133. Open Borders (Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin - Reason #7)



In this video, Pastor Kendall Lankford exposes the dangerous truth behind open borders and explains why supporting the Democratic Party’s open-border policies is not just a political stance, but a sin against God’s design for nations. Pastor Kendall breaks down how Marxist and globalist ideologies have infiltrated these policies, undermining national sovereignty and leading to societal chaos. Through Scripture, he reveals how these policies directly oppose God's divine order for governance, justice, and security. Discover why voting for leaders who champion open borders is a betrayal of Biblical principles and how Christians must stand firm in protecting the sovereignty of nations as part of God's ordained plan. If you're ready for bold, unfiltered Biblical teaching that challenges modern ideologies, this video is for you. πŸ”” Subscribe for more teachings on Biblical truth and culture! πŸ”” Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_3vCL8AM6U3sJIAzq9vnA/join πŸ“’ Like, share, and comment to spread the Gospel further! πŸ“’ Follow us on Social Media: 🌐 Website - https://www.theshepherds.church πŸ“˜ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Kendall.W.Lankford 🐦 X - https://twitter.com/KendallLankford πŸ“Έ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theshepherdschurch/ 🎡 TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@reformed_pastor Join us in worship at The Shepherd's Church: πŸ“ Location: 10 Jean Ave, Chelmsford, MA 01824 πŸ“… Service Time: Sunday School @ 8:30am, Lord’s Day Worship @ 10am Contact us: πŸ“§ [email protected] πŸ“ž (978) 304-6265 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support]


134. Feminism (Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin - Reason #6)

But, but this was a nation that loved God. And look at what has happened in just a couple generations.
In just a couple decades. Our country's turned its back on God in every conceivable metric.
And what has happened? Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 16 prophesied it.
When a nation turns its back on God, their borders get erased. It is exactly what has happened.
Hello everyone and welcome back to the broadcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 133, the seventh reason why voting
Democrat is a sin, open borders. Well hello again and welcome back to the broadcast.
If you're new here, we are in the middle of a brand new series called 10 Reasons Why Voting for the
Democrats is a Sin. And today we're gonna be on reason number seven, which is the open borders.
Now, while the open border has been described to you and I in such loving and humanitarian ways, and while we've been pummeled with pictures of children in cages and families on the brink of starvation, rejoicing that they've made it to America no doubt, everything that you have been told about the border has been a lie.
They've sold us a fairy tale like that of Shrek, except we're the ones left with the ogres.
Everything has been a deliberate manipulation from the heart -wrenching images of politicians on TV parroting their talking points to everything else.
But we're about today to break through all of the smoke and mirrors and madness. Today we're gonna pull back the curtain a little bit and expose the twisted reality that's been carefully hidden from our view.
This open border is no accident. It's a very coordinated attack upon the very fabric of our country, and we are gonna expose it today.
Now, along with that, I'm gonna show you how the Bible makes a clear case against open borders and gives us a clear vision for what government is supposed to do.
And by the end, I believe that we will yet again see how voting for the Democratic Party is nothing short of sin against country and sin against our
God. Now, before we begin, I do wanna tell you thank you for being here. Thank you for watching the show. Thank you for supporting us.
I cannot get over the fact that when we began this in January, we had 100 subscribers because I didn't even use the
YouTube channel. When was I using it at all? Somehow, accidentally, I don't know how we accumulated 100 subscribers.
So thank you if you're a part of the first 100. But since then, we've added 1 ,200 subscribers just since we've been posting these videos.
We've posted videos on eschatology and videos on culture, and I'm so thankful that you've made this channel so successful.
Thank you to all the emails, all the encouragement, and thank you to our members who have just recently joined the broadcast.
Thank you for your support. If you'd like to join, go to our YouTube page and click Join Membership. You can read all about it there.
But now, let us dive in and talk about open borders. The history of open borders.
The concept of open borders, often disguised as humanitarian and inclusive, is far from a recent phenomenon.
This agenda, while presented as compassionate, is a deeply rooted political tool that's aimed at destabilizing nations.
Now, to fully understand the implications of today's immigration fiasco, it's essential to trace its origins and its motivations, which are grounded both in Marxism and globalism, each seeking to dismantle national sovereignty for the sake of control and the centralization of power.
