Midweek Review #12 (Acts 6)

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Nearly every book of the New Testament exhorts us to contend for the faith that was once and for all handed down to us. We are in a truth war, and we must be prepared to fight.


The Word of God, you'll learn to stand. So consider this, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all present
Jesus battling for truth. Matthew chapter 7, beware of false prophets.
The book of Acts chapter 17 verse 11, the Bereans are more noble than the Thessalonians because they examine the scriptures to see what's so.
Paul warns in Acts chapter 20 to beware of wolves who come to you in sheep's clothing.
First and second Corinthians, as Eve was deceived in the garden, I am concerned for you that your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
Galatians, I'm astonished that you are departing so quickly from the gospel I preached to you.
If anybody preaches a different gospel, let him be accursed. Ephesians, the winds and waves and doctrines that will come and will lead many astray, but you, chapter 6, put on the belt of truth.
Philippians, watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh, for it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship in the
Spirit. He says in chapter 3 verse 17 and following, there are many who live as enemies of the cross of Christ.
Their destiny is destruction, their God is their stomach, their mind is on earthly things, but you have a citizenship from heaven.
Colossians chapter 3, those who have mystical visions and puff up with their sensual minds, saying that you have to be ascetics in order to follow
Christ. Continue on to 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, chapter 4, not to be deceived, we're told.
1 Timothy chapter 4, there's an apostasy coming where people will no longer follow the truth. 2
Timothy chapter 4, the tickling of ears. Titus chapter 1 verse 9, elders are not only to know the truth, but be able to rebuke those who contradict it, and not only elders, but all of us have that responsibility.
The book of Hebrews is against Judaizers. James warns that not all should be teachers, because many false teachers will incur a stricter judgment.
Continue on to 1 John, chapter 4, test the spirits to see if it's really from God.
2 John, the warning of the Gnostics. 3 John, deatrophies, loves to be first. 1
Peter warns of the same thing. 2 Peter chapter 2, the false teachers.
1 Peter chapter 3 verse 15, always being ready to answer those who oppose the Word of God, but do it with gentleness and respect.
What about Jude? Jude sat down to write a letter, commending and confirming the salvation we share in common, but in the third verse he said he wanted to do that, he was eager to do it, but he felt that it was necessary to write to you telling you to contend for the faith.
Contend for the faith, he said, and the whole letter is against false teachers. And then we've already spoken about Revelation and the
Nicolaitan heresies. The entire New Testament tells us to prepare for war, and yet most
Christians in America are asleep in the battle. Don't you realize that our kids are at stake?
We protect our kids from every physical disease. We protect our kids from every physical danger, and yet we don't realize that there is a spiritual danger that will destroy our kids if we don't ground them in the truth.
Prepare for war. Be in the text daily, studying to show yourself approved, a workman who rightly divides the word of truth.