On Mt. Moriah it WAS Provided!

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Date: 1st Sunday in Lent Text: Genesis 22:1-18 www.kongsvingerchurch.org If you would like to be on Kongsvinger’s e-mailing list to receive information on how to attend all of our ONLINE discipleship and fellowship opportunities, please email [email protected]. Being on the e-mailing list will also give you access to fellowship time on Sunday mornings as well as Sunday morning Bible study.


Welcome to the teaching ministry of Kungsvinger Lutheran Church Kungsvinger is a beacon for the gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of northwestern,
Minnesota We proclaim Christ and him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone
And now here's a message from Pastor Chris Roseberg Okay, first reading is from Genesis chapter 22 verses 1 through 18
After these things God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said here I am
He said take your son your only son Isaac Whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which
I shall tell you so Abraham rose early in the morning saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and his son
Isaac and He cut wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him on The third day
Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar Then Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey
I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on his on Isaac his son
And he took in his hand the fire and the knife So they went both of them together and Isaac said to his father
Abraham my father and he said here I am my son He said behold the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
Abraham said God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering my son so they went both of them together when they came to the place of which
God had told him Abraham built the altar there and Laid the wood in order and bound
Isaac his son and laid him on the altar on top of the wood Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son
But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said Abraham Abraham And he said here
I am he said do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him for now I know that you fear
God seeing you have not withheld your son your only son from me
And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him was a ram Caught in a thicket by its horns and Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son
So Abraham called the name of that place the Lord will provide as It is said to this day on the
Mount of the Lord. It shall be provided and The angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven and said
By myself. I have sworn declares the Lord because you have done this and have not withheld your son your only son
I will surely bless you And I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore
And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies and then your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed
Because you have obeyed my voice. This is the word of the Lord in the name of Jesus So what are we to make of this
Old Testament text? have any of you ever read that text and go what is God up to asking
Abraham to offer and Sacrifice his own son. What kind of God are we believing in?
It's a little bit troubling and a little wee bit disturbing if you think about it but the reality is is that there's a lot more going on in our
Old Testament text than meets the eye and in order to Understand what's going on in our
Old Testament text? We need to do a little bit of a Bible study if you would on Mount Moriah itself
And so I'm gonna have you turn with me to first Chronicles chapter 21 in your pew
Bibles And we're going to read an account that may not appear at first to be related to Genesis 22
But it has everything to do with Genesis 22, and I think you'll see it as the story
Unfolds, let me give you a little bit of the context here in first Chronicles 21 King David is now well advanced in years.
In fact, he's getting ready to wind up his life and Sleep with his father's in Sheol as the way the
Hebrews would discuss it and talk about it and he wants things to be properly in order for his son
Solomon to take the throne and unfortunately David in getting ready for the handoff isn't really thinking in faith that the
Lord is the one who's going to sustain the kingdom He's now wanting to count up and do a census and figure out how many soldiers and how big the military is at the time as if somehow
Military might is the thing that ensures the longevity of a kingdom at least the kingdom of Israel No, it does not and so David is sinning greatly.
We're gonna see in this text Chapter 21 verse 1 begins then then
Satan. I'd like to correct that. It's the Satan It's the devil himself stood against Israel and he incited
David to number Israel now granted There's no Command in the
Old Testament that says you can't take a census It's not like every 10 years here in the United States when we do a census.
We're somehow sinning against God That's not the issue. The issue is who is he trusting in? So David said to Joab and the commanders of the army go number
Israel from Bera Sheba to Dan and Bring me a report that I might know their number
But Joab said may Yahweh add to his people a hundred times as many as they are
Are they not my lord the king and all of them my lord's servants? Why then should my lord require this?
