Two Contrasting Views of Islam, and Then a Little on CRISPR (Jumbo Edition)


Spent the first 70 minutes or so contrasting two videos on Islam, one from Talk Islam decrying the violence in Paris, the other the newest ISIS promo video which I call “ISIS Hollywood.” Lots of discussion of sources, interpretation, etc., especially in light of the ridiculous accusation that honestly recognizing differences amongst Muslims makes you “soft” on Islam. Then toward the end I talked a bit about the gene-editing CRISPR issue and how the Christian worldview is relevant to how we think on such things. We plan on being back on tomorrow to look at a Paul Copan article and more.

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And greetings welcome to the dividing line well as long as we continue to have net access,
I don't know how long that's gonna last We're very Apologetic not there was anything we could do about it eight phone calls 46 hours all to just activate a single modem
I Think there's a strike well You know I even suggested to you that the
Walking Dead thing started in Atlanta so and since we're waiting on Atlanta To just do something as simple as you know assign a modem.
You know get it get it working I Was really concerned that maybe possibly you know
That was what was going on But right is right before getting started. Do you see what
I'm sending you now, and you can you see that? Okay, this says
Getting ready for the dividing line with the family so you want you ought to want to Yeah, yeah, yeah, so there we get there.
There's some are listening audience right now getting ready for the family
That'll that'll teach him to post selfies Now I appreciate that I'm glad we have at least somebody listening out there
And I worked hard to grab that just in time for the for the program here
Alright, I've got so much stuff, and I know something's going on San Bernardino and Death destruction mayhem and people on the loose and There are many evil men in the world, and they will do evil things and But I Don't know anything about it
I'm not a news reporter and to be honest with you to be perfectly honest with you. We probably won't know anything truthful about it for days, so you know maybe
Maybe tomorrow there will be something to say maybe some news will come out. Otherwise who knows who knows
I don't know but I Do need to get to this
I was gonna do something maybe a little edifying a little More positive because there's so much
Negative stuff out there, but I've got a lot to get to and I'm gonna be gone.
Well. It's not really gonna impact the dividing line I only leave Friday and get back on Sunday, so it's not gonna be but a lot of work for me
By the way, I will be in st. Charles this weekend again. It'll be the 15th year, but not in a row we missed last year and Nobody there,
I think complained because I was in Ukraine last year at this time and Van Lee's the pastor there at the church also goes to Ukraine regularly and So we all have a heart for the
Ukrainian people and So they didn't mind that I was off teaching That was the time when they they had all the power outages, and you know posted pictures of me teaching
A theology of a candlelight. Yeah, that was that was a year ago at this time, so I will be there and Believe it or not.
This is the first First time
I'm doing a an entire Seminar on Homosexuality, I mean
I've done debates. I've done it as a as one topic amongst other topics
But I think this first time of just it's just gonna be the subject of homosexuality so If you're in that area, it looks like the weather is gonna be great.
Well Depends on how you define great. Normally I go to st. Charles to get into the holiday spirit get some, you know exposure to You know 17 degree temperatures.
I sort of got close this morning To be able to do this at this time. I had to ride early this night before sunrise this morning
And I saw on my computer In front of me, which I have a computer on my bike
Garmin 1000 if you want to look it up It's the best cycling computer out there Really is 29 .7
degrees Fahrenheit, which is below freezing. Of course for those of you outside the United States and So I was doing about I was only doing about 18 miles per hour once you get down below about 45
My muscles just are like really The older I get the more it's that way and This I was only doing about 18 miles per hour.
I I looked up the windchill thing and so the windchill at 18 miles per hour is 17 degrees for I Wasn't looking at any of the people driving by because they're probably looking at me like what are you doing cold out here?
Early in the morning and you're riding 63 miles. Yeah, that's weird, but I did it all for you
Because I need to get that done because I'm not gonna be able to I'm gonna be out of town I do plan on running in st.
Charles. I did get a text from Someone in st. Charles that says that's illegal in December.
So we'll we'll see if that's if that's the case But in other words the weather's gonna be nice there.
It's supposed to be highs in the 50s, which you know lows in the 30s So if you want to come down, that's what we're doing this weekend.
I saw a Video and It's fascinating I saw this first said got to deal with this on the dividing line got to deal with this on the violin
Then this morning another video and the two of them together Interesting contrast interesting contrast
I am deeply concerned By the lack of thought
That I have been observing in amongst Christians on Facebook Twitter Blogs videos, etc, etc.
Just it's just I'm sorry. That's all it is. It's a lack of thought. It's a prejudice It's a bigotry. It's a bias.
It is it is simply not appropriate for Christians To engage openly and without apology in double standards and That's exactly what we're getting
I people all of a sudden have decided that I'm soft on Islam Yeah, tell that to all my
Muslim opponents I'm sure they'll chuckle rather loudly at that but I'm soft on this why am
I soft on this on because I dare to recognize that just as there are Differences of viewpoints amongst
Mormons There even believe it or not differences of viewpoints amongst Jehovah's Witnesses not much, but it's happening more and more
There are liberal Catholics and conservative Catholics and Catholics in the middle and and Because I dare extend that Truthful observation that is founded in reality founded in truth to Muslims I'm soft on Islam.
In fact, I was even accused of being an apologist for Islam Wow Though I should be fair that person took that tweet down Now the problem is tweet bot doesn't know that once it's there hey once you hit send
You can take it down all you want and it doesn't matter the world. It's it's there but I I did appreciate that but And I Would like to see there's
I just don't get it, but I do I I get it There are a lot of folks who were right with us
When we were talking about the Mormons because there aren't that many ones, you know, and And oh it when we're when we're ripping and shredding on some
Some confused Armenian you go get him. Let's have a little more radio -free Geneva there, but when we dare
Be consistent and apply the exact same Standards and recognizing the reality of the fact
That there's not just one Monolithic Islam, I mean, come on folks. Who do you think they're killing?
