Matt Slick Live: September 24, 2024


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Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 09-24-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  Man’s Law vs. God’s Law//Physical Self-Defense is Permitted but Not Obligatory// Are we at The 5th Seal of Revelation Chapter 6:9?//Facts About The Social Aspects of Islam and The Christian Response// September 24, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hi, everybody. Welcome to the show. Thank you very much. I wish we just asked that you would continue to listen.
Okay, good. I'm glad you're here now listening. If you want, you can give me a call. The number is 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me at info at karm .org, info at karm .org,
C -A -R -M -D -O -R -G, just put the subject line, radio comment, radio question.
I think we'll be getting some of those today because we don't have any callers, and that's the way it is. I'm just going to give you guys a heads up.
In a couple of weeks, I'm going to be in Europe for three weeks, so we're going to be doing reruns for three weeks, unless we get a couple of guests to come in and talk, and we'll figure that out a little bit, but it's getting down to the wire, so I'll be going and doing a
Bible lands tour and just giving you a, you know, it's going to be great, it's going to be great.
You'll see a lot of good stuff, and I've been over there a couple of times already, and I want to go there this time, and I don't know if I'm going to do it anymore, though, because, you know,
I've been there, and my wife needs more help here because we need to be gone that long, it's tough, because it stacks up all the jars she needs opening.
They just stack on the counter, can you open these, when I get back, so, you know, stuff like that.
All right, now, let's see, let's see, let's see, we have one caller coming in, and I'll give you the number, 877 -207 -2276, please give me a call, and that's about it.
Let's just jump on, let's get to Jermaine from California, Jermaine, welcome, you're on the air.
Oh, hi, Matt, yeah, so, yeah, today, I just had a question,
I had a discussion with someone about man's law versus God's law, and it might seem a little harsh, but we had an honest debate here, wouldn't it be worse, according to God's law, to, say, commit adultery versus you taking someone's life in a home defense situation, where you're protecting yourself, because this person thought that it was way worse to, you know, hurt or kill someone.
And I'm like, well, that's not the context, it's not murder, and you're protecting yourself, but I thought it would be worse to commit adultery, according to what
God says, so, I just wanted to hear you kind of break it down. Yeah, it is worse to commit adultery than it is to kill someone in self -defense, because the
Bible allows for the taking of a life in that occurrence, for self -defense.
Here's something to ask your friend, if he thinks that killing someone, even in self -defense, is worse than adultery, then just ask questions, say, what happens if you come home and your wife, you know, whatever the context is, is being beaten, and you see the man with the bat over the head getting ready to swing, you've got a gun in your hand, boom, you take him out, because you can't get to him fast enough.
Would that be worse than adultery? Of course not.
So, I get the point, but when you start putting flesh and blood on it in different contexts, then people usually start coming around and going, yeah,
I see what you're saying, I see what you're saying, but, no, adultery is worse than killing someone in that context, yeah, absolutely.
Okay. Alright. Well, thank you. Appreciate it. Okay. Yeah, no problem, man.
Alright. Well, God bless, buddy. Okay. So, a lot of people don't know there are sins that are worse than other sins in the
Bible, and not that we can put them on a scale, but the Bible talks about different degrees of sin, some be with a few stripes, some with many stripes, so stealing a paperclip from work intentionally,
I don't have any paperclips, I'm going to take a paperclip, that's theft, it's not as bad as murder, but both of them are sins.
So, there are, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a sin that is so bad it can't even be forgiven, out of Matthew 12, 22 through 32, so there are sins like that.
Now, about the issue of self -defense, we do have the right of self -defense, and a lot of people don't know that.
Do we have that right? In fact, I wrote an article on Karm about that, do we have the right of self -defense, and the answer is, absolutely, yes we do, and a lot of people think that, no, we're supposed to just turn the other cheek and do nothing, that's not what the scriptures teach.
