God’s Weapons for the Confounding of Enemies (John 9:24-34 Jeff Kliewer)

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Sermon Notes: notes.cornerstonesj.org God’s Weapons for the Confounding of Enemies


Good morning, everyone. Thank you so much for coming to Cornerstone today. We'd love to hear the chatter and the fellowship that's going on As you grab your seats
I just want to make sure that everyone is aware that if you do not get any communication throughout the week from Cornerstone You are missing out
There is a great email that we send out Thursday Friday time frame has all kinds of announcements
There's a note from Pastor Jeff his sermon notes. Everything is there. So if you're not getting that, please make sure that you get that You can get that by going to contact dot
Cornerstone SJ org Cornerstone dot
Sorry contact cornerstone sj org that will give you a Spot to check off a box for getting the newsletter every week
It's great to have you here again John I'm gonna have some announcements for us quite a few
I hear I'm looking to see if my wife's out there
Anyway, it's good to have everybody here I want to put two words out and I'd like you in your heart and in your mind
To let these two words soak in and how does it how does it impact you?
the sovereignty of God The eternal nature of God How do those two thoughts impact you the sovereignty of God The eternal nature of God.
We know that the world is Being led by Satan has so many things that if you if you listen to the news if you're
Aware of what's going on in our in our school systems There are so many opportunities to be to feel overwhelmed or distressed, but you know what?
We have a God who is sovereign and we have a God who is eternal Psalm 145 verse 13 says your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all
Generations, whatever is going on is not beyond the power of God You think of the beginning of Job where?
It says that Satan Was was in the realms of heaven that one blows my mind in the first place, but God says have you considered my servant
Job? And what goes on in that dialogue is that Satan is going to attempt to prove?
That Job is not all that faithful. And so God enables him allows him to go after Job within limits and And the important message there is that what happens is not outside of the sovereign
Authority of God and what is going to happen today? He can't be changed.
He is eternal the sovereignty of God He is and he rules over all and there is nothing in this world that can change
That that fact and I want you to know and I want you to rest confident in the fact that God can be trusted
Now I got news for you women and I got news for your men your spouse is fallible we are all as people were fallen
But God is trustworthy. He is sovereign. He is eternal and his dominion will last forever.
I Want us to look at some announcements because there's some things coming up and I want you to be excited about them we have we have a
We have congregational meeting not tomorrow, but a week from tomorrow If you are a member,
I encourage you to come and if you're not a member, I encourage you to come there We're gonna be talking about some things.
We have We're going to affirm our new board the deacons and elders. We're going to talk about our budget
We have a lot of people that are seeking membership. We're gonna get to vote on them We're gonna hear a lot of us.
We're gonna hear an update on our building project. Please please come to that meeting So in preparation of that with the budgets going to be
Approved at that meeting today and next Sunday after second service if you are curious about the details of the budget
There will be an availability in one of the rooms for you to listen to what's the details of the budget so that you can?
Be prepared and you can be aware also today Next this coming summer.
We're going to be doing a VBS in together with the rock So there is a planning meeting for that is going to be taking place as well today
So have those things on your mind tomorrow morning gentlemen. It's time to set our clocks very early
We have our six o 'clock men's fellowship breakfast here. We're going to be doing something slightly different We've been reading a book about the
Great Reset Things that are going on in the world culture, but tomorrow what we're going to do is
We're going to take the last chapter of pastor Jeff's most recent book blood red church
There's some very appropriate things for us to consider and to talk about if you don't have a copy of blood red church
See us we have a few extra copies. We could hand out, but that's what we'll be talking about so you can prepare for that tomorrow
Speaking of men, I'd like you to put on your calendar and wives I would like you to tell your husband's to put it on their calendar the men's retreat is at the end of April It's a little bit away, but it's time to be planning set that time aside.
It will be a Friday and a Saturday So we'll be able to check in somewhere around 330 dinner will be at 530 and we will be leaving in mid -afternoon on Saturday to return home
Gentlemen you are all invited please and your sons So this isn't going to be just an old guys gathering if you have sons
And if in your opinion your sons are old enough to participate in a men's retreat
They are invited there is no age determination. It isn't like they have to be 12 years old or over It is up to you
You know your children if you believe your son would benefit from and be able to participate in a men's retreat
Please have them come we also recognize that times are tough difficult finances can be tough.
