Highlight: Stand With Warriors Update


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this Clip Luke was able to have our good friend Davis Younts on the show to provide an Update with where we are in the Stand With Warriors front. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


If you saw the last show we had with Davis, he, as a lawyer working with our 501c3 stand with warriors is the group we started to, uh, help our, um, brothers and sisters in the armed forces start, started with the seals specifically, um, that are being forced to take the vaccine.
And so we're going to get an update from Davis today. Davis, uh, fill us in, there's,
I know some really, uh, favorable things happening, some positive things, um, since we had you on last.
So let us know what's going on and we'll just get into it. Yeah, it sounds good. And I wanted to start with talking about where we were.
So when you and I met the first time and we were in a room with those Navy seals, what we were facing and I was facing as a military member was the threat of court -martial.
Um, we've come a long way since then. Some very good things have happened because of organizations like stand with warriors, because the work you're doing, getting this information out to the public
Congress acted and they changed the national defense authorization act so that court -martial isn't the threat anymore for most military members.
It's different. And there's also some good things that are happening in the courts. And there's a few different cases that I want to highlight the
Texas case, um, being run by first Liberty Institute, Mike Berry, who's a Lieutenant Colonel in the
Marine Corps, got an injunction for 35 Navy seals there. Um, and then we have
Liberty council who has gotten an injunction for two military members in the Florida case. And then in the
Southern district of Georgia, we have another attorney that got an injunction for a single, um, air force
Lieutenant Colonel. So in each of those cases, what has stayed the same is that the judges are seeing what the military has done so far as just political theater.
Um, judges have called it a ruse. They've called it political theater. That's what it's been so far specifically with regard to religious accommodations and the military, the
DOJ DOJ, um, and their filings in those cases, it's just been ignoring the religious freedom restoration act.
They have been doing blanket denials for military members, ignoring religious freedom. So, um, we are right in the middle of the fight.
Still, we've had some great momentum. We've had some good political victories, some good court victories, but we are kind of in the, in the heat of this fight, because even though we're getting this relief, we still have everyday military members being discharged because of their religious faith.
So that's, I guess that's the place to start. So I know you mentioned a couple of those court cases.
Um, when do you expect some of those judgments to come?
I know, and maybe get into that a little bit more. Cause I know there's been some again, positive things that have happened and I've had to ask you,
Hey, Davis, what does that mean? Cause I'm like, you're like sharing, but like, Hey, this is good. And I'm like, cool. What does that mean?
So, uh, for us, non -lawyer types. Right. So we'll, we'll start with the
Texas case of first, the Texas case, uh, first liberty Institute, Mike Berry, they brought that case on behalf of 35
Navy SEALs. Um, and what they were able to get from judge O 'Connor in that case was an injunction as applied to those
Navy SEALs, um, those specific individuals on the basis that the, the, the
DOD and the DOJ were ignoring the religious freedom restoration act. And they were just denying, um, religious freedom applications exemptions from this vaccine, uh, without consideration for religious faith and without really any consideration for mission impact or alternative mitigating factors.
Right. So not to get too far into the law, but that was the first case that broke more important to me in that case was the judge's rationale.
The judge made it very clear that the DOD and the DOJ were not following the law when it comes to standard accepted practices for religious accommodations, that case, as it moves forward, they will seek an injunction that applies to all
Navy. So the next news we can hope for out of that case is an injunction that applies to all
Navy. Um, and again, I will say, you know, praise God for things that happened in that case.
I got connected to a Navy Lieutenant commander who was able to provide whistleblower information to the attorneys in that case.
We were able to get them in their hands. They were able to use that information and it's documentation that proved the
Navy had a 52 step plan to deny all religious accommodation requests.
So it was really like a flow chart, but all of the answers get to know. So it wasn't a choose your own adventure where some at some point you can get to a, yes, the fix was in, and the answer was going to be no in that case.
