Adult Sunday School - Marriage And The Day Of The Lord
Lesson: Marriage And The Day Of The Lord
Date: Aug. 04, 2024
Teacher: Pastor Conley Owens
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- Dear Heavenly Father pray that you would bless our time studying marriage and what your word says about it in Jesus name.
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- Amen. All right Today we are going to be looking at the day of the
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- Lord. So What did we do last time last time we looked at the Great Commission and so that is this
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- The Great Commission describes our activity during this time This time we are looking at the day of the
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- Lord There will be one more after this which talks about the wedding feast and the consummation and I'll do that when
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- I return in Think it'll be September 1st So this is the penultimate lesson on this on going through the
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- Historia Salutis and applying it to marriage Okay, so The day of the
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- Lord involves the resurrection Both the righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected Both men and wicked angels will be judged
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- If I could get two volunteers one for 1st Thessalonians for the others for the other for 1st
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- Corinthians 15 1st Corinthians 15 is gonna be a longer passage to read 1st
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- Thessalonians 4. Yes. Okay Yeah, 1st Thessalonians 4. Yeah, you can get 1st
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- Corinthians 15 So verses 16 through 17, please
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- Albert For the
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- Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command with the voice of an archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of God and The dead and Christ in Christ will rise first Then we who are alive who are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
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- Lord in the air And so we we will always be with the Lord Therefore encourage one another
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- One another with these words. Thank you. All right, 1st Corinthians 15 verses 35
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- Yeah, let's go to 53 Yeah, 1st Corinthians 15 35 to 53
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- But someone will ask how are the dead raised with what kind of body do they come you foolish person?
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- What you so does not come to life unless it dies and what you so is not the body that is to be but a bare
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- Kernel, perhaps of wheat or some of their grain But God gives it a body as he has chosen and to each kind of seed its own body for not all flesh is the same
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- For but there is one kind for humans another for animals another for bird another for fish
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- There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies But the glory of the heavenly is of one kind and the glory of the earthly is another
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- There is one glory of the Sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars
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- For star differs from star in glory So it is with the resurrection of the dead what is sown is perishable.
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- What is raised is imperishable It is sown in dishonor. It is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness.
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- It is raised in power It is sown a natural body. It is raised a spiritual body if there is a natural body
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- There is also a spiritual body Thus it is written the first man Adam became a living being the last
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- Adam became a life -giving spirit But it is not the spiritual that is first with the natural and then the spiritual
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- The first man was from the earth a man of dust The second man is from heaven as was the man of dust
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- So also are those who are of the dust and as is the man of heaven So also are those who are of heaven just as we have borne the image of the man of dust
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- We shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. I Inherit the imperishable
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- Behold, I tell you a mystery We shall not all sleep But we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet
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- For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed
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- For this perishable body must put on the imperishable and this mortal body must put on immortality
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- Okay. Thank you. All right in one more verse Isaiah 26 19 says your dead will live my dead bodies will arise awake and sing you that dwell in the dust
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- For your do is that there's a dew of light and the earth will cast forth the dead okay, so at first if Ephesians 5 says that That marriage should be modeled after the union between Christ and the church and particularly that salvation that he gives her
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- How does resurrection apply? Well, we've already talked before about the need for husbands to love their wives and There is a special love that's involved here when we talked about this when we talked about Christ's resurrection but with the resurrection of the
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- The church's resurrection here. I'd like to point out the disparity in resurrection that exists on the last day so John 5 29 says
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- They that have done good to the resurrection of life they that have done evil to the resurrection of judgment
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- Acts 24 15 says having hope toward God which these also themselves look for that There will be a resurrection both of the just and the unjust
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- Okay, so there's going to be a glorious honorable resurrection for the church That doesn't mean there won't be a resurrection for the wicked.
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- There will be a resurrection, but it will be one of a Nominee is that how you pronounce it?
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- I Always get this one wrong Yeah of shame or a resurrection of ignominy or shame and it will be obvious on the last day as everyone approaches the bench you know,
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- I don't know exactly what that scene will look like but If you see a crowd standing before judgment, it will be obvious who the
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- Saints are Who the Saints are and who others are? Because the
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- Saints will have glorious bodies made like Christ's bodies the others will just have natural resurrections as they are stitched together as necessary for the purpose of standing before God in judgment and receiving bodily punishment for eternity, so There's a difference
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- Here in these resurrections. So Christ does not merely love the church and giving life to her.