There are a number of Scholarships that can be made available if somebody wants to come can't come because they don't think they can afford it
We want you there so contact us We do have a level of scholarships that would be made available for that the tomorrow or I'm sorry at the
Congregational meeting next week. We will be affirming the new board as I said the elders and deacons
Jeff's just pastor Graham last week Included then the slate that will be presented
Michael said he's going to put that out tomorrow sometime So everybody will have a chance to see that in advance
This is the second Wednesday week of the month and on the second Wednesday week of the month on Wednesday We have a game night here a time of fellowship
Just enjoying each other's company the fourth Wednesday is a movie night, but this week will be the game night
There is going to be a small group for the high school Starting in a couple of weeks.
It'll be on a Tuesday night at the Meyer house So they will be teaching a Bible study for the high school students
In addition to that we have future events that are going to be going on during the Sunday school class
We're thinking about having a middle school class a basics in faith class But in May we're gonna hold a baptism class, so this is another look ahead
We're going to plan to baptismal opportunities if you're here, and you have not yet had believers baptism
You're interested in it contact us if you would like to participate in it in June We're gonna have a baptismal service out on the lawn and in September We're going to have a baptismal service down the shore
Like we had last year if you're at all interested in that contact us. We would love to have you there
We'd love to have you be baptized if you've been baptized We would love to have you there to share in the experience to encourage to be encouraged
And to be able to witness and to be part of that on Easter we are going to have a sunrise service this year on our property
We recently have been joining in with the rock on their sunrise service We're gonna do one here out on our property and then have the regular service that will be a good
Friday Service in preparation for that. I'm looking to see if my wife is here.
She might be outside I will do this one for her we want to say Thank you for everybody that participated in the women's tea that was held yesterday an incredible event
We had a tremendous amount of help on Wednesday Turning this into a tea room
The men that came and helped serve the women that prepared there was some really good food there
And there still is a little bit of food. I think left over the speaker Terry Cameron All of the people that were involved in the staying after turning this tea room back into a sanctuary
Thank you so much to everybody that provided and we give it the glory to God because it was all for his kingdom
Let's turn to prayer Father we come to you this morning With praise
Surrendering confessing and with hope Lord we praise you because of your everlasting wonder
We praise you for your sovereignty and for the love that you give to us
We praise you because we don't deserve it. But yet in your infinite love from eternity
Past you called We surrender to you dear Lord Confessing that we are weak and that the world with all of its offering is insufficient.
So we surrender to you And we confess to you
Lord because we are sinners Unworthy but yet made clean by the blood of Christ Jesus who prayed in the garden not my will but thine be done even surrendering to God went to the cross taking my sins
Taking the sins of the world We confess our unworthiness and our sin.
We abide in the hope Lord that in eternity future We will be with you. We will be able to share with you and to be part with you.
We We live in that hope Lord we pray for the strength of broke boldly proclaim and to lead generations to come
Our neighbors our friends our family that we would be bold to speak in truth as as even the sighted man spoke boldly
Against the attacks of the religious leaders We seek your power through the Holy Spirit with the psalmist
We proclaim your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom your dominion endures throughout all generations
Father be with those in our midst in need we pray father provide the grace that we can only come from you so that Our family can be drawn to you friends can be drawn to you loved ones can know a
Relationship with you and be with us this morning as pastor Jeff brings us your message prepare his words and our hearts
We pray in Jesus name. Amen Will you stand with me
You gave sight to the blind
I believe that the dead came to life I Believe there are wonders and signs and you'll still the same
Believe every word that you said I Believe there are scars in your hands
That your goodness is good without it You'll never change
I Will tell of your wonders see of your grace
God of creation Knows me by name the
Lord is faithful Yesterday now and always
Always Your mercy is mighty age after age all generations
Yesterday now and always Always I believe you will come in the clouds.
