June Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ and you guys have been asking for it and now you got it.
It's time for June Prophecy Bingo. And to do our
Prophecy Bingo today, I have invited Steve Cozart. Cozart, you're there on the screen with us.
Woo. All right, so I had to re -invite you. Number one, I always love having you on the program.
Thank you. But number two, the last time we tried Prophecy Bingo, we did it via live stream.
And so the video and the audio got out of sync. And so - I forgot that's the show. Okay, yeah, that was a train wreck.
Yeah, it was, but so you have an opportunity to redeem yourself here.
And so I've got my Prophecy Bingo card up. If you don't have your
Prophecy Bingo card, you're going to need it. Cozart has his. Now, a little bit of a note to those of you in the audience.
We'll put the link down below for your Prophecy Bingo card. And you click on that and then find a card that you want, make a screenshot of it or print it out and then get off the website because we've been crashing their server.
So - Really? Yeah, and they've started putting limits on how many people for fighting for the faith can be on the
Prophecy Bingo card generator at the same time. Yeah, so we have the ability now to mess with other people's computer systems.
And I don't want to be accused of like hacking or anything like that. You've done a denial service attack against the
Bingo card generator company. Yeah, I don't want that, so. There's a marketing genius who decided to use the word pirate in conjunction with your ministry, so.
And that always seems to upset people is the best way
I could put it. So, yeah, which is kind of sad if you think about it. All right, so what we're gonna do,
Steve, what we're gonna do is, you know the drill. And by the way, if you're wondering, what is the purpose of Prophecy Bingo?
It's to demonstrate that these people are really not hearing from God. And what I've done, Steve, is
I've tried to throw into the mix today prophecies that predate the death of George Floyd and the riots that have ensued as a result of it to see if any of the prophets saw the riots coming.
You know, you'd think because they justify their existence by taking a text from,
I think, Micah and saying, you know, God does nothing unless he first reveals it to his prophets.
Well, none of them saw COVID -19 coming and all the pandemic lockups as a result of that.
And the question is, did any of these prophets who justify their existence, again, because God doesn't do anything unless he reveals it first to his prophets so that we can have strategies and know the skinny of what's going on.
And their claim is that, and that because these prophecies are occurring, people will say, wow, this is a sign or wonder, your
God must be true. And the reality is that Christ prophesied these people 2 ,000 years ago.
That's right. Yeah, saying that there would, in the last days, it would be false prophets. So their existence is proof that Jesus got it right,
I think is a good way of putting it. And of course, he's sitting there going, well, how does Prophecy Bingo do that? Well, I think
I put the Prophecy Bingo card generator together, it's been almost three years, if not a full three years since we've put this together.
And I will note that it's funny, you know, if these people were really hearing from God, then why is it, why is it that, you know, more and more lately,
I'm getting more bingos and I'm not even, I haven't even had to cheat like the last two times, you know?
So you get the idea. So - If you wanted to, somebody could do a extensive project and you could find that certain words are popular for a certain period of time and then they gradually fade away as new words enter in.
Yeah, you could. Same with conference names, you know, like there was a conference name.
Breakthrough conferences. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now I think encounter has replaced breakthrough and I don't know, you know, 10 years from now, there'll be something else new.
Yeah, destiny and encounter and relevant. Remember relevant was like the big buzzword for like the longest time.
Yeah. Yep. All right, so Steve, you got your card, all right?
And you've sent a copy of your card to Josh, our editor. Yep. And so let's get to it.
I decided that I was just gonna rip this band -aid off immediately. And you'll see what I mean when
I hit this tab. Here we go. I decided rather than torture myself -
Ah! We're gonna go right to it. And this one's, by the way, dated
May 20th of this year. So this predates the death of George Floyd. And let's see if God was giving her any insight, preparing us for what was coming in June and in late
May as a result of her word of the Lord. So here's Kay Nash and Prophetic Success, here we go.
Hi, I'm Kay Nash and welcome to Prophetic Success. Today, we are gonna share a prophetic word that I'm feeling from the
Lord with you. And the word is about ships. I really felt like the Lord was hauling ships or boats as I was reading the word of God and just through some things.
Yeah, right, yeah, I've got my own collection of pirate ships, by the way. So, ships and boats.
The Lord was highlighting those. I felt the Lord say the ship of ascension, hallelujah, mm. And that's -
Mm, mm, hallelujah, mm. She always makes the yummy sound. It's just, okay, the ships of ascension.
Okay. Isn't that a Norwegian heavy metal band? I don't know. Ships of ascension?
It may be, it may be, yeah. I think they're into death metal or something like that. The ship of transition are coming to you.
All right, ship of transition. I know transition. Ah, hang on a second here. You are -
Look, I'm too - You are not gonna believe this. I forgot that I'm playing a game. Check this out. Not only do I have the free space,
I have transition. There it is, boom. She said, ships of transition?
No, no, ascension. No, she said transition. Just, you want me to replay this?
No, but before that, she said ascension. Yeah, she did, she did, but watch this. Okay, so I gotta back this up. Yeah, you do.
The whole point here, Steve, you gotta try to win, you know? All right, let me back this up.
Listen to what she said. The word transition came up. And just through some things. I felt the
Lord say the ship of ascension, hallelujah, mm. And that the ship of transition are coming to you.
Ascension and transition, it says, right. Ships of transition are coming to you, mm.
All right, let's jump right in to the Rhema word I'm feeling. Okay, Rhema. I know
Rhema is one of the prophecy bingo words. It's not on my card, though. Bummer, bummer.
They cannot get on the right boat unless they sanctify themselves and purify themselves.
Apparently, we're all gonna get on the wrong boat. Where is this ship of ascension transition sailing to, is my question.
What's the destination here, you know? I don't know. They must go through transition in order to grow,
Jesus. They must not get stuck on the ship, but rather get off and see the new land
I have for them, mm. When did she start this new thing where she puts the words up on the screen as if it was like a quote from the
Bible or something? Yeah, she's been doing that for a while now, yeah. Yeah, she has. But yeah, you don't wanna lose those words of the
Lord, man. You gotta tack those onto the back of your Bible, I think. Okay, let's keep going here. It kind of goes hand in hand with it.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Did she say assignment? I, well, I don't know.
What was it, alignment? What was, ascension? No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't interrupt anymore. You're confusing me,
Steve. I wanna win.
I gotta press play. Her face still looks stuck in a very unflattering way. That is a great face.
Take a screenshot. Yeah, I'm suffering from Cain Ashface.
Anyway, let's keep going. What we were talking about for May and June's prophetic word, how we were talking about going to a new land.
So this is kind of like a continuation of that. Yeah. When Paul got off the ship at Malta, he saw the new thing
I had for him, a healing revival. We'll get more into that. A what?
The new thing I had for him, a healing revival. So this is God's commentary on the book of Acts given directly to Cain Ash.
You know, I remember there was a ship wreck. Okay, you know, all right. When Noah got off the ship, he saw the new land
I had for him and where his family would now abide. It was his time to multiply.
They could have stayed on the ship, but the ship was only to transition them. Jesus. I spoke on ships to transition people from what they thought was true then to what
I was saying for them now. At least she's not yelling at me right now.
You look like you're in pain. Are you passing a kidney stone? What's happening,
Steve? What's happening? I mean, this is so, there's so many levels of badness here.
We could do a whole semester on how many layers of badness are being presented.
I mean, she's reinterpreting scripture, but she's putting it up on the screen as if it was scripture. Like she really does think she's hearing from God.
It's frightening. Yeah, I agree. It is definitely frightening and creepy indeed.
All right, let's keep going here. I told you I was trying to rip this Band -Aid off immediately. He's referring here to the
Old and New Testament teachings when Jesus taught on the boats. Jesus taught on the boats and he was taking them from what they thought about God and their beliefs about that to what they needed to believe now.
I never knew those boats were that important, man. Talk about pulling something out of thin air.
I agree, yeah. Ships are meant to transition. Many will see ship symbolism during this time to show my children what
I said is true. Did you see a lot of ship symbolism during the riots?