I mean most of Isis's Victims are Muslims. Hello Yet notice how many times you've got the the the the bombings at mosques
Who do you think's doing the bombings other Muslims? the primary
Victims of the rise of militant Islam Arthur Muslims So you've got the
Sunnis killing the Shiites and The Sunnis and the Shiites both kill the
Akhmadi the Akhmadi don't kill anybody Which is which by the way, and and I haven't talked to him about this
I haven't had time to my earpiece is driving me insane today. Um, I haven't had time to but I did see the video this morning that Nabil Qureshi put out
And I was intrigued by it Because one of the things he said was this is true
Islam. Well, that's not what his Islam was He was Akhmadi and as he knows the
Akhmadi are killed by the Sunni all the time Persecuted driven out and the
Akhmadi are peaceful people But of course the Sunni and the Shia don't believe the
Akhmadi are Muslims in the first place Which is another issue Um, but isn't that an illustration
I mean Nabil would say he was truly a Muslim, but he was Akhmadi so he would include
Akhmadi amongst the Muslims and therefore those Muslims Don't do these types of things
So there again, it's just a simple fact that a lot of us recognize
I mean when you actually get to know Muslims and by the way, I would say 90 % of the criticism has come from people.
I know Would never take a second to witness to a Muslim in the first place. Just never do
They don't they don't they don't know any Muslims or if they do it's from a long ways off and So, you know, it's real easy to do the put them all in the same
Category as long as you don't know, you know as long as you don't know my first name or something like that That's that's easy to do.
You know, I get that part but We're simply making the distinctions that have to be made
We're being consistent when I go into a debate. I want to debate the position of the person that I'm actually debating and So I want to know where they're coming from.
That's why I want to be able to listen to things that they've said That's why it's difficult for me to go into debates of people
I'm not sure where they're coming from because now I'm gonna have to listen even more carefully and try to ask some questions before I can
Even you know really begin to interact but this is what we've been doing for years and now all of a sudden
Well, okay. It's one thing to do with those other people, but you can't do it with the Muslims or you're you're a Muslim defender
You're soft on Islam. Of course one guy blocked on on Twitter his his handle was
Islamophobe Well, there you go There is such a thing as Islamophobia. I'm now seeing it.
It's like that. Yep. There it is. It's a bigotry It's a I've showed I put some videos up. I didn't queue those up.
I put some videos up on Facebook and I think someplace down in Texas.
There is a community meeting about Somebody wanted to build a mosque and all my
This big guy gets up Like I said, right rage is a bad thing and that's that's what this was and he's just yelling and screaming and when the poor guy who's making the
Presentation just tries to interact with him. You shut your mouth. I know
Every Muslim is a terrorist. There's no reasoning with that and Then I put up the picture of the guy following the
Muslim woman to mosque He's wearing a mask and carrying a AR or whatever it was, you know
He's in his camo blah blah blah blah blah stuff probably couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a bazooka.
But anyway And I'm like This is this is ugly.
This is this is this I mean big man following woman down the road with with this is this we look at Isis when we go these people are
Disgusting violent vile nasty people and So let's act like them.
Let's let's show them how to do it I'm like, this is this is this is what
Christians are supposed to do and If you dare point this out, well, you're you're just for the Muslims take it over your and it's like really
I am Maybe I think from a Christian perspective. There's a different way to deal with this
Maybe you need to change their hearts What do you think about that? The bombs don't seem to be doing it
Maybe there's another way to do it. Maybe it's the gospel I'm sorry, if you've been listening this program for 10 years and you haven't gotten that part you have not been listening very well
And yes, I'm upset about it. I Don't like having to block people because they haven't listened to a single word that I've said for 10 years and thought they were
Thought they were What What do you want
You want to talk you're talking to me? You're talking to me, you know, it struck me over the weekend I was watching some of that strike you over the weekend back and forth and it struck me as like if If Islam is the way it's being depicted by these people
How is it that you go into these mosques go to the place? And not get torn limb from limb
Do they think that you walk in there with an entourage of bodyguards? No, no,
I'm I'm I'm the useful idiot I'm the useful liberal. I think I'm I'm the
If if the way they are depicting this group All these people are the same useful idiots would get torn limb from you.
There's no way you would you would think so I don't know. There's just no consistency here whatsoever in the thinking.
No Again we have the critical issue critical thinking issue They're just not doing it.
No, not on this subject. It's all emotions all emotions and Christians I've said it before I'm not gonna take the time to go through it again, though I may have to go through it again
The reality is the scriptures command us to think with discipline
We are to have the mind of Christ. We are not to have the mind of the world and That means we don't think like the world that's not an option for us and yet there are many people doing it
Let's illustrate it. Hmm. Yeah, he needs the herbal tea today I didn't get a chance to to to brew up any of my any of my tea today
So that's that maybe that's definitely got you. That's got that's got a kilter I've got my I got my warmer thing over here, but nothing nothing to warm.
I just got some water and yeah I went back and forth on one of your posts with someone over the weekend and they were basically saying
I did see that the imams Need to report to the FBI Who the terrorists are in their mosques and I'm thinking, you know
If if Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh were to sit down next to you in church, would you have any?
Wouldn't I know so, how are they supposed to know these things? Do you really think that the I mean the mosque is right up the street from us that the two guys that went after the
In Texas came from do we honestly believe that the other people in that mosque had any idea
I haven't seen anything proven Nothing. No and and with what's going on today and with what happened at the
Planned Parenthood thing You know, okay. The guy at Planned Parenthood was just simply completely whacked.
Yeah. Okay. I mean this guy's a nut I mean he he will he will end up in a padded cell for the rest of his life
There's no question about that, but everyone's trying to turn it into a Christian thing Everyone's trying to he's some type of a
Christian, you know Extremist and the Planned Parenthood thing. It's about making me about to explode too.
Anyways, we're getting far afield. Let's um Let me let me play these videos let's start with the first one
I came out for it. Well the first one I saw It's a spoken word video just under five minutes
Put out by I think talk Islam and I'll try to remember the various things that I've thought
I've thought of too many things to comment on it, but I want you to hear what this individual is saying and I want you to think about When you see him, what do you think?
What was your first thought? Is it fear? anger Do you want him tossed out of the country?
Do you want to see his mosque closed? What what what what what are you thinking and can you even hear what he's saying?
That's the question. Let's let's take a look at this and then we'll make some comments about it
That has nothing to do with my prophet, please just stop it.
It doesn't make any sense That's not the message he sent. That's not what he meant. That's not why he came
So you can claim as much as you want to but I assure you the man I follow was not the same
See, I know a man who forbade the cutting down of a plant who even spoke against those who had birthed an ant
So why is it that I simply can't understand how we claim to follow the same man?
