Discerning False Teachers with Justin Peters


Rapp Report episode 129 Justin Peters from the Snatch them from the Flames Home Edition, session 3. Justin teaches us to discern false teachers. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email...


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By law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see website for details On this edition of the wrap report.
We have something special for you This is from the snatch them from the flames home edition
And this is Justin Peters on providing for you some skills and tools on discerning false teachers
You do not want to miss this if you want to get the full conference that we did free
Online just go to striving for eternity dot o -r -g Go to the online events and check out the full snatch them from a flames edition that we offered for free
Online check it out. And now for Justin Peters on the rap report
Welcome to the rap report with your host Andrew Rapaport where we provide biblical interpretation and application
This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the Christian podcast community for more content or to request a speaker for your church
Go to striving for eternity dot org So Justin, yes
Let's see before we before we start. I think we I want to have some announcements here like some giveaways
Okay, we have you know But we now have 11 pages of questions here
Justin Wow That's a lot of questions Yeah.
All right. So let me let me give out some Folks who are gonna need to contact us so that we know how to Get you your books
But people who are asking questions get entered into receiving different books and so Basically if you hear your name you're gonna need to get in touch with us just contact info at striving for eternity org
And if I was really smart and quick I could probably put that up as a banner at the bottom for you
Let me do that At banner and boom, there we go
See see how quick that is just as Justin likes to say click the link down there But there's not a you can't click it but look at email down there and Just contact us at info at striving for attorney org
If you hear your name called and we'll ship you out your book Cindy Brown from Facebook You win you have got you'll be have coming your way.
What do we believe? So Cindy Brown, what do we believe? Ryan leach
Don't know where he was at whether it was YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, but Ryan leach
What do we believe so Ryan leach if you could get a hold of us and I'll announce these later on as well
Deb Raymond on YouTube you got a do not hinder them
So Deb Raymond, please reach out to us at info at striving for attorney org David Ross David Ross gets a what do they believe so he gets that Stephanie Montgomery Gets what do they believe?
So Stephanie who is from YouTube so Stephanie if you could reach out to us and lastly for this round is less and I'm not trying to pronounce the last name, right but general generous
Jen read our e G and e r -u -s
Get ahold of us at info at striving for attorney org. He gets a copy of on the origin of kinds
So congratulations those folks will mention that later on Excuse me while I clear my throat. All right, so Congratulations to those folks as we come back from break
I'm just gonna say that I'm glad that during the break. I discovered that I dodged a bullet Justin told me that I agreed with him
I mean the worst thing that could happen is I end up in the next cloud was out water seminar That's one thing
I want to avoid is oh you already are you just don't know it yet You You're about to say
Yeah, now I gotta now I gotta come to the next seminar to see what you say about me I gotta sneak in an unannounced.
Oh wait, we're gonna talk about what that was false teachers But and so someone's I just saw congratulate
Someone said they're here from Montana soon I didn't get to see all the comments of where everyone was from I Kind of wish
Justin I kind of we talked at the break and said we wish we asked where everyone was from But I saw
UK. I just saw Montana But we've we've been we've had about 500 people watching on the different platforms and with people coming and going
So so Delaware's there someone saying no sound but I'm hearing it If the others of you can hear just let me know that'd be bad so Let's see, we got now they're popping in so fast.
I can't see Colorado Springs India Maryland, Newport Beach Philippines Massachusetts, North Carolina lapio from Philippines Oklahoma you like that one,
Oklahoma Wisconsin Ligonier PA we got British Columbia Canada a
Florida here, Texas, Michigan Finland, Ohio Brazil that's the first one
I saw in Brazil. Welcome David California the
UK Jacksonville, Florida. Okay, so we're gonna we all end up keep going forever if we do that We got to get back on so so But we appreciate everyone of you who are here who are
We hope this is helpful to you. We hope that this is something that is
Really helping to enrich Your spiritual well -being Let me just go over a couple announcements real quick Just as we go again, we're doing a moving sale for striving for eternity.
I just saw Kenya South Africa Wow, okay Even New Jersey that the the communist state of New Jersey is represented by Brian Welcome Brian He's in the same communist state as I'm in So Let's see.
We so we're having a moving sale So if you guys want to get any all books and syllabuses are 50 % off for folks that are overseas
You may have to contact us for for just email info at striving for training org
If you have trouble is something that we don't have all the shipping set up for all the countries and know that the shipping that We have for some of the countries they up the rates
So it doesn't really cover the shipping if you're asking for things overseas It just it becomes very expensive
I'm still amazed just when people order my books That are like $15 each and they pay like 30 to 36 dollars to get them to Australia I'm like really my book is not worth $45
Internet we ship internationally international shipping is expensive. I wish there was some way around it.
We there's just not but But we do ship internationally. So yeah, so the other thing is your new website again
We want to promote that be be hitting that website check out everything That's there because there's a lot there and you know what this means actually, wait a minute
I just I just I just got a word Justin I just got a word. Yeah It was a word from you a long time ago.
You were waiting for the new website to start podcasting again folks Yeah, let's start expecting it go subscribe to did a
K with Justin Peters It is one of the podcasts at the Christian podcast community, so you're gonna start that soon now, right
I am. Yes, I am. I Argue just take all the YouTube videos that you already have and put those up.
So Justin is with as well as my podcast or with the Christian podcast community
You could subscribe to the Christian podcast community on any any app or just go to Christian podcast community org
And if you go there, you can listen to all you could subscribe to that one. Listen to all we have like 30 episodes 30 podcasts now in the
Christian podcast community more coming and We have you can look at what which ones we have there which ones you might want to listen to I Have a couple of them
I have my Andrew rap reports rap report and I also have a daily rap report The daily is Monday through Friday two minutes long
It's more of a quick answers to apologetic questions type of thing But my longer one I'm gonna have
Justin a friend of yours Someone that you introduced me to this for tomorrow's episode
Susan heck we're gonna talk about Women's ministry in the church the problems of it how to find solutions
And yes, we're gonna mention Beth Moore Get your body armor on yeah
We're actually we're gonna talk about Why people don't mention her at White House divisive.
She could her audience could be Apologetics live is another podcast that I do.