No, I don't see any ship symbolism. I didn't see any ship symbolism either. Because we didn't get our ship breakthrough.
That's probably what's going on here. Yeah, you know what? I probably got on the wrong ship, so. Oh, man, this is weird.
Okay, let's keep going here. So that's what we do on this channel. We share deep teachings from the word of God and prophetic words, if that's something you're interested in.
What word of God? There's no word of God. It's pulling stuff out of her head. Yeah, yeah, and I hate to say this.
This particular video of hers is nearing 15 ,000 views. Yeah. You know, and she's only got 21 thumbs down, which basically means that there's a whole bunch of people who are watching this going, ooh, this is the word of God, ooh.
I'm telling you, it's a trap. Once you get into this version of Christianity, you're totally dependent upon the next thing and the next thing and the next thing.
And the next thing. And all it does is get you more confused. Yeah, and the one thing that we know is the word of God seems to fall farther and farther and farther into the distance.
All right, let's endure just a little bit more of this, see if we can get any. All right, yeah, we got, you know, iron stomach here, man, iron stomach.
Make sure you hit that subscribe button. All right, so we're gonna talk about boats. Something I felt like the
Lord was saying, what ships will take you to the new land? Okay, I have a prediction,
Chris. You do? Okay, I can't wait to hear it. If, I don't know, maybe whatever, 15, 20 years ago, college kids, especially those who were smoking certain things.
Right. They all got together and watched SpongeBob SquarePants. Because it took on kind of a surrealistic weirdness if you were high.
Yeah, and so, can you imagine? What? Whoa, the ships are taking me to the new land.
Do you see it? Dude, I gotta ask, I mean, did you ever watch SpongeBob while high?
No, no. Chris, I'm high on life. Okay, okay,
I'm glad we got this sorted. You're frightening me, Kozar, you're, you know, the images you're putting into my head are doing violence to me here.
Some stoned guy watching, you know, SpongeBob SquarePants. But how do we know that Kay Nash, out of those 14 ,670 views,
I'm guessing at least a couple thousand of them are people who are currently high as a kite, and she's hilarious to these people, because this is like a weird drug trip.
She's just pulling stuff out of thin air. It kind of goes along with that category of thinking. Okay, all right,
I'm not gonna disagree with you, but I wanna hear more of this, I mean, because, you know, I wanna hear the answer to, you know, which ships will take me to my new land?
You know, what if I wanna travel by airplane and don't wanna go on a boat, you know? Not gonna work.
Yeah, all right, well, wouldn't it be an airship? You know, I'm just saying. I know we can go on a dirigible.
Yeah, see, I'm gonna go to my new land on a blimp. All right, let's keep going here.
Remember that ships take people places, and I felt like the Lord was highlighting three different stories in the
Bible of boats and them taking people places. First of all, we see
Jesus teaching and preaching on boats, and he was transitioning people from an old way of thinking to a new way of thinking and writing.
Come on, Kay, say new wineskin, it's on my card. She's saying transition way too much.
She needs to get a different word. I'm a little frustrated right now. If you have transition on your card, you should be very happy, but you can only use it once, so what's the point?
Well, don't forget you have a free space, Steve. I got that. Okay, all right. Right now, with the coronavirus and things like that and everything going on in the world, we have to change some of our thinking, okay?
We have to transition some things that we used to think to new things now.
Another thing that I felt like he was highlighting was Noah transitioned to safety on a ship.
What? What? Hey, so I don't expect you to have watched it, but I made that hour -and -a -half
Chuck Pierce video that I put up a couple weeks ago. Yeah, and I have watched it, by the way, and I did note that the prophecy that he gave regarding the coronavirus,
Noah's been able to hunt that thing down. Yep. All right. And so what she just said there was just what
Chuck Pierce does, what all these people do. They say that this thing is coming and you're gonna have to do something, but they never tell you what it is.
It's absolutely useless. I don't even know that she's saying anything lucid. By the way, talking about Chuck Pierce, I thought you might enjoy this.
Oh, no. We've got some glory of Zion prophecies, and I think I wanted to make sure that all of these predated the coronavirus.
So, I mean, the coronavirus, the riots. So let's take a look here. Right now, don't just stand for a moment.
Let him redo the cells within you the way he wants them to respond to him right now.
Of course, he'll never have to prove whether or not that's taken place because it's a cell inside your body.
So people could be going, yeah, oh, I think my cells are changing. Thanks, Chucky boy. Why would
I have to let God redo my cells? And what does he talk? And did you notice he went? He blew into the microphone there.
Hang on, I'm gonna back this up just a little. Listen again. He wants them to respond to him right now.
He's thinking about going to Waffle House after the meeting ends. That's really all that was. Let's keep going.
He's removing scattering. There was an angel that came in here earlier.
God is removing scattering. Can he get rid of the scattering on my lawn from my neighbor dogs?
Anyway, let's keep going here. The angel said, my name is the one who removes scattering.
He was standing behind Janice. Let's allow the spirit of God to do something in us that needs to be done.
That's specific. And notice he's walking in a very holy ritual way here.
There's something very holy is happening here. You know, when that angel came down behind Janice, the
Lord spoke to me. And he said, today is the day that I have released identifier.
I refer to this guy in a video a long time ago as the man of phlegm. The way he talks.
I'm releasing identifier. Okay, let's keep going here. I'm kind of bummed these are not on my card.
You stood in a place of for me your arity and you allowed the enemy to scatter you to the
North winds. I have brought identifier back to stand beside you.
He's brought identifier back. We're gonna have to make new prophecy bingo cards, Chris. This is up in their game.
Yeah, clearly. I think identifier works with the key master in Zool. Okay, let's keep going here.
As in the days of Jacob, as your name was one yesterday, you will be defined and re -identified to be given the name of kingdom that I have placed on you.
I have brought you to a point to war, war and war again.
But the warring is coming to an end because I am fixing to identify you in a new way that will stop scattering and release gathering that the four winds will blow in the direction that my breath is being released.
If I was doing drugs right now, that would have made sense. You and your drugs,
Cozart, man. It's just, it is, it's total nonsense. It's actually humorous. Just say no.
Okay, I will. Just say. Actually, who needs drugs when you got Chuck Pierce in his group?
I have no idea what that man just said. That sentence was not even lucid. It was definitely one of those blue sleeps faster than Tuesday kind of sentences.
All right, let's move on to our next prophecy here. This is a fellow
I've never done before. And let's see here. This is from TripleGrace555.
TripleGrace555. And this guy has a thick accent and I'm not sure where he's from. But you'll note that the word
June seems to have festive confetti kind of thing going on. Yeah, yay, June is here. Yay, June.
Because I don't know what June he was prophesying about. It couldn't have been 2020's June, but this did come out on May 31st, 2020.
So let's take a listen to the word of the Lord here for June, 2020. Here we go.
Welcome, brothers and sisters. Welcome to the prophetic world for the month of June. He's got a nice voice.
Yeah, it is. Good resonance and good tonal quality to it. I think this is kind of a German accent maybe or something like that.
Yeah. The Holy Spirit has brought over the message of this is the month of the uplifting.
I guess this is the month of the uplifting with all those people with uplifted signs.
Maybe, I mean, kind of so. But uplifting definitely is. Oh, wait a second.
She did say Rhema and Rhema is on my card. Hang on a second here. I remember Kay Nash did say Rhema and I found it on my card.
Because I heard you all screaming at me, Chris, Rhema's on your card. You need to.
Yeah, I heard you this time. So anyway. All right, coming back to this fellow here. So let's come back and let's keep listening.
The month of you are reaching a new level. The month of the anointing and appointing.
Anointing and appointing are prophecy. Bingo words. Of receiving your mantles and possessions.
Mantle is a prophecy. Bingo word. Hang on a second. This guy, this guy's good. He's squeezing in a lot of words all at once.
He's not just staying with one word like the other two. So I like this guy. Yeah, he may help us here.
Of receiving your mantles and positions. This is the month of the uplifting.
Everything that was hidden now will come forth. Everything will be seen in a clear light as in the summer's day.
