False Teachers (08/11/2002)


Pastor David Mitchell


Now that you're in Jude turn to Romans chapter 3 verse 1. Stay in Jude though Reagan give me just a little bit more light
Romans chapter 3 let's read verses 1 through 3. We're really on verse 3 today
But we're primarily going to continue looking at a parallel passage in the book of Jude So follow me here in Romans chapter 3 verse 1 what advantage then hath the
Jew or what profit is there in? circumcision Well much in every way chiefly
Because that unto them was committed the oracles of God The word oracle as we've studied in the past means written words of God With the emphasis on the written part.
That's what we call the scriptures the written Word of God The Bible says that if the
Jew had an advantage it was in this chiefly that he had the written Word of God and the
Gentile did not in the Old Testament days and So we've kind of made an application of that for our time that those churches today
Which have the Word of God and use the Word of God and stand upon the written Word of God as the authority for life and practice
Have an advantage over those who don't their churches all around us that are Diminishing the value of the written word and they are augmenting the value of other things.
They're trying to find new things They're trying to have all kinds of Prophetic statements made by people who claim to be prophets and yet they don't honor the
Word of God as much Because they diminish it by saying that is not sufficient But it is sufficient.
You don't believe it read Psalm 119 word for word sometimes and you'll see that the
Word of God is sufficient for all the needs of God's people well now
We come on past this verse where it talks about That the Jew had an advantage because the written word and then look at verse 3
But what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God?
without effect Remember last Sunday, we talked about this little phrase the faith see where it says the faith of God It's a little word formula when you see the phrase the faith
It means the belief system of biblical Christianity doesn't mean just saving faith
It means the whole belief system of biblical Christianity. It means what we're supposed to be doing as a church
It means what the new early church did in the book of Acts when you look at their practices and their faith
They came together and they studied the scriptures. They studied doctrine. They broke bread
They fellowship and they prayed and they witnessed and it was a simple faith
It was a simple operation and that's what they did. And that's what the Bible called the faith
Now verse 3 says well what happens if you have some that don't believe it works that way
Is that going to make the faith now? Once again, it doesn't mean God has faith here
It obviously where it says the faith of God is not talking about God's faith It's talking about the faith the belief system
God's New Testament Christianity Is it going to make it without effect the phrase the word without effect?
Or the word effect there means to make it or render it entirely idle or useless
So the question is asked can these who don't believe in biblical doctrine and biblical methods
Render God's faith belief system useless and the implied answer is of course not because God is in control and God always has a remnant of people that believe in the word and It go by the written
Word of God has been given to us So this is kind of what we talked about last time now go in the book of Jude And last time we started with verse 3
And we began to see that God started this passage out Telling us that there are those who don't believe
And he gives us some symptoms to look for in these kinds of people Now we're going to review but really the message is today is the end of the passage
Where it talks about the good things that God's true people are supposed to be doing the fruits of the truth
If we focus on the fruits of the truth will be well off But God also lets us take a look at the false fruits of the false prophet in this book of Jude It's one of the most powerful passages in the whole
Word of God about false prophets And it puts them in the context of the New Testament Church in the end times
Which is where we are There may not be a book that is more useful in the New Testament to those of us who live in these last days with Regard to spotting those who sneak in among us to teach false things than this book
Now let's review just a little bit from last time starting with verse 3 look there. It says beloved When I gave all diligence to write unto you the common salvation
There's another phrase that means the faith the common faith Christian faith as it was laid down by Jesus and the apostles and the
New Testament prophets It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for Delicate your phrase the faith
The faith which was once delivered. We're going to study that phrase if we get to it today
I thought we'd get to it last time and we didn't but when we get to this phrase once delivered into the Saints You're going to find something very interesting.
That's very useful For us today in these last days But we're going to have to contend for the faith that means to struggle for it
There's going to be an all -out struggle for the true Christian faith in the end time now
Jesus told an interesting parable. He told a parable once where he said that's like that the
Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed When you plant it, he said and it became a huge tree.
