F4F | November Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now we do this thing from time to time, you know, the slogging through heresy is a little bit like the swamp of sadness, at least that's what
Josh calls it. I tend to agree. So we take a little bit of time to kind of let the air out and breathe and maybe have a little bit of fun, which means it's time for Prophecy Makes Great!
And this time around, we've invited Steven Paulette Cozart and there's Lucy Cozart.
Welcome. It's good to see you guys. Hi there. Hey Chris. Thanks for having us. And of course,
Josh and Nikki are in studio as well. And I got to tell you, Cozart, I don't know if you're ready for this.
I know that we talked ahead of time and Paulette says that she's ready. But I don't know if you're ready.
I'm not ready. But I have some iced shortbread cookies.
Iced shortbread cookies. Okay, that'll work. I want to show these to the viewers at home. That's right.
And then check your email, Steve. I've got to send a treat to Lucy for her appearance.
Yeah, look at that. It's kind of like a pumpkin sort of a cookie. All right. It's that time of the year for pumpkin kind of things.
And it's that time of year to wear a sweater. Yes. She's in Packer green and gold, even though we don't really follow football.
I see. You do live behind the cheddar curtain. So, you know, she might just fall asleep and we might hear her snore.
I mean, snore, snore, snore, snore. Isn't a snore like from like Ghostbusters, the original one?
I think she's been hitting the cheese a little too hard tonight. Yeah. I think you're right. See, that's what happens.
You age that cheese and it ferments and stuff. And next thing you know. It goes right to your burger.
It's your burger. Hey, Chris. Yes, sir. I just wanted to say how honored we are to be on this show, to be kind of the duo.
And I understand that we weren't your first choice. And we're just it's still OK, because I know that you were trying to get
Dr. Michael Brown and James White to come on. Who told you? Who told you?
Yeah, we couldn't schedule. So we're happy to try to fill in as best we can. Yeah. Well, the problem was, is we were having problems with the marketing department because Dr.
Michael Brown didn't want to play prophecy bingo. So he wanted us to rename it the so -called
New Apostolic Reformation bingo. And it was too long and complicated. No fun in that.
No, no. All right. Now, I think we need to get started. Now, again, we have a brand new
Prophecy Bingo card generator. The link is down below. And if you use this last time, when you pull it up, it'll pull up the exact same card you used the last time you played
Prophecy Bingo. So I clicked on the little thing over here, and I made myself a new card.
And that's kind of an important thing. And I'm going to go ahead and take my sneaky squid's free space here.
Wow. That's what that is. I'm feeling it. You guys, you feel that? You see,
I'm feeling it. I'm thinking I'm legitimately going to get at least a triple bingo.
Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs? Oh, now
I'm seeing it. I thought it was a crown. Yeah, that's a sneaky squid. It had me fooled.
Yeah, exactly. That shows you just how sneaky that squid can be. That's right. All right.
So all of that being said, I've gone through. And as is our normal disclaimer, you know, scripture makes it clear that you're not to despise prophecy.
So I previewed every one of the prophecies we'll be looking at today. And I can assure you, not a single one of them is a legitimate prophecy.
You will not be hearing from God from any of these people today. So no real prophecies were hurt in the making of this episode of Prophecy Bingo.
So all that being said, Jolynn Whitaker is where we're going to start off. You know,
I had her queued up last month, and I just didn't get to her. So let's get in with our inaugural breaking of the ice, you know, first prophecy.
Here we go. All right. It's going to be a November to remember in a lot of ways.
A lot of ways. One of the ways is going to be answered prayer. We've already mentioned that.
Another way is going to be that you are going to find that the Lord gives you access to revelatory understanding of things that are in the
Bible. But maybe you're going to see it differently where you now understand biblical protocol and principle in a different way on another level.
Now you access blessing on another level. Blessing is a prophecy bingo word.
How is your blessing access lately? Kozer got blessing. I'm feeling it.
You will attest to this then. I take it. He truly is blessed. Okay.
Another level too. Yeah. Another level is she did say that. She did say that.
I've got that too. Another level. There we go. There we go. Are you guys actually playing two different cards?
Yeah. No way. My editing is going to be very long winded this time around. We'll be lucky to get this out before Christmas.
All right. All right. I'm not seeing any blessing or anything like that.
So I'll keep my eyes out here. Here we go. But another way it's going to be in November to remember is that God is doing a reset in your life.
What? Okay. Okay. Is she going to try to turn me on and then back off again or something?
I'm not sure. I'm not sure. A defibrillator is not the general way to do it. Well, if it's a reset, it makes you wonder, you know, is that only for people running
Windows 98 as their spiritual? No. Vista. Vista. Vista. Got it. Okay.
Just checking. Okay. He's doing a reset in your life. You may be able to think of somebody right now.
God has given them so many chances. He's given them so many chances.
They just seem so far gone. They won't listen. You can't reach them. But God knows how to reach them.
God knows how to reach them. Let's not forget what he did for that psycho Saul of Tarsus.
Oh, yes. He was psycho. Wow. Wow.
Okay. Yeah. Wow. That psycho Saul of Tarsus. I haven't heard it exegeted that way before. Hey, she's a doctor.
That's right. She knows what she's talking about. Oh, that's right. Yeah. She has the DR in front of her. Yeah. Okay. Let's keep going here.
A torturous murderer who enjoyed his job. He was psychotic.
But the Lord turned psychotic Saul into the esteemed iconic
Apostle Paul. Iconic. Iconic. Yes.
You can be iconic like Paul, too, in November. I just want to say. Just get a mug with his face on it. The word iconic is the most misused or overused word of the decade.
I declare it. It's true. I thought paradigm was. I mean. No, paradigm was last decade.
Oh, God. Oh, that's right. I think you're right. During the arts. It was. Everything was paradigm.
Yeah. You're right. Okay. I defer. The Lord took.
You need a new paradigm. No, Cozart. No. Let's bingo here.
Let's bingo it. This doesn't stop the bar. Leprosy infested name in who was fully invested in worshiping false gods and completely delivered him after a bath in the
Jordan River, dipping seven times on the Jordan River at a prophetic word from a prophetic anointing.
A prophet gave the word, gave the instruction. This man obeyed.
So if you listen to Jolin Whitaker after bathing seven times, will you get rid of your leprosy?
Absolutely. She is good. She's smooth. Yeah. Yeah. I like how she does that thing with her one finger.
I wonder how many times she's practiced. I think she's off.
She's off the cuff. That's the key to being prophetic. You have to be able to improvise.
And the snap thing, too. That was on point, man. He had to lay down his pride.
He had to remove expectations and just obey. See, you got to remove your expectations when the prophet speaks and just obey.
God says bark like a dog. You say bow wow, right? Meow. Meow. That's not a dog.
Okay. He's confused. It was only so much your mother and I could do for him.
So they raised me to be this way. He came out not only completely healed like that, but he came out singing the praises of the
God of Israel. Let's not you and I in our human limitation be so quick to let go of something or somebody that got something.
Okay. Hang on a second. I got a something. One of them. Yeah. There we go.
I got something. That's something. Yeah, it is. And you know what?
I think I'm going to move on from Jolin. Let's check in with Dr. Alexis. So there's two doctors in a row, which means this is a paradoxical set of prophecies.
Sorry. That's better than his usual. Thanks, Nikki. There was a modicum of thought put into that one.
Okay. All right. Let's hit the bar and let's keep going here. This is what
I heard the Lord say for November. I think that counts as shouting or yelling.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Hallelujah. I heard the words recompense, healing, and release.
Release. Yeah. We need to add recompense to our prophecy. No, we don't.
That word never gets used. She did also say healing, though.
Yeah, healing is one of them. That's a three syllable word. This is not the norm. Kozar has got skunk so far.
Wait a minute. Did the First Lady say new level? Another level. Yes. If you have new level, that'll count.
She said another level, a new level. I'll give you that one. So one of the prophets that I used to follow back in my icky days, he said a new level, a new devil.
Yeah, I've heard that before. I have heard that. I don't know how common it is, but that might get it on the card.
Prophecy bingo, the hell edition, also known as Dante's Inferno. All right, let's keep going here.
Recompense. I hear recompense comes from the Lord. But while there will be recompense,
I see your heart changing and turning the corner in the area of family.
I see you becoming very strong in this area and not being hurt anymore.
I see hurt being lifted. Hallelujah. He said he is the burden lifter.
But I see hurt being lifted from family issues and things.
From family issues and things. Yeah. It's another one of those prophetic onesies.
One size fits all here. One size fits most. Yeah, okay. That have been going on in your heart and things that have been going on maybe with disagreements with the family, the
Lord. So, Kozars, have you had any things going on? We always got things going on.