Everything will now come back to the surface. You people who were hidden for such a time as this will come forth now.
It is your time of uplifting. It is your time of standing up. It is your time of getting together with the saints who will tend to you and with our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in your final training session until you will start your ministries as the end time apostles here on earth.
This is the month of the uplifting. The month of everything that you're waiting for to come through.
When your ship has sunk to the bottom of the sea. Oh no, see, look at that.
I mean, so Kay Nash was talking about ships of ascension. Now he's talking about ships of sinking, man.
I mean, we're connecting the dots. This is really deep. Hey, did he say new beginning just a second ago?
You know, if you think so, I'm not gonna challenge you on. I think he did.
He's squeezing in a lot of words really quickly, so. Yeah, I think he is. I think he is. So let's keep going here.
This is a month where it will be lifted up and not only be lifted up again to the surface, but also guided you safely into the secure harbor.
So there's a boat theme, a nautical theme going on here. You know, okay. This is a time when you reach the level that you need to be in so that you can start your ministry that you always wanted to start.
This is a time when the Lord is lifting you up. This is a time of a hapazzo, your hapazzo moment so that you can stand before the throne of God.
This is a time of being elevated to the next level.
Next level. Hang on a second here. Oh, do I have that? No, I don't.
Bummer. Okay. Your time is here, brothers and sister. Let us celebrate
June as a month when we are reaching our positions in the new ministries to establish the holy places in the nations and to bring forth the safe havens for all the people who will be gathered in the harvest for the multitude clothed in white.
Yeah, I don't think June was really marked by safety or things like that.
This is the beginning month. This is the start. This is your appointed time where you will be anointed by the
Lord and the risen saints who will tend to you. Your month of the uplifting.
Everything that you have given up. If you have problem in your finances, if you have problem in your life, in your relationship, everything will now come to the surface and be brought into a safe haven.
It is not a safe haven. A lot of people lost their jobs in the last couple of weeks, just noting.
Here in Madison, State Street is where there's a lot of small restaurants, minority owned especially, like different countries with their very specific cuisine.
And something like 40 of them are not gonna reopen after all the writing because they can't afford to.
They had their businesses destroyed. It's so sad. It's something I've never seen.
I'm 56, I've never seen this. The closest thing would have been when I was really young and I wasn't aware of it in 68, the
Democratic National Convention, the riots in Chicago. Yeah, I remember the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
Yeah, and that was similar. Yeah, I was living in Southern California at the time. Oh, wow. Boy, that was a mess.
That was really just, it was really, it was actually terrifying when you think about it. It was, and we haven't relearned, or we haven't learned the lesson that when people start rioting and looting, you have to stop them with massive amounts of force right away.
Otherwise they think, hey, I just got a free TV. I'm gonna get another one next time we have a riot.
Yeah. That's the signal that's being sent. It's as if Americans seem to have forgotten we have the right to peaceably protest and to basically make our grievances against the government heard, peaceably.
But rioting is not a First Amendment -protected type of speech. Well, hang on a second,
Chris. I just figured out all this prophesying about having a new level, new abundance.
He's probably referring to, this is the time, if you live in the right city, you can go out and go to the
Louis Vuitton store and get that purse you've always wanted. Once somebody else cracks the window open for you, just run in there and grab it.
Right. Maybe that's what they're - Did you see the video of the guy who was looting Walmart and he went to the
Lego section? He was looting Legos. Have some dignity, my friend.
Get a big screen TV at least. If you're gonna go to jail, don't go to jail for Legos. I love Legos. I did not realize they were that expensive.
Anyway, all right. So we're gonna move along here. But yeah, if you're gonna loot, make it worth it.
Okay, let's see here. Oh yeah, we've gotta do this. We've gotta get this one in here.
Hold on a second, Steve. You're gonna like this. The name of the prophecy, and this is back to glory of Zion, is the wind has been building your new warring garment.
Okay, let's - Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Mo so ho ho, my guy! Hey, hey! Mo ho! Sa ma ka ta te! All right, by the way, he's doing this without a translator, so I just happen to be able to translate tongues.
Oh. Yeah, it's true. And so I don't know if you heard him say it, but he definitely said new wave, and he also definitely was talking about a heavenly portal.
So that was all part of it. I'm not sure about that, Chris. I'm pretty sure I heard him say ignite. No, I didn't hear that one.
Yeah, I think, well. You see how this works?
Ooh, look at that. That's a very straight diagonal line. I don't have very many, but what
I do have are in a straight line. All right, very good. So heavenly portal and new wave, or we're definitely in that particular prophetic utterance here.
Let's listen in. No more words from him, but. Oh, look at that. Mo do so ma. Mo ho, mo ha, say hey.
Mo lo so ma, mo na. Mo say, mo ho say, mo ho say! I think he's telling -
Oh yeah, that's a language. Yeah, he's telling everybody off, I think. Yeah. Okay, you've just been upbraided in gibberish.
Okay, let's see what goes next here. The Lord says the wind has been building your new warring garments.
And it's - Well, yeah, of course it has.
Everybody knows that. Yeah, my wind doesn't build anything. Anyway, let's keep going. And it's threaded with all the generations of the past and the present.
And he said the seven spirit colors are upon it. What? The seven spirit colors, woo!
All right, man, yeah. Yeah, this is clearly from God, okay. Let's see here.
That was good. I'm glad you think so. And he says confidence has been rising in you.
And this garment is ascending now. And it's meeting the confidence that you have allowed me to build and build and build.
So no, this warring season won't look like it did before. But you will be garmented in such a way that when you walk in, demons will flee.
When you walk in, land will begin to shake even more. But when you walk in, my glory is so gonna penetrate and the atmosphere will -
Atmosphere, atmosphere, hang on a second here. That is one of my prophecy bingo words. And she yelled that one too, wow.
Okay, I'm a little all over the board. I should've been more strategic in my tongue interpretation. I'm just saying.
Well, you gotta go with what the spirit tells you, Chris. Yeah, I know. True. I was,
I have to be true, you're right. That lady is like fingernails on a chalkboard, but she does deliver a lot of good words all in a short amount of time, so.
That's right. So if you haven't already won bingo yet, I'm kind of shocked, I haven't. My card seems to be not that good, but we can see.
Change within an instant of time. Rise, rise, rise, here and now.
Santa Claus is getting ready, he's on vacation down in Texas during - He's even got the red, yeah. Yeah, he's getting ready to prophesy.
Rise, rise, rise, here and now.
Breath of God from the four winds blow. Now just hear
James. To these dry bones, breath of God from the four winds blow.
Did he say floor winds? To all dry bones, be who you are.
Now, by the way, this was given May 24th, 2020, so.
Chris, I think he said floor winds. Yeah, it's just. In the song, just now.
I think he meant four, four. Yeah. Be who you are. All right, so all right, let's move on to the next prophecy here.
And let me go ahead and close Kay Nash, because I'm not coming back to that. Okay, all right, next is
JoLynn Whitaker, the prophetic word of the Lord for June. Let's see what JoLynn Whitaker can tell us
God is apparently. Good graphics. Yeah, she's been up in her game, so let's take a look here.
Bless you, God bless you. Grace and peace to everybody as you are coming out of the broadcast.
Praise the Lord as you are tuning in, amen. As you are prayerfully leaning in to hear what is the word of the
Lord. Okay, hang on a second here. Lean in is one of my prophecy bingo words here. Hang on a second here.
Hey, she's got a Shure SM7, did you notice that? I, what? The Shure SM7 microphone?
Well, yeah, no, I, yeah, I got one of those right here. I know, that's what I'm saying. She's got one too.
She's got good graphics, good microphone. Maybe she's gonna have some good words. We can only hope.
We can only hope. We can only hope, let's continue. For this June in the year of 2020,
I call you blessed. Praise the Lord, I call you blessed in the name of Jesus.
I declare over you prophetically that you are blessed, that you shall not fall asunder to any plan or strategy of the enemy because by the superior blood of Jesus Christ, you are marked safe.
I said, you are marked safe by the superior blood of Jesus, hallelujah, that no weapon formed against you shall prosper, that it is impossible to curse what
God has blessed. You are the righteousness of God. You have been preserved and positioned for such a time as this.
