Road Trip DL from Boise


Considered the implications of the rapid fall of Afghanistan back into the control of the Taliban at the start of the program, then gave a report from my time in Moscow at the Grace Agenda Conference, NSA Commencement, and preaching at Christ Church. Then looked a bit at the release of Mark in the ECM and the release of the CBGM modules, along with the reading at Mark 1:1, and then finished up with starting to look at Surah 4 and its misunderstanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. Visit the store at

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And greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. My name is James White coming to you live from Boise, Idaho Where the traffic is surprisingly bad
I The lights take like forever If you ever you know, sometimes you well is complained about traffic wherever it is we live so you go someplace else and somebody
Maybe it's just a new growth or something and they haven't figured out how to make the traffic work yet I don't know.
But anyways, here's where we are. I left Moscow, Idaho Before sunrise this morning right at 5 a .m.
I was up very early this morning getting the unit ready to go If you've never lived the
RV life like I'm living it there is preparation you don't just simply jump out the door and get in and start going because this is a little house and Basically every time you pull it anywhere
It's gonna go through at least 20 earthquakes before you get to work. You're going and so I've developed the checklist double check and triple check in Because you you leave a cupboard a jar and everything in it's gonna be all over the floor
Probably broken by the time you get where you're going That kind of stuff those shower doors need to be latched in place
They I was one of the first things the guy at the RV place said I'm gonna save you $1 ,500 make sure to do this and showed me how to make sure it was locked in place
So when someone talks about something costing $1 ,500 to repair I? Locked that in place after every shower, even if I'm not going anywhere
Not taking any chances on that whatsoever, but here we are just for the evening Tomorrow evening
Me and buddy the elf will be visiting with Chris on hopes Yeah, I've arranged for buddy to be with I really haven't but heading for Reno, Nevada.
It's gonna be a long That's a long drive Today was long my goodness, by the way
There are two Downhills coming from Moscow to Boise that are that get up to 7 % grade and let me tell you something when when you've got 9 ,000 pounds behind you and your truck weighs about 8 ,000 pounds
It's not a relaxing thing to go down a 7 % grade There was lots of two -lane mountainous stuff today.
That's again You got to do it got a guy to learn how to how to do it
I did my first hookup in the dark this morning that was You know only thing I haven't done yet, but I'm sure
I will before long is unhooking and setting up and then hooking up and D setting up In the rain because that that I haven't yet pulled off, but that's because I haven't had a reason to So every new challenge once you get it done, it's like okay, that's that's how you do it and you go on from there
I'm gonna give you a report on My weekend Moscow in a second, but given that President Biden just spoke and In my opinion the reason he was gone for days was they were just getting him rested up and prepped to do this
I think it literally Takes that long to get him ready to read the teleprompter and do that kind of stuff
About the debacle in Afghanistan and it is a debacle. I listened to his comments and then
Pastor Luke Gave a link
And why didn't that come up? Where is it? There it is This is from Fox News Afghans who clung to departing u .s.
Plane fall to their death in chaos that left seven dead and there's a picture of Afghans running next to a
C -17 transport and grabbing hold of stuff and holding on to stuff and it took off and Eventually, they fell off and died.
I mean this is this is making Hanoi not Hanoi Saigon Look like it was handled.
Well This is a it's a debacle it's it's chaos it is
I Hold the CRT promoting
The the US military was involved in promoting
Same -sex Transgender rights stuff in Afghanistan and That there's
No Christian has any basis For saying anything other than just judgment just judgment
This has been handled it's a complete disaster on on Biden's part but it's been a complete disaster since Bush and I know we have we have wonderful service people who
Served well in Afghanistan in Iraq God bless you
Doesn't change the reality That at the time I Remember, I'm old enough to remember at the time
There were many people who reminded us No one's ever conquered these people
Every great Empire has tried and you might be able to overwhelm them with your superior forces briefly
But you're never gonna hold Afghanistan, it's it's just not possible
Because these people do not love life they love their power in their tradition and so You can't control the people like that.
You can't you can't Establish a democracy or freedom and Yeah, certainly there.