Well mustard plants don't do that so that's abnormal unnatural growth and it said when this becomes a
Large tree that black birds will come and lodge in it and those black birds represent false teachers false people tears
They've come in secretly among the wheat But especially it pictures the false teachers and so it also pictures abnormal growth of the church numerically
And the reason for that is because when you put the black birds in the tree it feeds on itself
They began to teach and preach the things that people want to hear so even lost people will come to church
They'll come to see the show They'll come to see the play many churches are doing plays instead of preaching now
They'll come to hear the music They'll come to see what's going on. And then the preaching has to do with the success of the
Christian Well, who doesn't want to know how to be a successful person? So the tears love that as much as the wheat loves that and so the church grows to 4 ,000 5 ,000 10 ,000
That growth is not bad I'm not saying that there are a few churches that have five and six thousand people where the word is preached as it should
But many of the churches that have five and ten thousand It's because you have a lot of tears and this is pictured by this mustard tree being a huge tree when it really should be a little bush
It shouldn't even be big enough for black birds to lodge in But that's the way it is going to be in the end times
Jesus said so so in Jude 3 it begins to talk about this and it says there's going to be a struggle in the end
Time for the faith for the common salvation for the faith that was once delivered unto the
Saints For there are certain men crept in unawares that word unaware. You should underline that because that is so key
If it says they creep in unawares, that means we don't know it when they creep in Now many of us think we would know it
We think we're smart enough and discerning enough to know it but the best of us can be fooled for a little while not forever
But for a little while by a false teacher Because what happens is we begin to lay down this
Word of God in the book of Jude Against the person and it will eventually expose the person if it doesn't just out and out run them all
Many times the true word if you preach about God if you teach about God himself The person of God the person in works of Jesus Christ Who was all of the fullness of the
Godhead bodily and you preach about him enough tears wither away Have you ever had a yard that had a lot of weeds in it?
And you start putting fertilizer on that grass a little bit of dried Grass and a lot of weeds and you put fertilizer and you start to water it and you get that fertilizer down in there
What happens over time? Well the same thing that feeds the good grass kills the weeds
It's just the way it is God made it that way as a beautiful illustration for us to see how it is
So if you put this out enough in your life and in your church The tears eventually say, you know,
I think I'll go find a success preaching church Whether where they're not preaching about God and I can grow a little bit more successfully there
And so it says that we're gonna have this struggle verse 4 says for there are certain men crypt crept in unaware that's how they show up when they start and then they begin to be
Devolved to us slowly by the Lord and by his word over time He's not going to make it where we can't see who they are over time but who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of God into lasciviousness and Denying the only
Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ lasciviousness Literally means a disregard of sexual restraints or a disregard of any type of strict rules or correctness
So you see many of these false prophets will get into sexual sin and it will eventually be exposed
You will see it. Now. The sad thing is in the in the last days church we've been taught that God is loved so much and They God loves everyone so much that we want to open our arms to the fornicators the fornicating preachers and say well
We forgive you God forgives like he did David Come on back in and you can continue to preach the problem is that they never show you is that David was not a pastor
David was a king and In the New Testament the Word of God makes it very clear that to be an elder of a church to be a pastor
You must be without you you must be a person who has one wife and who raises his children well and It never says well if they're a fornicator you can forgive them and bring them back in as a pastor
It does say you can forgive them and bring them back in they can do many things in the church if they get right with God But they can't do one thing and that is be the pastor
And I don't think that they should be a Bible teacher So Yet today everything goes even in the church but the
Word of God says that these people tend towards lasciviousness and Then it says that they are dreamers
You see that They are dreamers Denying God denying the
Lord Jesus Christ verse 8 likewise also So these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion speak evil of dignity
We talked last time first of all their people who have dreams and claim that God is speaking to them through these dreams
Whereas Hebrew chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 says very clearly that that's how God spoke in the former days
And then there's the word but which means there's a change There's a dispensational change between the
Old Testament and the New and in these latter days Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 Says very clearly
God has already spoken to us by his son His son his son spoke to us when he was here and he spoke to us through his apostles after he left and he gave
The New Testament through the Apostles after he left and that is how God has spoken unto us now
And so those who are filthy dreamers the word filthy here just connotes the fact that they tell you
God said It but God didn't say it that makes it a filthy dream It's only a filthy dream because they're saying
God told me in a vision this but God didn't tell him that Because God told him in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 and the written word that he doesn't speak through Prophets and prophetic dreams anymore.
