Post-Election Thoughts and an Ecclesiastical Text Video


Spent the first half hour with a few post-election thoughts, meandering around the landscape, and then played two new “ecclesiastical text” videos and responded to them—as much as I could, given they don’t actually make sufficiently clear claims so as to be able to interact with them. However, the cartoons joining me and Dan Wallace with Bart Ehrman were entertaining, at least.

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You can just barely see it there right at the bottom the screen you can see the top of the board regeneration light just barely
But not really overly well Welcome to the dividing line greetings what?
No, I'm not going to I'm hey, if if people can burn cars and Do all sorts of stuff
You know just because the election why should I listen to what you have to say about where the microphone needs to be
I'm I'm Joining the rebellion man No, actually And in fact,
I'll I'll be honest with you I think most of the you know,
I've seen all the stories that you all are seeing today about Cornell University having a cry -in and And other universities having counselors available if people need to process the election
Now, I don't think any of that would have happened if the communists had won There wouldn't be any of that because Who you know who cares it wouldn't happen
But I think most of these reports are a little overblown I know those things are happening, but I think the majority of university students walk by the people who are hugging the teddy bears and coloring with crayons with numerous staff people around them to help protect them and just keep their mouths shut because they don't want to get in trouble and they just go on and and they know that these people are troubled
But they can't say anything about it and they just just go on and they won't say a word about it because they know it's
I could get them anywhere But I did see some people on Facebook saying well, you know, yeah,
I asked this one guy on Facebook He actually responded to something that Micah wrote
And he said well, you know, these people's lives are being ruined right now So it would be okay if we gave them some some compassion and and some space so their anger and rage and I'm just like Why?
I mean Really? The stuff that I'm seeing in media today from the millennial generation
Honestly, I've said it before and and I'll say it again I Stopped thinking that way before age 7
Really did. I Was encouraged by my parents to stop thinking that way.
I was encouraged to recognize that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
I was encouraged to grow up take responsibility realize that you know What there are other perspectives in the world and and people are gonna say things you don't agree with and need to process it and understand it and and if you think it's really damaging then go ahead and respond to it and argue with it and and you know act like an adult and evidently, that's
Not how things are done anymore Anyway, it's it's um, it's
November 10th The Sun rose this morning. I watched it rise.
I was riding my bike Did a half century this morning and I'm almost done
I'm about to start Working through. Oh, I was gonna bring it in here drat
There there's the the Nick Needham set it's on my desk, it's on my desk, please
I really Know but please don't ask me about how
I can listen to this because it's not really available to be listened to so I Have connections.
Um, but I'm about to plow my way through this
There's actually a fourth volume it hasn't arrived yet But here's the three volumes 2 ,000 years of Christ power.
This is the new you may have seen the old paperback versions but this is the new printing and Of Nick Needham's 2 ,000 years of Christ power
The age the early church fathers the Middle Ages and Renaissance the Reformation and then like I said,
I think there's a fourth volume That it's coming out. So And I'm gonna be plowing through.
I don't know how many hours of writing it will take but I'm gonna be plowing through all of Nick Needham stuff I know
Nick personally He's a good friend and Met him in 2005
He is pastoring a church in Inverness Scotland Which if you're not familiar with that area is the city at the mouth of Loch Ness So he and Nessie are good good buds as is everybody in in Inverness.
Everybody's seen Nessie in Inverness and Anyway a great church historian great scholar neat guy and so I'm gonna be plowing through that and people are always asking about church history books and I I Wanted you to know because I I knew they had gone out of print for a while but I'm trying to get to that.
That's the next thing on my list but I really I really want to finish up the biography of Stonewall Jackson, I'm only 50 minutes about you know, only a matter of miles from finishing that one up and Interestingly enough this morning part of the section was was on how he brought in chaplains and paid for you know paid their salary himself and and Paid to have
Bibles printed and it's just it's a fascinating story fascinating individual and so anyhow, so all of that to say that yes,
I saw the sunrise this morning and the world continued on and I'm gonna try to keep this brief because I've got some videos to play for you that will get us back into doing stuff that we normally do and that is addressing subjects that Almost nobody else addresses and you've gotten to hear
All sorts of commentary and we'll hear all sorts of commentary There's just a few things that I want to talk about in regards to the
United States elections like I said, wow, was there a lot of interest in this overseas when
I was in Australia and and New Zealand and So Wow didn't see that coming well
It's always a possibility But I didn't expect it and The first thing
I'd like to say is if you think There's so many people saying this is a this is a paradigm changer
This this represents such a massive shift in public thought and all the rest of stuff.