There are a lot of Afghans who have been Very thankful to have had freedoms and things like that and Most of them will die
The the blood that will be flowing and is already flowing through the streets of Afghanistan at the hands of the
Taliban Obviously demonstrates that that form of Islam is
Purely satanic at its at its core it is
Just as much a part of the culture of death As the abortionists are
It's it's a false religion and it kills Notice I did differentiate between different forms of Islam.
I am well aware of the later developments in Sharia and the control of jihad
I Know I get all that doesn't change the fact That the men who are enslaving every woman in the nation
Destroying every School that would dare to educate women girls and slaughtering people left and right
Is a form of Islam. It is a fundamentalist form of Islam and these men take the
Quran as Well, let's be honest they take the particular
Salafi Wahhabi tradition That they think is
Identical with what Muhammad taught and That's the basis upon which they're doing all those things how bad
Can it be? When you will try to hold on to the side of a c -17 and fall to your death rather than Fall into the hands of the
Taliban. How bad are they? they are demonically bad Demonically bad and it's not just regular
Afghans The the Christians they will they will be killing
Christians right left and center there will be many Martyr souls under the altar as the result of all of this and Not only do we need to pray for them
But let's let's just be perfectly honest here This is going to be the greatest
Encouragement to Terrorism globally since 9 -11 since 9 -11 and so I predict a
Global uptick Extensively so in Islamic terrorism in Western countries in Europe in the
United States Because They have been emboldened by the
Collapsing United States morally ethically economically militarily socially
They've been emboldened by what they have seen and in their twisted demented world
This is a sign that Allah is blessing them and so Just get ready and see that the thing that really concerns me is that When I say that I am well aware of the fact that What that ends up meaning is an even greater hesitancy on the part of believers to reach out to the
Muslim because I Well, I can't tell by looking well, this is a wahhabi or Non, I know there's been a
Sunni and a Shia, right? And so my concern is the very thing that I Spoke about yesterday when
I preached to Christ Church in Moscow. I there are there are two locations and four services my understanding the church and And they call it the
Logos Fieldhouse at Logos school and I will not say Logos without going It's either
Logos or Logos it cannot be Logos. But anyway There is a it's basically the gym a
Pretty large facility. I'm not sure how many people there is it was packed out Unfortunately, it was a very warm weekend highs in the upper 90s
Well, actually, I think I only made middle 90s because the smoke At least that was the only advantage to all the smoke
Was it didn't get quite as hot as they had expected it to but it still got quite hot.
There's no air -conditioning and Doug Wilson preached the first service the 830 and then
I preached the 1030 service and My topic was from John 8 and it was my sermon.
It is a Message I have delivered more than once though since I don't use notes.
It's always a little bit different each time From Johnny about reaching out with a clear and compelling message to our
Muslim friends and In fact, I googled it before service started and there was a mosque or at least an
Islamic Center though Looking at the pictures it I'm sure there was a small mosque there near the
University of Idaho It was within one mile. It's eight tenths of a mile from where we were
So there is a community there. It's not a large community but my concern is the very thing that I warned about that there's that In many a conversation there's that that brief moment where the door slides open and each one of us has to make the decision whether we're going to step through and The more
Reasons and causes of hesitation the more likely it is that we're gonna find an excuse not to walk through that door and Present the gospel to the
Muslim people and it is my belief obviously That we especially are the ones that need to be bringing that message to them because it's consistent.
We're strongly and Focus Lee Trinitarian and we're the ones that have a consistent message to deliver to them and So I'm hoping that an uptick in Jihadist activity and violence will not as a result lead to a diminishment of gospel proclamation.
