Live at the Mighty Mississippi!


Join us for this special edition of Apologia Radio! We are live at the Mississippi River in Baton Rouge near the Capitol. We have very important things happening right now and we want you to know and to join us! Tell everyone you know! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


Hey guys, what's up? Welcome to a special edition of apology a radio on the road.
I'm Jeff Durbin. That's Luke the bear That's that Conover and that's that lounge logger
Hey, that's right booking it with his axe. That's right. So here we are at the mighty, Mississippi the old miss the old man
That's where we're at right now Yeah, that's right. We're at Baton Rouge right now
I can see the Baton Rouge where I can see the capital in front. That's the capital, right? That's it.
Yeah, there it is the old man over there so Looking straight ahead of me right now is the capital behind me is the old miss,
Mississippi River and We're actually standing above it. That's right. And we got a little battleship behind us
And so we are here right now. Some of you guys have been following us the last couple of months
We've been talking about the fact that we have a bill of equal protection in the state of Louisiana It's in right now.
HB 813 is our bill that calls them image bearers of God It has equal protection for all humans from conception.
This is an unprecedented bill in many respects in states across our country Yes, they've been happening across the country
Oklahoma Arizona, Texas, South Carolina Pennsylvania, Colorado We've gotten those bills in the church has worked to get those bills in and God's been blessing in tremendous ways
But we have it in right now HB 813 in Louisiana. It is scheduled for a hearing as of right now next
Tuesday It's going to be heard. That's we've been told so we're very excited about that We're praising
God for that and we are here right now in Baton Rouge because we have a rally for the equal protection bill
This Saturday at 10 a .m. At the state capitol. So that's why we're here We want you to come and join us if you're in any of the surrounding states or all over Louisiana Let everybody know this is happening.
Come here come here in droves. We need you standing with us. There is so Much to be said right now about what's happening in this state so many people are in support of this bill and we need you to come and stand with us and Make sure that we show the legislators in this state that they can be courageous before God that they will have the support of the church
This is a bill with no compromise It's a bill that is consistent with God's law and of course the laws of our country
We want to protect all human beings all image bearers of God from the moment of conception You know that we want to do this with the gospel on our lips
We want Christ to be the very center of this fight and that's very different from what's happened the last 50 years of Roe vs.
Wade where we've had organizations institutions we've had an industry created around the pro -life issue and let's just say something that's been said by The legislator that put this in is that there is more money in the fight than there is in the victory
And so that's what we need to oppose as the church We need to work to abolish this and to end it and it's happening right now in Louisiana So we need you here.
We need you here with us. I know a lot of times you watch something like this I said this recently and you're like, well, I'm sure somebody else has got that.
I'm sure there's other people coming Yeah, people are coming But we specifically are asking you to come come and shake our hands put your hand in my hand say hello and Meet the team and pray with us and be here on Saturday at 10 a .m.
That's this Saturday 10 a .m At Baton Rouge State Capitol, that's what we're gonna be And so we're here to pray to prepare and to get on the ground.
So come and join us So this is your state if you're in the state of Louisiana, you're a Christian here.
You're a pastor here Yes, we help to get this in your state But ultimately it's up to you the believers in this state to actually speak prophetically to your legislators.
This is your home This is where you can have it ended So we spent a day driving around handing out information talking to pastors
Trying to go a few churches to let them know that this is going on. We need your prayers. We need your support
And so come and join us 10 a .m. This Saturday and to make sure that everybody knows this is going on This is not the standard fair moment for the pro -life
Movement, this is not standard fair where it's a bill of regulation I just saw recently they passed a bill of regulation here in the state of Louisiana Where you couldn't kill them any longer by chemicals so you can still kill them
But just you just can't use, you know certain chemicals. I mean, I'm sure yeah, imagine that you know
You can pull them apart. You can destroy them in certain states, but don't don't burn them to death, please Use other means to do it.