You are not going to fail. You are not going to fall. Your heart is not going to faint for what you are seeing in the images that are going all around the world.
No, but you are going to press in. You are going to lean in. You are going to rise up. You are going to shift.
Come on here. Shift, that is a prophecy bingo word. Hang on a second here. Chris, this lady is, she's the best one yet.
She's delivering more words, more bingo words than any other person. There's gotta be like a formula we can come up with with bingo words per minute.
Yeah, she may, this is, it's kind of a machine gun type of prophecy going on here.
BPM, or bingo, no, bingo words,
BWM, bingo words per minute. BWP. BWPM.
That's too long. Yeah. I'll let you, send it to your marketing department. You didn't have them working on it.
Okay. How many understand that there are certain people who always believe that certain things will never be done until bam, they do get done.
And there are certain people who believe that God will never do certain things and God doesn't do that stuff anymore.
And God doesn't move that way anymore until bam, he does it right in front of their very eyes.
Till bam, I'm kind of bummed I don't have a prophecy bingo bam word here.
You know, Chris, I was thinking, you might want to take a hint from her. When you're doing your own videos, you might want to have like a glamor shot of yourself even larger than life right behind you.
So that people can kind of get the same view they're getting with her. I think that's really effective. Steve, if I thought it was possible to do a glamor shot of me, then we could have this conversation.
But I mean, have you not seen, I still have the perfect face for radio. I don't think a glamor shot is in my future.
See that face you're making right now, that confused face with the wrinkly forehead, that's what it needs to be about eight feet tall.
Have that right behind you at all times. Right, and do it as the cover for gentlemen's quarterly.
Roseboro talks about his confusion at prophecy bingo. Yeah. All right, let's keep going.
This is weird. And they can't deny it, so somebody needs to get ready. As you are coming in, praise the Lord, as you are quickening in your spirit, you need to get ready because God said he's getting ready to prove some things in your life.
He's getting ready to prove some things to the whole world through. Some things.
Some things, we don't know what they are. We know, no clue, but he's gonna prove them. That's the thing with these prophetic onesies, man.
You know, the one size fits all prophecy. It could mean just about anything. Yeah, you know. Through you, that what
God is getting ready to do in your life, in your family, in your ministry, in your business, come on, among your children, in your marriage, in your household, through you.
Could you imagine somebody watching this prophecy at the beginning of June, and God's getting ready to do something in your business, and it turns out the thing he was getting ready to do was have your business burned to the ground.
That would be awkward. What if you had a business that worked in Minneapolis and it was a cleanup business, a street cleaning business?
Does that mean who she was talking to? Yeah, I see, okay. Because she's making it sound like a positive thing here.
Yeah. For your community, through you, for your region, through you, honey, for your industry, sugar, through you, for the whole nation that he has strategically positioned you and God said he's going to prove it through you.
Praise the Lord. What's he gonna prove through me again? Chris, I don't know about you, but I'm a little offended that she called me honey.
She doesn't know me. My wife can call me honey, but. Okay, all right, you know, all right, so.
JoLynn, you stepped over the line. Way over, man. Yeah. So she's engaging in harassment.
But she does have good graphics. Very good graphics, and a good microphone. Like I said, she upped her game, so you know.
And so it is by the superior blood of Jesus that I declare you safe. I declare you protected.
I decree and declare according to Isaiah 54, 17 that no weapon formed against you can prosper.
Notice she's not able to go back in time one week at this point, because this came out on June 2nd, and say,
I told you these riots that are here now, man, that God told me they were coming. You know, instead now she has to declare people to be safe and that no weapon formed against them will prosper.
Okay. That's some bad news for the Satanists who walk around with their little tails wagging behind them talking about Satan is just as powerful as God.
Oh, really? Well, that's a lie, and he sold you a bill of goods because Isaiah. I'm glad she's taking on those
Satanists. It sounds like she's taking on like, you know, a straw man version of Satanists, though, you know.
Okay. 54 and 16 tells us that's impossible because he is a created being.
And so the creator can put that joker on a leash anytime he wants to.
The creator of all life, of all humanity, of all the angelic hosts, of the entire planet, of universes, can put
Satan on a leash anytime he wants to. And so it is the Lord, your God, that made the one who blows the weapons.
Hallelujah. And so - God blows the weapons? Is he using poison darts now?
I mean, what are we talking about here? I'm confused. I always imagine the people that she's talking to and how they have made a whole bunch of really bad choices in their lives.
It's always the case because they're being led down this pathway and everything in your life is worse now than it was a year ago or five years ago.
And yet you continue listening to people like this and they tell you how great you are. And it's really like you're living vicariously through these messages to kind of pretend that your life is much better than it actually is or it's about to get better.
It's always about it. All this stuff makes your life worse. Yeah, the way these people prophesy, it's as if there's the sun, it's on the horizon, and it's just about to burst up.
But in reality, what if the thing just set and it's only gonna get darker? It's just the weirdest thing.
It's always an anticipation of the thing that's supposed to be here because we need a breakthrough and stuff.
And it just never seems to show up. All right, now let me do this. Hang on a second here. I'm gonna close up.
Is that the first time you've used her? Jolynn, no, we've used her before. Yeah, I try to mix it up a little bit.
And so, okay, so I'm looking at the prophecies from the Glory of Zion website.
So let's see. Glory of Zion wins the Prophecy Bingo Hall of Fame Award.
I mean. Yeah, nobody can prophesy like these people.
Then again - One of the most amazing, the thing I was really kind of shocked to discover was how much money
Chuck Pierce makes. Yeah. Most of these people, when you check out their 990 forms, they're making $200 ,000, $300 ,000, which is still a ton of money, but he's making over $700 ,000.
What? Chuck Pierce makes over $700 ,000? Yeah, and Glory of Zion is not a church.
It's a ministry. Oh, okay. And that's why you can get that information online.
Form 990s are what ministries and charities have to fill out, but churches are exempt from having to report how much money they bring in or how much money they pay out their pastors.
So I was really shocked. Yeah, Chuck Pierce is getting fabulously rich.
So as much as you and I can joke about what a dingbat he is, he's not really a dingbat.
He's portraying this prophet character for tremendous profit.
Apparently, there's a lot of money to be made in telling people nothing in the name of God. Yeah, and he's telling people nothing, but it sounds like something, and it sounds like he's puffing them up.
He's constantly telling them, we're in the war and we're gonna win, and you're right there in the front lines.
We're the special people. We're the ones who are making all this stuff happen. But in reality, they're really embarrassing.
I'm going to agree with you on that. Okay, now let's take a listen to this thing and see if we can make it. For even as I have called you to be seated in heavenly places with me, the
Lord says you have yet to know my desire to come and be planted in the nations. He said, even though there's an ascension in this season, there is also a time when
I'm beginning to come and settle my feet in the nations. Oh, this guy is doing, season, by the way, is one of our prophecy bingo words.
It's not on my card, bummer. Okay. Not mine either. All right, let's see. He says, I am settling,
I am establishing, I am aligning. So he says, in the borders of your city, in the borders.
Aligning is a prophecy bingo word. State or province. In the borders of your nation, begin to cry out for my feet to rest in a new way.
Allow my throne to be established in your city, in your nation, for this is an hour in which my justice, my rule, my reign will be established in the nations of the earth.
Now, remember, Yeshua himself said, the harvest is ripe, but we gotta have harvest.
Yeah, harvest is a prophecy bingo word. Yeah, and I had it. Okay, let's keep going here.
I want us to stop for a moment. I want us to pray for the harvesters that God has within our nation and that he will send within our nation.
China, I want to address you. There's such warfare over that land right now. So he's talking to China.
Yeah, that's something. Is China listening? I don't think so.
Not all at once anyway. Okay, all right. Government's rising up, but God's got a kingdom people rising up.
You're called to be the harvesters. Lead the world in harvesting in days ahead.
This is so key for us as we move forward. Many of you know I had.
If it's key, why do we not understand what he's saying? This is key, man.
