Jesus Comes As a Burning Oven

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Scripture Reading and Sermon for 12-01-2024 Scripture Readings: Jeremiah 9.23-24 Matthew 3.1-12 Sermon Title: Jesus Comes As a Burning Oven Sermon Scripture: Malachi 4 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Please stand for the scripture reading I'll be reading Jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 to 24.
That's found on page 638 of the pew Bible Bibles Thus says the
Lord let not the wise man boast in his wisdom Let not the mighty man boast in his might let not the rich man boast in his riches
But let him who boasts boast in this that he understands and knows me that I am the
Lord who? practice the steadfast love Justice and righteousness in the earth for in these things.
I delight declares the Lord New Testament readings in Matthew 3 1 through 12
In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
For this he who has spoken of in the prophet Isaiah when he said the voice of one crying in the wilderness
Prepare the way for of the Lord make his path straight now
John wore a garment of camel hair and of leather leather belt around his waist and his food was a locusts and wild honey then
Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about About the
Jordan were going out to him and they were baptizing by by him in the River Jordan Confessing their sins, but when he saw many of the
Pharisees and Sadducees he came to his baptism Coming to his baptism.
He said to them you brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come bear fruit in keeping with repentance and do not presume to say to yourselves
We have Abraham as our father for I tell you God is able for these very stones to raise up children from Abraham Even now the axe is laid at the root of the trees every tree
Therefore that does not bear fruit good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you with water for Repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I whose sandals
I am not worthy to carry I will baptize you with he will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit and fire His winnowing Fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn
But the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire May be seated. Well, good morning
Open your Bibles to Malachi chapter 4, please Malachi Chapter 4, let me read the text and we'll go to our
Lord in prayer Malachi the last book of the
Old Testament Malachi chapter 4 Verse 1 for behold the day is coming
Burning like an oven when all the arrogant and all evil doers will be stubble
The day that is coming shall set them ablaze says Lord of hosts So that it will leave them neither root nor branch
But for you who fear my name The Son of Righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings
And you shall go out leaping like calves from the stall And you shall tread down the wicked for they will be ashes
Under the soles of your feet on that day when I act says the Lord of hosts
Remember the law of my servant Moses the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all
Israel Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the
Lord comes and he will turn the hearts of Fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter
Destruction, let us pray to our God. Oh father in heaven. What a wonderful thing we have in your word to to see and behold your law and your warnings to see what the outcome of our sin ultimately is and wrath and Destruction, but God what a wonderful contrast it is to see
The beautiful promise of the coming Savior who would save us from our sins so that that destruction would not touch us instead
We can have forgiveness of sins and a joy like a calf Jumping and leaping leaping from the stalls
Lord in heaven. We thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for his coming We thank you for all that it means for us all that it meant 2 ,000 years ago all that It means now and all that it will mean for the future
Let our hearts be settled on this this Christmas season and glorify you for all the good things you've done for us
And Jesus Christ our Lord may he be glorified now in these next several minutes on to eternity in Jesus name.
Amen Well, yes, we're at that point that time already December 1st 2024 we're at that Christmas season where it is legal for you to listen to Christmas music
It wasn't yesterday, but it is today. And of course, we know that with December comes a flurry of activity
At net break neck break speed. We all know that December is a very busy month and I think rightfully so I think it's a good thing if you think about it this is the the day that we celebrate the coming of the
God -man and It only makes sense that be filled with activity It only makes sense that even the
Gentile world around us would be caught up in the excitement that the Son of God Took on flesh and did a work
And so yes indeed it is if anyone deserves a whole month to celebrate their birthday
It is certainly our Savior who as God took on flesh But it is so easy for us to get caught up of course we talk about this every year to get caught up in the activity to caught up get caught up in the hustle and bustle and Easily lose the point of it all we can get excited with the world for the different things that they make it exciting for and we forget the essence of the
Excitement and so we lose it all and so of course as we began begin this
Great month of December as we celebrate the first coming of the Lord Why not look at the text?
Why not look at the Bible remind us exactly why? Jesus came
What did he come to do and what does that mean for the contemporaries of when
Jesus came 2 ,000 years ago? What does that mean for us today? And what does that mean for the future?