I Believe you are here even now In your presence,
I know there is power power I Tell of your wonders
Mercy is mine
All generations I love your wonders
See of your grace the God of creation Knows me by name the
Lord is faithful yesterday Mercy is mighty age after age all
Generations bow down in praise the Lord is faithful Yesterday now and always
Amen as we prepare for communion shortly We want to focus in on the cross
The death and resurrection of our Savior in Colossians 2 13 through 14
It says you were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away
Then God made you alive with Christ For he gave for he forgave all of our sins
He canceled the records of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross
Let's continue to sing about the cross this morning Oh To see the dawn of the darkest day
Christ on the road to Try To them they'll do the cross
This The power The cross
Christ became For Or the wrath we stand forgiven
To see Written on your face
Bury the awesome way Every Every Oh He quakes as its
Dead are raised to life finish the big tree
This the power Christ To see my name written in the
For through your Is the power
Or One We know in retrospect after the fall we know that before the fall it was
God's Nature, it was his in normal course of events to walk with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day in the garden
That fellowship which would have been pure In the cool of the day in the garden And sweet And his initiative but then the fall
So we fast forward into the book of Exodus a Family had gone down to Egypt saved from the famine because of God's provision through Joseph and his family came down and for hundreds of years they existed in Egypt to Millions and became enslaved
To the point where their freedom to worship and to experience God would have been suppressed by the slavery for the
Pharaoh in the Egyptian But then
God said take a lamb an innocent lamb Slaughter it put the blood of that lamb on the lintel on the doorpost
Spread it on the threshold in front of your house So that when the angel of death comes he will pass by your house and you will not die
God's initiative Reached out and provided that escape for man for people
And so then they were left They were allowed to leave Egypt God worked in Pharaoh's heart and they were out in the desert and once again
They could express and God gave them their commands that God started to speak to them again at his initiative
But then they send again Kadesh Barnea was horrible that entire generation died
So now let's fast forward to the Gospels and as the time approached Jesus told his disciples go into the village and Prepare the upper room that we could have
Passover together John chapters 13 through 16
Described that wonderful time that they spent together and then 17 his priestly prayer to the father and that they could have enjoyed this fellowship together at his initiative and Then the cross but you see he told them in the upper room that this must happen
And as he is in the garden and he prayed if there is any way let this pass for me yet Not my will but thine be done the sovereign will of the father on display
And so Jesus goes to the cross people did not put him there. He allowed them to put him there and So the way for fellowship is once again restored now
Let's fast forward to the end of the book of Revelation and we know that there is going to be the marriage feast of the
Lamb and for all of us brothers and sisters who have Bowed our knee to the Lord. We will be at that immense wedding feast of the
Lamb sharing fellowship Once again pure and clean at the initiative of the father
As he approached the cross And he told his disciples what was going to happen
At that meal he took bread and broke it and said this is my body broken for you and passed it around And then he took the cup and he said this is my blood shed for you and then passed it around The Apostle Paul And his letter to the
Corinthians expressed to us what happened there Who expressed to us what is available for us because of that you see this is not a ritual
This is not just something that we decide to do on the first Sunday of every month This isn't something we should just casually come before.
This is a celebration This is a remembrance This is a reminder of That body that had to be broken and that blood that had to be shield shed
Because Jesus said not my will But thine be done We are going to partake in this this morning and we need to be partaking in it in a way that reflects
Hearts that seek after God and are not harboring things that we should not be harboring
And so Paul told us that we must examine ourselves Confess our sins don't take this on worthily.
I'm gonna ask the men to come forward, please It says in 1st
Corinthians 11 Wherefore whoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily
Shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, but let a man examine himself And so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup before we take these elements
Let's take a moment in silent prayer and prepare our hearts for what we're about to experience.
Let's pray It's recorded that God said let us make man in our own image and so he made man
He made woman in his image in the nature of him to have fellowship with him
Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount said blessed are the pure in heart, but they will see God And there's that time when those name
Individuals whose name is written in the book of life will share in the marriage feast of the Lamb together this morning
In front of us are these elements that represent the broken body The bloodshed without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin father.