They call that victory. We call that partiality. We call it evil It really is an abomination before God That's what
God calls it. Yes over and over again. God calls that kind of unequal weights and measures
He calls it an abomination. So we are the church. We are Christians We're working together with Christians across the country and in this state particularly to work to ultimately abolish and end this
This is not again a standard fair moment This is a very important moment to have a bill that actually says that what's in the womb is in the image of God That it's human from conception and we're going to give all humans equal protection.
That is a bill of abolition That is a bill of criminalization. That is no more. So if you're hearing this right now
I need you to join us contact the legislators in this state. Let them know that you demand they pass
HB 813 they're giving it a hearing Demand that it gets passed these there are so many legislators here at this state capitol that claim to be pro -life
That claim to be Christian. Let's call them to consistency with their profession and their convictions
Make sure that they stand where they say they were going to stand When they were wanted pro -life votes
This is what this is what they said they were going to do When they wanted the support of the church and the votes of the church This is what they said they were going to do call them to consistency.
That's what we need Courageous uncompromising consistent legislators
Specifically, I want to encourage you to talk to the ones that are professing believers that they will give an account
For how they respond to this bill and that's I think an important aspect of this entire this entire movement
That's happening from the church with the gospel Demanding immediate justice is that there will be a day of judgment
There will be a day of judgment where these legislators if they resist a bill of justice like this
They will give an account to God for how they responded to a bill like this So we as the church need to be the prophetic voice that speaks to these legislators the men the women and say that there will be a day of judgment you'll
Give an account for how you respond. I mean just one last thing I'll say to this just consider the fact that you have a bill right now of equal protection for all humans in this state
You have legislators who said that they believe that it's human from conception And you have a bill right now that can end it and criminalize it if these legislators
Resist a bill of justice like this. They will be held accountable for the life of every child
Who is lost to the murder the murderous industry of abortion? Just consider that so if you're a legislator in the state right now, and you're hearing this know that we are praying for you
We want to support you. We want to encourage you, but you will be held accountable by God for how you respond to a bill like this
I think that that issue right there that point to be highlighted is fundamentally What's been the idea of the standard and first and foremost
God's law, but more? Directly in this case the Constitution that these men and women took an oath to uphold right?
We're talking about the 14th amendment kind of stuff here No person shall be deprived of protection under the law equal protection under the law includes the pre -born
Under the category of having the same protections that everybody else does that's what we're doing here And fundamentally the opposing issue has been well
What about this higher entity up here that has made a ruling what about this group of?
This body that is spoken from on high and said that we can't do this or we have to go along doing that But that aspect that you highlighted is really what's fundamentally different about this approach and really where the paradigm seems to be shifting all over the nation is
These men and women are accountable to God which means that there is a law higher than the law of the king That's right right or higher than the king himself the king himself and his word is not the final arbiter of what we accept as Moral, what is good?
What is just and the requirements of what God demands in terms of justice that comes from God in his word of course?
We have the Constitution being the basis of the framework for the laws in our nation which derives from biblical principles
So we're talking you're talking about partiality. You're talking about equal protection You're talking about the royal law the fulfillment of love your neighbor as you love yourself.
That's what this is all about It's about how does that now? How do we take those categories of scripture and apply it to the civil realm as it relates to the area of abortion because Christ?
What's been missing because Christ is king king of kings and lord of lords, and it's over there. We mean something
Yes, it does that really has application, and it really ought to change the fundamental way that we approach this issue right all authority on earth
Matthew 28 18 through 20 we love to emphasize as we always say the in heaven part But Jesus with his own mouth said on earth as well on earth
And we're to pray that God's will would be done on earth as it is in heaven This is a move of the church gospel centered with that in mind
That's the key issue the on earth part as it is in heaven This is us going to legislators in this state and saying we demand that you obey
God the supreme court may be in some people's minds on high, but it is not the highest of high
It is under a an authority at the authority itself It has delegated authority and the moment any authority subverts the ultimate authority of God They are to be resisted and that is the call and so there is a transcendent law that all of us must actually hold to and stand on and what's happened over the last 50 years since Roe versus Wade is
We've seen God's law Turned away from and we've seen now 60 million plus human beings slaughtered in our country, you know one thing
I'll say I'll pass it to these guys This can be a shorter broadcast for today Is that we talked today about the judgment that our nation is clearly under the judgment of the
West you have I mean? It's all over the news right now I was just scrolling through the feed while this is happening all the media outlets talking about the these food shortages that are coming
They're even using the word famine and all the rest that's going on in our country You've got the degradation of the moral foundation of our nation across the board
You have so much collapsing all around us it. I believe that our nation is under blood guiltiness.
