Post Election Rambling for Christians


Outside of saying we did talk specifically about the Equality Act and how it will fundamentally do away with the first Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, we sort of just pondered what looks like, at the moment, the possible outcome of the messed-up, in some places, very corrupt, election, especially as this impacts believers and the work of the kingdom. Visit the store at

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Greetings, welcome to the dividing line folks. It's the day after and I Went to bed early last night.
I'm I'm perfectly Wide awake. I did get up early this morning because I I needed to drive out the
East Valley this morning, but some I Had no interest whatsoever
I was going to and I haven't done it yet. There's probably got to be a way to do this I think you you can download all your tweets.
Can't you isn't there some way to like I don't know I'd like to go back to Somewhere March April May some that time frame and Find the tweet that I wrote one morning where I said
I I will never accept the results of a
Mail -in election And So here we sit
I've actually I've actually seen and and who knows right now. Nobody knows that that's what the problem is is
I don't think anybody will ever know It doesn't matter who wins the other side's gonna feel that there were shenanigans
And there are shenanigans going on I just saw that in some areas there has there there is an
X there There are more more votes than there are people in that area Oh Twitter deleted it.
Well, of course Huh? Oh Lovely.
There you go No one's deleting the the tweets on the left such as the
ACLU's tweet Victory Cal a Colorado voters just defeated proposition 115 rejecting the ballot measure that would ban abortion later in pregnancy then this line
Safe compassionate abortion access for all is here to stay in Colorado What what can explain honestly how anyone can use the phrase compassionate abortion
And Those who refuse to love the truth would be caused to love a lie, that's
That's that interesting text in second Thessalonians and It's hard not to have that running around in your mind as you read and as you consider
The things going on around us even even this day But I Wasn't aware of what proposition 115 was
I'm sure that there are a number of Believers in Colorado disappointed this day who worked hard to try to to do that, but the the fact is
We have a thoroughly divided nation and Part of the foundation of that division is the worldview issue
There are many people who voted for Donald Trump who did so Because they are mocked and derided and ridiculed by the elites
But who do not have a Christian worldview let's let's be honest ourselves the vast majority of United States citizens today have a worldview that would have been
Considered dangerous and disqualifying by the founders of this nation there's there's really no question about that either and So we look out at what's going on around us.
We don't know what the future is going to to hold Some things have become very very clear and that is there is no the only
Free press left in the United States Is hitching a ride on the big tech companies through the internet?
which is a very tenuous position to be in and That's why
I have been saying for a number of months that this is a
Well at least number of weeks That this is an election About whether there will ever be an election again
Now remember there are every there are elections in China But everybody in China knows they're not elections
You know the people in Hong Kong wave American flags because they know that we used to have real elections here
But For example, you don't have real elections in California anymore. They are rigged they are
Designed in such a way that you only have one one option really and if you vote for a or B They're both the same thing.
You you don't have any any other options and that's Probably what has taken place here
I Could hope that there will be a whiplash effect
But I don't think so. I don't I I'm not one of those people that that thinks along those lines
I'm looking at worldview issues and I would say that the the worldview that gave that gave us our liberties and freedoms is now represented by Far less than Far far less than one quarter of the
American population. This is why The vast majority of people are willing to give up liberties freedoms because they don't they don't see the connection between worldview and the foundations of these things and once you give them up You you can't just expect them to be given back to you
Freedom is never free is a nice sounding phrase, but it happens to be true. Freedom is never free and So I was
Thinking yesterday. Well, you know, like I said, I had never seen so much energy so much excitement
In my own state for Donald Trump. I've been told there's still over a million votes In Arizona that have not been counted, but I guess we were called for Biden early on long before any of those votes were counted and Like I was saying,
I'm sorry I was I was saying our system of democracy the former system of representative
Republic here in the United States Assume the existence of a free press that would seek out the truth and We just don't have that any longer and that's that's what leads to so much of the
Problem is we just don't we don't know what the truth is. We don't know what the facts are we don't know what the numbers are and We are well down the road now to Pravda and And I've explained before Pravda was the primary
Organ of dissemination of lies Under the
Soviet system in Russia, and of course Pravda means truth and what else would you call it?