He speaks through the written words of the Lord Jesus Christ Who by the way is the full and final revelation of God if you cannot see
God in Jesus Christ You cannot see God if you can't know God in Jesus Christ.
You can't know God Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life
I got him backwards, but that's what he is the the only You can't know
God except by Jesus. Jesus is the full Final revelation and that's why we have a canon.
We have a back page on our Bible Certainly to the end of this age I can say with confidence to the end of this day.
There will be no more scripture added that's why the last book the Bible says don't add to or take away from the word of this prophecy and if you do there'll be a curse upon you and So the written word apparently is sufficient because it's all
God's given it along with his Holy Spirit to interpret it and teach it to us But when you have the
Word of God here and you have the author of it here. What more do you need? Where are you going to learn something else?
Be careful because where you may learn something else is from a false Spirit or a different spirit or even a different Jesus is the
Word of God said If people create different Jesus And so we see all these things happening, isn't it interesting that it says
I believe it is in verse 8 here where it says that they They have a problem with dignity see that at the end of verse 8 they despise dominion and speak evil of dignity
Now, I don't like the Old Testament words They're a whole lot because it's that we think of Hollywood when we think of the dignitaries or maybe we think of the government
A senator or the president that's not what this means. What this literally means is that God has placed people in the church
Elders who are to rule the church and have authority in the church God gives them a gift to do that and he gives them the calling to do that.
Sometimes it's one person Sometimes as the church matures and grows larger, they'll have a plurality of elders
There'll be more than one elder But God places them there and they have dominion in the sense that they have authority in the church that is delegated to them
By Jesus Christ who is the head of the church? That's the only reason they have it Jesus delegated it to them
But these filthy dreamers these false people always will turn a nose up at any kind of authority and where it says
Dignity's it's the word doc saw in the Greek language and it literally means an appearance commanding respect or Excellence because of a person's life spent in the study of the written
Word of God and in his walk He leads by example and he leads by study and by prayer and a false prophet will never give any any attention to any kind of dignity or any kind of authority in the church and And they will just slough it off as if it doesn't matter and they'll really play on the side that we're all just children of God We're all equal
There's a sense in which that's true. But there's a sense in which it's not true. Doesn't the scripture say that with God?
There's neither male nor female Doesn't say that Okay. Well, we know it must be true if it says it but there's also a place where it says that the husband is
The Lord over the wife Doesn't it say that also so you got to fit those together somehow, so how do we do that?
Well, we know that spiritually in the spiritual realm as children of God The male and the female are the same their spirituality is not determined by whether they're male or female
They are equal before God But in this world because of sin because of the fall
There has to be authority structure and God places the man over the woman in authority in the home Same is true in the church in the church.
We're all equal. There's not clergy and laity With regard to our spirituality.
I don't have any more approach to God than you do nor any less When you come to me and say brother
Mitchell pray for this. I know that that means as a brother pray with me
Surely, it doesn't mean pray on my behalf because you're closer to God than I am. It can't mean that So as brothers
There's neither laity nor clergy, but with regard to authority in the church. There is a pastor and then there are the people
You see both are true at the same time well a false teacher will always stress the equal part and he won't like the fact that God has placed a man in a church as the leader and Gifted in and put his hand on him and anointed him and he's there for a reason and they'll come in and they'll try to Take that position or take other positions or equalize that ground where they can lift themselves up and get in control somehow
They never have any respect for any kind of authority Even though God's already placed it there long before they came so that is a sign to watching people
You watch somebody wants to rise up quickly Wants to be up in front quickly and they don't have humility in their life
And they're gonna get up and teach you things that even the pastor doesn't know And make sure you know that he didn't know it
So that he can level that pastor a little bit and get up there. You got to watch those kind of people
That's that is exactly what it's talking about here. Likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh they despise dominion and speak evil of Dignitaries or dignities those whose
God is placed in the leadership in the church. They don't like them because they kind of get in the way Sometimes they get in the way, especially if they're trying to bring in false doctrine
God has placed the leadership there to stop that And to keep good doctrine going for the next generation
So we see these things now drop down to verse 10, but these speak evil of things which they know not
But what they know naturally is brute brute beast and those things they corrupt themselves.
