Mark 6:30-44 (The Bread of Life and True Rest in Christ)


In this sermon, the preacher emphasizes Jesus as the compassionate Shepherd who not only provides rest for His disciples but also abundantly nourishes the crowds who pursue Him. By feeding the five thousand, Jesus demonstrates His role as the Bread of Life, meeting both physical and spiritual needs with divine generosity. The message calls believers to find true rest and sustenance in Christ, aligning their lives with His presence and embodying His compassion and order in daily living.


Thank you for subscribing to the Shepherds Church podcast. This is our Lord's Day Sermon We pray that as we declare the
Word of God that you would be encouraged Strengthened in your faith and that you would catch a greater vision of who
Christ is May you be blessed in the hearing of God's Word and may the Lord be with you
Well, that was a fine speech now, what shall we do Derek I wanted to start really by just letting you know assuring you that today
I've only had one time where I got angry with my wife Where'd you go?
So I've only had one time for that and I'm hoping that the Lord forgive me forgives me for that and it was actually we did well right up until it was time to go and then
I was ready to go and and There was another I think there was another 30 seconds or so that I was delayed
And I said, come on, we got to go. We got to hit the road. So I Try to joke sometimes at the beginning of my sermon just to take a little bit of the pressure off So I would start by this saying greetings
With the grace peace and blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ By his power by his grace.
We are assembled this morning Kendall gave me a fine introduction and I would say that Kendall it is my honor to serve with you
We have grown together I think over these last what four years three years We've made we've traveled hundreds of miles in the car together and it's been my honor.
Honestly It's my honor to be here this morning to preach to you. I hope
God uses me to Bring light into your life there's
I'm sure there's a lot of darkness that we have from from week to week and Those low points, but hopefully
I pray I know he will he'll bring us light this morning So mark at the beginning of his gospel, he opens it with this the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the
Son of God as we know I think there's many books in the world that the opening line really does speak
To what goes on and the rest of the book and there is no finer place than as these each of these biblical books are
Opened they open here and this one here with Mark He says at the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the
Son of God and then every one of these individual stories Everything that mark unfolds from that point
Speak to that very thing that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God turn with me this morning to Mark chapter 6 and I'm going to preach from Mark chapter 6 and just keeping that background in our minds that here
We're seeing the Son of God Unfolded here. So Mark chapter 6 6 beginning at verse 30 and I and I Use the dreaded
King James Version is my church's Bible that we use It's one that we founded upon 50 years ago and as many of us that just can't break from that We love the cadence and the way that the
King James just unfolds a lot of things Some would say it's an archaic language and we find it at Tri -City
Covenant Church to be absolutely beautiful And the Apostles gathered themselves together unto
Jesus and told him all things Both what they had done and what they had taught and Jesus said unto them come ye yourselves apart
Into a desert place and rest a while For there was many coming and going and they had no leisure so much as to eat and they departed into a desert place by ship privately and the people saw them departing and many knew him and ran afoot thither out of the cities and outward them and out went them pardon me and came together unto him and Jesus when he came out saw much people and was moved with compassion toward them because they were as a sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things and When the day was now far spent his disciples came unto him and said this is a desert place and now the time is far past Send them away that they may go into the country roundabout and into the villages and buy themselves bread
For they have nothing to eat He answered and son to them Give eat pardon me give ye them to eat and They said unto him shall we go and buy 200 penny worth of bread and give them to eat?
And he saith unto them. How many loaves have ye go and see and When they knew they said they say five and two fishes and he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass and They sat down and ranks by hundreds and by fifties and when he had taken up the five loaves and the two fishes he looked up to heaven and blessed and break the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them and two fishes divided he among them and they did all eat and were filled and They took up twelve baskets fulls of fragments and of the fishes and they that did eat of the loaves were about 5 ,000
Almighty God our father. I pray that you would open our hearts our minds the very depths of our souls
Oh Lord God to your word this day father. Might we hear your word father?
Might we internalize it? Oh Lord God I pray that you would watch over my tongue this day might your truth come forth in Jesus name.
