The Divine Institution of Marriage


A Christian plea for all to recognize the Lordship of Christ, the divine nature of the institution of marriage, and the ethical and moral dimension of how we live our lives today. Remember the words of the Messiah, the Risen Son of God: He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." (Matthew 19:4--6 ESV) Marriage was instituted, and hence defined, by God. This video is a collaborative effort between IV, Crown Rights Media, and Alpha and Omega Ministries.


What is the nature of love? The love that exists between a man and a woman is not a mirror image love.
It is the love of one who is different than I am. When will we listen to Christ, his wisdom, his perfection?
He predicted his own death, burial, and resurrection. He even raised the dead, gave sight to the blind.
Now, stop to him instead of talking all the time. After all, he's the creator of heavens in this world.
Created the first couple, made him boy and girl. I mean man and woman, a wife for a husband.
We have no right to change what he set up in. Jesus said, for this cause, shall a man leave his mom and dad?
Yes. Cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh. Marriage represents
Christ in a church. See, he's the bridegroom. We're the bride. See how it works? And it's wonderful how he allows us to bear fruit, like it's only a man and a woman that can reproduce.
Men protect, women nurture. That's factual. Same -sex marriage is simply unnatural.
And no number of votes would ever change his mind. Marriage is between a man and woman. It's divine.
When I see a man, I see the same exterior. So please answer this, how could you really love a mirror?
That's selfishness, shameful lust with passion. But when a male and a female marries, it requires selflessness.
Now that's a challenge. But some of you say you don't believe in Christ. And you was born gay. And this is your life.
Well, I was born a criminal, addicted to the royal truth. The fact of the matter is, I was born like you.
Born a sinner. Shaped in iniquity. Dead in my sin. Until the Spirit quickened me.
Allowed me to see that God came in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and still would taste death.
I mean, he suffered the Father's wrath for all sinners. That would change their mind about their sin and trust in him.
The wages of sinners' death. But since he's never sinned, three days later the Christ would rise again.
So call on all lesbians. Call on all gays. Repent from your sins. Today is the day.
So don't harden your heart. Cry out to the Lord. May he set you apart. Amen.