I don't buy a word of it I don't buy a word. These are the same talking heads that Resulted in Newsweek printing its cover and and what was the you're just saying
New York something New York Post or something, you know Trump loser. La la la The same talking heads didn't see us coming and so I don't know why they would be listening to them now
Except they're the only ones on TV. So that's who you listen to I don't see that this was anything more than two
Horrible candidates just horrible and it was just a matter of Who was gonna hold their nose tighter to vote for the least despicable of the two and The constant drone of the
WikiLeaks stuff the constant drone of the emails And the fact you had an insider who was clearly associated with the current administration that's been around for eight years and Has inflicted us with Obamacare, which is imploding.
I Think that was that was pretty much it. I I'm sorry. I don't believe this man has a mandate to do anything
Other than to try to be the best You know make make try to make things work for once and maybe he can because he doesn't know anybody anything and and You know the establishment in Washington.
They all didn't want him. So You know, maybe he's got a chance to do something.
I don't know But this idea that people have the
Demonstrates such a huge social no, it doesn't Nothing nothing's changed and and to my
Christian friends Especially my Christian Trump supporter friends
Some of who are I thought I'd be unblocking after yesterday, but I'm not going to be now
Wow, there are some really ungracious people out there, but I posted something about a friend
Who basically wrote to me and said hey What's all this about the wrath of God now, huh, we're winning and I'm just like we're winning
But what what do you mean we are winning what what changed
How many how much of the vote had Anything to do with worldview from a
Christian perspective How much of it had to do With a recognition that the the the nation is going the wrong direction on LGBT issues
Remember Trump staying there with the LGBTs flag How much the vote had anything to do with recognizing the utter
Depravity of Planned Parenthood, which he said does many good things And seeking to end abortion how much of it where's where's the evidence of a sudden rise in repentance and righteousness and a moving away from a secularizing worldview
Where's the evidence of this I Don't see any at all and neither do any of my
Trump supporter friends that I've asked about this because they don't even seem to Seem to even understand why I'm asking this that's the scary part we're winning
When when you see Planned Parenthood being shut down because there is a
Society wide recognition of the fact that we do not want to be guilty of the murder of innocent children
Then we can start talking about a change Then we can start talking about a change
And when people have the guts to stand up and say no homosexuality is not a natural thing. It's not a good thing it's not a human flourishing thing and I'm not gonna be bullied by you.
It's destructive of people and it's not my fault That these people demonstrate a weakened mental state.
It's the condition. It's the activity. It's the orientation It's the giving in to these things when you start seeing that then you can start talking to me about We're winning
But the election of a single individual who was by a very small margin
Less reprehensible than the other reprehensible person is actually evidence of us winning
Wow, I I can't even begin to process that can't even begin to process that So What are my hopes well a couple things first of all, it's gonna be very very interesting to see
If there if if President -elect Trump engages in immediate cronyism and filling positions with the few people that were willing to sacrifice themselves upon the altar of The Republican establishment and stick with him
So if Huckabee and Christie and Giuliani all end up in cabinet positions
Well, there you go Payback and you can sort of tell what's gonna happen from there
Or if he's actually do what he said he would do and that is quote -unquote hire the best people
Now obviously the one Little ray of light In all of this is
Mike Pence Because Mike Pence is actually as I understand it is actually a member not not a visited once we have a
US senator who did that once at a local church, but actually a member of a church
That is pastored by a master seminary grad and you know what that means that means
He's probably got a real good grasp of the gospel that sounds like the man makes a real credible profession of faith and that's
That's really good and I Don't know why Trump chose him but You know some vice presidents have that much influence in a in an administration.
We know that Might it be different here? I can hope so I'm willing to hope so I Don't people going
I bet you you want Trump to fail I wanted Obama to fail in destroying our society and reorienting the social and moral fabric of the
United States Yes I don't know what Trump wants to do. I'm sorry, but I never heard any type of meaningfully in -depth
Enunciation of a worldview from the man to even know There are a lot of people that are really afraid that his worldview is not coherent enough to even answer that question
I would love to see a Successful presidency.
I would love to see Not only a smooth transition of power but the big thing we all know that the first big big big big big thing and I get the feeling with Trump that he's
Gonna announce this before the inauguration Who is he gonna who's gonna pick to take
Scalia's place? Because they can get him they can get they can get pretty much anybody through. I mean,
I suppose the Democrats can still do the the filibuster Yeah, well, we'll see
Yeah. Well, yeah the nuclear option all that kind of stuff. Um Who's gonna pick and How hard is he willing
You know how much quote -unquote political capital is he willing to Put out there, that's the question.
