Synoptics Section 281


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Rendering the Caesar the things that are Caesars and so now we are in 281
Each time we turn the page we get closer and closer to 287
I'm not looking forward to that I'm a just skip over Matthew 24 to say go find the tapes from Pastor fries discussion of that from 1986 something like that.
I don't remember where it was before my time actually I wasn't even here then
I just know that he went through Matthew and so anyhow
Getting into the getting into the tough stuff, but still got some other things to work through before we
Get there got less than 100 pages left though and Most of that's new though very little of that's going to be something we covered before so we'll see we'll get there someday
And we won't know what to do No, no, no, no We'll definitely do
Another another book or something at that point But in section 281 which is
Matthew chapter 22 Versus 23 through 33
If you don't have a synoptic Mark chapter 12 and Luke chapter 20
Are the parallel passages? This is the question about? the resurrection very
Very similar all the way across Though there is one interesting
The difference I'll look at here in a moment, but we'll read Matthew's version
Matthew chapter 22 the same day Sadducees came to him who say there is no resurrection and They asked him a question saying teacher
Moses said If a man dies having no children his brother must marry the widow and raise up children for his brother
Now there were seven brothers among us the first married and died and having no children left his
Wife to his brother so to the second and third down to the seventh. It's called the law of leverage marriage
It was particularly relevant to the days when land was possessed within family units particularly
After them all the woman died and the resurrection therefore to which the seven will she be wife For they all had her but Jesus answered them you are wrong
Because you know not of the scriptures know the power of God for the resurrection and I marry nor given in marriage But like the angels in heaven
And as for the resurrection of the dead have you not read what was said to you by God? I am the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the
God of Jacob He is not God the dead of the living and when the crowd heard it they were astonished at his teaching
I note two interesting things about Luke's account in Luke's account you
Do not have the specific assertion you are wrong instead you have the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage
But those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age into the resurrection from the dead Neither Mary nor are given in marriage for they cannot die anymore because they are equal to Angels and our sons of God being sons of the resurrection
But of the but that the dead are raised even Moses showed in the passage about the bush where he calls the
Lord the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob He's not God the living for all live to him
Mark then puts the statement at the end. He's got a guy that living you are quite wrong
And then notice that Luke has and some of the scribes answered teacher you have spoken well
Whereas Matthew just notes the general astonishment of the crowd Which would have followed from some of the scribes saying something similar to that as well
Though the scribes may have not been sad you see at this point And we're just sort of applauding the refutation of the
Sadducees hard to say now once again, I know that most of us are aware of this but The Sadducees Noticed it was the
Pharisees and the Herodians who came to Jesus in chapter 22 verses 15 through 22 and then now it's the
Sadducees who come and pick up from that point and The there were some fundamental differences between the
Pharisees and the Sadducees Probably on a general theological basis we would have much more sympathy for the
Pharisees Than for the Sadducees as far as their view of Scripture and theology is concerned however
Both groups had at this point become very deeply infected with authority problems the
Sadducees were the political authorities and the Pharisees had a lot of the
Religious authority as far as the control of the people was concerned and the Sadducees Denied the resurrection and you notice that say that there is no resurrection
That is a raising of a physical body We just we just had to get started
George. I'm sorry We were not sure where we are
Because you weren't here, but we we sort of looked over there rather forlornly and just saw the big hole in the space -time continuum there and Took a wild guess so we're
We're set. We're somewhere in section 281 We're thinking but if you know if we're wrong about that Please let us know so that we you know
I'd hate to get to the end of the synoptic have to start them all over again Just because we skipped about two verses. Yeah, we skipped section got started over again
The Sadducees Some say the Sadducees had issues in regards to the canon of Scripture that's actually
Well, it's commonly said not as easily proven There are some who said they limited the scriptures only to The Pentateuch, but I I think that that is
While commonly said not necessarily easily proven But clearly this
Section and I I know that I've preached on this section in the past or at least Use it as a sermon illustration at the very least
This section Clearly presents one of their favorite arguments. It's clearly an argument.
