Reasonable Latino Responds to Goya CEO on Trump

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#NoDespair2020 #Buy Goya


Alright, alright. Well, I am not one for boycotts or for buying products just because they support things that I like.
I'm not really about that. Although, I don't know man, I'm being forced to change my mind these days. But what
I did want to do is, you know listen, I don't get an opportunity to promote products that I love. And I have to tell you right now,
I saw this hashtag about boycotting Goya and I knew instantly what that was.
I didn't have to look at the articles, I didn't have to look at it. I knew it had something to do with Trump and probably something
Goya did with Trump. You know, maybe they praised him, maybe they just didn't say that he was the worst person since Satan.
I don't know, like I knew it was something like that and sure enough it was. And so people are trying to boycott the largest
Hispanic owned business in the United States because they love
Hispanics so much. So what we gotta do is boycott their businesses if they don't fall in lockstep with our ideology.
I have to say that this applies across the board. It applies to Christian communities and it applies to just the community in general.
That you know for a fact this has nothing to do with elevating Hispanic voices or black voices.
It has nothing to do with racism, nothing. That's just the excuse. All this is is a way to promote communist ideology and socialist ideology.
That's it. Because if you're Latino or if you're black and you don't promote communist ideology, of course you are not going to get promoted.
In fact, you are target number one. They will try to destroy you. It doesn't matter.
They don't care about helping blacks or Latinos as such. What they care about is their communism.
And it's the same in Big Eva. It's the same thing. You will never see a guy like me being promoted from Big Eva.
And it's not because of my tone. That's the excuse that they will use because they don't promote other Latinos that have similar perspectives to me that have a very lovely tone.
But anyway, let's get to the product promotion here because I have to say you should buy Goya products not just to support them for refusing to apologize to the mob.
That's what it is. I don't even care about their support of Trump or at least this guy's kind words of Trump.
I don't even know if he supports Trump. He just didn't say he was Satan. That's his big crime. He refused to say that Trump was
Satan. But you shouldn't buy these products just because of that. Although that is very good.
This CEO is showing some spine and some backbone that is oh so rare these days.
But the reality is you should buy these products because they are exceptional. Goya products are fantastic.
And there's no time like right now to stock your pantry because think about it.
We are going to have the second wave of coronavirus. It's going to come right before the election to do maximum damage to Donald Trump of course.
And you're going to want to have non -perishable products in your pantry. These products last forever and they are fantastic.
And you don't have to love Hispanic food in order to appreciate them. Here is one such example. This is coconut milk.
And coconut milk is really good especially if you're on the keto diet. What I like to do is I'll put half of this can of coconut milk in a blender.
I'll put some ice in it and I'll just mix it up. And sometimes I'll put a little bit of that ethyl ethyl that kind of sweetens it up a little bit.
And there is so much good fat in this. It is absolutely fantastic. I highly recommend this coconut milk.
Even if you're not on keto, it's really good to make smoothies with and things of that nature. You can also make coconut rice with it.
We'll see that in a minute. There's also a wide selection. I have two cans here of beans for Goya.
Hispanic food, there's a lot of beans in Latino food. But even if you don't like Latino food, you can make delicious, what's it called?
Chili with this. Or just if you just like beans. I mean these are some pink beans and here we've got some cannellini beans.
But they've got black beans. They've got red beans. They've got all kinds of things. Chickpeas. They've got pigeon peas.
All kinds of products. It's fantastic. If you don't like that kind of stuff, but you do like Italian food and things of that nature,
Goya makes a fantastic tomato sauce. By the way, have I mentioned that the pricing on Goya products is also really good?
It's usually among the best pricing that you can get. Not only is the product exceptional, but the value for what you get is also excellent.
Now here's something you might not have had before. Now you're going to, bear with me for a second. Bear with me for a second because you're going to say, what are you talking about?
Of course I've had that. But hold on a second. Let me tell you what I'm talking about. Here's some rice. This is rice.
Now obviously you've had rice before, but this is a very special rice. It's medium grain rice.
And you might say, well, what's the difference? Medium grain, long grain. What's the difference? Well, medium grain rice, just the way it cooks and the way it fluffs up, it's very unique.
I would highly suggest if you haven't tried Goya medium grain rice to go ahead and buy some.
This is really good. Also, it stores very well. In fact, this is from my strategic storage of rice.
I have a certain amount of rice that I keep on hand just in case we have a pandemic or some kind of problem.
It keeps very well and it's really delicious. Now I eat keto, so I don't really eat too much rice.
