Do We Need a Biblical Explanation for Every Moral Question?


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But then it does kind of help explain why they get so frustrated with these With these kinds of topics because the minute that you ask them.
Well, hey, what is the biblical X? You know, okay. All right. It's a it's a dumb question to ask.
Sure. Fine. Whatever Someone's asking it. So it's at least that relevant You've commented on it.
You've decided to be here. We didn't force you to come you you came on your own what's the answer since it's so simple and And they're just there's there's not one
Morning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their Bible Sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns
Homemakers who have finished Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies your discretion is advised The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bash where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions
You're not allowed to ask. We're your host Harrison Kerrigan pastor Tim Mullett and today. We'll answer the age -old question
Do we need a biblical explanation for every moral question now
Tim as we kick this episode off? What Bible verse do you have to read for us? Second Peter 1 3 through 5 says his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
Through the knowledge of him who has called us to his own glory and excellence by which he's granted to us precious and very
Great promises so that through them you may become particulars of the divine nature Having escaped the corruption that's in the world from sinful desire
For this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith virtue and virtue with knowledge and knowledge and self -control and all that So, but yeah, that's part of it
Okay, so so help us understand, you know, how exactly does that Bible verse?
Relate to the the episodes title question. Do we need a biblical explanation?
For every moral question, yes, sure So this is one of those passages which It's like a classic passage on the topic of the sufficiency of Scripture and what you see in there is that God, you know?
through his divine power His divine power is granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
Through the knowledge of him who's called us to his own glory and excellence. So like in this passage what you see is God's given us in his word like where the knowledge of him is found
So later on as you read through 2nd Peter, you're gonna realize that they're talking about no prophecy of Scripture It comes from the will of man, right?
It comes from divine origin, but in God in his word has given us everything that we need for life and godliness
So, you know God God's given us in the scriptures everything We need in order to understand life like the world that we live in and then to understand this category of godliness
And so when you're talking about this topic of like morality, do you need a biblical explanation for morality? Well, that's what special revelation is it's a sufficient guide to tell you how to be pleasing to God, right?
So it's a guide that's designed to tell you what are God's expectations for you So when you're answering a moral question
Everyone has to ask like what is the standard that they're judging this morality by and the issue is
I mean you just look around the world and you see that our morality is rapidly changing and If you just need some sort of objective standard for morality
And that's what the Bible is intending to do like God's word hasn't changed. It's the same, you know yesterday forever, you know
Today you're right. So you look at God's word that God's work like the grass withers the flower flower
Fades, but the Lord of God remains God's word is gives you this standard of morality and you can go to the scriptures to find out what's pleasing to God and Like the issue is it?
Yeah I mean our society we're jumping off a cliff the things that seem normal to us now haven't been normal in the past You know, there's different societies that are alive today that all have different innate understandings of what's like right and wrong
If you grow up in a cannibalistic society, you may think it's right to you know, just kill someone that need them
I mean, there's societies that exist today where they think that it's perfectly reasonable just to rape people
That they can't even understand why that would be wrong So like those like those kinds of cultures exist those kinds of societies exist
Our natural moral intuition isn't wonderful and our natural moral which an intuition at this point you know tells a lot of people in our country that it's okay to kill babies and That a man can be a woman and like it's the worst sin to like dead name someone and it is to actually engage in Sodomy so like the issue is that you need some kind of objective standard and this is what
I was designed to do Right, so in other words, you know, even though there's not a specific
Bible verse for every situation you might find yourself in life the
Bible gives us answers to be able to You know apply to every situation that we might run across in our life, right?