They had used in various contexts to seek to Refute the
Pharisees and I guess having seen the Pharisees refuted they figured this has always worked
This has always gotten people into a muddle and so let's use it again and I I note in passing that that is something that is very common
I note amongst false teachers is to have pet arguments Of course,
I imagine it could become something common against someone as the truth as well You find an argument that works real well for you repeat it over and over again however
One should even one when one has what one considers to be a good argument should not let rest upon one's laurels
For example, I I think John chapter 6 is a
Irrefutable presentation of God sovereignty and salvation the perfection of Christ as Savior the inability of man the perseverance of the
Saints irresistible grace I mean, it's just It's just I think it's irrefutable But I still sort of it's almost a hobby of mine
Collect the weird and odd Interpretations of John chapter 6 sort of like people who collect, you know matchbox cars and things like that I suppose but I just collect the weird and odd interpretations of John chapter 6
Because I I don't want to just go. Well, I've got that text figured out.
That's it There's nothing more I can said about I like to hear what other people have to say I've never found a consistent interpretation that text
It doesn't teach those things but I like to hear what what other people have to say and if I didn't do that then some of the weird and odd would catch me out and would
Cause me to have to you know, think about things maybe in a situation where it wouldn't be the best thing.
I mean I Frequently have to answer these questions on the fly and for a large audiences. So It's something that you know,
I try to focus upon clear the Sadducees had Not ever gotten an overly meaningful response to this.
Sometimes people find arguments to be useful because They're so obtuse that to untangle them in a meaningful fashion takes so much time and in arguments something it takes time is
You know works for your side if it takes the other guy Five times longer to answer your question than it does for you to ask the question
Well, that's great in a debate My Roman Catholic opponents will do this all the time
What you can always tell when Roman Catholic is feeling uncomfortable in debate because they'll default back to Well, I can't answer that about what that Pope said, but how do you know
Matthew wrote Matthew? it's just sort of like way off into the woods someplace and and They just figured that that this is one of my best arguments
How do you know Matthew wrote Matthew and I know I know Matthew Matthew because the church tells me so well
Actually, the church doesn't and the papal Biblical Commission has said we don't know who wrote Matthew But hey, that's another issue
It normally sounds real good and and gets gets people's attention off of what's actually going on it's a little bit of a distraction type thing and So you cannot you go is
I just run into folks who do this all the time back just yesterday evening I posted a video
I Was listening to a debate of a man. I'm gonna be debating in Brisbane, Australia in a couple weeks
Well, October whenever that is anymore you get to my age. That's a couple weeks you know,
I was telling somebody I've got an invitation to go suffer for the Lord at a Bible conference in Hawaii and and I'm more than happy to accept the invitation
But honestly since they can only really do it in the spring I'm already booked next spring and so it's gonna have to be 2013 and there was a guy in Hawaii That was saying oh man that that's far down the road.
I said that ain't far down the road I mean, that's I you know when you're young 2013 sounds like a long time from now.
It's my age 2013 Well, I hope I have enough time to prepare It just comes so fast maybe debating a guy down Brisbane in October and I Was listening to a debate he did against another
Christian apologist and I was listening to this this argument. He made it three different times and eventually
The other guy did get around to dealing with at least partially and it's it struck me again that it was it was so easy for this guy to throw out this claim and You know you can make the claim
I played the clip where he asked the question I think the clip was 46 seconds long
All right, so it took him 46 seconds to throw this out. I think the video is 13 minutes long
Now I gave some background so but I would say that to thoroughly answer the question
Put it to bed Say no, you're completely wrong about the assertion. You're making here Probably the fastest
I could have done it would have been about three and a half minutes So 45 seconds to throw it out there three and a half minutes to answer that's why
I really think Christians, especially should be extremely suspect of The normal type of public discourse we have in our land today
Sound bites rarely communicate truth very clearly and Yet one of the things that really concerns there's a lot of days
I'm not going to take a lot of time in this there's a lot of space coming out that and Given that I'm a gadget geek this
I'm speaking to myself here, but Our attention span our ability to concentrate upon any one thing is
Collapsing It Is so easy for example,
I might be looking for something online and it's how many of you and some of you
I realize Don't do much online. Okay, but you're in the minority anymore you're looking for something online and Half an hour after you start
You all of a sudden catch yourself and you still haven't gotten around to doing the one thing you're gonna do as soon as the screen comes up, there's an email or there's a link to follow or You know you throw the search in you want to do at Google and you see something over here.