It's live Thursday nights 8 o 'clock 8 to 10 Eastern Time And so if you ever have questions, you can come in there, but just and I were talking during the break
We have 10 I think now 11 pages of questions We're not gonna get through all of those questions during Q &A
And so what we're thinking we still have questions like Justin we're talking from last year at the Philippines We said we were gonna do so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna have
Justin come on to Apologetics live maybe for a couple of weeks and work through all the questions that we have from both the
Philippines and and from this one and So if you if you subscribe to apologetics live, you could just go to apologetics live comm
There's always the information there and what that show is gonna be for that week. And so again
Justin Peters has his as well. And again, I'm just gonna I'm gonna mention I know
Justin doesn't like me mentioning this one, but I don't like mentioning the next one so Consider supporting striving.
Sorry, Justin Peters Ministries Justin Peters org is where to go to donate And also if you want to do striving for eternity, we're putting this on you could do it striving for any slash struggling for turning org slash donate so we're putting these on Really because we we don't want to see people being stuck at home and not having having money be an issue
To good teaching we didn't have to travel so there really wasn't much expenses It was just our time
But we want to maybe be able to do more things like this and and maybe get better technology
So it works, you know, oh wait, I got to put this comment up here Justin Look at this from from Chris Han holds aka.
He's also known as Captain America Beth Moore danger. Well Robinson danger Hilarious Watching that kid that that show when
I was a kid that that robot scared me It's right danger indeed
So Well, we will we will get started now with with your next talk
Which is gonna be on I got to put Justin Peters one up there. And so your your next talk is going to be on identifying or sorry on discerning false teachers
I should mention. I don't I don't think I have a slide on this Justin. Oh, no For the next time we do it.
I will try to get a slide up for the clouds without waters But if you go to Justin Peters org, you can schedule
Justin to do his clouds without water seminar Which this is part of that seminar.
And so with that Justin take it away. Oh wait Yeah, we're gonna make sure we get you to share your screen.
That's right Screen is down now Application PowerPoint slideshow,
I'm getting the hang of this. Yeah. Yeah. No, I see it there. It's up I Have your your website there, but it's covering clouds without water
Do you want me to leave the do you want me to leave the website up for folks? Oh, it doesn't matter whatever you want to do.
It doesn't matter. It's it's okay Okay, you you guys you heard him say whatever I want to do. Okay, just for the record whatever
I want to do Here we go. There we go. I just changed the website. Look at that. It's doing now That's the proper website.
Justin. I win calm is the website to help donate to to Justin's He knew
I was coming somewhere, all right, I'll be back in in an hour. I said cheating whatever you want to do
Only when it's convenient Okay. All right, dear ones. Well, thank you so very much for joining us.
This thrills my soul I just I wish I could see you But I'm so grateful that we have this technology to connect with one another all around the world it's really encouraging to hear that we have people watching from Germany and Brazil and Finland and the
Philippines and so many places around the world. So I'm grateful for this technology. Okay so let us begin this session is basically how to tell a false prophet the biblical criterion of a
Criteria of a false prophet and I'm gonna have 11 marks of false teachers 11 ways that we can spot a false teacher some things that characterize the lives and the teachings of False prophets and or false teachers.
So so if you have notes, I would encourage you to take notes I'm gonna run through these real quickly list them for you and then we'll go back one by one
So one of the ways you can tell a false prophet is if he rules on his own authority rather than scripture false prophets peddle the
Word of God for personal financial gain false prophets deify man while Diminishing the glory of God Christ and the
Holy Spirit. They habitually display questionable moral character They offer prophecies that do not come to pass one of the easiest ways to spot spot a false teacher and false prophet when their prophecies
Don't come true They please men rather than God they emphasize peripheral issues and not the gospel itself
They have truth mixed with heresy They exploit their followers they partner with or endorse false teachers and they have a lack of Accountability, so we're gonna run through these one by one and I'll give you scriptural support for each and for some of them
I have some video clips scattered here and there not for every point, but let's begin let's go down through this list number one one of the ways that you can tell a false prophet is if he or she rules on his or her own
Authority rather than scripture. So if a person appeals in their teaching for For any source other than scripture as their authority, then, you know, you are dealing with a false teacher
Let's look at Jeremiah chapter 5 30 through 31 This is God speaking an appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land
The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests rule on their own authority
Okay, notice that phrase the priests rule on their own authority and look at this and my people love it
So but what will you do at the end of it? Boy, there's a lot to unpack here and won't have time to do it justice
But this is God speaking and he says an appalling and a horrible thing has happened in the land the prophets prophesy falsely
God does not take false prophecies lightly and this is one of the issues
I have with the modern charismatic movement is that they have denigrated the Office of the
Prophet in the the the prophetic gift they have denigrated it They would they would admit at least most of them that Old Testament prophets were held to a very very very high standard
But somehow they say now the the prophetic gift is it's still authoritative but not as much and they're not held to modern -day prophets aren't held to the same standard as Old Testament or even
New Testament prophets were they'll say that even the New Testament gift of prophecy has Denigrated and it's just not it's not held to the same standard as Old Testament prophets
You can't make an argument for that. That's a that's a random Insertion that you were you're putting into the text that just is not found in the text.
You're reading your own Theology into it your own preferences into the Bible. It just are not supported by the
Bible But look at what he says the priests rule on their own authority the charismatic movement does this by saying well
God spoke to me This is what I was talking about in my first session God spoke to me and he told me to tell you such -and -such
You'll hear them appeal to their own dreams their own visions as the authority and they'll say well
If you can't find what I'm teaching you in Scripture Don't worry about it. You see because I have it from the highest authority
Jesus himself came and gave me these teachings. So if you don't if you can't find what
I'm teaching you in the Bible, it's okay Don't worry about it. I got it from Jesus Well, if you hear somebody say anything like that, you know, you're dealing with a false prophet a false teacher
They are appealing to a source of authority outside of Scripture and notice what God says here
My people love it. So my people love it. So This recent pandemic kovat 19 has been an absolute wrecking ball to the word -faith movement prophetic movement charismatic movement in general
It is utterly exposed the bankruptcy of this movement on every conceivable level on the prophetic level on the theological level on The integrity level.
It's just exposed it for being the complete bankrupt system that it is
And I've had a few people say well Do you think this will be the end of the word of faith movement the end of the prosperity gospel?
And I said no not at all because my people love it So even though these false teachers have been exposed as false prophets and charlatans that they are my people love it
So false teachers are in and of themselves part of God's judgment on people
Say that again false prophets are in and of themselves part of God's judgment on people
I have compassion on people in this movement that are deceived and they just don't know any better but the fact of the matter is is that the
Majority of people in the word -faith New Apostolic Reformation movement the majority of them are there because they want to be there
They don't want sound doctrine. They want to they want to have some source of authority outside of Scripture That's what they want.