And we are we are well down that road Including many sources that a lot of people would assume are on the right of things and They're all in it together.
And So without a free press, it's really really difficult to know exactly what what the facts are about any particular thing but I was thinking if there if there was a
Defeat of the socialist ticket and Specifically of Kamala Harris who will be president very very quickly if in fact that's the direction this ends up going and If enough ballots can be printed and gotten into the system to turn those key states
Which I honestly believe is what's taking place right now Then I was gonna say well we got four years to plead and to explain and to tell people
This is the worldview that gave you your freedoms and You may have never heard of it before if you're the product of the public education system
You've been told that all these people in the past were terrible horrible nasty people and they were bigots and they were
Narrow -minded and shallow thinking and and we just need to get rid of everything that had anything to do with them
And we may be past that point and if we don't have that four years we're gonna have very diminished opportunities for making that case it's gonna have to be person -to -person as You know big tech is not going to have to be cajoled into shutting down any other sources of Speech they're already doing it and once they have once they know
Big Brother has their back It's an incestuous relationship.
So as I've said many times before download archive Storage media is ridiculously cheap today and We I keep saying this, but we really we should be we should be buying
Thumb drives because that's that's that's how we're gonna be distributing the program in the future.
Yes, sir You have your microphone just so folks are clear about this What what you're describing there is you're asking them to download the programs and disseminate them for themselves
We have lots of storage space here. We're able to store everything that we have right?
Getting that out to people is going to be the issue and the well two things one the first is archive the first is is
Everybody we're gonna wake up one morning and our YouTube channel will be gone. Mm -hmm. That's just all there is to it hundreds thousands of videos will simply be gone and If people have archives then people have archives say, you know, there are programs they found particularly helpful
Don't rely on Being able to go back and get it again if it's helpful if there was something in there
You want to keep you better grab it now and archive it, right? So we're I've we've said this before in the past and I've gotten phone calls of folks
Saying where do you want me to send this right? No, that's not what we're saying We're saying that if there's a situation to where we can no longer produce and dissim and Distribute we still want it to be able to move this forward and the only way to do that's going to be an
Underground kind of way and yeah folks. Yeah, you know meeting meeting at at a fast -food restaurant and passing thumb drives
Hopefully not being seen by the closed -circuit cameras and drones and everything else. Yeah, right that that's definitely it.
I mean, obviously There are secondary Platforms that people will move to immediately
Somebody even mentioned a alternative to YouTube Yeah, right.
So It's definitely Something we'll be looking into we will we will fall back while fighting all the way
You need to you need to set up that RSS feed for the blogs and things like that because It's it's gonna take them some work to get rid of every aspect, but let me let me explain
Let me explain but I just again just don't think a lot of people who who bought the big
Eva Yes, you can vote for the socialist argumentation
Understand. Let me let me talk to you about the Equality Act Joe Biden Aka Kamala Harris And I'll be honest,
I'm not even sure he'll make it to to January before stepping aside, but Promised that one of the first things that will be done in the new socialist order is the passing of The Equality Act now some of you saying well, but the
Republicans still have the Senate so what? Once you have the presidency now
Given that the left has made the legislative branch basically non -functional
For quite some time now What what you have is rule by executive order and Yeah, things can get really ugly for a while but Once they're in Then not only do they undo
All of the positive things that have been done about abortion gender issues things like that but this insanity of transgenderism and The farther
I've gotten into the Abigail Schreier book the more Amazed I have been at the level of moral evil that is involved in In The whole transgender craze and how it is it is specifically intended to destroy primarily young girls
Yes, it destroys young men, too boys But its primary audience is the destruction of the bodies of young girls
Incredibly effectively and That Movement will become unfettered and with the
Establishment of the Equality Act which has already been passed by the house Democratic controlled house
Will be put into place even if the Republicans hold the Senate It'll be put in a place just by executive order and there's nothing that the
Senate can do about that and If you'll go read it, it's all online basically, what it is is it's the insertion into the 1964
Civil Rights Act of the concepts of So -called
SOGI Sexual orientation gender identity It is an entire ideology
It is unscientific unproven, but It now owns and commands the psychotherapeutic community and Hence is resulting in If you send
Your young person to an Ivy League school today. And by the way, any Christian would do that. It's just an idiot
I'll be honest with you When you when you find out what these places are really like when you find out what freshman week there is really like when you find out
About the pressure that's brought to bear on any young person to conform to the debauchery.