So so there's no verse about like hey, you know Are you are we allowed to use
Facebook as Christians? There's no Bible verse that says, you know Thou shalt not use
Facebook or anything like that or thou shalt use Facebook There's nothing like that. But then there's plenty of commands in the
Bible That would apply to using social media in general, right?
right, so you have a lot of people who basically They approach the Bible in a very simplistic way and what they do is
I mean they demand that the Bible use very specific modern Phraseology they
I mean it can get really I mean like sometimes it's like comically long that kind of phraseology
That a person will demand that you used right? So I mean you can you can imagine I mean,
I wish I was joking Yeah, I mean this is a slight hyperbole But I mean it really is the kind of thing where you have people on the internet who think that they're having a gotcha
Moment, you know are people in life your life They think that they're you're having some kind of gotcha moment with you where they look at you and say hey
Yeah, well show me in the Bible where it says that I cannot, you know dress up as a pink furry monkey, you know
It's like I want to hear those exact words, you know pink, you know furry monkey Yeah, and everything else and so like it's just like it just gets absurd, you know at that point
But like the issue is it? Yeah the Bible obviously has Commands in it that tell you what
God's will for you is in the Bible also has principles in there that you could use to you know Build a case and so a lot of a lot of the questions that we ask what people will look though people will look at these kind of questions
Like in vitro fertilization. I mean, that would be a good example. We did a couple podcasts on a beat in vitro fertilization
So we did we did something along those lines Surrogacy, right we did, you know, and I think in the same kind of discussion
We talked about surrogacy and what people are demanding is that you you know Essentially come up with some very specific wording that fits like modern technology in order for the
Bible to speak to the issue But I mean the Bible does have commands and principles Bible may not use the word abortion But obviously like there is a concept within the
Bible of murder Shout not murder there are principles in the law that are related to this like meaning if two men are striving and they hit a pregnant woman and Like the child dies then that child will be avenged life for life, right?
So, I mean you have principles like that that may not talk about abortion using that word
But they're directly relevant to the topic in general. So I mean you have passages I mean you have the
Bible is meant to give you a worldview a way of thinking this that from which you reason from and so there's all sorts of ways that you could argue from the scripture and from principles that you've established in the scripture and make a biblical case and I think a lot of people they just They don't realize that That's like the
Bible is meant to provide them Like a cup like a sufficient guide for you know, right and wrong and our moral intuitions aren't to be trusted in that way
Well, and and what's really interesting? I was just thinking about this is as you're giving your response but what's really interesting is
They look for that certain modernized Kind of wording right right and and if they can't find that then they then a lot of people like to assume
Well, I can just do whatever I want then right? I'm free to do whatever I want because it doesn't you know, the
Bible doesn't say I can't you know Look at porn online Right on my smart phone.
There's no Bible verse Android smartphone 23, you know, yeah, there's no there's no
Bible verse about that, right? but then at the same time, you know the Bible there are examples where the
Bible does use a relatively modern term and Everyone absolutely rejects it.
So the Bible uses the the term Homosexuality right a modern term.
That's not that's not a an Ancient word that people would have understood that's a that's a modern word that we made up to communicate
An idea that has been around for a long time But so we use this modern this modern word and newer translations and then the response is just well
That word was inserted into the scriptures. They didn't use that word before, you know 1954 and 1956 whatever whatever year it was
And and so therefore those Bible verses don't count anymore because they they mean something else
They don't actually mean, you know, they don't actually mean same -sex relationships of any kind They mean this and so it's like it's really just a game of how can
I get away with as much sin as possible? Both ways there. There is no like hey if you if you just do it this way, then
I would get it It's always a game about how much sin can I get away with?
yeah, yeah, I think that's a good example of just some of the moves are being made as it relates to the subject of sodomy in general and Meaning like, you know, you have individuals who are going to Basically try to avoid what the
Bible says by appeal to like some sort of demand for a very specific Vocabulary so that happens in the in the you know
Sodomy discussion where they will demand that you show them somewhere in the Bible where it describes like a loving committed consensual same -sex
Relationship or whatever else and so they'll they'll read it, you know read it along those lines but then you know in the opposite way as you're saying like there are times when
Like you can't have some like terms that are very clearly Speaking to certain dynamics and that they're wanting to suppress in that way
And then they'll just basically pretend like those terms don't exist in that way, but yeah, I mean
I I think the homosexuality discussion is a little bit complicated in the sense of just What is the nature of that word that's being used there?