I confess my sins to you. I Need you Lord By the power of your
Holy Spirit, I desire to repent and to turn away from sin to take this remembrance of you
In rejoicing we pray these things in Jesus name For I have received of the
Lord that which I also delivered unto you That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread
When he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this
Remembrance of me let's join together after everybody has received That pure and spotless body hanging on the cross nailed to the cross
Broken for my sin for our sins Hey And it's recorded
After the same manner, he also took the cup when he had stopped saying This cup is the
New Testament in my blood This do ye as often as you drink it
Remembrance of me again receive it. We'll take it together The blood obediently applied to the lintel to the doorposts the threshold allowed the angel of death to pass by The blood shed on the cross
Enables you and me to be in a situation where our sins are washed as white as snow
And so when the accuser stands in front of God and says what a scoundrel God was
Jesus can say I have that one on the cross His blood shed
Take a drink Let's sing together
The mysteries of the cross I cannot The agonies of Calvary You The perfect holy one
Your blood has washed away my sin
Jesus The father's wrath completely satisfied
Jesus Once you're in me
Seated at your table Jesus Pitches of your
Once you're in Jesus On to live
So I want
Oh your blood washed away
You have done it all for us
We bring nothing to the table But you bought you brought your own body and blood for the forgiveness of our sin and we say, thank you
Lord your word says the wicked flee when no one pursues
But the righteous are as bold as a lion It is our prayer this morning
God that you would make us bold as a lion bold like the Lion of Judah Christ our
King who endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the
Father We pray that you would make us more like Christ today as defenders of the truth help us to be clear in how we speak and to be taught by the
Spirit words that do not come from us in the flesh, but spiritual words that come from you as We uphold the name of Jesus the name that is above every name
That we would not be found ashamed Or silent, but bold like lions in Jesus name we pray.
Amen John Huss was born in 1380 ad
He was a Bible professor in Bohemia Bohemia is close to Poland Ukraine that Eastern European area and He was a professor of theology but as he studied the scripture more and more he recognized that the tradition of The Roman Catholic Church had departed from the pure teaching of God's Word and he began to speak clearly about the gospel
Justification by faith alone and not by the sacraments He spoke against the papacy which had claimed for itself
Authority that actually belongs only to Jesus Christ as the head of the church Well, you can imagine that he was kicked out of his post for this
But he continued to write and he continued to speak even though he was no longer a professor at the
University Finally, he was called to a council in Constance, Germany to stand for the things that he was teaching he was examined and found guilty and then a bishop of Lodi preached a sermon on the destruction of heretics and By that he meant the physical execution of anyone who stood against the
Roman Catholic Church after that sermon John Huss spoke
With courage and with clarity with the commitment to the truth. He said these words
Praying to God may thy infinite mercy. Oh my god pardon this injustice of my enemies
He prayed for the very people who were persecuting him He was then led away to where he would be executed and as he came to that place
He fell down on his knees at the rock at the arrival of his place of execution and he prayed into Thy hands.
Oh Lord. Do I commit my spirit thou hast redeemed me? Oh most good and merciful God With this they lifted him and they shackled him with chains and once again
John Huss spoke saying these words my
Lord Jesus Christ was bound with the harder chain than this is for my sake and Why then should
I be ashamed of? This rusty one His friend the
Duke of Bavaria pled with him to recant and spare his own life But John Huss said no
I never preached any doctrine of any evil tendency and what I taught with my lips.
I now seal with my blood And then a very interesting thing happened at his execution
Remember he was indwelt by the Holy Spirit of the Living God and he had the true word of God They took a chain.
He was fastened now to the chain and they tied him up to the pole where he would be burned But he said to the executioner something very unexpected
You are now going to burn a goose But in a century you will have a swan who you can neither roast nor boil
Did anybody here expect him to say that? You're gonna burn a goose But there will arise a swan in one century that you cannot roast or boil
What did he mean by that well, you'd have to understand that in the Bohemian language Huss meant goose
So he's referring to himself as the goose, but he says to the executioner and all those listening in One century there will arise a swan that you cannot boil.
You cannot roast and a hundred years later one named Martin Luther arose and He nailed 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg and stood and sparked the
Protestant Reformation and when they called him to the Diet of Worms He made his stand like us
He said here I stand boldly for the Word of God in the Scripture against the tradition of men and bound to his own conscience and pure reason and The Word of God he made his stand now as he would have been taken to the place of execution
He was rescued by the Duke of Saxony and taken to a castle where from that castle in a matter of weeks
He translated the entire New Testament from Latin into the German language and by Gutenberg's press now the
Bible went out from that place to all of Europe and The Reformation was afoot the
Swan proved Unstoppable and that's why
Luther is referred to as the Swan Lutherans it's with reference to this prophecy of sorts, but I bring it up the story of John Huss and Martin Luther for two reasons that each of us need to hear about this morning and The first is evident and that is courage
Courage to speak against hostile forces When you're being reviled for the sake of the gospel to speak words
For the glory of your king for he is worthy we need courage to do that it costs
John Huss's life and Many other martyrs during the Protestant Reformation, but secondly
Matthew 10 19 when they deliver you over Do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say
For what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. I have a question for you Do you think John Huss planned to talk about the goose and the swan?
