JW Quiz


Awake Magazine has a quiz in it. How would you score?


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. Why No Compromise Radio? Well, three things.
Number three, at the bottom of the list, I don�t want to compromise, and so the show is going to try to reflect that, no compromising with biblical fidelity.
Secondly, we realize that when we focus on the
Lord Jesus, there was no compromise in His death with law and love, with justice and grace.
Neither one was compromised. How can a God who�s holy forgive sin and stay holy?
It�s found in the Lord Jesus Christ. We try to talk about Jesus a lot. And then number one, the first reason we should be called
No Compromise Radio, Jesus always did the things pleasing before His Father and things that were pleasing to His Father, and He never compromised.
And we like to celebrate that fact, that Jesus is Lord. He never compromised. In Calvary, He didn�t, on the way to Calvary, and He is the one we like to, for the second reason, talk about.
So that�s why it�s No Compromise Radio. We don�t try to say give us money, give us money, give us money.
We did break down and put a donate button on the radio show�s website, nocompromiseradio .com.
If you�re a millionaire or billionaire, feel free to just give away. Give according to your riches, not out of your riches.
And the rest of you, after you�ve given to the local church, if you want to give out of your riches, well, that�s up to you.
What do you know about Jehovah�s Witnesses? I, last show, seemed like about a half hour ago, but that was
I guess a week ago in no code time, have the Awake magazine that I picked up at St. V Hospital, number one, 2016.
This is the kind of stuff you get at the Roman Catholic Hospital. I don�t think they endorse it, but when the Jehovah�s Witness proselytizers show up, they like to leave a lot of these around.
Whenever I see them, I pick them up and throw them away. And I think you should as well.
What will happen, they�ll probably think, �Yeah, we�re handing out so many of these, increase the presses.�
But we know differently. What do you know about Jehovah�s Witnesses? I alluded to this test last time, just didn�t have enough time.
Fred was almost getting back around the block. Test your knowledge, check each statement, true or false.
So, I�m going to do that right now. This is live. I have not looked at the test questions, nor the answer key.
And I guess if I could take the test knowing that if there�s anything false in the statement, everything�s false, that�s how we�ll go.
That�s how we roll at No Compromise Radio. Number one, Jehovah�s Witnesses are Christian.
False. I think they want the other answer. Test your knowledge.
Jehovah�s Witnesses are creationists. I think they�re going to say true.
So, should we do this from my perspective or their perspective? Let�s do it for their perspective. Ah, who knows. Jehovah�s Witnesses, number three, do not believe in doctors.
They�re going to say false. Jehovah�s Witnesses accept the entire Bible. They�re going to say true.
Well, maybe not the Romans 9, 5, Titus 2, 13,
John 1, 1, John 1, 14, John 5, John 7,
John 9, John 10, Hebrews 1, 1
John 5, 20. Jehovah�s Witnesses use only their own
Bible translation. They�re going to say false because I think they also use King James. Jehovah�s Witnesses change their
Bible to fit their beliefs. They�re going to say no, but we know. I don�t want to say anything about Granville Sharp right now.
Jehovah�s Witnesses shun community involvement. Of course they don�t. They�re cults.
They are only law. They have no gospel. If you only have law, then what do you do? It�s got to turn into social stuff.
Jehovah�s Witnesses look down on people of other religions. Well, I guess they�re going to say they�re not snootyly looking down.
For the answers, see the following pages. I wonder how you did. I wonder how you did.
Well, the first question, it says Jehovah�s Witnesses are Christians. Now, here�s their explanation. True, we try to follow closely the teachings and behavior of Jesus.
Okay, let me just stop there for a second. Now, didn�t I talk about this last time with law and gospel, do and done, indicative and imperative, whatever your categories?
We try to closely follow the teachings and behavior of Jesus. I have a question for you, Jehovah�s Witnesses.
How are you doing? Because if you only follow
Jesus� teachings and behavior, you will soon find out you cannot live up to what he did, said, and you�re going to need to pay for those transgressions, and the only payment is the
God -man�s substitutionary death. For the liberals and the Fosdicks of the day, what did they do?
Well, they talked about Jesus as this great teacher and moral example.
Well, how are you doing living up to his moral example? And if you don�t live up to him perfectly, you need him as more than an example.
I would grant that there�s an aspect of Christ�s suffering that we�re supposed to follow. 1 Peter 2 talks about that.
But when you fall short, you need someone else to pay for your sins.