That's the question and How many seats will he get to fill
Good question good question That's the big test that's the first for me that's the first big thing and My prayer is
For peace for the next four years Freedom to proclaim the gospel
And when I say peace, it's a dangerous world folks. It's a dangerous world there are nuclear weapons bopping around out there and there's terrorists and and I Thought Naive me.
I thought calling for the assassination of a president was a felony Sure, I've seen enough of that.
Haven't you seen it up? Yeah Evidently, it's only on one side
We're starting to realize laws are only applicable to one side of society, but man
Seeing people In social media behaving like this
I I Get the feeling I get the feeling that the
Secret Service guys That are assigned to Trump probably really like him
Unlike what I've read I read like I said, I read that entire book over the summer about the
Secret Service guys with Clinton and Just how rough their lives were because they were just treated like dirt.
I don't I Know Bush 1 and Bush 2 Treated their
Secret Service guys great. They loved them, you know And those guys willing to give their lives for anybody including
Clinton, but you know when you really like somebody you'll go the extra mile I don't know.
I just get the feeling that his Secret Service attachment
Will be a good one. Let's just put it that way. But look assassination is a horrible thing.
And so we need to pray for the safety of Of those in leadership as well because man, there are some wackos out there.
There really are on the left I mean, we're seeing Marxists strutting around our streets if you don't if you don't haven't looked at history and see how
Marxism, you know came out of the universities and captured the young people and You know the very first people that end up getting wiped out in the river in the revolution.
But anyways, that's not a story Then you don't understand what we're seeing but there are radicals out there.
There really are so we pray According to scripture we pray for these individuals.
We pray first and foremost Obviously my biggest desire is his conversion. The man's not converted. Man is clearly not converted
He has no concept of repentance. He has no concept of the Lordship of Christ Right now
Donald Trump's Lord is Donald Trump and you know what? Something makes me think that he got into this for other reasons and now he may be going.
Oh, wow What have I done now? And ever notice that people that go in with dark hair leave with white hair
This is this is a job that eats you up Oldest elected president ever.
Yeah, I know In fact, did you see it someone I saw somewhere on social media that for on inauguration day 70 years
Seven months and seven days or seven weeks and seven days if you get what it is, seven seven seven and Someone was actually making spiritual application out of that I just thought
I'd throw that out there because there's some really weird stuff going on out there Anyway, pray for his conversion his safety the peace of the church in this land and And Obviously Christian influence in the man's life, even if God does not convert him that there would be people in his administration
That would with wisdom Inculcate I keep using that term inculcate recently.
It's a very good word it's and it's a real word and it'll get you a lot of scrabble points to just in case anyone's wondering but inculcate a
Meaningful Application of the Christian worldview in the guidance of this nation.
That's that's that's our desire. That's we want to see happen for the church
For the church, I think we need to Take a collective breath and ask ourselves the question
What do we do now? What do we do with this four years? Because look it could be a great four years it could be a mediocre four years or it could be a disaster
Only God knows But one way or the other the question for us is what are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do during this time We have a younger generation that has been robbed of its humanity by the rise of secularism
We need to recognize I know there are good Christian people still teaching in the state schools, but look
Those places have become especially in my lifetime state indoctrination centers
That's what they are and the left knows it and that's why they have Milk day in California and all the rest of stuff.
And of course, California may become irrelevant if they leave the Union How many hundreds of billions of dollars are they in the hole?
I wonder what happens when their currency goes, you know, yeah, right That's brilliant. But look there are enough loons in California to do it there.
I mean they're the What? Their governor is the chief mucky muck loon.
Oh what there's oh, yeah. I mean, he's the only thing he's missing is Pelosi. Yeah Who would become
Secretary of State I'm sure anyway But we have a
Brief period of time here to recognize a We need to make sure that our young people our children
Now, let's let's let's make an effort to to really secure the right and ability to homeschool
To Communicate a Christian worldview to our young people and if you are a homeschooler
Please don't be one of those that hides your children from non
Christian worldviews Make sure that you're interacting with what's going on in the world
There is a danger at times some people try to isolate their children. You can't do that.
They need to they need to have a robust apologetic And I don't say that just because I happen to be an apologist, but when you live in a society that is so absolutely bent upon opposing godliness in So many ways you've got it.
You've got to give people a solid foundation. That's not found by hiding that's found from interacting and demonstrating the supremacy and superiority of the
Christian worldview, but We need to look at this as a time
When we need to be aggressively Proclaiming the lordship of Christ and calling this nation and all nations to bow before The their maker and their creator.
