetess and have a child with her and name him the son that will be born
Mahershala Hashbas Mahershala Hashbas see if anybody can say that it's a tough one parents don't do it to your kids not nice so he names him
Mahershala Hashbas but the meaning of that is quick to the spoil swift to the plunder and the point is before this boy is two years old before he can even say mommy and daddy
God is going to send another army to wipe out the ones who are attacking them Assyria is going to overrun their banks and crush
Syria and the northern kingdom so he says this people is constantly in dread, constantly afraid they tremble and they talk about the conspiracies,
Isaiah chapter 8 he said but do not fear what they fear I will be your dread and fear me in other words
God says you should fear me not man, fear God and that brings us up to the point of this passage
Isaiah condemns the people for lacking faith and being afraid of everything except what they should have feared, he condemns the people but then he says
I and the children God has given me Shier Jashub his other kid that name means the remnant returns and so what
Isaiah is doing there is he's saying here I am, me and my children who are the remnant who are faithful, who fear
God and we will cling to the testimony that is the word of God and not be afraid of anything else he will delight in his children so the same way that Isaiah delights in Shier Jashub and Mahershala Hashbeth is the way that Jesus delights in us he looks at us and says
I and the children God has given me that's the point of the passage the remnant in Isaiah 8 are the ones that hold on to the testimony when everybody else in the world is going astray as the darkness gets darker and the world turns away from God there will be a remnant that holds and says
I will trust in him I and the children God has given me that's how
Jesus thinks about us so in closing the big point he has no shame in us he is pleased to call us brothers he is pleased to call us children and that should affect how we think about him
Romans 1 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe to the
Jew first and also to the Greek I am not ashamed of the gospel if Jesus looks at you and I as sinful as we are and because of his cleansing blood is not ashamed of us how much more should we be bold and joyful and not ashamed in preaching the gospel you know
I've been watching what's happening in the culture like the rest of you and it's a dark time in US history but I'll tell you what it makes me want to do it makes me want to do what my friend did his name is
Tom just yesterday he went to New York City and here's how he described what was going on he says
I'm in New York City sharing the gospel with the anarchists, the Marxists the liberals, the socialists and the militant feminists
Christians don't blow up buildings we blow up people's world views as the times are getting darker here in the
United States Christians need to be bolder in speaking the truth and pushing back on the darkness
I love that picture because we've all seen people who set fire to buildings and blow things up but the response of the
Christian when we see darkness in some sense prevailing is to go forth and not blow things up but to go blow up some world views you go bring the truth of the gospel to bear in the culture preach
Christ and him crucified without shame without shame I just went to the park,
Laurel Acres Park and shared the gospel a couple days ago there was a Vietnam vet sitting by the war memorial there you know how it's kind of like beside the lake got to share in the gospel with him and he began to share with me here's a man who lived through war here's a man who knows what it's like to see your brother shot and to pick him up and to carry him on his shoulder to get him back to the helicopter to save his life and the band of brothers will tell you those who have been through war like that old song goes he ain't heavy he's my brother guys are you ashamed of the gospel are you embarrassed
I'll tell you this Jesus is not embarrassed of you, he's not ashamed to wear your sin like a garment and be punished in your place how much more then should we go out with boldness and share the gospel in the parks and in the cities and at our workplaces young people
I know it's hard I remember what it's like when you're trying to fit in but will you tell that friend of yours that Jesus is the
Christ who died and rose on the third day would you be so bold or are you ashamed do not be ashamed of him he's not ashamed to wear your sin let's close in prayer so father we thank you so much for your word the book of Hebrews it blows our minds to think that you are not ashamed to call us brothers you are not ashamed to call us children you are not ashamed to wear a crown of thorns you are not ashamed that your tongue would stick to the roof of your mouth so that people couldn't even properly understand what you were saying bones out of joint ribs exposed you can count your bones
Lord remind us of the cross set our eyes on what it was that made us sons you accomplished what was fitting and necessary in order to bring us to glory that we would be called sons so we pray at a time like this
Lord we do pray for our country and ask that you would have mercy we pray that you would use us send us out preaching
Christ and him crucified and risen in Jesus name we pray amen let's stand and close in a song be this life there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou has been thou forever with me great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies
I see all I have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness
Lord unto me summer and winter and springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies
I see all I have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness
Lord our sin today and Christ all mine with all the prosperous of the earth eat and worship before him shall bow all who go down to the dust even the one who could not keep himself alive posterity shall serve him it shall be told of the