So that was huge. Um, and then Liberty council, the Florida case, a little bit of a different posture from the beginning.
Liberty council has been trying to get class certification, meaning they're trying to get a class action that will cover all military members.
So that's what they're going for. That's going to take a little more time, but what they've been able to do, um, the judge originally set the deadline for a hearing in that case for September, September of 2022.
By that point, it's going to be too late for most of us. Most of my clients is going to be too late, but they were able to move up that deadline by showing the judge in that case, ask for numbers, ask for raw data of what was happening with these religious accommodations.
So we're able to get a hearing to military members testified. Um, a lot of my clients put in declarations for that case.
And now we're in a situation where we're waiting could happen today. It could happen tomorrow. It could happen early next week, but we could see a, an injunction for all of DOD, all military members in that case.
It could happen very soon. So that's definitely a big thing to pray for. So say that that injunction happens and essentially it's just back to work, like nothing ever happened or what would be the outcome of that?
So what that would do is it would stop what they, what we specifically asked for with Liberty council in that case is stop all adverse actions.
Cause what's happening right now to my clients and military members is, uh, those with a very little time in that don't have a right to due process are just getting kicked out.
They're just being pushed out typically with an honorable discharge, but they're out of a job out on the street. If you will, those that are entitled to a board.
So your, your officers, your folks with more than six years in a lot of our seal friends are in a position where, um, if their appeal is denied and so far all of our clients have had their appeals denied, then they have five days to get the shot.
If they don't get the shot, then they're facing disciplinary action. Um, and then administrative separation through a board process.
So if we can get this injunction granted, it will stop the discharges and it will stop adverse actions.
And then part of the litigation will be to, uh, us to get information to Liberty council on what else the judge needs to do to make people whole.
So there's a lot of different negative things, discriminatory things that have happened to, to our clients that we're still fighting every day, but hopefully that injunction in Florida will put a stop to some of that.
Well, you, and you mentioned earlier about, um, I guess kind of making the situation whole for individuals, even what is that kind of,
I'm sure that there's kind of a spectrum of things, but what does that look like?
Right. There, there's a spectrum of things. So there's sort of the immediate, which is stop, stop punishing people, stop denying, uh, religious accommodation requests on lawfully start recognizing medical exemptions fairly, start recognizing natural immunity.
That's part of it. Um, but the other thing that it's going to take quite frankly, is it's probably going to take, um, federal legislation at this point to, um, change the way things are happening.
So the federal judges can put a stop to things, but there is legislation that's out there.
Chip Roy, Congressman Chip Roy has introduced legislation that is designed to restore benefits and everything else to military members.
So how it worked, it would say, if you choose to be, you can be fully restated, restored in the military with back pay back to the status you were before you were kicked out over the vaccine.
And it would also stop funding for the military to enforce the vaccine mandate. So, um,
Congress sadly could have acted before they approved, um, the last continuing resolution to stop, um, this issue with the mandate, but they would have had to stop, shut down the federal government at least for 24, 48 hour period to do that.
But as we come back, there'll be another vote on a continuing resolution coming up soon. Um, and you know, conservatives like Chip Roy and others are pushing, we had 46, uh,
Republican senators vote to, to stop this mandate at the deadline for the last continuing resolution.
So public pressure is huge right now. It's not just donating to groups like stand with warriors.
It's not just getting involved there. It's, it's pressure on Congress. Um, there were four Republicans that left town rather than vote to stop that, um, and to stop the mandate.
So it's probably important to learn who those are and contact their offices and put some pressure on them, right?
Because, um, that's, that's a big deal. That would be huge for my clients if pressure was put on those four
Republicans who just left town rather than staying for that vote and our Navy seals. I mean, these guys that we met with, you heard that over and over again.
I know you, you did. And I did. I mean that, why, why are you guys taking this stand? We asked that question. Why? You know, we're trying to figure that out both spiritually and just to understand these men.