I mean Basically, it looks like right now. We've got at least four more years of freedom and if the
Supreme Court nominations Are at least semi acceptable in Having any kind of concern for the intention of the
Constitution The Protection of that freedom may have been extended beyond that by 10
Maybe even as much as 20 years. I Sort of doubt quite that far but say 10 years
So When you look at it in that way We have an opportunity here and we can't just sit back and go.
Whoo -hoo. Everything's great. No Unless God brings repentance to this society, we're gonna be staring at much worse in the future
So what do we need to be doing now that we've you know? We came real close there to having a real socialist with strong antipathy to the
Christian worldview Forever changing the nature of the
United States with the Supreme Court and so on and so forth So we saw it and and people were screaming and going.
Yeah and Okay Now, what do we do with a very brief reprieve?
If that's what we get, I mean, I'm trying to be positive here some people you don't know how to be positive. No, I You know some people confuse being realistic
With being pessimistic. Well Take it up with Elijah, dude You know
Do you are your eyes open do you see what's going on around us? We've got to deal with the society that we've been placed in.
I have one word for you Obergefell. Hello Anyway We really
Need to use this as an opportunity to proclaim not the
Social gospel of liberalism or the Word faith gospel of the loons on TBN But a biblical gospel that we've got we every person
Every person in this audience needs to be able to look Any millennial in the eye and say you've been robbed you've been robbed of transcendent meaning you've been robbed of your humanity
When your society tells you you're nothing more than a highly evolved animal that when you die
You just simply cease to exist you came from nothing. You're going to nothing Nothing you do is really going to matter one way or the other in the final analysis you have been robbed of your birthright as a human being created in the image of God, but with that tremendous right of being created image of God comes the
Responsibility of knowing who he is and what he requires of you and in that you find your greatest fulfillment
You will look around forever looking for fulfillment in other things You'll never find it until you realize you've been made by God and you've been called by him to follow
His will that he has revealed First and foremost in his son who directs us to the scriptures
For an understanding of what his will would be for our lives Every one of us needs to be aggressively pursuing the freedom that we continue to have to be able to speak
To this society and call them the Lordship of Christ. It is absolutely something we we must
Double our efforts in be passionate about it While we have the time to do so Because that's the only power that's been given to the church to change anything so if you want to change this society you pray and then you act on what you pray about and So for me the biggest takeaway
I have from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning is Well we had two horrific choices and One the two of them is gonna win and one did well, that's not surprising
What do we do now Take the opportunity to aggressively
Present the gospel of Jesus Christ and To those who somehow think that this man is a savior or something
I I Don't even know what to say to you. You're gonna be disappointed
No matter how good a president he may turn out to be and I hope he turns out to be a very good president you're gonna be disappointed and I just hope not to the level that I think is probable
But I want to try to be as positive as possible. I really do. I just hope we don't start seeing cronyism immediately.
I Hope you can get something done He's got two years He's got he's got two years
You know because two years from now well The Senate this next this this
Senate this Election cycle was very it's really weird how this works out, but was very heavy with Republicans Being you know with the as incumbents the next one is
Democrats and so Who knows? You know that type of thing changes so fast but right now there's two years and He's gonna be faced with horrific challenges from within and without Can this system work again it
I remember back when it worked a long time ago Does he have the ability to make it happen?
I don't know Don't know but Our focus should first and foremost be on the welfare of the church and the presentation of the gospel and So I hope that that's what we will see happening
All right, so did it did it did it did it again gov, huh?
Hmm Anyway, let's completely shift gears shall we
I was directed to this only this morning When I downloaded these videos they had a whopping 32 and 22 views each
But they're fairly new I didn't see what the dates were what Yeah, yeah the whole whole channels brand -new and stuff
I Continue to be exceptionally concerned about the
Well, let me tell you a story I'm sorry the guy's name has
Slipped my mind and I'm sure he'll be offended by that. I'm sure he's offended by What happened in?
In Brisbane, I don't know two months ago three months ago.
I was directed to a Something on the on the web About some guy defending
Revelation 16 5 Revelation 16 5 for anybody
I Mean I would think well, I don't know to see this is this is where see ecclesiastical text ism can't answer specific questions
It's not it is not a textual critical theory It cannot produce a text.
It can only defend a text, but then it can't even give you consistent rules as to which text to defend
Because there is no question about the original reading of Revelation 16 5. This is the variant.