I think that came to his mind taught by the Spirit and then the Bible then he quotes
Here Matthew 10 19. He didn't quote it. But what Jesus said in Matthew 10 19 comes true in his life
He was taught what to say in that hour of his trial. He sang hymns and quoted the
Psalms as he burned in that flame and It was told that he had a smile on his face as he vanquished
The enemy by his obedience even unto death turn with me to John chapter 9
Where we will see a model of this courage this Clarity and these words that are taught by the
Spirit in verses 24 To 34 it is the words of the sighted man
He is speaking with Courage and words taught by the Spirit that did not come from him and in the same way church all of us
Will at some point be called To speak this way Now, I don't think it's likely that anybody here will be taken to the flame
It's very unlikely that any of us will die a martyr's death just because of the time and location where God has blessed us to live in a free country
Where free speech is to some degree still protected but just across our northern border a
Canadian pastor was arrested this week for speaking and preaching the gospel at a quote -unquote drag queen story hour and Words will be given to him when he stands before the judge
We may never stand before a judge but you stand before the judge of your friends and your family and your co -workers and people on Facebook or Instagram or whatever the newest
Social media is these days and my question to you is will you have words taught by the
Spirit? Will you have courage? To speak for the name that is above every name
Do you speak? This is a story for courage and it will come from 24 to 34 but indulge me for five minutes to review where we were last week
Because you can't really understand the confounding of these enemies until you see how they're blinding minds
With their confusion and their tradition and their fear The miracle that happens in the first seven verses of John chapter 9
Reveal that Jesus is in fact the Messiah Even the
Pharisees in their midrash tradition had identified three unmistakable marks of Messiah One he opens the eyes of a blind man who was born blind
Two he heals lepers and three He is able to deliver a demoniac
Without that demoniac speaking. Let me take those in reverse order a Demoniac a
Jewish exorcist would require of the demon that he share its name
Remember Legion when Jesus did the same thing. What is your name? Well, the problem with a mute demoniac is you can't tell the mute man to speak his vocal cords don't work
So the Jewish midrash said when Messiah comes he won't require a demon to speak
He can exercise demons by his own power without the demons name
Make sense Jesus did that very thing Identifying him as the
Messiah Healing lepers when he healed the ten lepers We're told he then sent them to the priest to vindicate that this is in fact the healing of lepers
Indicating that he is Messiah. Remember only one of them came back to say, thank you Jesus but in John 9 a man born blind is
Suddenly able to see and this should be evidence enough to the leaders who even taught these traditions
That he is in fact the Messiah however, there's a spiritual war going on and The devil blinds the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ First way he does that is by confusion
As soon as the story began to be told that the blind man was healed Someone came and sowed confusion and said oh no.
No, no, that's not the guy from the gate He only looks like him.
He's a look -alike You guys are mistaken. No, no healing happened here and the whole crowd the neighbors were thrown into confusion finally, they asked the guy and he's like I am the man and The confusion was cleared up a little but they said well who healed you
Where is he and the final matter was settled with I don't know in other words.
Everybody was confused what happened There was once an Ethiopian Riding in a chariot coming from Jerusalem and he was reading
Isaiah chapter 53 he grew up before him like a tender shoot and he thought who is this that grew up before God and He was led like a lamb to the slaughter and like a sheep before the shearers was innocent
It was silent. He did not open his mouth and The Ethiopian was confused
Who is this talking about that was led to the slaughter? He was buried in a rich man's tomb.
Who's the rich man? Where's the tomb? The Ethiopian was thoroughly confused by Isaiah 53
He sees the light of life and is satisfied. It's the will of the father to crush him what is this talking about until Philip the
Evangelist came along and Jumping up on that chariot. He began in Isaiah 53 from that very place to explain that the prophecy spoke of Jesus the
Christ and He showed him that it was Jesus who did not open his mouth on trial
It was Jesus who laid down his life not for his own sins, but for the sins of others buried in the rich man
Joseph of Arimathea's tomb in the garden and he rose from the dead and saw the light of life and It was the will of the father to crush him because Jesus was a sacrifice for sins and just like this boom
His eyes were open The blind Ethiopian was not physically blind
He was spiritually blind and his eyes were opened by the preaching of the word
Guys as we look out into the world around us People are confused
Who is Jesus? They don't know What are these prophecies?
