Dumpster Fire: March 2019 Prophecy Bingo!


Prophecy Bingo Card http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/4/fighting-for-the-faith-prophecy-bingo?rq=BINGO Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-o... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com


Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire. Yeah, we got something special.
We haven't done this in a while. Are you ready? It's time for Prophecy Bingo! Yeah, that's right.
We're going to be playing some Prophecy Bingo. It's been a while since we've done this. If you haven't done this yet, head over to FightingForTheFaith .com.
We'll put a link down below to this episode where you can grab your own Fighting for the
Faith Prophecy Bingo card. We're going to be looking at the prophecies for March of 2019.
And the basic idea here is that the Prophecy Bingo card generator will generate a random bingo card for you with multiple, well, let's just say often reoccurring words that we hear all the time in so -called prophecies, especially ones given on YouTube and places like that.
And you'll get the idea. In fact, here's, let me close that tab, and here's my
Prophecy Bingo card. And we're going to start off with our free space here.
And since I need to cheat in order to try to win, although I think I won technically the last time, but I missed it, what
I'm going to do is we're going to throw in two words that you can add as, you know, like free words that you can like check off.
You want a bargain? Tell you what I'm going to do. Off your Prophecy Bingo card under one condition.
You have to actually subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you're not a subscriber, you don't get to use these free words.
So one of the words is going to be the word suddenly, and the other one is going to be glory.
Glory and suddenly. So, you know, I've given myself a good chance here. So hope you're sitting down.
Let's check in with the prophecies, air quotes, prophecies for March of 2019.
We begin with Kay Nash. Please, no, no, no, no!
Here we go. Hi guys, and welcome back to The Greater Things. I'm Kay Nash, and I have a prophetic word for you today from the
Lord and the word is... All right, children. What do you think Kay Nash's word of the
Lord is going to be this month? Will it be A, a single word bereft of meaning due to it being overused?
B, an incomprehensible word salad? C, who babacanda shabba hunday
Jesus? Or D, who the heck cares?
It's all garbage! The favored prisoners will get out by the
Lord and not by social climbing. Jesus! Boy, that happened so fast.
Hang on a second here. She said favored visitors something something blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Yeah, I think you get the idea. Yeah, I don't see any of those words. Let me back this up again.
I mean, this feels like a machine gun here. Let's try this again. Here we go. Why did
I miss that the first time? Title, messenger of God. No, you're not! From the
Lord and the word is the favored prisoners will get out by the
Lord and not by social climbing. Jesus. Favored prisoners.
Are these like prisoners who like, you know, are on best behavior or something?
What is she talking about? I'm not a prisoner. Hello, tub of butter.
Still not starved to death, no? There's been lots of people that have been trying to do social climbing in this hour.
I feel they're trying to connect with certain ministers, connect with certain rich people, connect, connect, connect, network, network, network.
Business, business, business. Numbers. Is this working? Versus allowing the
Lord to bring you out. Connect, connect, connect, network, network. Yeah.
Yeah. Yes. This is a whole new type of prophecy I've ever heard.
Yeah. Now, I think sometimes people, they give into a lot of flattery because they're trying to climb a social ladder.
And if you think that is not in the church, you are deceived. I've had many...
I always find it when some, you know, like a false prophet like Kay Nash says something, you know, unironically, like, you're deceived.
Yeah. These try to drop hints to me that they would like to speak at my conference.
And to me, I'm like, just tell me you want to speak at my conference. That's totally fine for us to have a conversation about.
Is speaking at your conference like a social, you know, bonus?
I mean, do you climb the social ladder if you're invited to speak at Kay Nash's conference?
Versus you just trying to manipulate and twist my arm. This is happening in the church and it has to stop,
Jesus. Kay Nash and the prophetic mean girls.
Yeah, okay. Now, I think it really comes from an insecure place.
You know, I think that people are just insecure. And so instead of just having a conversation about something, they are trying to manipulate, name -drop, do things for you, say flattering things to you, to try to speak at a meeting, to try to work with you, to try to do certain things.
