The Sufficiency of Scripture (Acts 15:12-35, Jeff Kliewer)

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We are living through a modern-day downgrade of the Christian faith. The most important thing the Church needs to hear is to return to the Bible. The Bible is God-breathed and sufficient to govern, sanctify, inform, and satisfy us forever.


The recording of the sermon that I preached on Sunday was lost But no matter
I'm glad that it was because I believe that God is sovereign and in his Providence He has a purpose a reason a decree and a good plan for those who love him and who are called according to his purpose
For everything that happens under the Sun including the losing of a recording of a sermon it will be an opportunity for this where I intend in this video to be even more direct and Specific as to the assertion that I was making from the text from acts 15
So let me just take some time to lay out the application of what acts 15 would mean for us as a church see
And not only for us but for the church in general the Universal Church The Bible is the foundation upon which the church will either stand or fall
Let's get specific So I said in in the sermon on Sunday that there was an early heretic named
Marcion Marcion taught that the God of the Old Testament was actually a different God than the
God of the New Testament He was some kind of demiurge and the God of the New Testament is a
God of love So he defined the love of God in the person of Jesus Christ and wanted to accept
Christianity but not carte blanche. He wanted to rework it according to the machinations of his own brain
That was Marcion and he was a heretic now Unfortunately in our culture today
There has been a massive downgrade to the Christian faith and by the way,
I didn't coin that term that comes from Charles Spurgeon and the downgrade controversy of the 1890s also used and taught
Recently by a guy named J .D. Hall Jordan Hall And he's absolutely right. There is a downgrade happening to Christianity in America today
There's one prominent pastor of one of the biggest churches in America Who teaches that we need to unhitch our faith from the
Old Testament of the Bible? Because the Old Testament is hard to defend and so his contention is you just start with the resurrection
Preach that Jesus truly rose try to show that by some historical means and then back people into a belief in the
Bible, but the way to do that is first and foremost to unhitch from the
Bible Not allow the Bible tells me so to be the epistemology upon which the church is built the foundation the way of knowing things it's a dangerous teaching
I'll tell you where it leads a Complete redefinition of the gospel and Ultimately the loss of the gospel the crumbling of the
Christian faith the destruction of the Christian faith I was looking on Facebook the other day and I noticed somebody who's
I think claims to be a Christian at least she used to Getting married to another woman.
She was dressed the part of a man Her wife was dressed in a wedding dress and they were married and then the picture was posted on Facebook it was liked and loved by many who claim to be
Christian and Those who would not like that or love that would be regarded as haters
And so the question comes up What is love? What kind of love is this is this
Christian love demonstrated in a gay wedding or Is it love to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to uphold the scripture upon which the gospel stands or falls?
I'll say the latter. What is love? Unless you have a biblical definition of love.
It's an arbitrary meaningless word Love itself is defined by the
Bible in this is love not that we love God, but that he loved us and Gave his son as a propitiation for our sins first John 4 10
That's what love is not that we love God, but love is defined by the very nature of God apart from the
Bible There are two things that we absolutely cannot know regarding love
Number one the person of Jesus Christ we only know who he is that God exists as father and a son and As Holy Spirit because the
Bible tells us that God is three -in -one Many scriptures claim the deity of Christ and reveal him as a distinct person from his father who also sends
The counselor the Holy Spirit so God exists in tri unity and in that tri unity
There's perfect love the love of the father for the son and for the spirit in eternity past He needed nothing.