They don't know what they mean Although there's hundreds of these prophecies. They don't know them and They need you to be a
Philip an Evangelist to go and clear up the confusion and point them to Christ Jesus the
Messiah the first blinding force in the world is simply confusion People don't know the second is tradition
Because as soon as it was shown that Jesus healed some Pharisees said
He must be of the devil not of God Because he healed on the
Sabbath Now they didn't get that from the Word of God they got that from their own tradition from the
Jewish Midrash and as recorded by Maimonides this obsession with Leveling crevices as we looked at last week
That in order for Jesus to have made the mud he would have spit on the ground which would have changed the earth
Which is like plowing a field By their reasoning and by their tradition if they disturb the earth and make mud that way he's working on the
Sabbath now this was not a Reasonable interpretation of the law
This was their tradition Blinding them from the truth of who
Jesus was Now for those of you in school You probably don't have anybody at your school
Who's worried about leveling crevices when they spit, right? But you probably have a lot of people who are convinced that there's no such thing as absolute truth
That all gods and all paths to God are equally valid and nobody can falsify the beliefs of anybody else this postmodern ism is the tradition in our culture and Pluralism that there are many ways to God and many gods
And it really is a matter of personal private opinion These are the traditions of our culture and these are the things that blind people from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ and So what is needed?
One who will come with the truth of God's Word Whose mind is sharp? Who understands and is able to disambiguate?
tradition from truth and Help people to see their own presuppositions and overcome those with the truth of God's Word in Other words tradition blinds people but truth opens eyes
Now lastly there was one other thing that kept people from seeing the light in the case of the parents
You can't tell me that They didn't see what was happening. Their boy was born blind
When that boy opened the womb and they looked into his eyes and they tried to get his attention
It wouldn't have been but a matter of days before they realized He wasn't responding.
He was blind and born blind and They raised him and they led him by the hand and they wept for him because he couldn't participate in sports with his friends and They were very sad when they put him out as a beggar
Because their family must have been impoverished in order to do that If they could have provided for him, he wouldn't be begging on the streets in Jerusalem and So here come these parents
Seeing this very boy that they raised now Jumping and delighted and seeing the light of day you can't tell me that those parents didn't know that Jesus is the
Messiah and According to verse 22 of chapter 9 his parents actually refused to answer the question not because they didn't know but because of fear fear blinds minds
They were afraid of being desynagogued put out of the synagogue Which would have separated them from their economic opportunity in their life their social life
Everything would have been disrupted but because of fear They refused to make the good confession that Jesus is the
Christ So here are the three devices of Satan confusion tradition and fear
These three keep people from coming into the light Jesus is the light of the world, but people refuse to come to him for fear that their deeds would be exposed
Confused blinded by tradition and afraid afraid so let's read the story now
And we'll move quickly today 24 to 34 so for the second time they called the man who had been blind said to him
Give glory to God We know that this man is a sinner. He answered Whether he is a sinner.
I do not know One thing I do know That though I was blind now
I see That's a good answer They said to him
What did he do to you, how did he open your eyes? He answered them
I Have told you already and you would not listen Why do you want to hear it again?
Do you also want to become his disciples and They reviled him saying you are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses notice
They didn't say of God, but of Moses as part of their deception We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man
We do not know where he comes from the man answered why this is an amazing thing you do not know where he comes from and Yet he opened my eyes
We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will
God listens to him Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind
If this man were not from God he could do nothing Great answer they answered him you were born in utter sin, and would you teach us and they cast him out
Now I wish the story ended with the opening of their blind eyes
But that was not God's will in this case it was rather God's will to confound his enemies
By the weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left by the preaching of truth He glorified
Christ by the testimony and he here glorifies Christ in his suffering
God allowed John Huss to go to the flame and He allowed this sighted man now to be kicked out of Jewish life
No longer part of the synagogue no longer able to worship or to participate economically he suffers greatly and Yet as we read the rest of the story next week.
You'll see that his reward far surpasses Everything that was stripped from him This week just three quick points from the three responses as truth warriors
We need to be relentlessly committed to objectivity to the facts
We cannot be like those Who think
Arbitrarily Who are subjective in thinking and unclear in conclusions number one we must
Be committed to truth Verses 24 and 25 in 26 and 27 we're going to talk about listening being able to listen well and hear what people say and by the
Spirit answer words that are appropriate to the moment and then lastly that courage and application of the
Word of God So in 24 and 25 What did they mean in verse 24 and 25 when they say give glory to God?