The intellectual foundation for open borders can be traced all the way back to the ninth century theorist named
Karl Marx and Frederick Enkels, who laid the groundwork for class warfare, emphasizing the need to create social unrest as a precursor to revolution.
They argue that national boundaries were tools of the bourgeoisie and used to divide and weaken the global working class of people.
Marx's rallying cry, workers of the world unite, encapsulated his belief that true revolution could only occur if workers transcended their national identities and united across borders.
Now, while Marx never explicitly advocated for open borders as we understand them today, the dismantling of national borders was implied as a part of his broader revolutionary framework.
Marx viewed the state and its laws as instruments of the ruling class that were designed to maintain power and to suppress the proletariat.
For Marxist, borders were artificial constructs that kept the working man down, thus preventing the global revolution that they envisioned.
Now, fast forward to the 20th century and we see Marxist intellectuals like Antonio Gramsci refining
Marxist strategy. Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony stressed the importance of undermining a society's values and institutions from within.
Gramsci said that the West was way too strong to just fall based off of an economic attack like Karl Marx had envisioned.
So Gramsci envisioned a much larger attack, an attack that went after the schools and after religion and after government and after the media and after entertainment in every sector of Western civilization.
Gramsci didn't need to call for open borders. His theories actually empowered those who came later who sought to weaken a country's national identity and social cohesion.
Often, promoting unchecked immigration as a means to dilute a culture and a nation's unity.
Now, in the US today, these Marxist ideas have permeated, guess who, the far left political movements which advocate for open borders under the guise of compassion and justice.
They'll tell you that we're doing this because of the children and we're doing this because of the families and we're doing this because of all of these other things, but they're not, it's a lie.
The effect of mass immigration, particularly when poorly managed, like it is in government, often result in economic and social instability for the entire country, which
Marx saw as the fertile ground for revolution. Studies show that illegal immigration drives down wages, particularly in the middle class and low -income workers.
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, illegal immigration has a disproportionately negative effect on the wages in industries that are blue -collar, like construction, agriculture, and hospitality, industries that are often occupied by native -born workers with high school -level educations, which is the majority of the working class.
The chaos created by this wage suppression provides the Marxist with the kind of fuel and the opportunity that they need to argue for more governmental control and intervention with the pretense of protecting the working class.
Let me say it to you this way. The government does this. The government creates the problem and then offers the government as the solution to the problem they created.
This is exactly what Marxism does, especially with open borders. Under the guise of, we're doing it for the babies, we're doing it for the families, we're doing it for this and under that guise, they've created massive unrest, massive problems in our society, and now they offer themselves as the solution.
Talk about narcissism. Now, while Marxist theories lay the ideological groundwork for dismantling national borders, it's also globalism that has come along and has put the mechanism behind these policies that's put them into practice.
Globalist thinkers, particularly in the 20th century, envisioned a world without borders, where global governance would replace the sovereignty of individual states.
This idea is not a conspiracy theory. This is the direction that the world has been heading for decades.
And it was promoted first by prominent figures like H .G. Wells, who spoke of a new world order.
And he viewed national borders as obstacles to global unity. Globalism seeks to concentrate power in the hands of a few, the international institutions like the
United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the
Trilateral Council, Bilderberg Group, and people like that. These organizations, while ostensibly, or at least on the surface, were designed to promote cooperation and economic stability, the kind of kumbaya where we all hold hands and sing, well, instead, they've often been used to weaken the independence of nation states and to crush countries that follow after their policies.
George Soros, you might know the term, you might know the name, a major proponent of open borders, has openly stated that state sovereignty must be subordinated to the international law and institutions.
Soros is saying that it doesn't matter what you think as a nation, you must subordinate, you must give your authority over to the global elites who are better equipped to run your country than you are.
Soros and other global elites view the dissolution of national borders as a means to consolidate power in the hands of a few, rendering individual nations less capable of defending their own interests.
So for instance, instead of having a few people who are in power in every nation, there's a select group of people who wants to strip all of that away and become the people who are empowered over the entire world.
It's narcissistic, it's greedy, and it's doomed to fail. Now, the
U .S. has increasingly found itself subject to these kinds of pressures. The U .S. is the most powerful country in the world still to this day.
But if you want to beat the biggest country in the world, or if you wanna cause a policy, let's say it this way, if you wanna take over the world, you have to take over the most powerful country first, and the pressures have been mounting for America to bow the knee to globalism for decades.