So all they have is natural knowledge They don't have any spiritual knowledge Woe unto them for they have gone
In the way of Cain they have run greedily after the heir of Balaam for reward and perished in the game thing
Of course, this gives us three great attributes of the false teacher First of all Cain is a picture of a man who wants to worship
God man's way rather than God's way Well humans have that trait
That's why the modern church today invents all new ways to worship God it's never been done that way before and invent new ways to do it and it
Usually tends towards a fleshly way a way that really lifts up the flesh and is enjoyable and feels really good
And as my dear mentor, dr. Rocky Freeman used to say people today don't even know the difference between their soul and their spirit
And they get into the soul and they think they're being spiritual Well, let me tell you the soul can go just as carnal as it can go spiritual because it's the interface between the flesh and the
Spirit it's the thing that connects the two And just because you're feeling good and you got great feelings and your soul is happy doesn't mean you're spiritual
It might mean you're spiritual Because it originates from the Lord to your spirit to your soul and comes down that way then it is spiritual
And you still can have feelings. Here's where the Baptists are so wrong in these latter days. They think feelings are fleshly
They're not fleshly if they start from the top and come down But many churches today it starts at the bottom and tries to go up and never gets there
It just starts out with a great drumbeat, baby And gets that flesh moving gets it all going we're gonna find
God somehow that way, you know It didn't work very well when Moses was coming down from the mountain. He said I hear a noise as a battle
No, I'm afraid it's not battle. It's a party And they were playing wild music and dance dancing naked and worshiping false gods right there in God's camp
That's what happens if you start at the bottom and you try to work up towards God. It doesn't work that way There is no stairway to heaven
There's no way there's only a door and it's Jesus And it's his way and it's the way that God is laid out in the scriptures
Not only doctrine but practice and methods how to have a New Testament church is all right here
And so it's strongly implied how not to have one if we know how to have one Well, this gives us a little information on how not to have one.
First of all, don't be like King Don't try to worship God bands way Find out how the people of God have worshipped
God through the ages and worship that way. Why is it? Let me tell you another trait It goes in with this dignitary thing that they don't like dominion, you know, what else that means
They don't like to go back a hundred years ago and read books about what Saints said. God was like and church was like You know why they don't like to do that because it exposes that they're worldly and modern
And I use the word modern in the negative sense. They have moved away from Bible methodology They won't go back and read those they'd rather go down to the
Christian bookstore and read all the new stuff that's out there Most of the mentors that I've had in my life that impressed me enough where I wanted to be their disciple
They read books mostly 50 years old and older. I mean there are a few good ones out today
There are but most of the best rich books were written at least 50 years ago
And you'll find if you go back that far It really doesn't matter a whole lot whether you're reading a book by Methodist the Baptist the
Presbyterian or a Lutheran scholar They all believe one thing in common This is the very
Word of God and that's where the difference is today Everybody has a different belief about this.
It all comes back to this this whole sermon. We're talking about God is truth It's the whole overall lesson.
We've been talking about for weeks now. God is truth How does he reveal himself in the written word as true and how important is the written word?
It's being diminished every day in our churches Only thing they know is what they know naturally woe unto them they have the way of Cain they want to do it man's way
They want to figure out a way to worship God because it's more fun to them that way, but you know what? the true we
Doesn't get anything out of that and he goes home and he gets weaker and he doesn't grow because the Word of God is not emphasized
It doesn't matter how much music we bring in and praise singing and hymns and old songs and new songs and spiritual songs
All of that is wonderful and it's wonderful to worship God and to praise God But if you do not emphasize the word the written word as the main part of the worship service, you're all
You're all faith because let me ask you this Is it more important in your conversation with God that he hear what you have to say or that you hear what he has to say?
Are you with me when you pray when you pray when you worship when you thank him
He's hearing what you have to say and it's very much a part of it's very important of any relationship that both
Communicate very important. Well, what's more important than that? That we hear what he says and where are you going to hear it today?