That is now the culture of these universities Then you just just wake up.
Just just think for once But in these institutions
Any kind of emotional upset whatsoever on the part of a student and they will be told they're transgender
You have seen in in 10 years Percentages go from point zero two
To some classes at Ivy League schools 40 % Now that's obviously a craze.
That's a that's That's not really what's going on But it has
The complete backing of the socialist left because this is how you destroy the next generation the next the the great reset wants fewer and fewer human beings on the planet and The best way to do that is to destroy women so when you have 14 year olds
Going to court Suing their parents so they can not only have hormones injected into them that will
Destroy their ability to reproduce but to have double mastectomies as teenagers the schools are behind this 1 ,000 % they will provide
To the students at Ivy League schools testosterone without a doctor without the parents sorry without the parents permission and with You want you know
This is alleged. This is a class two or class three controlled substance. So it's allegedly you have to have a prescription
You can you can get that by rolling your eyes. You don't it's simplicity on any of these college campuses and This will then be written into US law into the
Civil Rights Act so that Sexual orientation gender identity, which is whatever you think it is
There are no rules here It can change daily There's there's it's whatever you you feel you are
This now will have the force of law and hence will be applied in the non -discrimination aspects of said law and And will therefore lay the foundation for initially civil suits and eventually criminal action
But civil suits immediately against pretty much every single Christian organization in the country
That would Not abide by these these rules and hire people you will be forced by rule of law
To hire people who will not hold to any of the standards that you have as a Christian organization.
So It is the end of Christian liberty freedom of conscience
Any of that kind of stuff That's that it's the end This was this was clear when this happens when when?
so so think about The church will have a choice you either become a leftist
Compromised Type of church where You accept everything that the culture says or you close down you go underground
You you sell your building you start meeting in homes There's lots of options none of them are easy a lot of them require a tremendous amount of sacrifice and part of all of us
Every single one of us we what's coming is going to purge us all of a love of the things this world
I've been preaching that message for a long long time and I have to keep preaching it to myself if you find your comfort and your stability
In your car your home your retirement. It's it's gonna go away or you're gonna go along with the society and Decide that, you know
We're not really sure that Jesus said what's in Matthew chapter 19, I mean,
I mean, come on, you know There's lots of theologians out there. That'll say that Yeah, we can't really have any certainty.
This is just Matthew's understanding and Matthew's writing to a particular a Community at a particular time and and he's really not represented by what
Luke would say about the same thing And see there's always a way there is always a way
To commit apostasy and to and to do it while saying you're remaining faithful.
There's always a way that's one of the things you as one of the things you learn as you get older is unfortunately over That that time period you encounter so many people
Who have committed apostasy you you start you get to hear all the excuses and so you get this big long catalog and So you
I can see exactly how it's going to be done. But those are going to be our choices and I'll admit that as I look at stuff like what is on the
ACLU Twitter page about Colorado as I ponder these things as I think about What's going to be what might and looks like right now will be happening in the not -too -distant future and I think about people who ostensibly are
Christians who have helped to bring this about It's really hard for me
To not go what is wrong with you? Well, how can you be so blind and the thing
I have to keep in mind is You know in a very short period of time those people who go wait a minute
We we didn't know we were voting for this and we're gonna be sitting here going we told you that We warned you over and over we pled with you
What were you thinking? And it's gonna be it's gonna it's yeah, it's gonna be tough.
