Farewell #WokeChurch - Time For Some Honesty

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Enough is enough. From this day forward any conversation with the woke church has to be viewed as an interfaith dialogue. This is not an in house discussion any longer. You have a different law, different gospel, different word and in some cases an overtly different god. #NoDespair2020


So, I've been thinking about this topic for a long time, and I'm just going to come out and say it, and then
I'll explain myself. But at this point, any conversation that might happen between me and the woke church, at this point,
I have to treat it like an interfaith dialogue. It's not an in -house discussion any longer.
Yeah, I've been thinking about this a long time, and up until now, I've had a lot of people pushing me in this direction for a while, and you might interpret this as me giving in to them, but I just had to be honest with myself.
The Bible does make commands about people like the woke church on me.
It makes commands on how I should deal with people like the ones that are promoting this woke church stuff.
And I have to listen to God. I just absolutely have to listen to God in this situation. And so, what
I'm not saying is that anyone who's ever said anything social justice -y is an unbeliever.
I'm not saying that. But what I am saying is, though, that I no longer assume, especially the loudest people, especially the leaders, especially the people that are really pushing the narrative, pushing the envelope on the edges and stuff like that, especially those people.
I would say, you know, gospel coalition is complicit in all kinds of sin right now, and it depends on the person.
I still reserve the right, of course, to judge individuals as individuals. I'm not psychotic, you know what
I mean, like the woke church, for example. But I don't assume it anymore. Up until now,
I basically said, look, if you've got a Trinitarian baptism, I'm going to assume you're a Christian until you prove otherwise.
At this point, so many people are proving otherwise that there's just no real reason for me to assume that the
Trinitarian baptism of the woke church means anything about their status as a believer, as someone who follows the lordship of Jesus Christ, as someone who seeks to obey the commands of God.
It just doesn't seem to be working. And really what it came down to is,
I started asking myself, would I put up with the kind of things that I'm hearing from the woke church if the roles were reversed?
In other words, if somebody had identified blackness as the main problem in the world and they called themselves a
Christian and they were saying that blackness is this evil thing that blackness needs, we got to peel off the layers of the rotting corpse of blackness and all of the great black people of the past and stuff like that.
And you need to divest and repent of blackness. Would I ever put up with that? Frankly, I wouldn't put up with that for a moment.
I would cast those people out. It's just without question, right?
And so what I started thinking is, well, why am I not doing that with these folks that are talking about whiteness in the very same ways?
Why wouldn't I cast them out instantly? Why have it taken so long for me to come to this point where I say, look, if you're talking about whiteness in the way that the woke church is talking about whiteness,
I don't consider you a brother. You're a divisive person. You're someone that I should avoid.
You're someone that I should mark and have nothing more to do with because you've been corrected numerous times by numerous people in numerous ways, not just some idiot on YouTube.
You've been corrected by people in your personal life. You've been corrected calmly. You've been corrected nicely. You've been corrected with ultimate nuance.
You've been corrected by idiots like me, of course, as well. But you've been corrected five ways since Sunday, you know what
I mean? And you just continue to return to your filth again and again and again.
And it's patently obvious to all that you hate white people. You hate them.
And I don't mean hate like I got some hate mail today. Somebody disagreed with me. I can't believe it. That's not what
I'm talking about. I'm talking about hate as a technical term. You're not following the commandments when it comes to white people.
You're breaking almost all of the commandments when it comes to white people and white churches, whatever it is that you're talking about, whiteness and all that kind of stuff.
You break the commandments every day. And by definition, that's you hating your brothers and sisters supposedly in Christ.
In fact, so many of you, you don't even really so much seem to care about your unity in Christ. You have a different identity.
I know God says in the scripture, he makes you a nation. Once you weren't a people, now you're a people. Well, that doesn't seem to be enough for a lot of you.
I mean, skin color really matters a lot to a bunch of you. And I wouldn't put up with a white person using your rhetoric about white people for even a second.
I wouldn't put up with it. And I've put up with you for three years now, more than that.