So physical self -defense is permitted, but it's not an obligation, that's in Exodus 22 and Luke 11, and Luke 22, 36.
So if someone's attacking you for your faith, you have the right to defend yourself, but you don't have the obligation to do it, you're not obligated, there's no command in scripture that says, thou shalt defend yourself.
But there is something other than that's more interesting, we have the right and the obligation to defend others, and that's what's really interesting in Psalm 82 .4,
rescue the weak and needy, deliver them out of the hand of the wicked, so that delivering them out of the hand of the wicked can be taken in different forms, so if you see someone being taken advantage of being beaten on the street, you can stop it, and you do.
And deliver those, this is Psalm, excuse me, Proverbs 24, 11, deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, and you know where to do that.
We are not, however, to take vengeance, that's important. Never take your own revenge, that's
Romans 12, 19, don't do that. So, if in the act, you come home, and there's a burglar in your house, and he's not attacking you, and you say, get out of here, and he leaves, okay, you have a gun, you can take him out, but you don't, that's how it should be.
If he comes after you to attack you, he's got a knife in his hand, you have a weapon in your hand, and you take him out, because of that, that's permissible, you have that right.
But you don't have the right to, that burglar comes in, robs you, and then he gets away, and you see what car, and you reckon,
I'm going to go look for him, and then you go kill him because of that, that's not right, you don't have that right.
So we do have the obligation. I have, I had a family member who, I won't say who, was absolutely pacifist, and he said he wouldn't take the life of anybody, even self -defense, and I said, okay, no problem, that's your position, and he says it wouldn't do it for any circumstances, and I said, what if, and he's married, and I said, what if you came home, and he's got a bat over your wife's head, and he's rearing it back, what do you do?
And he goes, I don't know, you have to think about that, I said, because you're obligated to defend your wife, and take steps, so sometimes you can just tackle the person, and that family member is significantly large, significantly large, and he's one of the kind of guys you do not want on your bad side,
I'm 220 pounds, he can pick me up and throw me, okay, so like that, but those are just circumstances.
We are, however, to seek peace whenever possible, and Romans 12, 21 says to return evil with good, overcome evil with good, this is the obligation, we want to return wickedness, we want to return it with good as much as possible.
Now I'm going to say this again, when someone's attacking you, you don't have the obligation to defend yourself, but you have the freedom to do it, so if you choose not to defend yourself and be martyred for your faith, that's fine, but from what
I have seen in scripture in my research, I have an article on this on Karm, do
Christians have the right of physical self -defense, and I wrote that in August of 21, and the answer is yes they do, yes they do, so we're to seek peace whenever possible, and we can flee to avoid persecution.
And we are also to pray for our persecutors, excuse me, and we're told by Jesus to love our enemies, and to recognize that we're in a spiritual battle, alright, so again, you have the right to defend yourself, but not the obligation, but you have the obligation to defend others, how about that, isn't that an interesting switch, you have the obligation because the bible says that you are to defend the helpless, you're supposed to defend them, you are to defend them, so my wife is pretty much helpless because of her medical condition, and if someone were to, you know, threaten her,
I would do whatever it takes to stop them, I'm obligated to defend my wife, now what about a stranger in a store, what if you see,
I don't know, maybe a person with a knife going through a store, threatening people, going to stab them, what do you do, just run, now different people have different answers, me,
I'm strange, I run towards a problem, I'm known for that, something happens, I am so fast,
I'm heading right towards it, so you need to get in there and try and help people, that's the idea, and most men are like that, they want to help, they want to stop problems, they're protectors, so we must, we can defend the true gospel, now it doesn't mean necessarily with physical force, but what's interesting is
Jesus says in Matthew 22, 36, or Luke 22, 36, he says to the disciples, do you have a sword, they said no, we have two cloaks, he said, sell a cloak, go buy a sword,
Jesus told them, buy a sword, Luke 22, 36, and so most commentators believe that this is in the context of self -defense, so I have the statement that I say is, we have the right of self -defense, but not the obligation, now here's something else to think about, is that our suffering is granted to us by God, that's
