Kingdom Leadership with Rusty Thomas


We are thrilled to have our dear brother Rusty Thomas on today to discuss what’s next for this faithful hero of the faith. Please take a minute to visit our sponsor Armored Republic and get yourself some Tools of Liberty today at We are also excited to be partnering with New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, ID. Check them out at Check out our store at


Non -rockabotas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it!
Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie? Or are you gonna bite? We're being delusional. Delusional?
Yeah. Delusional is okay in your world view. I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional. You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
So you calling me delusional using your world view is perfectly okay. It doesn't really hurt. It's hung up on me!
Yes! What? What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men.
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage.
Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives. Don't go into the world and make homies.
Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle neck. That's a joke,
Pasta. When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
Take an homies and journey, so you will never be the same.
Likewise, urge the younger men to be self -controlled. Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works.
And in your teaching, show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned.
So that an opportunity may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us. That would be
Titus chapter 2, verses 6 through 8. What is up,
Apologia Radio listeners? We have a kind of a mishmash show here today. We got
Apologia Radio provoked theologians thing going on. You've got the best name for a podcast though.
It's pretty great. It's pretty genius. He's saying that because he came up with it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It's still good. Broken clock is right twice a day.
Something like that. You got it right. Provoked is a cool name. Do you historically say common phrases wrong?
We intentionally do it. Just to make things up and make each other laugh. My husband, he combines two common phrases but puts them together.
So where you know what he's saying. If you stop and think about it, I'm like,
I don't know if that's right. Is that a Texas thing? One of my nicknames is the wrong word man.
So my dad starts going to a church I planted and I'm preaching every Sunday. He's like, one of the reasons
I believe in God is there's no way you could have strung together these sentences. Proof of the
Holy Spirit. That causes him to believe in God. That reminds me, yesterday in your talk, you didn't say anything wrong but you said something that made
Dennis and I laugh. You were like, it sounded like you were setting up a joke. Some of our kids were like, what's up with Satan?
Dennis and I were like, I said that? I texted him and I was like, so a guy walks into a bar and is like, hey, what's up with Satan?
I can always see your guys' facial responses to what I'm saying. I'm like, oh, I blew it on that one.
Don't look at Luke. That's why I sit in the background. He can't see me. Anywho, a lot going on right now.
I'm going to try to address everything going on briefly. Then I'll bring in our super duper awesome guest.
I'm obviously not Pastor Jeff. He is currently on his way to Denver. I had to remember where he was at.
For a hearing for a bill tomorrow. An equal protection bill. Zachary Conover is on his way to Kentucky for the rally there.
For our bill. We have so many things going on right now. I don't know what day and time it is. I forget my name half the time.
Hi. Our bill for our equal protection bill in Arizona got dropped last week.
We had our pastor's meeting yesterday. Which was fantastic. Rusty, I'm going to talk offline with you later about some good things going on there.
Really good stuff coming out of that meeting. Let's see what else. Kentucky's bill was dropped this week.
Ohio's is dropping next week, I believe. Georgia's getting dropped next week.
South Carolina's was dropped this week or last week. I don't even know.
I can't even remember everyone. There's so many awesome bills going on across the nation. I can't keep track of them all.
We're literally all over the place. We've been talking a lot this week. God bless us with the ability to have multiple awesome elders.
If one of us or two of us or all of us need to just run and go to a pastor's meeting or go to a hearing or whatever.
We have enough guys to stick around and make sure that things don't fall apart. Praise God for that.
We've got a lot of other bills still coming this year. Lord willing. Super exciting stuff.
Praise God for that. The Lord's definitely working in our nation. There's no doubt about it. I'm going to let our guests talk about that in a minute.
Anything you want to add to that? Am I missing? I'm probably missing something. No, we've just got a lot going on.
Rusty was just talking. We just need prayers from the saints. When you do the work that we were doing, as Rusty was just,
I think, so importantly talking to us about. You just become public enemy number one. It's a good thing when the enemy's attacking you in the sense that you must be doing something right.
As you further the kingdom and you're storming the gates of hell, but it's painful. We just need as much prayers as we can possibly get.
Amen to that. How about you? You guys have had all kinds of sickness. I feel like every week.
Yeah, I just feel like a lot of people in the church are experiencing a lot of...