It's gonna be a challenge. No, no two ways about it It will but we will have greater challenges we will have greater challenges
The adoption of Hate crimes mentality in our society
Will come back to bite us. I I can tell you I can't go back to the archives But I can tell you that when that first started happening late 80s early 90s,
I recall I was like How can you read the hearts of men you you're only supposed to judge on the actions not on what you and Now it's established.
It has it's it's unquestionable and So once you put
Soji Which is not a Star Trek character, but Soji into Law, which will be done by the left if not in a few weeks
In a few years depending on all how all this shakes out That then becomes the foundation
For Utilizing hate crimes laws to shut down preaching
Because it's already if you deadname someone on Twitter, you can have your Twitter account taken away and That's big tech.
But again in other words your speech Will be silenced and once your speech is silenced
Then it's very easy to deal with your employment your income you're standing and This has been going on in academic settings for quite some time and Now it's just going to become and it has been becoming
Societal society wide but you're gonna see an explosion just all the limits come off and You're already seeing
I've seen numerous statements from people saying we simply have to Stop worrying about free speech
We we have to silence these people who Threaten the safety of minority groups.
In other words if you say That it is morally evil to inject luprin into the body of a ten -year -old
To castrate them that's the that's the Puberty blocking stuff, which is also what we use to chemically castrate rapists
And in children what it does is it stops their sexual development
But it also stops their mental development. It impacts the brain So it's massively destructive massively destructive and it's being used every day and if you dare
Stand up and say this is a moral evil. It is wrong That'll be considered a hate crime now what?
this thought was going through my brain earlier today and Haven't you learned yet that it's not good to give vent to those things very well
You you taught me a long long long time ago about critical thinking and you know
And it seems to me as I think back over the last 30 40 years of what most
Christians have been exposed to from their pastors the things that they've been taught
The question needs to be asked. Is there such a thing as Christian morality? And what is that?
because We seem to run into a whole lot more Christians Who think that that's a moving target and it's a much narrower subject then we give it credit for and if folks don't believe me go spend a little time on Twitter with Christians and See what they advocate and how they think that we're all a bunch of Neanderthals knuckle -draggers
Yeah, so I feel like it's a certain point here. We've got to start back at square one and say oh, yeah
There is a Christian morality. God's law is not tossed out the window Okay, we need to teach them the things that so many preachers tossed out the window so many years ago and these people just sat there and went along like lemmings and We got started at the foundation,
I know we've got to let them know there is a morality You're violating it in your head and you need to start with Romans 1 and you need to believe
Romans 1 you need to submit to Romans 1 and if you don't Then start asking yourself, what is it that I believe and why do
I call myself a Christian? Yeah, you're addressing that to Christians. There's no there's no question about it.
You think but or is it I'm addressing that to but That's what
I was saying on the last program and that is every nation has a God Every blesses a nation whose
God is Lord. There's an assumption there that a nation has a God and That God will determine the moral structure of that nation and this nation began
With an understanding of the Judeo -Christian worldview and the fact there was a God and his law was revealed and you know that early
Supreme Court justices would quote from the Bible in their determinations and from the law of God in their in their judgments
That would never be allowed today so something has changed a Revolution has taken place
We are seeing the active in the streets with guns revolution But the revolution started long before this and We not only have to say this to Christians We need to say this to everyone in our society you're living in a nation was built by people built by people who you now condemn as bigots and everything else
But the reality was they had a moral fabric didn't no nation ever lives up To its stated moral standards.