Okay, just checking. So, this is a prophecy for you, man. Yeah. There are things.
And they are going on. They are going on. Yeah. And stuff. And some things. And their family, too.
Right. Right on. Okay. It is I who turns the heart of the king.
And the same way that I turn the heart of Pharaoh, I will turn the heart of your family.
You continue on the course. You continue on the course with what I told you to do. Last month the
Lord spoke clearly that some of us were going to have to take time away from our families in order to hear his voice.
Because he said, I'm about to give you clear instruction. And you're used to always paying attention to what your family says and not what
I have said. But I am God of all. I am Lord of all. I know the end before the beginning.
She's channeling God. That's something. Wow. That is something.
All right. You know what? Hang on a second here. I've got to throw this into the mix. And I have to admit that my inner
Beavis and Butthead has made me select this one. The name of the prophecy we'll be hearing first from Glory of Zion is called
I'm releasing the fragrance of my body. There's the one joke. There it is.
Yeah. All right. So hang on a second. This guy is releasing his body fragrance. You weren't kidding.
Yeah. Here we go. Oh, well, thankfully,
I translate Gerber. So yeah, now you'll note that what
I felt that he was really talking about right there was a wealth transfer and definitely something, an activation.
So, wealth transfer, yeah, those were the two words that I was definitely hearing as he was uttering this nonsense.
I heard other things. We got wealth. Cheeky. Okay. All right,
I'm surprised Lucy doesn't have her own card. Okay, all right. Please, no. I can't, you don't make me edit that much.
She has her paw print on things. Got it, got it. Okay, all right. So let's keep going here. I want to get to the part about releasing the fragrance of my body.
Can't wait to hear this. Sing ah -ha, my feelings, not gonna deceive ya. Don't you dare much hurt ya.
Soar ah -ha, soar ah -ha, soar ah -ha. What was that?
I said we should just watch these to laugh. Okay, hang on a second. Did you think that was sappy music?
It almost sounded like somebody might have had a shofar, though. Yeah? Some kind of trumpet thing. Maybe. We'll have to check the tape.
There were too many intonations. It was all, it was. Do you think so? Yeah, but if, I think we can count that as sappy music because I don't think it even makes any sense as music.
I vote for sappy. Yeah, all right. Yeah, so sappy music. All right. And I say to you, there is a fragrance that's rising from my people.
There is a. Can I, does this count as wind? I have wind on my card.
I think it should count. No, no, no, no, that's. Man, this is so bad.
Okay. How's the fragrance in there, Cozars? I put on perfume.
Okay, that was a wise move. Wise move. Yeah. Okay. There is a sound for many restrictions have been put and even sewed around you that's kept you from fertilizing the ground.
Fragrance of fertilizer. Got it. Okay, that's what I'm, that's my takeaway here. No. How much money does he make again per year,
Cozars? Over $800 ,000 he pays himself. He says absolutely nothing.
Yeah, it's amazing. And he makes $800 ,000 a year saying it. And I wasted a lot of time in my life making a very, very long video going into great detail about how little he actually says.
And yet he's going around doing interviews telling everybody how he predicted the
COVID outbreak when there is no evidence. No, he did not. No, he did not. Do you remember when
Michael Brown and, okay, so we're going way back in time here. It was like early
March of 2020 when we were still in the two weeks to flatten the curve thing. And Michael Brown was holding out that two prophecies that the pandemic would end in the
Passover of 2020. Okay, that was a long time ago. You know?
Long time ago. Long time ago. I forgot about that. Yeah, so, all right, let's.
Hey, but you know what? He has lost a lot of weight. So when you make 800 ,000 a year, you can afford to hire a trainer or a health coach or something.
So give him some credit for at least doing that. Well, okay. You can find people. Okay, okay.
Let's keep going. That I'm calling you to fertilize. I gotta back this up.
He sure does give fertilization. Yeah, this prophecy is full of fertilizer. Even sown around you, that's kept you from fertilizing the ground that I'm calling you to fertilize.
So I say, let the fragrance that's in you. Fertilizer and fragrance together, like two sentences apart.
This prophecy stinks. I said. He's clearly just, he's at this point, he's just trying to see how much he can get away with.
He is testing the audience to see just how much BS he can spew before they lose their mind.
He's exactly at the fulfillment of second Thessalonians two about the strong delusion that God sends on people.
Go forth, for it will be life to many. It will be death to many others.
But I say now, I am loosing the fragrance of my people and where they have stood, holding back that which
I wanna flow through them. Flow is a prophecy bingo word. He also said my people.
Excuse me. He said flow through them. Yeah, he did say my people. Did he say that the fragrance is going to be death to a lot of people?
Cause like. Yeah. Yeah. And see, that's the thing. These fragrances can be silent, but deadly.
So you gotta be careful with them. Fragrance, fragrance. That's what I was afraid of. It's gonna release a sound.
A sound membrane. That's his favorite sound. That's his favorite word is sound. That is the one he repeats the most.
Yeah. I'm in agreement here. So let's go on. Josh, your favorite. Here we go. Oh no.
No. That's on my card.
If she doesn't say Jesus, I quit. Okay. Well, let's see what she does here.
Hi, and welcome to my channel. I'm Kay Nash. If you're new here, I release prophetic words and deep teachings from God's word.
Release is a prophecy bingo word. If you're interested, I'd love to have you subscribe. Happy November, everybody.
I'm so glad we are here. I feel the anointing just switching this month. Anointing is a prophecy bingo word.
Don't have it. Oh, I have that one. Hang on a second here. I got it. All right. Anointing. Yes. I need to be more strategic in my cheating, but I'll leave that for the minutes ahead.
Here we go. This is a joyous time. This is a different time. This is a thankful time.
This is a movement time. Movement is a prophecy bingo word. How about momentum?
A movement time. Does that go with the releasing of fragrance? Yes. Yes. The fertilizer fragrance.
Yes. This is peaceful time. Like it's very different than October.
Like you can really feel a shift in the spirit. Shift. Shift. That is a prophecy bingo word.
I happen to have that one. There it is. I got one. I got one. You got one. So you're on the board now.
I'm on the board now. All right. Very good. Didn't you have new level? I didn't. I thought
I did, but I couldn't find it. Maybe it was on the other level. I'm not like Chris.
Most aren't. I don't know. All right. Let's get going here.
I felt lighter. I felt airier. I'm just praying into this month. And so I'm excited to talk about what the
Lord has on my heart for this month. And so let's get into it. Okay. I feel like the Lord is talking to me this month about night prayers.
And I feel like the Lord said no prophet ever. She's saying night prayers?
Yes. Night prayers. Yes. If you go to bed? Yes. No, no. She's got to wear a full suit of armor and clank around the house.
We saw. KNIGHT prayers, Josh. Really? We saw Queen Ebola in the full like armor.
Plastic armor of God. Yes. Yes. I know. I know. There is precedence here.
Exactly. Every time that you bring that picture back to my mind of Queen Ebola wearing that armor,
I think of like that Looney Tunes cartoon with Elmer Fudd singing in the opera.
Kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit. That is a beautiful episode.
Yeah. Okay. Let's keep going. And specifically he was highlighting to me in scripture where Jesus prays the night before he chooses the disciples.
And I thought this was interesting because, you know, we often think of people praying in the morning and we think of that because that's what we see.
You know, we see on YouTube or Instagram or wherever, people showing us their morning routines and they spend time in prayer.
I am following the wrong people on Instagram. Legitimately, there isn't a single person
I'm following that posts their morning routine or photographs of it on social media. I don't know.
No, that is actually a really, really, really big thing in like the sort of popular
Christian influencer sphere. Are you kidding?
I know that you'll put out, you put out your notebook and your cup of coffee and your Bible and you take a very strategic picture of it and you make sure that everything's in place and it looks really aesthetic so that people see how much work you're doing for God and how holy you're being.
And they feel it. There should be some like wood grain beneath it, right? Like a rough, hewn wood table top.
And then maybe a plant, a little stuff going into it. Notice the lack of church being mentioned at all in this.
I would note that if what, I haven't really, I've watched obviously the wrong people on Instagram, but didn't
Jesus like specifically say not to do that kind of stuff? Yeah, he didn't.
If you expect, I mean, they don't care about God's. What are you doing,
Kozar? What is that? Oh no. Is that your Basta bottle?
Oh, I guess it is. I didn't really notice. Is this a merch promo?
What is this? I'm just gonna set it down here. Kozar, that is so messed up.
Beautiful. Here is my bottle of hermitical tears. Bastaful. All right, all right, back.
It does crack me up though, that we're both gonna be in the chat when this thing goes live.
It's gonna be awesome. And every time you show up, every single time you show up, it's Basta.