So We definitely pray for what's going on in the world we pray for I certainly pray for The people
Who are being left behind that we are abandoning they tried to do it was right and We cut and run it's disgusting it really really is so anyway, um
For those who didn't know I did notice this morning that one of the Anti the
DWDS Websites DWDS is
Doug Wilson derangement syndrome one of the DWDS websites had picked up on The reality which no one had hidden that I was speaking at the grace gender conference
I Haven't checked but I think my assumption is
That the cross -politic episode that I was on live in studio Probably dropped
Sunday night rich said he heard somebody saying it was a good episode. So it probably probably did drop on Sunday night
And that was really enjoyable only time I saw chocolate knots I saw
Toby and But I didn't see chocolate knots
Gabe was stuck with me for a while first day that I got there. We had
Challenges RV challenges shall we say that again? I Get through and you learn a lot in the process and you
It's just a necessary thing. You know, it's sort of like training in the military. You just got to go through it and So I didn't see chocolate knocks the whole rest of the weekend
I'm not sure if he was just avoiding me or or just what but anyways, we had a good we had a good cross -politic episode talked a lot of a lot of serious stuff and important stuff and hopefully that was useful to folks and Doug and I were going to record a bunch of other stuff, but That's their biggest conference the year
Last year they had 900 people at it. That was a big increase in the year before. I think it's gone 600 900 1600 this time which up there in Moscow meant there's there's no buildings big enough to hold that many people and So I was told
I don't know how many weeks ago that I would need to Make the same presentation two times in Different locations.
So once that one location then again that location that ended up being I did it only half an hour in between And I'll be perfectly up front with you
My First presentation I did not like Was not properly organized
Half an hour later. I did it again. It was a lot better So those of you who were at The Nazarene Church, I think is that the way it was or is the other way?
Yeah people in Nazarene Church, I apologize That wasn't as Good as I had wanted to be and the folks at Trinity At least
I think it was more understandable and clear exactly where I was I always critiqued myself from Along those lines, but that was in the afternoon in the morning
In the morning. I really got to do something enjoyable. I was the commencement speaker for new st.
Andrews they have the largest incoming freshman class they've ever had and So I got to be the speaker and So I had you have to bring your academic down and man those things are hot
I think they were designed by German monks in the 1600s to stay warm in Germany. They will keep you warm.
I about died But really
I only had 20 minutes I think I think I kept it 1718 yay for me
Do you hear that Jeff 1718 is pretty good. Anyway, I Just I basically said the students that I wanted to say something to them that I would hope that they would remember four years later and basically, it was a exhortation
To not lose your spiritual life While going to a
Christian school because a lot of people do you get your head crammed full of facts and data and your faith becomes frigid cold and So I challenged them to graduate with a greater passion for Christ than they were beginning with now and Got a lot of positive comments on that and Really enjoyed that opportunity
And then like I said preached I Should make a comment
This is the second CREC church that I've preached at I preached at my dear brother
Jeff Neal's church in Fort Worth Fort Worth area a number of years ago and Most people are not accustomed to a highly developed liturgy
In a Protestant context. So for example the music
Wow Um four parts the
Sopranos starting at one time and the Altos another and the tenors another the basses and the whole
Congregations involved in it. There's much more responsive stuff in a
CREC Context in other words the people speaking back
When when the pastor says this and the people respond this way um
So It's it's it's really really interesting and Very very enjoyable if you're not used to that you sort of feel a little
Uncomfortable sort of what am I supposed to be doing? But it I can't imagine it take you too long to get over that and And and of course the one thing that was
Unusual was I I get up there and I'm I look out over this sea of faces and it was very well attended
And it's all moving because everybody's sitting there doing doing this number And they they had asked me by the way, that's my commencement thing.
I ended up in the commencement thing. Yeah They asked me for an outline it took them long enough just to get a text from me but they asked me for an outline of the sermon and I'm like,
I don't I Don't use outlines Okay.
Okay, so I get there and I left it in the car. I should have grabbed it truck actually, um, but Everybody gets the same thing and If you have two different sermons then it's different I suppose we're doing the same sermon that it's a lot easier
But Doug's outline. I mean we're talking almost the whole sermon was in there aside from miscellaneous remarks pretty much the whole sermon was right there and Then you turn the page and there's mine reference notes blank page.