They want a Benny Hinn. They want a Kenneth Copeland. My people love it So so no matter how many times these false prophets are proven to be false prophets
They're gonna continue to have an audience because my people love it. So, all right, they rule on their own authority and I want to deviate a little bit and talk just a little bit about Roman Catholicism and show you how
Roman Catholicism also fits into this Criterion of false prophets a little bit about the papacy
Roman Catholic papacy. You see their Pope Francis The Roman Catholic Church has three titles for their popes
Holy Father head of the church and the vicar of Christ Holy Father head of the church in the vicar of Christ Holy Father who is the
Holy Father God who is the true head of the church Jesus? Vicar of Christ the word vicar means substitute so substitute of Christ who is the true?
Substitute of Christ only on the earth the Holy Spirit What did Jesus say it is to your advantage that I go away because when
Jesus ascends who came they Pentecost Holy Spirit came So God the Father God the
Son God the Holy Spirit each of these three titles they ascribe to the
Pope so the Roman Catholic Church is just as much a Theological cult as is the word faith movement and you have solid
Reformation and the Pope also the Roman Catholic Church appeals to sources of authority outside of Scripture Just like the word faith movement does they have papal bulls, whatever the
Pope says ex cathedra that is authoritative So they have the papal bulls.
They have church tradition They elevate church tradition to the same authoritative level if not above the authoritative level as that of Scripture They elevate church tradition.
So that is a source of authority Interestingly the word faith movement in the New Apostolic Reformation and Roman Catholicism There's a lot of commonalities.
They also both of the all of these movements have an emphasis on signs and wonders for the word faith movement, it's leg lengthening its gold dust in the atmosphere.
We'll talk about that a little bit and You know these signs and wonders for the Roman Catholic Church. It's weeping statutes
It's finding the image of Mary burned in your toast or something like that So they they all have this emphasis on signs and wonders.
So there's a lot of commonality between word of faith New Apostolic Reformation and Roman Catholic Church, they have a source of authority outside of Scripture Okay Now let's move to our number two if a person peddles the
Word of God for personal financial gain You know, you are dealing with a false teacher 2nd
Peter chapter 2 verse 14 Peter is talking about false teachers the context of this having eyes full of adultery that never cease from sin
Enticing unstable souls having a heart trained in greed one of the primary motivating
Factors for false teachers and false prophets is that of greed. They are all Greedy, they peddle the
Word of God for personal financial gain. This is just one example Jesse Duplantis well -known word of faith preacher.
This is his home in De Strahan, Louisiana This is right outside of New Orleans and that's his home
This is his parsonage the ministry pays for this. This is in fact,
I took that picture That's my side. That's my side view mirror there in the corner of the picture.
I took that from my van a number of years ago this home is as 35 ,000 square feet not thirty five hundred thirty five thousand square feet
It is the largest private residence in the state of Louisiana And so owned by a word -of -faith preacher prosperity preacher.
All of the false teachers are marked by greed They are very greedy. They exploit their followers
Kenneth Copeland has Kenneth Copeland by his own admission is almost a billionaire not a millionaire, but a billionaire
His his personal wealth I'm assuming now is somewhere around 1 billion dollars he has multiple private jets as does
Jesse Duplantis, so they live lives of Opulence their lives are marked by greed now
I want to address a passage in Philippians because this is a text that I'm somehow
Sometimes get pushback on some people will cite what Paul said in in Philippians Chapter 1 has a little bit of pushback and let me read this for us
Philippians chapter 1 verses 12 through 18. I want us to deal with this because you'll probably hear this objection
Paul writes now I want you to know brethren that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the whole
Praetorian Guard and to everyone else and that most of the brethren trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment have far more courage to speak the
Word of God without fear and Here it comes in verse 15 some to be sure are preaching
Christ even from envy and strife But some also from goodwill the latter do it out of love
Knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel the former proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition
Rather than from pure modus thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment. What then?
Only that in every way whether in pretense or in truth Christ is proclaimed and in this
I rejoice So some of the defenders of the prosperity preachers, they'll say well
Look, you know Paul said this in Philippians 1 and he acknowledged that there were some people out there preaching in the name of Jesus and they weren't doing it for right motives either and Yet Paul said that he still rejoiced that the gospel was being preached.
So what do you do with that? well, here's what I do with that because these people to whom
Paul was referring that were preaching Christ from envy and strife in preaching
Christ from Impure motive selfish ambitions. They were at least preaching
Christ In other words, even though they weren't doing it with the right motives. They were still preaching the real
Christ They were still preaching the real gospel, even though their motives weren't right Their message was still doctrinally sound and Paul says in that I rejoice
The people that we're talking about Benny Hinn Kenneth Copeland Creflo Dollar Jesse Duplantis Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer all these other
Joel Osteen. They're preaching something that they call Christianity They're preaching a person to that they refer to as Jesus, but it is not the real
Jesus It is not the real gospel. They are they have a different God a different Jesus and a different gospel
We're not talking here within this movement about minor theological error minor points of differences they have a different gospel and I go into much more in depth in that in my full seminar clouds of that water when we talk about the little
God's doctrine and the positive confession doctrine and the Aryan ism get to that a little bit more of that in just a second and here we go
So number three the third way to tell a false prophet is if a prophet
Deifies man while diminishing the glory of God Christ and the
Holy Spirit. So if they deify man and At the same time diminish the glory of God Christ and the
Holy Spirit You know that you are dealing with a false teacher and they absolutely do this
They deify man, how do they deify man? Well those of you who have seen my seminar, you know that I deal with the positive
Confession doctrine they deal that they teach that we can speak things into existence just like God did they have what's called the little
God's doctrine they teach that if you are a Christian you are in fact a little God which is very similar to what
Mormonism teaches by the way, there's a lot of overlap between word faith New Apostolic Reformation and Mormonism so they deify man
They teach that we are gods and they also diminish God the real
God they diminish him They diminish Christ and they diminish the Holy Spirit and they this is just irrefutable that they do that Just a couple of quick examples.