It's like. And everyone's like, yay, Kozar is here. It's gonna be in my tombstone.
I'm holding you to it, dude. If you go before me, I'm gonna be all over Paulette going,
Basta, I wanna see it on the tombstone. I'm going first. I think right down the backside in size nine.
All right, back, back at it. Here we go. But we don't often see people showing them spending time with God at night.
Jesus spent time with the Father at night in prayer and then he chose the 12 disciples.
What'd you say, Nikki? That's like the quintessential depiction of prayer is a bedtime prayer.
Like what is she talking about? I know, I know. It's like when I was growing up, I mean, they would depict, always in like the kids' books, they would depict kids kneeling bedside with the parents looking on and them praying, now
I lay me down to sleep, you know? That's the quintessential like thing.
She's looking at - That's so frustrating to me. Church history began when I was anointed to be a prophet in 2015.
What were you saying, Kozar? Her face right now looks like she's considering, maybe
I'm wrong here about the praying at night. I don't have enough people following me. Hard to credit. What I see is that the modem hasn't connected yet.
Figuratively and literally. Yeah, right. All right, let's keep going here. Sometimes you might have a night prayer assignment, and I feel like that -
Assignment is a prophecy, bingo word. I don't have - Hey, we have assignment, woo! Bummer.
That was kind of the word for November to - Oh, I have it too. Hang on a second here, I just have to, there we go.
Oh, I feel much better. All right, back at it. Really be listening to the Lord at night. There's gonna be some movements at night.
If you care more about sleeping than - If I have movements at night, I'm not sleeping, so.
Fertilizer, man. TMI. Not the bed, not the bed. There's only one joke.
Anyway, we can keep at it. If you care about the move of the Holy Ghost, you're gonna miss some of the breakthroughs this month.
Breakthrough, prophecy, bingo word. All right, and I've got it. Hang on a second here. Oh my
God. Oh, I got a breakthrough, I got a breakthrough. I got a breakthrough. Paulette, it looks like you've had your prophecy bingo breakthrough.
Maybe. Well. At least I got three. Okay, all right. Back at it.
And so it's really important to be on your watchtower this month. Let's get into the Rhema one. Rhema.
Rhema is a prophecy bingo word. Kozar, I was gonna ask you, how's your watchtower project working out?
I've been going door to door with my watchtower. I was waiting for that.
I liked the way you took that. That was well put. That was well played. I'm impressed. Very good, sir. Very good.
God saying, let me speak to you at night if I need to. Do not be like Peter and fall asleep.
Okay, what kind of God is this? Okay, God is sending out a prophetic word going, listen, I need you to let me speak to you at night if I need to.
I mean, you just need to be willing to hear me communicate when I need to communicate. Is that okay with you? I mean, what is this?
I mean, if God's gonna talk to you, you're gonna know it and you're gonna be buckling up and hanging on while he does it, okay.
Sleep, not being able to pray for one hour. This is a time to be alert and on your prayer tower watching to see what
I am. Do you have a prayer tower, Kozar? You know, we were in Zion, Illinois three weeks ago.
Sounds very holy. It was amazing. We saw John Alexander Dowie's home. Yeah, oh, wow.
And so I got really cool pictures and some video footage. Where he ended up, where his eternal home went? Yeah, anyway, they had a prayer tower in Zion.
Well, no, it was Frank Sanford at Shiloh in Maine had a prayer tower. And Charles Fox Parham went to Shiloh and to Dowie's Zion city.
And then he went back to Kansas and he had a prayer tower in the short -lived
Parham Bible school that only lasted one year and then it went defunct. So now you got my curiosity picked.
What are like the classic features of a prayer tower? It's just like some of those old homes, the corner has that round thing.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think you just have an empty space in there where you're supposed to sit and pray.
But you don't have slits in it where you can like shoot people with your bow and arrow and stuff? They're coming.
So is the tower a standalone thing or is it attached to a house? No, I think they're attached.
I don't think they're separate towers. Yeah, more like a turret or a cupola.
Okay, all right. That's interesting. All right, I learned something new. So was
Dan Long with you while you were in Zion? No, but I was sending him pictures as I was taking them. I was there.
All right, Paula was there, okay. Welcome to the pirate architecture hour. Important stuff.
Next we'll be talking about the major distinctions between Romanesque as well as Gothic, okay?
More of a Georgian guy myself, but okay. Okay, all right. Naissance men and women here.
Jack of all trades. Continuing on, this is an educational program. All right.
And the enemy schemes. Know him and know me. Know my prison when it's moving.
See what you have not in the spirit. The spirit tells all revealing truth. You know, in the
Bible it says that Jesus told Peter to watch and pray while he was praying.
In a historical narrative, yeah. And Peter fell asleep along with some of the other disciples.
Yeah, that's kind of an important bit of that historical narrative on the night that Jesus was betrayed. He could not stay awake for a single hour.
And you know, I think sometimes it's very easy to fall asleep in the prayer closet. We've downgraded from tower to closet.
Yeah, well, you know, that's the problem with that soaking music. It'll just knock you right out.
Okay, I can't listen to her anymore. Let's, okay. She didn't give us Jesus, no! Oh no,
Josh, what are we gonna do? I'm gonna quit, that's it, I'm in. She did say the name of Jesus.
It wasn't quite as long and drawn out. No, and it wasn't as long. No, no. So here's kind of a new thing.
The Elijah List now has a YouTube channel called Elijah Clips. Okay. Oh no.
And so here we got Steve Schultz and a woman I have never seen before. Her name is
Yvonne Ataya. I'm not sure. And she's got a fresh word of the
Lord for November. So let's check in here. Well, you've got a great word to start off with about this month in November.
I'm gonna just release you to that. And then we'll just, we've got some notes. How is this any different than like astrology and like horoscopes?
I don't get it. We didn't have anybody doing any of this stuff when I was growing up, so.
They were all putting the leaf in. Yeah, except for like the National Enquirer, they would have the psychics on once a year.
Remember, like the big beginning, first of the year edition of the Enquirer, you know. What did the psychic say is ahead for the year 1984?
Jim Dixon, that's right. Yeah, that's right. Jim Dixon. Jim, yeah, Jim. Yeah, that's right. Funny, they never predict the higher gas prices.
Go ahead and release that. Sure, release. So Steve, I was in prayer for November and I don't know what it is about November, but it's just, there's something about November.
So before the month began, I was in God's presence, just like seeking the Lord. And every time,
I know there's a word for November, but I didn't know what that word was. Remember. And so I looked it up.
The word for November is November, right, yeah. It's not October. Before December.
Right, yes. It's not February. It's like February. February, hashtag.
So, okay. To 2 Samuel and chapter three. And the word came from verses 18.
And it was actually an enemy of King David and his name was Abner. He was - What are you doing with the word of God?
You're not actually exegeting or reading or paying attention to what it means in context. You just found the word of the Lord for November somewhere in 1 or 2
Samuel. How do you do that? Wheel of Fortune style. Just like, oh, that one.
Just give me a word. And I'll make it mean whatever it means. The commander of Saul's army. He comes to David in that time.
And he says to the elders of Israel, now is the time to anoint David King.
Anointing, I think we already have that. And as I read that word, Steve, now is the time. Something in me just jumped and the
Holy Spirit said to me, Many of my people, they've been waiting to receive promises that I've promised them for a very long time, just like David was waiting.
And so... Something left inside of her, I think you might need to have that checked.
So Kozars, when you were in the charismatic movement, when I was in the charismatic movement, God's fulfilling
His promises and the breakthroughs and whatever He said He was going to do was always just out of reach, but it was coming.
It was always coming. Isn't this the same thing? Yeah, I was thinking about, yeah, we went to a specific guy,
Tom Stammen, who was a prophet in the upper Midwest, who sometimes had really uncannily, uncanny, accurate, like he would read people's mail in a way that was really startling.
But for the most part, instead of God saying, I want you to go on the 3rd of July to AT &T and buy the iPhone 12, that would be a word from God that you could actually listen to and understand, because it means specific things.
The words are always, I feel like God wants you to start thinking about your time of awakening and what that means.
It was just like, okay, but that doesn't actually mean anything to me. I'm more confused now than when I came here.
When I decided I've heard enough people like you, Chris, on YouTube, and I read enough articles and I was reading my
Bible, like, oh, yippee, I don't have to listen to these people ever again.
I know. Thank you, God. I'm so free from this. It was so confusing. When you're surrounded by people who all agree that this is the word of the
Lord, it's really hard to break out of it. It's very much like being in a cult. There's all kinds of anxiety because these people are speaking, claiming that God's talking and you want to pay attention to what
God's saying. After he speaks, you sit there and go, what was that? I don't get it. I honestly don't get it.
