The Purpose Of NoCo Radio


A listener wrote in to ask some questions about No Compromise Radio. Pastor Mike responds to these questions including "What is the purpose of the show?".


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth, and we, as a church and as a radio show, welcome to the
Big Big Show. Along with Omaha Bible Church are going to the Holy Land, Lord willing.
Who knows what'll happen over there in the next year, but I think the dates are finalized, February 17th, for about nine days in Israel.
And then for those of you that like to spend a little extra, we'll go over to Jordan and down into Petra. So, you can write me at info at nocompromiseradio .com.
The land prices are fixed, and I think we have to wait till about mid -April for the airfare, so I'm guessing around 3 ,400.
Something around there, but don't hold me to it. All right, what else do I have for an announcement?
You can access us on iTunes, through Facebook, through TuneIn Radio, through World View Weekend, and I think that's about it.
Probably more, but I don't know. Or a website you can go to. Yeah, there you have it. Some things even on YouTube.
I got some correspondence from an anonymous person. Now, in seminary, my professor,
I think he just retired, of pastoral ministries was named Alex Montoya.
And Alex Montoya was a fiery preacher, still is a fiery preacher. I think he's still pastoring in Monterey Park?
Montebello? Montecito? What does Monte mean? Mount?
I don't know. Mont Blanc? I know what that is. Mount Vernon?
Green Mountain? Anyway, he said, if you get anonymous letters, don't read them if you're a pastor.
Well, this one, I couldn't really help but get, and so I read it, but still, maybe
I should have took the advice. So I'm gonna talk about this anonymous note that I received. And it goes like this, and all the letters are capital for easier reading.
And maybe some of you have the same questions, I'm not sure. What is the purpose for NOCO?
Okay, fair question. Let's start off with that one. There's about 10 questions here. What's the purpose of NOCO? Well, I have my ultimate desire is to point people to Jesus Christ, the one who never compromised.
When you think about Jesus and everything he did, when you hear the Father speak audibly in the
New Testament, I believe three times, hear this great voice commends the
Son. This is my beloved Son in whom I'm well -pleased. This is my beloved
Son in whom I'm well -pleased, listen to him. That kind of thing. And I want you to learn about Jesus Christ and his word.
What does Hebrews chapter one say? It says that God, what?
God spoke. Literally, if you wanna take verses one, two, and three and find the main verbs, God has spoken.
God has spoken to us in these last days in his Son. Now, to the fathers, through the prophets in many portions and in many ways, all helps us understand the main point.
And the main point is God has spoken. And he's spoken to us in his
Son in these last days. And his Son, of course, vested authority to the apostolic messengers.
And I have the Bible and according to Luke chapter 24 and John five, Jesus's words would tell us that all of the
Bible speaks to him, points to him and his great redemption.
So what's the purpose? Since everyone compromises, including me, I like to point people to who
Jesus is. And so that is a theme of No Compromise Radio.
I have it set up where we have Mondays is a sermon that I'm preaching or I have preached.
Tuesday, I try to talk to Pastor Steve and he won't let me. I talk to Pastor Steve about issues in the church.
It's a little lighter. Some days much more lighter, but still there's a theological point there. Wednesdays, I try to interview someone who have
I interviewed recently, Justin Peters and Joel Beakey, Pastor Steve Watkins, Mark Brashear.
I have Phil Johnson lined up, James White, those kinds of folks on Wednesday.
Thursday, I try to teach something positive. It's positive, encouraging, positively encouraging, lovingly.
Thursday, repentance for weeks, preaching for weeks, for shows, something like that.
And then Friday, I usually, well, these days I've been playing some S. Lewis Johnson because the
Romans commentary should be out later this year. Discovering Romans, S. Lewis Johnson. That I had a part of, and I'm trying to let you hear this preacher,
S. Lewis Johnson. So that's been on Friday, but lots of times it's taking people to the woodshed, hear these people compromise and see how they run, see how they do that.
So to give glory to God is one of the purposes, right? That's overarching. To help you think biblically and Christianly, if I could use that word, with discernment, or if I'm overseas, discernment, and I want you to act like a
Berean. They were commended, and you're also commanded to be like those at Thessalonica. They examined everything carefully.
And so in a world of feeling, I want you to be brought back to a world of thinking because when you think properly, then your heart burns, as Jesus discussed on the
Emmaus road in Luke 24. And it's always that way. It's head and heart, head and emotions.