Yes, let us look at the essence of why Jesus came so that we can celebrate this time
To its fullest to its truest form and I think in Malachi 4 we get the closing of the
Old Testament word of God and it's this closing chapter is with a prophecy a
Declaration that there is one coming soon Who's going to do something and so here we have this
Christmas season We get to see this prophecy and see how it has come out How of its essence has happened and it can keep us centered on the the true meaning the essence of what we're celebrating with the first Coming of Jesus.
And so what did Jesus come to do? What was that first coming? Well, we get the essence of it in chapter 4 verse 1 when the prophet
Malachi says for behold the day is coming burning like an oven the prophet says
Jesus primarily came to be a furnace. I know we can talk about the different things when we see the coming of Jesus as a baby and his
Ministry as a 30 year old up into his mid 30s. We could see him as a prophet who came to teach
We see him as a priest who came to heal the sick To help the poor
But I think what we're getting at in chapter 4 of Malachi verse 1 is the essence of why
Jesus came and that is to be a Burning furnace or a burning like an oven
The prophet says that is the essence of the primary reason why Jesus came
Of course when you think of a furnace when you think of an oven you ought to think of something that burns hotly
That burns very hot and anything you put in there. It almost just evaporates in a moment
We were gone for Thanksgiving and we all know that right after Thanksgiving There was that big we're in the middle of it now a cold snap
And so my house was freezing and so we had to turn both our wood pellets on full blast
And I was just looking at it that the furnace that the power of heat and as soon as the pellets went in there
It was so hot. It would just burn up very quickly And so when you think of furnace you think of something that burns hot
Right and and the and the fuel that's put in there. It burns it quickly So when we think of Jesus being a furnace
He primarily has come to us right in his first coming that we're celebrating with Christmas We must understand that his primary reason for coming was to burn hot like a furnace
Now what is the fuel that he burns If Jesus came to be a furnace, what does he burn?
Well, Jesus burns sin We see sin is taught in Scripture as something like dry wood that is fit only for burning
Again, we must understand that God does not waste anything in creation There's not one ounce of his creation that will ever be wasted ever even sin in which it is a
Departure from his law. He will not waste that either but rather will even use that as fuel for something
In fact, we if you were listening in Matthew 3 with John the Baptist Remember what he says with the coming of the the coming
Messiah His ministry is about to begin and he says in chapter 3 of Matthew verse 10
Even now the axe is laid to the roots of the trees every tree Therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
And you got to understand the imagery there, right? Whenever you're reading imagery you you should ask yourself
What does this mean? Because I would say he's not talking about literally a tree that bears fruit Concerned about that It's an image that's supposed to be painted in your head that the whole purpose of creation is to bear fruit for its
Creator and Obeying and glorifying him and when that doesn't happen
The only good that it's used for then is to be thrown into the fire as fuel
And so God is not going to waste anything even those who refuse to obey him will be used as fuel to be burned in the furnace and We see this is the coming of Jesus right here.
John the Baptist says this is what's happening now. In fact, Jesus Repeats what
John the Baptist says in Matthew 7 19 in the Sermon on the Mount He says every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
The whole purpose of creation is to produce the fruit for its maker through Obedience a lack of obedience and fruit bearing is like a tree that is dead and serves no purpose
But to be thrown into the furnace God has ensured he would be glorified and he will be glorified in his wrath as well
Therefore this day that is coming when Messiah comes is Connected to this purpose to be that fire that burns hot against all sin to lick it up and to burn it hot when a fire burns hotly it leaves very little evidence of what was once in existence it burns hot and sin is the perfect wood for a hot fire that Messiah came to burn to leave no evidence of it anymore and There was plenty of sin in Israel to be burned
With judgment if there's one thing you read through the Old Testament That are in family worship.
We're working our way through the Old Testament We're reading a little bit and there is no lack of sin from Israel and that Israel denotes man,
Adam, us there's no lack of sin that needs to be looked up by the wrath of the furnace and Just to get a taste of that.
Let's look at Malachi. Look at the sin That's that's dominant in this book and just like all the prophets right in which it highlights the sin of Israel Which denotes the sin of the world, right?