I Mean, I know a man forbade us from harming the innocent Saying he who does so would not only be prohibited from paradise, but he would not even smell its scent
So, please tell me how what you're doing has anything to do with the message that he sent
This is the man who forbade us from even scaring cattle with a knife Saying you have no right to let the animal die twice and when he was asked for advice
He'd reply don't get angry. Don't get angry. Don't get angry Repeating it thrice.
See, I know a man who called to patience first Even to those who had treated him the worst and when he was asked to invoke
Allah's wrath He said I was not sent to curse But rather as a mercy to the earth matter of fact the entire universe
Meaning everything that was made see this is a man whom the clouds would rush to shade a man to whom the trees would sway and the birds would flock to seek his aid for they knew he was a man of justice a man who would never betray a
Man who could be trusted even by those who had wanted him slain Sianis bin
Malik served him for ten years and not once had he heard him complain But he would never get angry for himself
But only for Allah's sake and he never responded to evil with evil
But rather he pardoned and forgave but had he been harsh hearted the people would have ran away
So, what is it that we still don't understand when we claim to follow Islam yet We fail to follow this man.
I mean, I know a man who was so caring and compassionate Who said that there is a reward in serving all things that are animate in other words
Everything that breeds whether it be the animals the trees and every single human being
I mean if Allah called him rahmatan lil alameen How dare you call him anything else that?
contravenes see this is a man who said that the Muslim was he who is soft simple and lenient a
Man who taught us himself to be cautious from falling into extremism See he was never given two choices except he chose that which was easiest not for himself
But for his people in their convenience see, I know a man who advocated for the freedom of the slaves a
Man who taught us that the Muslim is the one from whom the people are safe Not only from his hands, but even from the words that he says
See this is a man who would never mock mimic nor ridicule nor would he ever publicly rebuke an individual
This is the man I follow. So forgive me if this sounds unusual But the man
I know was so much more handsome so beautiful a Man who taught kindness to the neighbors who taught us to serve others without expecting back any favors
To spread peace to those we know and even to the strangers to walk with humility and to Simply ignore the haters, but nevertheless,
I know a man who still taught us to stand up for the oppressed From the men women and children who call out to us in distress
Fight for these people but by no means does this mean we have the right to transgress
For those who oppress have nothing to do with his name So you can say what you wish to say and continue to the famous name
But at the end of the day, I assure you the man I follow Was not the same
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam All right
Talk Islam on Facebook is where you can find that if you want to See that at a little slower pace, all right now immediately just watching channel,
I wonder if this is just for outsiders and and They say different things to each other
Well, it's both possibility Of course if this was a if this was
Ivy Connerly's Spoken word about the 40 words remember the one that we worked with him on And a
Muslim said the same thing. What would you think? Oh, man, you're awful prejudiced If your first thought was yeah,
I wonder if they really believe that what if what we just saw
Actually represents the perspective of the people who produced it. How about we start there?
Instead of any conspiracy theories that this is a grand Attempt to deceive us all and so on so forth.
Let's let's Let's start with the idea that What this young man has said
Actually represents what he believes Couple a lot. Well, there's so many things come to mind
First thing that comes to my mind is that was not shot in Syria It was not recorded in Egypt Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Pakistan it wasn't shot in the
Middle East at all Out of a shot Looks like the United States to me
Sounds like the United States to me sounds like his accent is such that prior lives in the States.
All right Why do I observe that because I don't think his perspective could survive in those places
That's not to say that in a Less vocal sense there might be and Our Muslims who live in those places that would agree with him that would take more of a for those who are familiar with the various Islamic groups and Emphases within them more of a
Sufi spiritual sometimes almost charismatic
Way of Understanding and interpreting Islamic experience
There's always been historically those Muslims who sought a more spiritual expression of their faith
Then what is generally provided by the established? Sharia the
Sunnah of Muhammad things like that We know this because we know for example in in Egypt There was at least one incidents that I've seen reliably reported
Where when Muslims were going to burn a church other Muslims locked arms and surround the church and kept them from doing that Obviously in other places that didn't happen to all of my
Muslim friends and there are people who even question the utilization of that term So all my
Muslim friends who agree with that video What do you do with the reality
That that form of Islam is always destroyed By Salafi Islam.
How do you explain that? There was a time when there was a much more tolerant
Broad -minded I hate term use the term progressive because that's been stolen from us as a meaningful term anymore.
Just like gay has But there was a time when there was an
Islamic culture that produced art and mathematics and science but historically
That ended up being destroyed by what we would call today wahhabism Salafism the strict
Quranic Hadith based and a particular method of interpreting the hadith
Form of Islam so many people and I've certainly said over and over I really wish
We could see some debates between the leading intellects on this side versus the leading intellects on the other side now, you might say well you can't get the
Isis side because If they come out of hiding they're gonna eat a hellfire missile and so that's that's probably never gonna happen well
Possibly But that's what we need to see. We need to see Meaningful interaction yesterday on a long run.
Well medium run. I listened to Dr. Sheikh Yasser Qadi Addressing Two things one was a concept of universalism or in essence from the
Islamic perspective do only Muslims go to heaven and then the second lecture was on Differences amongst
Muslims. It was at an ISNA conference so they're related and With tremendous fervor at one point
Dr. Qadi While openly acknowledging his fundamental differences with the
Shiites very strongly condemned
Any Muslim idea that you could bring physical violence to bear?