The push for open borders, heavily supported by, guess who, the Democrats, aligns with this global vision and aligns with the globalist view of reducing a nation's sovereignty in the favor of international power.
In 1965, for instance, Immigration and Nationality Act, which was signed by President Lyndon B.
Johnson, a wicked man, you can do the research yourself, this was a critical turning point in U .S.
history. This is where the pressure started mounting. Now, prior to this act, the U .S. immigration policy wasn't perfect, but it was better.
It was based on national origin quotas, and it was designed to preserve this country's cultural and demographic balance.
But in 1965, that act eliminated these quotas, and it led to a dramatic shift in the makeup of the
American population over the following decades. Before this, it was prioritizing
European and countries who were gonna come to America who had a very similar moral and cultural framework as us, so that the assimilation would be easy.
But after 1965, it opened it up to the world, to people who don't share our values, our culture, our way of life.
Now, Johnson promised the American people that this law would not significantly alter
American demographics, a promise that was quickly broken. Between 1970 and 2015, the foreign -born population of the
United States grew from a marginal 4 .7 % to 13 .5%,
tripling in that time period. And that massive influx, largely from non -European countries with people who don't share our
American values, it's transformed the culture and the political landscape of this nation.
While immigration has long been a source of American strength, especially the legal kind, this scale and the lack of assimilation encouraged by this post -1965 policy has posted significant challenges to the social cohesion and the fabric of American life.
The consequences of open border policies have extended far beyond mere demographic shifts and pay wages.
Illegal immigration places an enormous strain on public services, like police, who have to now catch the rapists and the criminals who are pouring across the border.
And that's not just a GOP or Republican talking point. If you put an open border and you encourage people to come, then people are going to come who are probably not the right people.
And if President Trump is right, that countries are actually encouraging their worst citizens to come to America, well, now imagine the strain on law enforcement, the strain on Border Patrol, the strain on DEA, the strain on all of these organizations must be immense.
So it's increased the strain on our public services, especially in border states like Texas and Arizona, where schools and hospitals and law enforcements are absolutely overwhelmed by the influx of undocumented immigrants.
A 2020 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, FAIR, estimates that illegal immigration costs the
US taxpayers $132 billion annually, which has to be a conservative figure because the government never estimates anything correctly.
This is a figure that continues to rise and it continues to demonstrate just how much this is costing our people.
These costs include public education for immigrants, healthcare for immigrants, law enforcement that has to arrest the immigrants, welfare services for immigrants, all of which are strained by the growing number of migrants who are contributing almost nothing in taxes, but are requiring substantial public support.
Your and my tax debt and burden is increasing as others are coming to the
United States and basically getting to leech off of our good economy.
The Democrats' support for these policies goes hand in hand with their broader political strategy. By flooding the country with new populations, the
Democratic Party is effectively shifting the electorate. Now, the goal is clear.
They need to create a new voting bloc that will depend upon their government services and therefore be more likely to support them and vote for them.
This is not a conspiracy theory. If you remember in the 1950s and 60s, California was a pretty reasonably
Republican state, and yet by open borders and immigration, California was completely transformed into a liberal dumpster fire.
Now, if they get their way, they're going to do the exact same thing in Arizona, which they're trying to do right now.
They've already done it in New Mexico, and the big prize is Texas and Florida.
If the Democrats can flood Texas and Florida with illegal immigration, then they can win every election from here on out because there is no way, technically speaking, to win the election if you have
California, Texas, Florida, and New York. It's just impossible. So if they can shift
Texas, they win every time, functionally turning our country into a one -party system.
That's exactly what they're doing, and they're using the open borders to accomplish it, even though, again, under the guise of we're the party of empathy.
Now, the cultural consequences are equally significant. A 2019 Pew Research study found that 44 % of Americans believe immigrants are changing the country for the worse.
Pew is notoriously on the low end and often pushes their statistics towards the liberal bend, so that number is most certainly underreported.
But it is clear to me, at least, that at least 50 % of the population believes that this is having a negative impact on the country, that it's causing cultural and social norms to be eroded.
This reflects a growing unease among the American population that feels that their communities are being transformed in ways that threaten the nation.