And it doesn't matter if you're, if, and, and, you know, I know, I know I just said you hate white people, but really it actually, it goes further than that.
I mean, you do hate white people and whiteness all obviously you do. It's just so clear to everybody.
But it, you know, it doesn't matter. I mean, you hate also, you know, Latinos, you hate blacks, as long as they're not towing your line.
If they don't tow your social justice line, which is unbiblical in almost every way, you treat them with contempt.
You hate them. You say all kinds of things about them that aren't true. And again,
I'm not talking about people that get swept up in this. Look, people can be led astray and I have compassion on the crowds.
There's no question about it. And I think that that's the model, you know, Jesus always had compassion on the crowds that were like sheep without a shepherd.
He had compassion on the crowds that had been led astray by the, by the Pharisees, by the leaders, by the, by the officials.
But he sharply rebuked the leaders and the officials that were doing the leading astray.
And so the woke church, there's, there's different categories and all of that kind of stuff. But I just, I just no longer assume that if you're going to consistently lie on online, you're going to consistently say, well, you know,
I know that Chauvin, whatever, you know, killed him because of, because of racism, he's a racist.
And so is that other guy with the, with the Ahmaud Arbery, all these other guys, they're all racist. And you actually have no clue whether or not they're racist.
You just don't. So I would suggest stop lying. But if you continue to show a pattern of lying and slander, and then, you know, just hatred towards white people, there's just no way that you can make a practice of these sins and be a believer.
You know what I was going to do in this video, and I decided not to, but maybe I'll just show you a little bit of what I was going to do. I went to Elevation Church, right?
Because Elevation Church is like the most squish of the squish, right? This is evangelical, you know, squish factory.
And so they have a statement of faith like most evangelical churches do. And it's very basic. It's actually pretty decent.
And we've often talked about how you can hide behind a statement of faith. Like you can say one thing, but disbelieve, you know, what you say.
I mean, this talks about how the Bible is the word of God and, you know, no error and stuff like that. It's completely relevant to our lives.
But then we've heard Stephen Furtick kind of poo -poo the Old Testament and stuff like that. And the social justice movement does the same thing.
They'll certainly say, oh yeah, yeah, the whole Bible's inerrant. And then when you tell them, well, yeah, but remember when you told me about reparations and I said, yeah, but the
Bible says you can't visit the sins of the fathers on the sons. Then all of a sudden you don't believe the Bible anymore.
Ah, yeah, that's a different situation. That's the Old Testament, all that kind of stuff. I mean, even stuff as basic as the
Trinity, I mean, the woke church is willing to put up with all kinds of theological evil.
There's a woman, Ali Henny, who's platformed by Jamar Tisby, who's platformed by Fabidiyah Nyebwili, who's platformed and writes with Jarvis Williams on the same platform with some of these guys that are,
I'm supposed to think, are the greatest brothers, defenders of the faith that's ever. And this woman, she considers the
Holy Spirit, her God's Holy Spirit is a female, okay? So she's an unbeliever.
She's a pagan. She has an idol that she worships and Jamar Tisby's happy to platform her, Jarvis Williams happy to share her content,
Fabidiyah Nyebwili's happy to signal boost her, even Micah Edmondson and his wife will extend the right hand of fellowship to a woman whose
God is a female. So they're all, you know, disobeying the scriptures there as well.
You know, and even, you know, as far as man is concerned, I mean, even there's stuff here about the man and the church and how we're united in Christ and how every person is dignity and worthy of respect and Christian love.
Yeah, I'm sure a social justice warrior, woke church person will tell you they believe that, but they clearly don't when they are willing to just easily, without any hesitation, slander white people and specific white people all day, every day, all day long.
It's just absolutely unbelievable. And I'm sorry, but you can't just continue to do that and expect me to accept your
Christian profession of faith at this point. I mean, we've even been seeing some crazy images and I don't really know whether to believe these, these things could be staged.