You're going to hear it through prophecy or through a word of wisdom or word of knowledge like all these people are telling you Are you going to hear it from his word as the
Holy Spirit teaches it to you? He once spoke through prophets, but in these last days he has
Spoken that puts a back page on it. Ladies and gentlemen half spoken. Look at the grammar the tenses past tense
He had spoken to us in his son If you if you want to have a healthy relationship with God focus on what he has to say to you
And he'll tell it to you through his word as the Holy Spirit brings out the different colors and the different applications of it in your personal life
So woe to those who are like Cain and want to worship God God a man's way leave the word of God out
But all the fleshly things they can find in and draw a big crowd and then secondly Woe to those who are like Balaam Balaam is the perfect example of a hireling preacher
He preached for money Ray Marchant man who worked in my company very talented man who actually produced her
Regis and Kathie Lee show and he did his Credentials are incredible, but he was going to a huge church in Dallas I don't know five thousand or six seven eight thousand in attendance and he left that church and and his wife was the secretary one of the top secretaries of the staff there and they left
And it was because they found out that the pastor wasn't living what he was preaching
He took money from the church and he went and built a 1 .6 million dollar house He moved out of his five hundred thousand dollar house in a nice neighborhood race all he knew all these things
He went into this home and so forth and then began to preach strange doctrines, which is really the reason they left
They you know, they noticed the house, but they thought well, okay but when he began to Preach as he did at Christmas time and he says now let's have everyone come up one at a time and prophesy what
God's going to do for you this year and Raise it and you're going okay.
Let me find that right quick He searched and he searched and he couldn't find that in here So he left and went to a little church that has about 70 members and where the man preaches the word
And I said good for you, right? You did the right thing Why because the hireling prophet does not care for the sheep, you know, what doesn't even matter how much you paying
And that wolf comes when that lion comes and grabs one of those sheep. You think he's gonna give his life
To save that one sheep. Oh But you know what if he owns the sheep he does and that's why
Jesus is the good shepherd And that's why the preachers ought to only be called by Jesus in place in that place and they ought not be doing it for money
Because if they are they're gonna let the wolf get the sheep every time if they're there because they love the sheep
Because Jesus put that love in their heart. They're gonna fight the wolf. They're gonna fight the line They're gonna try to help the sheep
So don't bring in a Balaam and then lastly for which is Cora in the Old Testament He conspired with Dathan and Abiram against Moses.
That's the old trait you see where they didn't like the minions and dignitaries They didn't like the fact that God had set up a leadership in Moses and Aaron They said hey, we're equal with you share some of your leadership and God in one day swallowed them and their whole families up destroyed all the people that followed them by fire and then the people gripe said
Moses and Aaron God killed him because of you and Then God killed what? 14 ,700 of those people
God believes in leadership in this sinful world We have to have it and God is the one who puts it there
So when you fight against it you fight against God and that's what these things are teaching It goes on in verse 12 says these are spots in your feast of love
Verse 16 says they're murmurs and complainers Verse 17 says they use big swollen words to teach what they're going to teach
But it also says that the Apostles themselves Said that these people will be mockers that they will actually jeer and deride those who are teaching the truth
They'll make fun of them say you ain't got it all you ever heard that one. You don't have it all And then it says verse 19.
They separate themselves not having the spirit They'll they usually go off after a while and do their own thing
Try to bring in a bunch of babies who don't know anything and train them their way Because they know they can't get through the leadership in a solid church
Now I can go back 22 years of history in this church and see that happen time and time and time again
That pretty well lays it down it goes down into verse 20 and it says but Ye beloved building up yourselves in the most holy faith.
There's our phrase again the faith praying in the Holy Ghost Here's where we begin to talk about the good traits of the truth
Now let's look at them go back up go back up to verse one for me
We won't make it through these today, but we'll start Let's shift gears now
We'll pick back up there in verse 20 But I want to go back and draw some points from the earlier verses because we will look at the positive side now
We look at the negative side look at the positive side Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the
Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called I want to tell you what's interesting about this passage you study the passage
The first thing you're going to see the obvious thing you're going to see is all of the signs of a false teacher
It says they're like dark clouds that come over, but there's no water in them And it goes off and says they were created for the blackness of darkness forever.
