Is The Asbury Revival Real? (Revival vs Reformation)
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Asbury University is a private Christian university in Wilmore, Kentucky. Although it is a non-denominational school, the college is aligned with the Wesleyan-Holiness movement.
- 00:12
- וַּֽאֳַּ֔דָ֕יָּ֣םֶָּּֽׁ֣֣֣֣֣ք אַּּֽכֹּ֥םָֽ֜וֹּֽ֣2ִּּֽ֘וֹּ֣֔םָֻּւּּ֑֥֗֘֬֔քּ֥ֈ֥֔֔֜֔֔עֶַָּּּֽ֑֢֥֣֧֙֕ւ֛֥֔֗֔ւַּּּּֽֽֽ֛֑֣֔֙֙� ಠರದವದಲದ ಸವನದಲನ, ಚರವನದ ಕರಭಧಿರನಾಯಲ ಚರವನದ ಪರಸನದ, ಚರವನದ ಬನದರಚರದಲ ಚರವನದ ಪರಸನದ,
- 03:34
- Dark night doesn't play tonight
- 04:26
- What I do, what I do What I do, what