And it denotes the need for this this one to come with wrath and the burning furnace
Look what he says in Malachi 1 6 and 8 through 8. He says a son honors his father
Malachi chapter 1 6 and A servant his master if then
I am a father God says where is my honor? And if I'm a master, where's my fear says the Lord of hosts to you
Oh priest who despise my name, but you say how have we despised your name? Well by offering polluted food upon my altar
But you say how have we polluted you by saying that the Lord's table may be despised
When you offer blind animals to sacrifice is that not evil and when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil?
We know that's evil because the Word of God directly said it was evil to not do it And he says present that to your governor will he accept or show you favor says the
Lord of hosts moving on look at Matthew Chapter 2 verse 11 through 12. There was plenty of sin to be judged
Look at what he says in 11 and 12 and Malachi 2 Judah has been faithless An abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem for Judah has profaned the sanctuary of the
Lord Which he loves and has married the daughter of a foreign God May the Lord cut off from the tents of Jacob any descendants of the man who does this who brings an offering to the
Lord Of hosts and it continues on in verses 13 through 16 And this second thing you do
You cover the Lord's altar with tears with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your
Hand, but you say why does he not? Because the Lord has witnessed between you and the wife of you you to whom you have been faithless
Though she is your companion and your wife by covenant Did he not make them one with a portion of the
Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking godly offspring so guard yourselves in your spirit and let none of you faithless to your wife or your youth for the man who does not love his wife but divorces her says
The Lord the God of Israel covers his garment with violence says the Lord of hosts So guard yourselves in your spirit and do not be faithless.
There is plenty of sin To be had in Israel And again, it denotes the plenty of sin in this world that needs to be mopped up by this furnace
And even look at verse 17 you have wearied the Lord with your words but you say how have we worried him by saying everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the
Lord and he delights in Them or by asking where is the God of justice wickedness? So someone would come the promise then culminates in chapter 4
Malachi With this promise that behold the day of the Lord is coming burning like an oven
The burning of wickedness the lawlessness Will be burnt up in this furnace the fuel that will then be added in this furnace is our wickedness our sin our lawlessness
Namely Israel, but do not lose the meaning that it is speaking of the world as well
But then there's something beautiful About what then goes on in the book of Malachi in chapter 3 verses 1 through 5
We have the judgment motif continuing, but then we have something else that's gonna be burnt as well
And this is what makes Christmas happy Is that Jesus didn't come to burn up the wickedness and sin and that was it if that was the case we would all be
Done and dead and there would be no rejoicing, but we see like a furnace that burns sin through judgment and something else
Look at Malachi chapter 3 verse 1 behold I Send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me and the
Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple and the messenger of the Covenant and whom you delight behold he is coming says the
Lord of hosts But who can endure the day of his coming who can stand when he appears for he is like a refiner's fire and like fuller salt he will sit as a refiner and Purifier of silver and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver and they will bring offerings and righteousness to the
Lord Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years
Then I will draw near to you for judgment I'll be swift witness against the sorcerers against the adulterers against those who swear falsely against those who oppress the hired worker and his wages the widow and the fatherless against those who trust
Thrust aside the sojourner and do not fear me says the Lord of hosts
So you see that contrast there that beautiful contrast? it's quite the contrast is that the coming
Messiah would be a burning furnace with sin as its fuel and This furnace would deal with sin both by wrath and then this thing that we see in there by grace
This coming Messiah would burn up sin Both by his wrath and by his beautiful wonderful gracious.
Wonderful. Awesome Not enough you could say about it grace and the wrath aspect of his coming and we ought to behold as we approach this
Christmas season is Located in the rest of verse 1 of Malachi 4 the wrath aspect of the coming
Messiah Look at Malachi chapter 4 verse 1 the rest of it when he says again for behold the day is coming burning like an oven and Look what he says when all the arrogance and all the evildoers will be stubble
Burnt all the way down to a stuff, right? The day that is coming shall set them ablaze as Lord of hosts of that it will leave them neither root nor branch see, there's that furnace that burning the wickedness the
The fire of coming Messiah will burn it down to its very to a stub and Notice how the sinner is described in that verse.