Upon someone else for that kind of theological disagreement, I mean he was
Shouting like a Southern Baptist preacher. He lives in Memphis. So You may have seen she's seen a few he was he was preaching he is one of the signatories to the major document condemning
Isis and I'm seriously thinking about trying to get him on to talk about these things because I I want to get his perspective
But the reality is dr. Fatty Would not survive enunciating many of the things that he teaches in lands
Where he was once identified as one of the leading Salafi voices In fact,
I identified him as a Salafi scholar in my book, but he does not identify himself that way anymore He once did he lives right on that line of tension right on That spot and I think he's moved over the past number of years because well he even said
He even said at one point in the discussion That in his earlier lectures, he said inflammatory things that Could encourage unstable people to Do things that are actually opposed to the true spirit of Islam, okay
Again, I know these people exist That's why I can't
Ignore them and I can't pretend that they don't exist As some people would tell me
I need to but the questions remain All right
There you are You saw all these Citations, I mean that was a well -done video, you know, that was very well done
It reminded me of our video on the 40 words, you know, you've got the words coming up it's very very well done
But who gets to choose Which of those are
Being interpreted properly, especially the the Hadith. I saw one Hadith cited from a source
That I'm pretty certain if I cited that source in a debate would be questioned as to its validity and I've done more debates now with Muslims than any other group as of the last trip
Even more than Roman Catholics. I've done more debates with Muslims now and Depending on the individuals, you know, some of my opponents are very consistent very
Very good in and being careful about this, but others you quote a source from the
Hadith that Seems to be against their position and all of a sudden it's not a sound
Hadith There are all sorts of questions today. I mean
I posted on Twitter a video from Shabir Ali that I saw last year where he really took a less than mainline perspective on Hadith and The voice is calling for reformation within Islam All of them say the same thing whether inside or outside Islam if there's going to be reformation
There has to be a change in the view interpretation
Categorization and authority of the Hadith because until that's changed You you can't
You can't get away. You're stuck. There cannot be a reformation. Can I be a reformation now?
Did you catch something else? I hope that when you Listened to what he was saying.
First of all, what was your attitude toward him? I'm afraid for a lot of folks. It was automatically distrust
He's deceptive he really wants to kill me So for a lot of people because of the beard because of the kufi the thing on the head
Because of maybe a little bit of a Accent Fear dislike
But very rarely is it Oh Lord, give me an opportunity to talk to someone like this because I'd love to talk to that guy.
I Would love to talk to that guy and you know where I'd go You know where I'd go. Were you thinking about that?
Did you think about man if I had an opportunity to talk to someone? What what what openings is he giving me to the gospel?
What openings is he giving me? couple years ago, I was in Charlotte Airport and I found a shoe shine stand.
The only time I ever get my shoes shine is it I figure help that guy out and Helps my shoes last longer, too
Those guys do a great job and they look better when they're done than when you bought them actually and I've got a new pair of shoes and I'm hoping to find a good
There used to be one guy in st. Charles. I'd go to died of a heart attack three years ago. I Found I went to this thing the stand was still there and it's different guy
I'm gonna ask he said yeah, and he told me he's like, oh man. Anyway, I found this
Shoe stand and I saw the guy's names like Muhammad Abdullah or something like that We ended up having a great conversation, but he gave me all the indication
I needed to know What direction I needed to go with him to give to leave him with something that Would Absolutely be the most effective thing to speak to him and maybe to be used in his life
You know, I'm seeing stuff in channel that's not only distracting but again sad In many ways coming from Christian, but he gave the opening.
Did you hear what it was? To catch it. I know a lot of you haven't you weren't around when we
I first started really Emphasizing Islam and as I was learning myself and as I continue to learn
You know, I was I was going through Sheikh Yasir Qadhi's stuff He sent me his 16 CD series light and guidance and I listened to it a few times learned so much and that's why
I've got a lot of respect for him and and One of the things that just caught me was listening to these men
You see what happens when you have a holy God a revealed law sin a clearer
Picture of hell than is presented in Christianity I mean as far as the details and the suffering and everything else,
I mean it really draws a lot from medieval Christianity But anyway, but you don't have a mediator you don't have a mediator and You saw what happens in Sufism in a in and people who've been influenced by a
Sufi Spirituality what happened? Did you catch it? You see the exaltation of Muhammad the birds would come to Muhammad and the clouds would rush to shade and he would
He would condemn people for burning an ant You know those narrations are there you and if you want to construct a filter
To read the Hadith in that way Why do you think you know people wonder why did you take the time to read all the
Sahih al -Bukhari and Sahih Muslim? I mean that's That was hundreds of hours.
Why do that? You've got to understand the character of that material and And you can select you can create a filter to let that kind of stuff through and make
Muhammad into well, someone that Sounds strikingly like Jesus But the problem is that filter has to filter out a whole mess of other stuff.
That doesn't Doesn't fit that paradigm at all at all I mean,
I didn't bring it in here with me. Oh, by the way passing
I've talked about this. We're gonna be talking some more about this. This is This is causing the study the new study
Quran new translation commentary Causing big waves big waves.
I'm gonna be looking some more of that Anyway, I didn't bring the book in here But in the video that I shot last was it last week
I think it was last week. I held up one of the really uber expensive
Brill books I have in my library On the military campaigns of Muhammad He said on the military campaigns with 580 pages something that the military campaigns
Muhammad those didn't come through in this The beheading of the of the of the
Jews after certain battle that that didn't come through So there was a very strong filter functioning here.
I'm thankful for the filter. You don't have to fear that guy Okay, you really don't but the question is where'd you get that filter how do you defend that filter?
How do you how do you say that is Islam? Because he was taught this. Did you know something that wasn't for us?
Oh Okay, it was for us maybe to observe but who is he talking to? He was talking to fellow
Muslims saying we ain't following the same man. Now if you think he's just fooling around Well, he's putting himself in a lot of danger if he's just fooling around that's what it was for that's what it's for It struck me just watching it that How many people over the last?
What? 14 years have been calling for Muslims to denounce
Al -qaeda and denounce all of this stuff and here we have I'm watching
Not only is this guy doing that he's doing an excellent job and they're liars they don't mean yeah
So he can't wait for losing. I guess I don't know but you can't you can't
I thought he did a first -rate job of Saying what you're doing is not what
I believe And that's what we've been calling upon them to do and as soon as they do that, yeah, they're not the real
Muslims Yeah I can understand the frustration of someone who puts themselves out there on the line to do this and then they either get ignored
I mean Hannity ain't gonna talk about something like this Or they get that you aren't a real
Muslim. You're not a real Muslim Now let's provide the con there's a lot more I can say the point being this
I let me finish this point the picture that was given of Muhammad is one that can be
I Think my opinion very successfully challenged as to balance given even the material that Sunni Muslims in general would share together and this is where the divisions are coming from because You have to start again
Doing something with what you accept as sound hadith and not sound hadith to be able to change fundamentally
The picture of Muhammad because Muhammad becomes He's the best of all creatures. He's the example for all men for all times.