It's been crazy. Something I've been thinking about the past two weeks or so is contemplating how the last few years
I feel like have prepared me for some of the struggles that we're facing.
And just that God's always working and doing things. It's like, oh, if I had been where I was a few years ago,
I might not have been equipped to handle. But he's always just shaping us and equipping us more because he knows what's coming.
He knows what the battles are and where the war is at. And he knows what we need to fight and win and all that.
Just weather the storm. We've come a long way in 13 years. I used to be like, who's high today and needs to dump drugs?
Who needs to flush some pills today? Are you going to pass your breathalyzer?
Still have it in my bag. The church breathalyzer. Haven't had to use it in a long time, Lord. Thankfully, but it's in there.
Anyways. Enough rambling. Very excited about our guest today.
You guys, if you've been listening to us for a while, know Rusty Thomas very well. Everything I just mentioned that we're doing is literally a direct fruit of him and his ministry.
Even if you tried to deny it, don't listen to him. We wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for this man.
He's entering a new chapter in life. I actually just learned some stuff I didn't even know he was doing.
He's stepped down from heading to Operation Save America so he can focus on some other stuff that we're going to talk about.
I'm very excited and grateful to have brother Rusty on today.
Rusty, what's up, man? Wow. So good to see you guys. To be with you.
Just want you to know how much I love you guys. We love you, too. Ditto.
Same. And your wife. I feel like I just can't. And the
Thomas Nation, which is massive. How many grandkids do you have? I think we're up to 20.
Oh, wow. That's all, huh? And the goal is to have a family reunion in a stadium one day.
That's the kingdom goal. Yeah. With the way things are going, in 10 years you'll have enough grandkids to fill a stadium.
Because you have 13 children, right? A couple of them went home to be with the Lord. And then you have 20 grandkids.
Wow, that's amazing. So we got 11 still here. And in some ways we're just getting going.
Just getting started. And it's just so good to see that my children took to heart the teachings of the
Lord. And they're not afraid of that big bad baby. And they see the significance of having solid marriages and being fruitful and multiply and filling the earth and advancing the kingdom through a godly seed.
And it's just so great to see this come to pass and starting to bear good fruit.
It's rewarding. It truly is. Because you still have kids at home, right? Yeah, I still got four daughters who are single, by the way.
Whose goal in life is to be wives and mothers. I couldn't think of a better father -in -law and mother -in -law.
I'm sure your daughters are great too, but... Well, they ain't gonna marry me, buddy.
I'm just saying. You marry one of them and you get great in -laws. That's all I'm saying. What are the age range for your kids?
Oldest to youngest. My oldest is, I think, 35 now.
And my youngest is 15. Wow. Praise the Lord for that. Yes, you got lots of grandkids coming in.
So, you've been busy. Tell us what you're up to and then we will just dissect it from there.
Okay. So, yeah. I stepped down from National Director of OSA.
I mean, I didn't think I was going to retire or anything like that. In some ways, it was kind of re -fire.
But... There wasn't a slowdown period. There wasn't a restful time.
I'm just not wired that way. And so, what was interesting, as soon as I stepped down, the nations opened up to me.
For the first time in my life of serving the Lord, I actually got invited to other nations.
I've gone. I've done short -term missions. But I was never invited to come to a nation.
And so, those doors opened up. And so, I traveled abroad.
My daughter, Destiny, she came to me a few months ago and she literally walked up to me and she put her hands on my head like this.
And she goes, Dad, we've got to take what's in here and put it in there.
She was like, Dad, it's a generational thing. I know you're not into the whole social media podcast stuff, but that's where the future's going.
That's where people are meeting. That's where the exchange of ideas are going on. She pretty much kicked me in my rear and said, we've got to start a podcast.
And so, a few months ago, we started
Kingdom Moments with Rusty Thomas. So, we're starting to do this podcast deal and doing teachings and commentary on the burning issues of the day from a biblical perspective, doing interviews.
And it's also becoming a warehouse for blog posts and my written materials and other resources.
So, we got that going. And then, of course, with something that you guys have been actually helping us with is the online school, the
Kingdom Leadership Institute. And we're coming along, fellas.
And, Joy, we got the general website done. It's up and running.
We're at the critical point now where we're doing a lot of the nuts and bolts work to get the curriculum uploaded, the written assignments, the lectures and all that kind of stuff.
And for those who do not know about this school, it has three fields of study.
