Exciting News! We just received a Large Matching Donation!

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Our Mission is simple, we want to see the state of Utah come to know the true and living God. Will you help us get there? We are so grateful for this opportunity and we would love to have you join us if you are in the area! You can donate and partner with us by going to http://apologiautah.com​. #ApologiaUtah We've seen so many Mormons come to Christ through the outreach ministry given to us. Now we hope to see Utah won to Christ. Join us! Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaUT


Hey, what's up, guys? I'm Wade Orsini. And I'm Andrew Songkran. And you know us to be church planters with Apology of Church.
We've been commissioned by our elders here in Arizona to plant in the great state of Utah. And you might have seen some of you on our social media this week.
We had a little announcement to make, but we left you hanging. Some exciting news that we want to share with you.
But before we get to that, we'd like to remind you of where God has brought us thus far. Oh, man.
God is so good. Just in a little over a month, we have gotten about one third of the support that we need.
That is amazing. So with your prayers, with your donations, partnering with us, we are at that mark.
Not to mention, right, we have our YouTube channel. We've been putting out content, Apology of Church Utah. You can go take a look at that.
And we've been getting messages like crazy. Tell me about those messages. Right. We've been getting people from Utah, from other states saying they're encouraged by what's going on, what
God is doing. People who have been doing their own LDS outreach or starting their own new
LDS outreach in their states. Ex -Mormons. I almost hate to say that.
They're Christians. Christians who have reached out, who came from the LDS church, who are encouraged by what they're seeing.
People who actually even during this past month have been saved and come to Christ from the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. So God is working. He's doing amazing things.
And so the big announcement is... Tell them, dude. You tell them. Okay, I'll tell them.
All right. So we got a $30 ,000 matching donation from an anonymous donor.
The Lord just sent that in and we are beyond ecstatic. So tell them what it means by a matching donation.
So with a $30 ,000 matching donation, that means if you give $50, this anonymous donor is going to double that gift and make that $50 gift now a $100 gift.
And he's going to do that all the way up to $30 ,000. So as you all donate $30 ,000, he'll match that with $30 ,000 making the whole gift a $60 ,000 contribution donation to what
God is doing with Apology of Utah. So guys, we thank you so much. All of you have partnered with us with so much generosity, with so much encouragement.
And for those of you who don't know where to go, if you haven't given already, you can go to ApologiaUtah .com
and there you can see our story, some videos, some information about why we're going to Utah, why we're planting there.
But also you can click that donate button and there you can give one time or monthly and set up that whole process.
So we're excited about what God is doing. We pray that you would partner with us in getting the gospel there and getting
ApologiaUtah that much closer to getting boots on the ground and planting the church.
That's right. And if you've been waiting and if you've been hesitant and you're hearing this news now, I pray that it may urge you to see this opportunity while we have a $30 ,000 matching donation to donate now.
Because like Brother Wade said, we would be over two -thirds of our goal if we match that fully.
That is amazing. So if you were hesitant, I pray that this would push you over that edge to partner with us so we can get out to Utah and help that state come to know the true and living
God. Our goal is to get there and we want to die there. We want to see this state come to Christ and it's the most important thing that we can do in our lives right now.
So we want you to know that. We thank you guys for your prayers. We thank you for your donations. Yes, Christ is establishing his kingdom.
He's putting all his enemies under his feet and he is growing his church throughout this world and Utah is going to be one of the highest
Christian states in America. I believe that. So thank you guys so much. We appreciate you.