They're going to go to hell God created them for the purpose of teaching false prophecy now you won't hear that preaching a lot of places day
But that's what Jude says Why does God do that because God says before Jesus comes back there must be a great
Apostasy or falling away and it's these false prophets who will lead that apostasy and it must come to pass
All things are of God God is sovereign. He's the sovereign of the universe So it shouldn't surprise us when he says he created these are created
Clouds they are without water carried about winds trees whose fruit withered without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots
Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness
Forever shouldn't surprise us first 13 and that's what we see when we first read this little book
But if you come back and start with verse 1 all of a sudden you'll see that intermingled with all of this warning against the false prophet is given the most beautiful picture of how the church ought to be and some of the doctrines of the
Church in this one little book verse 1 alone is amazing I mean, it's got it's got at least five or six points that the true church will have unlike what the false doctrine is
Of these false prophets. So look at it Jude the servant of Jesus Christ You realize that that is a subtle teaching of the lordship of Christ the servant
Do you know what one of the greatest false teachings of the 70s and 80s going into the 90s has been in the church?
That you just believe you just believe and you're saved and then later on in your life you can make him your
Lord I mean if you've heard a preacher say that raise your hand I want to see if you've ever heard that talk you get saved and then later on I made him my lord
Did you know that's impossible? Because you cannot be saved except by the Lord Jesus Christ.
I mean, that's who he is He is the Lord now what can happen is you can be saved by another Jesus. I say saved it's not true salvation
You can be saved by another Jesus one that you create in your own mind Now that Jesus is really easy because what happens?
He's one who just loves everybody and you just say dear Jesus come a heart and say me Amen, and you go live your life like you want to anyway
That's the invented Jesus that much of America worships today But the biblical Jesus the one of the
Bible is the Lord and he is a Jesus who the minute you receive him He'll deal with your life
He's a part of your life. In fact, he's the ruler of it and you are the servant. He's the ruler
He's on the throne of your life and your life is ever changed So it's a false doctrine to teach later.
You can make him your Lord. You're not saved Yeah Maybe maybe you might could if by the grace of God If God moved in on you and drew him to the
Lord Jesus and you really got saved Yeah, you make him Lord later But doesn't mean you got saved here and you made him
Lord out here if he's not your Lord today Ladies and gentlemen, let me ask you to do something. Please examine your salvation
It is false and you probably got it from a false teacher who told you what just pray this look here
Jesus Hallelujah brother now, let's get baptized and then he put that little mark on his on his
Polster and he got one And you go off you wonder why you don't have any any deliverance from any sin
You don't have any power to live a pure life You just go and you do the same sins you find yourself doing the same sin over and over again
You know why because salvation is not real in your life because you never received the Lord Jesus you received the happy American Jesus the blonde one with the blue eyes and He can't save you.
You just make you feel better. That's all make you feel better The true Jesus will immediately begin to change you.
It won't all go away at once We have sin habits to take a while sometime, but you will immediately Be a changed person
And you know what he'll set you free from every lesser Lord you ever had and you'll have deliverance in your life with the true
Jesus But these people don't believe in it, but the true church does Jude the servant. You see that word servant of Jesus Christ he believed in the
Lordship of Jesus Christ not just believing in but he is my Lord Secondly, it says and brother of James Now to them that are sanctified by God the
Father so we see this concept of sanctification taught in the early church What a sanctification mean?
Well, let me tell you something. There are two types taught in the Bible one we call positional one we call experiential
Positional means that the moment you're born again, you are sanctified which means you're set apart from the world unto
God's use and purposes you become a a holy thing you're brought out from the world and the worldly people and set over in a group of God's people and You are sanctified because of the presence of God in your life.
That's what happens It's what causes you to be set apart for God It happens at the moment of salvation and it's all done by the work of the
Lord Jesus Christ It's done by finished work that he did on the cross And God as he infuses faith into your heart by the
Holy Spirit and you turn to him as Paul did that first time It's in the Lord Never said that before You see you're recognizing the
Lordship of Christ because you have faith all of a sudden it is the faith that saved you But you don't have the faith is not real if it doesn't immediately recognize this
Lordship Lord I'm not my boss anymore. I didn't do a good job anyway
Where would you leave me the rest of my life every day now that salvation, you know, you got it when that happens
And there's no prayer formula. I can give you to cause that to happen. It has to come from your heart
It's the thing between God and you But this idea of sanctification starts at that moment
At the moment of salvation you are a different part from God who you are sanctified
It means you're totally set apart from the whole world at that point now Then there's this experiential teaching in the
Bible where it says yes, that's true that position because we are now a child of God We are sanctified.