One is to train up faithful pastors and elders in the body of Christ that will not only equip the church to do the work of the ministry, but to fight the
Lord's battles that much of the pulpits in America have ignored for far too long.
It's one of the reasons why we're in the mess we are as a people and as a nation. And so, we kind of want to remedy that.
And so, we're looking for young men of theology and doctrine and teaching and all that kind of good stuff.
But also men of courage, men of integrity, men of action. Amen. Part of the requirements of going to this school is it's threefold strong of limb and one of the things, in fact,
I still need to follow up with Pastor Jeff. He's supposed to put me in contact with some of the Navy SEALs because one of the requirements to go to this school is you've got to be physically fit.
You know, so many of the pulpits are filled with men who they're gluttons.
They're overweight, they're obese. This is not a good witness coming from the pulpits of America.
And so, we're going to train men physically as well as mentally and spiritually in the ways of the
Lord. I can make that happen. Let's talk later. Yeah. I do want to follow up with that because that's really important, guys.
It really is. And so, we have the ministry side of the school.
Then we're going to have a field of study that's more business, financial, entrepreneurism.
And the Lord has blessed us with a partnership with the Benham Brothers. And Jason Storm is going to be over that field of study.
And so, we'll be training young men on the strong Protestant work ethic that basically prospered
America beyond any other nation on the face of the earth. And so, promoting a strong work ethic, learning about the different economic systems, communism, socialism, capitalism, how money works, savings, investment, starting a business, and things of that nature.
And with the Benham Brothers, we'll have access to a community of entrepreneurs.
So, every student that signs up, they'll be able to connect with other young entrepreneurs and they can exchange ideas and challenge each other to build a business and prosper in that business.
But the ultimate purpose for that field of study is to raise up future paymasters that will fund the kingdom of God.
And so, whatever treasures they yield from hard work, we want to understand that's not for self -aggrandizement.
That is to fund the kingdom of God. We need resources. You guys know this more than most.
And all the things that you're attempting to do to serve the Lord, it takes money, it takes resources to accomplish that.
So, we want to train young men with that vision and mission. And then the third thing is to raise up godly statesmen.
Luke and Zach and Joy, you know that we've had some success in reaching magistrates, specifically to convert them from pro -life to abolition.
And the enemy recognizes that success, but we want to have a long term vision where we're going to train up young men with a biblical worldview of civil government.
You know, the doctrine of interposition, the doctrine of lesser magistrate, the biblical principles in our founding documents as Americans.
And then, of course, to train them with the nuts and bolts. What does it take to run a successful campaign and get elected?
So, we basically want to train up young men as godly statesmen so when they get elected, we don't have to convince them of their duty.
They will already know what their duty is once they go back through that corrupt system and challenge that system to quit being disobedient and rebelling against their king, which is our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to uphold his commandment in the civil sphere.
And so, prayerfully, we'll have that operational hopefully within the year.
That is our goal. And then, we, of all things, at this stage of my life, it looks like the
Lord's calling us to move to Florida and to start a church called the
American Reformation Church, and God willing, on October 29th of this year, we'll have our first church service in Florida, and we're kind of connecting it to October 31st, which is the historic
Reformation Day anniversary. And this church, brothers and sisters, is based on the four
F's. Faith, family, fatherhood, and freedom.
And we want it to be sort of the antidote to the poison that is now hurting our nation.
And so, of course, we've still got the traveling ministry and the writing ministry and all that kind of stuff, but yeah, the
Lord's not allowing me to have any moss grow underneath my feet, so we're going to press on, guys.
I don't think you could tolerate that anyways. No, I'd go crazy. And just to be clear, it's in Melbourne, Florida, not
Australia. I'm grateful for that. Man, I'm so excited for that.
When do you anticipate that being ready? I know you've been working super hard on that.
On the school? Well, guys, this is where we do need some prayer, because right now, of course, we've got
Darren Stid. He's going to be over the ministry aspects of the school. We've got
Jason Storms over the financial aspects of the school, and we've got a brother from Indiana, John Jacob.
He was a magistrate in Indiana, ran under abolitionism, and he may run.
I don't know if I should say this. No, better not. Because if he hasn't publicly released this,
I better not say it. But for right now, he is over the godly statesman aspects of the school.
And so they're going to be working with the web designer who put together our website.