I Had I didn't point that out and Doug did get a good chuckle out of that so everybody else that there was such a major difference between us, but Again everyone really listened carefully and this rich knows what this is like Because he goes g3 and found out he's going to g3 again this year, too
I didn't even know that until a few moments ago But when you get this opportunity to Get out and see people and there were there were a thousand people there from someplace other than Moscow a lot of people want to take pictures.
They want you to sign a book. I Really need to start carrying a pen with me because people just don't carry pens anymore
And I used to carry a pen all the time, but the only reason I need a pen is to sign books, basically
But then there's the the testimonies I don't know how to explain it.
I Hesitate to even talk about it publicly because people like oh, you're just Patting yourself on the back or whatever.
No, I don't I rarely know what to say
When people come up and they Of course, it's always funny when people say
I've been listening to you for a long time. I've been since like 2015
In 2015 to me seems like not very long ago, you know we started out we started
Alvin Omega ministries a long time ago and the dividing line started in the 80s and our archives only go back to 98 but still and But when they start talking about how
The Lord has used Alvin Omega ministries to Bring them out of Every I mean every religious group that we deal with and every non -religious group that we deal with I've had somebody at some point come up to me and say and It's always interesting how they happen to quote stumble upon our information
And Very often these days. I mean very often these days
It's either I found out about you through Jeff Durbin or because I found out about you then
I learned about Jeff Durbin So apology, it gets thrown in there Joined if they help Especially when you're talking with people who come out of Mormonism as I did this weekend
Young man coming out of Mormonism and it was The debates it was the programs
People coming out of Roman Catholicism and Islam and Abusive King James only fundamentalist churches and stuff like that and I don't
I don't think I Respond all that. Well, I'll be honest. I'll apologize to everybody ahead of time.
I I Just don't always know what to say Then thank you very much.
That's fantastic. That's so encouraging because it is encouraging. It's why we do all of this But so yesterday
Doug told me Most of the people go out that door back there. So try to make your way back there.
Okay? Well, I get back there and he is swamped by kids. I can barely see him and I'm like, this is weird and I finally
Threw the crowd enough, you know, he's doing he's sitting there because I wondered he's not that short a guy
What's it? Why is he sitting down? he's sitting there and he has a pale a metal pail about that far around filled with Hershey's kisses and all the kids are getting their chocolate fix before lunch from Uncle Dougie Like, uh,
I'm not sure that's fair Never seen that before but anyway
By the way, once I left I had lunch Doug and his wife what a what a wonderful woman she is what just the picture of Hospitality just Awesome, even did a load of laundry at their house.
I had to I don't have a washer and dryer in this thing. Um, anyway, a wonderful wonderful time in in that context, but I Had to leave
Earlier and you can get everywhere in Moscow in about six minutes normally less so I'd run back here gotten changed and I let
Doug know I was coming I get this text message from Doug and I've kept it because it was it was about eschatology and I'm I'm reading it because I had said
I'm run by the RV and get changed and I Wasn't sure that had to do with this apology and Then I realized somehow he had activated the voice activation thing and it recorded an answer
He was given to somebody he was talking to and then send it to me as a text message We had some interesting experiences this weekend so a wonderful time great folks
Great singing really really really good singing everywhere we went
And I was surprised at how many of the songs Doug had been involved in putting together to it was interesting.
That's an aspect of aspect of his stuff Okay, um, so great time and a lot of you've been asking
In March of 2020 We were supposed to I was supposed to go to Moscow for my first time
March of 2020 and that was right as everything shut down and they were talking about travel bans and stopping airline flying and All that kind of stuff.
And so we decided it was best to cancel everything. So Both of us want to do those debates
And the debates were gonna be on pato communion and And on the textual issues because Doug and I have done a book together
Sort of small book debate book. We did a credenda agenda written debate
Was somewhere in the 90s 96 ish, maybe 98 don't remember
So this would be a live debate Obviously try to hook it in with new st.
Andrews and stuff like that And so we're looking back at March again apologia has planted a church in Salt Lake City and so I'm Need to get up there and do my duty
Both to as a individual reaching out to Mormons as well as a pastor there and and Visit other churches that have invited me up there and Looking forward to doing that and Once you're in Salt Lake City You're about halfway to Moscow Though I will have to find some other way of getting there
Then dragging this thing up those 7 % grades on Us 95.
