F4F | Bill Winston: 1000 Times More Anointing


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am a servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, have you ever heard of the thousand times more anointing?
Yeah, neither have I. Yeah, it's in the book of fourth hesitations or is it 92nd
Hezekiah? It's in there. No, it's not. It's not in the Bible anywhere. And so what we're gonna be doing on this installment of Fighting for the
Faith is deconstructing a very Bible, well, favorite, a famous Bible twisting technique.
We're gonna call this, in fact, let me throw this up here on the screen. We're gonna call this the string of macaroni
Bible twisting technique, because the way this works is you invent a doctrine.
You can't find it anywhere in the Bible. And by the way, in order for a doctrine to be biblical, it actually has to be taught in the
Bible somewhere. For instance, the deity of Christ. Christ is none other than God in human flesh.
And there are clear passages that say this. So we can say, we can go to like the opening of Romans, Romans chapter 1, who as a descendant of the flesh was descended from David, and who by the
Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God. You know, things like this. There are passages of Scripture that clearly teach that Jesus is both
God and man. You can go to them, no problemo. Now when it comes to false teachers in Word of Faith heretics, yeah, these guys have a really interesting habit.
They make stuff up. These are man -made doctrines, which by the way, Jesus warns us about those who invent and make up man -made doctrines.
And so here's how the string of macaroni technique works. You begin by putting forward your non -existent doctrine, and then what you do is you hunt around all throughout the
Bible, all the New Testament, and you rip verses and sentences out of context, and you claim that they're talking about the thing that you invented.
Case in point, we're gonna be heading over to Bill Winston Ministries. Yeah, Bill Winston.
He's an old -school, old guard Word of Faith heretic, and this guy is really good at whipping people up into a frenzy and feeding off their greed rather than calling them to repent of their sins.
And so he's invented this thing, the thousand times more anointing.
Thousand times more. And what we're gonna do is we'll note that the the string of macaroni technique that he's using to make it look like this is taught in the
Bible, but it isn't. That's kind of the idea. So grab something to eat, something to drink.
We're gonna dive right into it. Here's the thousand times more anointing from Bill Winston.
Here we go. A thousand times more peace. A thousand times more joy.
A thousand... Man, you gotta come on up there. Oh yeah, this is just a teaser for the episode.
A thousand times more. A thousand times more love. A thousand times more wealth.
Throw that one in there. A thousand times more wealth. Woohoo! I'm gonna be rich! I just gotta figure out how to find and apply the thousand times more anointing.
Yeah, by the way, if a Bible teacher is feeding your greed rather than to tell you to repent of it, you know you're dealing with a false teacher.
It's a wolf. Somebody who's teaching for shameful gain things that he ought not to teach. Turning God into a prosperity genie.
Yeah, it doesn't work that way. A thousand times more victory. A thousand times more favor.
A thousand times more ideas. Oh, a thousand times more ideas.
I can hardly wait. A thousand times. Everything is gonna have an anointing of a thousand times more.
Everything's gonna have an anointing of a thousand times more. Yeah, you are a complete con man and charlatan.
And everyone's there going, Yay! I won the lottery by going to church. No, you didn't.
Yeah, this is the kind of stuff that'll land you in hell. Hello, Bill Winston here, and welcome to the
Believer's Walk of Faith, where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well, as born -again believers, there is a power that's available to us and that is on us.
Yeah, this thousand times more anointing thingy. Which biblical text teaches this that is available to us who are born again?
For something far above what the world's ability has ever seen. It is a powerful force.
We call it the anointing. It's a powerful force. Yeah, Christians are now
Jedi's who can tap into the force of the anointing.
The anointing is God's burden -removing, yoke -destroying power. The power of God on human flesh to do what only
God can do. Now, that anointing has the ability to bring us into a thousand times more of anything that the world can produce.
A thousand times more, man. In other words, if it takes the world a thousand days, we can do it in one day.
Balogna. I think that's how you pronounce it, right? Balogna? Never mind.
So, if this were true, I want you to think about this. Whatever it takes the world a thousand days to do, we can do it in one day.
If this were true of Christians, then don't you think that corporations would be fighting over hiring
Christians? I mean, there would be a shortage of Christians worldwide. Because their productivity levels would be a thousand times greater than any pagan fellow.