The implication here is That he's hiding something as a matter of fact this expression comes directly from Joshua 7 19
Some will remember Joshua 7 is the story of AI They've already won a great victory in Jericho But a guy named
Akin took some of the spoils of that war and he buried those items under his tent he was hiding something and The objective evidence that something was wrong is that they lost the next war they went to AI and they got wiped out by their enemy and When they called
Joshua in verse 7 chapter 7 verse 19 Joshua says my son give glory to God Give glory to God and what that means is stop hiding stop lying tell the truth.
That's what they're saying here in John 9 24 give glory to God. However, they're not looking at the objective evidence
Follow me in AI the objective evidence is something's wrong here
Because we just got wiped out by our enemies and according to Deuteronomy 28 and 29. We will chase five will chase a hundred
Israel will win victories as long as they're obedient The problem is they just lost a great battle
Now exactly opposite of that The good news is that the blind man just received a sight
The objective evidence is that God is at work to bless and to open blind eyes
Let's celebrate we didn't just lose we just won and so look at the answer in verse 25 He refutes
They're not so subtle comparison to Aiken in Which they claim he's hiding something he refutes that with objective evidence pointing to the facts
Whether he is a sinner. I do not know He would have no way of knowing that he had no access to the life of Jesus to validate one way or the other
But committed to the evidence look what he says One thing I do know That though I was blind now
I see and Those are powerful words There's nobody in the history of the world who's opened blind eyes
Some say well our prophet is Muhammad Who is the true prophet of God?
The one validated by God Almighty by the answer of prayer that he would open blind eyes
The evidence points to the miracle worker Christ Jesus himself the one who fulfilled all of these prophecies of a coming
Messiah the objective evidence points that Jesus is the Christ and Your testimony gives objective evidence
Imagine who you would be if Christ had not interposed in your life But for the grace of God there go.
I every good thing in my life Is no testament to me It's to the fact that God opened these blind eyes, and I saw
Christ and now he showers these blessings on me That I don't deserve but for grace
And here go I and the evidence of our lives Christians is a testimony that we have seen
He appeals to objective evidence here Jesus is the Christ Secondly he's a great listener
By the way you guys are listening. Well. I can tell everybody's paying attention. That's good James says be slow to speak quick to listen slow to become angry
Look what it says here in verses 26 and 27. What did he do to you?
Can you hear the disdain in their voices? What manner of magic is this what sorcery did he work on you
What trick are you playing? How did he open your eyes now
There are great disadvantages to being born blind but there is an advantage that I can think of and That is blind people will tend to be better listeners than those who can see
Compensating for lack of sight they are always aware of what's going on around them, and they listen and they think and Hear that advantage in his life comes into play
Because he listens well They'd already asked him this question, and he takes note of that in his mind look what he says in verse 27 he answered them
I Have already told you and You would not
Listen Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become his disciples and that was a phrase taught by the
Spirit in the moment to confound the enemies because the truth of the matter is that Jesus opened his eyes and They're not wanting to hear it
The evidence is before them Very often in our lives.
We will be confronted with false prophets false teachers Those who reject the gospel who stand against the gospel that we preach and Church we have to be better at listening in order to refute people right at the point of their disagreement
We need to be better listeners We're told by Paul in 2nd
Corinthians chapter 10 That we do not fight like those of the flesh
We do not fight with weapons of the flesh But our weapons are mighty for the destroying of strongholds
We take captive every thought and make it obedient unto Christ This does not refer to our own mental struggles so much as apologetics
It refers to arguments that people make against Christ being able to hear what is said and take that thought
Captive pin it down hold it down take it captive And make it obedient to Christ and that's exactly what this man did
Why would Christians who serve the king of kings and lord of lords simply turn away and walk away?