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- He loves her in This way that he gives her a love that he does not give to others
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- Okay, so it's not just that he loves but that he loves in a way that he does not love others John 17 9 says
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- I pray for them. I pray not for the world But for those whom you have given me for they are yours
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- So this is in Jesus high priestly prayer, right? His prayers are especially for the church his prayers are especially for his people
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- And so it's right for a husband to love his wife in a way that he does not love others maybe this is you know, just Too obvious to even think about but a lot of people think of Christ's love as being one
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- That's I've heard it called peanut butter love right just spread around evenly to everyone, but that's that's not his love, right?
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- it is a love that is particularly targeted at his church and not targeted to others and You see that reflected in human marriage where a husband's love for his wife is a love that he has for her he feels an obligation to her that he does not feel to others and it would be wrong for him to Express them a greater affection for others, right and to do things greater for others
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- That he would do for his wife All right. Let's move on to a special honor.
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- Also. So Christ honors the church in the resurrection raising her above above all creation now one hand
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- God has already created humanity in a way that is above creation Psalm 8 5 says for you have made him a little lower than God and crown him with glory and honor, but we see in Hebrews 2 that that phrase about him being made a little lower than the angels or As translated in some translations like I just read a little lower than God Is interpreted in Hebrews 2 as being not just a little lower but a little while lower and that That has applied to Christ and his and his temporary humility
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- But it does seem to have an application to the church as well as being a temporarily lower state than the angels
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- Keep in mind that first Corinthians 6 3 talks about how one day we will even judge angels
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- So there's a sense in which even though angels as are made as particularly glorious beings That the church will be raised to some stats at least in some way that we would judge angels should make us
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- While we are only the crown of this lower realm for now He makes his church particularly not just humanity, but his church particularly the crown of even the higher realm later
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- It says in Hebrews 2 10 for it was fitting for him For whom all things are and through whom all things are and bringing many sons to glory
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- To make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings. So my point there being that he brings many sons to glory
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- There is a there's a special glory that Hebrews 2 goes on to explain as you know greater than that of the angels
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- This is kind of the whole trajectory of Hebrews 1 and 2 to talk about the relative glory of Christ to the angels
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- You know Hebrews 1 starts off with him being greater than the angels Hebrews 2 is well Why is he lower than me like why do you see him as lower than the angels and the answer as well?
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- It was just for a little while to bring other sons with him to glory the implication Therefore being that he takes those other sons with him to the status that is higher than the angels
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- Which is not a status that they had before So I do believe that we will have a status even greater than the angels on that last day
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- Even though that's not how we were inherently created And so a husband should give special honor to his wife not just special love but a special honor
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- We've talked before a couple of times about the honor a wife should have towards her husband So here the application is the honor that a husband should
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- Give to his wife. He should speak well of her should give her a distinguished place in the home We've talked about what that might look like for a husband, you know
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- Even where he sits or how how a wife could arrange the home so that the children displace the husband
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- You know the same is true though for the husband showing honor for the wife, you know He shouldn't just treat her as some kind of Servant of the house, but as someone who has distinct honor in the home in the way he speaks to her to the children or even to others and Yeah, and then even even like I said, you know, there could be situations of just like where does she sit?
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- What does she do during dinner? What does you know? Etc that could speak to whether or not she has honor in the home or is treated as a servant.
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- All right Any questions there before I move on? I know that wasn't a lot of specifics
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- I didn't I couldn't I was having trouble thinking of specifics. But yes, Braden Yeah, yeah and so Right, so I know that in our home it's a struggle because We've got so many kids right a lot of times during dinner
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- You know Sarah's not sitting down at the table much often and she's just getting stuff for everybody But really the ideal and what
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- I what I try to make happen is for her to be able to sit down eat with us Right, anything that's needed is already taken care of ahead of time
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- And it's not that she'd be doing less work in that case It's just how the work is arranged to make sure that she's honored as you know, someone who's part of the table, etc
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- So that would be that would be one example Yeah, and then, you know when others are over She able to take part in all the conversations that's happening or she being constantly sent to fetch everything, you know
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- Those would be examples All right
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- Special beauty divine marriage is described as producing a corporate beauty in the people of God Let's do another reading
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- Ezekiel 16, this is a passage We've looked at a few times before this describes God's union to Israel that ended up being not honored
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- However, it does point forward to the eventual union between Christ and the church and it's very relevant here
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- So if I could get one volunteer for Ezekiel 16 verses Chris, thank you 8 through 14
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- When I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, I said to you while you were in your blood live
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- Yes, I said to you while you were in your blood live I made you numerous like plants of the field then you grew up became tall and reached the age for fine ornaments
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- Your breasts were formed and your hair had grown yet. You were naked and bare Then I passed by you and saw you and behold you were at the time for love
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- So I spread my skirt over you and covered your nakedness I also swore to you and entered into a covenant with you so that you became mine declares the
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- Lord God Then I bathed you with water washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil
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- I also closed you with embroidered cloth and put sandals of Porpoise on your feet and I wrapped you with fine linen and covered you with silk
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- I adorned you with ornaments put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck
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- I also put a ring in your nostril earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head
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- Thus you were adorned with gold and silver and your dress was a fine linen So silk and embroidered cloth you ate fine flower honey and oil so you were exceedingly beauty beautiful and advanced to royalty
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- To what? Okay. Thanks. Um, that was To 14 verse 14 one more verse.