There's also the teaching that we are still being sanctified by the present work of Jesus You see his past work on the cross set us apart at the moment of our salvation
We are truly set apart, but he's not in the grave still is he? He's at the right hand of the
Father on our behalf and he is working in our lives every day by the Holy Spirit Continuing to set us apart and Make us different and take to remove the sin the old sin habits to get them out and to bring us into habits of Walking with the
Lord. This is sanctification. It was a strong doctrine in the early church. You know, it's a very weak doctrine in the modern church
Modern church doesn't much care how you look how you speak How you walk?
You know, it's all on the inside. Well, you know what the positional part is But did you know the experiential part shows as you grow in the
Lord it will show The world will see it In fact, you'll be the first person
I come to when they get in trouble If you're sanctified if God's working in your life and you're growing they're gonna come to you.
How do they do that? They used to know you as a sinner when you before you were saved They knew you and now they've watched you and they stayed away from me
They kept the business because they don't like the new you they like the old you so they stay away Then when they get in trouble, they come to you.
How come they see a new you they see God has worked in your life It offended them until they need something from God.
I think they can get it from you They think you're their priest and in a sense you are In a sense, you're a believer priest and you're the witness to them
You already have with your life This sanctification is so important and yet it is removed as a doctrine in the church today
The only thing that matters they well what you are on the inside, you know, God be no judge. Don't judge anything Don't let's don't discern anything.
Everything's okay. Just love everybody. I Know a church in Waco had a homosexual pastor
Baptist Church Southern Baptist Church homosexual pastor for About 15 years and for five of those years
They knew he was one because he got up and cried and admitted it and they put their arms around said well
We still wanted to be our pastor. He said, okay, I won't do it anymore. Well, guess what you did And they just kept me
Finally they got rid of There's too much damage No sanctification sanctification didn't matter.
It's not a part of the modern church as part of the early church Sanctified by God, you know the early church you teach that it was
God that made this stuff happen Not man. What do we teach in the modern church man makes all the stuff happen. I Mean if we it's up to us to get everything done and we're gonna send thousands to hell if we don't go witness
You know God never said that in the Bible The Bible says they're sanctified by whom?
God the Father and preserved Did you know the early church believed in the eternal security of the believer?
They didn't call it that but they believed that once you became a child of God you couldn't lose your salvation
But there are many groups today in these end times to teach how you can lose it But if you come back put money in the tithe place you can get it back
It's a doctrine if you want to build a big church But it's it's a lot in fact in Hebrews chapter 6 verses 1 through 6
It teaches very plainly that if you could lose your salvation You could never get it back again because you'd have to re -crucify
Jesus and put him to open shame, which is last to me So if they're gonna teach you can lose your salvation fine
But don't teach you can come back in and get it again, which they all universally teach that The fact is you cannot lose your salvation because you didn't do your salvation to yourself.
Anyway, God did God saved you. It was a miracle He gave you his divine nature when you got saved your want to is changed.
You don't want to be like an old pig anymore You're sheep You can't change that You can't change that anymore.
You need to determine who your parents are How many of you let me ask you some of your children in here look at me children and you younger one
Can you decide right now who you'd be your parents? Why not? Might tell me why can't you?
That's right God picked them. You know what you can't decide who your eternal parent is either.
He picked you You're his So if he did the picking he's not gonna throw you away
How would it be like in the natural world if parents said well you disobeyed me today I'm just gonna kick you across the street and Ivan Jackson can raise you
Jenny just going across the street over there to Jackson But right you're their child now That's not what parents do.
That's not what God does either but it's taught in the Church of Christ It's taught in the Methodist Church Church of Christ some of the
Pentecostal churches today teach you that God does that he did if you sin You surprise God Well, God doesn't know much then, you know when he picked you he didn't know you were gonna sin again, did he?