You know, you think some pagan guy going, I'd like to apply here at such and such place, and they're all, are you a
Christian? Well, no. I'm an atheist, man. Dude, you know,
I'm down with the patriarchy and, you know, stuff. I'm all for freedom from God and the
Constantinian oppression of the church, man. Okay, that's great. But, you know, we like hiring those
Christians. Because, I mean, seriously, you know, what takes you, pagan atheist dude, you know, three and a half years to do?
Those Christians can get done in a day. Yeah, so, you know, sorry, you know, unless you're willing to become a
Christian and get that thousand times more anointing thing going on in your life. We're not all that interested in you.
This is nonsense on its face, folks. If it takes a thousand people, you can do it in one person.
Right. That's the anointing that's on our lives. No, it's not. You're just making that up.
Nice big smile, too. Let's go right into it. It's called the thousand times more anointing.
No, it's not. It's not taught in the Bible anywhere. This anointing we described here as really the burden -removing, yoke -destroying power of God.
Burden -removing, yoke -destroying power of God for a thousand times more. Basically, it's the most powerful force in the earth.
Yeah, it's a force. It's most powerful. I mean, electricity doesn't even compare.
Nuclear energy doesn't even compare. And this is the thing that Satan fears most.
He fears... I thought Satan feared Christ the most. Yeah, he's just making stuff up.
Where does it talk about Satan fearing the thousand times more anointing? I'd like to see those texts, please,
Bill. That anointing, because this anointing will absolutely not only destroy what he has done, but it will also...
I thought Christ destroyed what he has done. Again, just saying.
Leave no trace that he's ever been there. Can I get an amen on that?
Now, as we see the places here that we're talking about this anointing, we see that in Isaiah 1027, that God said about this anointing was his burden -removing, yoke -destroying power.
Alright, so here's the first verse in the String of Macaroni, Isaiah 10 -something or other.
Okay. And then also we see in Zechariah, Zechariah chapter 4. He didn't even read out the
Isaiah text. He just... Isaiah 1027. Let's take a look at it. Alright, let's see here.
Duplicate this tab, because I don't want to lose my place. Isaiah 1027,
I think is what he said. Let's see. I mean, the first, you know, noodle on his
String of Macaroni, he didn't even... No wonder he didn't read it out, because if you read it in context, it won't even apply.
Alright, so our three rules for Sound, Big, Vocal, Exegesis. They are context, context, and context.
And the whole String of Macaroni Bible -twisting technique requires you to rip things out of context.
So, you know, it ain't going to work. So, Isaiah 1024. The Lord of hosts will wield against them a whip, as when he struck
Midian at the Rock of Oreb, and his staff will be over the sea, and he will lift it as he did in Egypt.
And in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of the fat.
Alright, so unless we're a Jew living in the time of the affliction of the
Assyrians, Isaiah 1027 is not talking about the thousand times more anointing, the yoke -breaking -burden -whatever -thingy that he's talking about.
Alright, so let's come back to Bill Winston. Let me back this up just a smidge so we can hear again as he's stringing the macaroni together here.
...was his burden -removing, yoke -destroying power. Yeah, yeah.
And then also we see in Zechariah, Zechariah chapter 4, in verses 6 or 7.
Zechariah 4, verses 6 or 7. So, the string of macaroni, noodle number 2 from Zechariah.
Apparently it's all about the thousand times more anointing. And verse 6 says,
A type of Christ, a type of anointed one. Okay.
Another translation, please. Yeah, what is
God referring to, to Zerubbabel? And who is this fellow? Well, funny enough,
I happen to know. And we'll do a little bit of work here in the Old Testament.
And Ezra, Ezra chapter 2. Ezra chapter 2. We'll note that Zerubbabel is mentioned here in Ezra chapter 2.
Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Sariah, Ra 'aliah,
Mordecai, Bilshan, Mizpar, Bigvi, Rahum, Ba 'anah.
Okay, so you get the idea here, what's going on. And Zerubbabel happens to be one of the fellows who came back from exile.
And then we learn in Ezra chapter 3, just a smidge more about Zerubbabel.