God is clearly off his meds. What you've described kind of reminds me, when
I was in high school, there was a cruel joke that we would play on some people.
In order to do the joke, you actually had to get some people who were in on it. We would tell a joke, but when it got to the punchline, the punchline made no sense.
But if you get a group of people who are in on the joke, that when you get to the punchline, they start laughing.
The person who you're telling the joke to, who you know they won't get it, it's always interesting to watch their responses because they feel the need to laugh, but they clearly don't know what they're laughing about.
This is, I think, part of what's going on in the charismatic movement, this peer pressure to just, oh, that was such a great word from the
Lord. I have no idea what it meant, but it was great. Group psychosis. Yes. All right, let's hit that bar.
I was looking at the life of David and how Samuel went to him and anointed him king, but then nothing happened.
He then went through a long, hard process of working for Saul and running away from Saul and just having a hard life and fighting many battles.
But then finally, finally, there was a time in the spirit where that word was released.
So the Lord said to me, when you release that word over my people, that now is the time.
Something is going to shift because... It's something. Something is going to shift.
Something. It's going to be lifting. Something is going to be lifting. Yeah, that's right. They are no longer waiting for what
I promised them. They are moving into it right now. So I have been feeling...
Moving into it right now. Whatever it is. Whatever it is.
Into the bodily fragrance. Right. And I tell you what, the Bible says that he then called in the ark of the covenant and he was dancing hysterically, dancing with such joy.
So I have written the word as I heard it from God word for word.
So I want to read it as I heard it. But this is what I hear God say.
As God's people and as a nation, the time has come. Nations.
What'd you say? Nations. Nations. Yeah. For us... I got that one. Very good.
The kingdom of God become... I got kingdom. Hang on a second here. She just said kingdom.
Ding. I just need Jezebel and I got a bingo. Oh my goodness.
Come on Jezebel. I'm waiting for you to show up here. Put a Jennifer Leclerc clip in the mix. Sadly, I wasn't that...
I didn't think that through. Manifest in our families and country.
This is a time which was preceded by many hardships, pain, prayer, intercession, and endurance.
However, it will be a time marked by dancing and joy.
Dancing. As my people lose their mind because of what I'm about to do.
Oh, that cow already left the barn, lady. Kind of glossed over the whole pain and suffering thing.
It's like, well, that happens, but there's dancing and joy. And they're losing their minds.
Out of their mind. Just like David lost his mind in dancing with all his people because I fulfilled my promises concerning him.
I am about to rule over this nation and over my people.
And this will be... Did she say that God said, I'm about to rule over this nation?
Yep. Yep. That's exactly it. I thought Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all authority in heaven and earth has been given to him.
Why would he be about to rule over this nation? For tax purposes. Oh, God. That was pretty quick.
You know, we still have time for more. Yeah. I'm not going to say you're wrong. Tax evasion.
All right. Let's head back over here and don't remove the surprise of the
Holy Spirit. Let's take a look at that. Yes. I just want to scroll that screen so you can see the individual thumbnails of each of these speakers.
Got it. Which one of those looks like a Baptist from 1977?
Please tell. Well, look, they all look like they're from the 90s with their cool shirts, except the one guy that we listened to earlier.
Look at the outfit he's wearing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because he's wearing a tie. Nobody does that anymore.
A polyester suit. It's a real kind of a dated brown suit.
Nothing wrong with that. It's just he's so out of place. Nobody dresses like that anymore. Steve, the whole purpose of a suit is you buy it once, you wear it on special occasions, and then you're buried in it.
That's what they're for. Weddings, funerals, burial. Right. Exactly. You know, you know what that suit is?
That suit is iconic. That's the paradigm that he's living in.
He's merely trapped in the 20th century. He has a new paradigm.
Cozar, Cozar, Cozar. All right, let's check in with Don't Remove the Surprise of the Holy Spirit.
Here we go. The Spirit of God is going to surprise each one of us this week.
It's like the Great Pumpkin is going to show up. Yay! God's going to give me a surprise.
All my dreams are coming true. Blow out those sound levels. That was terrifying.
Yeah, that was a little bit terrifying. I love it. Don't Remove the
Surprise of the Holy Spirit. And wherever you are, you need to break out and shout,
The Spirit of God is here. And praise him. Praise him.
The 1960s called. They want that shirt back. What is that?
A little low energy right now. Yeah, and I'm looking at the, that kind of looks like the devil, you know?
Yes, it does. Okay. Antlers. Is this an inkblot test?
Is that what this is? No, you know what? They did a refurbished job at TBN and he got the leftover drapes.
I knew I recognized that. You're right, Cozar, you're right. Wow. Yeah, that's right.
And they patterned that off of Graceland. You know, where else? We'll be driving down the road and hear a song and the
Spirit of God comes on it. I shout to Chad, pull over.
We're about to worship. Roll down the windows. We're about to worship. And listen to me.
It might be some secular song that God is saying to you. And you need to let the
Spirit of God surprise you. And enter in.
Wow. So while driving down the highway, if you're listening to a secular song and the
Spirit comes on it, you gotta stop your car and worship. Better not be listening to ACDC.
I'm on the highway to hell. Come on, sing along and worship
God there. Welcome to the Hotel California. That's right.
All right. I'm having an emotional experience now. Thank you. Okay. Now, just so you know, our prophet is down in the corner here.
That's Triple Grace 555. Angels are on assignment, just so you know. They'll be answering the phones if you call in.
Wow. Okay. Here we go. Welcome, brothers and sisters.
Welcome to the Daily Prophetic Word. And the Daily Prophetic Word for Monday, the 8th of November, 2021 is assignment.
Do you know that I have assignment? Hang on a second here. I have that word. Oh, I already did it.
Darn it. We already got that. Redundant prophecies in November.
I want my money back. Find an angel over every vessel that I have called and separated.
Did he say vessel? Never mind. The vessel with the pestle. That's right. This is
Chekhov, you know, from Star Trek. For such a time as this, this angel will not only transport you into your destiny.
Destiny. He has a prophecy being a word. But will also stand with you in every mission that you will do for my kingdom.
I have selected the angels well for this task and they know you in and out.
Your former life, your weaknesses and your strengths. And they will support you in your growth during the harvest time.
Harvest is a prophecy bingo word. Harvest time. Assignment.
You will never be alone in the dark valleys that you need to visit to seek my lost sheep.
And your assigned angels will also be ready to help you in all situations that may arise.
Alright, I hate to do this. I'm having a hard time understanding him. Let's put the subtitles on.
I don't generate it. Oh, we are done for. You might get some more bingo words out of this.
Okay, let's see what happens here. They will make sure that you always will return to New Zion to find rest and peace after your missions.
I have assigned my angels according to your attitude, bravery and walk with me.
Assignment. Walk with me. Assignment.
Assignment. What was that? If you choose to accept it. If you choose to accept it.
I'm actually kind of surprised at how accurate these auto -generated closed captions are. This is impressive.
It's kind of frightening. Okay, so the Google AI is able to do the
German accent thing. You can't get it right at all to save its life but this guy, it's got it down pat.
Yeah, we gotta keep going here. Only very few of my warriors are aware of their assigned angels.
Some have met them in their dreams and visions. Dreams and visions. Those are
Prophecy Bingo words. I'm looking. I'm not seeing anything here. Vision. I'm coming up from behind.
Better not. Before. But they will become more accessible once the portal will open.
Portal! Wow, we don't see that one very often. Portal is a Prophecy Bingo word. Okay. They are my heavenly assignments to guide you in my ways.
Heavenly! Oh, I got that one. Yep. Hang on a second. Oh my gosh. He's really machine gunning it.
Yeah, I still need Jezebel though. I need a powerful upgrade.
That's what I need. I need to declare my potential. You do that. I have promised you that my ways will become your ways and these angels are my hands that will make sure that you walk the kingdom path.
Trust them. I have assigned them well. Brothers and sisters, this was a daily prophetic word given by Jezebel.
Alright, so that was the end of that. We got some good words on that. He said nothing.
He did say nothing, but we got bingo words. I mean, that's still nice. Now, I gotta tell you guys this.
One of the things I noticed as I was doing the prep for this episode is that I saw so many brand new so -called prophetic channels that were releasing words and they had like 20 views and 100.
You'll know, this guy only has 10 views. But he was one of the most impressive of the new prophets.
The new breed. Yeah. Alright, so here we go. Then I decree and declare that this week
Declare! He did decree and declare. Just boom, boom.
Right off the bat. You did, didn't you? For you, let it be a week of strange testimonies.
The kind of favor you have not seen until now. In the name of Jesus, let it begin to manifest.