Oh shiny thing and and You know say we and you're just you're and and half an hour later you're sitting there going why did
I sit down here in the first place and It's not the old person disease that I have that I will sit there and and I bring up a browser and I sit there and Stare at the screen and go what was
I gonna look for again? Because that's that's just short term. That's just that's just me
But it's the it's the bouncing all over the internet before you finally get back and realize you still haven't gotten done
What you're supposed to have gotten done when you started type of a type of thing our our ability to concentrate and stay on task is
Diminishing massively in Comparison to what people used to be able to do. In fact,
I have to wonder, you know Spurgeon had a rule. I Think I've told you all Well, some of you weren't here, but I don't know about three years ago
I had the opportunity of preaching at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, which is Spurgeon's Church at the
School of Theology there and I Was told by many people
Friends and people I didn't know That there's a rule at the
Metropolitan Tabernacle and that is since Spurgeon said You do not preach more than 40 minutes
You do not preach more than 40 minutes and I had that rule very strongly enforced for me
Because when dr. Peter masters the pastor the church introduced me to speak
There's a clock they have a clock embedded in the pulpit and there's a start stop button on it and as Dr.
Masters leaves the pulpit. He hit the button and Guess how long the clock is set for?
40 minutes now, I knew about that before I got up there So it wasn't like you know, but in fact,
I attended service there's services there I think the Sunday night beforehand and I had kept I had sort of You know when
Peter masters is preaching and he had gotten done like 38 minutes and 49 seconds or something like that, you know
Nearly a minute, you know, right? so Yeah, you you you get done when you're when you're supposed to get done.
I wonder if Spurgeon today would go 40 minutes With modern folks better cut it down to 10, you know
Because their their mind is going to go So fast that it's that it's not even funny
It is it is something to Note that we have that kind of thing going on and I think it impacts us
It really it really does impact us. I'm not even sure how I got to this point So I can get back to where I was in the text
So see how that works and you need it in but y 'all followed me just fine. Like oh very comfortable doing this.
Yeah. All right Anyhow, so those sad you see is routing the bulrushes of Moses and what's going on there?
Okay. All right So they present the argument I was talking about types of arguments that people use and the problem is that To give meaningful answers to a lot of things
Takes time and it takes laying foundations and it seems that in our society today once you try to start doing that you lose people and So the simplistic answer wins the day
And it may be an answer that brings absolute total disaster to the society, but it's what wins the day
Shouldn't be the way with Christians. We should be patient. We should be Zealous to do the work that is necessary to think through things in a meaningful fashion
We should not be glib and shallow in our thought You know, there is that phrase in in Paul's writings we have the mind of Christ now, what does that mean?
It doesn't mean we all think the same way. It doesn't mean we all react the same way We have different personalities
It doesn't mean we all spend the same amount of time studying this out of the other thing, but I think that there there is something true in the fact that we are called to think
God's thoughts after him it is our great privilege as Regenerate individuals to have a desire to do so instead of being in the state of rebellion against God and constantly suppressing his knowledge
Now we want to submit to God and we want to view the universe as God would have us to see it with him at the center and if that's the case then we should
Really have a a godly desire to think In a way that honors
God's creation. God has created in a particular order in a particular way That's why
I think I think the idea of a Christian scientist not in the religious sense, but a Christian who studies
God's creation that is that makes perfect sense because to glorify
God by by Studying and understanding his handiwork and seeing that the tremendous complexity and order and all the rest of these things
There could be tremendous joy in in that kind of thing and I think
I Think when we Look at scripture and see its exhortations to us to think in a disciplined manner
Discipline normally, that's a negative word for us. I I need to discipline my children But it's a positive word in the
New Testament We are to be disciplined and it's and and in all of our lives
Including in the way we think the way we react we are to control our emotions You know when
I when I see people who just are you know, one little thing happens and it is explode, you know
It's like oh Okay There's to be discipline in all of our lives and I think in the way that we we think and how we react the world as well and You'll notice that Jesus' responses to these questions that are clearly these guys these guys aren't coming to him asking honestly
He knows that he knows what fills their hearts. He knows they're trying to trip him up and His responses are insightful straightforward.
They are I love it. You're wrong As You don't understand the scriptures are the power of God where I love it
Totally politically incorrect response, but that's how he responds.