Philippians 1, 29, sometimes he appoints us to be persecuted, and we've got to pray and see if that is the case, it may surprise a lot of people, but that's
Philippians 1, 29, and here's something else, we are to resist evildoers, whether small or in large numbers, as well as bad governments, we're going to resist them as well, that's out of Psalm 82, and Exodus 1, and I've got a bunch of verses, 2
Corinthians 11, so what do you do if your government is oppressive, and is causing, let's just say they're rounding up a group of people to kill them, or enslave them, well you've got to stop it, you've got to do what you can to stop that, within reason, but we don't want to be killing people, we want, it's really complicated, we don't want to hurt people, we want to defend others, but sometimes it's necessary to hurt others in order to defend some people, and those are circumstances that have to be weighed and examined in different contexts, so we have to also think of how our actions will affect unbelievers, if we were to use violence, so I happen to know, for example, it's not covered on the news,
I happen to know that Muslims are in gangs, motorcycles with weapons, guns, are going into the outskirts of villages in Nigeria, do we have a connection there, it's how come
I know about this, and they're wiping out entire villages, killing them, murdering them, in the name of Islam, and the
Christians there don't do anything, now if I was there,
I'd say get together and buy weapons and you train yourself to defend others, that's what
I would teach them, I'd say go defend yourself and others, yourself you don't have to, but you're obligated to defend others, what about the women and the children, who are just defenseless, the men should get together and do what they have to do to defend them, it's real simple, so here's a suggested order of action, is pray for and love our persecutors, seek peace with them, seek a verbal self -defense, seek a legal self -defense, flee persecution, and finally use physical force if necessary in order to protect oneself and others, all right, hey, we'll get back from the break with Elijah, we have three open lines, 877 -207 -2276, we'll be right back after these messages, please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome back to the show, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276,
Elijah from Pennsylvania, welcome, you're on the air. Hey Matt, I have a question about the same guy that I talked to you about,
I believe it was last week or a couple weeks ago, about the preacher, Bradsher guy, I recently found out that he's one of those people that,
I don't know if you've heard of this interpretation before, but there's an interpretation of Revelation 6 where some people believe that five of the seals have already been broken, and that we're currently living in the fifth seal right now, and one of the reasons why they believe we're living in the fifth seal right now is because the fifth seal is about martyrs being killed for Jesus, and they say that this is happening all over the world right now, except for America, at least not at the moment, and so they say this is one of the reasons why they think the rapture is right around the corner, because the sixth seal is when the rapture happens, so they believe we probably don't have much time left before the sixth seal is broken, so my question is, do you believe that we're living in the fifth seal now, or do you believe that all of this stuff is just types and shadows of what's to come, and do you believe that once the first seal gets broken and all the other seals get broken, will that be like way worse than what we've been experiencing throughout history?
Good question, and I don't have an authoritative answer or a knowledgeably devised answer, because I haven't studied that in particular in the way you're asking, but having studied a lot of eschatology over the years,
I can just give you my opinion, and my opinion is that I don't think we're in the fifth seal right now, and I'm not saying these people are right or wrong,
I'm just saying I don't see it, because people have been martyred for the
Christian faith for 2 ,000 years, and it's still happening, and it's increasing more and more.
In fact, more people were killed for their faith in the 1900s than all of history preceding that, but that's in part due to just the humongous population that we have.
We went over into the billions, so that's the case. Now there's a preterist view, which says that all of this was fulfilled before 70
AD, and then there's the futurist view, that all of them are to be in the future, so I lean towards a futurist view, lean, but a good strong wind could blow me back on the other side, but not a full preterist, a partial preterist, which means that they were fulfilled to some degree then, but the true fulfillment will be coming later.
Now, one of the things that in my mind I think is worth considering, and I'm not an expert on this, but the ten plagues that occurred in Egypt during the time of Israel were quick.