And that's just not the way the Lord works. Right. My question is, which table do you sit at during lunch break?
You know, you just... Because I feel like I'm listening to junior high, high school kind of girl stuff here.
He can't sit with us! ...works in that he exalts.
It's not from wearing a certain kind of clothes. It's not from acting a certain way. You know, that's the world.
That's the way the world works. And we have to take that mentality out of the church.
You know, I think there's a pressure in women in corporate
America to wear certain clothes and to be a certain way. Can I point something out?
Just like, again, she's saying things unironically here. She looks like she bought herself a nice dress, did her hair, put on earrings and some lipstick and, you know, and stuff.
I mean, I don't spend that much time before I turn on the video camera here when we do our dumpster fires, and I'm wearing a t -shirt.
But, I mean, she looks like she spends the time. And take a look at those roses, man. How much do you think those cost?
Just, you know, I'm just pointing this out. This is a prophecy? Okay.
...away in order to climb the social ladder. Yeah. And it's not bad to wear those things.
Like, wear whatever the Lord has told you. I mean, if he told you to wear Chanel or Gucci or something like that, by all means, go ahead and wear it because the
Lord is the... Yeah, the Lord has never told me to wear Gucci or Chanel.
It just hasn't happened yet. ...Lord, you know. But what is your motive?
Are you wearing it because you value luxury and you want your items to last and you really like those items?
Or are you wearing those items, Jesus, because you're trying... There you go. She's feeling it now.
Jesus is talking to her here. I just feel like we're getting some kind of weird high school girl scolding other women.
That's a prophecy? All right. Heather Curnow. Okay, hang on a second. Let me just make sure
I didn't miss anything here. Nope, I honestly didn't miss anything there.
Yeah, Kay Nash went all Mean Girls on us. Okay, let's check in with Heather Curnow and her word of the
Lord for March of 2019. Hi.
Hi. My name is Heather Curnow, and I'm here with the prophetic word for the month of March.
Yeah, you think that. 2019. Indeed. And hang on to your hats because it's going to be a really nice month.
The words that I heard clearly from the Lord was self -discovery, favor, and joy.
So you... Self -discovery, favor, and joy. Yeah, none of those are on my prophecy bingo card.
Bummer. Okay, hang on a second here. Go back to Heather Curnow. Start rejoicing now. Yay. Because the intensity is coming to an end.
That's a good thing. Yay. Okay, I can see clearly now.
What are you talking about? Intensity what? You know. Wow.
Okay. A month of happy surprises. So stay tuned if that interests you.
So if you've never joined me before, the prophetic word that the Lord shares with me is threefold.
So he tells me what he's going to do for the month of March and what he's releasing.
And so we can stay in tuned with his will. Right. He gives a little bit of an inside scoop of what the enemy is up to.
And then he gives us some tips on how we can navigate our way through for victory.
As well as a global prophetic warning. These are words that the Lord shares with me about nations.
And his request is that we come in together and pray, okay, for these particular nations.
This month it's San Francisco and California. Never stop praying for California.
There are over 7 ,500 homeless people on the streets of San Francisco. Well, they have now deployed what the
San Francisco Chronicle is describing as a poop patrol. Before God causes it to fall into the
Pacific Ocean. But okay. Several cities in Canada, Vietnam and Italy.
And we'll talk about that a little bit later. Okay. So be sure to click the bell, subscribe.
Click the bell. And we're here every Wednesday live stream. Myrrh Ministries at 5 p .m.
Eastern Standard Time. And we're also here, well, on Facebook at 8 p .m. And it's
Spirit -Led Teaching. It's a live stream followed by healing. I've seen no evidence that, you know, that you're
Spirit -Led in any of your teaching there, Heather. And prophecy. So we hope to see you on there sometime.
Okay. We also have 170 videos here from past shows. And you can take a look at those.
They cure insomnia. Yeah. And you can actually use her videos. You know, if you work in the prison systems and you're having a prison riot, just put her videos on.
And those prison riots will just settle right down. Yeah. Start with the global prophetic warning right now.