Amen So here we see that at the beginning of this we see that the
Apostles gathered themselves Unto the Lord Jesus Christ and what we see here first is the idea that they this is the one of their first mission trips
Or was the first mission trips they were returning from that mission trip earlier in verse 7 We saw and he called unto them the twelve and began to send them forth by two and two and gave them power over unclean spirits and in verses 12 and 13 and they went out and preached that men should repent and they cast out many devils and Anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them
So here in verse 30, we see this gathering back. They had gone out to the battlefield
If you will they had gone out there and they had cast out devils. They had healed people
They had ministered the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They had ministered the kingdom of Christ So here they are they come back to Jesus they're coming back from the battlefield if you will
They returned to the master to give a report of what they had accomplished What they did out there in the field on behalf of the
Lord Jesus Christ Jesus had equipped them and all they with all they needed for their mission and he gave them power over unclean spirits they went out and utilized those gifts of from Jesus and Here again, they returned unto the one who supplied those gifts and here they make an account of how they used them and He said unto them being it seemed to be proud of their accomplishments or at least he was very satisfied with their accomplishments
He said unto them come yourselves apart into a desert place and rest a while For there were many coming and going and they had no leisure so much as to eat
They departed unto a desert placed by ship privately Again, it would be it would seem here that Jesus was satisfied with what they had done.
It was now time for them to rest And the Lord Jesus Christ said we're gonna go into a desert place and rest a while They had returned again from the battlefield calling people to repentance wrestling with all sorts of sin
Casting out demons and directing the people to the kingdom of Christ We see the disciples are continually gathered around Jesus and his disciples or the multitudes
Pardon me are gathered around Jesus. We see them every place they move. They're gathered around Jesus They had no break the scripture tells us from the needs of the people
Many were in need and they kept coming and going were told So much and so many that the disciples had no time for rest and here we're told no time to eat
So having compassion on them Jesus wanted to protect their health
Jesus provides some time of rest He takes them once his desire is to take them apart from the crowds and to bring them to that desert place
One of the things that should be striking to us this morning is just notice how much patience our
Lord Jesus Christ has here He shows there is much work he knows there's much work to build the kingdom of Christ They know there's much work that lies ahead
But what's he do here? He rests he brings the disciples his desire is to bring the disciples away for a time of rest
Jesus is no slave driver He doesn't need he doesn't he receives a good report and immediately doesn't send them back out
He doesn't say okay. Great job. Go back out go back out of the net battlefield. What Jesus says is
Come on to me. We're gonna go and rest a while Of course brothers and sisters.
We have this opportunity every Lord's Day We have a time that we have that God calls us to himself
He says set aside all those daily cares all of those daily vocations and rest
You've labored for six days Come and rest Remember our
Lord says in his law. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it. Holy To come off the battlefield if you will the battlefield of our vocation and the battlefield of life and labor
Here and rest with the Lord it's also beautiful that in our time
We have this starting the start of our week we of course back in the Old Testament They would work for six days and rest one
Work for six days and rest one the Lord God, of course changed all that with Christ And then he has us begin our week with rest
Yeah, we were in the middle of six days that we just labored But now we rest at the beginning of our week so that everything that we do today
Everything that we do in this worship service now we carry that through our week so rather than rest from our labors, we begin our week and rest and Worship at Tri -City
Covenant Church. We are very famous for saying everything Everything flows from worship
Everything that we do Sunday morning flows into the rest of our week or it should
Further we know that our Lord said come on to me all the you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light We have that constant invitation from the
Lord Jesus Christ that constant invitation Come unto me
We see that we see that in the Old Testament many times the outstretched arm of the
Lord calling people to him Calling his people to him and Jesus even today says come unto me and I will do what for you
Give you rest Come unto me and I will give you rest So often
I ask myself then why am I why is it often so difficult? To go to him if I know the result is going to be forgiveness of sin because I asked and I know that rest is there.
Why is it so difficult to come one of the things that I've been
Really trying to unfold to my church over the last Oh, I think five or six years and I think we have it down pretty well now, but it's starting our day
Before the Lord starting our day with a time of devotion When we wake up from our nap from our sleep we are granted life
Life from the Lord Jesus Christ Why would we not turn to him at the beginning and say
Lord God? Oh Lord God be with me today Read his word dive into his word
I've been very passionate about that with my people and I believe that we've got a lot of folks that now do that When I that's the first thing
I've done this for a number of years now the first thing I do at five o 'clock in the morning almost without alarm clock
The Lord Jesus wakes me up almost at five o 'clock almost every day Although lately it's been around four.