He is arrogant and thus an evildoer Arrogance that leads to evildoing which is perfect fuel for a fire of judgment from Messiah You know you think of arrogance you think of pride of insolence
You think of the King James Version uses pride the one who is prideful will then lead to Evildoing who will then lead to wrath and judgment from Messiah and you see the arrogant person
The one who is arrogant is the one who does not care about God's law at all And we'll see the contrast with the one who fears the
Lord This arrogant person does not fear the Lord does not care about the Lord rather He cares about what he desires what he wants
He is a lawless person and so Malachi says the one who is arrogant
Prideful not mindful the law of God at all. He will receive this judgment from the coming
Messiah the burning in the oven so the coming of Messiah At the end of the
Old Testament was described as a time when judgment like a burning furnace would come to all the prideful evil doers
Again any time you're gonna truly enjoy Jesus and the Christmas season you have to be inundated with the bad news of wrath
If you don't get inundated with that, you won't truly appreciate the fact that that's not the whole story and so bear with me as we consider the fact that God hates sin and He will not let it go on for long and the promised
Messiah came to deal with sin through wrath But that's not it
Look at then the contrast in verse 2 That's a beautiful contrast that word but again anytime you see that word.
It's typically a beautiful thing in verse 2 but for you who fear my name
You see the contrast there the arrogant the evildoer the judgment, but then there's that Hard contrast with but for you who fear my name to fear the name of Yahweh to fear the name of Lord is to not throw away his law and his
Commandments and what he has said is true and right to not just throw it away without a thought To fear the
Lord is everything in your life becomes what has God said in this instance? He says the one who fears my name the opposite of prideful arrogance
We see the one who fears God goes through the same event of coming
Messiah But it looks beautifully different, doesn't it? You see what he says and in verse 2 but for you who fear my name and I remember that burning furnace
Right that the judgment the wrath set in an ablaze nothing left that same event verse 2 but for you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall
Rise with healing in its wings What a beautiful sentence in light of God's judgment to see the anger of God against sin to deal with it
Messiah is coming to burn you up But yet that same event for those who fear
Yahweh. He is coming to heal you to heal you is the idea is the son of righteousness the
Sun coming forth and the wings of the Sun or the Rays of the
Sun coming and hitting your skin It reminds me of you know, like a springtime or like a fall time feel when it's just kind of nippy
You know, you're outside you have a jacket on but it's just it's cold But when that Sun is out and you stand in the
Sun it is perfect, right? That's what it reminds me of here right this this one who comes to the side that is coming, right?
He is like a son of righteousness whose rays will hit you and it will be healing to your soul
So the imagery goes from a burning furnace to a burning
Sun equally burning sin
See where the burning furnace for the arrogant is for destruction as he deals and conquers and ends sin
The burning Sun for the one who fears the Lord is to refine and to heal them
Same Messiah same coming same entrance One for destruction to end the sin the other for healing and ending the sin
Remember what John the Baptist says going back to Matthew 3 10 just a couple pages over Remember what he says again?
We already read about him That dead things are only good for being thrown into the fire, right?
lack of Obedience to God Matthew 3 10 even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees every tree
Therefore that does not bear good fruit. It's cut down and thrown into the fire But then there's another kind of fire same kind of fire of ending sin
Ending disobedience, but it's done in a way that's quite differently Look at verses 11 and 12 of the same chapter
Matthew 3 11 and 12 John says the Baptist I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming
He who's coming after me is mightier than I whose sandals I'm not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit and fire His winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn
But the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire So it's fascinating isn't it that the same kind of motif of fire burning the the sins and and and wrath
It's the same motif that's used for the people who he's going to heal a fire that burns sin nevertheless
But it's not for destruction. It's for healing Have you ever noticed how fire is interwoven with the work of the
Holy Spirit? You ever notice an axe to when the Holy Spirit came down. He came down as a tongue of what?
Fire upon his people There is a work that the Holy Spirit brings because of what
Jesus Christ has done in his first coming in which he ends sin and you like fire
Jesus came as a furnace to end sin either through wrath or grace And when he gives you his spirit, he goes to work in you to end sin
So when we say the main purpose why Jesus came is to end sin.