Okay. For this month. So, and I'm believing, I've seen it happen in the past that when
God's shared these things with me and, you know, we all pray, our prayers are heard and makes a difference for these nations.
And it's nice to know that the Lord trusts us with these prayer requests, even though for a lot of us, the
Lord is trusting you with a prayer request. You're supposed to be praying to him.
So there's the Holy Spirit going, Hi, this is the Holy Spirit. And you know,
Heather, I've got some prayer requests that I'd like to trust with you.
And I can't even do this with a straight face. God trusting us with prayer requests. Okay. Praying for these nations.
We're not going to personally benefit from it. Okay. So this is something for your own prayer closet.
Sacrificial of you to pray for these nations. Yeah. Number one, San Francisco. Lord, we thank you for these nations and the honor to pray for them.
And the, all right, now I'm going to move the play head forward to just some random point and see if we can figure out more of what the prophetic word for March of 2019 is.
So there we are. Let's, we're in the middle of who knows where, don't know what's coming next.
Please let this be a normal field trip with a pirate. Side of us and a favor and joy.
So hallelujah. So Lord open up our eyes and our ears to see what you have done inside of us and not just inside of us, but inside of all the other brothers and sisters and how even the unsaved world have been impacted in how much light the brothers and sisters are carrying now.
Right. In Jesus name. I thank you Lord that he's releasing grace to us to see those things from his point of view and not just a horizontally in the flesh.
So we are going to have those times of saying, wow, Lord, I, wow.
I've got more of me. There's more of you in me than I thought there ever could be. So there's going to be lots of those moments of, of joy and discovery and, and lots of revelation and lots of times where we're going to see that we're sowing totally different on a much more godly basis.
By the way, sowing, I think is a bingo word on our bingo cards. Of course, as you know, the whole world sits under the principle of sowing and reaping.
And so we will be reaping some pretty nice things this month. Okay. There's still that invitation to stay close to him.
But being close to him now will lead us into those places of self -discovery and, and favor from both him and man, as well as...
Favor is one of our prophecy bingo card words. In the place of praise and worship.
The testimonies are going to be incredible for the month of March.
The grace, grace, grace. Okay. The grace and ability, unlimited, to step into those very deep, and I mean deeper than you've ever experienced before, very deep pockets of peace and rest.
And you'll just be walking and all of a sudden you'll just be surrounded by God's peace and rest.
Because part of the transformation has been the ability to receive more from him.
Okay. What did that sentence mean? So also remembering that discovery is the big word, self -discovery, a big thing this month, in the month of March.
And to see that everything that we've been through has really brought us into a great fruit bearing month.
Okay. All right.
Prophetic word. Let's play this. My name is Prophet JoLynn Whitaker.
I am humbled and honored to bring you the word of the
Lord. JoLynn Whitaker is bringing us the word of the Lord for March 2019. Will it jive with what
Kay Nash said in her Prophetic Mean Girls segment? Will it jive with Heather Curnow and self -discovery and favor and joy and things?
Yeah, let's see. March of 2019. Yeah. This is the word of the
Lord for the month of March. No, really, it's not. The year of 2019.
Now, if you are one who likes to take down notes and you like to write stuff down,
I want to invite you to do so as you listen to this message.
Write down everything the Lord is going to speak on today. Write down the things that the
Holy Spirit communicates to you are relevant or applicable to you personally.
So whatever you hear her say, if you feel that it's relevant to you, just grab that.
That's your word of the Lord for March. Kind of a prophetic smorgasbord, you know.
Because the word of the Lord will never return. It's going to be a prophetic hometown buffet. Yeah, some of you don't know what that smorgasbord thing is.
Boy, but God will watch over this to perform it. Amen. And I look forward to hearing how this word not only impacts you, but as it unfolds in your life,
I really look forward to hearing the praise reports that we know are going to come forth.
Hallelujah. So grab your notebook, grab a pen, get ready, and let's go ahead and get into the word.
If there were two words that you could use to describe March of 2019, it would be mighty
March. Mighty March. God said this is going to be a mighty
March. Mighty. Huzzah.
Yay. Already got part of the word of the Lord for April of 2019.