I Wouldn't mind if he adjusts that back to five, but in any event Five o 'clock and I get to get up and the first thing
I do every day is I read God's Word and I devote Beginning there. Why would we not ground our day and The one who says come on to me
This is exactly what we should be doing. This is exactly what Jesus wanted for his disciples He wanted to take them away for a time of rest
So returning now to our scripture this morning we have
Jesus getting on a ship with the disciples heading off to a desert place and the people saw them departing and many knew him and ran afoot thither out of all cities and Outwent them and came together unto him
This moment this moment by ship is not far from Capernaum where they were In fact, it's just a few miles but Jesus puts them on the ship that they would move that way
It's all this is at the top of the Sea of Galilee Capernaum here and the desert place over here just a few miles apart
So the people are watching the ship move from the shore and they're following Jesus And of course they get there before he does so they stayed close the ship again stayed close to the shoreline and Then we say right away that Jesus comes out of here and he's moved by compassion
This whole idea of rest the way that Mark presents this the idea of rest that he had for the disciples is now
Interrupted by the crowds following him along the seashore And I say how dare they?
How dare they interrupt rest of all things? How dare they?
And of course if Jesus were any ordinary man, he might be like me How dare you he might have come off that ship and said
I'll go away for a while But that's not what our Lord Jesus Christ does. He doesn't mind the interruption
We see that throughout the gospel that his plan hit not his plan. Everything was his plan, of course
But as he's moving this way here comes an interruption and here comes another interruption and Jesus Christ handles each one of those because He's the
Son of God Because he is the Good Shepherd and Jesus when he came out saw much people and was moved with compassion toward them
Because they were as sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things
So here again, we have Jesus coming out of the ship. He's moved with compassion. He is a true shepherd
He sees the people they've they've wandered if you will away from their homes away from their provisions
We see the true Good Shepherd here being very interruptible He doesn't get mad at them.
He doesn't send them back away. He moves with compassion And of course here if we look at this the account here in Mark We don't know why this multitude is following Jesus.
All we're told is that they follow Jesus They see him they know him and they're following him
They're like wandering sheep looking for a shepherd and boy a shepherd they found
They were like sheep without a shepherd because they lacked a faithful shepherd They were prone to wandering off and that's what we really in a way
That's what we really see as now we when we turn here in a few moments to the feeding of the 5 ,000
We found out they to follow Jesus they kind of wandered off from their homes they wandered off without provisions
Meaning no food They followed the ship wandering off to the desert place
Unprepared in a way and again, we'll see that more in just a few minutes They were looking for a faithful leader.
We could say Attracted to this Jesus who was no ordinary man
Being the Son of God the Good Shepherd he began to teach them many things he instructed them in the ways of the kingdom of God and Here we know that these people they needed some guidance
They needed guidance to be to not wander off to other gods They've been attracted to the true
God the God -man the Son of God and Here they needed instruction in order to stay with him if you will
And not to continue to wander they needed to be shown the kingdom of Christ and again, they needed the saving power of the
Messiah the Son of God and They received that from the
Good Shepherd Additionally Jesus is instructing his disciples by his action
He's showing that we can be interrupted He's showing that then in that there's a providence of God that lies before us
That we could be interrupted that we may have this plan and this place to go But there might be something there might be some call there might be something that says hey
I need to interrupt you of course. They don't put it that way They say I'm in I'm in I need help
So Jesus here is instructing his disciples as well And when I preached this to my congregation a few months ago
I said I did tell them that this is one of the things that is one of the biggest struggles for me Is I'm not all that interruptible.
I am more so today than I was say ten years ago But I'm I but I feel like it's always my agenda
Like even my wife if she's if she wanted to confess any of that to you she might say to you
Yeah, every time I try to interrupt him at like at our business that we have together. Yeah, he's like What are you saying or or I'll I can't remember how
I do it, but I'm just I'm not all that kind Let's put it that way But when it comes time for me to interrupt her
I just yell it across the office. Oh, honey Or that but when
I when she does that to me often although I think I've gotten better over the last few years But anyway, she'll try to interrupt me.
I'll say don't you know I'm trying to do this trying to finish this thought I have Don't you know that? Anyway, Jesus is interruptible and we all need to remember that and when the day was now far spent his disciples came unto him and Said this is a desert place and now the time is far past Send them away that they may go into the country roundabout and into the villages and buy themselves bread
For they have nothing to eat Providentially the day has gotten away from them.
If you will it was late. They were still in that desert place without provision
The disciples know the people were getting hungry and of course, they're getting hungry as well.
I'm sure And they go to Jesus. Hey, can we wrap this up? Can we wrap up this time of teaching and get to the food that's probably what
I'd be saying Well, they come up then they come up with a human solution To allow the crowd to fill their hunger.