They were one after the other in a matter of days, weeks, and the judgment of God came here, then there, then there, then there.
Now that doesn't mean, though, that this is how it's going to happen here, but I see the idea of God's judgment on a nation, in this case the world, to be a series of events that occurs in order, relatively quickly.
Now the problem with that view is that we can see that a lot of this stuff has been happening on for decades, so in the first seal of Revelation 6, a white horse was there and a bow, and he was allowed to conquer, and he did, and then the second seal is war, so the red horse, now
I'm going to go through this a little bit because I'm going to say something that might be interesting, which I only heard about this past weekend in California.
The red horse went out and was able to take peace from the earth. The third seal was with famine.
The fourth seal is death, the four living creatures saying come, okay, and the ashen horse, death and Hades following them, etc.,
and then the martyrs, okay, so it could be that these seals are within 200 year range, it could be they're in 2 ,000 year range, and it could be that they're going to be in a matter of weeks, and so I don't know.
Okay, so I know I'm kind of being very vague, but I am on purpose because I don't want to mislead anybody or say here's what
I think, but I heard something this weekend, not this weekend, but last weekend,
I was down in Southern California speaking at a conference, Ministry to Muslims, great conference, great folks, and we were out having discussions at a restaurant.
I couldn't get into it too much because of the noise, and everybody's talking, and it's just this is after the conference, and we got talking about end times and the four horsemen of all things, and two guys looked at me and said those are consistent with Islam, and the four horsemen are the four, and I didn't hear the word, the four something, the colors and types that represent the four main somethings of Islam, and I went what was that?
So I had to talk to some people about this, and these guys thought that Islam would be the, like the four curses, the four things coming along, to kill, to destroy, to martyr, to bring death and famine because they're going to wreak havoc over the land, and we got talking about the 200 million man army that comes out of the east to attack
Israel, and he said that's got to be the Muslims, and I went
I've never heard that before. So it was interesting. I'm just throwing more information into the mix.
I haven't helped you any. I haven't answered your question any. I've just kind of talked around the issue, so you know, there you go.
That's actually interesting, though. I like talking about this stuff, and I recently saw a video where they were talking about,
I think he was talking about how the Jews in Israel want to sacrifice a red heifer and all this stuff, and then he had said something about,
I think he said the Dome of the Rock, and I think he said that Muslims believe that that's sacred, and he said something about if,
I can't remember exactly what he said, but I think he said either if the Jews sacrifice the heifer at the
Dome of the Rock, or if they destroy the Dome of the Rock, it's going to be like the Battle of Armageddon, because every
Muslim in the world is going to go over there and try to destroy Israel. Yep.
Okay, I've been to the Dome of the Rock, and been there twice, and walked around it, and so the
Muslims are tolerant of the Jews in the midst of the Jews. In order to get there, they have to enter into Israel, into Jerusalem, and they have to go in.
So they're very, very patient. But I walked up towards the door to look in to the mosque, to there, the
Dome of the Rock, and the Muslims were there, and they put their hand up. Don't come in. Don't even get close.
You know, I just nodded and walked back, okay? And there is an area right there, next to it, that is big enough to put a temple for sacrifices, and there's a lower level where they can do the same thing.
Hold on. We'll come back. I'll tell you something else that's interesting there. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
Please stay tuned. We'll be right back. Give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. This is Elijah. He's reactivated.
We'll get him on the air if you want to give me a call. All you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
All right, Elijah. You still there? Yep, I'm still here. Okay. Now, I've got more
I can talk about, but I've been talking a lot, so go ahead. If you want to say something, jump in. Yeah.
Yeah. So I just rewatched that video, that one -minute video I just told you about, and what they said was is that if the
Jews sacrifice a red heifer at the Dome of the Rock, then the Muslims might attack them even more.
And they said that one of the reasons why the Muslims attacked
Jerusalem on October 7th of last year was because of the red heifers as well, they said.