I have no idea. But the reality is this stuff is out there and, you know, the woke church is still supporting
Black Lives Matter. We'll get, we'll get a black man, go up to a white woman and say, kneel before me, kneel before me and ask for forgiveness.
And the white woman will dutifully get on her knees worshiping. I mean, you, we, I've seen countless pictures of white people worshiping black people.
It's just absolutely unbelievable. We wouldn't put up with it with Roman Catholics. We see Roman Catholics, genuflect and bow and pray to Mary and stuff like that and ask
Mary for forgiveness and stuff like that. We don't put up with it for more than a few minutes. But of course, when it's this, we're supposed to put up with it.
And if we don't, then we're the ones that actually have the problem. We're the racist. I don't accept your profession of faith anymore, woke church.
If we're going to ever talk, which I know we don't, because talking and rationality and logic is part of whiteness, the devil in your system and your religion, whiteness is the devil.
I know that that talking it out, even though the Bible says that's exactly what you should do to you, that's of the devil because you're an unbeliever.
I know that we won't do that. But if we ever did have a conversation again, it would be an interfaith dialogue.
I would give you the gospel. We wouldn't be talking as if we're on the same platform in the same universe with the same foundations.
We're on different freaking planets. I have a different foundation.
I'm not trying to look good for you. I don't care if I'm an anti -racist or not.
No, I'm not an anti -racist because I know what anti -racist means. It means I need to adopt your religion. And I'm not going to adopt your religion.
None of us are. So you can continue to try to browbeat us, but we understand what you're doing.
You're proselytizing us and you want us to go worship your idols. We're not going to worship your idols. We're not going to worship your idols.
In fact, we're going to give you the gospel because we believe that the Holy Spirit, he is powerful and he can change your heart at any time.
Okay? So just because right now you're worshiping demon gods of social justice and intersectionality doesn't mean that tomorrow you're going to be.
So I have compassion on the crowds and I want to give them the gospel. I want them to be converted, but I'm not going to put up with this anymore.
And the reality is that I don't even have to go by the standards of this statement of faith, which by the way, this is a squished church, no question, but they've got a decent statement of faith.
I mean, obviously I would prefer more detail, but this is not bad. This is like all of our statements of faith, but you don't need, the woke church doesn't even fit the, these statements.
Like they would agree to all of them because they're just liars. They lie all the time. Why wouldn't they lie that they agree with this stuff?
But they just simply don't. You can say you believe something all day long, but it depends on your actions, whether or not you actually believe it.
You know what I mean? You can say you believe the Bible all day long, but when I confront you with a scripture passage in context that can directly contradict what you're saying, and you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, I know you don't. I know you're a liar. And so we ever talked again, it would be an interfaith dialogue.
Here's another article. George Whitfield is, was George Whitfield, the believer by, from, for the church, right?
This is one of the worst articles I've ever read in my entire life. This is one of the most confused theologically, one of the most anti -gospel articles coming directly from the heart of the supposedly gospel -centered movement.
And the whole premise is, well, you know, George Whitfield owned slaves, so he can't possibly be saved, obviously. And unless he repented on his deathbed, because if he repented on his deathbed, then potentially, and that's where the author lands.
He hopes that he repented on his deathbed, and so he could be saved. But he couldn't be saved if he was a slave owner, which is not how the gospel works, by the way.
But the reality is, this guy, let's hold them to their own standards, right? Because that's a practice that I'd like to do. Look, I'll hold you to your own standards, and then we'll decide if the woke church is saved or not.
Because the idea here is that if he didn't repent on his deathbed, then he isn't saved, because how could he possibly do that?
In fact, the author says here, if I were Whitfield's pastor, putting on his brave, you know, cape, which
I know he wouldn't do that, because nobody ever gets excommunicated in Big Eva. But he goes, if I was
Whitfield's pastor, I would plead with him to stop being so racist, and if he didn't, I'd excommunicate him. Okay.
Okay, great. So we've pled with you guys to stop lying about white people, to stop being partial all the time as a point of order, partiality constantly,
Alexa, stop. We've begged you for years, and you haven't stopped.