We can't go there on today. But listen, this is going to be a mighty March and it is just the setup for what is coming forth in the month of April.
But it is a very significant and much needed setup because God is going to lead you and bring you into mighty
March in the year of 2019. Now, as you look back and you begin to examine all that has taken place, all that you have achieved, all that you have been able to accomplish, but also all that has come against you.
Everything that has just, you know, come for you and come against you and how far you had to go just to maintain yourself.
Many of you have felt as though you were on a ship that was out at sea and just like Jesus and the disciples and the storm began to come and you felt like you were topsy turvy in the month of February 2019.
Amen. But listen, many of you are getting ready to give God glory because by the time this glory, glory, glory.
Hang on a second here. Oh, I it was one of my giveaway words. Bummer, man.
Oh, I hate when that happens, you know, here I'm trying to cheat and then it shows up and I find it and it's already checked out because I cheated.
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy. All right, let's come back to JoLynn Whittaker.
Okay. When this is done, you will be able to confess boldly and with your faith on fire that it has been a mighty
March for you. Where you may have felt as though you were out at sea, just being topsy -turvy, you know, all the things coming against you.
God is pulling you out of that. He's going to set your foot upon a rock and bring you into a season this month that will be mighty for so many areas.
Season is one of our prophecy bingo words, but I don't think it's on my card. You're like, we've got more detail.
So I want to go ahead and get to that. Okay, hallelujah. The living God, the Lord would say to you in this very hour, do not become weary in well -doing
Galatians 6 and 9. That's the assignment of the storm.
That's the purpose of the storm. When the devil wages against you, he wants you to become weary to the point where you faint because that Galatians 6 and 9 says don't become weary in well -doing because you will reap if you don't faint.
But see, the devil counts on a lot of you fainting. His money is on you fainting.
His money has been on you just saying, man, you know what? I give up. I'm going to walk away. I can't do this anymore.
But I want to tell you, as you head into this brand new month of March in the year of 2019, don't you dare faint.
Don't you dare give up. Don't give that lying lizard the satisfaction. You've got to press in.
Right. Don't don't faint because the lying lizard will get satisfaction. If you do.
All right, Princess Ebola, Atalanti. This ought to be interesting.
Hello people of God. Are you ready for monumental and majestic March monumental majestic March?
Got it. Okay, you ready for massive mind -blowing massive mind -blowing monumental
March memorable memorable Miraculous Miraculous major.
I think miraculous is one of our prophecy bingo words here. Life altering.
I mean it. Yeah, manifestation. Yeah, manifestation is one of our words. You ready for mega game?
That is monumental events that are God activated. God activated.
Yeah. Is there an 800 number that you got to call in order to get these
God activations? Well, give me a minute. I'll be bringing you all of the prophetic scoop for what
God is saying in March. But let me introduce myself. For those of you do not know but I do me here pastor prophet teacher apostle.
You ate a pastor definitely not Apostle. Yeah, women are not permitted to be pastors and there were no women
Apostles. Don't bring a kingdom coach the author of the Masters mind on total success.
I know you have your copy. You have your copy. If you don't go and pick up a copy of this book, it will change your life.
I don't need any new toilet paper. Thank you get this at Amazon .com as for me, you will find me at Royal Proclamations .com.
Yes. I'm here with the prophetic word for March, you know, we're still in the season of the double -double.
Okay, that's we're in the In -N -Out Burger season right now. The season of the double -double animal style, you know season award, but you know, you know the
Bible talks about changing times and seasons. So I was saying for this time this particular month, you know father.
What are you saying? And the Lord said to me it is going to be a monumental month. Okay a mega month of the unprecedented the unusual the uncommon praise
God. So get ready people of God. This is a great month. Like I said, we're still in that season of double -double blessings and all that so it's going to be mega.
It's going to be at Ephesians 3 20 kind of month.
Praise God. Yes, it is that if you get that that's a misuse of Ephesians 3 20, which is which is a doxological thought tacked on to the end of a prayer.
That's right there in a in Ephesians 3 20 kind of month.