It's not even a variant This is the text where John originally wrote who is and it was the
Holy One hahassias But in the textus receptus because of Beza's conjectural emendation in 1598
He changed it to a samanos. So who is and was and is to come to mark to mark other uses in Revelation there's nothing wrong with the phrase who is and was who is to come
That's used in the Bible But I want to know what John wrote not what somebody later on thought should have written and I if the
Holy Spirit of God Calls God hahassias, then I don't think any one of us should for a second think that we should be wiser and change that and So I focused upon this in the
King James only controversy and I provided some photocopies of stuff pictures of Texts and things like that.
Well, it's really it's it's an indefensible text The reading is on any meaningful
Textual critical theory on any textual critical theory that could actually allow you to examine the documents
We have today and produce a text But you see that the the TR only guys and the ecclesiastical text guys or the
King James only guys They don't care about any of that. They don't go out and debate other world religions.
They're not engaging in that type of stuff They've just got this narrow proselytizing focus within their little little world and The only it matters to them is defending their thesis and whether that makes
Christianity indefensible or What you know, it doesn't matter to them. It's it's a sad thing to observe for many of them.
It really is Well, there was this guy he put up a website Someone directed me to it and I made some comments about just how utterly circular
Circular reasoning unless you're talking about ultimate epistemological authorities circular reasoning is irrational and We've identified irrational thought in many other religions in their attempts to defend their scriptures or their attacks upon the
Christian scriptures or things like that and so Should be fair to point out irrational thought even in when it's done by Christians in defense of some unnecessary thing
So I made some comments about it as an illustration of well here, you know, here we go again, here's another example of Ecclesiastical textism and it doesn't work and it'll never work and here's why and that was pretty much all there was to that.
So I Did I was at Grace Bible Church in Brisbane I I First Sunday, I was there.
I spoke at Hope Reform Baptist and Jeff spoke at Grace Bible and then we sort of switched and so I was a
Grace Bible and That's where that's where some Kiwis in the audience gave me my all -blacks jersey and some of you don't some of you didn't understand
How fun it was when I was in Wellington, New Zealand I got up to speak my second time
And I had this It was a little rainy and windy what's called windy,
Wellington It's supposed to be the windiest city in the world Wasn't all that bad though.
I did it really enjoy listening to the Stuff a couple nights, you know whipping through the windows and stuff.
It was very cool. Anyway So I had this jacket on and I started to speak. I said, oh, you know, it's a little warm in here
I turned around unzipped the jacket I took it off and I didn't even turn around before people say like yeah
And I turn around and I'm wearing the all -blacks jersey and you just got to understand in the
Southern Hemisphere Rugby is a religion.
I mean it really is and If you've ever seen the all -blacks do the haka you'll get an idea of just how
Wow, okay, and So I I turned around I had had the all -blacks jersey
And so some of you've seen some of the pictures I've posted they posted the pictures of me speaking in my all -blacks jersey And of course the guys
Once once they gave me that when I was in Australia, it was Kiwis they gave me in Australia, then some guys gave me a nice Australian one and Some of you
I've worn my springboks jerseys on the dividing line before from South Africa because really
The three best teams at least for the past number of years have been New Zealand Australia and in South Africa and Most people will tell you, you know, you know,
New Zealand is normally on top But I've watched the springboks beat the all -blacks and the all -blacks lost in Chicago while I was down there to the
Irish interestingly enough But it's a big thing big big big big thing and I I love getting those jerseys and it's a lot of fun to sort of you know have the interaction with the local folks and and And all that stuff.
Well, it's the same night that they gave me that and I held it up for the audience I got a bunch of boos and then all the
Kiwis like yeah, it was fun. We're all wrapped up I was speaking on Islam.
By the way, I spoke on Islam and You know reaching out to Muslims and Sharing the gospel with them and things like that.
I guess it was that was the first night They sort of tacked me on at the beginning. This was actually Josh Williamson's Conference which they had already set up for the next day and they just sort of added a night to it when
I was able to come and do my thing. I'm Walking out of the church.
Got my bag on my shoulder Walking out of the church. Been talking to folks, signing books, taking pictures of people, doing the kind of stuff you do when you travel and This guy walks up to me and he has in his hand a
Bunch of well it it looked like a third of a ream of photocopy paper.
I couldn't even tell if it was actually bound together or maybe three -holed punched or something It was a little dark and he walks up and he introduces himself
I'm sorry. I've forgotten the name. I could look it up, but I've forgotten the name He says you talked about me while I was away in Afghanistan or Pakistan or something.
I don't remember where it was And you talked about my website on Revelation 16 5.