And it says, So Zerubbabel is a
Levite. And when he returns from exile, he has the task of re -igniting, if you would, re -instituting the sacrifices in the
Temple of God. And the Temple is in complete disrepair. They're going to have to rebuild it, get things going again.
And while Nehemiah is rebuilding the wall, Zerubbabel is working with the other priests to get the
Temple back in working order. So now you can see what's going on here.
Again, we'll go to Zechariah 4 now. Context, context, context. We know who Zerubbabel is and the task that is before him.
And it sounds to me like the prophet Zechariah has received a message from the
Lord himself encouraging Zerubbabel in the task that he has been given to get the
Temple back in order and get the sacrifices back up and running. So the angel who talked to me, with me, came again and woke me like a man who was awakened out of his sleep.
And he said to me, What do you see? I said, I see, behold, a lampstand, all of the gold with a bowl on top of it and seven lamps on it and the seven lips on each of the lamps that are on the top of it.
And there are two olive trees by it. And one on the right of the bowl, the other on the left. And as I said to the angel who talked with me,
What are these, my Lord? And then the angel who talked with me answered and said, Do you not know what these are?
I said, No, my Lord. Then he said to me, This is the word of Yahweh to Zerubbabel, not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says
Yahweh Sabaoth, the Lord of hosts, the Lord of armies. Who are you, O great mountain, before Zerubbabel?
You shall become a plain, and he shall bring forward the topstone amid shouts of grace, grace to it.
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house.
His hands shall also complete it. Then you will know that Yahweh Sabaoth, the
Lord of hosts, the Lord of armies, has sent me to you for whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice and shall see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.
So Zerubbabel, like I said, he's been given this great task. And the Lord has given a prophecy through the prophet
Zechariah. And Zerubbabel is the guy who reinstituted and fixed back up the temple of God and brought back all the sacrifices.
And God is encouraging him. And God is making it clear, despite the opposition to what he's doing, he will complete the task that he has been given.
Yeah, nothing there. Did you notice a complete lack of anything about the thousand times more anointing?
Yeah, it's just not there in Zechariah, is it? Like, not at all. That's how the string of macaroni technique of twisting the
Bible works. And, oh boy, I tell you, Bill Winston here has put some really pretty colors on that macaroni as he's stringing it together.
Even bedazzled it a little bit. But he's twisting up the Scriptures pretty badly here.
One man translated says it's not by army or not by human effort, but it's by my spirit.
Right, the reestablishing of the temple after the exile. Yeah, yeah, that was not by might nor by power, but it was by the spirit, and the
Lord said so. Now, we can see this in a time of Judges chapter 6 when
God picked a man named Gideon. Judges chapter 6, the story of Gideon.
I'm not going to read it out. You can go in and take a look at it. It's a great story.
And Gideon is a type and shadow of Christ. And the destruction of the people who were oppressing
Israel at the time, that's all a type and shadow of the end of the world and God's judgment. But all of that being said, nowhere in Judges will you see mentioned the thousand times more anointing.
So Bill Winston's just jumping all over the Bible, and what he hasn't done is actually prove that there is this thing that we as Christians have called a thousand times more anointing.
...picked him, that he was going to raise him up to lead Israel. Now, at that time,
Israel was somewhat backslidden, if you will. Yeah, they were engaging in idolatry, and God sold them into slavery.
Because of that, they were in lack and in famine, and the
Midianites were busy taking everything they had. Yeah, just like locusts and grasshoppers. Because Israel sinned and was engaging in idolatry.
Early part of the story of Gideon, Gideon ends up destroying the altars to the false god
Baal. And so now God's going to use somebody to set
Israel free, bring them out from under this bondage. And he picked a man named
Gideon, Judges 6 and verse 12, and the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him,
The Lord is with you, thy mighty man of valor. Now, a little bit of a note here, the angel of the
Lord appeared, that would be none other than Jesus himself appeared to Gideon.
Yeah, that's who the angel of the Lord is. And now, just applying some context here, it's important that when
God is speaking to somebody, you pay attention to whom he is speaking to. Because if God says something to Gideon, that is specific to Gideon, he ain't talking to you, and it doesn't apply to me either.