Might be. So the Jews are preparing, they have priests ready, and they have everything that they need in order to start offering sacrifices again, they just need the temple rebuilt.
So they're being very, very patient. Jews are very patient, and they're waiting. Like I said, the area,
I physically have been there, and it takes about three or four minutes to walk from one end of the one level to the other side of it before you even get to the steps before you get up into the area of the
Dome of the Rock. There's plenty of physical space to produce a temple, and I don't know exactly where and how it's going to be, but it's doable there.
And I've been to the Wailing Wall and, you know, touched it. I feel sorry for the
Jews, you know, because these Gentiles coming in, coming up with their wall, and the
Muslims there. It's just so hard, and I was trying to be extremely respectful to everybody. So I did a little bit of research during the break, and I want to get into more information on this.
It says, one view is that the white horse is the spread of Islam. The red horse is jihad, blood, where Islam spread by the sword.
Islam didn't spread by love and patience and sacrifice. It spread by killing and threatening.
That's how it spread, and that's well known. Well over 100 battles within the first two years, two centuries of Islam.
I have a list of all the, not all, but a lot of the battles. They were, it's a violent religion.
The black horse deals with hardships, and this is what happens when
Islam takes over. In fact, I remember this when we went over to Bethlehem. We went into,
I think it was the West Bank, I'm trying to remember, but we went into the Jerusalem area, and literally, literally, 15 feet difference from Israel to there,
Israel was clean, green, prosperous, and when you went across the wall, which had armed guards there, as soon as you get in, it's desolate and bleak and trashy, and I remember that it was so stark, and I still to this second can remember us being over there.
They treated us fine. I mean, the Muslims weren't mean not to get everybody. They treated us fine, but I still remember looking at the area, it wasn't clean, it wasn't irrigated, it wasn't green, the buildings were in a state of disrepair, and I watched these young boys walking just, you know, a couple hundred feet away, and they had something in their hands, and they unwrapped something and were eating, and then they took the trash and just threw it in the ground, they didn't care, and that just stuck with me, because it is so consistent with the
Muslim lifestyle, from what I've seen, that you just don't take care of what your environment is, you don't make it better, and so this brings economic hardship to them, and I see that as a result of Islam, and you go to these countries where Islam is in control, unless it's the countries that have a lot of Western influence in them, they're pretty much economically bleak.
And then, of course, the pale horse is death, and that's what Islam brings, and I view
Islam just as the Antichrist is a type of opposite, so to speak, of the true
Christ, Islam is a type of the opposite of true Christianity. Some people call
Islam a Christian heresy, and the reason they do, a lot of people do this, is because it has statements about the
Trinity, it has statements about salvation, it has statements about crucifixion, it has statements about Mary, and it redefines them, the way
Mormonism does, it uses the same words, but redefines the characters there, and says it's the same one, but it's redefined.
And this is what Islam does, and so it says the Trinity is three gods, it actually includes
Mary as one of the gods, and they think that's wrong, and that's not what Christians teach, but the
Koran teaches this. It says Jesus was not crucified, that he was no more than a prophet, and that the greatest prophet was their prophet, so their prophet,
Mohammed, supplants the authority of Jesus, even though in Islam Jesus was sinless, but Mohammed wasn't.
And they have a high reverence for Mary, I think she's the only one mentioned in the Koran, because women are basically looked down upon in Islam.
And of course they bring a lot of death, where Jesus brings life, Islam brings death. And so,
I have statistics on my website about the larger the percentage of population of Muslims in a nation, the more violent it becomes, and more death occurs, and things like that.
And I have it, maybe I'll go after the break, next time I'll read some, I don't know, but anyway, I'm rambling a lot, go ahead buddy, jump in there.