It is true either via wrath In which it will be an eternal ending of sin or it's via grace in which he ends sin and you now
See he ends sin initially by justifying and declaring you perfect in the name of Jesus He ends sending you the spirit comes within you as a fire to end that sin in which he declares you to be perfect Before him no sin in the way anymore
And then in practice as you walk progressively more righteous as you walk this cursed world but it with a righteous walk
And this is what Malachi goes on to say about those people who are healed by the coming burning of the
Messiah Look what he says. It's a beautiful image in Malachi 4 to you who fear my name the
Son of Righteousness will rise with healing on its wings and You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall what an imagery that is you think of a baby cow right who who just gets use of its legs and he's able to go about go out of the stall and to the pasture and eat and enjoy and You can imagine the freedom that he feels as he leaps and bounds to greener pastures and eats, right?
It's a great imagery of before he was caught up in a stall But now he has the freedom to go and enjoy the pasture that is before him and it's a beautiful imagery for those who were once caught in sin
But now is freed from it and can go and enjoy the freedom of righteousness because the law has been put on our heart
We are like calves that go out and enjoy the pasture that God has for us
No longer bound by Satan no longer bound by sin But rather we have the freedom to leap and enjoy the good things
God has for us because he is taking care of our sin He has burnt it up via grace
It is a great slavery to be in sin, but a great freedom to be brought out like a calf bounding
Through the pasture and with that victory
Malachi points out. It's a freedom. They have the victory they have over their enemy Look at verse 3 in Malachi 4 verse 3
He says and you shall tread down the wicked why because the wicked is burned to a stub There is no wickedness stopping you from enjoying the good things
God has for you They've been taken care of you shall tread down the wicked for they will be ashes
You remember they have been burnt to a stub ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act as the
Lord of Hosts what a hope there is is that the enjoyment of our sins being licked up within the furnace of our
God Will be enjoyed Totally perfectly and no one can stop it from being enjoyed by the righteous
No one will be able to stop the godly from enjoying the refining work of Messiah So you have the coming of Jesus described as a burning furnace with sin as its fuel
He came to put an end to sin through wrath for his enemies But grace for his people so his people can enjoy the salvation without anyone or anything
Stopping it. You will be like the calf leaping in the pasture
So, how does this play out right? This is what we're getting here from the prophet
Malachi how does this play out at the actual coming of Jesus and how is it playing out today for you and What should we expect for the future?
Well historically 2 ,000 years ago Jesus came 400 years after this was written
Malachi 4 right Jesus came 400 years after this at the close of the Old Testament Jesus came 400 years after born of a virgin
It became the burning furnace that burned up the sins of his people on the cross and his resurrection
That's what our Lord has done in his first coming For those who feared God They recognized what they saw when he was a baby to when he was on the cross to after his resurrection
To those who feared the name of Yahweh, they knew in some degree what was going on here
They knew something wonderful was coming with the babe of Jesus with his death on the cross with his resurrection
They knew that this is the one who would bring redemption and salvation to Israel finally as was promised from Malachi We see you remember
In simeon or from simeon in luke 2 25 through 32 you remember simeon and the temple holding the baby jesus
There's a man Again in luke 2 25. There's a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon
And this man was righteous and devout Waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy spirit was upon him
And it had been revealed to him by the holy spirit that he would not see death before he saw The lord's christ his coming messiah
And he came in the spirit into the temple and when he the parents brought in the child jesus To do for him according to all the cost custom of the law simeon took him up in his arms and blessed god and said lord now you are letting your servant depart in peace according to your
Word for my eyes have seen Your salvation that you're prepared in the presence of all the peoples a light for revelation to the gentiles
And for glory to your people israel There are people who feared the lord who recognized what was happening as they held as they saw the baby jesus
We think of anna right after who says coming up in the temple who says um Praising god and was who was waiting for the redemption of jerusalem
Of course, there's people at the cross Who knew that this was the coming messiah the one who was promised that would take care of our sins
You remember the criminal that was at jesus's side in luke 23 39
One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him saying are you not the christ save yourself and save us?
But remember what the other one said he rebuked him. He said what do you not fear god? Since you are under the same sentence of condemnation.