Of course, I know heart in both Greek and Hebrew have the mental faculties, but I digress.
So that's the first question. What's the purpose for No Compromise Radio? It wasn't that long ago when
I met with some of the, or one of the big shots at WVNE.
I don't think he was the biggest, biggest shot, but a big shot. And he was glad to have us back on, and we discussed what
No Compromise's plans were and how we fit in. And he was glad that there's a local church with a show on the local radio.
And it was a ministry, and I really am thankful for WVNE with that kind of attitude. I mean,
Alistair Begg, great preaching, John MacArthur, great preaching, R .C. Sproul, great preaching.
I think more of those are lectures though on Ligonier's show. There's some great folks on the radio, but not many of them are local.
So WVNE has a desire to promote that. So to have a local ministry on the radio is one of the purposes for No Compromise.
Question number two, who likes the loud screeching music in the intro? Not the saints.
Well, you know, it's like when Spurgeon was criticized for using too much humor.
He said, if I used all the humor that I wanted to use, then you'd even criticize me all the more.
Reminds me back in the old days, I'd answer the phone Bethlehem Baptist Church. They'd ask me what kind of translation we would use.
And then they'd hang up after I told them because it wasn't the King James. And I also would get questions.
What kind of music do you have? And I would say things early on like, well, you know, it's contemporary.
We sing several hymns. Actually, Sunday nights, all hymns. Pick your favorite hymns. Hymn sing every Sunday night with preaching.
And in the morning, we'll have some contemporary songs, but not crazy, right? God -centered songs.
This was before Getty, Townsend. And so I'd say, well, Steve Green kind of songs. Ah, he's a heretic.
He slammed the phone down. I thought when Steve Green is too contemporary, too worldly, you're in big trouble.
And so we use English beats, Mirror in the Bathroom, Tuesday through Friday. And I think it's a
White Stripes song on Monday. All instrumental. Of course, I think the songs that I'd like to use would be more aggressive, but I guess this particular saint doesn't like the loud screeching music.
I like the word screech though. Here's another question from the anonymous person. Who likes the laughing and joking?
Not the saints. Now see, here's the thing. You don't have to listen to the show.
That's the main thing. You don't have to listen to the show. I know not everyone likes it.
I know some people probably tune in just to see what they'll hear to disagree with.
I know that, you know, my mom told me when she was 40, it took her to be 40 years old to figure out not everyone liked her.
If I must be honest, I want to be liked. I like to be liked.
It's nice to be liked. But on Tuesdays, or even other days like now, here
I sit in my study all by myself, all by myself. I think, who sang that? Who sang that?
Eric, somebody. See, Steve would know, and then we would laugh about it. Not the flowers.
The raspberries. Eric, somebody from the raspberries, I think, all by myself. Don't want to be.
And so we have a little bit of fun. Some lightness. And so I guess if you want serious all the time, there are options, and you can pull up certain ministries where there's less laughing.
So on Tuesdays especially, we make a point, but we have fun doing it. And so this isn't, you know, in one sense, no compromise is a hobby because I don't get paid for it, nor am
I asking to be paid. And I was just thinking about some, somebody donated some money recently, and it was exactly the amount we needed for some new software for the website.
Now, okay, well, it's within five bucks, but approximately, okay? Don't hold me to it.
No laughing. So I think laughter is good medicine. And especially if you're going to be taking people to woodshed,
I think a little bit of levity is good. But anyway, they don't think the laughing and joking
I don't know if I've ever told a joke on No Compromise Radio, but I have laughed.
Who likes ad -libbing and winging it when preparation is short on material, not the saints?
Well, I think this is approximately show, 1200 or something like that.
I will admit in the old days, I had everything written out. I had all my notes in front of me and they were printed.
Lots of trees cut down for all the printing. Now I use my iPad mini, although there's paper in front of me now.
And so I think probably there was more preparation early on, but ad -libbing, not prepared.
Part of preparation is the preparation of that week. I tell the seminary students that I teach in preaching class, you listen to an
R .C. Sproul and ask him how many hours he studies for a sermon. It's not going to be as many hours as you would study.
When I first began preaching and teaching, I would spend 50, 60, 80, 90 hours on one single sermon if I had the time.