That's how he he reacts to this and He's not he is totally in control of his emotions and his mind and of the situation and That's something we should be working toward as well in our in our own lives and so we have the story that's given
As I said, it's based upon the Leverett law in the Old Testament the idea that sense
Family offspring land ownership are all related to one another there in the promised land
That the having of a of a son to whom to pass on the land is extremely important if that doesn't happen then the land can start becoming aggregated in the possession of Just certain individuals and injustice takes place and so on and so forth and so you had the
Leverett law and you had seven brothers and I've often sort of Humorously pointed out that I don't know about you by about number brother three or four
I would have been heading out of town with Jonah You know, there's something something going on here, but it's obviously meant to be primarily hypothetical and The question is really meant to be an argumentum ad absurdum
Taking a concept out to its its logical But absurd conclusion as an argument against the thesis in the first place
The thesis here being that there is a resurrection And if there's a resurrection the hidden unspoken assumption, which
Jesus does deny in the in the argument is
See mr. C. I was listening. It's been a while, but I I enjoyed that logic class. I I Took logic from mr.
C. I didn't get a chance to take it in my undergraduate work So I took it afterwards and very very useful. I I still have the textbooks back.
I was looking at one yesterday interesting Anyway, there's a there's an Unstated assumption to the argument that Jesus is is going to bring out that is the assumption is well
You're married in this life then the same Relational filial relations that existed in this life will be transferred lock stock and barrel without change without amelioration without emendation into resurrection and Jesus does not allow this to stand
You see how clearly he refutes it in Luke 2034 the sons of this age
Mary are given in marriage But those who are kind of worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection of the dead now the
Mariner are given marriage so here you have one of those texts that introduces us to the
Eschatological phraseology that changed my eschatology I was raised as a
Dispensational premillennialist as most people in my background were having no idea what its history was and it was listening to an eschatology is
I Have tried to work up a Passion to study it and I can't
I have tried and tried and tried and I just can't there are just some things I just go
You know what I'm gonna leave that everybody else to fight about because I you know
Most folks find that far more interesting Than a lot of the things
I find interesting. Okay, you know, I mean I'm interested in Al -khimdi is apologetic against the early
Muslims. Okay, and most people most human beings in fact 99 .9998
% of all human beings on the planet Are not interested in something like that But a large much larger percentage are very interested in eschatology.
In fact, you know who's more interested in eschatology than Even the folks on the channel between 20 and 22
You know who's even more interested in eschatology the Muslims I didn't know this
I was at a scholarly confab a couple of years ago and they had a real big name in to To speak and one of the things he talked about really well -known world -class scholar on things
Islamic On things he talked about was Islamic eschatology and the fact that you can go to book bazaars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and places like that and you will just find rooms full of Islamic works on eschatology,
I mean Iran oh my goodness. That's what's scary about Iran. If you want to know what's really scary about Iran What's really scary about Iran is that Shiite eschatology?
makes How Lindsay look like he is a Valium addict?
Okay. I mean He is just Mellow, I mean he is he he's he's asleep in comparison to Shiite eschatology and these folks are looking for the
Mahdi and What's really scary is people like Ahmed it I've surely believe the
Mahdi is coming and the Mahdi is going to come with the world's most unstable and they're getting nuclear weapons Oh fun.
Oh Yee -haw. Oh good grief So that's that's that to me makes me go.
Yeah Lord come quickly But what what got me to To switch my eschatology to a nice you know people talk about on millennialists and there's the
Optimistic on millennialists and then there's the pessimistic on millennialists Now I've never met a single on millennialists that said yeah,
I'm a pessimistic on millennialist What do you expect somebody? Yeah, I'm pretty pessimistic myself.
I mean I might fit in that category in Scottish you know, so it's early, you know, it might work for me, but but What made me switch was a study of this phrase this age and the age to come
Because To be honest with you. Dem's the only age is there be in other words in Jesus's eschatology
There's this age and then there's some type of radical change and you've got the age to come and In this age, you've got the tares and the wheat and the church and you've got regular marriage situations age to come resurrect
Nope, not that It doesn't seem to be anything about the age come and then the little sort of mini age and then you know and then there's half of a mini age and Then there's a millennium and then there's finally
Not this is not there you've got the age needs come and that's it. It's just that straightforward and it was a
Lecture series by dr. Nichols back at the old Trinity Ministerial Academy that listen to that one.
I Think that man's got it. I Have no interest in arguing about with anybody but that is is what so what got to me was that very?
phraseology right there Matthew's version is much shorter for the resurrection and marrying or given in marriage, but are like Angels and heavens that's the presupposition.