It's key, but I don't know what he's saying. A visitation.
And in that visitation, I've written about it in Triumphant Kingdom. In that visitation,
I awakened from a dream and there was an angel standing in the room where I was seeking the
Lord, a physical angel. Now, I very seldom share something of this magnitude.
And finally, I want to explain to you, it causes you to tremble when you think of that supernatural dynamic.
Supernatural is a prophecy. Bingo word. That has come through and is now in the earth realm.
And finally, I said, who are you? And he said, I am the angel of harvest over God's covenant.
I have come to war on his behalf for his harvest ahead.
This angel was amazing and he was peering into the future. And as he peered into the future.
Is it me or does the soundtrack here sound like it's from one of those demon possession movies? You know, like The Exorcist or something.
You know, it's like, yeah, I feel like I'm listening to the soundtrack of something really creepy.
You know what's funny, Chris? When I think about or watch these videos, I think about when I was on a worship team.
And as a musician, I always wanted to play, but obviously you can't play the whole time. You gotta stop. Right.
There's other things that need to happen. Well, not at Chuck Pierce's meetings. The musicians get to play the whole time.
It must be really fun for them. Although some of these chord progressions don't really go anywhere.
So they probably get bored after an hour or so, but still. Got it, okay. If you like to play your instrument,
Chuck Pierce is your man. Right. Or if you like to toot your own prophetic horn, you know.
Yes. He allows that too, so yeah. Okay, let's keep going here. It was as the world was flat, and because I've traveled the world so many times,
I know the world. I know the topography. I know the geographical centers of the world.
And I, all of a sudden as he peered, I stood and peered with him.
And he started, all of a sudden we could see, it looked like crystal wheat coming up throughout the earth.
I'm so bummed crystal wheat is not on my prophecy bingo card here. Did you see the crystal wheat?
Yeah man, I saw the crystal wheat. Yeah. Oh man. This is a
Cheech and Chong movie. Yeah, crystal wheat, got it, okay. All right.
And he said, that is where harvest will be. That is where harvest will be.
Harvest will be where the crystal wheat is, man. Where is that, Chucky boy? You're not telling us anything.
Yeah, okay. All right, let's try to change it up. This is just so weird. Okay, so we did
Jolynn. So this is, oh, what is her name? I think her name is, she calls herself
Pastor Raina. Let's check in with her prophetic word for June. And this was released on May 20th.
So this is before George Floyd was killed and the riots that followed.
Let's see if God gave her Pastor Raina, any kind of a heads up that the riots were coming.
Here we go. And the Lord was reminding me of Joseph. All right,
I'm gonna back this up because I wanna get this thing in its fullness here.
So all right, here we go. But you guys, I know the Lord gave me a word that I needed to put out like right now, right now.
Right now, right now. I'm gonna be speaking to two different types of people right now. God is doing an amazing thing in this moment.
And I needed to release this word because I know it's gonna speak to someone. Yeah, release is a
Prophecy Bingo word. That has been through a season of enslavement. And the
Lord was reminding me of Joseph. And how
Joseph's brothers sold him into a slavery to Egypt and all because they were jealous of him.
And - So you might be sold into slavery, Steve, just because of my jealousy, you know.
Let's hope it doesn't go there. I'll see if I can keep it in check though. I'm gonna try. Thank you.
And what they did was actually for the better of them, but they didn't know it.
And they did it because they felt that Joseph was a bit arrogant, like saying, you know, you had this dream that we are gonna be bowing down to you.
Like, you know, like you're crazy, you're nuts, right? And not just that, but also he was his father's favorite.
And of course, giving him a tunic of many colors. And of course that just infuriated the brothers.
But nonetheless, you know, you could be your father in heaven's favorite son or favorite daughter.
And maybe because of it, you have upset some of your brothers around you.
Steve, it really upsets me. It chaps my hide that you are God's favorite. I just, you know.
I was gonna say the same thing about you, Chris. I have some confusion here. Yeah. We're not apostolically aligned, apparently.
We need St. Peter Wagner to give us an alignment. Yeah, I'll go see my chiropractor immediately for that.
So, all right. And they have seen the gifts that you have. They have seen how you move in those gifts.
They have seen the person that you are and how you shine because of the love of the
Father for you. And because of it, they have taken you and they have thrown you in a cistern and they have sold you to Egypt.
What's your cistern? Yeah. I don't know. I live in one of the flattest parts of the world and we don't have any cisterns out here.
You also have the French fry plant. Yes, we do.
I don't know what you call it. Yeah, it's right up the street here. And when that thing's going and the winds are blowing in my direction, oh my goodness, all
I do is dream about McDonald's, man. From my cistern. Maybe North Dakota is my cistern.
Maybe North Dakota is your Egypt. Indiana was your cistern.
Yeah, there's some merit to this. And so when
I lived in Southern California, that was my promised land. I don't know. Trying to sort this out here.
You gotta lean into it. Right, exactly what you just said. To slavery.
And you have been suffering the consequences of that being sold to the hand of the enemy because of rejection.
And yes, it is a spirit of rejection, you guys. But. Oh, see, I don't think
I have that. Steve, I think you have a spirit of rejection, clearly. I've died.
I've died. Yeah, I knew it. Yeah, see, I can feel a burning in my bosom.
Hey, what do you think is in her background? That blurry stuff. Is that a green screen thing or is that actually a real background?
It looks like a real background. Yeah, it does. Kind of like she's got some kind of translucent paper or fabric or something.
And so it's not a bokeh, it's a foca. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
I am speaking right now to someone and I don't know who
I'm talking to. You're not talking to me, lady, that's for sure. Okay.
Wait, wait, wait. Keep it going. Going to release. Like right now, the Lord is opening up those doors.
Like as we are moving now into this new season that is coming,
God is opening up new doors and he's opening up those, he's really like breaking the shackles of slavery that had you bound.
And those shackles are going to be broken. They're going to be - The shackles are going to be broken.
Gone. And now listen up, guys. As I give this word, not every prophetic word is for everybody.
So you guys need to understand that as I'm speaking, I'm speaking to someone in a specific.
Can you give his name or her name, please? Since you're specifically speaking to a someone. Or just give us bingo words, that would be okay.
I knew you would be happy with that. It could be you, it could be someone else.
It may not be for you. So, you know, God is going to speak who he's going to speak.
But if you hear this word and this word is piercing your spirit, it's because this word is for you.
You also need to understand that from the time that Joseph had his dream until he became the second in command in Egypt was a few years.
And when God released the word, when God gave Joseph those dreams, did
God commit an error by giving Joseph those dreams? Of course not.
God doesn't make mistakes. But, you know, because of what he did when he first received the word, when he first received the dreams, when he...
I feel like she's stalling, you know, because she's not getting to that second word.
First received the vision. You know, unfortunately he went and told his brothers and his brothers were jealous of him.
Okay? So, okay, so you need to understand that maybe some things happened to you and now
I'm not pointing fingers, you guys. I'm not pointing fingers here, you guys.
But maybe some things happened to you, not because of the hand of the enemy, but maybe it was due because of your own mouth.
Maybe it was... Some things, I don't know who they are. I'm speaking to somebody, but maybe some things, you know.
This is vague. I want her to say something. Do, and I'm not saying that you did something wrong, but like Joseph, and I think that Joseph was more excited than arrogant by going to tell the brothers, because everybody tends to say, well,
Joseph was arrogant by telling... You know, it's the assumption. God's going to give you a dream just like he gave Joseph, you know.
I encourage everybody who's watching this, if you have not seen Chris's videos about the
Old Testament, the Pirate's Guide to Understanding the Old Testament, please watch those. I've been recommending those to everybody
I can, because everything she's saying is based on a faulty foundation, that every story in the Old Testament is something you can use for your own personal life to reinterpret the stuff that's happening around you.
It's just so dangerous. Yeah, in fact, what I'll do is I'll have Josh here up in this corner put a link to the
Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament, where I talk about Joseph. You know, it's one of the longer ones, but it's a foundational text, and it's in the types and shadows.