We have slaughtered Innocent children and we're going to reap the reward for that So our hope as ministers of the gospel as Christians is to speak the gospel
Into our culture in the public square. This is one Premier issue to do that with and I I truly believe that if we want to avert the judgment of God in our nation
We need to we need to establish justice for these pre -born children Of course, that is a that is one of many issues
But it is a premier issue of injustice and sin in our nation And so really we're hopeful that God would show mercy to our nation and that it would start here in,
Louisiana That it would start here in Louisiana. That's why we're doing this. So please continue to pray for us 10 a .m
Saturday Baton Rouge State Capitol meet us there drive out. Yes, make the time to drive out.
Yes, it matters your presence there does Matter you might think I'm five hours away.
It matters that you come. I'm two hours away It matters that you come if you're in another state come with a group of people get a van
Get a bus get your church come out. We need you to stand with us. Let's make this about Christ and his gospel
Let's declare Christ's authority over this issue and let's once and for all establish justice I was just gonna say we were here was
December We met with representative Danny McCormick and pastor Brian Gunter and and we knew immediately like Louisiana for sure
Hands down is the best chance. We have the end abortion in our in any of the states
We've been working in and so we're very excited about that. God's opening doors and providing opportunities
We haven't had in any other state And so we're really really excited about that So even if you're not whether you're able to come or not on Saturday What we need you to do is is call your rep call your state reps and encourage them to do the right thing
Let them know that if they if they do the right thing if they're courageous If they they vote for these built this bill specifically that you'll have their their support and they need to know that and I think
We we as Christians have kind of failed to do that. We've we've thought well Let's just elect these guys and let them they're gonna do the right thing
But they're not gonna do the right thing if they don't know they have your support. It's we the people for a reason They work for us.
So if you're here in Louisiana, please call your rep Please encourage them to do the right thing and to support this bill
It you could do that and and it's it'll go a long way and we've we failed For so long to do that.
So yeah, please please do that. Yeah indeed, you know as we stand here on the banks of the mighty,
Mississippi The historical significance of this river and its influence on the
United States shouldn't be missed everything that grew from here including
Louisiana Purchase because you not only have the Mississippi which its headwaters are in In Minnesota, but the
Missouri ties into the Mississippi as well at st Louis and goes all the way up into Montana and so almost coast to coast
Everything that's happened in America historically started here and went upriver because this is the major highway when you have
Everything has to be moved with muscle with either on the back of a human or on a horse or in a cart to have something that you could have a river that you can move things on just as a
It's a tremendous highway and so the the excitement of saying here we are in Baton Rouge, which since 1718 has been
Kind of a gateway to America so to speak and you have that opportunity to see it spread now
I don't know what God's going to do. We do know that history our own experience teaches us that it's not going to be easy
We're not just going to walk into the committee next week and see them do the right thing Magically so to speak because nothing happens magically
Providentially do we want them to do the right thing? Yes. Do we recognize it's going to be a lot of hard work? Yes Yes, it's going to take a lot of hard work good change takes decades the the
Progress that we've seen just in the last couple years Right as we get went from a few things few states scattered here and there to now 10 12 15 states
Actually stepping forward and and elected lower magistrates saying we are gonna stand up.