And like is it is it meaning to? Discuss an orientation or an action in that way and so but then they use that to basically just like say hey, yeah, like The orientation itself is neutral and the orientation is a modern concept and because the orientation is a modern concept and the
Bible has Nothing to say about it, but it's like yeah The Bible talks about like it's out of me over and over and over again
So, you know, I don't think that that's entirely relevant. But yeah, hey, we didn't we didn't discover a new sin
It's been around. I mean it was funny about that is like the Bible will like though You know, you can argue over the
Appropriate translation of that term in that way like our arsenal quartet and all that if you can argue for that but I mean like the issue is you go back to the law and this is if a man lies with another man like with a woman then you know like that this is depravity and death penalty and all that so I mean that's like a
Man lies with another man like a woman, right? Like that's about as specific as you can get to describe that this isn't talking about rape or something like that This is this is talking about, you know, ain't no intercourse there.
So I'm sorry, but like yeah I when you the issue is you have a lot of people who?
They don't want to look at the Bible as if it's a comprehensive Guide, you know, and this will show up in a wide variety of ways in our interactions with people
I mean like they just They resist the idea that the
Bible should be treated as if it's a book that is
Meant to give you a you know a sufficient picture of God like the morality that God expects from you
They're looking to other sources for this and so, you know, you could ask any number of moral questions I mean on a regular basis we ask like questions related to the morality of specific issues
And you know It's it's very routine that people just say haven't thought about what the Bible says and they haven't thought about it like that as if They even have some kind of obligation to see what the
Bible says about that in order to develop a moral opinion, right? So they don't even believe that like that's some sort of responsibility they have and They're basically just answering the question on the basis of their own innate sense of right wrong
But then yeah, I mean, I I don't even understand. I don't understand that kind of person in general
I mean because it's been so long since I've thought that way Yeah, it's been so long since I've even remotely thought that way.
I mean I've for the past, you know, 20 years of my life I've been absolutely persuaded that in order to define morality.
I need to appeal to Something in the Bible I need to make a moral case that you'd be making a biblical case or else.
I'm just basically Inventing things out of my own mind. You know, there's no king in Israel. Everyone does was right in their own eyes
I don't want to be guilty of that So let's go to the scripture and see what it says about it and you know get our moral intuition from there
But I mean there are people they're so hostile to that kind of project a lot of them They just they haven't read the Bible very much.
A lot of them are charismatic. You know, they care like, you know charismatic isn't gonna Have any kind of impulse really the most part to Go to the scripture like that and answer questions that way
They're just gonna listen to the still small voice the mysticism in their own heart to try to answer that question But then a lot of like you're you know nominal
Christians like they're the worst man They basically just blindly following the spirit of the age and outraged at exactly the same point that the society is outraged at with no kind of moral and to get
With no kind of moral awareness that like basically they are of the world That's because of the world and the world listens to them
So, I mean it's funny like I'm one of the polls we did and I can't remember which one it was right now No, no, it wasn't a poll.
I made a I was making a statement about Like this is a good example, so I was making a statement about Emotional abuse and I basically said that emotional abuse doesn't exist.
Okay, and Yeah Twitter blew up for three days and everyone was Fussing at me and everything else for saying that we did an episode on that but there was a guy there was a guy who was arguing with me at first that one and really push him back really hard about that and and then as The like the issue is like all the female pastors got in on that and started dogpiling on us
All the egalitarian started dogpiling on us on that one All the abuse people
Came out the woodworks the you know, the sob sisters the abuse sisters, you know survivors and all that they started piling on us too and but then
And like all the atheists started piling in on it too at that point, right? And all like the usual substance the suspects, you know, like the you know that though What's that guy's name a social conservative who tweets for the devil?
Yeah, Kevin him young, you know all the all the the normal villains in the story were piling in on that But then the issue is they all started liking this guy who was interacting me
They started liking his post And so he got like hundreds and hundreds of likes on his post because all these people were hating hating on it or whatever
He's like, all right. I got to change my mind here, man If all the villains in the story
I must be wrong If all the if all the atheists and the heretics and the false teachers are liking what
I said Maybe I need But you know what but you know what like praise the
Lord that he was that there was enough humility there To even be aware of that, right?
