Beth Moore REBUKES Conservative Christians?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Beth Moore. But before we begin, as always, let me establish, this is not meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. So for those of you who don't know, Beth Moore was a female Bible teacher in the
Southern Baptist Convention who decided to leave the denomination in fairly spectacular fashion a while back.
Christian leaders like John MacArthur, for instance, have publicly opposed Beth Moore. Why? Well, they cite passages like 1
Timothy 2 .12, in which Paul says this, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
Politically, Beth Moore has also become significantly more woke over the years. And all of this wokeness has resulted in her consistent comments against conservative
Christians. Mostly, it's for their supposed hypocrisy and lack of compassion. In any case, here's a recent tweet from Beth Moore, and it's talking about conservative
Christians. In fact, it names them. Let me tell you how this works, says Beth. All you have to do to thwart change in conservative
Christian ranks is to frame it as a progressive takeover. The liberals are coming.
The liberals are coming. Woke alert. When our fear of liberalism exceeds our fear of the
Lord, our God is power. So Beth Moore, she effectively makes the case that the fear of a woke takeover in the church is not rooted in any kind of reality.
Instead, it's rooted in a prideful desire on your behalf, on the behalf of conservative Christians, that is, to resist biblical change in their hearts and in their church.
But there's an easy way to test the claims of Beth Moore here. Her entire message hinges on whether or not there has been a woke takeover in the church.
Her whole argument is rooted in the idea that there has been no unbiblical progressive leftward drift in the church over the past few decades.
So let's look at the question closely and examine it and answer it with practical examples.
Has there been a major progression of woke ideology in evangelical circles in the past few decades?
The answer to that question is a definitive yes. Let's look at a few examples, shall we? First, we have
Rick Warren. Rick has been a mainstay for conservative Christians since the publishing of his wildly popular book,
The Purpose -Driven Life. Rick's church, Saddleback Church, is located in Orange County, California, and that has historically been one of the most consistently conservative
Christian areas of California for a long, long time. If you asked virtually any mainline evangelical conservative
Republican Christian in the early 2000s which pastor has been the most influential in your life, the grand majority of them would have probably mentioned
Rick Warren or The Purpose -Driven Life in some way. That's the backdrop here. But with that said, on December 11, 2020,
Rick Warren sent out a message to his church. Here's a screenshot of that official message. It said that Saddleback Church would be hosting an event and, quote, if you are
African American or a black member of Saddleback, you are invited to a special Zoom gathering, end quote.
The purpose of this gathering was for Rick Warren, another pastor, and a few other speakers to talk about racial trauma and to create, quote, a safe space.
I kid you not, they actually used that phrase. But most notably, the letter also said the following, quote, our worship team has arranged a one -of -a -kind gospel experience, end quote.
In other words, there would be a gathering of people to worship Jesus Christ through song. It would be overseen by the pastor of the church, and they were going to use church facilities to do this.
It was called, in their own words, a, quote, gospel experience, an experience of the gospel.
This was not a conference. It was not an informal fellowship of believers. This was an official ministry event put on by Saddleback Church to the members of Saddleback Church on the campus of Saddleback Church.
And the only people invited were black members of the church. And this, folks, is absolutely unbiblical in every way.
And it would seem to directly betray the command of the New Testament to be integrated and united as a body of believers, even with regards to ethnicity.
Galatians 3 .8 clearly says this, quote, there is neither Jew nor Greek, for you are all one in Christ Jesus, end quote.
Now I have a question. How can you fulfill this passage when you are hosting a one -of -a -kind gospel experience, but just for the black members of your church?
Those are their words, not mine. Can you imagine the Apostle Paul hosting a Gentiles -only worship service in the church to talk about their ethnic trauma?
Even if there are racial tensions in the congregation, the way to fix that is by conducting gospel ministry, the way the people in the
New Testament did in the face of ethnic tension. The entire church should be brought together, and we should call all of the members, regardless of their race, to come under the discipleship of the church and the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. Here's the point. Imagine if in 2002, 20 years ago, you had told a conservative evangelical
Christian that in 2022, 20 years later, Rick Warren was going to have a blacks -only worship service and seminar at his church.
They probably would have laughed in your face and said there is no way that would ever happen. But guess what?
It did happen. This is evidence of a woke infiltration of one of the biggest, most popular, most influential churches in the entire
United States, maybe even in the world. But of course, Beth Moore, she wants you to believe that this is all in your head.
If you think there's a woke agenda being pushed in the church and you're concerned about that, it's just because you're resisting positive change.
That's the problem. But that's just one example, some might say, this Rick Warren stuff. That's just one time that happened.
It doesn't prove that there's a progressive agenda in the church at large. Okay then, let's have another example.
How about Matt Chandler? Matt is the pastor of the Village Church in Texas. He's a very influential leader in the neo -reformed movement.
And it is relevant that his church is in Texas because it is, of course, the hub of conservative evangelicalism in many ways.
Watch this clip of Matt Chandler talking about hiring his church staff on the basis of race.