And if I would have had more time and the Sunday did not arrive, it was postponed a week because of snow, then
I'd study the rest of that week as well. Then what happens is you become better at what you do.
You have an aggregate knowledge. You are more sanctified. You understand the word of God more.
You see things more clearly. There's a maturation that goes on and you do have to study less. And so while it is true that I study less for No Compromise Radio, one, it's not my job.
Just think if it was, just think if No Compromise Radio was my job of jobs. We could have all kinds of bells and whistles.
I could invent things like the cow award and I'd have a cow moo and there would be compromiser of the week,
C -O -W. Hey, I think we're going to do that anyway. We could have it all kinds of bells and whistles, but this is about one and a half to two hours a week that I'll sit down and record three, especially when we have a rerun or maybe four shows.
So the lack of preparation and the winging it, ad -libbing, okay, but the saints,
I guess, don't like that. What saint would recommend it to attract others to come to the church you pastor for sound teaching and worship?
Not the saints. We don't reference
BBC and NOCO because if you listen to NOCO, you wouldn't like BBC. Now, it is true that on Sunday mornings, there's a different attitude, there's a different demeanor, there's a different format because one is preaching, one is a radio show.
That part is true. Actually, we had about five or six folks,
I wish I had their names in front of me right now, but I give them a shout out, who drove up from Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, probably four -hour drive.
Depends if they were speeding or not, listening to Steve Green, laughing, joking, and ad -libbing. And they drove up and I said, welcome.
And they said, well, we listen to you when you guest host for Todd Friel. And we thought we would drive up.
They were very excited to worship with us on Sunday via No Compromise Radio.
They told me that they were not that long ago false converts and that they listened through Todd and other shows, realized they were false converts, repented, believed in the real gospel, and they were all getting baptized the following Sunday.
I thought that was really exciting. And so I guess they didn't get the memo, don't come to BBC.
I always ask people at the door, how'd you find the church? Welcome. I try to smile and I would say, four out of five, four out of 10 say, we saw you from the website.
One out of 10, other friend we drove by, we used to get the drive -bys a lot.
And then five out of 10, we heard you on the radio, No Compromise Radio, regularly.
I just baptized a couple of folks, not that many months ago. And they were our first attenders and members from No Compromise Radio that came years ago through and out of Oneness Pentecostalism.
I did find it interesting that the ladies, one of the ladies who came from Brooklyn said, you know what, you talk a lot faster and more emphatically, more preachy, she meant, but she didn't say it that way.
She was being nice. That on the radio, you're kind and calm and collected on the radio. And I wanted to say,
I guess you didn't get out much. Not the saints. Now here's the thing,
Mike Abendroth here, No Compromise Radio. If you have questions or concerns, I think you just write your name, right?
When I go to the website and I see comments underneath the blog, anonymous, what does that tell you?
I think that's cheesy. I think that's cowardly. I don't think it's
Christian at all. I think it's not sub -Christian. I think it's not Christian.
And so that's not how you do things if you're a Christian. And you could temper what you say.
If you had to put your name down there, there's lots of good reasons to do it. And so if you have a question, you can go to the person.
And there's not many people that have responded on No Compromise negatively that I haven't responded to.
If you have to send an email, I don't know your name necessarily, but I can send an email back at least.
But then sometimes if I just get a note, it's different. So you go to the person. Now, if you're at a church and you don't like something that the leadership does, what do you do?
You just email the leadership or call them and say, I'd like to get together sometime and like to hash out something, hash through something.
So who was it who said, Vance Havner, I believe. When I'm out, I don't eat a hash because I don't know what's in it.
And when I'm at home, I don't eat hash because I know what's in it. Oh, was that a joke?
Was that ad -libbing? Not the saints. And so you say, I'd like to meet.
And I regularly, and I'm not kidding when I say this, I regularly get questions from people who go to other churches across the country and the world.
I've got an issue with my pastor and the leadership. What do I do? And I say, inevitably, because I know what it's like to be on the receiving end.
I say to people, why don't you schedule an appointment with your pastor and then say, pastor, sudden such is happening and I'm trying to work through it.
Could you help me think through this issue? Could you help me think about this thing properly?
It's bothering me and maybe there's something I'm not thinking through biblically properly and maybe you could help explain it so you could help me.
Now see, then the pastor, he wants to help. That's like asking a nurse for help. That's just what they do.
