Were Adam and Eve Saved?



Ryan Turner of www.carm.org discusses the concept of salvation for Adam and Eve.


Were Adam and Eve actually saved? The Bible does not explicitly state whether Adam and Eve went to heaven.
While Adam and Eve later serve as examples of sinful failure in the rest of Scripture, we do know at least two instances later in the
Genesis narrative where Eve, for example, exhibited faith in God. In our first example,
Eve believed that God was going to send her a promised child, referring to Cain. This is in Genesis 4 -1.
Now the man had relations with his wife Eve and she conceived and gave birth to Cain and she said, I've gotten a man -child with the help of the
Lord, as Genesis 4 -1 again. From this first passage, we see that Eve trusted in the promise of God to provide a child.
Again, this is after the fall, this is after Adam and Eve sinned. However, tragically, Cain actually kills
Abel and God expels him from the presence of Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter 4 verses 12 through 16.
Not only has Eve lost Abel, she has also lost her firstborn son Cain since he's basically sent away.
Despite her dire circumstances, Eve continues to trust God to provide. We later read in Genesis, Adam had relations with his wife again and she gave birth to a son and named him
Seth, which literally means appointed. For she said, God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him.
So in Genesis 4 -25, which was that passage, Eve's showing faith in God. Again, Eve continues to rely on the promise of God.
This time she actually receives the appointed child who did not cause the heartache which Cain caused her.
I think a second point we need to make and understand from the passage is that Eve is actually an example of faith. According to the
Bible, humans were always justified or made right before God, before God by faith.
That's in Genesis 15 -6, Romans 4 -1 -11 and also Hebrews 11 -6 talk about that theme.
Therefore, since Eve believed in the Lord, there is good reason to believe that she was actually saved. Eve, in spite of her initial failure in the
Garden of Eden, as in Genesis 3 -16, can certainly serve as a model of faith and trust as a result of her later actions of faith in the book of Genesis, as in Genesis 4 -1 and Genesis 4 -25.
If Adam followed her wise example, which is likely since it was through him that Jesus came, he would have been saved also.
I think a second point we need to take into account is the fact of the atonement. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve sinned against God by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
After they sinned by eating the fruit, they became aware of their sinfulness and sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves, as Genesis 3 -7 indicates.
Then Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the
Lord God among the trees of the garden, as in Genesis 3 -8. It is quite likely that the reference to the
Lord God walking in the garden refers to the pre -incarnate Jesus. This pre -incarnate Jesus then made atonement for Adam and Eve by providing animal skins for their bodies, and it says in Genesis 3 -21, "...the
Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." Typologically, these two passages,
Genesis 3 -7 and Genesis 3 -21, may be a reference to man's failed attempt to cover his sin by his own actions, which would be symbolized by the leaf aprons, but God providing his own covering through the atonement with an implied sacrifice, which would be the death of an animal to provide a covering of Adam and Eve with the skins.
If this is the case, then Adam and Eve both would have been saved. So, whereas scripture is not explicitly clear on this issue,