Manifest. What about manifestation? Yeah, that'll work. Manifest or manifestation.
Those will both work. By prophecy to your destiny, help us. They will come rushing towards you.
And I pray for your spiritual life and your prayer life. Listen to me.
Where people who love God passionately in all our getting and in all our achievements,
God must be first and God must be priority. Therefore, every prayer altar that is dead or dying, every word study altar that is dead or dying, every passion that is already fading towards the things of God, let there be restoration now.
Is that a real crowd or is that canned? Yeah, that's fake. It sounded exactly the same each time.
Each time it sounds exactly the same. Yeah. He did some good sound engineering on that.
Notice there's no video to go along with this. Yeah, what's up with that? I don't know. He's a new prophet.
I mean, it takes a while to kind of get up to speed and stuff. If he wants to be able to make it sound like there's a giant crowd, he can't have video because it would just be him in the face.
Yeah, that's a good point. Now, let me do this. Hang on a second here. I am...
Let's see. No, I don't want to do her. She's no. Oh, Inez. Hang on.
This is another one of the brand new prophecy channels. 22 subscribers.
22 subscribers. There are no lips, but we're featuring some new prophetic voices,
I guess. November is a month of everything new.
It's a new month. It's a new month. It's a new moon.
What are you doing, Cozar? What is... Doing that stupid Basta product placement thingy again.
That's all. I'm just thirsty. Let me just put my bottle down.
Yeah. Do you want us to superimpose your Venmo on there? Try Cozar's new
Rococo thing. Oh, boy. New energy.
It's a new, fresh start. It's new opportunities. Better health.
New money. Oh, health. I got that. That's right. Hang on a second.
New money, though. Do you usually put that on the card? You should. New money.
Well, I don't know what I was thinking. I forgot to do it. Hang on a second.
Did she record this? I have no idea. Maybe she did it on her cell phone.
Relationship with the most high God. New miracles. Miracles.
It sounds like somebody's passing a kidney stone back in there. What on earth?
I have a theory. She is a student at a college and she's actually inside of the music area where students are practicing vocal stuff in the background.
And she's on this really crappy microphone in the corner trying to do her thing while someone in the background is doing vocal warm -ups.
Let's test your theory. New money. New relationship with the most high
God. New miracles. Expect miracles.
Yeah. An affirmation that I love to say is miracles.
I'm surprised Lucy isn't howling at this. It does sound like they're in the room with her. Yeah, it really does.
The production value of this is lackluster to say the least. I expect miracles.
It's a month of new friendships. New relationships. New homes.
New cars. It's a month of new cars. She wrote down a laundry list of words like this, this, this.
Poor Lucy. She's all choked up.
Poor dog. Yes. Can't take it anymore.
If God is for you, who can be against you? This is a great one.
She sounds like she's hacking up a hairball. What's going on over there? She's got a little degenerative thing where her trait collapses, actually.
Oh, poor thing. Yeah, it's not in bed. I think if I played any more of this prophecy, somebody might have me arrested for animal abuse.
I think somebody might heal her. Doubtful. New dog.
Let's do this. Jezebel attacking you sleep. Oh, there it is.
Watch this. I just got myself a bingo. Ah! Oh, man.
What? What? You did that on purpose.
I gotta prophesy. I'm just trying to figure out who
I'm going to emulate. I've done that German guy a couple of times. The something.
You ended up sticking me in the corner the last time I did that. I did it both the last times.
I shrank the video down and put you in the corner and put some weird thing in the background. No.
And so I feel like Jesus. I feel like the
Lord is saying that Jezebel's kingdom is super sneaky this year and so we gotta get ready to do something because the
Jezebel thingy is gonna take your wealth and transfer it to somebody else. That was horrifying.
Oh, my. You said that Jesus said, I'm putting down my card.
I don't care what you said. I had to sit through that. I've earned it. Along with everyone else on stream.
All right. How are you doing on your Prophecy Bingo cards? I have a question about mine has a shofar with a little asterisk.
Does that mean we actually have to hear the shofar blowing? Hear or see it. Either one will do.
If you spot one, a shofar, then you're good. We'll see one.
Let's come back around here. We already took a look at that one. Here we go. She's back at it again.
Queen Bola Adelani is back in business. You're gonna note something.
She's changed the name of her YouTube channel. It's now Royal Proclamations Gathering Place Hashtag The Deep End.
Deep is a Prophecy Bingo word if you got it. The name of this video is meet your prophetic shifters and midwives.
Are you ready for some birthing? I'm just wondering. Chris, I'm uncomfortable. I am.
Steve, you need to go to your prophetic happy place and you'll be okay. I'm gonna go to my secret place.
Drink some more Basta juice to make yourself feel better. Oh my goodness.
Okay, here we go. Praise God. So, people of God, I have been trying over the last
I think couple of weeks or even months to bring us into the awareness of the times that we are living in.
Of the time that we are living in. I'm trying to bring us into Now, I'm gonna take a word here.
Timing. Timing. If you have timing, that'll count.
Let's see. Okay, here we go. Of the prophetic time and season that we are in.
I've been trying to make us understand, people of God, that we are in a kairos moment.
My God, my God. Hey, Macarena. She didn't do it. She didn't do it.
She's gotta do this though. New channel name, new dance. A kairos moment.
And kairos is where the divine and the natural meet.
I really need to put a misappropriated Greek as a possible. I got that one.
We have misappropriated Greek? No, she has kairos. Oh, you have kairos. Okay, good. We don't have misappropriated
Greek. She has kairos. Kairos moment is a standard prophecy buzzword.
But it is misappropriated Greek, for sure. When they align, praise
God, that is what kairos is. No, it's not, lady. When we talk about time, in Greek, you have two concepts that are primary.
Number one, chronos. This is gonna be minutes and days and hours and things like this.
Kairos is basically dealing with the seasons of the year, like spring, summer, winter, fall.
So what she said is just complete belogna. It has nothing to do with Greek. It is when heaven and earth intersect in the divine timetable.
My God, my God. And in that kairos moment, that is the moment when things begin to manifest.
Things begin to birth. People begin to birth. Things begin to launch because it is an app.
Launch and birthing. So, Kozar, how's your birthing going lately?
I'm looking for deliverance from the birthing, actually. I like what you did there.
Okay. Pointed divine time. It is known as the fullness of time.
My God, my God. Do you understand? Back arena. She's back in form.
She couldn't help herself. I think it's muscle memory at this point. I got deliverance. Deliverance, we got that too.
She said deliverance? Yes. I'm focused. What was that?
I'm focused. Okay. I'll just hit the bar.
I've been trying to make us understand that this is a kairos moment.
Especially for the remnants. Because it is a moment where God is beginning to unleash and release his own end time agenda.
Begin to bring into manifestation a lot of the promises that he's made.
So my question is does it make a non -lucid prophecy lucid if you have a lot of body language that goes with it?
Absolutely. It would probably make a deaf person go crazy. But sure. For you and I.
If you know anything about birthing, my God, my God. Even though it is something that is natural.
People are God. Birthing is natural. As opposed to what?
Unnatural. She's clearly not talking about actual women getting pregnant and then nine months later giving birth.
She's talking about something else and saying that it's totally natural. I'm a dude. Birthing is not natural for me in any context.
That's what you say. Release the fragrance. Release. Embrace the releasing.
Fertilizer. Hey, Macarena. It's almost organic.
You also know that it is a very sensitive time.
It is a sensitive time. Why are we hashtagging that? Hashtag sensitive time.
Hashtag Tourette's. Why is it sensitive? Let us dialogue.
Even if you've never had a baby before I'm sure this is biology 101.
You're talking prophetically. What is she doing? Paulette, you look very focused.
I'm really losing on this whole prophecy bingo thing so I'm really hanging on to every word.
There's still hope. We're not even there yet. You know what I'm talking about.
No, we don't. I have no idea what you're talking about. Everybody raise your hands if you don't know what she's talking about.
You don't know. I don't know. Let's engage.
I want us to dig deeper together. I'm going to lose my mind.
We've done that. Let's come back over here.
Bring your unbelief to the fire. I got the word fire.
That'll count. The Lord has been dealing with me over my unbelief about being chosen.
If we don't know that we're chosen we can never be commissioned. If you have unbelief about being chosen you can't be commissioned.
She's been chosen and so God is dealing with her to deal with her unbelief about her chosenness.
I saw flags in there. I think there is a square specifically for the flag waving.
I'm not going to argue with you. There is a great commissioning that the Lord has put before us.
I would say today there is a place that the Lord wants your unbelief to come to the fire.
I stand before you as I did this morning and repented before the
Lord for every cell within me that speaks unbelief and is distorted and unable to receive that I have been chosen by the
Lord. I did not choose him. He chose me. For what?