And they're like, if we're Navy seals who swear an oath to support and defend the constitution of the
United States, and we're not willing to take a stand when we see tyranny and we see, you know, the very idea that the government can, can shut down churches, shut down chaplains and can dictate to people medical treatments they receive, like with no regard for, for religion, like what's next.
If we don't take a stand, who will, um, that's really motivated these guys. And I think, you know, they're people that push back and, oh, you get a lot of shots in the military.
Why wouldn't you just get the shot? Are you scared of a shot? You know, for our guys, you know, this, they've gotten the shots, but none has ever been like this.
And there's so many differences between this vaccine and others. But the other thing that's been scary is the military and society as a whole have treated this vaccine completely differently.
All the rules, all the legal regulations, all the exemptions that apply to other vaccines that, you know,
I've gotten exemptions for medical reasons, things like that from other vaccines, they don't apply for this. The only medical exemption you're really going to get truly going to get is if you have an adverse reaction to the first round, if it damages you so severely that it might kill you to get the next one, then they will, you know, then they will let you off the hook.
And that doesn't even go into, um, you know, the other, the other ways they've handled this, but, um, absolutely.
We have to stand strong on these issues. Um, and you know, our military has led the way on this.
These Navy SEALs have led the way on this. So praise God for that. Yeah. Plus if you already had an adverse reaction, then you're probably undeployable anyways.
Well, they're like, now you get the exemption. Well, I can't even do anything now because my heart's jacked up. Like it's so, it's so stupid.
Doesn't make any sense. Did you just, you said that just now that you've, you are, you've received religious exemption on other vaccines in the past.
I haven't, I haven't received a religious exemption for other vaccines. I have received medical exemptions easily from other vaccines, but I, we have clients that have received religious exemptions, not in the
Navy, in the other services for vaccines. That's, that's not new. That's not new. It's just been, it's never been impossible until this vaccine.
That's, that's such a great point. I had completely missed that too. Cause, um, you know, that's what makes us even more atrocious is because, you know, most people are like, well, you just get all the vaccines.
What's the problem? You know? And it's like, well, no, this has been a conversation. This is something that's been ongoing, you know, that people have received exemptions for.
So that's, that's a super, super important point right there. And all that, all that to say, there's still not
FDA approved in compliance with what the law requires vaccine available for any military member yet.
And we track that all the time. We track batch numbers. And so, you know, DOD, DOJ had to admit that in the
Florida case. It's crazy. I mean, so that that's just, and that isn't even the primary issue to me.
The primary issue is, is the religious freedom issue. But all that is a background to say, they still have not provided an
FDA approved vaccine for military members. Well, that's, that's huge. And that's really important because I think, uh, that's gonna, that's kind of getting swept, you know, under the rug is a lot that has to be a requirement for all these vaccines.
These guys have gotten, and you know, that's a major concern for these guys. They're like, this isn't
FDA approved. Um, you know, obviously it's causing adverse reactions. Um, yeah, that's, that's, that's a huge point that I, you know, you're not really hearing a lot of people talk about.
People are hesitant because it's nuanced because they're like, well, the FDA said it was approved and it takes a lot of work because you have the only vaccine that is technically
FDA approved. And DOD admitted this in the Florida case is it has to be produced after the date of the
FDA approval. And it has to be produced at a BLA approved lab, meaning a lab where it meets all the specifications.
And they're that vaccinate that vaccine is not being produced for any vaccine in the
United States yet. It's not being distributed in the United States yet. And we're looking at batch numbers and, and every military installation where this comes up and we have yet to see a single batch that actually meets those requirements.
And one of the concerns is what, what does that mean? Why are they hesitant to produce the vaccine here in the
United States? And the answer is there has to be more transparency in adverse effects. Once they start producing the
FDA approved vaccines, there's different tracking requirements that come in. So all that is a huge factor in all of this.
But again, we're still asking the question, how is this even a lawful order? If you don't have an
FDA approved vaccine to provide to our clients and yeah, it's a foundational issue still.