Christopher Hitchens Believes in God

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Christopher Hitchen death and a proper response from a Christian. Christopher Hitchen believes in God! It is amazing the anger of Atheists when a Christian requests pray for the family of a dead Atheist. Why is it that Atheist want only their belief talked about and want to censor all others.


Today is a sad day with the death of Christopher Hitchens. That may seem strange for some to expect to hear a
Christian being saddened with the death of a man who made most of his life to try to discredit
Christianity. However, a Christian should never rejoice in the death of an unsaved person.
So it is with great sadness that we approach this subject of Christopher Hitchens and his passing.
Christopher Hitchens had lived a life desiring to please himself and in his final moments from all accounts, he died in the same way.
He chose a lifestyle, as he said in one interview, because there were things he enjoyed in this world and did not want to be held accountable to a
God. However, today Christopher Hitchens believes in God.
Christopher Hitchens believes in God because right now at this very moment he has now faced God's judgment.
And unless he repented in the last seconds of life, which we have no indication that he did, he now faces
God's judgment for all of eternity. It is not with rejoicing that any should make such a statement.
But it is a statement of fact that at this moment there is no question anymore in Christopher Hitchens' mind that God does exist.
And he will regret the way he lived his life for the rest of eternity. The point of this is this, we all will have a day when we will meet
God. And He will judge us by His standard. And it is for that reason we must be sure that what we trust in is accurate.
If you don't know Jesus Christ I plead that before this day is out, before the day you, like Christopher Hitchens, sees
God, that you would trust in what Jesus Christ did on your behalf.
I ask that those who do know Christ, that they would lift up Christopher Hitchens' family in prayer, his brother
Peter who from all accounts is a believer and other members of his family, in their time of grief, that they would be comforted as best they can.
And that they would be able to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others before they meet
Him as well. Go out and strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God.