The parallels between Joseph and Jesus are uncanny. And you'll note that Jesus' earthly father, not that he was genetically related to him, because Jesus was not the product of a conception between Mary and Joseph, but Jesus' father here, legal father on earth was
Joseph. And it makes a point in Matthew 1 to talk about how he had dreams, which then led to Jesus being taken to Egypt.
I mean, that's the, so, you know, the story of Joseph points us to Christ. So, but let's continue as we get these non -specific vagaries that she seems to be hedging all of her bets on here.
The brothers, like, who does he think he is? But let me tell you, if you receive a dream and you see something, and you see something amazing, you wanna go tell someone that is gonna rejoice with you.
But let me tell you one thing, not everyone is gonna rejoice with you. And in fact, some people that you consider your siblings, some people that you consider your siblings in Christ, some people that you consider your brothers and sisters, some people that you love, it could even be in your own household, can be jealous, can be envious of you, and may want to take that dream, take it and crush it.
So it's like, we need to remember. Yeah, in other words, she's trying to protect you against the person who's gonna speak like biblical sense to you.
It's like, yeah, that dream wasn't from God. Oh, you're the jealous person that Raina told me about.
And it starts with the assumption that everybody in her audience is in a position right now where God is about to do some amazing new thing because they're all so special.
It just feeds their egos. There's nothing in here about what Jesus did on the cross to pay for our sins and that the reconciliation between man and God is what
Jesus came to do. He didn't come to make us into superheroes. Right, and you'll note that in Jeremiah 23,
God talks about the fact that false prophets, they never call people to repent of their sins.
They're always filling their heads with vain visions and things like that. And that's what she's doing. That's exactly what she's doing.
It says, don't throw your pearls to the dogs and to the pigs because they're gonna turn around and trample them.
And they're not just gonna trample your treasure. They're gonna turn around and trample you.
So you see. So yeah, if anyone tells you that, that vision really wasn't from God. I don't know what you're thinking here.
Oh man, that's like throwing your pearls to pigs. This is what we learned in Amway. Oh really?
Yeah, it's the same thing. You got this great thing. You're so special that you're part of this group. You're so important.
You're gonna do all these things even though they haven't happened yet, but you're gonna do them. And some people are gonna be negative and they're not gonna be involved in this dream with you.
And you just gotta leave them behind. It's the same thing. Joel Osteen talks about this. I mean, there's a little bit of truth.
There are people who are really negative and when you have a really good idea, they bring you down and you need to ignore those sorts of people.
But that's not what this is. This isn't a whole level of. Right, and then you'll note that Jesus himself does tell us to expect persecution and suffering and tribulation as a result of our confession of him.
But you're gonna note here, this isn't that. She isn't talking about somebody who's gonna suffer for their belief in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, their trust in Jesus, and being persecuted for their confession of Christ.
No, this is somebody who's suffering because somebody's jealous because God gave you a spectacular dream and you're
God's favorite. And the best way to encourage people in their own egos and to turn them into little monsters is to say, yeah, well, you're gonna be great for God, not just for yourself.
Oh, yeah. You're gonna go around the world. You're gonna speak to large numbers of people. You're gonna write books. You're gonna do miracles.
Whatever it is, it puffs people up and it actually removes us from the position of humility that God wants us to have.
Yeah, I agree. All right, let's go back to Gloria of Zion and let's check out this prophecy, see if we can make any sense of this one here.
And the Lord says, this is a season when I've drawn you to myself. And at this point in the day, it is time to let go of everything you've been wrestling with all day long and begin to enter into the next watch when you get home and begin to stand in front of the
Lord and allow him to take the residue of the day off you and begin to meditate on what you will speak into for tomorrow.
Speak into is a prophecy buzz phrase and it's on my card. Hey, take a look at this one.
All right, I'm making progress here, Kozar. I just need prosperity or prosper. I see what's going on there.
We just gotta get step into it. Yeah, well, I always try to watch out where I'm walking on the grass, so I don't.
We had speak into it, but not step into it. All right, let's see what happens here. The Lord says that I have set before you some things to move through a day and to become a conduit for me to press through you, for me to flow through you, not your anxiety and not your stress, but my love and my protection and my care, and I have longed to hear you call out to me and I will answer.
The Lord says call out to me and I will answer. All right, well, that's a shorter one.
Let's see what. When we turn this thing off, you know what we're gonna be doing? We're gonna be allowing
God to remove the residue. Right, yeah, that's an important thing,
Steve. You need to allow God to do that. Glory of Zion is the residue. All right, let's check out this one here.
So far, so good. I knew you were gonna do that, I knew that. Okay, I'm not even a prophet and I knew you were gonna do that.
Okay, let's keep going here. Can't you feel the atmosphere changing?
Yeah. How long is this gonna go on? Really? Still going.
Nice. And I say to you, there is a sound of mustering going on. I say my ark is beginning to move in new ways.
What were the old ways that the ark moved? This is so weird. And I am calling people in for the day has changed.
The day has changed, beginning in Jerusalem and now beginning to break throughout the nations.
For there is a divine judgment and analysis of nations going on.
And I say to you, there is a sound of mustering. I say a movement has become.
Yeah, this is definitely one of those movements for sure. I say get ready to get into your place as the warrior for the future.
For this is the time of beginning your glorious future.
I say the glorious future for my people have begun and I will surprise you with restoration in a day.
I say even watch now as markets throughout the earth shift and change.
Shifting is a, did I already do shifting? I think I did. Markets shift. Yeah. Markets shift every day.
Yeah, on a daily basis. They go up, they go down, yeah. To say something new, he would say, markets are gonna remain stable.
That would be a real prophetic word. Everyone would notice that. Change and move.
I say I will create movement in the earth for my people are now mustering.
Okay, well if you have faith of a muster seed. Anyway, yeah, sorry
I had to do that. I think it's great how he takes his preexisting catchphrases and then he inserts a new word every once in a while.
Yeah, he does. Okay, now let's check with, oh, what's this fellow's name again here? Kevin Bridges, all right.
So this was from May 23rd. So this is just like two days before George Floyd is killed.
And let's see what he's. I'm sure he's gonna, with that nice cover picture like that, with the guy going for the walk out in the woods, you know this man is in touch with God.
I mean, you gotta admit, that's some pretty good highlights and good leading lines on that photograph. Yeah, so all right, let's.
He didn't burn out the highlights too much. Yep, it's a good picture. Yep, let's see what he does here. I see a farmer's field with new life springing forth from the soil.
The Lord says to you, it is a new season, a season. New season and season, yeah.
Season where you will start to see the seeds of faith springing forth. You'll start to see newness of life.
For I am at work and I am turning things around. He's turning things around.
Watch and see as I surprise you, as I surprise you with my love, as I surprise you with the way in which
I turn things around. Do not be afraid, but know that I am with you, that I am the one who's watering your garden.
I am the one who's making light shine upon you. I'm filling you with joy, a joy that knows no limit and no end, a joy that comes from my heart.
Come, rejoice this day. Come and see the first fruits, the first signs of my goodness, the first signs of transformation.
Transformation, okay. And know that I'm with you. This would be a good guy to fall asleep to. Very pleasant. Yeah, I agree.
Meaningless, but pleasant. I'm still waiting for prophetic
ASMR, you know. We talked about that when you were on last. There's these YouTube channels where people whisper, and it's weird.
It's supposed to help put you to sleep, you know. Today, we're going to be doing prophetic
ASMR. Today's ASMR is brought to you by Squarespace.
Stop it, Steve. You're ruining my ASMR. I'm trying to put people to sleep.
There's going to be a shifting and a shaking, and there'll be prosperity and a thriving and an increase during the next download.
See, there you go. See, I worked. Ta -da, ta -da, ta -da. Anyway, okay, let's keep going here. That I delight in you, and that I am blessing you this very day.
All right. That was kind of a Sarah Young sort of a vibe there. Yeah, yeah, and there was a follow -up to this one, so let's take a look.
Same day, but a follow -up here. I see the Lord bringing peace to your heart. The Lord says, receive my peace this day.
Receive my presence, for my presence changes things. My presence changes circumstances.