People can check it out. It's called kingdomleadershipinstitute .org And I want the folks to know too that Apologia and your leadership team has helped a little bit, especially with the ministry aspects of the school.
I know you guys have recommended books and things of this nature that we're going to be incorporating. But we're at this point right now.
It's a two -year program, and it's four semesters. And so right now, we've got to lay out that entire program and fill up each semester with the books that are going to need to be read.
They're going to have to do written assignments, do outlines at each chapter of the book.
We'll have lectures. We will have assignments like if you sign up to, let's say, go through the ministry school to become a pastor and an elder.
Well, one of the things if you're going to complete the course is you're going to actually have to do the work.
What I mean by that, you know, the Lord talks about what
He expects from His church, from His Christians. You know, feed the poor, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner.
And in our day, address and overcome abortion. So literally, for them to pass our course, they're going to have to go and feed the poor.
They're going to have to do that. They're going to have to put their hand to it. They're going to have to recognize what that really means.
They're going to have to visit the prisoner. They're going to have to learn to preach the gospel in prison.
You know, they're going to have to do everything that the Lord expects His church to be involved in and to do.
You know, He who serves leads. We want these young men to be trained so when they become in positions of authority and leave the church, they're going to have first -hand knowledge of what it takes to fulfill all that God has called
His church to do and to be. This is really important when it comes to this school because the model of learning that we're incorporating is learn, do, and then teach.
Learn, do, and then teach. Because so much of the church, we go from learning to teaching.
Exactly. And we're leaving out a really important part of truly learning in the
Lord and that is the application of our faith in the real world. Right. Exactly.
And so we want to remedy that. We really do. Yeah, we should. Because, you know, of course there's incredible seminaries out there but they say sometimes a seminary becomes a cemetery.
It's because of that specific thing. You go, you learn a lot and then you're thrust into a teaching role and these young men don't have that knowledge, that just general application of the truth of God's word, especially in the realm of evangelism.
And then they have a low level of you know, credibility with their people because they haven't been in the trenches and just applied what the scriptures are calling them to do.
So that's awesome. That's so needed. If you think about it guys, anybody who's been to college and gotten degrees, you know, how much is ethereal head knowledge that's never applicable you know, in the real world?
You know, and I'm not saying that's a waste of time but I am saying that to be effectual in serving our
Lord, there really needs to be on -the -job training. You know, and it's like when
I've led pastors to come out to the gates of hell, these are men that could preach a house of fire in a church building and then become very mute when it came to the death camp because the spiritual atmosphere there it was fearful, it was intimidating but to their credit, if they kept coming they would regain their voice and they would shatter that fear and begin to speak the gospel of the kingdom and one of the interesting things was not only did they gain courage and regain their prophetic voice to minister the gospel at the death camps, it absolutely revolutionized their pulpit ministry.
Right. It's because the salt came out of the salt shaker. A wise man says it often that that needs to happen.
Yeah. I'm so excited for that. Before I add some input so besides prayer what else can people do to help you with that task, with getting that ready?
Well brother, obviously you know what it takes brother, you guys put your hand to the kingdom plow, you need leaders you need laborers, you need prayer warriors, you need resources you need funding, you know you need all that kind of good stuff oh, the other thing
I forgot to mention too though, is our website and new study course program abolitionstrategies .com
that you all were involved with. Yeah, I was going to get to that. Yes, and that we're wanting to use sort of as a kingdom warehouse center to provide the helps and the training and the teaching to equip the church to fight this battle
God's way. And again, you guys have been such a blessing and a partner in all this and I really do appreciate you guys.
Well, that's the least we can do brother. We'll talk about that here in a second. I was just going to add as far as the kingdom leadership stuff goes,
I don't even know if you know this, Jason Storms taught our man camp two weeks ago
I think and it was just, you know, as you would guess, was fantastic and I mean he kicked
Zach and I in the teeth a couple times and you know, we left just really encouraged and fired up and our men, we had about 108 guys there
I think and just they left just hungry for more and not just the men, you know, we had 13 and up, we had teenagers coming up and asking
Jason for his number and just fired up and so we were super excited about that and you know,
I know, just going along with what you were saying, I know the big conversation Zach and I have been having is just we need to be more intentional with our men and seeing that they want more was encouraging so we were like, well they want more we need to give them more and so just going with what you're saying, it's just so needed in the culture but especially in the church and that's why it's not in the culture because it's not happening in the church and so yeah
I'm just thrilled for this program and as soon as it's ready, you know, we'll be promoting the heck out of it so that's what
I was going to ask you real quick is what if we aren't intentional you know, what if we don't pour into our young men, teach them how to be entrepreneurs and put feet to their faith and apply scripture, what happens if we neglect that duty?
