The Difficult Life of a Christian SJW

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Brothers, we should have sympathy for SJW's in our midst. Their lives arent as easy as you might think. You never know when the mob will turn on must be exhausting.


You know, you should have some sympathy for social justice warriors because their lives are very difficult.
It must be exhausting to constantly be worried if you're Getting behind the right cause signing the right petition making sure that you know
Your purity is intact at all times because nothing is more important to social justice Ideology than complete purity you need to be on board 100 % or you are not an ally
And so you need to be an ally of course if you're gonna be a social justice warrior also Making sure you've apologized enough for the other people the sins of other people or sins of your identity group because that's also very important to maintaining purity
So, you know have a little sympathy for social justice warriors They live they live a tough life and I'll say this, you know
Recently Paige Patterson has become the target of a social justice mob for some jokes that he made a couple
Probably like two decades ago Also, I guess he didn't recommend divorce fast enough for certain couples
So obviously he's a raging misogynist and nobody needs to be fired more quickly than a raging misogynist
We all know that and so you would think that it'd be very easy an easy decision to get behind the petition to have him
Fired or to have him resign at least You would think that for a social justice warrior, that would be a very easy decision to make not so not so This is why
I think you should have some sympathy for him. Here is a tweet from Kyle J Howard and He's lamenting he's worried about signing this petition because here's here's what he says
The petition is addressed to women and invites other women to sign. It doesn't invite men
I would be happy to sign it but in honor of my sisters, I do not want to invite myself
They have to deal with it for too long men dominating or commandeering spaces that they are abounding in So you see it's not so simple because if you're a man and you sign this petition
Well, you might be a misogynist because you're trying to commandeer and dominate their space.
I Forgot my drink. I said space. I'm sorry. So you see it's not so simple You know, this is obviously a cause that we that as men we we need to get behind But you can't do it unless you're invited in by the women because they are the ones who really have the power here now
Here's the thing. There is a solution. So so fear not social justice warriors fear not.
Oops. I'm sorry here There's a solution Here we go Kyle J. Howard, can someone please get a petition going for the men in the
SPC who want to stand with their sisters? I don't feel like it's enough to simply retweet.
We I think we men need to put our names down as well We need to be willing to allow our standing with our sisters to cost us
That's very true Because if you sign this petition, I'm sure there are tons of people that are gonna fire you and they're gonna be mad at you
So it's gonna cost you a lot. It takes a lot of courage to be against misogyny. We all know that So here's the solution, you know, we have to segregate our petitions that the petition that was already going around That's only for women.
Don't you dare sign that you social justice warrior man, unless you're a misogynist. Are you misogynist? Here is we found it a
Well -done letter about Paige Patterson for men has just been released and Kyle J Howard has heroically signed that petition
He's not trying to validate his sister's voices because that would be misogynist and evil But because they speak with the full authorities that state
Saints in Christ. He stands with them. You see this is good on Kyle Howard He navigated this so perfectly and you see his life is very difficult.
You have to understand he you know He wanted to support them, but there was no petition for men so he couldn't and so he was able to navigate his way through exactly the
Perfect way for a social justice warrior to handle this situation. So you should Give him lots of props because I'm sure that was very heart -wrenching.
That was very difficult to do But he figured it out and so as you can see the life of a social justice where is not always as Straightforward as it might seem you make one wrong move and pretty soon you're gonna end up just like Paige Patterson now there's another example of this in the
SBC the SBC seems to be the perfect place to sort of draw these examples from here is a heroic heroic
Resolution that is going to be introduced at the June 2018 convention and you can read through this and you will see that what this is is a
Resolution that says that the Southern Baptist Convention is against racism
Wow in 2018 the Southern Baptist Convention is against racism
And I think that we need to spend some time talking about this discussing it Debating it and making sure that everybody in the world knows look it even says here.
We confess between the watching world Wow racism is evil that is
Look at this we declare our abhorrence of any SBC Church that tolerates and advocates racism
Now that is shocking and courageous I must say and here's the thing I'm pretty sure that that this kind of thing has been done many times before You know
You got it You got to make sure that you're making that you're you're making you're repenting
You're apologizing enough for racism making sure every every year you kind of re up your your your your all of your