You can see this is a cult right away when they say we try to closely follow the teachings and behavior of Jesus. Well, how are you doing?
A, it�s the wrong Jesus. B, that�s not good news.
So, when people come to your door, you could ask them, Jehovah�s Witnesses, are you guys
Christians? Well, yes, we are. How do I know you�re a Christian? Well, you know, we believe in this, that, and the other.
You could say, well, 2016 magazine number one, Awake, it says we try to closely follow the teachings and behavior of Jesus.
How are you doing? It says here in their little booklet, however, in a number of ways we differ from other religious groups that are called
Christians. For example, we have found that the Bible teaches that Jesus is the
Son of God, he is not part of a trinity. We do not believe that the soul is immortal or that there is any basis in Scripture for saying that God tortures people in an everlasting hell.
Nor do we believe that those who take the lead in religious activities should have titles that elevate them above others.
Then they give some references. I will grant that when they say right away,
Jesus isn�t the Son of God, you know, all that Son of God, Son of Man stuff, all the
Daniel 7 stuff, all these names for Jesus. We�ll just tell you from the get -go, he�s not
God. We�re Christians, he�s not God. You know what? I commend them for their honesty.
And at least they start off right at the beginning of what�s at the top of the list.
Then for them to say, the soul is not immortal, there�s no hell, and you don�t need to have any religious titles.
It doesn�t seem like we�re spiraling down into who cares, who cares land.
Crazy. I present to the Jehovah�s Witnesses who are listening, number one, you�re going to die in your sins, and you need a substitute.
And you need a substitute who�s both man, so he can identify with you as man, live a perfect life for you as man.
And you need to have someone who�s eternally God, who can assuage the wrath of the
Father and still live, still be raised from the dead afterwards. You need both
God and man, someone who has enough righteousness, an infinite amount of righteousness, to bestow on all those who believe.
You need Jesus as the God -man, or you�re going to die in your sins. And these little minutiae that you argue about reverend and father and,
I don�t know, what are the other religious monikers? When I say monikers,
I mean moniker, I don�t mean moniker. That�s a lady�s name. Number two, remember the quiz?
Remember our little JW quiz? Jehovah�s Witnesses are creationists. False!
We believe that God created everything. See, I was wrong on this one. We do not agree with many who believe in creationism.
Why not? Because a number of creationist ideas conflict with the Bible. For example, some assert that the six days of creation were literal 24 -hour days, but the word �day� in the
Bible can refer to a considerable length of time. Then too, some creationists teach that the earth is just a few thousand years old.
However, the Bible indicates that the earth and the universe existed long before the six days of creation.
For that reason, we have no objection, as do some creationists, to credible scientific research that indicates the earth may be billions of years old.
Now, for all of you Answers in Genesis type of folks, I�m glad you listened to No Compromise Radio, but I wouldn�t start.
If I�ve got a JW at the door, we�re talking about good news. And I think you could probably believe that the universe is a billion years old.
Still go to heaven if you have the right view of Jesus. I think we could get to the other fast enough.
I believe in six literal days, and I don�t subscribe to their lack of creationism stuff, but we�re going to have to go straight to the jugular, and the jugular is sinful man, holy
God, what do you do? There�s one mediator, and he has to be the eternal God -man.
And it is blasphemy for anyone to say, �By the way, the Father has the angels�,
Hebrews 1, �worship Jesus, giving glory to another if it�s that other is a different kind or lesser kind or sinful kind.�
It cannot be. Father only gives glory to his Son because they�re one in essence and nature.
And the Father calls Jesus my God, right? God, in Hebrews 1, 8.
Question three on No Compromise Radio from Awake magazine. Jehovah�s Witnesses do not believe in doctors.
False. We accept medical treatment. In fact, some of us are physicians, as was the first century
Christian named Luke. However, we reject any treatment that conflicts with Bible principles. For example, we do not accept blood transfusion because the
Bible forbids taking in blood, Acts 15. See, I�m telling you, when you don�t have the
Holy Spirit and you read the Bible, this is what you get. To quote Johnny Rotten, this is what you want, this is what you get.
And then it becomes into a long, see last week�s show, list of do�s and don�t�s and should�ves and would�ves and could�ves.
And what do you do? Remember last week when we were talking about J .C. Ryle? When you put anything between a miserable sinner and the exalted
Jesus, if you put anything in between them besides faith, trust, sola fide, then you�re a goner.