Watch this from Kenneth Copeland. This is a very recent clip But watch this from Kenneth Copeland listen to what he says here about Jesus Of the heavenly
Holy of Holies was hangin on that cross He went before and stood in the heavenly courts of justice a sin free born again man
God called him righteous Did you hear that he's talking about Jesus and he said that Jesus went before the courts of heaven and he stood there a sin free born again
Man blasphemy blasphemy Jesus was not born again.
They teach that Jesus when he died on the cross, then he went to hell died spiritually
Ceased to be God had to be reborn that he actually got saved in hell
That is blasphemy. He may talk about Jesus. He may use the name Jesus and you'll even hear
Kenneth Copeland He ends all of his broadcasts by saying this Jesus is Lord But the Jesus that he's preaching is not the
Jesus of the Bible. It's a different Jesus Watch this from Kenneth Copeland take the time to read the first chapter of the book of Eden All of it is in there the very words that he said to him again
I will be a father to him and it can't he'll be my son
And He's asserting here that Jesus Ceased to be the
Son of God on the cross and down in hell where he died spiritually He had to be reborn. So he had to become again the
Son of God and and this is just utter blasphemy And yes, Kenneth Copeland I have taken the time to read the first Chapter of Hebrews and I don't have time to get in to the exegesis of it now.
Just want to give you An example of how they diminish Christ This is a different Jesus than the
Jesus of the Bible and this is it's not unique to Kenneth Copeland Watch this video from Todd White probably have seen
Todd White. He's the dreadlock guy the guy wears dreadlocks and Looks like the predator, you know that movie old 80s movie
I guess it was and he is a predator or Todd White is he's a spiritual predator But watch this again very recent video just from a few months ago watch this from Todd White So what he's saying is he's so limited himself and he was he was just like you and I became the son of man born
Of the Virgin Mary fully God and fully man, but laid his divinity aside
Well, he was on this earth so that he can model what a Christian life would look like when you're fully possessed by God Oh boy, that dangerous
He says that Jesus was just like you and I fully God and fully man.
Well put the brakes on right there partner I'm fully man. I'm not fully God that it that is that is blasphemy
But they demote Christ they make him out to be just a man filled with the
Holy Spirit you and I are men and women and we can be filled with the Holy Spirit and they say that Jesus laid his divinity aside laid his divinity side and when he was on earth
He he did what he did. He taught me taught he performed signs and wonders that he performed he did that all as just a man because he literally like Divested himself his deity as heresy.
That is heresy Hebrews 13 8 speaking of Jesus. He is the same Yesterday today and forever he does not change we refer to the immutability of Christ He does not not only does he not change he cannot change if there was ever a time when
Jesus was not God then he never was God to begin with So you see how false teachers they deify man and they demote
God and they demote Christ This from Bill Johnson in his book when heaven invades earth just like Todd white
Gee lay aside his divinity as he sought to fulfill the assignment given to him by by the father
He laid aside his divinity. No, no No a thousand times no in him all the fullness of deity dwells
Says the Apostle Paul. This is this is heresy. This is a different Jesus than the Jesus of the
Bible Okay, Isaiah, let's get Isaiah chapter 44 6 through 8 in refutation of what we've just seen
Isaiah 44 6 The rate God speaking thus says Yahweh the king of Israel and his
Redeemer Yahweh of hosts I am the first and I am the last and there is no God besides me who is like me
Let him proclaim and declare it. Yes, let him recount to me in order. This is this is a challenge
This is this is this is not God saying Okay, who is like me I know somebody here can raise their hand
No This this is God Mocking people who who would dare claim to be like him who is like me let him to proclaim let him declare
This is this God doesn't God is a jealous God and he will not share his glory with another
He does not take lightly Those who would claim to be just like him didn't turn out so well for Satan when he tried that as I recall
Okay, the fourth way to tell a false prophet is if a person habitually displays questionable moral character if a person habitually displays
Immoral character give you a couple examples of this watch this video. This is from the
Documentary that was done a couple years ago entitled American gospel and Todd White just saw a clip of him
Todd White is known for going out on the streets and going up to people at random healing them and the most often
Performed healing miracle that he does is lengthening people's legs. YouTube is full of these examples of Todd White going up to a random person on the street and having them sit down in a chair and he holds one foot in each of his hands and he puts them together and sure enough one
Of the one of the person's legs appears to be just about that much shorter Than the other one and he lengthens their legs.
He commands their leg to grow so watch this and a Man named Stephen Kozar is going to show you exactly how
Todd White does this Now we're gonna see Todd White's clip sped up quite a bit and loop back and forth
Now this is where we can see what's really going on here The leg on the right is supposed to be the short leg and this is the leg which should be miraculously growing
It's not look at the leg on our left, that's where all the action is That's what's actually being manipulated
You can see that Todd is actually pivoting or shifting the foot of the so -called long leg so that the heels match
Now he's doing this very slowly over time, but it's painfully obvious when you speed up the clip in what?
So that's how he does it. It's it's a manipulation of the leg. It's the leg is not growing
He's manipulating them to make it appear to that one of them is growing and it's not even the short leg that he's dealing
With it's the longer leg. He just changes the angle Oh, this is us. This is a trick that charlatans have been doing for decades
It's a tried -and -true trick and Todd White knows exactly what he's doing. This is not a mistake on Todd White's part
This is not an accident. This isn't an oopsie. This isn't a slip of the tongue, you know
This is Intentional deception and he's been doing this trick for well over 10 years.
I've got some video I think I've seen of him at least 11 12 years ago doing this and he's still doing it
Even though it's been exposed. He's still doing it. This is intentional deception. This is not a man of God He's intentionally deceiving people
So does this guy this is Sean Bolz Sean Bolz is claims to be a prophet He even has classes online.
You can go to his website and you can pay him. I don't remember the amount I've looked at I can't remember but anyway fairly substantial amount of money and he'll train you how to be a prophet he'll train you in the prophetic
Sean Bolz is a charlatan Sean Bolz is known for going out on the stage in sometimes in very large arenas and Calling out getting words of knowledge from people or about people and he'll call it
He'll there's a clip of him on YouTube calling out a young man named Dennis from Ukraine And he has all somehow he has all of this knowledge about this young man named
Dennis from Ukraine and no even knows where he lives now and knows about the Broken home from which he came in his in his past, you know
Trouble marital problems with his parents and knows what Dennis wants to do in ministry and he's never met
Dennis before How does he know this? Oh, wow must be words of knowledge, right God giving him the information.