I wanted to give you this. It's it's my full response Yeah, I'd say yeah,
I'd say about that thick. Yeah, and this is what I did. I looked at him and said, oh
No, thanks, and he's like, you know, I could take it. So not interested.
Good night. Walked away now I Don't know maybe he traveled a hundred miles to be there that night.
I don't know but I Had absolutely zero interest.
I mean, there are there are a lot of people that just they're just not balanced and they're they've got their one little thing and That's their life and there's there's no reasoning with them.
There's no arguing with them. There's this That's their thing and you've met folks like that and I'm like, no, thanks, and I'm sure if I looked around for the website
There's probably some story about it now or something like that. I don't know That's a little bit like what we've got in this video that I'm about to show you there's two of them and Well here let's you got ready let's
Let's watch now now, unfortunately, I've already told you what this is about But try to set that aside for a second and ask yourself the question if you just started watching this
Who would you think produced it? Because when I started watching it, I didn't know what it was about. I Thought this was a
Roman Catholic response to my solo scriptura series. I really did Because these the very texts that Roman Catholics use
To substantiate the concept of apostolic tradition outside of scripture who knew so here let's let's take a listen
The tradition of the Apostles made clear in all the world Can be clearly seen in every church by those who wish to behold the truth
We can enumerate those who were established by the Apostles as bishops in the churches and their successors down to our time
None of whom taught or thought of anything like their mad ideas
Even if the Apostles had known of hidden mysteries, which they taught to the perfect Secretly and apart from others.
They would have handed them down especially to those whom they were entrusting the church themselves
When the blessed Apostles Paul and Peter had founded and built up the church at Rome They handed over the ministry of the
Episcopate to Linus Paul mentions this Linus in his epistles to Timothy and Enciatus succeeded him
After him Clement received the lot of the Episcopate in the third place from the
Apostles He had seen the Apostles and associated with them and still had their preaching sounding in his ears
These are the words of Iranius a bishop of Lyon, France who wrote about?
180 AD against the Gnostic sects who claimed to have received from the
Apostles secret teachings and writings Which were not given to the apostolic churches the
Gnostics attacked the scriptures as not authoritative and produced spurious writings and apocryphal texts
Iranius also provides clear testimony on the Gospels publication Stating for we learned the plan of our salvation from no others than those through whom the
Gospels came to us They first preached it abroad and then later by the will of God Handled it down to us in writings
Matthew among the Hebrews issued a writing of the Gospels in their own tongue While Peter and Paul were preaching the gospel at Rome and founding the church
After their decease Mark the disciple and interpreter of Peter Also handed down to us in writing what
Peter had preached then Luke the follower of Paul Recorded in a book the gospel as it was preached by him
Finally John the disciple of the Lord published the gospel while he was residing at Ephesus in Asia in summary
Iranius was able to show that the apostolic churches not the Gnostics could trace back to the
Apostles through Apostolic succession and bear witness to the authentic writings of the
Apostles and the faith Question are we resurrecting the debate of the second century?
Where modern scholars like Bart Ehrman James White and Daniel Wallace are playing the role of Gnostics Claiming to have a secret and hidden knowledge on the text of the
New Testament and Instead of introducing the testimony provided by the churches in the second century as evidence
They ignore their arguments and choose to regurgitate theories that originated in the mid to late 1700s
So for Bart James and Daniel the ancient apostolic churches accepted the testimony of Iranius Why don't you are you going to continue telling fairy tales of scribes flying on their magic carpets
Changing all the texts or are you ready to debate the testimony of the ancient churches?
Now there's a second one Here let me bring that up as well
But I was a little confused well, they're just just so many things you know what let's
Let's play a second ones. We got the whole thing By the way, they mixed the names up. I'm not sure that they know who's who
Because when they when they put Ehrman The pictures were Ehrman Dan Wallace and myself, but they didn't have the names in that same order
So I'm not sure what that was all about. Maybe they don't know who's who I Can't tell now we have some really not overly good
Cartoon pictures here with some mummies. Oh, those aren't mummies. Those are apostolic fathers. I'm sorry. Anyway here take a look at what
I'm looking at the second century
Gnostics being accused by the brilliant Italian a Christian apologist from Carthage Africa around 190
AD the words of Tertullian if there be any heresies which are bold enough to plant themselves in the midst of the
Apostolic age that they may thereby seem to have been handed down by the
Apostles We can say let them produce the original records of their churches
Let them unfold the role of their bishops running down in due succession from the beginning to show for his ordainer and predecessor some of the
Apostles or of Apostolic men a man moreover who continued steadfast with the
Apostles For this is the manner in which the apostolic churches transmit their registers as the
Church of Smyrna Which records the polycarp was placed therein by John as also the
Church of Rome Which makes Clement to have been ordained in like manner by Peter in exactly the same way the other churches likewise
Exhibit whom as having been appointed to their episcopal places by Apostles.