Now, while legal immigration, when managed properly, enriches a country, most of us, we're children of immigrants, the rapid and unregulated influx that we're seeing today is stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and it's causing mass social fragmentation, and it's ultimately gonna lead to the breaking apart of our country.
Under the Biden -Harris administration, the open border agenda has reached insanity levels.
The reversal of Trump -era policies, such as the halting at the border or the remain -in -Mexico policy, have resulted in record -breaking surges of illegal crossings to the degree that none of us ever thought possible.
For instance, in 2021, over 1 .7 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border, which is the highest number ever recorded.
That is essentially one person in every 200 people in this country are now illegal.
That is astounding, and the administration's refusal to do anything about it or to enforce immigration laws has created an absolute humanitarian crisis with illegal immigrants overwhelming border patrol agents and causing public services and border states to be buckled underneath the strain.
The crisis is not a result of incompetence, although there's plenty of that to go around, and it's also not the result of mismanagement, which also is an abundant supply, but it is a deliberate political strategy that goes all the way back to Karl Marx.
They are trying to break our country. Why? So they can consolidate power in a few people who will then hand it over to or be given positions in the new globalist world.
That's the goal, that's what they're doing, and they're using not just open borders, they're using racism, they're using sodomy and LGBTQ crap to do this as well.
They're using all of these different tools to give a multi -sided attack. You and I are being attacked 360 degrees right now as a country so that they can dismantle
American power and turn it over to the globalist. Again, do your own research. This is not a conspiracy theory.
By creating chaos at the border, the Biden administration is furthering the Democratic Party's long -term goal of transforming the electorate and of transforming this nation into a globalist paradise, and it will not work.
That's the history of open borders. Now let's turn to the biblical case against it.
The biblical case against open borders. When we examine what the
Bible says, we see that nations and borders and governments are all a part of God's divine design for order and justice in the world.
Now, while many today are gonna argue for a borderless society in the name of compassion and unity, the
Bible presents a very clear framework that emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty, the role of national government, and the need for a country to maintain its borders in a secure fashion.
The loss of borders is often depicted by the Bible as a curse and a judgment from God, which means that a strong border is necessary.
And it signals that the withdrawal of his protection and favor when borders collapse means that it's a sign of his protection and his love for a country when they have strong borders.
Now, in the remainder of this episode, we're gonna explore the biblical principles that show how open borders contradict
God's word, and we're gonna start with God's design for the nation. God's creation of the nations is part of his overarching plan for order in the world.
He doesn't design a world that's gonna be a globalist utopia, newsflash. He doesn't.
He designs a world that would be divided into nation states that have order and who work with other nation states to accomplish his peace.
Acts 17 .26 states that, and he has made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling places.
This passage reveals that nations and their borders are not arbitrary human constructs, but they've been divinely ordained.
It says that God is the one who established them. God determines not only the time periods in which nations rise and fall in the history of man, but also the specific boundaries that define them, which means that the
American empire, the contiguous United States along with Alaska and Hawaii, those boundaries have been not determined by us, but they've been determined by God.
Throughout the Bible, we see that borders play a crucial role in the life of nations. Deuteronomy 32 .8,
it says, when the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the people.
This division was not random, but it was purposeful, and it ensured that the nations had their own space to govern, develop, and flourish under God's guidance.
It tells us that God himself chose the borders, which means that borders are a good thing that divide the nations from other nations.
The biblical narrative affirms that borders are essential for maintaining peace, for maintaining order, stability, and justice, and nations are called to respect their borders and to honor the borders of their neighbors.
Think about the Great Commission in Matthew 28, 18 -20. Jesus does not tell us to go into all the world and make disciples, he doesn't say that.
He says in Matthew 28, 18 -20, specifically verse 19, go and make disciples of all the nations.
The church is tasked with reaching across borders to bring the gospel to all the nations, which means that nations are going to exist until the very end.
If God told us to do this, and he's not gonna return until we've done that, then that means nations are going to be there every generation of the way until God, until Christ returns.
This doesn't mean that we're to dissolve national boundaries, God doesn't call us to a borderless global society, but to distinct nations, to bring the gospel to nations, and that will continue until the end.
The next thing that we need to talk about in the biblical case is how when nations lost their borders, it was a sign of God's judgment.
The Bible gives numerous examples of nations and cities that lost their borders as a part of God's wrath and his curse and his judgment upon them.