Yeah, that's all very interesting, and I wasn't going to say, so yeah, about the
Muslims invading Israel, so I was thinking, so if that does happen soon, and all the
Muslims get together and attack Israel, I would think that that would be a huge sign that the anti -Christian rising is literally right around the corner, because I believe that the anti -Christ is going to come on the scene, he's going to try to declare peace, and all that stuff, and then this is going to tie into some of the
Muslim processes about the Mahdi, you know, the Muslims, they're going to think that he's the
Mahdi, and all that stuff. So yeah, I kind of see it going in that direction.
Yes, I do too, I do too, Islam is like a cancer, it gets in, it takes over, and it destroys, and so I have statistics and stuff, this is from 2015, so it's almost 10 years old,
I need to update it, but I can, you know, maybe after the break I'll start reading some of the stuff, but it's bad, it's bad, what happens when
Muslims enter countries, and I've got the statistics, and at any rate, so it is one of the theories that, oh, not the anti -Christ, some say the anti -Christ might be a
Muslim, and that would make sense because the Christians or the Jews would accept someone outside of their religion to be a political leader, in a religious sense, but the liberals would, but not the
Muslims, so some say that might be the case, you know, just thinking, just thinking, but there's going to be no preacher rapture, folks, we're not getting out of here for it.
Yeah, I mean, I was thinking that too, that maybe the anti -Christ might claim to be a
Muslim, I don't agree with his preacher rapture position, but he talks a lot about end times and the days of Noah and stuff, and I listen to him on that, but one time
I had brought the question to him in the comments section, I was like, do you think the anti -Christ is going to be claiming to be a Muslim, and then he did a live stream podcast to answer my question, and he said that he doesn't believe so, because in the
Bible it says that, it says in 2
Thessalonians that he's going to put himself above all the gods of the world, he's going to claim himself to be
God, so Scripture teaches that he's not going to claim to be a part of a religion, he's going to claim to be
God himself. It's certainly possible, but also the anti -Christ, according to Daniel 11 .35,
I think it is, I've got to check, will probably be homosexual, and so, let's see
Daniel 11, I'm trying to remember all these verses in my head all over the place, so, no, yeah, no
I can't find it, anyway, oh there it is, Daniel 11 .37,
he will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard to the
Creator God. So, you know, we just look, thinking out loud, if he was a Muslim, he could pretend to follow, you know,
Allah, but really he's not, and it could happen with any political leader, religious, religio -political leader, they could say one thing but believe another, and then be homosexual in the meantime, but not be known, so, you know, it's just, this is possible, we just don't know.
A lot of talk there. There's our break buddy, alright? So, we'll talk to you later, man.
Alright, God bless. Alright. Hey folks, after the break, I think I'll read some statistics about Islam and stuff, it'll be disturbing, so, stay tuned for a good time.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Alright everybody, welcome back to the show, and as I said, I'm going to read some stuff on Islam.
These are statistics and stuff that I did research on back in 2015, and I've been wanting to update them, but, you know,
I got 8 ,000 things I'm working on, but from back then, 58 % of the
Muslims in America say criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected under free speech.
In Britain, it was said that 62 % of Muslims deny free speech. Now, you think about that.
So, they don't want you to be able to criticize Islam, but they can criticize Christianity, because they do. In Islam, the
Quran criticizes Christianity, and the Hadith does too, the sayings and deeds and sayings of Muhammad and others.
So, they're hypocritical. You can't criticize them, but they'd criticize you. In Al Jazeera poll, 81 % of the respondents of Muslims approved of ISIS back in 2015.
And I'll skip some of this stuff. 81 % of Al Jazeera support that. In Saudi Arabia, 92 % of Saudis said
ISIS conforms to Islamic law. 92 % of Saudis said that, of ISIS.
And if you guys remember about ISIS a few years ago, it was bad. 38 % of American Muslims say
ISIS beliefs are... In Britain, about half of Muslims support
ISIS. Now, I'm going to talk about a certain sexual attack, and I'll just leave it at that, in case there's children around and stuff like that.