Can't you see what's happening here? We indeed suffer justly for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds, but this
Coming messiah This man has done nothing wrong. And he said jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom and the lord said
I Today you will be with me in paradise And people saw this coming messiah.
They knew they They they they had um again if you notice there's a commonality there a fear of the lord
Or recognizing this is the one that was promised that would take care of our sins when we think of the resurrection
People recognize that afterwards as well even doubting thomas who calls them my lord and my god
And when he finished the work needed to be done for the healing of sinners He returned to be with the father and sent his spirit to do this work of refining of healing this fire within us
That takes care of our sin but One thing that we don't usually consider is that jesus in his first coming even
Even in his first coming came to be a burning furnace to rid the world of sin through judgment, too.
I know You're surprised by that But jesus came and took care of sin through his judgment as well the church began
After the holy spirit came down like a tongue of fire on the disciples, right? beginning of the church the beginning of the
Calf going out and leaping for freedom that they have in salvation, right? And there's always the non -believing world that wants to stop it always where was the first stronghold of unbelieving the non -believing world that wanted to stop the joyous leaping of the stall of the church
Receiving the forgiveness of sins. Well, it came from israel itself. Sadly It came from the jews themselves
In fact paul describes it this way in first thessalonians 2 14 through 16
He says for you brothers became imitators of the churches of god and christ jesus that are in judea For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the jews
And then he's talking about the jews here He says who killed both the lord jesus and the prophets and drove us out and displeased god and opposed all mankind, right?
They are the wickedness that wants to stop the joyous march of the church
By hindering us from speaking to the gentiles that they might be saved so as always to fill up the measure of their sins
But what does he say here? But wrath has come upon them at last
The wrath of the furnace of jesus did come when he destroyed the jewish nation in 70 ad for their ultimate denial of the messiah
You got to imagine the church was first persecuted by the jewish nation And jesus comes and finishes the jewish nation
And paves the way for celebration for the calf to enjoy the forgiveness of sins
The church was vindicated by the judgment of jesus and malachi 4 3 in some part came to pass
When malachi 4 3 says you shall tread down the wicked for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day
When I act as the lord of hosts now, I say in some ways that was fulfilled because it is a continual fulfilling prophecy
That some part was fulfilled here because it happened at first But it has happened throughout the all of church history and will happen in total when jesus returns again
Jesus has been taking care of sins through his furnace of grace and taking care of their enemies with the furnace of judgment since then
Where the church has gone Her enemies have been burned up in judgment to the prosperity of the church.
Have you noticed that? I know it can be easy for us in our american We don't like history too much. And so we just think that everything has always happened is right now
But if you notice and it will make you celebrate that wherever the church has gone The church has been given victory over her enemies
We see it starts with israel. It went to rome no different Because the biggest persecutor of the church at that time became rome rome ended up being burnt to a stub
It goes on to roman catholicism with the protestant reformation and beloved it is no different now
Whether you want to call it i'll call it liberalism. Whatever the enemy is before us Jesus loves to give the freedom of the church to enjoy the grace that he has deposited to her
So now today December 1 2024 We say the same thing.
Jesus has come and is coming And his coming is just as consequential to us as it was 2 000 years ago
He comes as a furnace to burn all sins either through grace or through wrath. How is your sin being dealt with beloved?
How is your sin being dealt with? Are you an arrogant prideful person who does not fear the lord at all?
in which The wrath of jesus is awaiting you Or do you fear the lord and humility you want to know what that looks like You want to know what that looks like?