He was loved because in that multiplicity of persons There was love between each the father for the son and for the spirit and the spirit for the father and the son so love
Existed before the creation of mankind Love is defined by who
God is secondly love is defined in what God has done for us The sending of his son, but apart from the
Bible, how would we know the meaning of his death? We couldn't know the meaning of the death of Jesus Christ it's only the scriptures which reveal the sacrificial system of the
Israelites and the meaning of substitution the laying down of one life in the place of another and Ultimately the
Son of God the divine blood of Jesus spilled on the cross to satisfy the wrath of the father
That's the meaning of propitiation and that is the definition of love the self -giving of the
Son on behalf of a particular people that he loves He gives himself for them
That is love The only way we know what love is is that the Bible first John 4 10 and God is love first John 4 8 tells us what love is and So it's nonsensical to then depart from the
Bible and create our own categories of sexual morality If it's only the
Bible that tells us what love is then to obey what God says about his creation is love for God it's to obey that first table of the
Ten Commandments and love for neighbor would be consistent with that and The sexual ethic that comes from that the second table of the law
So here's where we are in America today There are many who desire to unhitch from the
Bible But what we learn in the text in Acts chapter 15, it's the
Bible and the Bible alone That's sufficient to inform us to be the sole rule of faith in the church sufficient to sanctify us unto godliness and holiness
Sufficient to give us joy Real happiness in the presence of God here and now and then for eternity with him
All of these things come from the scripture, I don't know if there's anything more important that I can say as a pastor
But that you ought to trust the Bible the word of the Living God that we should take
God at his word and not do like that ancient serpent did in Genesis chapter 3 did
God really say and then twists the scripture to conform to what we want it to say to believe the
Bible is to trust in God because it is his word all scripture is God -breathed and profitable for teaching and rebuking and Reproof and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be equipped for every good work
The Bible is God -breathed. It's his very breath. It comes from him So in Acts chapter 15
We saw the the council come together to answer the question
That was raised by some false teachers The false teacher said it is necessary for someone to be circumcised and to obey the whole law of Moses in order to be saved
Paul spoke strenuously against that message The message of those
Judaizers. He wrote the entire book of Galatians to refute it But in the Jerusalem Council in Acts chapter 15 he appeals to the signs and wonders that God did through him in the preaching of the gospel to the
Gentiles as Evidence that these things are not necessary Paul did not compel them to be circumcised and yet God confirmed
Paul's apostolic ministry through signs and wonders 2nd Corinthians 12 12 says that God Gives signs and wonders to confirm the
Apostles That's a loose paraphrase, but the idea is that the Apostles are marked
By signs and wonders that's a unique reason for such miraculous events as we see in the book of Acts confirming the ministry of Paul So Paul the writing that he puts to paper well back then to parchment
This comes from the Holy Spirit and is the apostolic word
It is the foundation on which the church is then built Peter Paul James they write as Apostles they're the ones who
God has designated for that special role They are the New Testament prophets as the
Old Testament writers gave us the first 39 books So come the 27 books from the
Apostles and this becomes the foundation of the church sola scriptura second in Acts chapter 15 a decision has to be reached about what they are to do with these
Gentiles and Who are now believers in Christ and the decision is reached that they would be told four things that they must do
Four things they must abstain from blood from strangled and animals from idolatry or foods that are offered to idols and from sexual immorality
This was important enough for them to write it goes back to the original creation design of God Genesis 2 21 to 25 a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two
Shall become one flesh. That's the created design Noah's Covenant Confirms this in Genesis chapter 9 and in that particular passage we learn also about how it's not appropriate
Not right to eat blood because life is in the blood and so that explains where James in Rendering his verdict in giving his opinion and his judgment at the
Jerusalem Council that explains where he gets it James Got it from the Bible. That's where his
Judgment was rendered from that's the foundation that he built it upon and so the morality that is shaping the early church is coming not from the opinions of men but from the
God who wrote the scripture and the Apostolic word like a second half coming together to make the
Bible the old and the new as one is Consistent with itself the morality described in the
Old Testament is still what God considers to be moral in the new because it comes from him an objective source not the arbitrary whims and The winds and waves of human opinion, but from the
God who is from eternity past Who defines love? Love is what's consistent with who he is.
So that's what happens next in the text They give this judgment notice then they send it with Apostles and with particular
Designated prophet teachers to deliver this word in Acts chapter 15 verse 27
We have therefore sent Judas and Silas who themselves will tell you the same things by word of mouth
It is the job of the preacher To exposit what the text says to say the same things that the
Bible says this is the foundation on which we stand It's not the role of a pastor to make things up To create morality to draw that out of the depths of the human heart where there's nothing but wickedness and depravity apart from God No, the pastor the prophet the teacher in this sense is to tell you the same things by word of mouth
This is expository preacher preaching we see it in Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 8 where Ezra preaches from a high wooden platform and he declares the
Word of God over the people and out amongst the people are Expositors who give the sense of the
Word of God they read it clearly and give the sense so the people are able to understand This is the foundation of the church now in the
New Testament. You see the same thing happening They tell you the same things by word of mouth the same things as what was written by the
Apostles and Handed -down finally in verses 28 to 35 It seemed good to the
Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements He gives requirements, but the requirements of God are not burdensome
They are good and life -giving and so the genuine children of God in verses 30 to 35
They receive it with joy. They rejoice because of its encouragement Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets
Encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words and Again, I like to use many words when
I preach, you know little sermons just a couple little random thoughts we call those sermonettes and sermonettes create
Christianettes who are not raised up and nurtured on the the good
Word of God on The meat of the word rather they're just fed milk and never mature
So the milk is the beginning point, but we move on to meat and that's why we use many words
Which is really just the words of scripture We continue to read and understand and explain the meaning of these things after they had spent some time
They were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch teaching and preaching the word of the
Lord With many others also And so This is so important The church is built on the scriptures
The word of the Lord teaching and preaching what the word of God says if we depart
From the word of God we lose the gospel If you unhitch from the old testament if you make a break from the morality of the bible
You no longer have a foundation upon which to know anything and by some
Sentimentality of your past or some connection to growing up in church. You may be able to retain some confession of jesus christ
But you've lost the faith and you will not pass it on to the next generation. You will not Keep the faith to the end under persecution.
