Chuck Swindoll Retires / He Fought Steve Lawson's Lordship Salvation Position w/ Free Grace


In this video I discuss more lessons from Steve Lawson situation along with the recent news that Chuck Swindoll retired at age 90. The two Texas pastors were on opposite sides of the Lordship Salvation Controversy which was started by John MacArthur disagreeing with faculty from The Dallas Theological Seminary.


Hello in this video, we're going to be talking about Steve Lawson, but also Chuck Swindoll first Chuck Swindoll He is a pastor well -known radio personality and also an author he is the pastor of Stonebriar Community Church in Texas seems like all the pastors that have been in the news lately.
They're all from Texas, but Pastor Chuck Swindoll he has retired at age 90
So the news is breaking today, and it's on the Christian Post website
Chuck Swindoll age 90 he is retiring 90 years old long ministry been there since 1998, but obviously been preaching long before that So the reason why
I bring him up in a video With Steve Lawson obviously the two there's no connection
Steve Lawson was removed from ministry Chuck Swindoll retired okay, so no
No similarities there, however Even in their doctrine. There's no similarities, but the connection is that Steve Lawson is very well known
He is a lordship salvation proponent, so there are basically two positions out there
Lordship salvation and then the other side would be free grace some people call it easy
Believism that's more of a pejorative But these are the two positions you will find and nearly every
Evangelical Baptist Protestant Church in the country they're probably either going to be
More on the lordship salvation side or on the free grace side so Steve Lawson Holds to the doctrine of lordship salvation, and here's why
I bring up Chuck Swindoll Chuck Swindoll was one of the biggest critics of Lordship salvation so back in the day when this controversy first got started and it was
Raging it was Chuck Swindoll and some of the men from the Dallas Theological Seminary So that would also be
Charles Ryrie They opposed pastors like John MacArthur Missionaries or evangelists like Paul Washer and obviously
Steve Lawson is on the lordship salvation side too So again two sides on the one side
Chuck Swindoll on the other side Steve Lawson the reason why Steve Lawson's Issue here.
We don't know the details Some are saying it's adultery others said well his elders didn't use that word
Maybe it's not adultery, but that's certainly what they Implied with relationship with another woman though.
It's not his wife, and he's been removed from ministry indefinitely so it certainly Again is implied that there was unfaithfulness so the reason why
Steve Lawson's Scandal is so surprising is because of his doctrine of lordship salvation
Now when someone like Benny Hinn is caught in a scandal I don't think anybody is surprised by that or even when the leaders of Hillsong Were caught committing adultery.
It was anybody surprised when Carl Lentz was Found to be cheating on his wife.
I don't think too many people were surprised by that But when you have someone who holds to lordship salvation, they are so rigid in their doctrine and That can be a compliment,
I know rigid sounds again that sounds pejorative, but I Think Steve Lawson wore that as a badge of honor
They really believe that this is the gospel lordship salvation is is
Bringing clarity to the gospel because here's the two positions, and it's important that everybody understands this
Those who hold to lordship salvation, and I would be more on that side of things But lordship salvation is this idea that when a person comes to saving faith in Christ They can't just receive
Jesus as their Savior They need to submit to Jesus as Lord So if someone is lordship salvation
They would say there needs to be a change if you truly believe in Jesus there has to be a change in Your life there is going to be repentance and there's going to be fruit
So that fruit comes out like Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments and nobody's perfect everybody sins as Steve Lawson's elders admitted, but You will have a life of obedience and as you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ There's more and more obedience and that ties in with the doctrine of perseverance of the
Saints right you continue in the faith You continue to grow and you become more and more obedient as the years go on There's one clip of Steve Lawson talking about young men and lust and he seems very much dogmatic that hey if a man falls into this very serious sin or certainly if there's
Patterns of sin you're just not a Christian you're going to hell So it's surprising to hear someone who holds to that position of lordship salvation
It's surprising when they fall into such serious sin because by their own standard Steve Lawson if he's held to his own standard he seems like He's a what a false convert.
I don't think that I'm not saying that and I doubt Steve Lawson thinks that about himself and maybe Lordship salvation takes things a little too far at times because if you go too far in that direction
You can easily slip into salvation by faith plus works
And there's always a ditch on both sides if the truth is right down the middle the ditch is
Salvation by faith plus works the opposite ditch is antinomianism lawlessness where a person says the sinner's prayer, but they just Live like the devil you know and there's just no evidence that they're a
Christian except that They say they are but there's really nothing backing it up But on that other side there are people like Chuck Swindoll Who hold to the position of free grace
And they say that a person can come to a saving knowledge of Christ And they don't really submit to Jesus as Lord But they do receive him as Savior and they are truly saved
But they may live the rest of their life as a carnal Christian And they may never really be sanctified, and I think that's problematic again you can take
There both sides have valid points I think but you can take either side too far, and I just wanted to bring that up I thought it's a good opportunity to discuss these two positions
Lordship salvation and Free grace because Chuck Swindoll who just retired at age 90 again he was he was one of the biggest critics of Lordship salvation back in the day and As far as we know there were no
I don't remember there being any scambles in his ministry, so Good job to Chuck Swindoll for enduring
In the ministry all these years and making it to age 90 any pastor looking at a man
Pastoring a church at age 90 and still being able to do it. I mean you have to respect that Even if you don't agree with his position, but that's the news today with everything else going on the bad things happening
On the other side with Steve Lawson and continue to pray for him obviously his family his church
But that's the other big news in Christianity right now Chuck I almost said
Chuck Colson Chuck Swindoll sorry if I said Chuck Colson Previously you'll have to excuse that Chuck Swindoll Retires at age 90 so thanks for listening and until next time may the