Spiritual Transition from City of Perta


One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Here we go. So we're going to do our spiritual transition at this point where we're going to be transitioning from what was given to me in the live chat room
Monday nights, 8 o 'clock at strivingforeternityacademy .org. That's where you can give me your thing that whatever it might be that you want me to transition to, to the gospel.
Tonight, I've been given the task of transitioning from the city of Petra to the gospel.
I actually think that one's an easier, I was thinking more Petra, the heavy metal band. It's a Christian heavy metal band that I never actually listened to, but I know who they are.
Maybe I heard a song from them, but I was never really into the heavy metal so much. But that aside,
Petra is a city that is mentioned in the Bible in the end times. Interesting thing about Petra is
Petra is a place that is stated that in the end times when
Israel will flee from the trials to come, they will flee to the rocks and flee to the town of Petra.
And in Petra, the city of rocks, they will call out upon the Lord. The interesting thing there is that many
Christians have been storing Bibles in the rocks, in the caves of Petra, in the hopes that someday when the time comes and Israel literally flees to the caves of Petra to flee the wrath to come and flee to the
Lord, they will there see Bibles, New Testament included.
And in there, the Bibles that are being provided are ones that have much in explanation of the
Old Testament prophecies and New Testament fulfillment. And therefore, the hope is that many will come and receive
Jesus Christ and repent of their sin and put their faith in the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in the caves of Petra.
And that's an interesting thing because what is it expecting? It is expecting that people when they think that they are down and out and running in fear to a point where leaving modern
Israel to flee to caves to hide out, that there the
Gospel is waiting for them, maybe for hundreds of years. It's a reality that many of us realize is that when we, for some of us, came to know
Jesus Christ, it was when we were fleeing life's troubles. We were leaving and fleeing and running away from that which we feared, not realizing we were running right into the arms of God who was there waiting the whole time, open arms.
We needed to repent and put our faith in Jesus Christ. Just like those in that day, when it looks like all is dark and all is grim and it looks like there is no hope, they will run into the caves and find the
Gospel and there come to meet Jesus Christ, the Messiah Savior.
That's how I would transition from the city of Petra, the caves that are there, to the