But when I wasn't keto, I used to eat a lot of this medium grain rice. Now I have to admit that I am a little bit embarrassed because I was looking for two products that are staples in any
Latino Puerto Rican pantry, and I could only find one of them. And so I don't know,
I might have to turn in my Latino card, but I could only find one of them. The most important one
I would admit is adobo. This is a seasoning, it's salt, it's pepper, but it also has some other seasonings as well.
I think garlic, a few others. This is fantastic. You can use this on anything. You could put it on meat, just fish, chicken, whatever kind of meat you want.
It makes it taste really good. I've used it in tuna fish instead of seasoning tuna fish with more that whiteness, you know what
I mean? You can season it with some adobo and it's actually really delicious. I've seen a lot of different applications for what people use adobo for.
You can use it on anything, it's really good. Now the other thing, this is what I was missing. I'm sorry, I might have to turn in my
Latino card, my Puerto Rican card. I can't find any. Sazon. Sazon is a staple in Puerto Rican cooking.
Look it up online, S -A -Z -O -N, Sazon. There is some
MSG in Sazon, so if you're against MSG, you probably won't like it, but I think, personally, a little
MSG never hurt anybody. Anyway, Goya products, yeah, absolutely. If you're looking at a good company to support and also strategically fill your pantry for the coming pandemic, because we all know that there's going to be a second round of this.
They're going to tell us we're all going to die and the grocery stores are only going to be open for like three hours a day and you have to wear your mask and your hazmat suits and stuff.
You don't want to deal with any of that stuff. It's better just to have a reserve of food. I will say right now that there are no products better than Goya products.
The best part is you will see a man as the leader of this company, the biggest
Hispanic owned food business in the country, in the entire country, he has refused to apologize for the sin, for the crime of praising
Donald Trump at something. I don't even know if he supports Trump. I don't even know if he said that Donald Trump is great.
I don't know. All he did was say, oh yeah, he did a pretty good job with this and he's not the devil.
That's the big sin. If you don't say he's the devil, then you got problems. This is the thing, man. Yesterday on Reform Jellicle Show, by the way, you should watch that.
Last night's Reform Jellicle Show with Eric Kahn, it was fantastic. What I said is something that I've said on Twitter a number of times.
People are going to be looking for the sane version of any business. The one business that's not completely insane is going to be a huge opportunity.
If you want to start a business, the time is now. Start a business and be the sane version of whatever it is you do.
If it's going to be a food company, be the sane version of a food company, which apparently
Goya is a sane version of a food company. All you have to do is just say, you know what?
I will not be canceled. I don't care. You don't like that I praised Donald Trump. You don't like something
I did. Tough. Deal with it. I'm not apologizing. That doesn't take too much courage.
All it takes is no. We need to practice how to say no in this culture. Saying no is actually really fun.
You should try it out one day. Next time someone says, how dare you, sir? Just give them a little winky face.
Just say, no, I'm not apologizing for that. In fact, I wish I did it even more. That goes a long way, just having the spine to not be the guy that's kneeling, to be the guy that's just standing.
You always see people LARPing. They say, you know that picture of all the Nazis where they're doing their Nazi salute and the one guy's just standing there just,
I'm not doing that salute. They always say, be this guy. You see, but the people that like to quote that, that show that meme, they're typically social justice warriors.
They're all the ones doing the Nazi salute. It's ridiculous. Don't LARP. Actually be that guy.
Stop pretending like you're going to be that guy. The CEO of Goya Foods has been that guy for the day.
He has refused to be canceled. Look at all these people. Anyway, so yeah, that's what I wanted to talk about today.
You might want to take a look at some Goya products to fill your pantry. I love them. Latinos love them.
And you can support a company that has refused to go completely insane.
I don't know enough about Goya to say that they're definitely not a little bit insane, but at least he's got the spine to say, no,
I'm not doing what you tell me. Deal with it. Any company, any CEO, any leader, any person who's willing to do that, you should at least give him, pay him a little bit more of attention because you can trust someone like that, that refuses to bow down to the lynch mob.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. I just saw a, uh, an excellent tweet by Xavier Lombardo, Xavier Lombardo.
He says by guns, ammo, books, and Goya products. Awesome. Awesome stuff.
By the way, if you are woke and you want to support another Hispanic business, another
Latino owned business that is also not insane, arguably speaking, feel free to support this channel on Patreon.
We would really appreciate it. It would mean a lot to me and my family, and it would allow me to put even more time into the video content that I produce every single day.
I've been, I've been putting the gas, the pedal to the floor when it comes to content. I've been uploading multiple times a day, pretty much every day.
And I'm able to do that because of support from viewers like you. So if you enjoy this content and you want to support someone who refuses to bow to the mob, and at the same time is a
Latino who enjoys Goya products, check out my Patreon, support this channel, support the content you love.