And the pastor would love to help you. And then you're not walking in with some proverbial 12 gauge.
So you say, could you help me work through this? So could you help me work through the loud screeching music?
Is this for younger people? Why don't you put some classical music on there like R .C. Sproul does?
That kind of thing. Okay, next question. So, since none of these things the saints like, the next comment here in bold, it says, so it must be for the world.
That's why No Compromise Radio exists. But it won't change them. Gifted teachers are commanded to preach the word.
Well, I don't know if they're thinking that I'm gifted or not. Let's just assume they aren't.
It's for the world. So the purpose of No Compromise Radio is for the world. Probably the same person is not gonna like it when we link a rap song from Jovan McKenzie or Ivy His Son or Mario or Gil or something for that purpose.
They go on to just kind of say things. And you know, isn't it funny when people ask questions but they're not really asking, they're lecturing.
What is its purpose, NoCo? Is it to glorify God? Is it to edify the saints? Is it to draw people to Christ? Is it to preach the gospel?
Is it to grow the church? Who is your target audience? If it's the unbeliever who may like the loud screeching music and laughing and joking format, should we be funding it?
Should listeners be funding the show? Oh, see, you follow the money.
We don't want to give to such and such. It's interesting as I look back, this is year five of No Compromise Radio.
Of course, we were off WVNE for a while, not because of VNE, but because I just didn't have any money.
For the first four years, No Compromise Radio was fully self -supportive. And it was not, no begathons, no radio's expensive, no calling you at home, no solicitations outside of Pete's Coffee.
Most of you need repentance. I have a monster drink here somewhere.
This is bad when you start getting hooked on monster drinks. I'm sure I'm gonna get the emails from that too. Screeching music, monster drinks, they go together.
And so no money asked for, no begging, no solicitations, no anything.
And then isn't it amazing what the Lord would do? All funded from the outside, all taken care of, always making our budget, always hitting everything.
So nothing from Bethlehem Bible Church into No Compromise Radio. That's pretty amazing to me for four years.
Maybe there's a number that I don't know about here, there or the other, but generally speaking,
I think that's true. And so then when we didn't get the money, I didn't wanna have the church fund it, although that'd be fine to ask.
I know pastors, even local pastors asking their church, let's fund this because there's a good outreach, as long as you don't laugh and joke and tell ad -lib jokes.
And so then this year we went off of VNE and then a bunch of people said, we want you back on.
Some more help came from the outside. And then some people here at the church said, we want you back on. There are lots of people who listen and they don't go to this church.
They aren't even saved, but it's good for them to hear. And so we wanna have a mini campaign to get the thing back on.
So I think there is some local church money going into the show now, but this is follow the money.
We don't wanna fund it. If these people do go to Bethlehem Bible Church, we don't wanna fund No Compromise Radio because we disagree with it.
So my name is Mike Abendroth, this is No Compromise Radio. What are we all about on No Compromise Radio?
We are about proclaiming who Jesus is. And if you take all of my shows and you put them together and you tell me how much time was spent on joking, how much time was spent on screeching loud music, how much time was being ill -prepared.
And you put that on one side of the scales and weigh them. And the other side, what does the
Bible say about truth? What does the Bible say about Jesus? What does the Bible say about itself?
What does the Bible say regarding this false teaching that's cancerous to a local church?
What does the Bible say about thinking through issues of the day to think in a Christian fashion?
I will easily watch by the grace of God and the power of His strength.
Everything with No Compromise Radio came together with the Lord's perfect timing, perfect everything.
And I'll gladly say, you know what? You wanna measure the man because of the screeching music and some occasional levity in light of all this other stuff?
Then that just tells me anyone can be a critic. Anyone can be a cynic. And when you look upon a person and a ministry with jaded eyes, then everything you see looks that way.
So I would say 95 % of the emails I get, just got another one today, thank you.
Changed my life, wanna encourage you. This is wonderful, praise the
Lord. We learn, we grow, and so that's the majority. So once in a while, you get a few of these other ones. And I just thought you might be interested to know that there is a godly way to criticize.
There's a godly way to say things. I know I haven't arrived and everything this person now says,
I just think, you know what? There's a bigger issue and that issue should be addressed.
So my name is Mike Abendroth. You can write me at info at nocompromiseradio .com or you could send me an anonymous letter to Bethlehem Bible Church.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.