We're gonna do the right thing. Yeah Leave with this act to drop some some good historical knowledge about the money,
Mississippi. Yes, sir I think it's important I don't think the more that we talk about this the less delusion we're under about the endurance that it will take
To accomplish something like this endurance is I I think about you know I was reading in Chronicles this morning about Rehoboam and how he you know said no to the council of you know
His counselors Solomon his father and the scripture says that it was a turn of affairs brought about by the
Lord to fulfill his word Right him ignoring the council of the advisers now, we're praying for the opposite We're praying for the king to heed the counsel of God's ministers of grace so that the ministers of justice
Actually protect innocent life. That's what we're praying for and I think fundamentally the reason why the church is
Cataclysmically failed in this area I mean unequivocally is because ministers of grace have failed to instruct
God's ministers of justice as to their duty That's powerful thought that's a powerful thought
We're grateful for all of you. I want to say especially To all of you who have given over the years to end abortion now
This is the fruit of your giving this is the fruit of your prayers. This is the fruit of all your labor
So I just wanted to encourage you with that What is the 2016 we started end abortion now 17 and abortion now?
It hasn't been very long But you've been faithful in your prayers you've been faithful in your giving and what you're seeing right now taking place in this state is the fruit of Your participation with us, so we hope that blesses you to see that that you don't need you know
Hundreds of millions of dollars to have you know gospel influence you need faithfulness you can have small numbers with faithfulness, and you can you can punch a big hole and So I'll be encouraged by that.
This is the fruit of our ministry and labor together. It's not our thing It's our thing and so praise
God for your support Thank you for all that you have done if you guys want to support continued work like this go to end abortion now
Calm you can donate there You can give there if you haven't signed up with your church yet to get the free training and resources to go save lives at The mill go and do that start the work with us
We've got so many churches that are out saving lives on a daily basis And that's all glory to God, but you have to start sometime so after this is over go to end abortion now calm
Go give there. We do need help and financial support to do what we're doing these things do cost money to actually accomplish
And we need you to join with us on the ground and so 10 a .m.. Saturday Baton Rouge at the
Capitol join us there No excuses make it out find a way to get here.
We need you with us I do believe this this this is turning out to be one of the most fruitful moments for this ministry
Just based upon all that God is doing in the minds that have been changing and the people who are in support of this and so Be with us join us here this
Saturday, and we're grateful for all of your work with us. Thank you Yeah, two things.
I was going to mention one It was kind of cool earlier when we were handing we are going to churches and handing out stuff One of them was like oh yeah,
I've already received an email and a phone call Yeah, I was probably from our people. It was a big church. I was from our church.
Yeah, so I was like that's so cool So thank you everyone from apology that's been doing that and secondly speaking of support
You guys may not be able to see you've probably heard some bells and some music playing behind us is the USS kid which is
World War two -era battleship the Greyhound was filmed on That is a tool of Liberty there you go
Isaac's going right there right now that right there's a tool of liberty you know who else makes tools of Liberty 500 you can visit our republic .com.
They're they're awesome, and they're sponsoring us. They're partnering with us We're partnering with them. They make amazing tools of Liberty for self
They're helping us to get this information to you. They're blessing our ministry So go to them because they're amazing ar 500 amen all right.
Thank you guys pray for us pray for us all glory to God Everybody who's partnering with us in this ministry with us through all access or end abortion now calm
Thank you keep praying keep supporting and keep joining together with us look at what
God is doing It's an amazing moment. I will say one last word I think it's very important somebody might say you know
I just want to be about the gospel I just want to be about the gospel good good
Then you should be doing this with us because the gospel is more than this story of a privatized
Salvation it is the story of a king and a kingdom and Christ's authority if Jesus is raised from the dead if he is ascended and he is seated if he is
Lord of all then Everything on this earth is a gospel issue because he has all authority on earth so everything is a gospel issue
We bring Christ his message his gospel his authority into every single area of life because Everything on this earth is under his authority and therefore everything's a gospel issue and with this you get a bonus in This issue it is us being called to love our neighbors as we love ourselves
It is a full display of salt and light in this world And it's a powerful moment because we are telling people you will not murder these children
Not on our watch and you must obey God Rather than men and so do what is right before God And so if you want to be about the gospel, then this is a perfect opportunity to do that be about the gospel with us