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- Yeah Thank you Then your fame went forth among the nations on account of your beauty for it was perfect because of my splendor
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- Which I bestowed on you declares the Lord God Okay All right. Thank you so you know as you look through revelation and Hang on just a second here
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- You So as you look through revelation you see that When the church is raised up, she's given particular beauty you see this in pictures of the city coming down from the heavens, etc
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- I don't believe that's my point is not that speaking of the resurrection You just see pictures of beauty through Christ's work in her that being both
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- Especially culminating in the resurrection, right that he is beautifying her and you see this is really
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- What scripture has been talking about from earlier on to here in Ezekiel, this is the union between God and Israel and It talks about his work in her being something to beautify her
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- Right that he he provides her with the appropriate clothing, you know, make sure she's washed etc all these things tending towards her beauty and Then of course
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- Ephesians 5 Even alludes I believe it's alluding to this very passage when it says that he might sanctify or having cleansed it by the
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- Washing of the water with the word, right? I believe that's alluding to Ezekiel 16 in this beautification process
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- So It is right for a husband to tend to the beauty of his wife This doesn't just mean providing whatever she needs for, you know, maintaining her beauty clothing, etc
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- But encouraging complimenting her and then even correcting her should she not take care of her own appearance
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- Right correcting her if she's not taking care of her her weight for example or Motivation to maintain her own beauty may decrease in later stages of life
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- A lot of husbands don't consider it their place to say anything other than positive remarks only towards beauty, but if you see that this is this is part of the
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- This is part of the the role that Christ is playing in his relationship with the church is to beautify her
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- It is a husband's role to have some oversight into that area of her life. It's not just well, whatever she does
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- She does and then I only make positive remarks and nothing else In addition to that Scripture is clear that a woman's external beauty is should not be her primary beauty, right?
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- 1st Peter 3 3 says do not let your adornment be the outward braiding of the hair and of wearing jewels or gold or putting
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- On apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart and the incorruptible peril of the meek and quiet spirit
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- Which is in the sight of God of great price okay, so As such men should be caring for their wise internal beauty as well making sure that they're spiritually cared for with the
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- Word of God and prayer and If there are any character failures or indwelling sin addressing addressing those as well so there's there's a relationship between that the external beauty and the internal beauty and if you understand that the husband has a role and Tending to her toward her internal beauty same is really true with her external beauty
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- Obviously that should not be an outsized focus like it often is in the world But a husband does have this this role in his and his wife's life
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- Right and Because these two have this playing together this even applies if her outward dress is inordinately
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- Immodest and by immodest. I'm not referring to like revealing necessarily.
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- I'm just saying in contrast with first Peter 3 that's about Modesty meaning humility not letting your adornment being primarily external right but being internal right if she were to wear
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- Excessive jewelry or things that are just too Beyond you know what is typically feminine for drawing some some attention to your beauty doing that too much
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- Right it should be he should correct that as well because that would be Even though someone might see that as tending towards her external beauty to encourage that kind of thing it would be tending away from her internal beauty to To encourage an immodesty of that of that variety right hopefully all that made sense
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- Okay, any questions Right yeah
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- Right yeah, there is there is a way the wife's appearance is important way that a man's
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- It's not but yes if you're if you're just living like a slob, and you want her to take care of herself
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- That's not you know that what's the analogy I made in a sermon about a month ago is you know the preacher who?
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- Preaches about the evils of alcohol, but he's like just incredibly overweight. You know It's yeah, it's hypocritical.
- 19:55
- Yes Yeah, right yes, and it's especially and given that Beauty is appropriate to the wife and you see that even in Christ in the church even though Christ is described as beautiful Like the inordinate beauty of the church in Revelation compared to Christ.