There are a lot of people who who do the same exact thing and they just totally They totally ignore the fact about who is liking what they're saying well in those moments
I often will point out the people who are more biblically oriented. I'll just point out to him I say hey, like look who's liking all your stuff, you know,
I Mean it should concern you shouldn't it that all the female pastors the egalitarians the heretics like they all agree with you
Doesn't that concern you a little bit that maybe that like that they think you're on their team, you know
And so but in this case, so I mean I bring it up just to say that in this case the guy, you know
He changed his mind on it But that's just because you have you have an individual who doesn't necessarily entrust his or doesn't necessarily trust his innate moral intuition right that way and so then like What you have is like you have a lot of nominal
Christians who are absolutely persuaded that their innate moral intuition It's just absolutely right and it
I mean conveniently it always lines up with what the world is You know screaming about and hollering out about the most like right now
And it but then they they trust it and they trust it They don't feel like they have any responsibility to justify it from Scripture But I mean my goodness like just look at the world you live in today
I mean what morality should we govern ourself by if not the Bible like if you're not finding it from the
Bible Because it's you know by what standard I could it's not whether you're gonna have a standard What is your standard going to be?
So what is your standard going to be? Is your standard going to be popular consensus? Well, if that's the case then win right and where so popular consensus at what point in history?
What particular place right and then you realize it all just reduces to subjectivity I mean, we've gone we've gone to gun some just massive societal cultural changes
You know in our country, I mean, especially since a burger fell and everything else But I mean even more like in the past 50 60 years
We've undergone some massive transitions if you trust your moral intuition without going to scripture.
I really don't even know what to say at this point Because it's gonna change tomorrow, you know, not always they're gonna change tomorrow
But like, you know tomorrow you're gonna be the kind of person who throws yourself yesterday in jail you know, you have to think about that like that's like You're like you're signing up for a rapidly changing morality to where there is absolutely no tolerance for dissent and You know, you're really basically at this point in history
I mean, you're you're basically saying that like things that you believed a year ago were So morally heinous to the point where you deserve to lose your livelihood
Be thrown in jail, you know even Probably killed, you know because you dared to even think some of these thoughts, you know
So we're just you have to go to somewhere to find Something objective for sure
Yeah and and you know part of the part of the motivation for doing this episode for asking this question is because Yeah, oftentimes we do run some kind of poll or we post something or we do an episode on some topic you know that a lot of people they come in and they just They really just start making a lot of unfair assumptions
I think about your motivations for simply asking a asking a question and wanting to hear people's responses and Wanting to see and sometimes, you know, sometimes those polls are some they're like a test right just to see
If people will be consistent in their beliefs or if they're just you know
With their wishy -washy and they're they're really kind of hypocritical and what they believe and and so the poll the questions that we ask all
That to say the questions that we ask a lot of times are There meant there's a purpose behind them
They're not just you know I think a lot of people think that we're trying to rage bait people or we're trying to just be controversial for the sake of being controversial and we are certainly controversial but it's not necessarily because We just have this innate desire to be controversial
It's because ultimately we want to ask all these questions that it seems like you're just really not allowed to ask and you know
I think you and I have both we've both been in a place where it's like Hey, normally normally the things that you're not allowed to ask.
That's where you probably want to go Because there's a reason that you're not allowed to ask those questions in our current society
Right with with you know, probably with some limitations to that but I mean questions that like would have been normal 20 years ago 30 years ago 40 years ago to ask are now not normal anymore and so we want to ask those questions and so on so many times we'll get people who
Respond to a genuine question from us with some sort of like why are you even asking this question?
You know who's even asking this question nobody's talking about this talk about the real stuff that's going on right now, you know and or they'll just they'll just totally emote and or you know accuse you of whatever the
Whatever the question we're actually asking is right so the latest example would be we ran the we ran that poll on Does a husband have the authority to spank his wife as a form of discipline?
Right and you have and we've already done that episode. We won't hash out the topic itself, but You had all these people who were basically just outright accusing us of being
Wife beaters right for just asking the question even after you even after you explicitly said
Someone else asked me this question because they keep getting people coming to them asking
It's funny because I put it on the pole. I put it on the pole itself. It's like no and you know note
Someone asked me to write Right and and other you know, other people would come along and and they would repeat that they would say hey
They are asking this question because someone else asked them to run a poll on it because they keep getting people
Coming to them asking them. Am I allowed to do this as a husband? Am I or you know is my husband allowed to do this or you know when
I become a husband? Am I allowed to do there's there's people asking them and so they come to us and they say hey
What do you think about this and you decide to run a poll on it to see what people's responses are and They're just like and then once they see that once they're confronted with that then the response just becomes
Well, you shouldn't have asked it. Anyway, yeah, and so so it's like you have this you just have people that are just so diametrically opposed
To even asking these questions and it kind of leads you to a point where you're like Do you even know okay.