These losses were not merely political defeats, but they were a sign of God's curse and his removal of protection.
For instance, let's go in chronological order for a second. In 1406 BC, the city of Jericho.
Jericho is the first city to fall in Joshua's conquest in the
Promised Land. Its walls were miraculously brought down by God's power by the singing choir of the
Israelites, symbolizing that God was bringing a curse upon Canaan for their longstanding wickedness.
Joshua 6 details this. The obliteration of their borders and their walls was a sign that God had removed his protection from them, allowing
Israel to conquer them. Joshua's curse on anyone who attempted to rebuild the city,
Joshua 6 .26, emphasized that Jericho's destruction was not about their military defeat, but about their spiritual judgment.
What we learn from that is when God decides to remove his protection from a country, it involves dismantling their borders.
We should be careful. How about in 612 BC, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire, Nineveh was prophesied by God to be destroyed because of its extreme violence and cruelty.
You can read about that in Nahum 1 -3. When the Babylonians and the Medes invaded, Nineveh's borders were completely razed.
That just means brought to nothing. The city was left in ruins, marking divine judgment on Assyria for its sins.
Nahum 3 portrays this destruction as God's response to Nineveh's arrogance and their oppression of the other nations.
God erased their border because they had broken covenant with him, which means that those who keep covenant with God should have strong borders.
Again, we should be very careful here. How about Samaria in 722 BC, the
Northern Kingdom of Israel with its capital called Samaria fell to the Assyrians as punishment for their idolatry and rebellion.
Second Kings 17, Samaria's borders were breached and its people were exiled, marking the end of the
Northern Kingdom. And the loss of its borders was both a political and a spiritual judgment signaling the fact that God had withdrawn his protection.
We see the same thing again. What about Jerusalem in 586 BC? The capital of Judah was
Jerusalem and it was destroyed by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar. This event fulfilled the warnings of the prophets like Jeremiah, who predicted that the city walls were gonna be breached because of Judah's idolatry and a rejection of God.
Second Kings 25, the destruction of Jerusalem's border symbolized God's removal of his blessings upon that people.
Again, we have to be careful because the picture that is being shown to us in the
Bible is that when God is blessing a nation, he protects and maintains their borders, but when
God's wrath comes upon a nation, he destroys them. Could it be that we are under the wrath of God and he is using the idiots in the democratic party to even affect his own judgment upon this people?
Back in those days, his covenantal blessings led to the exile or the removal of his covenant blessings led to the exile of the
Jewish people. What will it mean for us today? How about Edom in 586
BC? The nation of Edom, you'll remember, was a sister nation to the Jews, but had long been hostile towards Israel and was cursed by God for its arrogance.
Obadiah prophesied that Edom's borders were gonna be erased by invading armies as punishment for gloating over Judah's destruction.
Obadiah 1, 10 through 14. The erasure of Edom's borders was a sign of God's fury and their failure.
Again, we see it over and over again. What about Jerusalem in 8070? We've talked about that a lot on the show.
Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 and in Luke 21, 20 through 24 that the walls of Jerusalem were going to come crashing down, and when the
Romans, led by General Titus, raised the city and tore down its walls, the prophecy was fulfilled.
The event marked the end of the Second Temple Jewish period. It was the exacting of divine retribution against the nation that killed the
Christ and persecuted his people, and this destruction of Jerusalem's borders was not just a military defeat, but it was a spiritual doom that God brought upon a wicked people by removing his protective presence from their nation.
Brothers and sisters, it's clear to me that the
Bible is saying to us that when a nation is under the blessings of God, he maintains their borders, and when they come under his punishment and wrath, he erases them.
We better be careful. Third thing I wanna talk about in this biblical section is the curse of losing borders.
The loss of borders in biblical terms represents more than a political defeat. We've talked about that. It signifies God's withdrawal, his removing of his protection, his favor, his covenant blessings, and throughout the
Old Testament, boundaries and walls were not only physical structures, but they were symbols of God's care, love, and protection for a community.
When God promised the Israelites the land of Canaan, the boundaries of the Canaanites were removed, Deuteronomy 19, eight through nine, but in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26,
God outlines the curses that are gonna come upon his people if they disobey his commandments.