You will not stand fast and endure Rather you will deny his name the only sure foundation
For the christian faith and for the christian life in order to be sanctified to grow in grace and knowledge
All of these things come from the scripture That is the foundation sola scriptura without that if you if you undermine that the devil knows this if you undermine that You lose christianity
You say well, I just want to believe in jesus. I want to believe he died and that sounds like a loving message He would die for my sins and he would rise from the dead
How do you know the meaning of those things, how do you know substitutionary atonement apart from the bible?
How do you know the meaning of the sacrificial lamb dying? For a particular people unless you discover that in the bible
How do you know that he rose from the dead? By some historical investigation by reading historians.
Will you prove it from that? No, you know it by the word of god, which is a trustworthy foundation
Build your life upon the word of god The downgrade controversy
Began in the late 1800s When there were liberal teachers who no longer believed in the authority of the word of god.
James thew was one of them And he hated charles spurgeon spurgeon stood up to that And really was censored by his own baptist union denomination
They thought he was being too harsh too hard But he saw what was happening as a downgrade and an undermining of the christian faith.
Was he right? Yeah, he was right. Look at europe now two percent evangelical across the whole continent
What happened the foundations were destroyed? The foundations were undermined the bible was rejected as the authoritative word of god began in germany with the higher critics
Adolf von harnack teaching this higher criticism That denied the authority and the inerrancy of scripture
It gave rise to a culture in germany that no longer stood upon the word of god. It gave rise to adolf hitler and nazism
All of the doctrines of men are like winds and waves and they are destructive waves
They are destructive hurricane force waves and they're blowing hard in our culture and they will blow down Any house that is not founded upon the rock christ jesus in obedience to his word
You depart from his word you depart from him It's coming to america
And dare I say it's already here The foundations are being destroyed but there will remain a remnant chosen by grace who believe the word of god
Who will not waver who will not cower in the face of being called a hater?
Because the very people who call us haters Can't define hate
By what basis are they able to define hate? Anybody that disagrees with you is that what a hater is someone who disagrees with you?
Well, who are you to define that? Hate Is anything that is against the christ?
Against jesus the savior and his word So when soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and pressed it on the brow of our savior that was hate
It was hate when they spit in his face And the darkness of that day
Was an indication of hate That was surrounding him the hatred and violence of men
In their wickedness in their sinfulness But what was love what was the light it was the light bursting from him
From the beauty and the glory of his face jesus the christ That's love
That he would lay down his life for his friends that's love Greater love has no than this
Has no one than this that he lays down his life for his friends Jesus is the picture of love.
He's the definition of love He's only known through the scriptures It's the only way of of Having the light come to you were made wise unto salvation by the scriptures according to second timothy 3 15
And so in closing The most important thing for us to do as a church
Is to be established upon the bible and the bible alone the scripture
Is the only rule of faith and practice? It's not only necessary it's sufficient
We don't need another authority. We don't need a pope. We don't need some other ruling class
That will tell us what to believe we need to believe what god says not what man says god's word versus man's word
We need to stand upon the bible. It is sufficient to sanctify us as we go to the word of god and take this church
Go to the word of god every day Be found in his word every day meditating upon the word
Thinking about a passage like a tree planted by streams of water Meditating on that word and allowing that word to change the way you think
Not thinking that your mind dictates what's true, but allowing the truth of god as revealed in his word
To conform your mind to god's way of thinking That's where sanctification comes from that's the pursuit of holiness that we need without which no one will see the lord
Pursue holiness without which no one will see the lord The bible is sufficient