When people are reviling the king now a gentle answer turns away wrath
We shouldn't just be abrasive and constantly looking to pick a fight, but when people are directly opposing the king
Shouldn't the servants of the king be willing to stand and speak? Well we first have to listen
To hear what they're saying and then directly engage that and here's the promise of Matthew 10
Jesus gave it to us in these moments Don't even worry about what you're going to say
The spirit will teach you what to say in that moment I Can't tell you how many times
I've seen that true in my own life in apologetics Where the Lord gives you the words and teaches you what to say, but you have to be willing to speak and You have to be trained in the word of truth rightly handling it rightly dividing the word
Let's look at this last point Now it gets to the point where they are reviling him
Verse 28 you are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses. We don't know where this guy comes from Again, he listens and says ah that's an interesting thing
You're admitting that you are speaking from a place of ignorance what you don't know you don't even know where he comes from but hey let me remind you of something objective and factual
I Was blind and now I see he won't let them change the subject
He holds them to that fact, but notice as he goes on verse 31
We know that God does not listen to sinners But if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will
God listens to him. I Think that this particular sighted man
Was well versed in the scripture. He knew Psalm 66 18 If I had harbored sin in my heart
God would not have listened to me He's seeing that Jesus prays and God answers and He's using the
Word of God now like a sword for the truth Verse 32 never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind
He's referencing their law and that law had come out of Isaiah 42 this is the first servant song that when
Messiah comes a Wounded reed he will not break a smoldering wick. He will not snuff out.
He will open the eyes of the blind and So the Word of God is
Confirming that Jesus is the Christ and this man the sighted man is wielding it like a sword
He knows the word and That is his weapon It's ours as well
He says if this man were not from God he could do nothing and that conclusion is true
Now lastly in verse 34, wouldn't it be great again?
if They said, okay, you're right. Jesus is the Messiah But in this world don't expect that to be the reaction of those who oppose
Christ It will be grace that will open the eyes of some But that road is narrow and few people find it the broad and easy way is the way of the world which rejects the claim of Christ and most people will choose that easy way and They will only revile you all the more here he is thrown out of the synagogue
So count the cost In closing as we're looking at this passage here.
We have the model of a man of courage a lion The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion how long had this man been born again when this trial came to him a
Matter of days, we're not talking about John Huss the theologian or Martin Luther the theologian we're talking about a man newly born again and Brought on trial his life hanging in the balance
He stood like a lion and with courage and conviction preach the truth that Jesus is the
Son of God He didn't have the full understanding yet that comes a few verses later, but he declares that he comes from God Make no mistake
How much more we who live in this country should so sheltered so protected by the providence of God how much more should we be willing to speak and Defend the truth of God's Word I don't know what that's gonna look like, but I am convinced of this that every one of us in this room
Will have our own John 9 24 to 34 moment It's gonna happen at your workplace
Or online or in in your own family your extended family When some begin to revile the name of Christ You relentlessly hold to the facts you listen and you pray and the
Word of God Which you have treasured in your heart and stored up. It will come pouring out of you in ways you did not expect words taught by the
Spirit But that's why we do what we're doing now, we're we're investing for that moment
We're sharpening the sword now so that in that day. It will be a sharp two -edged sword
We're studying the word like a workman to show ourselves approved who does not need to be ashamed
So we thank God for this example that we have and let it spur us on Andrew Brunson Was thrown into jail in Turkey a number of years ago and His two years in prison were not an easy time
They were marked by great suffering He had to discipline himself to dance before the
Lord and quote scripture to himself in order to not give up during that time But eventually he was delivered and now he goes about preaching the gospel and continuing in this ministry his reward will be great in heaven and So it will be for you.
We're gonna see this next week in the final verses of this chapter To know Christ and his suffering
That's our inheritance that is our vindication from the Lord I close with Isaiah 54
Verse 17 no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper
Amen no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper But our inheritance is to rebuke and refute those who stand in judgment against us and this is our inheritance and our vindication from the
Lord, let's pray Father we thank you for this example in your word of a man of courage
One who would stand for his king and be willing to suffer for his king and And Jesus we likewise confess you are the king of kings in the
Lord of Lords you alone open blind eyes My prayer Lord this morning is that there's if there's anybody here
Who has not seen the light? That Jesus is the light of the world That they would come and believe the good news
Give them eyes to see just like he healed the blind man And give us who do believe courage to speak
Commitment to the facts to objectivity the ability to listen and The sword of the
Spirit in our hand with which to fight we pray in Jesus name.
Amen He is my lights my strength
I saw this corner stone Solid ground
Burn through the fiercest drought storm What heights of love?
What depth of peace? When tears are still when striving
Return here in the love of Christ I Was This is the power of Christ Here is a power by my strength
In Christ in Christ To Christ alone
Till he returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ, I'll stand Here in the power of Christ I'll stay
Be sober minded Be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
Resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same kinds of suffering
Are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world and after you have suffered a little while The God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore
Confirm strengthen and establish you to him be the dominion forever and ever.