No, it's not Sean Bolz is doing this literally while he's holding his iPhone or galaxy phone or some kind of smartphone in his hand literally looking at it
He's getting information off of Dennis's social media accounts You see when you go to these big conferences, you have to register you have to put in your name and your email address
You give somebody your name in your email address You've got instant access to Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all this all these social media accounts
That's where he's getting the information. It's not coming from God. It's coming from social media And and he's been exposed as to how he does this.
In fact, I've got it in one of my recent YouTube videos I've got on my YouTube channel. He's a fraud. It's a charlatan.
These are deceivers. They habitually display Immoral character Bill Johnson claims to have the gold dust at his church
Bethel Church Long story short a few years ago. I was at a church in Miami, Florida Preaching and there's a false church in Miami a different church, obviously named
El Rey Jesus It's pastored by a guy named Guillermo Maldonado Guillermo Maldonado and Bill Johnson are good friends
They preach at each other's churches. Both of these churches have the gold dust just appear in their services
They claim that it's the presence of God Well, not so much because a lady came up to me when
I was at this other church in Miami good church And she introduced herself. I know her name.
I'm not gonna give it because I think her well Anyway, I'm just gonna protect her privacy, but I've got this lady's name and contact information
Anyway, she came up to me and she introduced herself She told me that she used to be a member of El Rey Jesus and she said
Justin Do you know how they have the gold dust at their services? I said, yes, I am I've seen that before she said
I used to be a member of that church. Not only was she a member She said I was actually up in the leadership of the church her husband
She and her husband both were but she was a false convert She actually got saved and left that church as you would expect a
Christian to do leave Christians leave false churches But she said when
I was there, she said it was actually my job She and a friend of hers So two ladies were given canisters of gold glitter gold kind of finely ground glitter type powder stuff not real gold, but they were given these canisters of this gold powder and They were instructed to go up to stairs into the van ventilation system
Dump it into the ventilation system and it blew out on the congregation during the services
Hmm that happened at El Rey Jesus pastor by Guillermo Maldonado Guillermo Maldonado and Bill Johnson Are close friends.
They preach at each other's churches both churches. Interestingly have the gold dust You don't have to be
Columbo to figure this out. These are immoral men. They are deceivers. They are intentionally deceiving people.
Okay another way to tell a false prophet is if the
Prophecies just don't come to pass. I think I may have missed the number five here
But anyway number five should be up there under false prophets number five is if a prophet offers prophecies that do not come to pass
Okay, this is number five Deuteronomy chapter 18 21 through 22.
You may say in your heart How will we know the word which the Lord has not spoken when a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh?
If the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which Yahweh has not spoken.
The prophet has spoken it Presumptuously you shall not be afraid of him
It's one of the easiest ways to tell a false prophet is if his prophecies just don't come true
Watch this from Pat Robertson and Benny Hinn. This is a video taken back in 2012 specifically
October of 2012 for our international friends watching our Presidential election was coming up in November of 2012 and Pat Robertson told everyone watching his program who was going to win the
United States presidential election in 2012 and he knew who was going to win because God told him who was going to win
It was either going to be Barack Obama or Mitt Romney Let's see if he got it, right
I mean, that's the way he thinks and he will be tremendous on the economy He's uncomfortable with foreign policy.
I feel but nevertheless, he'll be a strong strong man But if he comes in second, he's gonna have a second term.
He's gonna win Well, the Romney will win They'll let you believe that I absolutely what makes you believe
So we're told Read of the
Lord said that to you. Yeah, absolutely. I got told it a long time ago. I was it wasn't I've been in prayer
Number one, you're gonna win the nomination number two, you know with a general election. He said well, what could
I do for you? I said we'll give you a seat on the platform Give me a ticket, you know, he said the
Lord said he's gonna have a second term. So I and I and I Okay, so Pat Robertson said that God told him not only that Mitt Romney would win the presidential election 2012
But would also win reelection in 2016 oops Think about that Pat Robertson is the same one who on every single one of his broadcast at some point in the program
He prays with his host and they'll hold hands and he'll he'll close his eyes and say, you know Lord showing me someone right now in Kansas, you've got bursitis in your right shoulder.
The Lord's healing that right now and someone else has a You've got a growth on your neck right here and the
Lord is healing that right now and and And then he'll pass it off to his guests and she'll start giving words of knowledge
So let me get this straight you hear God clearly enough so that you can get words of knowledge in real time about people on the spot all around the world watching you and you know what their specific ailments are in real time on the spot and yet something is
Monumental as the United States presidential election something for which you had months and months in advance to make sure you heard
God rightly own and Not only that a prophecy that you had a 50 -50 chance of getting right in the first place and you still got it wrong
He's false prophet. He's false prophet. They are all false prophets Andrew mentioned in his earlier session that I have a video up on my youtube channel
And so what you see here is a conglomeration of 20 different Prophets that Sid Roth interviewed for his program.
It's supernatural and they aired this on January 15th 2020 and he interviewed all 20 of these so -called prophets and they all gave him
Told him what the Lord was showing them about the Upcoming year of 2020 and I watched every single one of these and you know
What not a single one of them predicted kovat 19 not a single one of them said anything even
Tangentially remotely approaching something that you might could even I said
G as the being a prophecy about a pandemic coming None of them all none of these 20 so -called prophets.
These are the heavy hitters in the prophetic movement You got Perry Stone there Patricia King there
Cindy Jacobs there. I mean, these are some well -known names Jeremiah Johnson James Gaul the one at the bottom, right?
That's a guy who Yeah, he's a been closely connected with Todd Bentley. But I mean, these are all charlatans.
They're all charlatans They're all false prophets. Not a single one of them. So kovat 19 what is arguably the most earth -shattering globally
Consequential event that has happened since World War two I mean, it's just amazing but none of them saw it coming not a one of them.