God is going to blow your mind is going to exceed your imaginations your wildest dreams.
Honestly, it's a turnaround month. You know some 126 came into my mind when the
Lord turned again the captivity of Zion. We were like them that dream. I mean my
God my God. It is a super super month. It is a major problem that Psalm was referring to March of 2019.
Who knew I mean all of the biblical scholars. I've read on the Psalms. They missed that. It's a month though and a major month of prophetic duality because it is also an apocalyptic month.
Yes, because of the unveiling of God's majestic Glory. Yeah, but I'll save the not so good news till the end.
So yes, praise God praise God. So, you know, I mean, it's no coincidence.
The Lord was saying to me that you know that the date 320.
Okay, and the blood moon also happens to be on 320 just so happens to be this month praise
God praise God. So yeah blood moon, you know, you know what that means, right? Nothing nothing.
It means nothing. You know, I forgive me for this but my curiosity is getting the best of me.
I want to hear more of what Kay had to say. We were off in a high school junior
Highland and this is really interesting quite the scolding. She's giving you know to impress people.
Okay, and so we don't need to impress people to move forward in the kingdom.
That might be the way the world works, but that's not way the way we work in the kingdom. The Bible says this verse.
This is very interesting the locust advance in ranks, but it has no king.
I thought this was a very interesting verse in Scripture and I was like wow, this is really a big thing for us to understand.
What is God trying to say here? How does the locust advance but has no king because nor what is
God trying to say? Yeah, apparently he might fail, you know, when you get an advancement a
CEO comes in or and he says hey, you're getting promoted or your boss Whatever level your regional manager or your supervisor or whatever level you're at your boss comes in and says hey, you are now promoted but the locust advance in ranks that have no king.
How do they advance in ranks when no one says to them you are advanced very true. Hoppy. I mean, where would the mystery be if we all know how it was shutting up because it just me or did anyone notice that she used like two totally different definitions for the words advanced.
Yeah, the Lord says to you you are advanced. You don't need a man to tell you that you are promoted the spirit of yeah, you're promoted, you know, because locusts.
Yep. I thought I was making a good decision to come back here. All it can promote you, you know,
I feel like this promotion right now is not about you changing positions. You're in the right position.
It's not about that. It's about you getting more influence about you getting more wealth about about you just making more things happen for your ministry or business or company, whatever.
You're fired. I just feel like this expansion this exultion is not about you trying to exultion.
Is that a word is okay at work and be in a certain social class or anything like that.
The Lord can just do that did God not do that for Joseph, you know,
Joseph wasn't trying to you know, wear certain clothes or act a certain way to he was in prison.
He was wearing whatever prisoners were back in the you know, what was that like 16 1700
BC in Egypt? Yeah Pharaoh's attention, you know,
Joseph was in prison, but he was working in that prison and I felt like the
Lord was highlighting that you know, it's like he was interpreting dreams while he was in prison.
What are you doing? While you're in prison? Are you can I'm not in prison?
Okay, I might come back to her. I have not decided yet. Okay. I don't know if I want to do any more.
Okay now for an episode of prophetic mud bubbling or prophetic paint drying.
Here's the prophetic word of the Lord. Here we go. As I'm looking at March, I see a battle.
I see a tug of war between faith and fear and I sense during this month there's going to be a real battle between the things that God has been promising us and the lies that the enemy would show us to try to discredit us and try to move us away from the promises of God and the
Lord says to you know that my promises stand secure my promises affirm they are established in the heavens know that I am with you and that I am watching over my word to fulfill it do not give in to the lies of the enemy but hold on to me and hold on to my promise don't give in to the lies of the enemy spoken unironically knowing that I will be faithful and that I will bring them to completion.
I sense that this month is a month where we need to come to a decision inside of ourself a decision to hold on to the promises of God and not hold on to the lies and not to look at the line which promises are we specifically hanging on to here so the enemy but to hold on to God's promises no matter what happens in the visible world, but to know that he is with us and that he is faithful and true and that he is the one who will lead us into our destiny into our future destiny destiny is a prophetic bingo card word and into the promises that he has given us.