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- It's corporately You know much more beautiful In terms of like that outward showiness right in the the city coming down from the heavens and everything and all the the gates and jewels
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- Etc So it is it is right for Because that is something that is particularly feminine beauty then a man drawing lots of appearance to him
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- So are lots of attention to his own appearance is not it's not a very masculine thing to do Even if it may appear masculine because it's you know centered around weightlifting or you know or whatever the case may be
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- I Don't know Yeah, it's not like homosexuality never existed before or it's new it might be it might be a little more recent in our particular culture but Yeah, you look at ancient
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- Greece, and you see a lot of similar things Okay All right
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- Let's go ahead and move on to talk about Imitation through the Christian life
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- Saints become more like Christ Romans 8 29 says for whom he foreknew
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- He also foreordained to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers
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- But at the resurrection we see that Christ We see Christ right the church is
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- Christ and then that transformation is made complete as we become like him even physically First John 3 2 says beloved.
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- We are now children of God and is not yet made known what we will be We know that if he will be revealed
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- We will be like him for we will see him even as he is Okay, so we become like him when we see him
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- And this is something that you see in marriage to a young wife will often adopt many things from her husband, right?
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- This is not just his lifestyle, but his views his preferences his manner of speech and his habits sometimes even you see
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- I always think it's funny when couples have the same laugh But uh Yeah, and of course
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- To the degree that any of these things are faulty imitation would be would be bad, but there is something that's inherently good about the way that God has made man and woman to not be
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- Inflexible and unable to meld to one another but to adopt these things from one another Yeah, that isn't rigid that is good and it's especially the case
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- Now it happens in both directions, but it's especially the case with the wife as we see between Christ and the church, right that We've talked about how this analogy is made with extremes, right?
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- Christ is perfect. The church has nothing to offer right, and so we're With human marriage, we're talking about something very different than that But it's still the case that the wife was made to be a helper and as she's made to be a helper
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- There's going to be more of the wife adopting things from her husband The patterns of her husband's life and there will be the husband adopting patterns from the wife's life
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- At least ideally if the man is leading well, etc You would expect to see those things
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- So this isn't yeah, this isn't really like a Some do's and don'ts for you.
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- This is more just when you see that in marriage it's good because this is God has how God has made man and woman to meld together for the woman to In being a helper become like her husband in certain ways.
- 23:51
- Yes Oh Political views, you know or Sure Sure Yes, Bible translations.
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- Um, yeah, you know the way things are done in a home, you know whether or not the the knives face upward in the in the
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- Dishwasher they face downward, you know, these are things that like You know eventually couples kind of Conform to each other, you know, sometimes they have their own way of doing thing that remains fixed
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- But it's good that in most things they they just become one in the way that they do something So they're not at odds about every little thing
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- All right Now let's move on from so we're talking about the day of the Lord here Let's move on from talking about the resurrection talking about judgment.
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- Is that a hand? No, okay right Judgment so there's a great judgment coming on one hand
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- It is a violent judgment was Christ come to defeat his enemies on the other hand It's also a legal judgment as everyone will have to stand before God's throne and give an account
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- Let's read another large passage Revelation 19 10 through 21 who wants to do that one?
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- All right, Nick and then I'll probably have you read the next one after that too because it's just in Revelation 20 Okay, 19 10 through 21
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- But then I fell at his feet to worship him But he said to me do not do that I'm a fellow slave with you and your brothers who have the witness of Jesus Worship God for the witness of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
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- Then I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sits on it is called faithful and true and in righteousness
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- He judges and wages war His eyes are a flame of fire and on his head are many diadems
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- Having a name written on him which no one knows except himself and being clothed in a garment dipped in blood his name is also called the
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- Word of God and the armies which are in heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean were following him on white horses and From his mouth comes a sharp sword
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- So that with it he may strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron And he treads the winepress of the wrath of the rage of God the
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- Almighty and He has on his garment and on his high this thigh a name written
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- King of Kings and Lord of Lords Then I saw an angel standing in the
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- Sun and he cried out with a loud voice saying to all the birds which fly midheaven Come assemble for the
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- Great Supper of God so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of strong men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men both free men and slaves and small and great
- 27:12
- Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their names assembled to make war with him who sits on the horse and with his army and The beast was seized and with him the false prophet who did the signs in his presence
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- By what she deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image
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- These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone and The rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of him who sits on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh
- 27:46
- Okay, thanks and then go ahead and skip to Revelation 2010 and then go to 2015
- 27:56
- Yes, thanks And the devil who Deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone with the beast and the false prophet are also and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever
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- And if anyone's name was not found and written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire said
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- My bad Then I saw him and I saw a great white horse and him who sits upon it from those
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- From whose presence earth and heaven flood away and no place was found for them Then I saw the dead the great and the small
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- Standing before the throne and the books were opened and another book was opened Which is the book of life and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books according to their deeds and The sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them and they were judged
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- Every one of them according to their deeds then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire
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- This is the second death the lake of fire and if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life
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- He was thrown into the lake of fire Okay All right, so as we think about this judgment of God, let's first start off with the condemnation of enemies
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- All right Revelation 6 9 says and when he opened the fifth seal I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who have been slain for the
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- Word of God and for the testimony which they held And they cried out with a great voice saying how long a master the holy and true
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- Do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth? We talked about this or I mentioned this last week in the sermon that when we pray for God's justice
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- We pray along with the martyrs in heaven So there is a yeah, the church calls out for for justice for vengeance
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- Yeah, and on that day there will be a condemnation of the enemies of God both wicked men and angels
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- Now we've discussed in the past the importance of a husband protecting his wife But here want to move on to punishment like not just Not just protection but actual vengeance it is right for a husband to To be involved in pursuing any vengeance for for wrong on his wife.