They he tells that they go to Jesus say send them away Send them into the villages that they might go and get something to eat that they might part they might do that But of course our
Lord Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd knew exactly what was going to he was going to do He was going to feed those people
He will feed the people this because he is again the Son of God He's the
Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd fills his people He answered and said unto them give ye them to eat and they say unto him
Shall we go and buy 200 penny worth of bread and give them to eat? Now here we know
Jesus command commands him. We'll give them something to eat Imagine the thoughts of the disciples now
Jesus you know that we don't have much to eat These people wandered off from their homes with no provisions.
You are in the boat with us You know what we brought out of the boat We don't have anything and what do they do right away.
They turn to their natural resources, right? Well, all we got is a little bit of money to any penny worth and that's no way that's gonna feed such a large crowd in His account and the
Apostle Paul Apostle John pardon me said that Jesus knew that he was going what he was going to do
He of course knew he was going to feed these people That he was going to provide
The manna from heaven if you will for these people And he saith unto them.
How many loaves have ye go and see and when they knew him when they knew they say five and two fishes
So Jesus here tells them to go take an inventory go figure out what we have here for the to feed these people and Again and referring to John's account.
All we know is that they had some poor kids sack lunch And I take that from Toby Sumner some poor kids sack lunch.
That's what we have John tells us further that the boys sack lunch was five barley loaves
That's interesting to note that they lived in a well a well a good region if you will a
Region where the finest wheat is available But all this boy was had had was barley loaves
Barley, of course was the poor man's bread. So that's why we could say it's the poor man poor boys sack lunch
So this banquet on the hill if you will is not some fine banquet hall, but a mountainside in a desert place
The food is not escargot or caviar or filet mignon or not even hamburger.
I love hamburger You probably can't tell Rather it's barley loaves and fish fragments just a little bit
However, it was the best place on earth and the finest food available at that time
Because it was in the presence of the Lamb of God Who was the bread of life?
And he fed them there in that desert place on that mountainside The one who would soon give up his body and blood to nourish his people with the very best of both every age and until the end of time and he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass and they sat down in ranks by hundreds and fifties and when he had taken the five loaves and two fishes he looked up to heaven and blessed the blessed and break the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them and two fishes divided he among them all
Notice how orderly this is Jesus tells them to sit down Jesus tells them to organize by hundreds and fifties
Orderly and then after they were seated Jesus gave thanks to the father
Then he distributed the bread and fish to the disciples and then the disciples to the people now we know that Jesus is dealing with a crowd of a lot of people five thousand men and Here we are have an unspecified number of women and children as well
Which means this crowd was big lots of people One of the children, of course, we know is smart enough to bring along a sack lunch
Which Jesus uses as the basis of the meal? And even with a such a large crowd
Jesus puts things in order I'm going to have you sit by hundreds and by fifties on the green grass
Now what's interesting about this mountainside theme or picture here is that green grass is not all that common especially in that day on that mountainside
But yet here we're told that Jesus sits them down in the green grass
What's that reminiscent of? some 23 he maketh me to lie down in green pastures and For what purpose he restores
My soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake
Amen Jesus sits them down in the green pasture to restore their stoles and Lead them in the path of righteousness there in that desert place
And notice before Jesus performed the miracle and fed them to their fullness. He prayed Giving thanks to the
Father for this provision Brothers and sisters, of course, we are to follow this pattern of Jesus Christ Giving thanks in all things first to God for his provision
This is especially true when we sit down for our meals together We give thanks to God for providing the food that he that will nourish us
We see this that in everything we receive comes from the hand of God Again here stressing the idea that everything here is orderly
Jesus sits has them sit down in an orderly fashion. He breaks the bread or gives thanks and breaks the bread distributes the meal
Performing the miracle of taking the boys sack lunch and feeding thousands upon thousands in an orderly manner
There of course are many many lessons from this account right here One of which is that we should follow this pattern in our homes
There is a dynamic to eating together that we cannot replicate in any other way
No matter how hard we try This is the Lord's design Your goal, of course should be to have at least one meal a day where you gather around your table
For most of us that will typically be dinner time Follow the pattern of the
Lord Jesus Christ bring order to your homes It may be difficult for a time of course
Satan stands there in your home He hates that Lord's order
And he will do everything to complicate that order that you would like to bring
He will do everything he possibly can but we will overcome the devil Give thanks, of course to God at every meal.
It is by his provision that you have food to eat Give thanks for that It's time to check in one with another how was your day what problems did you encounter and how did you handle them?
While you're at the table, it's a good time to open the Word of God and read it together and pray together
That was a one of the things that we did often with our children was that without would be the time We tried to just before bedtime.