To say nothing? Quick question, pastor. What happens to the unbelievers on the final day of judgment?
Their unbelief is taken to the fire along with them. That's what I thought. He commissioned me to go out into the fields and lay hold of the greatest harvest of who he is.
Who let her out of the asylum? That sounds like somebody struggling with some very genuine guilt.
Yeah, there's something really wrong there. Trying to make that theology make her feel better and it's not working.
Yeah, I'm not saying you're wrong. Every month for a while now we've been getting
Trump updates from Robin Bullock. You mean Trump dates? Yeah.
He's now appeared on Elijah Clips. This is going to be with Steve Shultz. And Robin Bullock again, we're pretty convinced at this point that there will be charges pressed for him stealing
Elvira's wig. Wow! Pretty bad.
I am calling right now in the name of Jesus for Biden the result of Biden's economic plan to collapse in front of everybody.
He's calling it, man. It's got to happen, you know. Yeah, that does not mean that the economy tanks and that everyone suffers.
That would be really good for all of us. As they see it fall. Markets will fall.
Things will shake. Shaking is a prophecy bingo word, yep.
Biden's results of violating the scripture of God. And he's violated and fraudulently put himself as a jackal in the seat of a duly anointed elected president.
And so now as governmental authority I call for there to be shaking in the whole all of the
Wall Street all of everything under his policies until they are corrected.
Now, I need to check prophetic protocol here. It's been a while. Steve, I need your help if you can kind of dial back into your mental
Rolodex here back from when we were in these movements here. When somebody calls for something prophetically do you need a second for that to actually then become a motion so that you can then take a vote?
The prophetic Roberts book of rules is actually out of print for a few years and so I'm not up to date on that.
Okay, so you're not sure if there's been a new addition because he's calling for these things and my initial question is is he getting a second from Steve Shultz because Shultz is not seconding his motion.
I look at Steve Shultz in all of these videos where he's interviewing one nutjob after another.
He just lets them go and he sits there and nods his head like when this is over I'm gonna go and get a sandwich.
I think that's all that's going on in his head. Sausage. He's working out the menu for lunch.
Got it. It's almost noon. I mean it's 1159 on November so I think that theory may actually be right.
Oh boy. Just checking. And then prosperity to skyrocket and that's what
I'm calling for out of the scripture. Because he is choking the life out of the unborn.
He's slaughtering the unborn. He's diverting funds that are given to bless God's people.
He has set himself to fight God himself. He has set himself to Says the man who's prophetically lying, who's demonstrably a false prophet.
So here's the thing and that is that I don't understand why anyone who calls himself a conservative would want to pay attention to any of this kind of stuff or tolerate it.
Don't tell me that you're politically conservative when you're not even conserving God's word or defending it when it's being blasphemed.
So this past week did you guys hear about the people who gathered in Dallas because QAnon said that John F.
Kennedy Jr. was going to make a reappearance and that he's not dead. No. You didn't see that?
I did hear about that. Yeah, there was quite a crowd there waiting for John F. Kennedy Jr.
to show up and guess who didn't show up? Elvis. Elvira's wig.
Elvira's the ghost of Elvira's wig. You're right. He stole it, didn't he? He really did.
That belonged to Elvira. He thinks that he's trying for that Billy Ray Cyrus vibe but I keep seeing
Elvira. He bought it at a silent auction. Maybe we went on that funny trail.
That was fun. And then here we go. Right here in the corner prophetic word.
Stars and stripes. Immediately I sit there and go what do you do about Christians outside of the country?
And then like in the book of Revelation chapter 7 it says that people from every tribe, nation language, people, they're all gathered before the throne of Christ worshiping
Christ in his presence and they're making proclamations about Jesus and the angels are saying amen and falling on their faces and these guys the only thing they can focus on is the
United States as if somehow the United States is the holy land. It ain't. Hang on a second.
He always looks like he's in a lot of pain when he prophesies. Pay attention now because I have said before that I will take my finger
This is the God is gonna pull your finger prophecy? Release the fragrance. It was only one joke
Nikki Only one joke It was coming Wow Sorry And I will uncover
I will expose I will cause many embarrassing moments
That's what happens when you pull somebody's finger But who is it embarrassing for?
Oh man And I will hook with my finger and bring to light many who you thought
Hey wait a second. You guys can't be doing that. Dancing's not allowed. I mean No no no
It's okay. They're Lutherans. It's fine. Oh okay. I forgot. Sorry I had you confused with somebody else
For you but have been against you Therefore keep your eyes upon my finger that shall
Can anybody take this stuff seriously? Oh my gosh That's not a word on the bingo card is it?
The finger? No it's not and I don't want to put it in I don't want to hear a prophecy like this again.
I'm gonna give Hank Kuhneman the finger Oh Appear in your news as a thumb
As I press down and I expose fingerprints
Da da da prophetic cops on the detectives Where are the fingerprints man?
Give me the fingerprints Oh man My finger's turning into a thumb
Ah Pressing down on stuff I legitimately think
I need to make a TikTok channel dedicated to non -lucid prophecies. That's a good idea
Welcome to non -lucid prophecies. Today's prophecy is brought to you by the finger
It gets hooked by God On the number four I think
I'd have within a week I'd have a million subscribers people going that is the craziest channel ever
And those who have been involved in very deep and dark things that must now come to the light for they shall not be hidden any longer
Wait a minute wait a minute what's that? Is that a table of just like stacks of paper like something he's handing out?
What is that? I have no clue yeah yeah I honestly have no idea and I mean
It's not going to help us win the game so who cares? Alright whatever I see where your mind's at all you care about is winning
Yeah Paul that's all Yeah Okay Alright enough of the
Okay brand new we've never covered this lady before she has how many subscribers?
It's a vehicular prophecy Yeah this is a vehicular prophecy 68 total views so I've never heard of this and this is the channel
Blessed Believer She's hidden her subscriber count Either that or she has none
Uh yeah well I mean she has 68 views so I'm going to imagine she has at least one
I have no idea so here we go So many messages have been delayed so I want to get these out this is a lot so much
I'm hearing listen to this dream so there's dreams that are telling of split and be careful be careful of falling away you're going to have to get armored up you have to get stronger like I said in the recent video you have to hammer harder than ever this is a time of decision this is a time of letting go you gotta let go
I mean even the believers that are soulish that want to draw you into the soul you've been delivered from that you've been delivered into the spirit you have to live in the spirit you have to walk in the spirit your new family is given to you to walk in the spirit and in truth with them it's not to walk in soulishness you're not given the body of Christ as a family so Steve I just need to know something here have you been applying yourself to not be soulish in how you walk
I was listening to soul music so I don't know I may be guilty of something here we were just playing
Stevie Wonder yesterday yeah we were we have to confess if you're playing that song
I'm a soul man that could be really bad we didn't do that one by the way she didn't say the word spirit so I'm taking that one she did?