All right fair, you know fair enough in your mind. This isn't this is a question that Shouldn't even have to be asked.
Okay fine but Can you actually explain you're here now?
You it was important enough that you needed to comment on it and make and make that statement the grandstanding emotional statement
You're here. Now. Can you explain it and they can't biblically? Yeah, they can't yeah
It's just virtue signaling I mean and so a lot of what's happening is that you know When you think about this top when these when you think about these kind of questions
You do have a lot of people and I'm not gonna say hey They left the church because the church mishandled them or whatever else.
I mean, I think I Was I I've experienced this growing up where I had a lot of unpopular questions
And I wanted to I had questions that I mean, I I saw the woke stuff way before I saw it as a kid
You know, I grew up with a firm with all the quotas the affirmative action all that kind of stuff and I mean
There's questions that you have from that and so like the issue is like I grew up with those kind of questions Related to that kind of topic and every topic that you see right now that's coming to its head
I had all those kind of questions running around in my mind as a seven -year -old, you know as an eight -year -old as a five -year -old
You know thinking about these kind of things like to where I would ask adults these questions and they would just get mad
That'd be the way it were like the response is oh you shouldn't ask that, you know, you're a troublemaker or whatever else It's like well, no, I'm just trying to understand
Like I'm trying to understand the logic of affirmative action here Can you explain it to me in a way that it makes sense?
Like I'm five. I know I'm five Go ahead and explain it to me You know, but like but then you ask those questions
They just they don't have answer the issue is they don't have answers and I saw that very early on as a kid that I Asked these questions and people they just didn't have answers to it
They didn't know how to answer the question and I was looking at them thinking You're an adult. You should be able to answer these questions
Because you're I mean you obviously think that there's a right and a wrong answer here and it's so right and so wrong that it
Should be obvious to me It's not obvious to me and I'm asking you to explain it and you can't even explain it to like a little kid you know, so come on like I But then like the issue is okay.
So growing up you can't really ask questions related to race From your pastors, you can't ask any of those
They're not gonna give you any answers but what's happened is like the Overton window is shifted and now you have like what what's what what has happened is like there's a lot of people like me who got frustrated with the whole scenario and just started asking the question and Demanding answers, right?
So you start demanding answers You start saying the obvious and then all of a sudden it gives people around you courage
Who are asking the same sorts of questions and then what happens is the Overton window shifts mean that like the
Overton window is just a term for you know, the area of acceptable discourse, right? So like now you could ask those questions a lot more than what you could in the past I mean you could still get canceled for asking some questions, too
But I mean like you there's a lot more freedom to ask some things along those lines But a lot of these topics that we address
Their topics that you yeah, we're trying to ask questions that you're not allowed to ask in our society
But that doesn't mean that it's wrong biblically, right? So like it didn't like just because now it's become more acceptable to ask, you know questions related to affirmative action
Doesn't mean it was wrong for me to ask those when I was seven or five or whatever else, right? Like that was it
God's perspective on it didn't shift it The Bible doesn't say you're not allowed to ask that question Just our society is rigorously policing these because they have a vested interest in silencing all dissent, you know
So you and you live in that kind of society that there are topics that are off limits You're not allowed to ask anything related to men and women.
You're not allowed to ask anything related to male and female roles You're not allowed to ask anything related to race You're not allowed to ask anything related to like any of the
CRT categories of intersectionality You're not allowed to ask anything along those lines, but that doesn't mean they're wrong to ask.
You're just not allowed to That doesn't mean it's wrong to God. You're not allowed to in our society, right?
If you're in the SPC, you're not allowed to ask any questions about anything that anyone does above you, right?