And so if I'm going to put on your righteous robes and use your own standards, then I'd have to excommunicate you as well.
Now, I'm not your pastor, but I can certainly make a judgment call on my own platforms here.
So if we have a conversation, it'll be an interfaith dialogue, it's just no question about it. Using your own standards, that would be the case, using a basic statement of faith from a squish evangelical church, that's actually pretty good.
That standard, I'd have to use that and go from there. I mean, you guys lie all the time, man. You guys aren't just wrong.
That's the thing. There's one thing to be wrong. It's a different thing to lie. Last week, we're being told by Joe Carter that the biggest threat of all humanity is
QAnon and all Joe Carter is, is he's showing partiality towards white people, towards Christians, towards conservatives, rather, towards Republicans.
And so to him, it's the worst that QAnon is the worst thing ever. And then that tweet aged poorly in about a minute.
One day later, there's riots in the streets, at least allegedly, and it's not QAnon that's doing it.
And yet you people, dedicated to partiality, slaves to your sin, will still have the audacity to spin conspiracy theory yarns that say, oh, it's got to be the white supremacists doing the looting because we know that according to our theology, blacks are innocent.
They don't riot and loot. They're not the beast. It's the white people. White people, they're the ones who must be doing the mayhem and violence based on nothing but your theology from your pagan religion.
And so that's the end of that. I will talk to you still, but it will be an interfaith dialogue.
Once again, I just want to stress, you know, what I'm not saying is that everyone who's ever said something social justice -y is an unbeliever and not, and I'm not even saying that everyone in the woke church is an unbeliever.
What I'm saying is my, I can't assume that. And so if I'm going to love them, I'm going to have to give them the gospel as if they didn't understand it because they've given me very little evidence that they actually do understand it.
And you don't have to go by my judgment. I'm not the final authority. These people have pastors and elders that are supposed to be watching over their souls, but you know,
I'm responsible for myself and I'm responsible for what God says in the Bible about dealing with divisive people and things like that.
And so, so that's, that's what I'm saying here. I'm saying that I'm going to deal with these divisive people the way
God orders me to. I have no choice in the matter and I'm not going to, I'm not going to compromise myself anymore because, because I want to like, you know, believe all things doesn't, doesn't cancel out the very obvious, clear command from God for me to warn people and then have nothing more to do with them after they continue to do the same things that they've done, dividing up the body of Christ like it's a pizza and, and spitting on the unity that we have in Christ in favor of the unity of skin color and stuff like that.
I wouldn't put up with it if it was whites doing it. Why would I put up with it if it's blacks and black allies doing it?
I'm not going to. Um, the other thing is, this is a serious video and I've had two, excuse me, three serious videos in a row and I'm in a serious mood, you know?
So I don't want you to think I'm into, I'm despairing. Not at all. I'm going to be back to my normal, you know, kind of cheerful self again.
And I'm cheerful right now. I, I, I, I, at the end of the day, like these are serious issues, but you know,
I, what I want you to know though, is that this is, this is where it all comes down. You know, this is what it all, what it all amounts to is that the
Lord is good all the time. The Lord is good all the time. We might look at the media and we don't know what to believe.
I mean, I don't know what to believe when it comes to the media and what I'm seeing on TV. Um, and a lot of it is fake.
A lot of what you see in the media, a lot of what you see in gospel coalition, a lot of what you see from your big evil leaders is flat out fake, but life is not fake.
Life isn't fake. Life is, life is wonderful. Your family's not fake. You're, you know,
I'm out there gardening right now, man, and I'm dealing with this chipmunk that keeps digging up my stuff and I'm trying to figure out how to do it.
That's not fake. That's, that's a real challenge. That's wonderful. My chickens aren't fake. I mean, this coffee is really good.
God's world is wonderful. God is wonderful. God is good all the time. And so that's why you can be cheerful in the face of this stuff.
And so I don't want you to get down on yourself. I don't want you to be discouraged. No despair, baby. No despair in 2020.