They're all false prophets okay, another way to tell a false prophet is if Prophets aim to please men rather than God if a so -called plot prophet wants to please man rather than pleasing
God You know, you're dealing with a false teacher Paul writes in 2nd
Timothy chapter 4 verses 3 through 4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled
They will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths or to fables
One of the hallmarks of a false teacher is a false teacher will not preach sound
Doctrine they will they don't want to please God they want to please men
They want to gather a large following and you don't get a big following by preaching things like sin repentance denial of self taking up the cross
Fleeing from the wrath to come. No, that's not how you gain a following you gain a following not by telling people the truth
You gain a following by telling people what they want to hear and a false prophet Mark it down is a man pleaser rather than a
God pleaser. Paul writes in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 3 through 4 For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit
That's what false teachers do they deceive but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel
You know that phrase alone should give anyone pause before any man pause before he gets up to preach the gospel
This is something we have been entrusted with this message of Jesus Christ We have been entrusted with that to faithfully proclaim to others and I tell you
I can honestly tell you There is never a time when I get behind the pulpit that I'm not Terrified about the task that is in front of me and I'm terrified not because of the fear of public speaking in and of itself
I'm terrified because of the weight of the task and the one whom it is.
I am representing That's what terrifies me and Paul says so we speak not as pleasing men
But God who examines our heart false teachers please men. That's what they want to do
They're not interested in pleasing God. They want to please men. They want a following they want the money
They want them their ego stroked that clump that comes when you please men rather than please
God That is a sure mark of a false teacher Dear friends as Christians those of you who may be watching right now, especially if you're preachers or elders
We have an audience of one. We have an audience of one I've got one person that I've got to please and it's not a board of directors.
It's not a Committee. I know one day. I'm not gonna stand before a denomination.
I'm gonna have to give an account to Christ He is the one that I must please Not me not me but false teachers want to please me in number seven false teachers emphasize
Peripheral issues and not the gospel itself. They emphasize peripheral issues and not the gospel itself
Let's look at Matthew 23 23 Jesus says woe to you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for you tithe mint and dill and cumin and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law justice and mercy and faithfulness
But these are the things you should have done without Neglecting the others you blind guides who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel
One of the marks of a false teacher is they do not emphasize the gospel they emphasize
Peripheral issues and they may use some biblical lingo and they may kind of try to tie it to the gospel in some way
But they don't focus on the gospel itself. They don't focus on man in his depravity and his sin
The burden of sin the wrath of God the coming judgment the need to repent the need to be born again
That those things are not emphasized. It's all these peripheral issues and I want to give you an example of this
Just I'm going to show you three popular teachers right now And you tell me what you automatically think of when you see these popular teachers
Kenneth Copeland Joel Osteen Benny Hinn What do you automatically think of when you see these pictures when you see these men do you think gospel preaching?
Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone denial of self taking up the cross suffering for the glory of Christ Do you do repentance putting to death the deeds of the body growing in the grace and knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ? Do you think about these things? No you think about health and wealth prosperity physical healing
Miracles signs and wonders having your best life now That's what these men are known for not preaching the gospel these all of these peripheral issues
Anytime and this is one of the dangers. I'm gonna chase a rabbit here just for a little bit this is one of the dangers of the social justice movement is that at least people in our conservative theological
Circles who are involved in social justice and they're chasing after the social justice movement. They're forwarding it
They're not outright denying the gospel, but they're adding things to it Anytime you have a message that says this the gospel is about Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus plus something
Whatever follows that plus becomes the emphasis that gets the attention what gets lost
Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone that gets lost whatever follows the plus that becomes the emphasis
So with the social justice movement, it's it's plus Social justice and all the things that go along with it and that's a whole other discussion with these guys
It's health and wealth prosperity having your best life now So whatever follows that plus that becomes the emphasis and guess what gets lost
Okay, number eight false prophets have some truth But that truth is mixed with heresy.
They have some truth, but that truth is mixed with heresy Let's look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 1
Peter says false prophets also arose among the people just as there will also be false teachers among you who will secretly introduce destructive heresies
Even denying the master who bought them bringing swift destruction upon themselves secretly introduce
Destructive heresies. It is not that everything a false teacher teaches is false.
Some of it is right Okay, but it is that mixture of truth and error that is so very dangerous
Let's look at Benny Hinn Benny Hinn is a false prophet if there ever was one if Benny Hinn literally meets every single biblical criterion as To how to discern a false prophet if Benny Hinn is not a false prophet
Then the term truly has no meaning and yet not everything that Benny Hinn teaches is wrong
Some of it is right and you know what I'll say this I have heard Benny Hinn preach the gospel plenty well enough for someone to be saved
I don't doubt that there have been people saved listening to Benny Hinn preach I don't doubt that because I have heard him preach the gospel at least enough of it
Well enough that God could use that to call one of his own to himself. Does that validate Benny Hinn?
Absolutely, not. He's still a false prophet He's still a false teacher. Not everything that false teachers teaches false.
Some of it is right Notice what Peter says they will secretly introduce their destructive heresies
False prophets aren't going to look like false prophets That's why the Bible says that they are wolves in what in sheep's clothing.
They're gonna look like sheep They don't smell like sheep. They may even talk like sheep from time to time, but inwardly they're ravenous wolves
How does Satan portray himself to Satan show up to us red and scaly with a bifurcated tail carrying a hay fork?
No, he's smarter than that. He disguises himself. How as an angel of light
So it is that mixture of truth and error truth and heresy that makes false teachers so very dangerous
This is why discernment is so vitally important in the lives of us as believers
Not everything that they teach will be wrong Okay, number nine the ninth way to tell a false prophet is a false prophet will always exploit his or her
Followers they will always exploit his or her followers I've already shown you talked about some of the wealth that they have you know where the wealth comes from this opulent wealth of the for their palatial mansions and their private jets and fancy cars and Fancy clothes and all this thing it comes in large part from poor people sick people desperate people and Widows and widows it comes a lot of their money comes from widows little old ladies sitting at home or in their retirement
Home or in the nursing home and they can't get out anymore And their only church tragically is this garbage that they see on Christian television
They exploit the poor the sick and desperate and the widows want to show you want to look at Luke chapter 21
Luke chapter 21 now, this is a passage with which we are all familiar. This is the widow's might
Okay, the story of the widow and putting in her two little copper coins I want to give you another way of looking at this
Let's look at it first Luke chapter 21 verses 1 through 4 Jesus looked up and he saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury and he saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins
And he said truly I say to you this poor widow put in more than all of them for they all out of their surplus
Put into the offering but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live all and that's it
That's all we know now the way we have most often heard this taught is that the widow Giving we should give like the widow gave this is
Jesus Commends her and we should give like the widow gave but is that what this is saying?