- 30:24
- Now that Yeah, Romans 12 13 condemns someone seeking vengeance for themselves
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- There's a sense in which a husband should do this and especially as you look in the Old Testament You see the Avenger of Blood. I'm still trying to figure out what implications that would have for today
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- It speaks very candidly about it as though it's just understood that the next of kin would have a special authority to pursue vengeance and so in reformed language
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- The question that's that's being asked here in which people have differed on throughout the years is whether or not
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- You could have a lesser magistrate that basically exists at the family level that is capable of wielding the sword on behalf of the family
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- Or if it only exists at higher levels, I don't I don't really have an exit an answer to that right now, but Even if the husband does not have the right to pursue such vengeance directly as we see with Christ.
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- It does warrant Him seeking any any wrong done to his wife through court
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- We've also talked about that before and even mentioned it in the preaching lately how the point of widows and orphans
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- Being talked about as ones who wouldn't have justice because there's no man to stand for them
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- Right and and advocate for them So it's it's right for a husband to defend his wife through the court system and even for Men in general to participate in the system that that pursues such justice and vengeance, right that Romans 13 calls the the servant of God to seek vengeance
- 32:03
- To avenge others right Romans 12 says don't seek vengeance for yourself Romans 13 then says there is a servant of vengeance
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- That oftentimes will be pursuing God's vengeance, even though on the last day everything will to me
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- Ultimately be made right by him Let me go ahead and read a one part of our confession 24 .2
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- and the second London Baptist Confession of Faith says It is lawful for Christians to accept and execute the office of a magistrate when called there unto
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- And the management whereof as they ought especially to maintain justice and peace according to the wholesome laws of each kingdom in Commonwealth So for that end they may lawfully now under the
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- New Testament wage war upon just and necessary occasions So it's yeah, it's right for men to participate in this institution that is that is doing these things
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- You know going to war to defend not just your family But then other families as well, right that it's good for men to participate in these institutions
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- Now, of course that's all conditioned on you know, those wars being just etc. Just like the confession says
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- I have No comment on the myriad of complicated political situations our country finds itself in at the moment but Let's see it also any questions on this so far
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- Okay, it also yes go ahead Sure, so we should
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- Yeah Operating as a unit, you know You should be striving for forgiveness and if your wife ought to forgive someone else you should instruct her to forgive someone else
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- But I'm imagining like a greater wrong, right? So, you know, either your wife is murdered your wife's raped, etc.
- 34:15
- Right? These are things where Given what the Bible says about the nature of justice are not things that should just be laid aside and forgiven as though they're nothing
- 34:23
- Right Right we're talking about yeah,
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- I'm talking about actual physical harm that warrants The vengeance that God has authorized the power of the sword for that's what
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- I'm talking about right now. Yeah Yeah, and some people look at things like Romans 12 and they think that oh, okay because Romans 12 is here that means that you
- 34:47
- Christian you have people like the Amish right who would just not even participate in those systems, right and they would not
- 34:54
- It would be all for just forgiving a murder Right and and not pursuing justice that kind of thing the pacifists like that Bible does not give us a pacifist religion.
- 35:05
- It explains that there is Right use of the sword on just and necessary occasions
- 35:14
- Okay, so if this is the truance right for men in particular to participate in these institutions
- 35:19
- I'm referring to you know law -keeping institutions, you know police forces military This is this is something for a man to do.
- 35:26
- This is not I know that there's been a lot of changes So, you know now women are in combat roles or even in the military in generally in general.
- 35:34
- Honestly, it's it's not Yeah, it's this is something that is for men to be participating in this is their role is to is to be that defender and and One who who seeks justice?