Still your mind. Stop thinking so much. Be at peace. Knowing that I will bring forth my promises.
I will be there for you. I will provide for you the things which are needed. Do not concern yourself.
Do not be worried. Do not be anxious. Put in everything entrusted into my hands.
For I am with you, and I am faithful. Give all to me, knowing that I am with you.
Knowing that as you place it in my hands, it's the safest place it could ever be. Knowing that I love you.
I feel like this is some kind of weird prophetic Hallmark card. All right, let's see here.
That's a good way to describe it. This looks interesting. Hang on a second here. I have no idea what's gonna happen here.
Glory of Zion for the win. Grab my sick head of my shanty. Grab my shanty. All right, we got some tongues here.
So I'm going, you know, hang on. I'm feeling the spirit leading me here. Ooh, ooh, ooh, yes, there was a presence that I heard that in those words, presence.
What about ignite? Didn't you hear somebody say ignite? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did. I heard an ignition on that one too, so.
All right, so yeah, just so you know, but that's all I heard on that one, but let's keep going here.
Let's see. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty.
Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Grab my shanty. Notice how she's rolling her eyes. Bars, brr, brr, brr, brr, you know, yeah.
She didn't make a good pirate. Yeah, she drove a Hyundai. Could have bought a Kia, you know. Get him a shanty.
The rumbling that's going on is within you, sayeth the Lord. You keep watching for the earth to rumble, but I'm rumbling the bowels of your compassion.
God's rumbling my bowels. Oh, wow. Did he just say that?
Yes, he did. Let me back it up and you can hear. Listen, rumble your bowels.
The rumbling that's going on is within you, sayeth the Lord. You keep watching for the earth to rumble, but I'm rumbling the bowels of your compassion.
Oh, the bowels of my compassion. They're being rumbled, man. They are being rumbled.
I didn't know I had any, so this is all new. You don't have any bowels of compassion? I don't really want to talk about such issues in public right now.
Okay, all right, you know, because, you know, in Greek, you know, it's black needs, oh my.
So that's the actual Greek word for that. Does this have anything to do with lactose intolerance? Because it seems like it might.
Yeah, that would be the bowels of your intolerance. Yeah. Not your compassion.
See, that's how that works. Yeah, you just got to work it, you know? I say that which has been locked up in you, that which has not been touched, that which has been held back,
I say I'm rumbling that. I am rumbling that. I am so bummed rumbling is not one of my words.
You have no idea. Did Josh tell you that we were watching the pastor farting videos
Sunday night? Had you ever seen those? Oh yeah, yeah, I just hadn't watched them for a while.
Yeah, Tootin' Tilton, yeah. This right here is prime material. If I was of the category of YouTuber that would want to make a farting creature video, this is perfect.
This is really good. Junior high, junior high farty. By the way, any time on my
YouTube channel, if we do any kind of humor related to flatulence, I get some pretty strong emails from people.
You're acting like a sixth grader, Rose, bro. You are better than that. You're resorting to fart humor.
It's like, yeah, but I think it's funny. I know, me too. Oh, well, okay.
Oh wait, wait, wait, no. I think it was inappropriate, Chris. I would really recommend that people start watching the
Messed Up Church YouTube channel instead. If they want mature content, they know where to go from now on.
I'm just saying. I see what you did there, yeah. But you know that we've already got your confession here.
You like that flatulent humor. Edit that out, please. Yeah, oh man, okay, yeah.
Because of the rumble, I will create a movement through it.
A rumbling movement in my bowels. My apologies, my apologies.
I was channeling my inner Beavison butthead. He said bowels, a movement.
You know, it's like, oh, come on. All right, here we go. I am Cornholio. Anyway. Of the compassion within you that will cause miracles of who
I am to be seen. I am rumbling. And now he leaves the stage.
He's gonna go to the bathroom. Yeah, I think that's a mic drop moment here. God says, I am rumbling your bowels.
Yeah, mic drop. Wow, that's really bad. Okay, let's see here. So we did that one.
We did this one. All I need is one word in two different spots. I could win this. I know,
I know. And don't worry, because I give bonus words at the end. There's two bonus words. But you have to subscribe and you have to ring the bell.
And so if you've already done those two things, Steve, then you will be qualified for the extra bonus words.
But let's take a look here. This one, the gal who gives it, she doesn't come on camera. So this is an audio only with this strange photograph here as the only visual for this one.
And this is from Prophetess Kristen. Prophetess Kristen.
I don't know who she is. God wanted me to get on to deliver a quick word.
Last night, May 31st, 2020, God gave me a dream.
Now, he often gives me dreams. One of the many ways that he speaks to me. But in the dream,
I was on a train. And the train at first was still.
And I remember being very cognizant of the movement of the train, because when you're in a dream and you're just aware of what's going on, and I'm just thinking to myself, okay, is this train moving?
And it wasn't. It wasn't moving. It was just, it was there. And I was just on it.
And everything was just completely still. And as time went by in the dream, all of a sudden, the dream, the train in the dream picked up speed.
It began to pick up traction. And it literally just began to just,
I mean, fly. Just literally, I mean, I'm talking just like in a circle.
I mean, the houses, it was just going in a circle. And I just kept seeing the same house, the same, just the same piece of land and property, and just over and over again, and speeding and spinning.
And I tried to go and use the bathroom, and I was just trying to hold on the best I could to get into the bathroom.
Too much information, lady. Too much information. This coming from the guy who just engaged in bowel movement potty humor and talked about flatulence, yeah.
So this, and you sure this is from God? And this is the prophetic word for the month of June, 2020?
Okay. But it was just so powerful. Talk about acceleration. Acceleration is a prophecy.
Bingo word? I was so enthralled with her story that I forgot that I was playing the game. Yeah, yeah, it happens, it happens.
I asked the Lord, Lord, what did this dream mean? And Holy Spirit basically said that things are about to take off.
My God, things are about to take off, all right? In every area, in every market, all right?
In the body. Things are about to take off in every market. This was
June 1st. Wow, wow, wow. Yeah, that didn't seem to work out.
It's Christ in America, in our lives. God is saying that there's a judgment,
His judgment. I've been seeing, you know, I've been seeing, you know, 444 and just the number 12.
And so God has rendered His judgment. And we know when there's a judgment, there's good in there.
So because she saw the number 444, that means God has rendered His judgment and it was sealed with the number 12, you know?
Yeah, duh. Okay. Of course, everybody knows that.
Everybody knows that. Yeah, okay. It was bad. So there are those of us who are gonna be, we're gonna be seeing
God's final verdict on matters in our lives that have been really honestly, you know, in the works for the past few years, situations, conditions, people trying to tarnish us, people trying to hurt us.
You know, situations and conditions and stuff. Yeah. Things are gonna be coming to pass because God has issued
His judgment. We will see acceleration. We will see things come to pass. We will see things begin to manifest and it's gonna happen fast.
So we need to be prepared and ready as a body of Christ. And also for people who have been disobedient and for those who have turned their backs against the
Lord and who have hurt many innocent people, there will be a judgment for them. There will be a downfall.
There will be a huge fall, okay? There will be just a complete turnaround and the first shall be last and the last shall be first, but it's gonna happen quickly.
Doors are gonna be opening quickly. Connections made quickly. Alignment made quickly.
Alignment made quickly. We already had that. I'm looking for assignment. Yeah. I could use an assignment too.
Have we had a breakthrough? I swear we've already heard breakthrough, but I didn't mark it on my card. You know, I didn't mark it either.
So I'm gonna say no at this point. Let's listen. I can't believe we haven't heard breakthrough. I know.
I'm sorry. You know what? Breakthrough is one of those words that's so common that they're starting to phase it out,
I think. Yeah. I think that was from Prophecy 4 .0. I think they're upgrading to Prophecy 5 .6.
Yeah, there's an upgrade. All right, let's check in with Niecy in the now word for June 2020.
So I heard the Lord say very clearly that he is releasing a number of upgrades.
Upgrades. Okay, so releasing an upgrade. Upgrade, do I have that on my card? I need an upgrade for my computer.