We've talked about this. If a border is erased, it's a sign of God's curse. Well, read
Deuteronomy 28, read Leviticus 16. God is warning them ahead of time that if they do not live in covenant fidelity to their
God, then curses are going to come upon them. For instance, Deuteronomy 28, 49 through 52 says this, the
Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, this is because of their sin and their rebellion, from the very end of the earth, and they will besiege you and all of your towns until your high and fortified walls in which you trusted come down throughout your land.
See again, the collapse of walls and the borders signifies God's judgment, his anger, his fury, his righteous indignation against those people who would dare defy his statutes.
The loss of borders represents the stripping away of the blessings of God that are tied to obedience, that leave a nation vulnerable to enemy invasion and destruction.
And that is exactly what is happening right now on our southern border. For years, we were a Christian nation. For years, we obeyed
God to the degree that a nation does. For years, we sent missionaries all over the world.
We printed Bibles, we printed Christian books, we started Christian seminaries, we created one of the greatest
Christian nations of all time, obviously by the power of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, but this was a nation that loved
God. And look at what has happened in just a couple generations, in just a couple decades.
Our country's turned its back on God in every conceivable metric. And what has happened?
Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 16 prophesied it. When a nation turns its back on God, their borders get erased.
It is exactly what has happened. And here's the scary part. We should not expect that the vandals who sacked
Rome are not far outside our gates because when a country loses its borders and it loses the favor of God, the enemies are coming.
We may trust in our horses and we may trust in our tanks and we may trust in our M16s and our
M4s and everything else, we may trust in that. But with the flick of a finger,
God could remove his protection from us and we would be done. In the same way,
Leviticus 26 warns us of the consequences of disobedience, including exile and conquest.
In verses 17 and 33, God promises to scatter the Israelites among the nations and allow their cities to be ruined.
He tells them that the destruction of their borders and the scattering of the people were signs of his impending judgment upon them.
Again, when a nation's borders are breached, when it is left defenseless, when it's exposed to chaos and foreign domination, it is a sign of God's anger because of their disobedience.
Now, the final thing I wanna talk about is the only borderless nation in the
Bible. There is one. There's one nation that God said will not have borders and it is not the
United States of America and it is not Russia and it is not China and it is not Egypt and it is not Babylon. It is the church.
In Revelation 22, we see the final image of God's plan for his people. And despite what you've been told,
Revelation 22 is about the church. And we're gonna go into that next year when we go into the series on Revelation.
The new Jerusalem that comes out of heaven for the world, that's the church. The tree of life in Revelation 22 that brings healing to the nations, that's the church.
Again, I will explain that next year, so you're gonna have to bookmark us until then. But trust me on this, that's the church.
So the church is the one who the nations come and visit and they leave. The church is the one who is the tree of life, which has the 12 kinds of fruit, which is for the feeding of the nations.
The church is the tree of life. It's the borderless nation, the nation that has no gates, that transcends earthly boundaries, that offers healing and salvation and nourishment to all the nations.
It's the only nation on earth that exists without borders because it's not a physical nation, it is a spiritual nation.
The new people of God whose mission is to go into all the nations and make disciples is a borderless people.
This gospel is supposed to go in and take over and nourish people in every tribe, in every tongue, in every nation, which is why it's an open border country.
In the biblical sense, it's a holy nation. It transcends political and national boundaries to bring the gospel to all the nations.
Revelation 22 presents the new Jerusalem without gates or with gates that are always open, signifying that the nations can come in and can go out freely in order to be blessed and nourished by the church who is feeding the world the blessings of Christ.
This openness is reserved for the church alone and not for the nations. Earthly nations, by contrast, are still under God's design for nations, for boundaries, for protection, for governance.
The church is different, the church is unique in that sense. Again, it exists to feed the nations, not be like the earthly nations.
The earthly nations still need to maintain their borders for the sake of order, for the sake of justice, for the sake of security.
The open gates of the church, however, reflect its spiritual nature, and it doesn't negate the fact that earthly nations still need borders.
The Bible presents a clear case from the very beginning all the way to the very end of the importance of national borders, of governments.
Do you know that government is designed by God to protect its citizens and to be a sword of justice, not an irrational, idiotic establishment of people who are trying to destroy the country from within?
That is lunacy. Nations are part of God's plan for order in the world, and borders are established by Him to create order.