So father, all right, let's forward here Russ and Katie Walden here. Breakthrough word of the month.
Hello. This is the breakthrough word for March 2019. The father says today.
Is it just me or does something seem slightly off? It's time to put on my detective glasses to see what is wrong with this.
I think I found it. You think that a prophet would be able to remember the words the Lord has spoken to him rather than clearly reading off of a computer screen.
It's not even trying to look into the camera. I am bringing you into your wealthy place.
Levi. Bringing me into my wealthy place. Where's that? I haven't seen that place yet and is being brought down this day in your life says the father
Leviathan's coming down this day. Yeah, way to go. It's about time
Leviathan. Came down. The children of pride will no longer
Triumph over you provision. Kota Baraba. Cpt.
St. Barabba kata. All right, provision is one of our bingo words and I think probo
Cassidy Huba Haga Haga. I think that one is actually translated as incubate.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm cheating again. So yeah, you know, I forgot to speak in tongues. I just come up with spontaneous translations.
Translate as he as you see fit to help you your prophecy. Bingo card vision is your portion today.
The resources of my treasuries says God are now open and available to you impoverishment and lack flee away fullness and benefit are pouring out in supply to your need.
Yeah, open your mouth wide open your mouth. Wide in expectation and know like a bird is going to like drop a worm in there.
You it was horrifying your mouth unhinged like a snake. Wow. That sounds pretty awesome.
Yeah that things are changing even now change beloved change is not harmful change is beneficial and it's being inaugurated in your life this very day.
I am bringing the hand of my favor over you for promotion and motion is a prophecy.
Bingo word increase increases. Oh, hey, that's on my card. Hang on a second here.
Ta -da. All right coming back here to Russ Walt. No, not him. There we go.
Yeah, I hit the pause button in a weird space there. Okay.
New is coming and the stale old religious experience is being swept away lay hold upon this word and war with this word and surely surely it will become manifest reality in you.
Yeah. No, it won't and stop calling me Shirley. Life you've experienced downturn and you face denial denial after denial says, yeah, those that's a river in Egypt.
Yes. All of that changes today. I am bringing you out into the land that flows with the logos and the
Ramah the mill. I think the correct term is land flowing with milk and honey. Logos Ramah thingy and the honey you will drink deeply and taste fully of my goodness says the father as you step up to take the land to take the territory.
I am the ultimate territorial spirit and I have given you Territory. I have accorded you
Territory in the heavens. Even now, are you willing to lay hold on your now says the father?
So how do I lay hold of a now? No idea how one goes about doing that.
I say to you that you have dwelled in the land of disappointment long enough. You're coming.
I've dwelled in the land of disappointment. I'm very disappointed in this prophecy. This is true. Yes out.
You're coming out of the thorny place. You're coming out of the waste Howling Wilderness.
Your feet will walk the pavements of the palace says God. I will set.
Oh, I'm so special. I'm going to walk in a palace before Kings and potentates.
I have. I almost feel like we should put the word potentate in our prophecy because that's the first time
I've ever heard that word in a prophecy a potentate. Yeah, did you this day in heavenly places in Christ?
This is the day that you will ascend in worship and you will descend in warfare against the enemy.
Let loose from your mouth today. Those prayers those caught up.
Rob, I'll stop a cost out about a BT. Yeah, that's translated. By the way, fresh fire.
Yeah, that what he just said that translates this fresh fire. Just want to let you know that we continue here.
Those warfare prayers that defeat the enemy and remove him far from your borders and your boundaries.
I'm bringing up your rear guard and I am going before you with hailstones and fire and vapor of smoke.
I will melt the heavens and I will shake the mountains. I will come down says
God and I will draw you out of the many waters of that of adversity that have plagued you.
Did you ever get the feeling that like Russ Walden was like getting high off his own exhaust fumes?
Alright, moving along the Apostle Ryan Lestrange and his prophetic word for March of 2019.
Here we go. Hello. Hello Facebook family. How are you? Great to see you.
I want to share a prophetic word for you for the month of March.