Brother, I will tell you and I don't want to get spooky spiritual here but I'm just telling you if the spirit is saying anything to the church in this day manhood is broken and it needs to be repaired you know it's it's so intense it's so real that even, you know, men like Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate you know and I don't know where Jordan is on his journey,
I don't know if he's a born again man but I know he's getting more biblical in his thinking but even the world is recognizing you know, how devastating manhood is in this nation,
I mean even on even in the physical realm our testosterone levels are like half of what it once was where we're literally losing our physical grip
I mean, there is such an overall assault against biblical manhood and biblical masculinity and due to that assault there is so much ruination that has come to our marriages our families, our children our churches our culture and our nation and if there is such great need of this hour as to well,
Jordan Peterson he did this video and I totally agree with him on this he said every church needs to have a billboard that says, young men we are the church of Jesus Christ and we need you and we want you come here and he he nails it because once men repent and sort of shake off the battle from within our sinful nature which is passivity irresponsibility the silence of Adam our laziness, our slothfulness and shake off the battle from without the feminist movement the man -hating spirit of Jezebel once we cast those things off in Jesus name and actually come back to our duties and our responsibilities the truth of the matter is once men step into those realms of fulfilling their duties and responsibilities once again
God's authority will move through biblical masculinity and manhood and that is going to bring a lot of healing and a lot of deliverance to our marriages our families, our children, the church the culture and our nation.
This is critically important brothers. We cannot miss it in this day this is so important for the future
Amen man I appreciate that so much and there's a lot of toxic masculinity going on in here right now so I was hoping
Joy could balance that out a little bit Joy you're kind of our in -house expert on feminism okay not to put you on the spot but to put you on the spot
I would like to hear your take on this conversation from your perspective on how the lack of biblical manhood, how it's affected women and like I mentioned feminism and Russi mentioned it as well how that's had a part in that I'd love to hear your thoughts well we live in an egalitarian society we live in a feminist utopia where women are guilty of nothing even murder so if anyone's telling you that women haven't achieved equal rights they're right, they've achieved more rights but it's interesting
I guess we're in Sheila does a little online book club and we're reading
The Pastor's Wife by Sabina Wurmbrand which is of course the wife of Richard Wurmbrand who was if you don't know a
Romanian Christian pastor who was imprisoned for I think 14 years or something but when the
Russians were came into Romania and were kind of all they were like pretending to be cool and copacetic with all the different religions and it's like we're not going to make you be communist it's fine they created basically this office this society of the cults that would manage all the religions and stuff like that which of course communism's goal would be to stamp out religion but they were saying a lot of things that were very concerning in this meeting and Richard and Sabina are sitting there with each other and Sabina's kind of like you have to say something this is not right and he was like if I say something you won't have a husband and then she said in her book she even says not of her own courage but she said to him
I don't need a coward for a husband and of course he went up and he spoke and that he was actually applauded at that meeting it was later on that he was imprisoned but I think that that is something we have we live in a culture where even sort of the disposition of women even in good ways like the gentleness the beauty the management and the care that's given those are all good things but we've taken those things and twisted them and a part of that I think is that we live in this female run world and so we have set what we think is best for how the world should work and that really is
I think what that means is that a lot of us for a long time in specific ways and in cultural ways we've been telling our husbands
I want a coward for a husband I don't want you to like if you go do that then
I won't have anyone to help me with the dishes if you go do that then our neighbors are going to hate us and I wanted to be on play dates with them and then even that applies in a very large societal way like I don't want you to express anything that can't be understood by a female like I don't understand the impulse to wrestle don't get it just do not get it we're different we're different and so we've taken things like that and we've said no that's harmful that's hurtful what we want is for you to be like us but men are not meant to be like us and so I do think that in a world where I think that if women are if Christian women are looking for a way to contribute at all it would be to stop telling our husbands telling our pastors telling the men in our lives telling our culture that we're okay with with our men being cowards and then you know and to take that even one step further what we've done many times is we've turned our men into cowards and then we resent them for their cowardice and it's like you can't win like who can win in a situation like that other than to become just totally passive and women don't like that either
