Spiritual transition from a Bird Feeder

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. The Spiritual Transition Game is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This game is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from, and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Well, welcome to the Striving Fraternity Spiritual Transition Game. This is a game where what we do is we practice transitioning from anything from the natural world to the spiritual world.
And this is a practicing, this helps us to be able to get into gospel conversations from whatever is around us, whatever is a conversation topic.
And the more you practice this, the better you get at this. You can swing from anything from the natural world into the spiritual world and start conversations.
The way we play this game is you call someone out, usually if you're doing it in a group, you call someone out and you just say, give them an object and say, transition either to a spiritual conversation or to the gospel itself.
Making it just specifically to the gospel is a little bit harder, so I have to transition to the gospel.
Today's topic is bird feeders. Okay, can I transition from bird feeders to the gospel?
This is how I would go about that. One of the neat things about bird feeders, we feed birds and birds just know.
It's amazing how if you put a bird feeder out, you'll even get some regular birds keep coming back. They know the food sources.
Birds don't sit there and worry the way we do about where our next meal is going to come from.
Birds just take care of, are taken care of by their creator. They don't worry about that.
We do. I understand you may think, dude, there is no creator. Really?
How could you possibly worry then about your next meal? Birds don't. Animals don't worry about their next meal.
They don't plan and sit there and go, oh, what if I don't get a meal? Even the ants who sit there and store up food by instinct, they don't worry about their next meal.
They either eat it or they die. But you and I have a conscience. We have an understanding about ourselves and how we fit in the greater universe as far as relation to one another, which is one of the evidences that we can know
God exists. Just like the fact that birds just don't know, they don't worry, they just go and eat wherever they can.
Sometimes provided by those of us who put bird feeders out, we too are provided by God.
God takes care of us. Every breath that's in our lungs is actually a gift of God because if God was completely just the very first time we disobeyed
Him, He could take our lives. That would be just because we broke His law. And because we break
His law, we would be guilty of being criminals in His sight.
But God made a way of escape. God is so good that what He decided to do was He came to earth as a man, died in the place of men, that we might be set free, that we can have eternal life, and that we no longer have to worry about where our next meal is because we know where we will be for eternity.
That's how I would transition from bird feeders to the gospel just off the cuff. How would you go about doing it?
What would be your way of doing it? What you'll find is everyone has, as you go around a room if you have a whole bunch of people, are going to have different ideas of how they would have transitioned.