So I am excited about this. Welcome to the broadcast as always. Please let me know where you're joining me from and share the broadcast invite somebody else on I'm going to be sharing a word.
The Lord spoke to me in my prayer time yesterday. I was not looking for a March prophetic word, but I believe this is a prophetic word for the month of March and just to remind everybody good morning
Apostle Nigel. Let me know where you're joining me from. I just have to ask.
I mean, did Lestrange just drop out of bed and he's still in his jammies.
I don't think he's done his hair yet. This prophetic word for March came to him and he just, you know, decide to keep his jammies on and you know, get out on Facebook and YouTube.
Yeah. Okay, just remind everybody one of the words the Lord has given to me and people that are connected to me for 2019 is the word build it.
I believe we are in a Nehemiah season. I believe the Lord is unlocking. What's a Nehemiah season folding a building anointing upon the people of God a building anointing.
It's the Bob the Builder anointing got it individually and corporately. I believe we're building new wine skins.
I believe we're building. Oh, hang on a second here. Hang on. Let's see new wine.
You know what? I on the Russ Walden words were in here. He's just doing his who
Baba Conda nonsense. I should have been a little more strategic in which words. All right, just saying okay coming back.
Here's more Lestrange. Hang on expressions of the kingdom. I believe we're building our private lives and our family lives.
I believe we're building across the board and I believe just as Nehemiah Face resistance. Many of you are facing resistance and I have a word from the
Lord for you this morning. Jenny Weaver. Good to see you in the house. Hello, everybody. Chicago Harlem, New York City Beth.
Good to see you Rosetta. Good to see you by selling California, Washington DC, Chicago Cape Town, South Africa.
Hey, let me mention this to you. The latest issue of charisma magazine just came out of this.
I was trying to see what this the March edition and they I at was asked to write an article in your a column that is a prophetic column.
So these are some other prophetic thoughts about things. The Lord is doing in the church right now.
It's called things to come. I'm trying to get it things to come six signs of Reformation in the church six signs of Reformation in the church.
Let me give them to you quickly. This is not my word this morning, but I felt it was applicable because we're talking about a prophetic word number one.
Look for emerging apostolic generals. I believe God is about to bring a new breed of apostolic generals on the scene.
Many are yeah, the the NAR and folks in the charismatic movement in the you know, they've been saying stuff like this forever.
Okay, holding right now. You don't know their names, but they're coming to the forefront. The second of the six things
I wrote about me are called to build wells. I believe God is is resurrecting. I don't want to be building no
Wells a well digging anointing for people to begin to build Wells in well digging anointing.
Whoo. Yeah, I live in a city that you know, we they they have plumbing and stuff and you turn on the water and you know, you turn the tap on water comes out.
Wow. Pure one anything. I want it day or night via charge.
I don't go out and you know, pump water out of a well. It's location the earth not just churches or places that people assemble in but ministries that have got a deep and rich flow that people literally travel to to get their miracle to get their deliverance to get their healing to be a part of of prayer centers those sorts of things.
Is this like one of those Astral Vortex is like in Sedona, Arizona. What are you talking about?
The three the church must continue to confront as an extension of reform. This was something big and I was very thankful charisma.
Let me share about this because there's I believe is we're in an hour where the church has got to be a voice and an extension of reform.
One of the things I mentioned in here is the long -standing manifestations of sexism ageism and racism in the church are being confronted in this hour.
And I really believe God's raising up John the Baptist reformers who will say difficult things many times people are offended
John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ. He was not a reformer.
When something difficult is expressed and said but Reformation never happens without that.
So I really believe it and I wrote in here. One of the areas I'm concerned about and grief is these global gatherings where there's no diversity racially in the speaker lineup in the platform lineup.
And then we feel like well, we had a big global gathering because a lot of people came and that's true. However, we're not expanding the kingdom broad enough.
And so I wrote about that in here item for greater declaration understand of the kingdom mandate is emerging declaration is one of our prophecy bingo card words.
I believe people are going to articulate the kingdom more fully in this season number five Shamar prophets are rising and number six healing and Miracle Ministries being restored and accelerated again.