That's why there are laws and courts and things like that but That's not an excuse to therefore abandon
All of that moral foundation and fabric which built this nation in the first place. That's what we've done
That's what has taken place and the acceleration of that You know, my hope and prayer was that the brakes would sort of remain on That that's that's the best that I could see
Was that that the brakes would still give us a little more time? But at the same time even even a strongly strong advocate of post -millennialism like Jeff Durbin said hey
Kamala Harris is the perfect judgment for this nation she's the perfect judgment for this nation and and but but we have to stand up and say she is judgment and It may end up costing us our freedom
To say that are we ready church? believing church
Biblically oriented church are we ready to come to the aid of Those who lose their freedom, so let's say we stand firm and And We are charged with hate crimes and by the new standards are convicted
Who's gonna take care of our kids who's gonna take care of our wife The church is gaffed pull together and We have to learn from the community -based
Based Experience of Churches under persecution in other lands right now how to deal with that here and Again, the temptation will be extremely strong to just go along There'll be many voices the same big
Eva voices That were saying oh, you know, don't you know, there's there's there's no one side here
Um, don't worry about that Equality Act thing or the infanticide thing and you know, there's an arrogant man involved here
Those big voices could end up going along with the society and Providing arguments and excuses while you can too, so we're not gonna be able to count on them
So Who are we gonna be counting on the people who still believe solo scriptura and tota scriptura?
We have to pull together. We have to take care of each other and that means we have to give up a lot of our stuff because that stuff is
What is? Holding us that stuff is the only thing the world has over us is our stuff that That house that car
Those investments that boat For me my bike you might say a bike can be
I'd miss it, but I better be prepared to give it up. I Imagine in the gulag you can still run around the exercise yard 500 times something like that But it's it's that stuff
That has our hearts Because what else are they gonna do to us take our stuff
Make it so that you know in when you look at how the Christian Church has existed under Islamic rule
Islam was smart they made it in in many in many
Islamic nations if you're a Believing Christian you you simply Have to be in the lower classes
To fly into the radar You're they're just entire any of the jobs that would move you up are just not open to Christians.
So remember that Christian janitor That janitor who stopped a suicide bomber.
There is a Girls school. I remember Taliban They are against the education of women
And so there was this suicide bombers could go in and blow up this girls school and he was stopped by a
Janitor and so when he blew up the bomb, he killed the janitor. The janitor was a Christian He saved a whole school full of Muslim girls
But why was the janitor a Christian because that's one of the only jobs you can get that's why If you're gonna be an open
Christian if you're gonna practice your faith go to church, whatever very effective mechanism and Already if if you want to if you want to be a high level if you want to be in in psychoanalysis or psychiatry,
I don't know a lot of Christians do that anyways, but You can't do that as a Christian You're not gonna you're not gonna make it in the
Ivy League school any longer as a consistent open Evangelizing Christian that's considered hate speech.
You're not you're not inclusive enough and so Take all the brakes off on that and what's gonna happen
We as believers I as a believer have to Pray that I will be purged of my love of things and If you sit around going
I don't I don't have any problem with that at all That's that's real easy until it's all taken away from you and given to somebody else but the early that's exactly what the early
Christians faced and they turned the world upside down and that's That's what we've got to be that's where we've got to be and The Addiction to constant communication with people far far away
Our our our media addiction which you may be fulfilling by watching this program we have to recognize
You may very soon be in a situation where It is what you've already studied of The Word of God that is going to be your foundation what you've already memorized
You may no longer have access to All the sources of information that we have access to today.
Will that be enough? Have you memorized enough scripture? Have you have you spent enough time in the contemplation of the
Word of God? So many times when the church is under persecution
What happens then is that different elements of the body come together to? supplement each other and so I would be able to give a certain amount of information a certain amount of background and and Things like that and others come along and fill in where I can't do it and you end up with a community effort
That still may end up having holes in it, but that's how people do it that's how it's been being done under persecution for a very very long time and May be something that we need to keep in consideration as well.
There are going to be many Who today view themselves as Christians and cannot imagine they would ever compromise who when when it comes down to it are
Not going to be able to Give up the things the world and some that you would think never would will
Don't sit there. I'm sorry. If you are one of the people said never me Peter hello
Peter Not me Lord and actually before the cock crows you're gonna die me three times
I'm sure Peter thought that and here's the other thing you when you hear of The denominations the churches when you hear of the names of people who've given in is that going to destroy your faith?
Then what's your faith based on? What's your faith based on? I mean,
I feel the pressure I mean, what if what if I were to give in on these things?