- 35:53
- Now this applies to other forms of participating in this too. I would say it even applies to voting how we think about voting
- 36:00
- You know you see National suffrage in our country right over the past or the past hundred years
- 36:08
- There's been a lot of changes right not only women participating military, but also It's understood for a long time that it would just be the men that vote and then suddenly have women voting now is that is that something that's just a step on Oh a better understanding of the equality between men and women or is it reflective of of a
- 36:28
- Breakdown in the understanding of the family or the role of you know, men and women With each other and I would argue that it's it's a breakdown.
- 36:36
- So Stepping back. How are these things related? The right to govern comes from the consent of the governed
- 36:44
- Samuel Rutherford argued for this very well and one of the biblical cases that make this very strong as you see
- 36:50
- David and Saul are both anointed King by Samuel right by God and yet That doesn't make them
- 36:57
- King. They're not actually King until later David many years later when the people by their you know, not not casting ballots, but by their suffrage and acknowledging him as king and gathering together and Pledging to him.
- 37:12
- Yes, you are King and you know, there's a there's a mutual agreement and accountability that exists there right, and so you you see that Yeah, there is a relationship between you know
- 37:24
- This one who's going to go to war for us and the ones who are supporting the one going to war, etc Yeah, there is a yes a
- 37:40
- Paper King. I'm not sure what you mean Well the the time period between his
- 37:46
- Anointing in one way and his and his being made King the other way. It was very short with David It was much longer.
- 37:52
- Is that what you're getting at? So David? Yeah, he's anointed by God Everyone knows he's going to be King right, but he doesn't become
- 37:59
- King until much later so he's Right. Yes. Yeah, it's not the anointing that makes him
- 38:06
- King, right? Just like Paul and first Corinthians 5 says to the Corinthian Church You know, I've handed this man over to Satan but depends on which translation you read
- 38:14
- But Paul is saying one thing but it doesn't happen until the church gathers together and makes that judgment right
- 38:21
- So you have this you have this divine, you know Paul being inspired by God this divine judgment that's being handed down This is what it should be
- 38:29
- But you as the people of God in the church have the authority to make it happen God does not give
- 38:37
- Authority directly to Kings he gives authority to Kings through the people right and this is the this is the
- 38:46
- Reformed understanding that came about at the time of at the time that these confessions were written and it has what led has led to Governments as you see them now where they recognize the people's role and not just oh
- 39:00
- I have the divine right of Kings I could do whatever I want In coming to the position that it comes from the
- 39:12
- Through the people Well, I don't think every society operated like that it's just as you see growing as you see growing empires and growing nations, you know, there tends to be a pride that balloons up and so Yeah, I think that's basically what happens because when you first start off and it's just you know, you've got
- 39:33
- Noah He's being told whoever sheds blood by man his blood shall be shed and there's eight people on the earth
- 39:38
- You know, these are these people just understand that you only have the ability to do this if others are supporting you, right?
- 39:44
- but then You get large enough that things go to your head and you think oh, yes I've been given this directly from God and there's no
- 39:52
- There's no authority that comes through the people All right, so taking this back to the the role of men and women
- 40:00
- There is I want to read you a few sections from an article I Would encourage you to read the whole thing because it's very fascinating.
- 40:09
- It's an article in the Atlantic from September 1903 about women's suffrage and there's a lot of good stuff that I'm not gonna get into because it's very long, but But the question is why don't women want suffrage a lot of people think that women were just clamoring for this, right?
- 40:26
- And then finally, you know, finally the suppressive government Acknowledged, you know that that oh, this is their right and we give it to them, right?
- 40:36
- That's not really the case. Let me read the opening of the article in 1895 the women in Massachusetts were asked by the state whether they wished the suffrage
- 40:44
- By the way, the article is called why women do not wish the suffrage if you want to look it up of the 575 5 ,000 voting women in the state only 22 ,000 cared for it enough to deposit in a ballot box an affirmative answer to the question question
- 41:01
- That is in round numbers less than 4 % wish to vote about 96 % were opposed to women's suffrage or indifferent to it
- 41:08
- That this expresses fairly. Well, the average sentiment throughout the country can hardly be questioned There may be some
- 41:15
- Western states in which the proportion of women who for one reason or another desire the suffrage The desire the suffrage is somewhat larger on the other hand, there are southern states in which it is even less desired certainly few men or women will doubt that at the present time an
- 41:31
- Overwhelming majority of women are either reluctant to accept the ballot or indifferent to it Why this indifference or reluctance it was a very different picture than a lot of us imagine, you know
- 41:40
- I know that my public school education was Was leading me to see a very different picture of all this not like an indifference or reluctance
- 41:48
- So, why did that why did that exist? Yes. Oh suffrage is voting right women voting.