They regard as transmitters of the apostolic seed Tertullian clearly establishes that the apostolic churches
Not the Gnostics have a legal chain of custody to the Apostles thereby showing that the claims of the
Gnostics Can't be substantiated Tertullian now provides clear testimony on the gospel
Publications that were received from the Apostles and preserved through the apostolic churches in defense against the
Gnostic Martian who claimed to be in possession of the true gospel writings The words of Tertullian I pass on to give a proof of the gospel laying down as our first position that the
Evangelical Testament has apostles for its authors and that which has come down from the
Apostles has been kept as a sacred deposit in the churches of the Apostles for the same authority of the
Apostolic churches will afford evidence to the other Gospels which we possess equally through their means and According to their usage
I mean the Gospels of John and Matthew while that which Mark published may be reaffirmed to be
Peter's whom interpreter Mark was for even Luke's form of the gospel men usually ascribed to Paul and the same can be shown for the other writings of the
New Testament for although Martian rejects the apocalypse of John we have st
John's foster churches and the order of the bishops thereof when traced up to their origin
Will yet rest on John as their author Whereas Martian gospel is not known to most people and to whom it is known
It isn't known without being at the same time condemned this testimony of Tertullian provides further evidence that only the texts that were received through the
Apostolic churches and have a legal chain of custody to the Apostles were counted as the canonical books of the
New Testament This explains why most of the Apostolic churches have the same books by the same authors that were received for the
New Testament Now we challenge Bart Ehrman James White and Daniel Wallace to please explain why they ignore the testimony of Tertullian erroneous and other witnesses in the first and second century on the criterion used by the
Apostolic churches in Understanding how we got the books of the New Testament For why should we reject all the text received by the
Apostolic churches for texts of unknown provenance? Who wrote these texts?
What are their origins and were they ever read in Apostolic churches? For the best and earliest texts are not found buried in the deserts of Egypt or discovered on a bookshelf at Mount Sinai But instead listen to the words of Tertullian run over to the
Apostolic churches in which the very thrones of the Apostles are still pre -eminent in their place in which their own authentic writings are read uttering the voice and Representing the face of each of them severally a kaya is very near you in which you find
Corinth Since you are not far from Macedonia. You have Philippi and there too
You have the Thessalonians since you are able to cross to Asia. You can get Ephesus Since moreover you are close upon Italy you have
Rome from which there comes even into our own hands the very authority of the
Apostles themselves Such are the summary arguments that we use when we take up arms against heretics for the faith of the gospel and there
Find my thing here. There we go In memory of Theodore Ledis who defended the ecclesiastical text in his own way
That's only a footnote Most of you don't know who Theodore Ledis was
Passed away somewhere in the late 90s as I recall Somewhere online, I guess we'll have to dig it up Ledis and I had an extensive
Correspondence on his particular ecclesiastical text theory and As with all ecclesiastical text theories when
I When I Did the dispute with Doug Wilson with Theodore Ledis Sounds great in theory
Were they completely collapsed was okay. Show me how you determine what the text is.
This can't do it because These are all backwards theories. They have a text. We're defending that it's not a methodology to derive at that It doesn't take the data and bring you here.
It's we start here and then we just defend it. What the data is is irrelevant So it's it's all it by very definition has to be circuit argumentation always will be so Were you gonna say something?
I was gonna say the if you just put in the search engine at the bottom of the website Ledis The Theonomy L debate.
Okay, Theonomy L debate. Yeah, that's what it's called. Yep. Yeah, and it's long It's really long
So Interesting Conjugation conjunction,
I guess conjunction of myself Dan Wallace and Bart Ehrman What what
Gnostic text? So so Sinaiticus is Gnostic? Really? Um Okay, if you say so,
I mean that's absurd It's ridiculous. It's it's would normally not even be worth commenting on but this kind of stuff is is for some reason spreading amongst people couple things
Like I said, these are the these are the exact texts that are used by Roman Catholics to defend the concept of apostolic tradition
Their right to determine the canon of scripture for example, but did you did you hear some of the quotations
Matthew wrote in Hebrew? Um, where is that? Could could you could you produce that for us?