I think that yeah in terms of I think women need to stop trying to shape men into what they want them to be and and to embrace what
God says about what men are and what they're to do and you know get over yourself
I think there's a reason sorry I know I'm going on for so long but I do think that I think there's a reason that like you know obviously this is not everyone's favorite verse but when you talk about like women staying quiet during the assembly and I think it's because I think maybe like a principle of that statement is like get out of the way like stop trying to be worshipped like I know that I made you like God made us beautiful he made us like physically beautiful and the jewel of your husband and all those things and I think it's kind of like it's not about you like you're not the one that's meant to be worshipped like it's me get out of the way and I think we get in the way a lot if that answers your question that was fantastic that was excellent
Rusty I want to hear your thoughts after that little gem that Joy just dropped on us well concerning Richard and is it
Sabina? Sabina yeah she I think the part of that conversation which really broke my heart was you know
Richard these people are spitting on Christ yeah and somebody needs to stand up and wipe that spit from his face and and obviously
God used that woman to infuse a backbone into Richard and it inspired him to stand up and he knew it he knew when he stood up and spoke out he knew that it was going to come for him but thank
God for a godly woman you know that and people need to understand that I just got done reading the book
It's Good to Be a Man by Michael Foster I don't know if you read that but he to really comment on the issue of like sort of the battle between the sexes and that I really love the way he puts things in perspective between the man and the woman under the
Lord and so one of the truths he brings out is you know there's a creation dominion mandate you know subdue, take dominion be fruitful multiply, fill the earth and of course
Adam could not complete that kind of work unless Adam had a help mate to be able to fulfill what
God had called Adam to do and to be in the earth and so what's interesting he shares how to a certain degree man gets their identity their meaning, their value in relationship to the work that God has called them to do and to be and one of the things he brings out was that out of the chaos you know
God creates the earth and in the earth he creates this garden and that's where he plants
Adam and he says alright you're going to start here in this garden and I've given you the prototype but now your job is to go into all the world and basically turn the world that is untamed and turn it into this garden and that is his commission okay and then of course the second part is to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth well obviously that takes a spouse that takes a mate that takes a help mate and so here's
God's original plan and how it breaks down between the sexes well of course the fall comes and what do we see well the very things that God called us to do and to be and be productive in now is opposed it's resisted but here's the thing
God didn't remove the call to produce and to fulfill these mandates and these commissions except now there's going to be resistance so what do we see in men when it comes to subduing and taking dominion well we've inherited a lot from the first Adam our silence our inactivity, our passivity our irresponsibility our laziness our slothfulness that we have to contend with okay and then when it comes to the female side of things you know what are the two things required of the woman when it comes to being fruitful and multiply and filling the earth well two things are required submit to your husband and be willing to have babies what are the things that women don't want to do and don't want to be in the world we don't want to submit and we certainly don't want to have babies and so it's those issues that literally should drive men and women do the cross of Jesus Christ and show our great need for salvation and redemption because the very things we're called to do and be and produce in the earth has been derailed by sin and by the fall and it's only through Christ and coming to him that we can get back to the role of what it means to be men and women in the
Lord and then continue to fulfill this creation you know cultural mandate and obviously advance the gospel of the kingdom in the world amen brother that's excellent stuff did you want to say that?
no okay so let's talk about abolition strategies then with the time we got left so you came up with that book in 21 is that right?