Well, look at what malachi says in chapter 4 verse 4 He says remember the law of my servant moses the statutes and the rules that I commanded him at horrib for all israel
This is like in verse 4. This is like him saying here's a good application or implication of what I just said
You want you want messiah to deal with your sins by healing remember the law of god
What does he mean by that well don't be arrogant don't be prideful Don't just do your own thing not caring at all what god thinks but rather be sensitive to what god has commanded is righteous
And oh unbeliever if you become sensitive to what god has commanded to be righteous you will soon find out that you are nothing
That you are a sinner with no hope at all except for for this messiah to do something different with the furnace
To rather heal you by the working of the spirits So there malachi 4 4 is giving you a warning oh unbeliever
Oh believer who's putting their eyes off of jesus right now You must be sensitive to the commands of god because in that sensitivity you will see
I need jesus for healing I don't want to for him to deal with my sin through wrath that I rightfully deserve
I want him to deal with my sin by the spirit of grace applying the work of his grace
Do not be arrogant. Do not be prideful. Do not think you don't need jesus
But in complete humility see my only hope is jesus this christmas season
Here the perfect standard of god and creation and especially in his word may it create in you such a reverent fear
It drives out any pride And may you then look to the lord jesus christ who came as a furnace to put away sin through his grace
He provides salvation by his coming and causes you to be free Like the calf that bursts forth from the stall.
I'll praise god for the salvation and you Church of christ who are basking in the sun of righteousness
The one who has dealt with and is dealing with your sin through his powerful rays of grace Are you like the young calf finally able to use his legs to run to pasture?
Are you enjoying the mercies and grace that's found in his first coming? Are you enjoying your lord?
Are you too paralyzed by the enemies within and without? Jesus came to put an end to your enemies
The enemies that are within you the sin of the flesh and the enemies that are without He has come to put an end to it all so that you can be like the calf that runs joyously
With all her enemies under her feet Celebrate the coming of messiah who came to put an end to the sin within you and celebrate the messiah who puts an end to the enemy without We have too many christians
Too many christians who bemoan the state of affairs And they don't see that christ has always worked victory in the state of affairs
He is working victory for you to enjoy his mercies and grace in Don't let the uncertain times that surround us stop you from celebrating the victorious first coming of our savior
Nothing can separate you from the love of god that is in christ. Jesus. No nothing Finally there is a future aspect of this chapter in malachi the great day of the lord
Is one that has happened and the one that is happening and the one that will happen in total the day of the lord
Will come in total one day He will put a total end to the sin that is within you and the sin that is without One day he will establish his completed kingdom in which sin will be dealt with in full
Then there will be only perfect enjoyment of the righteousness that is found in christ. No more flesh
No more wickedness out without but only peace and righteousness found in christ jesus our lord
So jesus came to be an oven to put away sin. This is his primary reason why he came
We we talk of peace on earth and goodwill of men praise god But that peace comes with an ending of sin
And jesus christ has done this Oh unbeliever Would you just look to him and believe and follow him and have your sins dealt with by the spirit and not by the wrath?
May you oh christian enjoy the salvation that has been provided for you with his coming Everything is for your enjoyment in christ
Jesus and nothing will take that away From you because our god is kind and good and he works all things for good for those who love the lord
Jesus christ and his appearing so may we celebrate him this christmas time May we have activities going out just crazy
But may it be centered on what christ jesus has done to put away sin And his people and to put away his enemies praise god for this work of christ.
Thank you lord You are very kind to your people. You're very kind to the world to provide grace and mercies
To consider just how much you hate sin and yet you're a patient with the sinner So patient that you wait upon the sinner to turn from their sin arrogance
And turn to the savior of the world God in heaven, we praise you for what all christ has done we know lord that You have
Done these things for the good of your people so I pray god that for those who
Have still not bowed the knee to christ and followed him May they take this as a warning as a loving appeal
That this christmas season they would turn and they would actually look to see what has jesus done What are the good things that he has done in which the christians seem to get pretty amped up about and I pray god that As your people we would see the coming of jesus and we'd see that he has came to end sin
I know there's people before me even myself who are struggling with certain Areas of sin in their own walk.
May we grab hold of this justifying work of our lord Jesus christ who burns by his spirit to make us right before you and walk righteously
And may we with join our hearts be like a calf bursting forth from the stall knowing that this is what you have done for your people in the first coming of jesus
And may we have the hope That all things will be complete One day there will be no more wickedness.
No more unrighteousness. No more sin. No more flesh No more enemies to Burn down to a stub
Rather it'll just be christ and his people So may we lord with hope and longing celebrate what he has done in his first hope for the second
And know that all things are made all things are done so that we would enjoy christ and righteousness forever
May we praise his grace now It's his it's in the name of jesus We pray these things for he's the only savior that can save us from these these sins the sin the wickedness of adam