- 41:54
- Yes. Yeah yeah, and so I'll The first thing this article points out is that you know, there's a fundamental difference between men and women
- 42:04
- It says woman is not man inhabiting a temper Inhabiting temporarily a different kind of body man is not a rough -and -tumble woman woman is not a feeble and pliable man
- 42:14
- Right, these are just two different things. It's not just you know Some to one thing on on a long spectrum, right?
- 42:25
- Yeah, and then it says Because their functionings are different. Oh, right. Sorry it talks about yeah, it talks about the functions being different because men and different aren't men and women are truly different and not just Different on a spectrum that their roles in society are different and because their functionings are different all talk of equality or non -equality
- 42:46
- Is but idle words without a meaning so, you know while it acknowledges there might be a sense in talking about equality when you're talking about value, but that men women are not are not the
- 42:58
- The same right there. There's something different. And so when you're talking about their functions being entirely different to To speak of a quality in a way that would ride over the difference in function would would be a meaningless thing to say and Ultimately the article goes on to talk about that force and military strength is the role of a man
- 43:20
- Right, not the role of a woman because you know men are designed to protect their wives, etc and one thing the article pointed out that I thought was pretty clever is a
- 43:30
- Lady Macbeth and the play says come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts on sex me here the idea being that she cannot
- 43:40
- Participate in this bloodshed, etc, you know as a woman that she must be unsexed in order to do it properly, right?
- 43:51
- Yeah, the idea being that as a woman she can't do that so there would have to be some kind of Spirit that could make her not a woman anymore right in order for her to participate in bloodshed
- 44:05
- Yes, right Right. It's not it's not right for a woman to participate in those kinds of activities not even just like the direct
- 44:12
- Wielding of the sword but even the indirect wielding of the sword Yeah, and let me read this
- 44:21
- One more paragraph here because I think this one kind of sums it up Well, let us not make here let us not here make any mistake
- 44:27
- Nothing is law which has not authority behind it and there is no real authority where there is not power to compel obedience
- 44:35
- It is the power to compel which distinguishes law from advice Behind every law stands a sheriff behind the sheriff the militia behind the militia the whole military power of the federal government no legislature
- 44:48
- Ever ought to enact a statute unless it is ready to pledge all the power of government local state and federal to its enforcement if The statute is disregarded a ballot is not a mere expression of opinion
- 45:02
- It is an act of the will and behind this act of the will must be power to compel obedience
- 45:08
- Women do not wish authority to compel the obedience of their husbands sons and brothers to the will right, so Because the force and then the enactment of the force are related to one another, right it's
- 45:24
- Giving a ballot is not just giving an opinion It's it is a participation in the force of it that this is something that is for men and not women
- 45:32
- I've read several articles that were written at the time and a lot of them were making we're basically just recapturing this right that there's a
- 45:39
- So these these things go hand in hand in our country like suffrage came first and then women in military came later
- 45:45
- But the argument that's being made is these actually go hand in hand, right if you if you're participating in one
- 45:50
- You're participating in the other just more indirectly Right or directly depending on which one? So I'm not as by way of the application
- 46:00
- I'm not saying that if your family gets through vote two votes throw one away, okay? That's not what I'm saying But I I am trying to get us to take a step back from our culture and think about what the implications are for marriage that you see from Christ in the church even to Yeah, just all these different aspects of society.
- 46:18
- Yes Well local government still if there's any kind of law it gets enforced right and if you refuse to do it
- 46:30
- Then it will escalate now. Typically people aren't refusing to do it So you don't see that but at the end of the day that that is the power behind it.
- 46:37
- Otherwise, it's just an opinion. Yeah Yes Yeah, I think it's just what people see now and the feminism that exists right owns the the notion of equality that exists
- 47:01
- That is not a not a true biblical notion of equality, which the Bible does speak of You know, there's neither man nor woman in Christ, but it's a it's an unbiblical notion of equality that if you believe that and Yeah, okay.
- 47:16
- Let me back up with a philosophy term here the Hegelian dialectic, right? this is what a lot of people believe that there's okay, there's a thesis an antithesis and then a synthesis and Okay, the society has one thing
- 47:28
- You've got this revolution in group that has this other thing and then out of that comes something in the middle That's better than either of those and then this just keeps happening and you believe that society is on this path of progress
- 47:39
- You've got this Darwinian view of not just Species, but you're applying that to everything including anthropology and you're just thinking that man is getting better and better Right and that's and you you read people and you realize that Darwinism got applied to all these fields, right?