Why should it be a cause of guilt for Israel? Joab who's known
David all his life is Pushing back and rightly so he can see that this request isn't coming from faith in God But it's coming from something different, but the king's word prevailed against Joab So Joe I've departed went throughout all of Israel came back to Jerusalem Joab gave the sum of the numbering of the people to David in all of Israel and you're gonna note
He rounds the numbers up here Which means he's not interested in giving a specific number job is actually incensed and really upset by this whole thing
So in all of Israel, there were 1 million 100 ,000 men who drew the sword and in Judah four hundred and seventy thousand who drew the sword but Joab did not include
Levi and Benjamin in the numbering for the king's command was Abhorrent to Joab a little bit of passive -aggressive behavior on the part of Joab He's really upset by this and not only was he displeased but verse 7 says but God was displeased with this thing and He struck
Israel and you're gonna note God God's punishment here is
Severe even more severe than Well the sin that David committed with Bathsheba and Uriah the
Hittite you're gonna note that this is ramped up as far as consequences So David said to God and here he confessed.
He confesses I have sinned greatly in that I have done this thing
But now please take away the iniquity of your servant for I have acted very
Foolishly and Yahweh spoke to Gad David's seer That's another name for a prophet saying go and say to David thus says
Yahweh Three things I offer you choose one of them that I may do it to you
So Gad came to David and said to him thus says Yahweh Choose what you will either three years of famine
Three months of devastation by your foes while the sword of your enemies Overtakes you or else three days of the sword of Yahweh Pestilence on the land with the angel of the
Lord destroying throughout all the territory of Israel Now a little bit of a note here.
You're gonna note the phrase angel of the Lord over and again When the angel of the
Lord shows up it is a pre -incarnate Visitation of none other than the
Son of God himself think of it as Jesus Pre -incarnate and I'm pretty convinced that if you could take a
Camera crew back in time whenever the angel of the Lord shows up. He's gonna look exactly the same as Jesus looks
I'm just saying and over and again. He is referred to as God. He receives worship and sacrifices as God So this is
God and you're gonna note that here It's the sword of the Lord that is being offered as option number three for three days
Those three days things big stuff in Scripture always pay attention to that So then
David said to Gad by the way, none of these seems like a great option. I am in great distress Let me fall into the hand of the
Lord for his mercy is very great But do not let me fall into the hand of men.
You see the Lord didn't offer David Forgiveness at this point. There's no absolution that has been spoken
He's only offered him judgment, but David goes with option number three
He wants to fall into the hand of the Lord because he knows just like we learned last week that the glory of the
Lord Is to forgive sins and so even though all three options seem like it's only about judgment
He understands that the third option he sees in it gospel, which is a strange thing to see
So Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel and listen to this 70 ,000 men of Israel fell you think about the
American Civil War this that was the worst war as far as total casualties for our armies and you know, like the
Battle of Gettysburg 50 ,000 men fell in the course of the three -day battle in Gettysburg Now when we say 50 ,000 men fell not all of them died
That is 50 ,000 men who either died or were seriously wounded and they were out of the fight
The war was over for them one way or the other but here 70 ,000 men of Israel fell
That's 70 ,000 men actually dying by the hand of God by his judgment and I want you to think about this
What did these 70 ,000 men do to deserve this from God?
You're gonna note that David's sin now is taking on the same Characteristics as Adam's sin the one man has sinned and All are impacted by the sin
Sin don't think for a second that sin is a private matter. It is not
Your sins even your secret sins Impact everybody the whole world the entire universe and that's the idea that in Adam We have all fallen and we are all held accountable for Adam's sin
And this is why we confess at the beginning of the service. We confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean and that each and every one of us has been impacted by Adam's sin and the solution then that we need is a solution that Impacts all of us that gives us hope for all of us
So you're gonna see in here some of the major themes of how the sin universally works
Because the solution that's going to be given is a universal one. We'll watch So the
Lord sent a pestilence on Israel 70 ,000 of the men of Israel fell God sent the angel to Jerusalem to destroy it but as he was about to destroy it
Yahweh saw and he relented from the calamity and pay attention to the place and He said to the angel who was working destruction.