yeah she did there's been a few people before this that have been saying spirit I just couldn't prove it now
I can apparently we're supposed to not be soulish and we've got to let it go but we've got to hammer it hard but we've got to let it go yes while not being soulish in favor of your new family like a person you hit it with a spoon enough times it runs away so one of my questions would be something to the effect of if this is really a prophetic word from God why did
God choose the least effective way of reaching people with this word mysterious ways because 68 people have viewed this to to celebrate the holidays and to feel better and to have sympathy and all the things that the soul wants that's not important to a child of God that's not important to someone that's been delivered out of that the
Lord heals that so if you want sympathy that's soulish body of Christ doesn't need sympathy nah if you have a desire for that or if you're trying to pull a lot of people
I'm seeing are going to leaders and bringing their soulish thoughts to them and calling them trying to call them back into something that they perceive that the leader needs the leader doesn't need he didn't need the things of the soul the mind, the will, the emotions he wasn't longing for tradition he wasn't longing for a feeling of family he didn't need a home to go home to this is that trichotomous stuff yeah
I think this is that Andrew Womack trichotomous view nonsense it sounds straight up cultish don't come to your leader with the very real needs that humans have because your leaders are beyond that your leaders don't need sympathy they don't need family just imagine that there's some poor child holding a sign that says need food and she's just holding it up outside of her car and she's like don't pay attention to that that's soulish child okay
Lighthouse Global I forget this lady's name but this one's called monthly prophetic word favor for alignment alignment
I'm hoping that I can at least get a discount cause I gotta get tires on the FJ I'm hoping that the alignment
I can get a discount on that here we go this month of November will be a month when
God will give us favor in order for us to be in alignment how
I saw this word how I received this word today was the
Lord said for those who have passed the test God is releasing favor from month of November all the way into 2021 that's only if you pass the test though that favor if you don't pass the test you don't get that I didn't even take the test
I didn't even get the email I cheated on the test I got a mail in coupon does that last longer than just through is it open book
I'm curious what kind of test this is multiple choice is it true or false I got the spark notes on this one hold on I heard this word
I was super excited about what's gonna come in 2022 and I knew that 2022 year 2022 is going to be an awesome year year 2022 is going to be a year of open doors
I know it's like oh come on please don't do that cause every time these prophets prophesize something
God just basically does the opposite to prove them wrong oh my gosh we're doomed 2022 is 2020 part 2 oh no
I was just thinking about it and praying about it and then I looked at the clock and it was 222 which is another sign yeah that's the reading of omens and scripture forbids that wow
I really believe that year 2022 God is telling us to get ready for what's coming in year 2022 if it's gonna be a great year how do
I get ready for what's coming in 2022 when I don't even know what's coming in 2022 you just start packing your bags canning fruit
I don't know I like this idea so basically I should be but see if I can my own stuff then
I don't have to buy it from Jim Baker you could save a lot of money
Chris and a lot of indigestion so I'm curious do you have like Basta canning jars that's in product development as we speak research scientists are in the lab right now working on that let me know how that works out
I look forward to that I'm trying to prepare in a couple months right so I felt like the word for November was actually leading into year 2022 did you say war what was that she said word oh word sorry and I just also want to encourage you
I've been receiving some feedback about my prophecies from October some of the people that watched the monthly prophetic word said that in October some of the things
I said there really came to pass things like that so it was really encouraging and then
I just got a message from a family in Singapore that said 3 years ago
I gave them a prophetic word and in those 3 years all of those things came to pass how is that possible when you don't say anything yes something will happen wow wow that's profound yeah okay you can't live without drinking water alright let's see here
I'm gonna hydrate alright let's see here an increase of strength to dance in the river oh boy hey this is the river dance prophecy this morning at 3 .45
I woke up and I thought why would you have me wake up this early and the lord spoke to me and he said
I want to show you something and I let the dogs out to potty and I come back in that was the reason why you woke up I have a dog too don't blame this on the holy spirit
I sat in my house completely quiet and I closed my eyes and I saw
Valerie and Celestine's legs and feet doing the exact dance that the chimney sweeps on Mary Poppins did step in time step in time okay alright you were still asleep
I'm really glad I don't have any sharp implements around me right now yeah and I said lord what are you showing me and he said
I must change the rhythm of your feet he said if you're not dancing today is the day
I am changing the rhythm of your feet because I'm changing the flow of the river and he said wow that's so profound wow oh boy you don't look excited
Paulette no she got something I did she got a river I call this guy the man of phlegm let's talk some more there is a river dance that you have always gotten close to but yet you have always been afraid of because you are you afraid of a river dance but the river dance is not the one from Mary Poppins no they weren't river dancing that's a completely different thing all together that's the lord of the dance or whatever it's called oh god you thought you were not equipped to do it and he said
I want you to anoint those two that their feet start moving their leg muscles increase because they're going to jump to new levels new level is a prophecy bingo word many at the side of the mountain the river is full but the course is changing upwards and that is a supernatural occurrence supernatural is a prophecy bingo word for water to flow up instead of flowing down get in my tummy and see clearly that's what happened
I have no idea what that was by the way I forgot to hit play on this one
Ryan Lestrange and he's apparently a self -proclaimed apostle now my monday word is how to break
Jezebel's anxiety attacks against your sleep I should have listened to this a while ago what on earth are you suffering from Jezebel's anxiety attacks while you sleep well we've got the thing for you what on earth you know
I've found so many what was that? worst infomercial ever people struggling with sleep struggling with anxiety in the night so I want to give you some scripture keys and some spiritual keys
I believe one way that a spirit of witchcraft Jezebel can come against you is with anxiety
I believe this demon can come against you in your sleep and understand that God has filled his word with promises about speaking to us.
Is it me or does it seem like he is fast talking on purpose. He had an espresso with a double shot yeah a double shot of Red Bull before he hit the play button on his video camera.
In the night season so naturally this demon wants to invade your night season to bring unrest.
What's a night season? It's the same thing what happens after you night prayer and anxiety
Romans 8 15 said you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry
Abba Father so it warns us look you don't have the spirit of bondage again to fear one of the ways.
That's talking about the fact that we do not have fear because we're forgiven in Christ has nothing to do with sleep anxiety or Jezebel attacking in the night season we can combat this demon of anxiety is by meditating in the promises of God concerning our sonship and relationship with him when you are facing anxiety it's important that you remember your covenant with God covenant is a prophecy bingo about provision it's important you remember provision is a prophecy bingo word provision on our card look
Jesus is my provider my covenant with God my identity with the Lord secures provision it's important that if you're wrestling with anxiety about your relationships that you begin to realize that your steps are ordered by the
Lord and therefore he's securing your relationships so fear comes in a spiritual sense oftentimes through a lack of understanding of identity so one way you can
I think identity is a prophecy bingo word or address this is through the understanding of identity in Proverbs 3 24 it said when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet so what does anxiety come to do in the night season it comes to rob your peace the spirit of fear is against rest it wants to steal your rest science has shown the spirit of fear is against rest so there's a spirit of fear running around the land and it's look while you're sleeping it comes in and goes blah and creates anxiety you don't have to die you have to let the dogs out what was that Steve that guy will give you anxiety just listen
I know I'm getting jittery just watching him oh my goodness if you don't sleep well there's all kinds of physical risks and there's a lack of mental clarity
God rested on the seventh day what does this have to do with anything right let's play the non sequitur song wow if God rested on the seventh day you and I need to rest he was demonstrating a pattern of rest for us that it's very important we rest we live in a world that is what does this have to do with the spirit of fear
Jezebel attacking me while I'm sleeping and causing anxiety if I'm tracking with him he's saying we only need to sleep one day out of the week you may be right
I can't say you're wrong this explains much he's having sleep deprivation hallucination right am
I the only one who thinks that that's actually kind of dangerous for people who genuinely have like medically diagnosed anxiety or depression or things like that when guys go around and being like that's a demon you need to cast that out yeah they'll figure out after spending 10 grand for a deliverance from Ryan Lestrange's people that their anxiety has gotten worse due to the fact of this bad theology
I stopped listening to Ryan Lestrange and all my anxiety went poof gone so here's a fellow we have not covered in the past this
YouTube channel is called God Unlimited and the Lord says
November will be the month of miracle here we go the month of November is the month of miracle you're going to see extraordinary move of God mighty power of God unbelievable things are going to happen because you believe in Jesus unexpected things are going to happen supernaturally because your expectation is on the
Lord alright this guy is whipping out the prophecy bingo buzzwords good luck you might miss them at this point stay focused hallelujah the
Lord is going to do mighty and marvelous things and he's going to thrill you with joy he's going to bring forth a great so is this prophecy tech support that we've reached here never mind no this is the scam call center got it okay yeah that's right now go and you are going to pay your taxes and go and buy a gift card from Lowe's signs and wonders for his glory hallelujah the
Lord is going to provide the manna in a supernatural way your provisions will be met the Lord is going to do amazing things for his glory hallelujah glory is a prophecy bingo word what was that I got glory too oh good alright still coming up from behind Paulette I'm coming up are going to be turned away into a sweet moment because the
Lord is doing that in your life in the midst of the rocky situation and dryness the
Lord is telling are you suffering from dryness dry mouth
TMI TMI my rivers of living waters will flow through the rock it will quench you and flourish you says the
Lord hallelujah the Lord says your enemies will be defeated and your rod will bloom and you will shine and you will be head not the tail because my rod is going to bloom
I don't even have it there was an over counter get rid of that did you notice the super hard cuts that he is doing here this is like a machine gun you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus hallelujah the
Lord says the Red Sea and Jordan River in your life will split open I don't have a
Red Sea to split open we have a Red River and if it splits
I mean there goes the town so we don't want I know the city of Grand Forks might sue me if that happens they would have to prove it was you to begin with that's right well it lines up with his house you know it will cross over in Jesus name you will see the
Jericho wall that is standing before you will fall down I don't have a Jericho wall standing in front of me he is just grabbing every
Old Testament story I mean seriously I think in 5 minutes he is going to have them all we are walking through the entire
Old Testament here the garden of Eden in your life and the moon will stand still you will have a victory in Jesus name the
Lord says wine, grain, oil will multiply in your life what was that? we got victory oh yeah
I missed that one oh I got a second bingo no second bingo right there
I told you I was going to get a triple bingo that's not a triple bingo I'm all
I need is a powerful upgrade and I'm there I curse your triple bingo
I curse it I got to think about this here
I think I got it thank you for calling the prophecy tech support line my name is
Rashi, may I be helping you today I've got very good news for you, hallelujah there will be a shifting in your health and the good news is that this assignment will lead to a wealth transfer of victory for you so praise the
Lord that gets my vote and that's how
Chris got cancelled what that means is the
Lord is going to multiply every sources of income and every streams of income will multiply in Jesus name the
Lord is going to resurrect every circumstances and resurrect dead circumstances oh this is painful situation in your life he's going to bring it back to a supernatural life hallelujah, the
Lord says every lion's mouth will be silenced and you will be delivered from the lion's den and you will be glorifying
God, hallelujah oh man this is really making me angry because these are types and shadows pointing to Christ and he's turned to what's your lion's den it's all about us, yeah this guy no wonder he's got 86 ,000 subscribers he's just tickling itching ears this is evil every sickness will leave right now in Jesus name
I command a supernatural blessings and healing upon you in the name of Jesus, let there be amazing quickening and restoration in every areas where you have been downcasted the
Lord is going to build you up raise you up in Jesus name, hallelujah the Lord says every bleeding issues will be stopped in the name of Jesus and also there is going to be a transition and transformation transition, transformation or prophecy bingo words, in your life you are going to see a supernatural settlement that is going to bless you abundantly, hallelujah the
Lord says my son, my daughter you will have a big catch of fish you're going to have the I don't even go fishing he's just going just like da da da da get ready honey we got some walleye we're going to have for dinner on Tuesday night honey we're in Alaska he's going to prophesy that he will win the lottery next
I know you'd think the way he's going that's where this is leading up to I think he just crossed over to A .D.
