Are You Holy Spirit Filled?
What action is most immediately connected to the filling of the Holy Spirit in Luke & Acts?
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- So I asked on Facebook the other day, what action is most immediately connected to the filling of the Holy Spirit in Luke and Acts?
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- We got a lot of different answers, and some were correct. And no, it is not speaking in tongues specifically, though tongues is included under the answer.
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- Rather, the action most immediately connected to the filling of the Holy Spirit is the proclamation of the
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- Word of God. We see this in the very first chapter of Luke's Gospel, in verse 15 and 16,
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- John the Baptist will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb, and from there, the text immediately describes the nature of his preaching ministry.
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- Again in Luke chapter 1, as the angel speaks to Mary, he says the Holy Spirit will come upon Mary, at which the
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- Word is made flesh. The eternal Word is made flesh, becomes incarnate by whom
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- God has spoken to us in these last days. Again in Luke chapter 1, when Mary visits
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- Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit, and, verse 42, she cried out with a loud voice.
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- Again in Luke chapter 1, after John is born, in verse 67, his father, Zacharias, is filled with the
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- Holy Spirit, and he prophesied. In Luke chapter 2, the Holy Spirit is upon Simeon, who prophesies concerning the child
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- Jesus. In Luke chapter 3, verse 22, the Spirit descends upon Jesus at his baptism, and the
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- Word of God is proclaimed, this time, the voice of the Father testifying to the identity of his
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- Son. In Luke 4, Jesus returns from his wilderness temptation in the power of the
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- Spirit, beginning his public ministry by proclaiming the Word of God. This is confirmed further in Luke 4, when he reads from the
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- Isaiah Scroll, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel.
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- In Luke 12, Jesus tells his disciples that when they are brought before the authorities, the Holy Spirit will teach them what to speak.
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- In Acts 1, verse 2, Jesus speaks to his apostles by the Holy Spirit. In Acts chapter 1, verse 8, the power of the
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- Holy Spirit is directly linked to being a witness for Christ, which necessarily involves the bold proclamation of his
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- Word. In Acts 1 .16, in the upper room, Peter says, Brethren, the Scripture had to be fulfilled which the
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- Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David. In Acts 2 .4, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the
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- Spirit gave them utterance. And in those foreign languages, they were proclaiming the mighty deeds of God.
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- In Acts 2 .17, Peter quotes Joel, another connection between the Spirit and prophecy. In Acts 4, when
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- Peter and John are arrested, the rulers ask, By what power or in what name have you healed the lame man?
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- And verse 8, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, He speaks. Acts 4 .31, one of my favorites,
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- And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the
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- Word of God with boldness. We see Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit as he preaches in Acts 7.
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- I'll leave it to you to search out the rest, but I think this is a fascinating observation that suggests that where the
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- Holy Spirit is present, the Word of God will be proclaimed. And if a church claims to be
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- Spirit -filled, but does not preach the Word, or even decentralizes the proclamation of the