We tried all these different things, but the thing that worked for us the greatest Amount of time was when we just did it right after the meal
Clean the table get the Bibles out and we all read scripture together prayed for each other in these things
Brothers and sisters we should make that time together the thing of the day
The highlight of every day should be that family meal that family gathering ordered giving thanks caring for one another
We should see that as something greater than a bridge between this activity and that activity
We should never see it that way We shouldn't see it as let's get this done so we can go watch
Oprah you probably don't watch Oprah praise the
Lord, but you know what I mean Or video games or fill in the blank we should make it the thing
There's a dynamic that happens when we're eating that cannot be replicated elsewhere Our home should be
Centered need to be centered must be centered on the
Lord Jesus Christ and Our meals together are extremely important towards that in Author Joe Rigney wrote this everything in God in God in everything
Everything in God and God in everything and they all did eat and were filled and they took up 12 basket full of Fragments and of the fishes and they did eat of the pardon me
And they that did eat of the loaves were about 5 ,000 men Again truly a miracle of our
Lord Jesus Christ Producing enough bread and fish to the extent that they were all filled again greater than 5 ,000 people they were all filled
From us from a poor boys sack lunch No one went away hungry
The supply was limitless Plenty left over and of course we know that Jesus supplies in abundance
And let us recall just for one more moment where this miracle occurs on the side of a mountain in a desert place
This of course is reminiscent of Israel being in the wilderness when
God poured out manna from heaven Into wilderness. However, the supply of manna was limited
Their instructions was take only enough for each person for one day If you could take more than that it's going to rot and it did
But on Friday, of course, they were allowed to take for two days one for Friday and one for the
Sabbath day on Saturday Here though we find that the Jesus Christ the bread of life changes everything
He is the new manner from heaven His manner is without limitation
For he is the bread of life The manner of heaven in the wilderness was given to the people and Response to their complaining as we looked at that account.
We would find that that's what they did they said gee what you do bring us out here into the wilderness to to die of hunger and The Lord moved upon them and gave them the manna and then
God and that time Responded with giving them enough to sustain them just enough to get by if you will
But here brothers and sisters The new manna from heaven the bread of life is given to a people that follow
Jesus Christ they sought him out they drew near and they desired to be with him and He responded by giving more than what would sustain them
He gave them until they were full with leftovers
And of course that is what Jesus Christ does for us, isn't it? He will supply all we need in surplus
But of course we must be people like these people Follow him along the shore
Follow him wherever he draws us Looking to draw near to receive him receive his teaching his healing his bread of life
To receive his wisdom To the very depths of our souls
Sin has injured us greatly and The only thing to means to healing those injuries is to draw near to the bread of life
At Jesus's instruction they gather up their fragments so that nothing will be lost
And of course, that's another whole sermon on its own that nothing in the kingdom of heaven is going to waste
Even those fragments that we receive Even the little fragments that we might receive on Wednesday or Thursday even those
Come from the bread of life Feeding us in ways that we could not possibly understand
But all work to the glory of God Brothers and sisters God has
Translated us into the kingdom of his dear son into the kingdom of the
Son of God He hasn't taken us to a desert place Rather he has taken us into his glorious kingdom
On the Lord's Day, he takes us off the battlefield if you will Yeah, he might ask us to wrestle with some of our sin and these kind of things
But he takes us off the the tyranny of the urgent all of those and things that we think are important day to day
And he brings us off that battlefield draws us near to him in worship and he gives us rest
He has and is feeding us with his word this morning
He's giving us spiritual nourishment and a few minutes. He'll feed us with the bread of life more spiritual
Nourishment, pardon me Brothers and sisters we need to take Jesus into the fiber of our being
Into the fiber of our souls Using this metaphor of bread.
What is bread made from? Well, not barley, but grain It's made from grain
Grain is taken and transformed into bread We must take the bread of life into every grain of our being everything in God and God in everything and Just as grain must be transformed to make that bread
We must be transformed into Christ likeness Our sinful wicked grains must die
That we would have the newness of life in Jesus We are in the process of being made new like Christ That's what happened when we were translated into his kingdom that process began
That means that every grain again in our souls must become Christlike as We eat of his word as we eat of his bread our grains become new
They become Christlike Why does it take a lifetime of sanctification in Christ?
To become new in him. Why is it because we have so many grains that are wicked
So many grains that are sinful so many desires that must be
Mortified that that new life of the Lord Jesus Christ comes He has brought us into the glorious kingdom
So again everything in God God in everything in the name of the