...and another thing - Have Fun With It!

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Have fun in the fight.


And another thing don't let people rob you of your joy too. That's the other thing. Yeah, I see this all the time
I see people are you just say, you know, you know clutching their pearls you okay How could you make fun of people like that?
How could you joke? It's so adolescent and childless I can't believe you would say something like that Don't let people rob you of your joy.
This fight is fun. This is fun I remember the very first quick piece of criticism I ever got about my youtube channel the very first I should say
Serious piece of criticism that I ever got for my youtube It was just this guy he he wrapped his his stately robes around him metaphorically speaking, of course
It was just like how dare you the sport of it. It's just the sport of it. I can't believe it
I'm having a great time. I'm having a great time. And that's what I love about the fight last feast
Network I mean you go you go down the list show after show after show these people are having fun
It's fun to be on the Lord's side because the battles are fierce and sometimes the The casualties are are serious and they're serious ideas at play.
I mean, it's a serious war I mean souls are at stake here But at the same time when you know, you're going to win when you know that you might fall on the field you might end up a
Casualty of war but ultimately the cause that you are for is going to win. That's fun, man
That gives you confidence and I'm talking a lot of you my post -millennial friends out there you're with me here
You know, man, you've got you should be filled with faith filled with confidence other confidence means faith, right?
filled with faith and Confidence in the Lord and so when you have a role to play in the church in your family in the community online
Whatever it is, whatever it is. You can fill that role with gusto with confidence with with with without fear
You don't have to fear any of that stuff and so I can do a video a very serious video like I've done a
Few different kinds of videos this week. I've done serious videos. I've done motivational videos and I've done spoofs
So you're joking videos, you know what I mean? And and and and you know a little bit of snark and stuff like that and I could just see all these
Pharisees Oh, how could you she's a woman after all? And they get their hyperventilating and they're just full of despair all the time despair despair
I'm not full of despair and you shouldn't be there. You should have to be full of faith full of confidence
Because the God because the God of the universe has guaranteed the plan
The God of the universe is fighting for you. He's on your side
That's awesome we don't have to have despair because a lot of these guys to a lot of the people that would criticize and Like like a lot of them have the right ideas.
They're on the right side of this. I'm thinking of one in particular Who he's he's he's he's he's risked a lot to be on the right side of this social justice debate
You know what? I mean? He's on the right side. He's got the right ideas, but he's one of these types that is
Adolescent child I can't believe it because I'm having fun because I'm making jokes on my youtube channel I'm at being entertaining right and a lot of you guys
I know you find it entertaining but but but but so so so you look at his stuff And I'm not trying to throw any shade this guy's way
I really am not you know what I mean? Because I like I appreciate his stuff, but his stuff is full of despair oh
Everything's going to hell in a handbasket men are boys boys or girls, you know They're in the schools for goodness sake that just trainees in the schools, and it's just like Yeah, I mean
Pagans gonna peg I guess right. What's why all the despair? I mean, it's a serious thing
We should forcefully fight against it, but we can enjoy that fight too, man. We can enjoy that fight look
I don't like controversy. I don't enjoy controversy at all But I enjoy fighting for the
Lord, and I'm not gonna apologize for cracking jokes on my channel I'm not gonna apologize for ridiculing
Nonsense on my channel nonsense even if the nonsense spouter happens to be a woman
Okay I'm not gonna apologize for it. I'll apologize if I think I'm wrong, okay
I'll apologize if you can prove that I'm wrong, but all this pearl clutch you know It doesn't affect me you go hyperventilate on your own channel go hyperventilate on your own show
And you you can fill your followers full of despair. I'm not we should have faith. We should have confidence