He's the example that Muslims are to follow and so When you can produce a book
That's nearly 600 pages long about his military campaigns. Are we really shocked that there are people
That produce a militaristic violent form of Islam Those that say no
That is not the essence of Islam so far the the specific
Argumentation has been not nearly as compelling as what the other side is putting out and so For a
Christian when I hear someone talking about Muhammad in that way But I'm gonna be talking about Jesus Not and not in the way
Not in the way that many people do in saying well Yeah, your prophet was a and then you start down the line doing all the
I'm gonna make sure you don't listen to a word I have to say by insulting you every way I Possibly can before I ever get around to doing the gospel thing
What a Conversation like that would do would be for you to open the door Say, you know you were
You were speaking of your view of Muhammad Almost in the in the same language.
I used to speak of Jesus and Yet You don't believe that Muhammad was the
Son of God you don't believe that he was anything but the final prophet and And yet I believe that Jesus was the
Son of God I'd like to explain to you what that means because I've met a lot of Muslims that Don't understand or I have a have a really bad idea of what they think that means but then he said this and I've You've got choice to go almost anywhere and open the door to invite this person to read the
Gospel of Mark to read the Gospel of John To you know to get that door open they don't know
Or they have not had it presented to them with the kind of Open -heartedness and knowledge of Islam as to be able to make it understandable to them
If that wasn't your first thought when thinking when listening that Well, maybe it should be
Maybe it should be yes, sir My first eyes I was watching it and I don't know what your thoughts on this would be one way or another but I was
Thinking I'd love to tell him about the common Christi. Well, yeah, that's that's a definitely a place I like I would
I would love to just okay you you you're exalting this man. Let me show you a man who
Humbled himself humbled him. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You know, yep, that'd be a great country a bit great contrast
All right, so there's a lot there's there's a lot that we could talk about there But The point is for a lot of you.
He does not exist for a lot of you. He's a liar He that whole group
If Islam were to take over and by the way, can I make a rather obvious observation here? Everybody's going.
Oh man when the when the Caliphate takes over. We're all doomed um
And certainly the video I'm about to show you that's that's what Isis is talking about the car
Caliphate. Whoo all the rest is Hollywood macho stuff you got to understand something
You gotta stand something as soon as they get power over almost any area
They turn on each other That's that's the history of Islam It's the history of Salafi Islam.
They turn on each other And No matter how widely wide the expanse becomes of their influence
There will be civil war there will be turning upon each other
So fast That it'll make your head spin in fact
When I play us next video watch who they identify as their enemies and they will include the Shiites because these are radical
Sunnis These are Salafi Wahhabi Radicalized and I suppose we need to talk about what radicalized it could possibly how it could even be defined
I saw a Ben Shapiro video yesterday where You know Ben Shapiro says a lot of good things
Ben Shapiro is a sharp guy But he decided to do a video in basically saying that about 60 % of all
Muslims are radicalized Well, I was listening very carefully to the
Definitions he used to Turn a population into a radicalized population and the standard definition was believes in Sharia well
What's Sharia? Well, it's Islamic law. It's all the same You obviously haven't done much study of the various schools of interpretation.
Have you know? Unfortunately people don't and I just I always sit back and I just want to go.
Okay. Um We just mentioned the Carmen Christi, right? Lippians 2 5 to 11. What's what's the end of that?
What's the say at dinner? That the day is coming when at the exalted name of Jesus every knee shall bow
In heaven on earth and under the earth and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is courteous to the glory of God the
Father Sounds like we Christians believe that someday
Every tongue will confess Someday Jesus will reign over all the earth
God's will will be accomplished his kingdom established and Yet we freak out
When another religion says, oh, we're gonna do the same thing. You can't do that. Well, you can do that. Yeah, that's us
That's not you see I'm always that I know
I'm that that that weird guy that goes, you know You said I need to be consistent here. If you're really gonna produce meaningful arguments and I know it's a bummer.
Sorry, just the way it is. Just the way it is All right. I keep saying we're gonna play this.
Ah This is I called this Isis Hollywood I Call this
Isis Hollywood. It's a new Isis video came out a couple days ago. This is the
English version obviously and Well, let's just It's a good contrast to the last one.
Let's just put it that way. Let's uh, let's take a look at what has to say This is our
Khilafah in all its glory remaining and expanding It was established in the year 1435
Hijri Its leader from the tribe of Quraysh is Sheikh Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi and its territory is already greater than Britain Eight times the size of Belgium and 30 times the size of Qatar.
It's a state built on the prophetic methodology Striving to follow the Quran and Sunnah not a secular state built on man -made laws whose soldiers fight for the interests of legislators liars fornicators
Corporations and for the freedoms of Sodom's we are men honored with Islam who climbed its peaks to perform jihad
Answering the call to unite under one flag. This is the source of our glory our obedience to our
Lord We are uncompromising in our call to Tauhid We only bow to Allah unlike the countless deviant factions raising their false banners and changing with the winds of jahili politics
Yes, we are the soldiers who stopped the idols of nationalism Demolished the shirk symbols of Palmyra and Nineveh and destroyed the
Sykes -Picot borders for there is no honor to be found in the remnants of shirk and Nationalism and no difference between an
Arab and a non -arab or a black man and a white man Except through piety.
This is the glory of faith that unites us Justice is served with the establishment of the
Islamic courts And there are thousands of Masajid in schools for our cubs and pearls Where they prepare themselves to share in the great rewards of expanding this
Khilafat America you claim to have the greatest army history has known you may have the numbers and weapons
But your soldiers lack the will and resolve still scarred from their defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq They return dead or suicidal with over 6 ,500 of them killing themselves each
So while you go around cooking the facts on the results of your military airstrikes We continue to harm the minds of your soldiers and so fear into their hearts with 18 of your soldiers committing suicide each day before Even advance and in addition to the six trillion dollar price tag on your war against the
Muslims You're now too weak to put boots on the ground You opt instead to attack us from the air with missiles each worth $250 ,000 while we 50 cent bullets
Then there's a coalition of devils with Iran Turkey and Russia joining the fray
That's because the middle of people will always unite you together to fight the truth
So bring it on all of you your numbers only increase us in faith and we're counting your banners
Which our prophets said would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death
Bring it on The mighty call of our prophets gather your allies
Plot against us and show us no respite our Ally is the greatest he is a love and all glory
So there you go.