That doesn't mean it's wrong to God. It just is wrong in the SPC so like the issue is a lot of the questions that we're trying to bring up their questions that Need answers and that a lot of people are asking and I mean most of the questions that we ask are things that people have
Sent us multiple times in multiple ways At this point, you know, we started out asking certain series of questions to get the ball rolling
But at this point, I mean I get people sending me questions every single day I have a list of questions of people, you know,
I just get Question after question after question and I try to ask them and then you know, the funny thing is yeah
I mean people get so mad about the fact that you're asking them, but it's like hey Do you understand that? This is like a person's question this is someone has asked me this and they want a good answer to this because they're trying to be faithful in the world that we live in and You know if you could all calm down a little bit and try to go to the
Bible would provide it Maybe you could help them but then what ends up happening a lot of times just people just kind of lose their mind and refuse to even play ball and You know, and they basically just accused you of being the worst person imaginable for even being willing to do it
But I mean a lot of that just reduces to yeah, I I want to help people So I don't care you can you can yell at me.
I have thick skin. I don't care, you know, but well I know that a lot of people are asking these kind of questions and You know, our podcast is done as well as it has
Because there there's a market for it for sure Right. Yeah, and and I think something that it this kind of stuff has really taught me is
I think I and maybe I've said this before I can't really remember but I think
I gave a lot of people a lot more credit for understand knowing and understanding the majority of the
Bible Than they actually do when it comes right down to it I mean, obviously there's people that know it.
Obviously, there's people that understand it. Obviously, there's people that commit themselves to Trying to understand it more
Right, but then for the average person that claims to be a Christian I think
I just fool kind of foolishly assumed that they knew a lot more of their Bible than they actually did you know, for example,
I Had someone I had someone you know meet me in real life and they
They I They were I was introducing my children to them right and and we named our oldest daughter
Priscilla based off of Priscilla in the Bible and We explained that to this person who's claimed to be a
Christian claimed to be a Christian for a very long time and Their response was to say. Oh Where is that?
I've never I've never heard of her in the Bible before Right and I was and I was just like I that really struck me because I was like, well, hang on You've claimed to be a
Christian for I mean at at least a decade Probably much longer than that and you you've never even heard the name
Priscilla Ever mentioned in the Bible and I mean I I understand, you know,
Priscilla's not mentioned the same way Jesus or Paul or Peter or someone like that is mentioned, but then
You know to be a Christian for that long to claim to be a Christian for that long and even and you're not even from it
You're not even like hello. Oh, yeah, I've heard of that I don't know where it is, but I've heard I've heard that name that that's embarrassing that's embarrassing and that's kind of been the universal experience that I've had with people who have interacted with the things that we put out whether it be the polls or you know, what whatever it is is
Oftentimes they just don't know the Bible at all and And so it it makes things make a lot more sense
Overall as to why there's so many in the church that think the way they do and are
So easily deceived in all the ways they are But then but then it does kind of help explain why they get so frustrated with these
With these kinds of topics because the minute that you ask them. Well, hey, what is the biblical
X? You know, okay. All right. It's a it's a dumb question to ask. Sure. Fine.
Whatever Someone's asking it. So it's at least that relevant You've commented on it.
You've decided to be here. We didn't force you to come you you came on your own
What's the answer since it's so simple and they're just there's not one and Yeah, I mean the answer is like yeah,
I like obviously this is wrong because that's what the culture does me Yeah, it's it's bad because it's bad that's the answer that they give you and so the so the question then becomes how do you how do we and maybe we can close on this but How do we protect ourselves?
from that sort of Mentality as Christians how do we put ourselves in a position where even even when someone's asking the question that we
Personally think is a stupid question to ask right or or even you know, we talked about this and The episode that we did on on A husband disciplining his wife.