When he picked me he knew I don't know about you, but he knew but he picked me. Anyway, he picked you
You're his child Obedience does not cause childhood parenthood
It's just a result of good parenting. This is not what makes you be the child and it's not in the spiritual world either
So it says we're preserved in Christ you're preserved you can't be lost once you're saved you cannot but the modern church teaches you can
If they teach you you can lose it if you don't time then you're gonna die If you can lose it in the
Church Christ teaches if you don't attend church service regularly, you can lose your salvation big nice crowd
I Mean you folks would fish a whole lot less on Sunday morning if we talk that around here, but then we'd have to yeah
But you can come on back next week and you'll be alright again. It's all a lie. It's all ridiculous The Bible teaches we're preserved in Jesus Christ.
Look at a little phrase in Christ Jesus Don't you wish there weren't so much in this one verse we've eaten chicken already
There's one verse we got the whole chapter to go but not this morning One verse preserved in Christ, you know what in Christ Jesus teaches the baptism of the
Holy Spirit You know what? One of the greatest missed teachings today the false teachings of the day is this baptism of the
Holy Spirit thing? Well, have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? Well, if I'm saved I have been
Brother Rick, have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit today? I Hope you got baptized in the
Holy Spirit already because it means you're already saved if you did because the baptism of the Holy Spirit That's taught in the
Bible means something that is done to you It's in the passive tense, which means you don't do it yourself
God does it to you and the Holy Spirit places you within the body of Christ at the moment of salvation read
Ephesians chapter 1 If you don't believe it It's throughout the Bible But Ephesians chapter 1 is particularly clear that at the moment of salvation you are baptized the word baptized simply means immersed in Or placed into just don't even use the word baptized.
It's confusing. Just say placed into that's what the Greek word means So at the moment of salvation you are placed into Christ's body by the
Holy Spirit. You're made part of him That's the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You're not saved if you haven't had that and by the way
It's not something you can go get again or do again. It's once and forever Now you can be filled with the
Holy Spirit and the book of Ephesians says be filled with the Spirit You're commanded to do that.
That's not the same as the baptism And now all that terminology has been changed You can read book after book about have you had the baptism of Holy Spirit what they really mean is dear heart is they mean?
Have you are you spirit filled but they don't know how to talk because they're not in the word They've been reading books more than they've been reading the book you go down to the bookstore
You get awfully confused today. You get all this weird jargon and terminology That's not even in the
Bible that Jesus never used neither did the Apostle So look what it says preserved in Christ You are baptized into Christ at the moment of your salvation and preserved in him until he comes again
New Testament doctrine And lastly it says and called did you know they believe in the doctrine of election?
They believe that God is the one who did the calling they were not our minions They weren't
Calvinist either they hadn't existed yet, but the doctrines that Calvin taught
Where he said that God is the sovereign God and God is the one who reaches down and calls you into his family is true
And it was taught in the early church, and it says right here Not only was I preserved in Christ, but I was called that's how
I got here He called me out just like Paul on the road to Damascus. That's how you got saved
Here today The fact that you're worried about it is a good sign
It's the Holy Spirit drawing He doesn't even begin to draw people who aren't going to be
So respond on back if you sense him calling on back see
You know that once you do that The thing in the heart and say Lord, I do receive you
I've been a terrible boss. I've been a terrible master I've lived enough life to know it's not right for me to lead my life.
I want you to do it I receive you as my Lord and Savior at that moment. You're preserved. You're baptized immersed into his body
You're part of his him. You're part of him and part of his and you're preserved there in Christ because All of these were taught just in verse one
So let's stand and pray and be thankful that I'm only teaching verse one We'll go to verse two next week the
Lord willing Father we thank you so much for your word There's just so much there that we don't have time to even get beyond the surface sometimes and it grieves our hearts
We wish that that our physical bodies could endure More study. We know there'll be a day someday in the heavenlies when we sit at the feet of Jesus and for all eternity
Can we talk things without growing weary? But our hearts don't grow weary. It's food for our soul for our spirit and we grow strong And we thank you for that.
We ask you to bless miss June today and Ruth today and and others father
Burgess sister and father. We pray you would bring Her eyes to be open to spiritual things through all this that's happening to Susie And work in her life
We know you are We ask you to go with us into our fellowship time today and bless our meal together in our evening services