Ah, mr. Callahan. I I don't think that That that is at all within the purview of what is being mentioned only because the point of Jesus's statement is to expose the false presupposition of their argument and that is a
Carrying over of of all the relationships we have in this life into the age to come
I would think that Luke 16 would be more relevant to that Because the rich man remembers his family relationships and still has feelings and emotions related to them
And Nothing is said about The nature of those who are in the age to come outside of this assertion
That they are Incorruptible they cannot die anymore They are equal or like to angels in heaven
And that's basically all that is said about that And then when it goes on to talk about the resurrection of the dead the focus is not upon the nature of the resurrection
But upon the fact that God is the God of living not of the god of the dead so I Can't see anything is there.
Have you read someone who has suggested? Okay? I don't see anything that is there that is that it would be relevant to what our
Nature is outside of What what we just mentioned right there? so I Do think we can learn however
And I know I've already covered 47 different topics. Yes, sir. I like father like son
Well, yeah, but that's the problem here That that's the problem here Because Since it says they neither marry nor are given in marriage the given in marriage would be the state of marriedness
Marriage is and I really hate to mention this to you right now brother given you're about to get married, but And I know that you know
I don't I do not Believe I personally and I can't prove this one way or the other
I Personally believe that our knowledge Will expand and increase in the age to come in the resurrection not decrease
So I cannot imagine a situation where I would not know my wife that she was my wife
But my understanding is that the
Since we are all united with Christ in the resurrection First and foremost our focus will be upon him and Our knowledge of him and our communion with him first and foremost
My understanding and I Will confess this is when you ask this question.
I have to sort of sit back and go You know I sometimes wonder where we get some of this sometimes
I think it's things you hear at funerals and stuff like that. I'm not These are things
I would never want to debate shall we say And have to try to prove these things But my understanding has always been that if our knowledge increases, then
I would know Those who were special to me in this life But since all the hindrances of sin and imperfection are removed
I Know that one of the things that binds me most closely to other people in this world is our
Common faith and love for Christ and so if in heaven all the hindrances that are removed that I can't imagine the the nature of The relationship that will be mine with all of the elect
Without Any of the the things that get in the way on any of the selfishness and and and everything else that that gets in the way
There would be no reason for jealousy, and there's no reason no reason for any of those things and so I Think the reason that you know we want to go.
Well. I'm really looking forward to being with my wife forever We don't I don't think we can even begin in this life to understand just how
Close and how pure the relationships That will be ours in any turn if you will be and I think that's that's why scripture
Doesn't really try to shed a lot of light on because I don't know that we can even begin to understand. I mean I Have not seen ereth not heard.
You know and I think part of it is just because You know it's it's it's
The glory of it But how can our words begin to express it? you know and so I Would be very surprised there isn't the knowledge of the relationships we had on earth
But I think any of that would pale in comparison to what what we what we've experienced there
Yeah, yeah, that's my understanding. I I would not wish to attempt to try to prove that in a debate type situation
But yeah definitely So the the point of Jesus response, and I knew as soon as I stopped there
I was not going to remember what I was about to say before and that's exactly how it's worked I even made a bookmark, but Unfortunately my my mental browser crashed and my bookmark file has become corrupted, and it's gone
And I my backups not working either so anyway So the argument that Jesus makes
Oh, I did remember it just takes a few moments of babbling and then it comes back. It's great. I do think we can learn from Jesus's form of argumentation here and You're not going to be surprised that what
I'm pointing out is the fact that Jesus analyzes The argument not that he probably hadn't heard it before I mean,
I'm certain he had probably walked by Various arguments in the street and Had heard this one before but he analyzes the arguments and he exposes the flawed foundation immediately now in Matthew he also starts that by saying you're wrong, which is great, but The the point is he he exposes the flawed presupposition and then speaks the truth showing the consistency of the truthful position and that is
I I'm not going to say that I heard someone speak on this passage, and I saw the way Jesus argues
And so that's all about so I did No, but that is how I seek to engage in debate and to respond to accusations that are made against me and against the faith is
You know, you know people sometimes wonder what are you doing when you're sitting there listening to? Your opponent speaking or it's during cross -examination and you're listening to you know
You're you're you're throwing a question. You only have you don't have any time. I mean in a debate
Dead air is is admission of not knowing what in the world you're talking about basically in most people's minds So, what are you doing during that time and For me when
I hear an argument like this It's almost a visual thing I don't know how to describe this but one but when
I hear an argument it's almost like I can see it and I can see what its constituent parts are and what the foundation is and I just have the ability to hear
What the unstated assumptions are? Now that ruins a lot of sermons to not around here, but Listening on on radio or something like that.