rather than B .C. and also in your life there is going to be abundance and fullness you're going to be filled with the joy you're going to be amazingly blessed for the glory of God, hallelujah the
Lord says I got bingo oh boy, congratulations very good
I have a request yes I would like my husband to do the sentence for me laughing it's not even his bingo card he's really good at this so you guys you guys are a couple and since we are firm believers in patriarchy if you would like your patriarch to prophetically speak over you we can do that well
I just I feel like there's a river of abundance laughing and the nations are going to dream and in that dream they will have a vision of the river laughing and that abundant river of the nations will give them more vision that leads to their dreams so that this abundant river of their nation would in a visionary sort of a way lead to their dreams wow wow that was a triple prophetic yeah yeah wow hallelujah
I'm feeling it right now I just feel it hey Macarena laughing hashtag goose bumps
Chris yours were better we had better words laughing watching our time here let's see if Inez can help us out what do you guys think yeah so this word for this season the
Lord has been saying it's time of rest it's time of abundance of blessings it's time for angelic activity even more so you know these things already occur but there's times
God's favor just overwhelms us he just does blessings everywhere now we know that we've got he just does blessings everywhere blessings yeah
Talar does that you know goes through certain stages in life if you're going through something at the minute
God's word for you today is you keep going sometimes it can be difficult sometimes it feels too much you know
I have prophetic words myself that I'm waiting for for years and there's times that I ask the
Lord why is it taking so long because they're not true that's right because it's not true because it's not true basta man we have a winner be patient you know you'll get there look at King David it took 18 years for him to become king and he had to go through all of these obstacles all of these struggles running and being chased by the enemy we go through life but God is always with you you know seasons we have great seasons, sad seasons
I say this all the time because it's life we might be in a season for a long time and it takes its toll you might be waiting for the
Lord to bless you with this person you have been praying for for a long time or a family member, a loved one something you're waiting on and it can get frustrating it can become agitating, you can get angry you can get heavy, you can get these things or you can believe in the word of the
Lord you don't I actually do believe in the word of the Lord and none of those words are from him right
I just wonder how many people go into the NAR and these charismatic movements and come out of it thinking
Christianity makes no sense right that's how you get hardcore atheists yeah, they sit there and go
I didn't understand any of it because you didn't ever actually study the Bible or anything, you just listened to this stuff and think you're hearing the word alright so we're getting towards the end of our time together yeah
I've never heard of I've never heard of a YouTube channel that has videos so long who would do that?
who would do that? That's crazy only crazy people the longer we go you do understand something based upon the length of the videos
I see over at the Messed Up Church that sometimes I may inadvertently use you guys and hit the bar for ASMR type purposes you know
I have to admit that a week or so ago
I fell asleep while watching a video of yours and I woke up because the video had ended and they kicked over to something that you had done where you had
Kenneth Copeland screaming his lungs out and it woke me up and I was angry at you you had autoplay on yeah that was your first mistake bad move bud so you can turn that off?
yes I don't know how to turn mine off because I have the same problem it's quite literally just one button see
I almost disinvited you for Prophecy Bingo after you woke me up like that it was
YouTube man it wasn't me ok alright I agree so all that being said we do this thing here so if you are a subscriber we have an extra word and if you ring the bell you get an extra word but we're going to add a third word just because I'd like people to hit the thumbs up thing because that kind of helps a little bit too there we go so Josh what words are you feeling that I need to add to the mix here
I'm definitely feeling wind you're feeling you sure you don't want to get somebody to check that for you wind potential and step into I see
I didn't get anything though so Kozar are you feeling any need for any words here oh man you got one you got a word right you know what
I just feel like I need to thrive at this point in my life I see ok so that's what you feel so let's do this
I don't feel it I feel God wants me to thrive that's what
God is telling all of us that's the word the word is thrive I see so you brought God into the mix here you had to pull the heavy in didn't you so I mean
I wouldn't want to go against God so if you are a subscriber to the channel you can have the word thrive and then if you are if you've rung the bell then you can definitely have some double bingo ok you can have some wind and Josh what was one of those other words for the thumbs up you can have potential potential let's go with potential how does that work for you yeah
I got a double bingo there we go so we are going to be a close out prophecy bingo with two double bingos which means we are all tied because I didn't get a triple everyone is a winner we got here yours oh
I got to do another one of these does he maybe use all of the words for his double oh yeah he can just pull it all together into one big happy joyous ball of prophecy nice the
Lord spoke to me about a new level and even though I'm at a new level there's going to be fire and that fire is going to burn out the sneaky squid and deliver me so I can thrive in my health and shift into an abundant wind prayeth the
Lord well done that was impressive
I wow that was so messed up alright so Josh you're up sir alright
Nicky you don't want to take this one away no no okay well I'm going to do a different voice this time that I had done on here oh dear it's time for fun ladies and gentlemen
I give to you something about the wind something about the wind and a is that what
I a sneaky spirit a sneaky squid spirit oh my that's very dangerous there's something about destiny maybe a heavenly destiny but there's no wind but the potential for Jesus to give us provision is quite high that was wow all
I saw was Stephen Furtick's face while you did that it would be amazing honestly
I need to look into this and see if I can do it but deep fake technology getting doing that voice and having it pasted over Furtick's actual face he's going to sue you for sure
I rebuke you like a toddler like a toddler oh man hey haters it's far too easy to get into that character
I know it's oh man okay Kozars thank you for coming on and playing some
Prophecy Bingo with us real quick let everybody know if they don't already know what's your YouTube channel how they can get there talk a little bit about what you cover
Messed Up Church is our media conglomerate it's a worldwide global phenomenon we have a website we have a podcast and a
YouTube channel we have millions of people involved in this movement across the globe we have products it's just a move of God it's like the
Pentecostal it's a shifting like we've never seen before and we hit the bar with it after hearing that I'm going to have to go hit the bar
I don't even have a media conglomerate I bow to you Kozars with their own channel now copyright infringement actually we've been for a number of shows now we actually have one that we haven't put up yet I'm really super involved in trying to finish some art projects really really excited about the growth in our channel this year and we have a lot to thank to you guys for all the help you've been and in the coming year
I'm really excited to do more and to really just take everything that we've built and add more things we just so appreciate everybody in the audience very much
I'm more determined than ever to just keep pounding away at these heretics because they're doing damage we have this time where we get to use the internet and no one's stopping us yet I don't know how long it's going to last but Lord willing we'll be able to help more people get out of this stuff and that's always the goal is to help people get out of these terrible churches so that they can actually hear the real
Bible which is so much better than this nonsense we're hearing and the word of God doesn't create anxiety it gives you peace with God and with other people and this other stuff is such a mess so well thank you again
Kozars and again Messed Up Church on YouTube and if you haven't seen
Hit The Bar it's not about drinking it's about something different so much better so I'll put it to you this way the
Grand Forks campus is signing off thanks for having us on it's great to have you and let me sign off here with the people and then we'll chat for just a second so if you found this entertaining helpful educational
I'm not sure which one it is all the information on how you can share the video is down below and until next time may