There's the... You can see why I called it ISIS Hollywood. That's slick. Man, that's slick.
I'm also almost wondering if it wasn't done in Hollywood. Wow. Lots of graphics.
Lots of pride. Lots of arrogance. I mean, that looks like a
Navy SEAL promo video, you know? You know, just going the opposite direction,
I guess, but... Wow. Now, remember, it's not Islamic, according to anybody.
Or, to some people, that's the only form of Islam. You see the contrast? I mean, they talk about the prophetic method.
They talk about the coffers. There was a section here.
Let me see if I can find it here. Uh, really going after the...
Yeah, here we go. Really going after the U .S. Okay, so here was...
Remember, they destroyed these historical sites. And some of the things they're saying, most people just don't understand what they're talking about.
The shirk -y symbols. Shirk and nationalism. What in the world are they talking about?
Well, remember some fundamental things. In Islam, you have the
Dar al -Islam, the world under Islam, submitted to Allah. And the Dar al -Harb, which is the world at war.
And so, if you're in a nation that is not submitted, does not establish
Sharia, then you are in the world at war. All right?
And so, shirk, of course, they say we stand on Tawheed.
And we've talked about Tawheed and shirk many times on this program. Tawheed is the oneness of Allah.
Hence, to deny Tawheed is to engage in shirk. Shirk is the one unforgivable sin.
If you die as a mushrik, if you die amongst the mushrikun, there is no forgiveness for you.
I've told the story many times of how Muhammad desired to pray for his parents who had died as mushrikun.
And Allah would not allow him to. They had died as idolaters. They had died as polytheists. They had died as those who associated someone or something with Allah, and there is no forgiveness for that.
And the fact that there's only one exception whatsoever to that rule, and that was
Muhammad was allowed to intercede for his uncle
Abu Talib, who had protected him when he was a minority prophet in Mecca. Before the
Hijra. And as a result, Abu Talib has, again, this is just according to Hadith, Abu Talib has the best spot in hell.
Which means he's standing, either standing in flames up to his ankles or wearing sandals that are so hot, depends on which version you're reading.
But so hot that his brains boil. That's the best place in hell. And Abu Talib has it because of Muhammad's intercession.
But still, despite Muhammad's intercession, there is no forgiveness for shirk.
And so that's what they're talking about. And they're saying, Palmyra was this temple that was a monument to the worship of false gods.
And so we destroyed it because it is an offense in the sight of Allah.
So anything that is offensive to Allah and a nationalism, again, if that nation stands against the
Ummah, the Islamic Ummah, the gathered people of Islam, then that must be destroyed as well.
And so there are explicit, specific, theological foundations to everything that is being said here.
Now, I noticed that all the soldiers are well -fed, clean, well -equipped.
It looks like a U .S. Army promo, really does. Look, right now, most
ISIS soldiers hide in caves and are not well -fed and do not look like they just walked off a soundstage.
So we know this is, again, ISIS Hollywood. But the reality is that when you look at this, al -Baghdadi has a
Ph .D. in Islamic studies. Not a stupid man. And they could,
ISIS can, again, buy the selective filtering of the sources.
Choosing what sources they're going to prioritize over others. Trace their theology all the way back to the early period.
Ibn Taymiyyah, huge name, great focus upon Tawheed, Shirk.
They could call him as an ally. The destruction of the
Kafirs, the killing of the Kafirs. Again, can you find in the development of Islamic civilization in those first four or five hundred years developments of traditions and jurisprudence that would place a necessary limitation upon jihad and what could be done in jihad?
Yes, you can. They reject that. They reject that.
That's why the Salafi, that refers to people who look back to those first generation.
The first generation of followers, they say those individuals had special insights.
And so it's almost like saying, it's like going to the early church. We want what the apostles said.
We want what the early church said. See, we're going to skip all this tradition to develop later. And the more moderate
Muslims are saying, no, we can't skip the tradition that came long later because that is a proper development of what was originally given.
So there's all sorts of questions that just haven't been as clearly delineated amongst the
Muslims about ultimate authorities, interpretation of ultimate authorities, what is an authoritative source, what is not, what the rules are for determining what a sahih hadith is, what it isn't, so on and so forth.
Now, these guys, I think
ISIS is made up primarily of the following groups, the knowledgeable, well -read, radicalized
Salafi Wahhabi Muslim that really does believe that what they're doing is a grand jihad, but I don't think that's the majority.
I think they're important. I think it's the majority. Then you've got guys who just love to blow things up, rape women, and behead people.
Just nasty, arrogant, evil, reprobates who are always looking for some way to get to do those things and to justify their actions.
And I think you've got people who have gotten caught up in it and they have no other way out.
They have no other way out, out of fear, out of simple survival.
I mean, it's a mess over there. It is a mess over there. Now, I could not follow it up, but I saw one report that said, for example, that at least one of the
Paris terrorists owned a bar or worked at a bar, one of the two.
And the Muslim who mentioned this was going, yeah, great Muslim there. Yeah, he may be yelling,
Allahu Akbar, but what good does that do if you are living in such a way that your life is completely inconsistent with what you're claiming your motivations actually are?
Now, before you go, oh, who cares? Isn't that what we say about the
Planned Parenthood shooter? I mean, people have found that he was all over deviant sex sites and we go.
Now, there are other places where he was in and always in all caps, makes me wonder if he was King James only, but all caps telling people that if they disagreed, because I guess he was really into the apocalypse is right around the corner.
Then again, he could have just like The Walking Dead or something, I suppose. It's the same thing, but he would type in all caps.
And he was saying that Jesus is returning. And we look at that and we go, it's not a real
Christian. There's no evidence that this person has any concept whatsoever about what repentance is or godliness is and so on and so forth.
And the Muslim says, and if these guys who do the jihadi stuff are visiting prostitutes and getting drunk and doing, there's no evidence that they are either.
And that's their argument. And I can see why they get angry when we go, well, that works for us, but it's not for you.
Sorry, I'm sort of sensitive to those things. So massive contrast, massive contrast.
What do we do about it? What do we do about it? Well, there is really only one thing that can be done about this mess and it's to change hearts.