And I'll be fair about this. I'm not going to say too many things. But in Norway, 100 % of such assaults between strangers were committed by immigrants,
Muslim immigrants. And 9 out of 10 were upon Norwegian native females.
So, in Sweden, this is back in 2015, has the second highest number of these occurrences after South Africa.
Because they've taken in, okay? In 2012, it emerged that over 1 ,000 mostly white young girls in the northern
England town of Rotterdam were systematically groomed, trafficked, and I can't even read the rest of this stuff by Muslim gangs to do stuff.
I can't even read it. I'm sorry. 51 % of Muslims in the
U .S. believe that Sharia should be in place. One -fifth of Muslims in the
U .S. approve of violence in order to institute Sharia. 300 ,000
Muslims in the U .S. want to impose Sharia worldwide. Sharia, folks, means law in Arabic, and it means
Muslim law. And it is pretty oppressive. 19 % of U .S.
Muslims say violence is justified to impose Sharia. 20 % of Muslims in Britain want
Britain to be an Islamic state. And that's going to happen because the Brits aren't having children enough to keep up with the birth rate of the
Muslims, which is exceeding them a great deal. I think by 2050 or something like that, at the rate of birth, basically
England will become a Muslim nation. I don't know what's going to actually happen, but we'll see.
In Canada, 62 % of Muslims want Sharia. In Denmark, 46 % of Muslims feel
Danish law must be based on Sharia. Now let's talk about terrorism. Percentage of Muslims who worldwide approve of terrorism.
61 % of Egyptians, 32 % of Indonesians, 41 % of Pakistanis, 38 % of Moroccans, 83 % of Palestinians.
And, oh, incidentally, these are, they approve of attacks and violence on Americans. And how about that?
Percentage of Muslims worldwide who approve of terrorism, excuse me, 26 % of young Muslims in America, 35 % of them in Britain, 42 % in France, 20 % in Germany, 29 % in Spain.
We have French relatives, and years and years ago they were over here visiting, and we got talking about Muslims, and I said, they're a problem, and it's going to be bad.
And they said, no, no, they're fine people. And I said, no, they're not. I said, not the ones who really believe in Islam.
She goes, no, no, no, everything's fine. They're good people. Fifteen years later, they came back after another visit.
We talked about it again. They didn't say anything after that. They were quiet because there are no -go zones in France where you can't go if you're not a
Muslim. You'd be killed. And so we have, you know, our relatives over there.
My wife's side runs an officer and is telling us this stuff.
So here's some more stuff. Twenty -five percent of U .S.
Muslims say violence against the U .S. is justified. That's a polling company
CSP poll in 2015 said that. In Indonesia and Nigeria, percentage of Indonesia and Nigerian Muslims that approve of suicide bombings, 50 % of Indonesians do, 34 % of Nigerian Muslims.
Let's see. In Britain, 1 .5 million Brits support
ISIS back in 2015. Global statistics of Muslim support,
I already read that, 68 % of five, the same information under different categories. All right, here's two paragraphs that I did research on and found out.
I have the documentation on my website of violence and stuff in Islam. But when they are 1 % to 2 % of a society, they're peaceful.
At 5%, there's heavy proselytizing to gain converts. Remember, 5 % is one in every 20 people.
At 5, roughly to 10%, they push for halal food.
It's like kosher food to them and pressure businesses to comply. At 10%, there's increased lawlessness to ensure their demands.
At 20%, that means one in five people now, rioting, sporadic killings, burning of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.
At 40%, there are chronic terror attacks. At 60%, there's direct persecution of non -Muslims and sporadic ethnic cleansing, which means killing groups of people with the imposition of Sharia law and attacks upon infidels.
At 80%, there's daily intimidation, violent state -run cleansing of people.
When it's 100%, that's what they want. So that was from examiner .com and the article,
As Muslim Populations Grow, What Can Happen to a Society? And here's another article, heavenwaits .wordpress
.com, Muslim Behavior with Population Increase. So this is basic stuff.