I feel the pressure but if I did That's no excuse for you
That's no excuse for you How's that foundation doing? There you go, there you go.
These are these are the questions that we need to be thinking about and so What we need to really do is to See the threat that's coming and Instead of just responding emotionally to it we need to recognize
That to give the proper response means we must understand what scripture says we must have a consistent argument
When you speak to the people the world who are being taken in by these philosophies these empty deceptions
That say that they are but fizzing chemicals. They're ugly bags of mostly water You have to use arguments that will go directly to the
Imago Dei within them That's one of the things
I love about the guys over at living waters. They they get down to that pretty quick They cut through a lot of the stuff in the way
And get down to the common places where we are as human beings and And plant that that seed and say
What you're calling hate speech in me is Actually hate speech in you toward the
God Who revealed his law and demonstrated how important it was on something called the cross of Calvary?
so when you mock God's right to define
What is true and honest and just and right for mankind? which the entire democratic platform does
When you mock that You are fundamentally saying that the cross was an empty joke
Because why'd the cross have to happen because God's law is real and God's law actually represents
Not only who God is but what his purposes in this world are and that is the demonstration of the glory of the triune
God So when God's law is broken There must be payment there must be atonement and The second person of the
Trinity provided that atonement in the God -man Jesus Christ. So When you when you make
God's law Merely personal opinion You are in the process
Fundamentally saying that the cross was a huge massive mistake. And so We have to ask for wisdom to get straight to the heart of the issue
When someone accuses you of hate speech you turn right around and demonstrate they're the ones expressing hatred for the
God who made them For the God who made them will that set you free
Spiritually, yes may cost you everything physically May cost you everything physically
There are all sorts of areas that of Study and work our children will not be able to go into this has already been true for quite a while But now it's gonna become just plain
I mean how many years ago was it that in Canada Trinity Law School the
Canadian government ruled That you did not have to allow the
Trinity the graduates Trinity Law School to practice law in Canada because of their Christian morality so You want to be a
Christian lawyer in Canada? How many areas in the
United States is that already the case and now will become? the case
With law behind it With law behind and if you think the Equality Act is the end of these things.
No, it's just the beginning It's just the beginning As well as I mean,
I haven't even mentioned you you know very well That if things go the way they're looking like they're going right now and and it's not over But I I personally have less than a 75 % feeling that my vote was even counted and I have a 95 % feeling that there were all sorts of votes counted in my state that were not
Cast by legal by people who actually should be here or even are here Or have been here in 20 years
So There's there's that whole issue but if it keeps going that direction and That means that basically
January 22nd Get ready to get locked down like they are in Europe right now and get ready to have drones
Flying above our Cities watching for people without masks on because it's already happening elsewhere.
It's already happening elsewhere Now some people are saying ha now Biden wins, COVID's done.
It's done. It's done its work. No, I don't think so This is about the Great Reset. This is about having fewer and fewer people on The planet and so you want to end human flourishing?
you want to enter human flourishing by destroying a God -ordained view of sexuality the family children and And you want to destroy economic opportunity
You want to diminish man to where he is little more? Than an animal in a cage that that does enough work to be worth still feeding
That's not Liberty, that's not freedom but Liberty and freedom require you to believe that man is something more than fizzing chemicals
Liberty and freedom are not meaningful categories for ugly bags of mostly water They're not
They are only meaningful categories for people who are made in the image of God So as I said earlier someone like a
Kamala Harris, oh my Who never I think polled more than 2 % amongst
Democrats amongst Democrats in a likability poll? a
Shrew is the only way to describe her President of the United States.
How did that happen? pretty pretty amazing when you That by design is exactly right you you are you're exactly correct
There is someone who will be compliant with anything the Chinese Communist Party wants to do anything whatsoever
And will promote the Great Reset to our detriment and I know
I'm talking to the choir here. I really doubt that many people who watch the this program
Didn't see this, but if you were one of them you get what you pay for Elections have consequences and I've been sort of joking with you people that The only issue now is who gets the gulag early enough to get the good bunks and the the
Compromisers will get in will get there. They're still gonna get there You can't you cannot appease the mob you cannot appease these people so you'll you'll still get there
But you'll you'll also get the bad bunks because we've will already have gotten the good ones gotten everything set up by the time you're there the the gulag chess tournament will already be in full swing, so I'm not sure you'll be able to be a part of that and There'll be some other good things we got going on There you go.