And that's really up to God and he uses us. And I can guarantee you one thing, every single
Muslim who has ever truly come to know Jesus Christ has not become a jihadi.
So it seems like primary power we have, something called the gospel.
And it seems to me that for a lot of Christians, that's just not a good enough answer anymore.
You need, you need, you need the rangers, you need
Delta force, you need the seals, you need more cruise missiles. Hey, how about Putin?
Hey, who? Yeah, there you go. We've got the wimpy leader. So let's get the, let's get the macho man in there.
That'll do it. All that stuff about not trusting in horses and armies and all that stuff in the
Bible. Hey, we're talking about real politics. We're talking about the real world here. That says a lot.
That says a lot over the years. I have said to people on this program over and over and over again, my conclusion is that the sources from which
Islam derives itself understanding are too inconsistent and incoherent to provide a meaningful resolution to the problems that we're facing in the world today due to groups like ISIS.
And a lot of folks just tuned out, just sort of said, ah, why he's talking about the
Muslims again, I'm going to do something else. But here in these two videos, you see exactly what
I've been talking about from the beginning illustrated because both of them claim to be drawing from the
Quran, from the Sunnah of the prophet, from the Hadith and coming to diametrically opposed conclusions.
So I don't know what to do about ISIS in the sense of,
I don't get the feeling they do much in the way of debates. You know, who knows?
Maybe we get one to call in on an unidentified satellite line or something like that.
But I, yeah, IRC, yeah, nobody, IRC, what's that?
Even NSA doesn't know what IRC is. Um, nobody uses that.
Oh, okay. Um, what would be wonderful to see would be to see representatives of those two extremes engaging each other in a meaningful debate.
But sadly, the ISIS guys generally do their debating with violence.
And so that's probably not going to happen. Probably not going to happen. Though there are
Salafi Muslims, I've engaged many Salafi Muslims that would, if they were really honest, they may not be able to be honest, but they're really honest.
They would defend at least ISIS conceptually, if not in specific actions that they have undertaken.
Um, but I've said to many of my Muslim friends who stand against ISIS, okay, that, that video was great, but how about taking on some of their arguments?
How about taking on some of their key texts and demonstrating forcefully?
Not, remember, I was about two and a half years ago. Um, Sheikh Yasser Qadhi linked to, uh, seemed like a nice little old man giving a lecture on why
ISIS was wrong. And it was just sort of like, oh, it was just like, oh, and they're putting stuff out like that.
And you think you're going to win that battle? Um, where are the books?
Where, where are the widely published books that say, here are the fundamental errors of ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, um, demonstrated from the
Sunnah of the prophet, from the Hadith, from the Quran. Um, where are they?
They need to be out there. We need to see them. I know that you guys exist and I know that you have a position and that you can defend it.
You just need to be doing it. You go, well, they get millions of bucks. We don't get nothing. All right.
Well, yeah, they're, they're selling oil. Um, and so they've got
Spielberg working for him or something. I don't know. Um, but yes, sir.
It seems to me that if that young man in the first video can do what he did, how, how much did that really cost?
Yeah. I don't know. Um, he, I think did more, uh, that I've seen since 9 11.
Even as far as it, as far as it speaking to our, our type of world. Yeah. Yeah.
That's yeah. The, the, the videos of little old men in funny hats, uh, rambling on about this city source of that hideous source.
Yeah. Though those books need to be out there too, uh, for the Muslims.
Um, but anyway, so I wanted to get to that because look,
I, I think it's, it's vitally important. We're going to go another 18. So it'll be a jumbo if that's all right.
But I hadn't, I, that was what I was planning and we'll, we'll go on.
We'll go on from there. I did want to get to one other thing on the program today.
And I'm, I know I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff. Um, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, before I, before I do this, uh, uh, maybe
I should just put this together with this other article, uh, for tomorrow.
Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do tomorrow. So we'll at least get started with, uh, two things.
One, I sort of caught up on a number of, uh, additions of unbelievable over the past few rides and runs.
And, uh, there was one that I had seen advertised. I went,
Oh, that's going to be interesting. And it was the warfare model versus the blueprint model.
In other words, the almost open theistic Greg Boyd, well, Greg Boyd is an open theist. So he won't debate anymore.
But, um, the, the open theist warfare model in heaven is the reason for evil versus what they called the blueprint model, which
I could tell was going to be Calvinism reformed theology. And the fellow that they had on from London theological seminary was very good.
Uh, he did, he did a fine job. I'm, if I've met him, I didn't make the connection may have been because I was listening so fast and he, he seemed to be talking so very, very quickly.
Maybe if I slow it down, I'd recognize the voice, but anyway, um, but some of the things that were discussed on that, some of the things that were said on that I want to,
I want to touch on, uh, because it was again, very relevant to where we are.
And then I was, um, sent a, was this a
Twitter one? I think this was a, I should start putting a little notes in a
Evernote. This came from Twitter. This came from Facebook. So I can remember maybe who or where Paul Copan wrote an article called does regeneration precede faith?
Apparently not an interesting topic article or a title,
I guess. And we'll, we'll talk about that too, because it sort of fits in with the reformed theology part.
And so we'll, we'll look at some of that tomorrow, uh, as, uh, as well. But what
I want to talk about in the last few minutes here, um, have you heard of CRISPR?
You heard of CRISPR has nothing to do with Cain's chicken fingers.
Um, CRISPR is a gene editing tool that has been, uh, developed around the world.
And it is making, it has given us the ability to very easily edit the human genome in such a way as to make the edits transferable to the following generations.
In other words, CRISPR, C -R -I -S -P -R. So it's obviously an acronym.
CRISPR has given us the ability to fundamentally change the human species. Now there has been, you know, wiser heads of the past have laid down some level of understanding, but that's not wise to do.
But we live in a day where the people who are in charge of these things, the people in leadership in Western countries, the people in science have been so thoroughly secularized.
You know, there was a day when Christian scientists would have said this far and no farther, but you can't, you can't even raise the question of intelligent design in those areas anymore.
So China doesn't care about what
Western countries have said we should or should not do. And they're running full steam ahead on this stuff.
There are a lot of scientists, scientists are saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, Nelly, but China doesn't care.
We're talking cloning, but we're also talking fundamentally, not only designer babies.