So the angel of Yahweh appeared to him, to Gideon, and said unto him, to Gideon, Yahweh is with thee, thou mighty man of valor.
Yes, so Gideon is a mighty man of valor. Yahweh said so.
The angel of the Lord said so. And as far as the Lord being with us, well, Christ makes it clear before he ascends,
All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is found in Matthew 20. And lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the age.
So we can say that because Christ has made it clear, speaking to the church, to all of us, indeed, the
Lord is with us. But God has not said to all of us that we are mighty men of valor.
You know, just saying. In fact, I would argue that half the population being women couldn't possibly be mighty men of valor.
They would be women. So maybe they... But God isn't saying that they're mighty women of valor either.
You see, this is a complete twisting of the text. This is known as narcissism, narcissistically reading yourself into the biblical text.
You're not in the story of Gideon. You're not there. No, no, it's just not there.
What we said there is that one thing that God wants you to do is see yourself as he sees you, not as your cousin sees you.
You mean as a forgiven sinner clothed in the righteousness of Christ? You see, that's how the
New Testament teaches us to view ourselves as Christians, not as mighty men of valor, but as forgiven sinners, pardoned by God, all for Christ's sake because of what he did for us on the cross.
Not as people who don't like you see you or whatever, but see yourself as he sees you.
Say amen to that. Verse 14, And the Lord looked upon him and said,
Go in this thy might, and thou shall save Israel from the hand of the
Midianites. Have not I sent thee? Yeah, Christ has sent the church into the world not to slay
Midianites. No. Christ makes it clear we're sent into the world to make disciples of all nations baptizing.
We're also to proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name.
See Luke 24 for that one. Yeah, that's what we're called to do.
Meaning that whenever God sends you on an assignment, he empowers you to supernaturally accomplish that assignment.
Ooh, that's good. And what other assignment is Christ sending us on than to make disciples and to proclaim the gospel and preach him crucified for our sins and call sinners to repent and to be forgiven by Christ?
And he said this, verse 15, And he said unto him, O my Lord, wherewithal shall
I save Israel? Behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house.
And the Lord said unto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the
Midianites as one man. When God and you get together, you become a majority.
What? Let's see, let's see.
I'm going to do a Google search here. Jesus says, so Jesus says,
Apart from me you can do nothing. Yes, that's right.
All right, John 15. John 15, 51. Let's take a look at it.
Yes, and you can Google things. If you're not sure where it is, you can
Google phrases of the Bible and Google will find them for you just fine.
So let's take a look at John 15, and specifically 50.
Well, let's see, let's see. What was our thing? 15, five, five.
There we go, not 51. 15, five. All right, let's head back.
All right, so I am the vine, the true vine. My father is the vine dresser, Jesus says. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes that it may bear more fruit.
Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.
I in the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and he, it is that bears much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing.
Yeah, just, you know, just saying, this is kind of weird that Bill Winston's making me sound like I'm super -de -duper powerful.
Oh, yeah, because I'm supposed to have that thousand times more anointing thingy on me, right? I don't care how many you coming up against, you have just qualified as a majority.
No biblical text says this, especially the Gideon texts and Judges. So here is
God taking Gideon through some paces now, of course, to get him to be in faith because this anointing needs your faith so that you can execute what
God has called you. You can't... Yeah, see, this anointing needs your faith. So if you find yourself up against a thousand and you get defeated, it's because you didn't have enough, you know, faith.
Talk against the anointing. If you want the anointing to work for you, you're going to have to speak faith.
You can't talk against the anointing. No wonder it's never worked for me because I've been talking against the thousand times more anointing.
Ah, it'll never work. It doesn't exist, folks. You're going to have to talk and say what
God says. So here, it says in that same chapter,
Judges 6 in verse 34, that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon.
So as God sends you places, he's going to empower you to do the work. Where in Scripture am
I told that because God sent Gideon someplace that I should expect he's going to send me somewhere?
Huh? Now, the empowerment that he's going to give you gives you so much more ability than the world has.
Yes. Now, this is really key because I'm going to be centering around my teaching.
God, if God say the same. So apparently God's got to validate this and it's hard or something.
On that right there because we still have to get a real clear picture of how powerful we are.