It is enough Now stay your hand and the angel the
Lord was standing by the threshing floor of Ornon the Jebusite David lifted his eyes saw the angel of the
Lord and listen to these words Standing between earth and heaven That's an interesting place to stand and that detail is not a throwaway detail and you'll see why in a little bit
Standing between earth and heaven and in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem And this picture of the angel of the
Lord with a drawn sword Literally swinging it literally engaging in judgment.
Literally people falling Harkens to what we see at the very end of the Bible in the book of Revelation where Jesus on his white steed marches and swings his sword to the point where at the
Battle of Armageddon The blood of the nations is spilt so badly that the blood has risen up to the level of pool
Height and it's coming up high up on his horse. That's the picture of you sit there and go. Well, that's
How can Jesus do that? You see that you'll know this is not precious moments Jesus remember
God God is most merciful and he is also wrathful and It's his wrath that we must fear and it's because of his great mercy that we are saved from the wrath of God And so Jesus also has that same wrath.
So if you're picturing Jesus as the one Standing between heaven and earth with a drawn sword.
You got the right picture in your mind and this is important So the story then continues it is enough
David lifted up his eyes. He saw The angel of Lord standing between heaven and earth with a drawn sword
Then David and the elders clothed in sackcloth. They fell on their faces David said to God Was it not
I who gave command to number the people? It is I who have sinned and done great evil, but these sheep what have they done?
Please let your hand Oh Yahweh my God be against me and against my father's house
But do not let the plague be on your people and here's the rub David is offering himself as sacrifice.
But David is the one who has committed the sin He is not capable of being the sacrifice his life being spared or being taken so that the others can live won't do
God has to provide the sacrifice a spotless lamb if you would so The angel of the
Lord had commanded Gad to say to David that David should go up and raise an altar to Yahweh on The threshing floor of Ornon the
Jebusite and by the way, the place is the most important part here So David went up at Gads word, which he had spoken in the name of Yahweh now
Ornon was threshing wheat It's so appropriate that this is a threshing floor.
It is so important here because on this threshing floor What is taking place?
Wheat and chaff are being separated from each other and this is a major theme of Scripture where Jesus describes the day of judgment itself as a separating of the wheat and the chaff
So important will pick will pick this up in just a little bit more. So he was threshing wheat
He turned and saw the angel and the his four sons who were with him. They hid themselves Angel four sons
Matthew Mark Luke John just saying it's weird the details how they line up so as David came to Ornon Ornon looked and saw
David and he went out from the threshing floor paid homage to David with his Face to the ground and David said to Ornon Give me the sight of the threshing floor that I may build on it an altar to the
Lord Give it to me at its full price that the plague may be averted from the people
Then Ornon said to David take it my lord the king do with it What seems to him see
I give the oxen for the burnt offerings the threshing sledges for the wood the wheat for the grain offering
I give it all David said Ornon no But I will buy them for the full price.
I will not take for Yahweh What is yours nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing?
So David paid Ornon six hundred shekels of gold by weight for the site David built there an altar to the
Lord and presented burnt offerings and peace offerings and called on Yahweh and Yahweh Answered him with fire from heaven upon the altar of burnt offering and you're gonna note
What needs to happen at this place at this point? This is the Old Testament. This is the time when everything's in type and shadow the animal cycle sacrifices prefigure the sacrifice of Jesus and as the book of Hebrews say that the blood of Oxen and sheep cannot atone for sin, but our sin is atoned for by Jesus Christ himself
But following the instructions of the Mosaic Covenant now there's a sacrifice for sins and you're gonna note that God answers the sacrifice with fire from heaven the
Absolution shows up then as a cleansing fire That's the idea
God lets David know he has accepted the sacrifice He has responded with fire.