This clip is from 2018. Watch this. And so one of the firms that's helping us find men said, let me ask you a question,
Pastor Matt. If we find an Anglo eight and an
African American seven, which one do you want? I said, I want the African American seven. And he said, what if we find an
Anglo eight and an African American six? And I said, then give me the Anglo eight because the
African American six will look and feel to our people like the kind of tokenism that I'm preaching against.
So Chandler literally says that if someone is white skinned and they apply for a job at his church, they will lose the opportunity to a black person who is less qualified than they are.
It's what he said. If you have a white or Anglo person who is eight out of ten qualified, and you have, on the other hand, a black person who is seven out of ten qualified, the black person should get the job.
According to Matt Chandler, that's what he said. Them getting the job would not be solely dependent on how qualified they are for the job.
No, it's based on their skin color to the point that this would be the deciding factor over and against merit.
That is, by definition, discrimination, racism, and unbiblical partiality.
Imagine if someone had said that they would hire a white person seven instead of a black person eight simply because they had an agenda to hire more white people than black people.
That would be wrong, right? Well, why wouldn't it be wrong in the exact same situation in the reverse?
The Bible does not change. God's standard does not change either. James 2 .1 says,
My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. To be sure, the immediate context of that passage is talking about rich people and poor people, but the principle still remains.
You see, in short, the Bible says to be not partial. But wokeness says that you must be partial.
It's baked into the woke cake. And Matt Chandler has gone with wokeness instead of biblical values.
It really shows in that clip. Twenty years ago, could you have imagined any evangelical Baptist pastor in Texas making a statement like the one
Matt Chandler just did? Of course not. But it's entirely plausible in our current culture, given the fact that there has been a woke drift in the church.
But of course, Beth Moore, she wants to say it's all made up. Wokeness? What wokeness? Whatever do you mean?
There's no woke agenda. And if you say there is, you're just a stingy old conservative being a bigot. And let me just say this, folks, you are not crazy.
You have seen this woke nonsense coming into the church. And if you love the church, as you should, you are right to be concerned.
Beth Moore is attempting to gaslight you, but you must not buy it. But some might say this, okay, those are two examples,
Matt Chandler, Rick Warren, but they only cover the racial reconciliation portion of wokeness.
Colin, you would be hard pressed to give us an example of a mainline evangelical or reformed person bending the knee to the woke transgender agenda, for instance.
Surely we haven't gone that far. Well, this brings me to another example. The Gospel Coalition, or TGC.
They're a reformed evangelical Christian organization with many influential authors. Their council includes names like Ligon Duncan, Tim Keller, D .A.
Carson, Russell Moore, David Platt, John Piper, and many more. In an official video that is still up over at the
Gospel Coalition's YouTube page, 151 ,000 subscribers strong, they talk about transgenderism.
By the way, we made a whole video on this specific topic, link in description. But in this video from TGC, Rachel Gilson, an official
TGC contributor, she says that calling a transgender person by their false preferred pronouns is a matter of Christian liberty.
Indeed, Rachel says, quote, the church has not had to answer these questions before, and we need to have grace with each other, end quote.
The Bible's answer, as usual, is much more clear. Colossians 3 .9, it says, quote, do not lie to one another, end quote.
When you call a biological man a she, or a biological woman a he, you're lying.
You're encouraging them to be deceptive with themselves and with others. You are complicit in their sin and the sin of the culture at large, and you need to repent.
The Bible is very clear on this. Can you imagine asking virtually any conservative Christian 30 years ago whether or not it would be a matter of debate in the evangelical church to call people by false pronouns just for the sake of their deluded rebellion against God?
All of this stuff would have been unthinkable in the conservative church just a few years ago.
Now it's being platformed on TGC alongside teachers like Tim Keller, John Piper, and David Platt.
Here's my main point. Beth Moore is dead wrong. She makes the case that there is no woke drift.
There is no leftward agenda. There is no progressive takeover of any kind in the church.
Yet there is definitive evidence all over the place that some of the biggest, most influential voices in the evangelical and Reformed worlds have gone woke in recent years.
More than this, they have gone woke in ways that no one would have ever predicted just a few decades ago.
So I just want to say this. You're not crazy. You are not making it up. You have seen it with your own eyes, the woke takeover of the church.
Beth Moore is the one who is out of touch with reality here, and this is why people are getting fed up with the political advice of people like Beth Moore.
Instead, they are turning to people who truly understand the times. Men like Doug Wilson, Jeff Durbin, James White, Joel Webben, John Harris, John MacArthur, Phil Johnson.
There are too many to even count. So if you are a Christian who wants to fight the progressive takeover of our society with the
Word of God and the Spirit of God, keep pushing. Don't do what Beth Moore is doing.
Don't put your fingers in your ears and pretend these things don't exist. In this case, ignorance is not bliss.
It's just plain ignorance. Proverbs 22, verse 6 says, The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.
So do not have sinful fear or a lack of faith in God, but you should be prudent.
Turn away from the unbiblical imprudence of Beth Moore and listen to good biblical men who can truly see what's going on.
The links to the resources that I've mentioned here will be placed in the description. And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position.
I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. So let's pray for Beth Moore, that she would stop this nonsense by God's grace, and that she would turn to the truth of God's Word.
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