It says 1%, they're peaceful. 2 % to 3%, they proselytize. And they go to people who are disaffected, like ethnic minorities, recruiting people from jails and street gangs.
At 5%, they exercise an inordinate amount of influence upon a society in relation to their percentage.
They insist upon food preparations under their requirements. At 10%, they increase in lawlessness as a means of getting what they want.
20%, there's rioting, sporadic killings with churches and synagogue burnings. 40%, widespread massacre with chronic terror attacks.
60%, widespread persecution of unbelievers from different religions with sporadic ethnic cleansing.
80%, state -run ethnic cleansing. So these are the statistics.
I don't know what they are of late in the past 10 years. I just need to do that, but I'm working so much.
And you know what, I'm going to just say this. I just said it today. I'm the only full -time employee.
I'm doing all the writing, researching, fixing, everything. And if someone out there wants to support a full -time employee for a year or two or three, contact me.
We have so much to do, so much. We need your support. And I'm just going to put a plug in right now, folks.
If you want to support us, please consider doing that. It's easy to do. Just go to CARM .org
forward slash donate. CARM, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G forward slash donate.
If you have any problems, let me know. Someone emailed me and said there was a problem. And I'm trying to contact that individual to find out exactly what the problem is.
But it should be working. But nevertheless, we do need support. There's just so much to do. We want to do videos on this stuff, high -quality videos, which means
I have to teach myself how to do all of that. So it's just a lot of work, okay?
And I'm eager and capable, and we certainly need more workers to pick up the load and help out.
All right, so let's go on. Violent statistics regarding the percentage of population.
Yeah, this is another one. This is AmericanThinker .com, and this is a blog from 2015.
Hammond's research shows that when the Muslim population of a country reaches 10%, there are increased threats of violence and actual violence, including arson, riots, and murder.
At 20%, rioting and murder become increasingly commonplace.
Here's another group. This is from Cherson and Mulski .com.
In 2011, Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the third year in a row.
So, scanning through it. So, yeah, let's see.
Norway statistics. Oh, yeah, on welfare. Back in 2015, when
I did this article, the percentage of Muslims on welfare as they come into a country was exceedingly high.
50 % to 70 % in the Netherlands. We're seeing permanent welfare.
Now, it's not to say that everyone wants to do that. We can't judge the whole group by them.
But I will say this, that apparently a lot of them just want to be on the dole, just on welfare.
And I talked to someone out here in Idaho, and our wonderful government shipped a lot of Muslims into our area.
And one of the stories we heard was that this is just a representation of something, the attitude that Muslims have about women.
And so let's just say that there were Muslims that were given lodging and were blessed, and their way of thanking people was to demand that women come over and fix their meals and clean their houses.
Women in the area. And so, of course, it didn't happen, but this was some of the demands that they wanted.
So, you know, this stuff about Islam is really important, and we need to be aware of it. Now, what do we do?
What we do is we witness to them. We pray for them. For the most part, Muslims are good people.
Seriously, Muslims are really good people who want to just provide for the families and just get along, and they're not into violence.
That's the great majority of people who are Muslims, but there's a significant percentage that when they really follow the
Koran, that's when you've got to be careful. And there's an invasion going on in Western society all over the globe of an
Islamic invasion that's occurring. And they don't acclimate. They dominate.
That's the goal of Islam, and they're raised this way. So, anyway, what we do is pray for them, befriend them, talk to them, and give them the
Gospel, because a lot of Muslims are sick and tired of the oppression, legalism, and rigidity of Islam.
A lot of them are, and there's countless accounts of visions and dreams that Muslims are having in the
Middle East about Jesus and coming to faith in Christ. So, praise God. All right, there's some information, folks.
I know it's not exactly fun, but, hey, you know, it's truth.
So, may the Lord bless you and by His grace, we'll be back on here tomorrow. And, Lord willing, we'll talk to you then.