There's no doubt. So the absolution comes from action then and only then
Yahweh commanded the angel and he put his sword back into its sheath
Great picture the wrath of God is the angel of the Lord with a drawn sword Killing rightly those who have sinned against him and when the sacrifice is made the sword is sheathed beautiful picture of forgiveness
So at that time when David saw that Yahweh had answered him at the threshing floor of Ornan the
Jebusite He sacrificed there for the tabernacle of the Lord Which Moses had made in the wilderness and the altar of burnt offering were at that time in the high places of Gibeon but David could not go before it to inquire of God for he was afraid of the sword of the angel of the
Lord and Then David said here shall be the house of Yahweh Elohim and here the altar of burnt offering for Israel So the threshing floor of Ornan the
Jebusite Will become the Holy of Holies in the temple now
Flip forward just a few pages to 2nd Chronicles chapter 3 and you'll see it 2nd
Chronicles chapter 3 will just pick up a few verses then Solomon began to build the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem and watch the place on Mount Moriah Where the
Lord where Yahweh had appeared to David his father at the place that David had appointed on the threshing floor of Ornan the
Jebusite Mount Moriah itself That is significant.
So now moving forward. We've gone forward just a little bit and We can see okay.
This is an important site This is the place where the Holy of Holies is where the sacrifices are made the threshing floor
This is where the wheat and the chaff are separated Fast forward just a little bit and on the slopes of this exact same mountain on a
Friday afternoon There's Jesus Christ King of Kings Lord of Lords the true angel of the
Lord the Son of God standing between heaven and earth and this time the sword is in the ground and he's nailed to it and He's bleeding and dying for the sins of the world and Just like the work of a threshing floor the wheat is separated from the chaff on one side one of the thieves that he's crucified between believes and On the other side the chaff the fellow disbelieves and scoffs and mocks
Jesus You can begin to see how it all works out. Now. What does this then have to do with?
Genesis 22 Well, let's turn back to Genesis 22 and work through the details and then you'll really see what
God is up to in this passage Because it doesn't make sense Unless you have the right sacrifice in mind unless you're paying attention to what all of this is pointing to Genesis 22 verse 1 reads after these things
God tested Abram and said to him Abraham and he said here I am He said take your son
Your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on One of the mountains of which
I shall tell you Only son by Genesis 22
Abraham had two sons Ishmael was born first to the slave woman and Isaac has now been born as son of promise to Sarah How is it that God is saying take your son your only son and sacrifice him the answer
God really is kind of looking through Isaac looking all the way through all of the men who would be born as direct descendants of Isaac and Seeing through him in that lineage the one to come who is none other than the only begotten son of God What we're going to see here in type and shadow is like a dress rehearsal
For Jesus being taken to the slopes of Mount Moriah You'll see it as it develops
So take your son your only son offer him as a burnt offering on the mountains of which
I shall tell you So Abraham rose early in the morning saddled his donkey took two of his young men with him and his son
Isaac He cut the wood for the burnt offering Arose and went to the place of which God had told him and on the third day pay attention to that third day stuff
Isn't it strange how it always seems to show up Abraham lifted up his eyes saw the place from afar
Then Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you
You'll note that they had a donkey Isaac comes close to Mount Moriah while white riding a donkey
I seem to remember Jesus riding a donkey too when he comes into Jerusalem So stay here.