It there's a lot of sermons a lot of people go. Wow, that's great I'm just going really honestly didn't catch that, you know, so it runs a lot of that kind of stuff, but It is it is vitally important.
The Lord catches this and the first thing he corrects is The unstated false assumption that is marriage now
Carries over lock stock and barrel into the resurrection is that the resurrections just simply earthly life part two more light
Or something like that it's not and so he corrects that error and Then states
And as the resurrection dead have you not read was said you by God? I am the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and out of Jacob.
He is not the guy the dead of the living Now Luke gives us a specific reference to the
Moses text And most of you are aware that I have
So strongly emphasized this verse. That's why I'm not really strongly emphasizing it today Because most of you know this but I I've preached entire sermons.
I preached a Third of a sermon in Colorado on this very text just two weeks ago three weeks ago.
However long ago it was When I was up there and I emphasize the language and as the resurrection dead have you not read?
What was said to you by God? And normally when you say have you not read?
you would expect the next part of the sentence to be something along the lines of what was written or If it was what was said to you you would have to be did you not hear?
What was said to you? But that's not what's up. Have you not read?
What was said to you by God? Now I'm the God of Abraham the
God of Isaac. I did that's what that's what Yahweh says to Moses at the burning bush and so Jesus Places these words in history
God said these at a point in time in history to Moses so much for Moses being a
Allegory or anything else is so popular amongst people today. He places this in history and He says notice that Jesus says
The God says I am the God of Abraham the God of Isaac God Jacob Abraham Isaac and Jacob were dead at this point in history
And so if he is the God of those people then they haven't ceased to exist
God is not the God of the dead but of the living and so there is a resurrection.
Yes Right. Well, obviously he's not talking about the eschatological resurrection
But the fact that these individuals have not ceased to exist Some of the Sadducees felt that they just ceased to exist that they were the ancient equivalence of What groups do we have today?
There's all sorts different groups believe in soul sleep or annihilation or whatever else it is The fact that the point is that Abraham Isaac and Jacob are in the presence of God and they are going to continue in the presence of God and it wasn't so much that the
Sadducees did not feel that there was could be a day of judgment as They felt that it is not a a literal resurrection day that is going to be faced in in the future and so his point
Notice it says Luke where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and God of Jacob now
He's not God the dead but of the living for all live to him. So what does that mean?
Well, I don't think Jesus is trying to locate the resurrection in the past. That wouldn't make any sense What he's saying is all are alive to him there is a continuing existence of these individuals seen as well in the in the amount of transfiguration and Therefore what is resurrection?
Well, like I said, what is resurrection? It's the joining of the spirit of the body. So they're there. Yeah Well that the problem is they don't believe they don't believe in anastasis because what is what is anastasis
They believe in a recreation based upon The accuracy of the memories of God, but there's no meaningful connection between what was and what is
Anastasis that which died coming to life again, not that which died being remembered by God and recreated in the future point
I mean, there's no there's no Jew Orthodox or unorthodox
Who would use the term anastasis at that time but would ever come up with what Jehovah's Witnesses have come up with in regards to that So much so than regards resurrection of Christ as you may know
Some of them even speculated that Jesus' body is Was dissolved into gases or is kept as a memorial someplace in the universe to Jehovah's love or something like that but that's not what a resurrection meant and That that's clearly seen as seen in Acts chapter 17
Because when did the when did the Greeks immediately Reject what Paul was saying as soon as he talked about the resurrection of the dead.
They were duelists Salvation was being freed from this physical body not getting back into it.
So But that's actually a good good question Because the point here is not the resurrections in the past But to the fact that those who have died are alive in God's sight guarantees that there will be a
Rejoining of that spiritual entity with a physical body, which is the only meaning resurrection could possibly have
And so that's a that's a good thing to point out So I'll have a few more comments and make a note few more comments at end of section 281
But you're gonna have to make sure to you know, be here right? It's a start there. I will by next week
I will have been to so many different websites. I won't have any earthly idea that I've even been here. So We will pick up with with that next
Lord's Day Let's close the word of prayer our gracious heavenly father.
We do. Thank you for this tremendous text and we do ask that you would write upon our hearts your truth and we would rejoice in the hope of the resurrection that we know that all are living in your sight that you are the
One who has made us alive and you're the one who sustains us and you are the one that we look forward to spending eternity with And so we ask that you would cause that to be a great
Motivation in our lives that we would not live for the things of this earth, but live For your honor and your glory be with us now as we go into worship