There might even be questions that are like, hey, I'm just not gonna ask that question That's just not one really worth asking right now
Even with those questions, we should still have a biblical response, right? Yeah, I mean
I think the issue is if you and a lot of people don't think about it this way, but they
The Internet I think in general trains people to depersonalize people But then the issue is that when
I'm you know me being involved in counseling. I talk to people all the time They come to me with questions all the time like so they like a lot of these questions are from real people and I know who these real people are and I know what their motives are and you know what often happens in these kind of things is that people can just make all sorts of crazy assumptions about the kind of person who
Might be asking this, you know So, I mean if you just take an example of something like sodomy if someone were to say hey, what does
Bible say about? You know st. Loving committed same -sex relationships or whatever like There are you know, maybe even just use a trans, you know, the quote -unquote transgender thing
What does the Bible say about transgenderism? You know, the issue is any number of people could have be asking that question and what generally happens is you have a lot of people who are assuming in their mind the type of person who they're thinking is asking that and then responding to like the worst possible motive for asking the question, but I mean if you were thinking about something like the
Transgender question or something like that. What does the Bible say about that? I mean there could be a person who is asking that because they're considering it themself
Right. Mm -hmm So you might have a specific response to that kind of person that goes a specific way
There could be a person whose loved one or friend is is considering doing that and they don't know what they think about it
So that's obviously a different scenario, right? Then there's a scenario where you have an adult who's thinking about doing that to their kids, right?
So, I mean but every single one of those scenarios they're different scenarios They're different kind of people and the issue is with a question like that You don't really even know where it's coming from Right, you know and I was
I imagine you'd be harsher on the parent doing that to the child then you would be you know in your response, then you would be to the
Individual asking about their loved one or their friend, right? Like how do I talk, you know, or how do
I talk to people about this? what are some biblical arguments I could use so I mean like the issue is like these are people and Like you think about like a question and we said we used to There used to be like in you know education like a mentality of like hey
There's no such thing as a stupid question or something like that, right? that I think a lot of people are
They they don't really think through that as it relates to some of these topics So they'll immediately go to this is a stupid question or whatever else but like the issue is like questions actually can't be stupid.
I Mean people can be stupid There's no stupid question It's like I think if you if you're actually like the issue is we should always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that's in us like so we should be like competent and equipped like to answer these questions and God wants us to be salt and light in the phone world and part of that just means that you need to think about everything
That's happened happening in the world from a biblical perspective and being ready to speak to it That's what the
Great Commission means like you're teaching people to do all that Jesus didn't talk that's the Great Commission You make disciples teaching them to do everything that Jesus didn't talk
You have a responsibility to know the Bible so well Right that you could tell people like and I it's obviously a community project, you know
Maybe it's not on we know one person to know everything but it is your like that you're part of the discipling someone is teaching them to do all that Jesus didn't talk taught and You have pastors who are equipped for that task laymen you're equipped for that task and you know
It's a lifelong task and everything else But the issue is like we should know the Bible better than what we know it and we should be ready
Right, we should be ready to give an answer and a lot of what's happening in these kind of conversations you have people who just they've never thought about it before they respond instantaneously with the fence and They don't actually have answers to give and you know, it just kind of reduces to us.
It's obviously wrong stupid What's your problem? You know, it's like well Um You have to understand that you're living in a country that's deeply divided on right and wrong
It's every single conceivable way. So we might want to actually give them answers to this instead of just Coddling the left and you know attacking the right in that way
Like I think you need to like be ready to answer questions from both the left and the right in that way and give them answers for sure
Absolutely. Okay. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the episode on Thank you
Tim for providing those answers and I don't think there's really anything else to say on the subject other than just you know,
I Think I think this is definitely one of those areas that probably most people especially online, you know could work on in terms of Jumping to conclusions quickly and not looking at themselves and asking.
Hey, wait a second Do I actually understand the question? Can I actually respond to the question and if the answer is no then maybe just sit that one out or you know go and look it up and figure out what you believe on the topic from scripture and Then come back, you know, that's perfectly fine
And and I think too sometimes there's there's there's some good and saying hey, I just don't know the answer
I mean there's people that do that on our on our polls and on the thing on the questions we ask they just straight -up say
Hey, I don't know, you know, that's a good question. And and that's perfect. That's a perfectly refined response
I think the Internet's kind of trained us to Think that we've got to respond right away with whatever's in our mind
And if there's nothing in our mind, then we've got to make something up and and that's just not a helpful That's just not a helpful attitude to really have so we appreciate all you guys for listening to the episode
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This has been another episode of Bible bashed we hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion
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