Well, they can't Well, we have the canonical Matthew is not what was being referred to there
So what were you talking about Tertullian? It took me three seconds of scrolling in my
Greek New Testament To find a textual variant where Tertullian differs from what will be called the
Ecclesiastical text today. Now, what do you do? You're quoting Tertullian but are you gonna follow
Tertullian and all his readings because he was a Latin father and therefore would have many proto -western readings in his citations in his writings and Those are going to disagree with what's known as the
Ecclesiastical text today It again it it is it is such an abandonment of the actual data itself to reason in this way to reason backwards and Then to try to take the fact
That the early apologists specifically in these two videos Aaron Aster tight that they were involved in apologetics
To Take these two and in fact, they're they're next up. In fact, maybe Sunday and At PRBC.
I I think Irenaeus is up in the next one. Yeah I may be covering Irenaeus in just a few days
Which makes the ignore these people Don't accept their testimony stuff again.
Just it's false testimony, but you expect that from the zealots zealots. They're not gonna be fair And this isn't fair, obviously
We're not promoting Gnosticism Dan Wallace and I are not you how you put me with Bart Ehrman maybe you just skip the debate we did or something,
I don't know, but that's that's ridiculous, but The reality is there you could not produce a consistent
Text of the New Testament by quoting from Irenaeus and Tertullian So what does this have to do with creation of an ecclesiastical text?
I'm not promoting any Gnostic works. Dan Wallace isn't promoting any Gnostic works. Bart Ehrman might but that's why it was really silly and absurd to join us all together
Wasn't Antioch and certain apostolic see as well? And what about Alexandria? And so you're gonna have to deal with the
Alexandrian text the early Byzantine text Western text There's gonna have to be a method of textual criticism involved.
You don't have one Not if you're promoting an ecclesiastical text perspective
So what's even the point here? I mean there were no specifics were given and Instead you just have these vague
We're defending the Gnostics absurdities What what do you accomplish with that? Because most people who've read my book or listen to the debates
They know they know that's not true. So Why the willingness to be dishonest and to and to make silly statements,
I don't I don't even begin to understand it and None of this actually defends the
Texas Receptus It doesn't you know, and if all you're talking about is some vague we need to use the text of the 2nd century church
Okay, identify it that's That's gonna be gonna require you to deal with the variant readings and Irenaeus and Tertullian and and and later to Athanasius and Melito Sardis or origin or whatever
Because they're all part of the church at that time, aren't they? So they're reflecting what's available.
So what's gonna be your methodology? All the citations you gave were irrelevant to textual criticism.
I It does raise the questions, however, it does raise a lot of questions as to how you would avoid getting sucked into Rome Understanding those texts the way that you did.
I mean, there's all sorts of differences in the in the lists of people
You're just basing this on the idea that there was this clear concept of Succession in these churches, but there are differences in the lists
I Don't I'm just it's very frightening to me to see what people are willing to glom on to in this movement and There wasn't really anything in here that I could
Grab hold of and say no you're wrong about this You're wrong about that because it was just these vague statements that had nothing to do with actually defending
The idea of a specific text you might want to do this this big overarching
Well, it needs to be the Ecclesiastical text, but that doesn't answer any questions That doesn't tell you
How you should read Luke 2 22 or John 1 18 or anything else like that It just doesn't
It doesn't accomplish anything. It just creates confusion. So Well, we'll see what else comes out.
Like I said, they had I'm sure people start looking for them now It's best advertisement. They've probably ever had
But In fact more people more people will have seen it now live than had watched it before so so we just ten times hundred times the number of views they had they just got but Maybe there'll be some more maybe maybe because see as soon as they venture into actually trying to be specific
That's when the wheels come off. That's when wheels come off because the facts just Too easy too easy to refute at that point, but we'll we'll see what what comes but There you go, but that was interesting and it's certainly
By the way, I I did appreciate the graphics a very very nice graphic job, you know,
I my stuff isn't nearly as nice along those lines, but Hopefully no one's taken in by graphics.
Well, I guess actually a lot of people are So we'll skip that part. Anyway, there you go. There's the program for today and next time
Let's see. I've got to change things. I said I got to be Monday Got to be
Monday next week. So dividing line on Monday Next week and we'll have to make it a big one because I'm headed down to Tucson.
So I Can't believe it's that late in the year that alter to Tucson is next week
Wow That's that's amazing. But this week this year went by and man alive next year is gonna go faster, by the way
Big stuff in the doings big stuff in the doings for next year Really oh and what have you started music?
Oh Okay. Sorry, make sure to look up the Abdullah kunda debate I just linked it on Facebook and take a listen to it and we'll see you next time.