Throughout Scripture, the loss of borders is depicted as a sign of curse and as a sign of God's judgment on disobedient nations.
Only the morally depraved, only the morally insane would ever advocate to have a nation without borders.
That tells you everything you need to know about the modern -day Democratic Party. The destruction of borders at their hands signifies the removal of God's protection, and it leaves us and our children exposed to the enemies at the gates.
Now, while the church is the only borderless nation tasked with bringing the gospel to every earthly nation, we're still required as Christians to fight for the security and the order and the borders of our country.
As Christians, we've got to oppose the insanity of the left -wing Democrats. We've got to oppose the open borders which contradict
God's design for the nations and undermine the role of government. Brothers, men, we've got to take back this country for the glory of Christ before it's too late.
I don't know how it's gonna work, but I pray that there's men who on their knees are praying to become governors, to become mayors, to become city councilmen, to even become presidents.
Again, I know the system is rigged, and I know that you basically need millions and billions of dollars, but brothers, maybe there's a
Christian, a God -fearing Christian who by the power of God alone can rise up and can bring security and stability to this land.
Because listen, if we leave our borders open like we are right now, there will be no more America.
There won't. And as Christians, we're called to tell the nations where they're failing, and our nation is failing tremendously here.
And they're not failing by accident. They're failing on purpose. Because as we said before, this is a part of their
Marxist agenda. As Christians, we're called to uphold biblical principles of sovereignty, justice, compassion, principles that affirm the necessity of the borders, and we are to take the truth to the ignorant powers who are leading us into mayhem.
May we be strong, and may we be courageous as we bring truth to the ignorant and foolish and wicked powers.
Conclusion. It's time that we wrap up our episode today.
We've walked through a lot of material in the exploration of open borders from the historical roots of its destabilization, the
Marxist strategies, to the current crisis that's fueled by idiots. That is what we have today as a government of dunderheads and morons who have led us where we're at right now.
And morons in the sense of not that they're intellectually or cognitively deficient, they're morons because they believe that Marxism can work when it's never worked before.
But even more than that, in our episode today, we've uncovered the biblical framework for nations. We've equipped you as a
Christian to know what a nation's borders mean, to know what it means when we lose our borders so that you can help spread the word and so that you can help fight.
We need men, we need women who are strong, who have a backbone, and who are willing to get down on their knees and pray for this country, that this country would repent.
If my people who are called by my name will repent of their wicked ways, then I will heal their land. That's what
God says. And I know that that applies to national Israel, but listen, if our nation repented, not our leaders necessarily, but I hope they do too, but if our nation repented, wouldn't
God forgive us of our sins because he's gracious and merciful, and wouldn't he restore us?
I'm praying for repentance. I'm praying for revival. I'm praying for men and women like you who are watching shows like this to share this with as many people as you can so that we can help others repent.
And what I mean by repent is, maybe you had nothing to do with the border wall. I'm assuming that none of us who are listening to this show were down on the
Texas -Mexico border with a sledgehammer trying to tear it down. But maybe, just maybe, you've bought into the lie of our
Marxist overlords who said that the government, or said that the border is helpful for migrant families.
Maybe you love your life here in America, and you've said, other people who are in impoverished countries, they need a chance too.
They need a life like we have, so I'm okay with them coming across the border. And maybe you say to yourself,
I would have done the same thing, and maybe you would have. But with this biblical framework that we've talked about today,
I hope that you see that the Democrats are not doing this to be loving. They're not.
They're selling you a pack of lies to manipulate your heartstrings. They have one goal in mind, which is the devastation of our country, the dissolution of our national sovereignty, and the disarray and just total breaking of our unity as a people.
We need to understand what the game is, and that's what I say we need to repent. If we've believed a lie, let's repent of that, and align ourself to the will of God and what he says in his word.
And that's all I got for us today. Thank you so much for watching another episode of the broadcast, and thank you so much for supporting this show.
I'm hoping by the end of the year, we've got just a little bit of time left that we get over 1 ,500 subscribers, and we get our first 10 members.
That's my goal. Help us meet that goal today by liking, sharing, subscribing, becoming a member, and helping us get this content out to more people.
Until next time, and oh my goodness, do we have a doozy of an episode next week. Next week might get me totally banned from the internet and from civilized society.
We're talking about feminism, which is going to break the internet. Until next time,