There you go. That's yeah, so there you go. I haven't been watching
People creating stuff on Twitter Emergency Democrat votes being delivered big boxes and stuff like that.
And the only thing that makes that sad is that yeah, I I Think that's
I Think that's You know Trump's Trump saying hey, don't give up on Arizona, Nevada.
It's true It's true. I mean, like I said, I've never seen as long as all those people they're driving around with Trump flags actually bothered to vote
But again that assumes That those votes are going to be counted and I Or not right and that's that's the issue.
Yes, sir Really?
Well, I imagine I had I had a dear sister on Twitter DM me and say do you have any words of encouragement and I said for our nation not really
I'll You know because I'm honestly I'm sitting here
I'm sitting here fighting to understand how to properly process the emotion
I have which is I called this and I don't consider myself a prophet.
I just looked at the trends and I I Believe Romans 1
I Believe what it says and so I'm like, oh Okay Now that this whole narrative is is rolling along What's gonna happen is the the left?
Which clearly has decided this is our time. It's now or never We've been burning down cities.
We've been Letting letting people run riot all over the
United States So we got to do it now, this is this is our time we've got Antifa we got
BLM out there We've got our thugs in place got the brown shirts in place This is our time.
Let's do it and it doesn't matter what it's gonna take Doesn't matter what laws we have to break. It doesn't matter how many ballots we have to print
We're gonna we're gonna go for it. And so I'm sort of like wow, they're gonna try to make this a mail -in thing We've already known about ballot harvesting in California.
This isn't anything new. There's all sorts of stuff out there from being done years past It's it's the way to steal an election and so they're gonna push to the lockdowns as far into the year as they possibly can
They're gonna keep the panic going as long as they possibly can This is because look
January 5th Look at the economic data Did did any
Democrat have a chance on January 5th unless something major happened? No wasn't gonna happen.
It was could be a Cakewalk for Trump to be reelected because when you got the economy zooming along like that lowest unemployment rate in forever
Yeah, people are gonna vote their pocketbook and it was done they had to do something they had to fundamentally change the narrative and Change the populace and they did
COVID gave him gave him the excuse then they did the race riots and Here we are
And isn't it funny that the the irregularities are only happening in those key battleground states
You know, it doesn't have to happen in California because they know what's gonna happen in, California And by the way those of you in Nancy Pelosi's district
You know where she lives in a mansion and all the rest of you are plowing through human feces. You did it again
Wow Those are the people that hey when you reelect those people The rest of us suffer for the for your your behavior see
I I'm not of the opinion that the the mail -in voting Was that big of a deal as much as for instance?
Conservatives telegraphed where they were gonna be and how they were gonna vote So then you get into Sharpie gate
You know about Sharpie gate, right? I heard that. Yeah. I heard that they put out
Sharpies For filling out the ballots and then that's they're being rejected because they use Sharpies a lot a lot of where I was you had
Do you I wondered cuz we used to use Sharpies? Yeah, a lot of the machines don't like the Sharpies and So the ballot gets rejected and then put into a pile where it has to be hand counted
Yeah, those pie those piles are piling up. Yeah, but think about it
Conservatives said that's how we're gonna do it. That's how we're gonna go vote We're not gonna vote mail -in right where we can and somebody went.
Hey, you know what? Well, I did find it really weird that when
I voted They were handing out BIC ballpoint pens and then you had to put them in a special thing, you know cuz they're doing the cleansing and all that kind of stuff all the panic stuff, but Because it was a hot lot harder to fill those things in with that ballpoint pen
It would always leave a little open space in the center and I was like we always use
Sharpies in the past Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, but it was it was it puts out a lot of ink instead of a rollerball. Yeah The other problem with the
Sharpie is that it a Lot of ballots the Sharpie so heavy it bleeds through.