I and the boy will go over and worship and come to you again. Abraham took the wood of The burnt offering laid it on Isaac his son
And this hearkens then to when Christ after having been beaten Scourged punched in the face had a crown of thorns pressed into his head then was
Forced to carry his cross To the slopes of Mount Moriah, which is
Golgotha But he buckled under the load because of the beating but here
Isaac is carrying the very wood on which he is supposed to be sacrificed So he laid it on Isaac and he took his hand the fire and the knife
So they went both of them together and Isaac said to his father Abraham my father he said here
I am my son He said behold the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb? for a burnt offering
Abraham said God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering my son
So they went both of them together and no truer words could have been spoken
God himself truly was going to provide the lamb for the burnt offering But it's not
Isaac. Remember Isaac is a sinner like you and I he cannot be the sacrifice for our sins
He cannot even be the sacrifice for his own So when they came to the place of which God had told him
Abraham built the altar there Laid the wood in order bound Isaac his son laid him on the altar on top of the wood
Hmm To see pictures of Christ being laid on the cross and being nailed to the wood of the cross
Before he was suspended suspended between heaven and earth So Abraham reached out his hand took the knife to slaughter his son, but the angel of the
Lord Yeah The same one who had the sword out in first Chronicles 21 that same angel of the
Lord Called to him from heaven and said Abraham Abraham and he said here I am
He said do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him for now I know that you fear
God seeing that you have not withheld your son your only son from me
And Abraham lifted up his eyes looked and behold Behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns
This type of plant by the way, when you look it up in the Hebrew is a thorn bearing thicket
This ram is literally caught by its horns By thorns and this is a great picture of The crown of thorns that Jesus was to wear when he later would be at this exact same
Spot on this same mountain so there was the ram caught in the thicket by its horns and Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering and listen to these words instead of his son now a couple of notes here if you remember when
David sinned a he ended up buying the site of the threshing floor of Ornan the
Jebusite and his point was I have to buy these things because the sacrifice can't cost me nothing
It has to cost me something and here in this sacrifice. What did this sacrifice cost
Abraham? Zero, this was a free sacrifice but see this is the sacrifice that points to the ultimate sacrifice and This is where it's important that we pay attention
The sacrifice that was given for your sins and mine cost us nothing
Just like this sacrifice cost Abraham nothing But the sacrifice for our sins cost
God the Father everything Everything because God the
Father did not withhold his son his only son
So that he can bleed and die for your sins and mine It cost us and Abraham nothing it cost
God Everything and it cost Jesus Everything but see that's the thing in order to save us
God and Christ himself They were not only willing But they did literally lay down everything in order to redeem you and I and you can see this beautiful picture of it right there and Then focus again on these words instead of his son and this then harkens to that wonderful biblical teaching that we are saved
Because Christ is our substitute that what we deserved
Christ took for himself Jesus was sacrificed and he suffered for your sins and mine
Instead of you and so the words instead of his son So important because that then helps us understand that when we're talking about what
Jesus was doing on the cross It was a substitutionary work for your sins and for mine
So Abraham called the name of that place and here's the name Yahweh will
Provide as it is said to this day on the Mount of Yahweh It shall be provided now back when
Moses penned these words Jesus is crucifixion on the slopes of Mount Moriah was still something that would take place in the future
But we now looking back to the finished and accomplished work of Christ We can say that on the
Mount of Yahweh it has been provided It has
God himself has provided the lamb. God himself has provided the sacrifice and this is absolutely good news so if you just read
Genesis 22 on a cold reading and you don't consider its Significance in light of what the rest of Scripture reveals
Then God looks like a monster But if you read what
Scripture reveals regarding this place and what was going to take place on it now all of a sudden
God no longer looks like a monster. He looks like somebody who truly loves us
Who demonstrates his love for us in that while we were yet sinners? Christ died for us and you can see that going all the way back in human history that this was
God's intention all along to save sinners like me and like you and So I think it fitting and appropriate
Then to can to close our meditation on this text with the words of Christ from our gospel text this morning
Jesus said the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in the gospel
Consider again the fact that you have deserved God's wrath That the sword of the
Lord rightly should be pointed at your chest and there's nothing that you can offer that would keep
God from Executing the judgment upon you that you have deserved for your sins same with me
But see the thing is is that God himself has provided the sacrifice the aims of the
Lord Stood between heaven and earth in order to reconcile us to the Father So this being lent as a time to reflect on our lives and to repent
Over and again to say that we are not worthy that we should do better and we have incurred
God's wrath But Jesus assures us with these words believe in the gospel The gospel is the good news that Christ on a
Friday afternoon on the slopes of Mount Moriah was the Lamb of God that he provided so that you can be reconciled to the
Father and Because of this great act of mercy on the part of God that God's sword
The sword of God's wrath has been sheathed and you are made right with God in the name of Jesus Amen If you would like to support the teaching ministry of kungsvinger lutheran church
You can do so by sending a tax -free donation to kungsvinger lutheran church 159 50 470th
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