You�re a spiritual goner. The screw is loose. Even then, we seek the best possible medical care for ourselves and our families.
In fact, blood conservation treatments that were developed to help witness patients are now being used to benefit all in the community.
In many countries, any patient can now choose to avoid blood transfusions, risks such as blood -borne diseases, immune system reactions, and human errors.
So, by the way, the Bible teaches it, allegedly, and there might be a human error.
You might get O positive when you�re supposed to have O negative, and that would be really bad. You know, the life�s in the blood.
This is so out in the orbit of nowhere land.
This gives us a Hino. I�ve got my Hino cup right in front of me.
This is the cup of choice. Sorry, Aaron, I�m not doing the Jeremiah 29 deal today.
I don�t have the Journey cup today. I don�t even have my Savoy Confession cup in honor of John Owen.
It is the Hino cup. Grandma would answer the phone. Hino. Grandma, it�s not
Hino. It�s hello. I know. That�s what I say. I say hello. No, you don�t.
You say Hino. Okay, Grandma, just a minute. I�ve got to call you right back. Okay. Talk to you soon. Ring, ring, 5533836, area code 402.
The number to call is BR549. Hino. Grandma, we just told you not to answer the phone that way.
So, there�s a theological hello and no compromise has turned it into Hino.
And I think I probably should trademark it because it�s taking off the internet. Number four,
Jehovah�s Witnesses accept the entire Bible. True. We believe it�s inspired of God and beneficial. That includes
Old Testament, New Testament. Generally, we refer to these sections of the Bible as Hebrew and Greek scriptures.
And this way, we avoid giving the impression that some parts of the Bible are outdated or irrelevant. No comment.
Number five, Jehovah�s Witnesses use only their own Bible translation. False. We use many in our study of the
Bible and languages in which it is available, though we especially appreciate the New World translation of the
Holy Scriptures for its use of God�s name, for its accuracy and its clarity. Consider the use of God�s name
Jehovah. In the introduction of one Bible translation, there�s a list of the names of 79 people who in some way contributed to the production of the translation.
Yet the same Bible omits the name of the very author, Jehovah God. In contrast, the New World translation restores the divine name in thousands of places where it existed in the original text.
Did you know the New World translation is now available in some 130 languages? And you can read it online, jw .org.
Where do you start? What kind of no -co comments can we make about that?
When Jehovah�s Witnesses are at the door and I�m feeling kind and gentle and compassionate,
I usually talk to them about their souls. When they�re snarky and they say the word Trinity�s not in the
Bible, I usually kind of snark back at them and then have to go back to the gentleness mode.
I�m not saying you should do this, but that�s what I end up doing. Then I ask them, is the word
Bible in the Bible? And is the word Jehovah in the Bible? Because Jehovah isn�t in the
Bible. Yahweh is, but Jehovah isn�t. You want to take the essentially consonants of Adonai, the vowels of Adonai and the consonants of Yahweh and put them together and you get
Jehovah? What does that do? I think it�s the
American Standard Bible, not NAS, but the ASB, ASV. Not the
SV, but ASB, American Standard Bible. I think it used Jehovah. 1901,
I think, it used Jehovah. What does that matter? The text is Yahweh. The text is
Adonai. The text is Elohim. Let�s just use those when we have those in the
Hebrew, and then when it�s in the New Testament, Kurios, it�s Kurios, and then we just let it ride unless it�s
Despotus, but that�s another discussion. Yai, yai, yai, yai, yai.
They�ll try to do everything they can to minimize the deity of Christ, and I say to them, Hebrews 1.
Jehovah�s Witnesses changed their Bible to fit their beliefs. Number 6. False, they say. When we have discovered that our beliefs are not completely in line with the
Bible, we have adjusted our understanding. Long before we started producing NWT in 1950, we used available translations and formed our beliefs accordingly.
Isn�t that nice to know? Number 7. They shun community involvement. Does this have to do with anything?
We�ve helped many people overcome harmful addictions, drugs, alcohol, our literary classes.
Those things to me are gateway drugs to get into JW behavior, no different than a personality test at L.
Ron Hubbard Scientology via Dianetics. It�s the same thing. You get the E -meter out and see if you�ve got any engrams and you need to have them relieved, your life seems to go a little bit better and you attribute it to psychology, to Dianetics, to Jehovah�s Witnesses stuff.
The same thing the Seventh -day Adventists do with their demonic doctrines of food. How do you know it�s a demonic doctrine?