is that when you released it? I think so I know yeah so it's 2020 what state am
I in right now? well you came out released a book about abolition strategies which
I believe we've had you on to talk about that and help you promote that it's an excellent book and we highly recommend that if you're getting involved in this fight and then you asked us to teach chapters of it for a video course which we are very honored to do so you just released it was in January right where you released the website and all that I'm just guessing now so you tell me what's going on with it it was just actually a couple of months ago and thanks be to God for this dear brother
Rustin he saw the value of the book you know biblical strategies to abolish abortion and he wanted to get it out to a larger audience and so he came up with this idea of putting together a website and other helps and things of that nature and so together we worked on this project and so what my glasses are screwed up here but what the website provides you can get access to the book biblical strategies to abolish abortion but it also has the video series that you guys were involved in and pastors and leaders of this movement each graciously took a chapter and did a video teaching on it and so it allows people to go through that course with the videos and then we also have an audio version and then we just completed the study guide and then of course there's other helps and resources that are available and so the purpose here guys is again to have this sort of kingdom warehouse resource center that could be made available to pastors, to elders, to fellow
Christians and magistrates so they can get the training and their teaching and what they need to how to fight this battle not according to humanistic terms and means and ways but according to the will the word and the way of the
Lord and again guys I gotta thank you for the bottom of my heart for participating this and partnering with us in this great and just cause well the honor is all ours brother even that you asked to be a part of it we're so grateful for that so people can go to abolitionstrategies .com
correct to get the book and or the video course yes sir they can so if you guys are wanting to get in this fight or you're already in the fight and you haven't gotten this book you need to get it well
I can tell you man I know we gotta wrap up here in a few minutes but the fruit of this
I know this book I feel like it's like a culmination of like 35 years of ministry right it's about 35 and you know just the fruit is it's coming right we're seeing it just to kind of talk a little bit about just again what's going on currently one of the most encouraging things to me is that darkness is being brought to light right so we're forcing the pro -life industry to say out loud what they've been saying behind closed doors for years and I mean even yesterday
I think I saw it was the what was the Kentucky Attorney General and then
Kentucky right to life or something like that don't quote me on that but it was one of those groups you know they're coming out saying oh we can never we can never support these bills that criminalize them you know and it's just one group after another and you know and that's that's fruit that's tangible fruit of this book really you know because there's a lot that goes into getting people to that place it's not just a one thing there's a lot of things that need to be done in order to get to that place and so yeah
I'm just so happy for you man because I know you've worked so tirelessly and been through so much and suffered a ton and you know to be able to see some of this paying off has got to be rewarding for you to some level
I know we're not where you want to be but we're getting there Oh brother listen
Oh No you guys you know I feel at this point in my life
Luke you know that I'm here now just to hold the ladder and let this next generation climb
I just want to hold it steady for you guys my heart is that you guys go further up and further in you know every parent if he's a true parent wants their children to do better than they did sure you know and that's also true of the sons and daughters of the faith you know um
I'm not a perfect man I got a feet of clay you know um and to see really what we're seeing is just the faithfulness of God over a lifetime you know
I could just say the one thing I guess we didn't do is that we didn't give up we didn't take up our marbles and go home when it got tough you know we um through the
Lord's help persevered and overcame and we're seeing things that I never dreamed
I'd be seeing and let me tell you guys you Apologia, Pastor Jeff and your leadership team um
I tell you when the message and the vision and mission was you know received by you guys the
Lord took it to a whole different level and um the fruit of your ministry tells the story and that's why and I do want to conclude this and I'm very serious about this those of you that follow
Apologia those that are in the church those of you that are involved with end abortion now
I plead with you pray for Pastor Jeff, pray for Luke pray for Zach Morgan Zachary Conover Joy and the leadership team
God has raised them up for such a time as this and they are bearing good kingdom fruit and they will be targeted by the evil one and um they need your prayers, they need your love, they need your support and please take that seriously it's very very important in these days as the
Lord is shattering the darkness and the light of his kingdom is going forth and prayer really soon and very soon child sacrifice the shedding of innocent blood is going to be driven back to hell from whence it came in Jesus name
God bless you guys, I love you Amen brother, we love you and that means the world to us, thank you well if you're going to stand there and hold that ladder at least hold the basket so you can catch all the fruit falling you can eat those apples and bananas
Amen, I love strawberry banana well you guys want to add anything before we wrap up here?