Hang on a second here. I've got upgrade on my card. Hang on, there we go. Oh, nice. There, very good.
Thank you, Niecy. We knew you'd come through for us. Okay, let's keep going. His sons and his daughters right now.
Oh yes, there are a number of upgrades being released from the heavenlies.
And I'm seeing very clearly that we have entered into a time of transition whereby these upgrades will be claimed.
If you're connected with me on social media, then you're familiar with the fact that I prophesied that June would be the month of transitioning into all of the upgrades that the
Lord has for us. And I believe that my mandate today is to come on and to really prophesy that word and to expand upon that word because I sense the
Lord breathing very heavily on this. This is like new age music in the background.
It's kind of, it's weird. Theme of transitioning into upgrades right now. Yes, I heard the
Lord say very clearly that he was releasing upgrades to his sons and his -
She keeps saying the same word over and over. She's, yeah, she needs to - She says it with confidence.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. That's important. Yeah. During this time. And there are three specific areas of upgrade that I get a sense that the
Lord is really breathing on. All right, I need three areas. One of them needs to be the area of increase.
Or the revival or a breakthrough. Right now. And beloved, this isn't to say that these are the only areas that the
Lord is upgrading. These are just the three areas that he is speaking specifically to me about.
And so I believe my mandate today is to really come on here and to begin to prophesy over you the upgrade in these three areas.
And as I do so, I believe that it is going to empower you to transition into all that God has for you during this time.
So whatever this word, it's gonna empower me to transition, Steve. That's important.
I'm happy for you, Chris. Yeah, this is a powerful word, man. Okay. The first area of upgrade is that of spiritual influence.
I heard the Lord say very clearly that he is upgrading many people during this time into the positions of spiritual influence that they are meant to have.
And there are many people who are watching me right now who have calls into the five -fold ministry, yet you have been sort of languishing in your call, meaning you haven't fully accepted it and you're not fully walking in it yet.
And I hear the Lord saying that in this season, in this very hour, he is breaking off all of the limitations and all of the delay that is trying to keep you back.
I need a breakthrough then. If he's gonna break off limitations, we need a breakthrough here. Come on, come on, Niecy.
Because there are many people watching me who have been hesitant to step into the call.
Step into. What about step into it? Yeah, that'll work. I got bingo.
♪ Good old acquaintance me ♪ You beat me? Oh, Kozar.
Oh, I gotta push it. I'm so bummed.
All right, yeah, so you won. Yay. Yay, all right.
And of course, I should have done my tongues interpretation a little bit more strategically.
Well, you had to go with what the Spirit was leading, Chris. That's all that matters. This is true. You gotta be true to the Spirit, man.
I was meant to win. You were meant to lose. I think that's what we can see here. I really feel like that's what the
Holy Spirit is saying in this hour. Well, no, actually, I think what the Holy Spirit is saying in this hour is something very different than that, you know?
No, I think that what you're about to say is not from the Holy Spirit, because that's what I feel. Well, hold on a second here.
Let's see here. I think what the Holy Spirit is saying in this hour is something like this.
Hang on a second here. What's this? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Wow. That's what he said. I gotta keep watching this one. Wow. I think she's giving birth to something here.
That's the birthing anointing right there. Can you, are these, these are the videos that they put up and then they take down after just a couple of weeks?
Is that right? Yeah, I think these, yeah, this is in the prophecy section there. Stop me, just try to stop me.
The Lord says even now, I'm awakening a part of your spirit and your soul that has been asleep, says the
Lord. Know this day, I am coming to touch that part of you that has not spoken in a long time, says the
Spirit of the Lord. Know this day, I am coming to. The lady behind him, did you see her face?
What am I watching here? Even quicken your mortal body, says the Lord. You're gonna begin to speak in new.
The lady behind him is stealing the show on this one. I swear she is. Tongues that I give you, says the
Lord. Know this day, I am quickening your mortal body to.
Why is the cameraman not following her? I don't know, he should be, man. In a way you have never prospered before.
I am God and I'm coming to visit you right where you are. Just lift your hands now and say,
Lord, come and visit me right where I am. There she is again. Oh, they took her out.
Even touch my physical body, even touch my tongue, even anoint my hands to heal.
I am coming to visit you, says the Lord. And the Lord says, he's cracking into those places where you didn't believe, where you thought you believed, but you really didn't have faith.
The Lord says, I'm cracking into those places and I am shattering that I believe. I'm shattering that I believe.
See, I told you, this is what the Spirit's saying right now, man. It's just, the Holy Spirit's lost his mind.
Yeah, yeah. I really, I wanna make a, I have so many things to do right now.
I'm behind with everything I'm supposed to be doing that's important in my life, but I wanna make a video right now and take these little bits and pieces and stick them together, because it's hilarious.
It's really, it's not funny on one hand, but it is funny. Yeah, it's sad in another sense, and the reason why is because people really believe that this is the voice of God that is being spoken here by these people.
But you'll note, none of these people agreed. None of these people actually said anything. And then the prophecies that were pre, prior to the riots, nobody was seeing the riots coming.
You know, when I did that Chuck Pierce video, I think it was in January or March.
No, it was in March. It was in the end of March, and Chuck Pierce has his own YouTube channel. They edited together the best prophecies, what they thought were his best prophecies, the ones that appeared to be saying something.
Right. And they said nothing. Yeah. There was one line where he said, I see death, there's gonna be a lot of deaths, which of course happens every day.
Yeah. And then there was another place where he said, at a conference in November, he said there was going to be riots in California.
And I was like, well, yeah, that's quite possible. There are riots in Los Angeles almost every year.
Yeah. He didn't say there were gonna be riots in Minneapolis or Atlanta or a lot of these other places. Or in Dallas or in New York City, or yeah, just name the city, yeah.
Yeah, so the whole purpose of their prophecies is to build up an audience of loyal followers who will keep coming back for more.
It has nothing to do with benefiting anybody in any way. It actually pulls you from your true
Christian faith if you ever had it to begin with. It removes you from that. And you forget about what
Jesus did on the cross. You forget about the actual word of God, the Holy Bible. And you are now sucked into this new, very manipulative whole category of so -called church.
Yep, indeed. I completely agree. And as you think that these are words from God, your lust and coveting of these types of words increases.
Right. And your disdain for the real word of God, your disdain for God's word, the
Bible really grows as well. And as a result of it, the real voice of God gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller.
Yeah. And your life gets worse and worse and worse. Yeah, and you sit there, why is this the case? Well, I must tithe more.
No, you gotta get out of these churches. These people aren't, this isn't the voice of God. So, well,
Steve, thank you for coming on and giving me a prophecy bingo shellacking. I clearly needed that.
You know, it helps keep me humble, you know? Well, last time
I came on, I was the guy that allowed you to win. So this all works out. This is the yin and the yang of the prophetic word.
Right, so the next time we have you on, it's gonna be the best two out of three. It'd be like the Prophecy Bingo World Series or something.
Yeah, something like that. The showdown, the reckoning, you know, Prophecy Bingo Reckoning. But right now it's tied.
Roseboro won, Kozar won. What will happen in round three? Stay tuned, stay tuned.
What we gotta do is we have one of these microphones that comes down from the ceiling. Yeah, yeah. Welcome to Prophecy Bingo!
Let's get ready to rumble! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree. Yeah, you get the idea.
So, all right. Well, listen, I'm gonna quickly sign off here and wanna thank you all for watching.
If you found this to be fun, entertaining, educational, all of those things, all the information on how you can share the video is down below.
And just a quick reminder, and that is, is that we are supported by the people we serve, and that's you, if you don't already support us.
All the information on how you can support us is down below. Sending in a one -time contribution, become a patron on Patreon, or joining our crew.
And during the summer months here in the United States, everybody who joins our crew during the summer that at Gunner's Mate or above,
Gunner's Mate or above, I will send you an autographed copy of my fine art print, and this one's called
Lake of the Woods Dock. That's what it's called, sunrise on Lake of the Woods. And I'll send you this as my way of saying thank you for joining our crew and supporting what we do.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.