I mean, that's, that's, that's almost easy. That's almost, that's almost a given. Sure. On one level, honestly, this technology could banish an entire list of pernicious diseases in a matter of years, just do away with them.
Many diseases due directly to genetic malformations eradicated, gone.
And for a lot of people, that's all that matters is, ah, that's, that's great. But there's a lot more to it than that.
There is fundamentally the question of what is man.
And if we are merely an accident, and if we are merely molecules bumping into each other that could be wiped out tomorrow by a stray comet, then why not go for the super race thing?
Why not? And, and see, I don't know how they've done this, but movie scriptwriters have seen this stuff coming for a long, long time.
There are all sorts of movies I could think of that have run with this theme that is now a reality.
Sometimes it's the utopia situation that has become sterile and there's no more humanity.
And, uh, you know, everybody's perfect. And everyone's beautiful.
And if everyone's beautiful, then no one's beautiful. And if everyone's happy, then nobody's happy.
All that kind of stuff. Um, there's also,
I'm not sure if they ever come out and say this, but remember the movie, I am legend. Um, if I recall correctly, that was genetic manipulation gone wrong.
And I, I don't think they've come out and said this, but I have a, I have a punch that they ever get around to it.
That's probably what happened in the walking dead too. Don't know, but it would be one explanation.
We can all see how something really bad could happen when you start messing with the very blueprint of life itself in such a way as that what you produce will be passed on to the next generation.
I mean, am I just, am I just frightened?
Well, I am frightened of the fact that we are facing these issues in a world that is so firmly opposed to what is good and godly and true.
And just we're facing these issues being led by people who have a fundamentally false view of mankind.
Now, I don't know what that does to your eschatology.
Um, I personally would really like to see the
Lord come back like now, like really soon because with the
Iranians getting nuclear weapons and with nutcase secularists in the
West doing the designer baby genetic manipulation thing.
Um, I don't know. Tim LaHaye is starting to sound pretty meek and mild. Okay. You know, so I just mentioned this to you because this, um, this trans humanism, transcending the limitations of humanity, evolving to the next level, but not by natural processes, but by artificial processes, that's going to be a challenge, a tremendous challenge to the
Christian world due to even begin to understand how to interact with it. That's going to take a tremendous amount of insight.
And I'm not claiming to be the one to be able to do that. All I'm claiming is this is gonna be a challenge.
This is going to really require us to think very deeply about where we're coming from and why we believe the things that we do.
Um, keep an eye on that. Keep an eye on that. There's, there's all sorts of stuff coming out on that.
And, uh, it's, it, it, it goes to, you know,
I, I hear Pete people they'll criticize, um, Al Mohler because I was talking to somebody,
I said, yeah, I used to listen to the briefing, but after a while, you know, it's just the same thing over and over again. Well, it's not the same thing over and over again.
It's just, he's trying to get us to consistently apply a
Christian worldview in light of a moral, ethical, social, you know, downgrade.
This isn't, is not a strong enough term, uh, degradation, collapse, free fall, whatever terms you want to come up with.
Um, and he's, he's warning us is great resource warning us that the fronts upon which this is happening.
And, and when you listen to that, hopefully what you get over time is, wow. If, if I don't prioritize my way of thinking in such a way as to recognize
God's purposes in this world and what, you know, the kingdom of God, and then
I'm just going to be blown about, and I'm going to be constantly in a state of worry and anxiety and, and I'm not going to respond in a consistent way as a
Christian, I'm going to end up responding like the world or, you know, what's even worse than responding like the world, you know, what's even worse than responding to the world.
And boy, do we see this all the time. What's even worse than responding like the world is responding upon worldly principles and trying to coat that response with a
Christian religiosity. That's ugly. It stinks. It's a worldly response that you then try to turn into something that Jesus would have done.
We see it all the time. We see it all the time. You know, liberal Christianity does it every form of Christianity that does not take seriously the revelation of the word of God and the highest view of what the word of God is has to respond in that way.
They'll come up with religious response and then they'll, or a worldly response, they'll cover it over with some peanut butter
Christianity. And that, that stinks. I would give me,
I'll quote my daughter here from, I remember a conversation from years ago.
She said, I prefer my pagan straight up. Thank you. So if you're going to give a pagan response, just give a pagan response.
If you gave a pagan response, don't try to blame Jesus for it. All right. Don't, don't try to attach a nice pretty scripture meme to your pagan response.
Just, if you're going to be a pagan, going to think like a pagan, just give a pagan response and all will be well.
So CRISPR, CRISPR gene editing tool. Keep that in mind.
It's going to be, it's going to be all over the place. By the way, did we hear anything back about that possible debate?
Not a word yet, huh? No. Okay. All right.
Turn, turn, it turned out to be a dead, dead end, dead end. Bummer. Dead end.
Okay. Got it. All right. All right. Just somebody who wanted to see it happen, but really couldn't make it.
Okay. Bummer. Yeah. We don't even have to talk.
It just sort of goes this way. It's very interesting. Anyway. All right.
Let's wrap this thing up. Like I said, I, if you haven't, if you're interested in getting resources on Islam, this is not that expensive.
Oh, give that title again. Cause we did get some inquiries. People want to know. Yeah. The study Quran, a new translation commentary, Syed Hussain Nasser, editor -in -chief,
Dagli Dakake Lombar, general editors, Muhammad Rustam, assistant editor.
It's a published, it's published by Harper One. It, look at this.
I mean, okay, no, that's good. Look, look at how much text to footnote.
It looks like the ESV study Bible or the Reformation study Bible. I mean, this makes Yusuf Ali look like, and it's huge.
And it's coming from a non Salafi perspective.
And hence what I'm being told is there's stuff in here. And I've only had a chance to look at a few things. There's stuff in the notes.
So these are believing Muslims, but there's stuff in the notes that are making some more conservative
Muslims unhappy. So wanted to let you know about that particular thing.
And it's available on Amazon for less than 50 bucks. And it's very nicely bound, super nice paper, so on and so forth.
So I want to let you know about that. Thank you for listening to the dividing line today. Lord willing, the modem continues to live.
We'll be back again tomorrow. Not really sure exactly when, but we'll be back again tomorrow and then heading towards St. Charles. Hope to see those of you in that area this coming weekend.