The Apostle Paul talks about, I'm going to brag about my weaknesses. Demonstrate my weakness.
So here we just got to understand just how powerful we are. Uh -huh.
He said that over in Joel that he's going to pour out his Spirit. Yeah, that would be the
Spirit is powerful, not me. Upon all flesh, Joel 2 .28.
So next string, next piece of macaroni in this necklace of macaroni here.
Oh, this is such a precious teaching here. I mean, this is going to sell for thousands as far as seed offerings are concerned.
Yeah, it's Joel 2 out of context. But your sons and your daughters shall... You'll notice Joel 2 doesn't say anything about the thousand times more anointing either.
...prophesied, old men shall dream dreams, young men shall see visions. And he also, if you look here at Judges chapter 7, it says,
Then Zerubbel, who is... Zerubbel, yeah. ...Gideon
and all the people that were with him rose up early and pitched beside the well of Herod so that the host of the
Midianites were on the north side of them by the hill of Moriah in the valley.
Yep, no mention there of the thousand times more anointing. Nope, nothing there either. And the
Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with you are too many for me to give the
Midianites into your hand, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me in saying,
My own hand has saved me. So God is saying that if you want
Him to work, you're going to have to make room for Him to work. No, I haven't been sent with any army to slay the
Midianites. Neither have you, and there's no mention of the thousand times more anointing in Judges 6 or 7.
You're just making that up. So yes, again, this is the string -of -macaroni
Bible -twisting technique going on here. And making room for Him to work means that He's about to give you something bigger than you can do.
Really? No, it doesn't mean that at all. This guy is just filling these people's heads with complete delusions of randeur and importance rather than calling them to repent of their sins and trust in Christ.
This is just feeding our sinful nature's latent narcissism. Now, I want you to get that because this is kind of where we need to go as a church.
The tendency is that we don't do anything that we don't think we can do. Well, that was all right.
Yeah, that's right. I don't try to fly because I can't. So I don't generally do the things
I know I can't do. When you were weak, but now you are strong.
But now you have an anointing on you that's much bigger, much more powerful than anything you ever were before you got born again.
So apparently we're like Marvel comic heroes now.
It says in Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy and chapter 1. Deuteronomy chapter 1. Nothing to do with the thousand times more anointing either.
That's just the next piece of macaroni stuck on the string here.
Oh, it's beautiful. It's colorful, isn't it? And starting reading at verse 9.
He said this, And I spake unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone.
This is Moses talking about how he cannot carry the people of Israel by himself after the exodus.
The Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are this day as the stars of heaven.
Who's the y 'all, all y 'all there? That would be the children of Israel in the wilderness.
And this account was spoken by Moses very shortly before they went in and conquered the promised land.
For multitude. The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times.
Who's the you there? That's a plural by the Lord your God, the God of all y 'all's fathers make you a thousand times more as you are and bless you as he hath promised you.
That's not a promise of a thousand fold anointing you know, thingy on us.
This is just Moses describing what God did to the children of Israel during their slavery and after their exodus.
I'm so many more as you are and bless you as he has promised you.
Say, I have the thousand times more anointing on my life.
No, you don't have any thousand times more anointing thingy on your life.
Just because he read a bunch of passages out of context and then strung them together on a string of macaroni.
Oh, man. These people are utterly deceived. He's playing off of their sinful natures and their greed and their self -importance.
Yeah. Oh, I'm super duper special. I have the thousand times more anointing on my life, man.
No, you don't. It's not even a biblical teaching. It's just strung together.
You know, a bunch of verses out of context to make it look like this is what the Bible teaches when it doesn't.
And so I'm sure this will cost them a thousand times more money, actual money out of their pockets, than it would if they were attending a
Bible -believing church where the pastor actually rightly teaches God's word and proclaims
Christ and him crucified for our sins. So, yeah, because they're going to be paying lots of seed offerings in order to activate that thousand times more anointing thingy, which
Bill Winston just made up. It's totally a doctrine of his own creation.
It's not taught in Scripture. Hope you found that helpful. If so, please share this video with other people.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
Amen. Macaroni!
Macaroni! Macaroni! Macaroni! Make a macaroni crust and then you all will be redeemed.