Yeah, so guess 2020 the hanging Chad. Yeah.
Yeah becomes the Right. Yeah, I know What do you think the voters intent was here on both sides?
Right, right. Yeah, that's what that's gonna become. Yeah, I Got you. I got you. I understand
Anyway, I'm not sure where I was going there Do I have words of encouragement?
Well, look I keep going back to this but it's the most obvious example
I can use We're still better off than we were in 1349
Okay, and you're sitting there going And most people do that, but my wife wouldn't do that Because my wife watched an entire she watched the same class that I watched or listened to on The great courses on the great mortality the
Black Plague it was at its height in 1349 and We still got a whole lot better and All doctrinal truth that is true today was true in 1349 nothing changed
What turns out to be the true proper biblical eschatology? Was true in 1349 as it is today
Which by the way is good reason not to use current events as either your basis of eschatology or your means of testing eschatology
Because I can think of time after time after time after time in church history
That Judging by what you were seeing at that point in time
Would have led you to error So never go that way Never ever go that way but The centrality of the
Trinity the Trinitarian nature of the gospel the the astonishing Reality of the
Incarnation Still true will always be true And and our personal experience in the past of God's blessing upon our nation and our culture and The withdrawing of that blessing does not change who
God is. We may learn that we were not thankful enough
We may learn that we took things for granted. We may learn to There there may come a day in the not -too -distant future
Where you may be sitting out in the desert speaking as an
Arizonan with a group of 12 people Quietly singing
Silent Night and you have to do so because it's not legal to do that and And Some of us like me
I can remember At the big big big church that Alpha Omega started at the
Christmas Eve candlelight service was beautiful packed out and beautiful and all those candles and The beauty of the music and the choir
It's great and no one ever Back, then no one ever gave a second thought to the idea that that would that could ever ever ever stop in the
United States No one even gave a second thought back then to someone running in with a gun
Didn't even think about it just wasn't a possibility but Those days may be over and We may look back upon that as a golden age,
I will always be thankful for those opportunities But that won't change the fact that if there are 12 of us out there
Singing to the Lord quietly and out in them with nothing but a saguaro around Hoping hoping that we would be able to hear the drone approaching
That that won't be a beautiful thing too that would be a beautiful thing too the issue again goes back to God has the right to bring judgment
In light of what he has revealed upon any nation at any time We get we deserve there will be there no injustice has been done
No injustice has been done. And if you're sitting there going, you know, you don't have any right to complain about this
You're a Calvinist and you just believe that look God ordains the ends and the means All right, he ordains the ends and means so yes, there's great comfort in knowing that God's will is going to be done
That doesn't change the reality that we've been given a knowledge of the prescriptive will of God the prescriptive will of God says you shall not murder and our nation is filled with murder and The prescriptive will of God says you will honor father and mother which means there is a male role in a female role
And and when we start putting it into law To violate those things we are begging
God to destroy us to destroy us and so Are we willing to give it all up to prophetically call the nation to repentance?
There is the question there is the question there is the question is that encouraging well, yeah
God's kingdom has God's kingdom was not Destroyed won't be destroyed by the outcome of this election how it's going to have to deal with a very very rebellious world is
Been impacted by that, of course, but God's purposes will not be thwarted Jesus Jesus's tomb is just as empty today as it was the day before yesterday
Right As long as that light is still coming from that empty tomb Mankind will never be able to quench it but Christians have been called to walk through fiery trials and persecutions and times when
We are in the small minority many times before doesn't mean that the kingdom has been defeated and we're simply called to be faithful.
So Yes, I did queue up Colossians 1 I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
I was It's too distracted, there's this too many too many things to be thinking about But we'll get to it.
I'm not sure when but we'll get to it. I'm not sure when we're gonna be Doing the program again. We'll do one tomorrow or whatever.
We'll see. Well, obviously announce it because I think we still have a few months left on on social media minimally and We'll let you know.