Well, food and marriage, two things God has given for common grace, are adjusted, negated, added to, messed with, stirred around.
Food or marriage. Now the Seventh -day Adventists, they like to do all this kind of food stuff.
I know because I live by a bunch of them and that�s how we get in. I mean, people have problems with nutrition. They�re overweight.
Now you do the SDA stuff. You have some Ezekiel 4, 7 to 9 judgment bread, cooked over dung.
It�s a big seller. I�d like to see the equivalent of Ezekiel 4 bread presented to the shark tank.
I like to watch the shark tank and see what they do and how they negotiate. That�s good for NOCO stuff.
We do a lot of negotiating with a lot of big radio stations. Right now we�re on, how many stations are we up to now?
Oh, yes, that�s right, zero stations. I regularly get people who say, �Would you please be on our station and here�s how much it costs.�
I�m still waiting for those people that say, �We�re dying to carry you. May we? And here�s some money to do it.�
But we�re not getting those calls quite yet. But maybe, one day, they try to help people for a particular reason.
And number eight. All right, I wanted to talk more about the community involvement, but we�ll let somebody else do that.
Number eight, test your knowledge. Check each statement, true or false. Jehovah�s Witnesses look down on people of other religions.
False. That�s what they say. We follow the Bible�s advice to respect everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs.
They�re even using 1 Peter 2 .17 with today�s English version to prove their point of earlier said statement.
For example, though in some countries there are hundreds of thousands of us, we do not try to pressure politicians or lawmakers into restricting or banning the work of other religious groups.
Nor do we campaign to have laws passed that would impose our moral and religious convictions on the community. Instead, we extend to others the same tolerance that we appreciate receiving from them.
This article, Frequently Asked Questions, JW .org. What was their question again?
We don�t look down on other people�s religions. We just think that the way you believe about Jesus, you evangelicals, you
Bible believers, Jesus is a liar. Jesus is less than God. He was off the deep end.
And then the next page for this, Help for the Family, we get back to law. Because once you don�t have the gospel, well, what else do you have to talk about?
It�s back to law. And you need to walk in a manner wise, and you can have real friends.
That�s what it�s talking about here, how to have real friends. You know, our day and age, technology,
Facebook, social media, it�s hard to connect. And we need to have more relationships, and we need to have less shallow friendships.
That�s what we need. So you can have real friendships, establish priorities, get out and meet people, write a letter.
The bottom line, it�s more than just keeping in touch. Okay.
And then finally, Heaven, the Bible�s viewpoint in Heaven. What some people say, you know what those some people say.
Then they list professed Christians, that means you�re not, Judaism, Hindus, Buddhists.
Some reject any religion, religious notion of Heaven and say that the whole idea is childish nonsense.
What does the Bible teach? What does the Bible really teach?
And then they like to talk about dwelling places and actual places of residence.
�Heaven is a topic of much speculation ,� they said. �Do all good people go to Heaven when they die ?�
is asked. Hmm. That�d be good. Many people have been thrilled to learn what the
Bible really teaches about Heaven. For example, a former Catholic named George said, �I found the Bible teaching about living forever on Earth to be comforting.
It made more sense than going to Heaven.� There you have it.
The Bible does not teach that the Earth is merely a temporary home where we await death and subsequent afterlife in Heaven. The Bible makes clear that death was never part of God�s original purpose for humans.
And then I don�t have time to talk about the rest, except we�ve got the cuttlefish on the back, C -U -T -T -L -E, designed billions of years ago, as we said.
Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio. If you don�t have the new book, Sexual Fidelity, No Compromise, you can get it on the website.
It would be a perfect Father�s Day gift. Not kidding. And the new book, Evangelical White Lies, No Compromise, Volume 1, should be out in the next couple months.
July probably is too� no, I�m going to shoot for July. Yep, yep.
God just told me shoot for July, Mike. That�s the winner. That�s the ticket.
I addressed things like living the gospel, friendship evangelism. I could have addressed faith and faith, or a faithfulness versus faith faithfulness.
Putting� I could have talked about Sola Fide, Norman Shepherd, a variety of these kind of things. But I didn�t. There are things about tithing.
There are things about God�s favorite colors, green, and eco -environmental, inconvenient truths like that.
And you can stay tuned, and we�ll make some promos for that. Also, if you want to go to Germany with us, and Geneva, and Zurich next
May, stay tuned. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God�s Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We�re right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.