No, I was just going to say if you track it down throughout history when God puts great evils under his foot he does it through his he mobilizes his men to do it and it's always
I mean the toughest guys when you think about slavery whatever it is the toughest guys are those foundational pillars like Rusty was saying just don't quit they're the ones that pave the way for it to happen and you know he's not we still need him for a couple more decades but he's just one of those pillars that we are where we are because of his labors and that's just a matter of fact
Amen Joy, anything? Yeah, I think that because of the relative well the people that came before us worked so hard and built something really amazing and I think that's afforded us a lot of just privilege and ease which is a good thing yeah but now
I think it's softened us a little bit and even just standing firm in your convictions and your principles at one point that would have been considered the bare minimum but that's really such a huge that wedding word and deed and really actually being a
Christian and not just saying that you're one that's like pivotal right now so just being able to stand firm and even obviously
I know that not all, you didn't just stand there rusty but you stood fast you stood firmly and strongly and that's that's you know in our life of relative ease and luxury that goes very very far nowadays well our founding fathers fought very hard for us to have easy lives and unfortunately you know what happens is men become too comfortable and then you know and there's a quote
I just came across the other day from Herodotus Herodotus I think was how you say his name Greek guy early on said that soft lands produce soft men and that's what we've been talking about we've gotten too comfortable, too fat literally gotta stay hard gotta stay hard and yeah we've just become cowards and lazy and so now the men that are being produced are just soft effeminate cowards and we need to overthrow that nonsense yeah that's one thing where I think
God uses the enemy's devices for our good which we track throughout scripture too yeah
I mean we experience it daily the attack from the enemy but it does condition and toughen us as he does it and it's almost like he assaults us we don't want that to happen we need the prayers of the saints but it also really toughens us as men and keeps us kind of hard and not soft to weather the storm and be able to shoulder the burden or more burden as we move down history or move down whatever
God that has for us and trying to move the ball further down the field when it comes to the abolition abortion fight we have to be tough enough to be able to do that I think that's where there's the sovereign superintendence over the enemy and allowing him to do that to keep us strong when we're so we're so inclined to seek for our own pleasure and comfort that we like reject that conditioning but like you said and even like I said
I guess at the beginning of the episode like that's God preparing you like don't like if things are hard you don't just seek comfort because then you're missing out on that conditioning you're rejecting like preparation for things to come.
That's exactly what I was thinking it's like Lord I want to do your will I want to accomplish big things for you he's like well I got to prepare you in affliction and trial and pain is how
I do it and so we have to understand that so we don't just bounce when those when he orchestrates those type of things for our preparation
Amen. Well brother Rusty where can people get a hold of you if they want to help out well
I got a bunch of websites I know that struggle
I'm about to name a bunch of them oh golly probably
ElijahMinn .com we got RustyThomas .org KingdomLeadershipInstitute .org
we got JeremiahStrong .com we got a bunch of stuff out there buddy
I mean they can just look me up search you know there's ways to get a hold of me and you know like I said guys my purpose at this point is to serve this next generation and prepare for the generations to come and I believe that's my kingdom assignment at this stage of my life and I just want to press on and end well for the
Lord man. Amen. Well we love you brother we appreciate you being able to be on with us today and I think you're supposed to be getting some rest so try to do that will you?
Yeah right We love you man well we look forward to having you back on again sometime soon and hopefully one of these events will these uh abolition events will actually connect
I know we've been like just missing each other so I know I know I want to be with you guys it's good to have that fellowship with you all truly
Alright well thank you brother and again everyone please go and support Rusty and his work and it's so vital and important and I love him a ton and so I'm I need to I completely failed to mention our partners at the beginning
I was so excited to get Rusty on that I forgot so we as always I want to thank the
Armored Republic you can visit them at ar500armor .com I actually saw
David Reese at their event yesterday it was good to see him they're just doing great work and they make great armor and they're all about liberty we love that and of course
New St. Andrews College in Moscow Idaho at NSA .edu you should send your kids there it's awesome and what else an abortion now we talked a lot about that today here's my chance to rattle off some websites we need your support all this stuff we're doing
I mean literally I can't even begin to tell you how busy we are I've tried and I've probably failed but we have so much going on strictly within abortion now it's just speaking of bananas it's bananas b -a -n -a -n -a -s bananas and so we thank you for your support everything we're doing is from you guys we can't do without you so thank you and of course
Apologia Studios you can sign up for our all access account which we have some new stuff coming here very quickly that will be very awesome and exciting
I just saw the promo did you see the new one? I didn't get a chance to see it it's awesome so exciting stuff coming for there and of course sponsoring you um and I'm sure
I'm forgetting a zillion other things but uh we love you guys and uh nowadays you can tell how hard someone's working in their ministry by how many websites they have yeah
I only mentioned a couple of them we've got more alright well thank you
Zachary Morgan you're welcome I always like having you on enjoy it's good when you're on thank you it's a pleasure
I've been sick a lot so yeah alright that's all I got oh next week we hopefully we're planning on doing a special live show on location somewhere but I don't know for sure it's going to happen so I don't want to announce it but I'll be looking for that so I'm excited hopefully that'll happen but uh that's all