Well, let's look at it a couple a couple of bring out a couple aspects of this if we should give like the widow gave
Let's remember that the widow didn't give half of what she had. She gave everything. She gave everything
She had to live on she had two small copper coins to her name That's what she had and she gave it and then she was completely destitute
So we should give like the widow gave huh? Raise your hand if you've done that I can't raise my hand and you can't raise your hand either
None of us have done that none of us have given everything we have to the quote -unquote
Church hmm So if the widow should be our model and giving then you know what? We've all failed miserably because none of us have done this
Well now let's ask another question to what was she giving was she giving to First Baptist Church of Jerusalem?
Was she giving to Grace Community Church of Jerusalem or whatever? Huh? No, she was giving
Her money to a corrupt religious system This was
Wednesday Before Friday of the Passion Week, this was two days before Jesus was crucified
She was giving her money to the same religious system that in two days
Was gonna nail Jesus to a tree. That's what she was giving to she was giving to a religious system
That was corrupt from top to bottom That's what she was giving to and she gave everything she had to a corrupt
Religious system and the text does not say this. This is just a little bit of Sanctified speculation.
This is just an educated guess. Okay, given that she was a widow. She had no means of support She had no husband to care for her.
Nothing is said about any Children, she may or may not have had nothing said about it But it's an educated guess to say and assume that because she gave everything she had not long after this
She probably died. She had nothing. She probably died not long after this Is this what
Jesus wants little old widows to do today? Does he want them to give? Everything they have no no the
Bible Jesus There's nothing in the Bible that says widows poor little old widows should give every single cent
They have even if it was to a good church, and she wasn't giving to a good church He was giving to a corrupt religious system
But even if it was a good church Jesus still would not want the Bible has a lot to say about how we are to care for the poor and the orphans and The widows does it not so what's going on here?
What's going on or something's this is breaking down pretty quickly, isn't it? Well, let's look for a little context
Remember chapter divisions in the Bible are not inspired Context.
Yes the content Yes So don't misunderstand me the chapter divisions like when you see chapter 1 2 3 4 and 5
Those chapter divisions are not inspired. They were not part of the original text. So let's look up Verse 45 of chapter 20 it says and while all the people were listening
He said to the disciples beware of the scribes who like to walk around in long robes love respectful greetings in the marketplaces
Chief seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets and look at verse 47 who do what who devour?
Widows homes and for appearances sake all for long prayers. These will receive greater
Condemnation and what is the very next thing that Jesus sees right after he says that these false teachers
Devour widows homes the very next thing that he sees sees a poor widow giving everything She had to a corrupt religious system the same system that he was dealing with in these verses
Her home had just been devoured. You see how much how important context is this widow was being exploited?
Oh, but Jesus Jesus commended the widow. He said that this was a good thing that she did.
Did he not what I'm reading? He didn't commend her. He didn't say this is a good thing. He didn't say yeah
You should do this. You should do what the widow did. So you see he just made an observation He just simply made an observation this poor widow put in more than all of them.
He just made an observation He didn't commend her one way or the other. This woman was being exploited by a corrupt religious system
She gave everything she had she was being exploited just like the word -faith new apsotic
Reformation preachers Exploit people for personal financial gain. They exploit the poor the sick the desperate and the widows
It's nothing new under the Sun same thing that was going on 2 ,000 years ago going on today number 10 if a fall if a preacher or prophet so -called prophet partners with or Endorses other false teachers, you know, you're probably dealing with a false teacher yourself.
Okay One such example that has been very public here in the last couple years
Unfortunately is Francis Chan This is Francis Chan pictured here and that guy that he is hugging is
Todd White. This was at the the send conference back in 2019 so February 2019.
I believe it was a little bit over a year ago. That is Todd White and Todd White is not only embracing him hugging him later
Francis Chan said of Todd White he called him a bold man of God a bold man of God this is a man who is a charlatan who is a deceiver who is a heretic and Francis Chan calls him a bold man of God.
That is unbelievable Francis Chan is a Graduate of the master seminary.
It's the best seminary in the world in my estimation And so this is not a blight on master seminary
I mean every you've got a few bad apples in every bunch and Francis Chan sadly is just one of them
But you don't have to have much discernment to know that Todd White is a false teacher
I mean if you cannot tell that Todd White is a false teacher and a false prophet and a charlatan and heretic then you have
No business being behind the pulpit none whatsoever he he also here's a picture of Francis Chan with Benny Hinn at the same conference and And just recently
I was gonna try to get this but I couldn't put it together quickly enough in time but just a week or so ago
Francis Chan did a kind of a zoom meeting with Bill Johnson and some other
Word of Faith New Apostolic Reformation teachers and Endorsed he endorsed Bill Johnson.
I mean Bill Johnson is a charlatan. Excuse me He's a heretic. And so when you see someone like Francis Chan who knows better I mean this guy was at the pinnacle of theological education.
He knows better Francis Chan was asked about it and he later he wrote a piece of blog basically saying that basically said
I wasn't aware of Benny Hinn and wasn't aware of the problems with him And how could you not be aware of Benny Hinn Benny Hinn has been one of the world's most prolific false teachers and known heretics and known
Hucksters for well over 40 years now There's no way you can claim ignorance on Benny Hinn or Todd White or Bill Johnson.
He's endorsing these people Francis Chan is not qualified to be in the pulpit at all at all
What does Paul say in Titus chapter 1 verse 9? He says that elders are to be able to teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict sadly
Francis Chan at this point is doing neither and Finally the last way to tell a false prophet is that false prophets false teachers lack
Accountability they lack accountability the writer of Hebrews says this in Hebrews 13 17
Obey your leaders and submit to them for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account when you read the book of Acts the book of Acts is just full of examples of local churches being born and Grounded and they are led by elders biblically qualified elders.
This is This is God's design for the church. The church a local body of believers is to be led by biblically qualified men that the
Bible calls elders and and we as members of our
Respective local bodies are to respect our elders and we are to submit to them
They are in positions of spiritual leadership and authority Now if if they are doing something that's blatantly unbiblical
Well, there's biblical steps for dealing with that But as long as they are teaching sound doctrine refuting those who contradict as long as they meet the biblical qualifications for elders
Shepherding the flock doing what they are supposed to be doing Live moral lives and exemplary lives then then we're to submit to to their spiritual leadership
That's the way God has designed it. I am Kathy and I are members of Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, Montana.
