“The Worthy One!” – FBC Morning Light (12/6/2023)

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A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture: Amos 1-2 / Revelation 5


Well, a good Wednesday morning to you. Hope your week is going well thus far, and we're halfway through it, almost, at least, in the course of this day.
Well, today in our Bible reading we're reading the first couple chapters in the book of Amos and Revelation chapter 5.
I want to focus in that fifth chapter of Revelation. It begins with this vision that John has of God on his throne, and he's holding a scroll that has on it seven seals.
I won't go into all of the symbolism and so forth. I think one way we can look at that scroll very broadly is that that scroll contains
God's purposes for human history. The significance of the seals is that those purposes cannot be fulfilled without the seals being broken.
Then there's this scene that John sees where there's nobody that's worthy of opening that scroll and making sure that God's purposes for human history are fulfilled.
It causes a great deal of lamentation and weeping and mourning, and with good reason, because if God's purpose for human history is not fulfilled, then that means man is eternally doomed.
The determination in the Garden of Eden to send the seed of the woman who's going to crush the head of the serpent, that purpose will never be fulfilled.
The salvation of the human race of a select and or an elect group of redeemed people from humanity would never be accomplished if that scroll is not opened.
So no wonder everybody's weeping and lamenting that this is not going to be fulfilled. Again, this is a vision that John sees.
But then, one steps forward who is able to take that scroll and to open its contents, and John describes him as a lamb, looks as if it has been slain.
And of course, this is a Jesus Christ, this is Jesus, and Jesus is the one and only one who is worthy to open that scroll.
And why is that? Why is it that he is worthy to open the scroll? Well, we have this great exclamation of praise in verses 9 and 10, from verse 8 tells us, the four living creatures and the 24 elders, as they fall down before the lamb, when the lamb had taken the scroll, and they sing a new song, saying, in verse 9, worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals for, that is, because.
Why is he worthy to take the scroll and open it? Because, they proclaim, exclaim, you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our
God, and they shall on the earth. So, if you think about God's ultimate purpose for the planet and for humanity, from the creation of man, and then factor in the end of the book of Revelation and what is ultimately to come,
God's purpose for humanity is to have a redeemed people that he gives to his
Son, the Lord Jesus, who will worship and exalt and praise him for all eternity, and it is the
Son, the lamb, that secures that purpose. He is the one that secures the purpose by being slain and shedding his blood to ransom the people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.
That's why he's worthy to do this. That's why he is so exalted in this scene, because as the plan and purpose for human history is held in the hand of God and needs to be fulfilled, it is
Jesus, the Lamb of God, who is the one who secures that plan and its fulfillment.
How does he do so? By shedding his blood on the cross to ransom your soul and mine and the souls of people from every tribe and language and nation, who will spend eternity together with him in praise and exaltation and worship, just echoing for all eternity this exclamation of praise from the living creatures and the 24 elders.
Let's give thanks today for the Lamb that was slain and for his securing the purposes of God for all of human history.
Our Father and our God, we do thank you today for the Lord Jesus, and thank you that he has redeemed us unto himself a people for his glory and for your glory, and that he, by his work on that cross, has secured your purposes for human history.
Thank you and praise you for him. Now bless these thoughts to our hearts today. We ask in Jesus' name and for his sake.