- 47:55
- And so you see that you just assume that this was yeah, this is good and you you relate it to everything else
- 48:01
- You relate to you know The civil rights movement with you know With slavery, etc, right and you just think that it's one of those like why do people equate now?
- 48:14
- Homosexuality and change transgenderism to To Either segregate, you know issues revolving
- 48:23
- Involving segregation or slavery, etc. They see those as being fundamentally the same and on a particular trajectory
- 48:29
- And so it's just easy to group everything into this progressive notion of you know, things are getting better We're realizing all our past wrongs, etc
- 48:44
- Right. Yeah, there's an assumption that whatever does happen is correct Even yeah, because we are all in this evolutionary path to a greater society
- 48:54
- Yeah I'll point out to that. You see this. I you know, I talked about this being applied in anthropology not just in politics but you read a lot of books that talk about religion as something that is
- 49:10
- Evolutionary right a lot of people imagine. Okay first there was no religion then mankind Got to animism then they got to Fetishism right fetishism being the idea like a fetish is a not a sexual fetish
- 49:23
- But like a an object that contains a lot of spiritual power, right? You know if you've ever heard of you might have heard that word used in to describe, you know pagan religions
- 49:33
- Okay, so fetishism and then beyond that comes some kind of Polytheism and then eventually at the top of this there's monotheism and then maybe beyond that there's you know
- 49:44
- Just a higher understanding that's you know, more akin to atheism This is this is what the majority of anthropologists just assert and assume.
- 49:53
- There's a couple of scholars Wilhelm Schmidt and then Winfried Cordawan, they're both retired at this.
- 50:00
- Well, one's dead and the others retired at this point But they've done a lot of data collecting to figure out which actually are the oldest societies based on You know all kinds of things like Geographically if you have a kind of clay pot that exists here and here and not in the middle
- 50:16
- Then over here are the older societies because the the newer society has moved through it, right?
- 50:22
- and so you can do these calculations of what is the oldest society and What they've shown is that older societies are actually more monotheistic
- 50:30
- And this matches the biblical worldview, right? Because when Noah got off the art you had eight monotheistic people and everything devolves from there
- 50:38
- It doesn't evolve to monotheism. It devolves from monotheism so this all to say that Darwinism when it came about affected pretty much every field
- 50:48
- Including just the way people view religion and yeah, it affects the way we think about Just society in general.
- 50:54
- Whatever we have now has got to be better than what was before Yes Sure, yeah,
- 51:19
- I don't I don't not that I know of I mean I know when people get together with extreme views and they agree on a happy medium.
- 51:24
- Sometimes that can be good. But that's But that's all But that's all I know.
- 51:30
- Yeah. No, I don't I don't have a lot of data for that I'm just saying that this is a lot of people's view that things are inherently getting better.
- 51:35
- Yeah, Natalie Ultimately it is going to decide it decides who's in charge of To make the laws to enforce the laws, etc
- 52:01
- Right, if it's if it is just an expression of opinion, then none of the ramification should have any effect on me
- 52:10
- But but they do it changed how much to make taxes I pay each year, you know There's all kinds of things to the effect
- 52:19
- Let's see We are at time I'm trying to decide whether or not it's worth it to go into this other stuff
- 52:28
- Yes Yeah Yeah Yeah, it depends on on what the matter is his his authority is not contingent on whether or not he's a good husband
- 52:53
- But if he if he's commanding something that's against the will of God, obviously, she shouldn't do that.
- 52:58
- She should only obey in the Lord if he has violated Marriage covenant and I do believe that there's a level of abuse that would do that Then then that would warrant divorce right and so she has she has recourse in In those things, right, right
- 53:17
- If the Union is to be one flesh, right and you are you are so violent that you are not being one flesh, right?
- 53:23
- Then it's something different Okay Yeah, I guess we just don't have time to go into the other stuff and I'll bring it up next time
- 53:33
- But we will talk about With this judgment Christ vindication of the church and then what this implies for jealousy both the husband's jealousy and the wife's jealousy.
- 53:44
- Yes I don't know what you mean by that.
- 53:58
- Like if that was common culturally or if the other side wouldn't force it. I'm I Mean, I mean certainly that should be like that what happens in a home that you know
- 54:12
- They're on the same page and the wife recognizes her husband's authority, but that's I don't know if anything was enforced like that Yeah, and what you see in Proverbs 31 is she considers the field and buys it it's she's a good wife for you know
- 54:25
- Making those large transactions on behalf of her husband Okay, let's go ahead and close in prayer here dear
- 54:33
- Heavenly Father we thank you for for the great hope that we have of the resurrection and of our
- 54:41
- In the punishment of the wicked in order that we may live together with Christ forever