That's all aeration acceleration. Hang on a second here. There we go. All right, okay back to Lestrange.
We continue in the March edition of Christmas six signs of Reformation the church is a prophetic article.
I encourage you get it. I don't know if they put it online, but if they have go find it the only other announcement
I want to make before I get into this prophetic word is I want to remind you to sign up for my free webinar.
The free webinars coming up March the 12th and we'll be dealing with healing your soul. This is a critical message for you ripping off Katie Sousa now and I in this season.
All right. I want to share this word father. I thank you for the word of the Lord today. I think that you are this is not a word of the
Lord not ahead of us. You've already been in the month of March. You've already been in 2019. You already know what needs to be built what needs to be torn down what needs to be established.
I pray that I would speak today with as an expression of your prophetic instrument and proclamation over our lives in this season in Jesus mighty name.
Amen and amen. So I believe that we're in a time of building but the Lord spoke to me yesterday as I was praying and he said
Ryan. I want you to go low. I was praying and I was I was really bringing before the Lord a lot of test of how much lower can you go giving a false prophecy and attributing these nonsensical words to God.
It doesn't get much lower than that. I've heard a lot of prayer requests. I've heard and even things
I've seen in my own life recently in the area of spiritual attacks and what I call demonic chatter many times as you're rising in the call in your life.
You're rising in the destiny. You're rising in prayer there begins to be outbreaks of demonic chatter.
It's like demons are whispering to people and demons will start to struggle warfare around you. You know,
I always give the example in Acts chapter 14 the Bible records the Revival Ministry and anointing of Apostle Paul and in Acts 14 the
Bible tells of a great outpouring and revival that was taking place, but it said the city was divided and it's possible many times to be in a season of great enlargement and great expansion, but also have great resistance and I believe enlargement.
Yeah season of enlargement many people are in a season like that now. I understand warfare is always present.
The devil is always working. He's faithful to his job to steal kill and destroy. So we don't really have to be deeply prophetic to talk about warfare, but I really sense that many people who are expanding in this hour in this season are facing warfare and when you're facing warfare when you're facing chatter rumors backbiting gossip one of the tendencies as a human being you have is to begin to speak out about it to begin to even defend yourself and one of the dangerous things is these attacks and lies will come to try to take you out of the glory of God.
If you would please glory glory. Hang on a second here to it. I already got done bummer. This broadcast by the way, just share this on your page with your friends because I believe it's a word in due season.
And so I believe it's it's a shouted word. He's a shouty man.
Hi, I'm a shouty man and I'm here to tell you about new peace ill non -bio.
Yeah, um, no. No, that's all I gotta say is no. Let's end off with a little bit more of this painful screeching hanging on meaning that you are in prison.
Okay. Yeah, or are you working that prison? Happy anniversary
Dante's. If I was if I was preaching right now, I would I would say touch somebody and tell them work that prison, but but seriously work that prison.
And yeah, we work your prison. Okay, because when you work your prison, that's where your anointing really starts to advance because God says
I can trust you in the prison. Till next year.
No matter what your God trust you in the prison.
Are you working your prison founding spite be no matter where you are. You're going to work that place. You know when my ministry first started we didn't even have a building, you know where we had meetings outside and she worked her prison man started having meetings in my house.
And then they started becoming too big for my house. We started having them at multiple houses. Then we started having conferences, you know, and so I worked where I was at and God promoted me.
It doesn't matter if it looks like a prison right now. You need to work where you're at because the Lord is the promoter not other people, you know,
I think the same thing happens in the Christian Church. It's like we think if we speak with some big name that all of a sudden our ministry is going to be advanced, you know, if we preach with Bill Johnson or somebody like that all of a sudden we matter, you know, all of a sudden our ministry is going we're learning a lot about Kay Nash here.
It's about as much as much as I could take of that. So that was the
March 2019 installment of Prophecy Bingo. Hope you enjoyed it. All the information on how you can share this video is down below.
If you enjoyed it, share it with other people. And of course all the information on how you can support the ministry of Pyra Christian Media and Fighting for the
Faith are down below. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.