We have elders and we gladly Submit to their leadership because they have been put in place by the
Lord and this is what scripture tells us to do What I say all this to say this one of the one of the commonalities that you will see about false teachers is that they do
Not like accountability They do not like authority the most vocal vociferous angry critics that I have almost without exception one of the
Commonalities that they have is that they have no they have no church that they are part of they have no church to which they
Are accountable they are rogue Lone Rangers. They don't like accountability
That's another one of the marks of a false teacher. So Dear ones,
I hope that this has been helpful for you 11 different things There's more than we could have I could have included but I think our time is about up So, thank you very much dear ones and Andrew if you are still with us your time's not up You can keep going.
I we booked two hours for you for this. So two hours Oh, just if you want to go we'll give that to you.
No, that's okay. That's I ran through my Talk about something else folks if folks do want you do have a lot of this stuff available at Justin Peters org
You can get his clouds without waters. They'll get the full seminar. It's on DVD It's available
It is a good thing for churches to watch him as while you were speaking
I was listening and also going through some of the questions so we can get ready for the Q &A and a lot of questions are
Coming to deal with the fact of how do I get my family out of? Word of faith and AR and I think
Justin, you know You you'd agree one thing that is very helpful is to get your
DVD series clouds without water to and just show it to them I don't know how many people I've heard testimony have just watched that and they didn't see you know
What these charlatans were doing until it was put in a context and all sounds like ah and I'm part of this
That's a really good resource to have. Yeah by God's grace. Yeah, I've had a lot of people on a daily basis
I get emails from people all around the world that the Lord has used that to help open their eyes and and and it's a
You know If someone is one of the marks of a Christian is that a genuine Christian can be an error even serious error
For a season, but once they're shown the truth if they truly belong to Christ and they see the truth from God's Word Then you would expect that person to bend the knee to the truth
And that's what we see happen with a lot of people know Everybody's going to bend their knee because not everybody who professes to be a
Christian is a Christian but those who are They would bend their you would expect them to bend their knee to the truth
And so go right there to justinpeters .org and get get it there question that is coming up Maybe we will ask now instead during Q &A will clouds without waters be in different languages
It's in Spanish now But we are working on in fact, I'm kind of working with Paul Washer heart cry ministries and they're they're gonna try to get
Get it translated into some other languages as well. So I don't have a date on that But it's it is in the works.
You must meet that we're working with Paul Washer Paul Washer is a real deal.
I mean he is I love that guy I've got a lot of respect for Paul Washer.
He's a good guy. So So let's look at some before we take a break we're gonna take a 10 -minute break
We will have some more folks. We have just an almost 1 ,800 people registered
The registrations keep coming in and again if you're watching go to the the page
Let me put it up. I don't have it up. I'll create one for it if you go to the striving fraternity and Go to the online events, which many of you are watching from there, but that is where you can register
There's a link there to register And so if you go there and register the we are going to be picking three people later on the week
Maybe Wednesday Thursday time frame We will be picking three people that will get in contact with and they will get a one -hour private
Zoom meeting with both Justin and I ask any questions that they have Fellowship whatever
Andrew huh? Can I say something real quick or may I say something? Yeah, that's funny
You guys just heard him say may because he raised his hand and said he cannot raise his hand Did you guys hear that? He's like I I can't do that.
Oh Sure, you caught Yeah, I can't raise my hand well, obviously you can because you just did it
I Couldn't raise it in in good faith given the point I was Yeah, this thing when we're the the three people that we have a private meeting
It's we're not we're not doing this cause Andrew and I think that we're all that in a bag of chips and we're just that special That's not the way that these zoom meetings, you know, you can't have 1 ,800 people in the zoo.
I mean you can't manage anything like that But but we would love for whoever is chosen randomly.
However, that works Just to have some fellowship with you, but it's not that we think that we're all that in a bag of chips
It's not it just it's just a Logistics thing. So yeah. Well, you may be all that in a bag of chips me on the other hand, you know and and just a
Reminder Cindy Brown if you're if you're watching now, if you can contact us you won.
What do we believe? We also have David Ross. What do they believe you need to contact us?
And just email the email address down there info at striving for attorney org Stephanie Montgomery, what do they believe you need to contact us less read read in?
Regenerous, I guess our e g n Er us you have origin of the kinds coming your way has some more winners as well
That added this time so Justin and Gloria eighth atrium. Do not hinder them is coming your way
You guys are responding on YouTube. So if you would email that link, just let us get your address and how to ship it to you
Rocky Mountain Princess you have what do we believe coming your way and then Melanie Zimba?
What do we believe is coming your way? So if you guys can just email the link down below We'll get get those out to you.
Keep the questions coming in. We only have about I think 12 pages of questions Justin Not too much
Yeah, and we'll try to answer them on our apologetics live or something But I do want to let you know some other seminars that we could come to your church and do striving fraternity has some others
I mentioned the one that Justin does which is if you want to have Justin out to your church Have him come and do his clouds without water.
That is something I would recommend you do And we have some it's driving fraternity
We haven't our ambassadors of angelism, which is teaching people how to overcome their fear in evangelism Bible interpretation made easy, which you got a little taste of it last
In this morning and then real -life apologetics where we teach you how to use apologetics presuppositional apologetics
We have some other seminars we work on as well If you're interested in any of these feel free to reach out to speaker at striving fraternity dot o -r -g
If you're anywhere in the Bucks County, Pennsylvania area, you would be more than welcome to join me at church
I'm at the master's church This is a grace advanced church plant that we've just started about a year and a half ago
And so if you're in that area, please reach out to us. Let us know You could just go to the master's church dot o -r -g and let and contact us from there also let you guys know
Exposed ever or evolution exposed is Saturday, June 27th This is
Ken Hammond Ray comfort and some other speakers who are going to be doing this I know some of the the speakers some some very good speakers and they're going to be addressing the issue of evolution and evangelism
So it's something that would recommend the last one we get to is a conference if you happen to be in the
Pennsylvania area a conference on the basics of biblical counseling and so it's going to be a weekend conference and so if you're interested in that the
The website is there on the slide. We're gonna take a 10 -minute break so we're gonna start up at what will be my time is to 45, but it'll be 45 minutes after the hour wherever you are.
We'll start back up. And so I hope this has been helpful Please remember share this on social media so that others know this is going on.
We're gonna continue Next session will be a session on I going through the entire book of Jude on how to identify
False teachers and then after that we're gonna have maybe a longer Q &A and we can get to more of these questions
So look forward to seeing you guys in just a bit Hey Scott, what brings you in at the pharmacy?
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