Mm -hmm. No, I I like my little truck and I have no reason to abuse it in That in that particular fashion.
So a lot of people in asking We're looking at March March April obviously if the
LDS Church Decides to finally have a general conference again, and I'm sort of starting to wonder
If they're gonna sell that big Conference building they built to Marriott Could you imagine that as the place to stay while visiting
Temple Square? And they'd sell to Marriott ain't sold anybody else
I guarantee that They just haven't had live conference since October of 19 when we were up there.
Remember we had the debate up there at the University of Utah If they have live conference and the way things are going
I can pretty well guarantee it There won't be a live October conference. No way. Oh, in fact someone sent me a
Statement from the first presidency of the LDS Church encouraging all the members to backs up and mask up I mean the
Mormons are just Panicked about Kobe which again
I just go what happened to your temple garments? I mean back in the 80s
Mormons told me all about the The blessings of the of the of your temple garments and all that kind of stuff and evidently that's not the case anymore so let's hope that we can work that out and the prayers of God's people
To protect the unit I'm sitting in right now and the truck that's sitting out front as well and the person driving all those things
So we can keep doing that kind of stuff and there are a bunch of folks up in Moscow that we're talking about They've seen the live shows that we're doing here and knew
I was road tripping up there and and stuff like that So that's cool. All right next thing. I know I've taken a lot of time there.
Apologize I don't apologize for being and hopefully I was very clear. I'm very very thankful.
I was treated wonderfully Everybody up there was wonderful And I'm gonna
I'm gonna make all the Doug Wilson derangement syndrome sufferers have a relapse right now
I spent a lot of time with Doug. Doug was very kind in with his time with me. We had great conversations and I'd say the thing
I brought took away from that and those conversations is That he is exactly what he says he is
There's he walks the walk talks talk lives the life unfortunately,
I I've been around The gum stump enough times to know that that's not always the case
I've I've known enough people to know
I can see faces I could say names Well known
But a huge difference between What they are out
In public and what they are Private or in a less public context and and Doug's Doug he is
That's what he is all the time. He's also Much geekier than I think most people know.
Yeah, he's he's preaching from my pad now he has a Apple watch and Yeah Yeah, we did share that you know, so we're both
Scottish too which is sort of frightening and Though we have the same demented sense of humor his vocabulary is just so far beyond mine that Sometimes I'm not sure when he's making a joke or not.
So anyways everybody up there elders Ben Zorn's Everybody in fact, oh, well, let me check something real quick here
Did it did it did it no, it's this one here. Oh Maybe uh -huh
Okay, so Ben Zorn's, I hope it doesn't mind if I read this it's public so Ben gave
The I know I'm taking more time but the world's not gonna end I haven't done this for a few days.
Um Ben gave the I'm not sure what's called charge Devotion thoughts word.
I don't know before partaking of the supper and I want you
I want I'm not gonna read all of it. But this is this is what he wrote So he just sent to me. I just contacted him on Twitter The family unit is in tatters
Relationships are scarred by generations of multiple divorces and remarriages The homes of our nation are fatherless while an overweening maternal state coddles citizens like they're helpless babies instead of free men
Here's the line. Our churches have pulpits fill which are filled with women of both sexes
So I'm sitting there in the first service our churches have pulpits which are filled with women of both sexes and I was like It took me a second to process that one through and go whoa, oh
I mean, that's that's a short sentence that contains a
Nuclear bomb in it. I mean our churches have pulpits which are filled with women of both sexes
Oh You want to read the whole thing go to Ben Zorn's BENZORNES .COM
Loneliness be gone. It's I think it's on his blog It's August 16th. So yeah today
It'll be the first one pops up Our churches have pulpits which are filled with women of both sexes
I hope that catches on personally I that deserves to catch on it really does That deserves to catch on but thank you
Ben for linking because I had Someone had included me and him. Oh that was a picture.
He photobombed a picture inadvertently and He had commented on it.
So I'm like, you know, I'm gonna ask him if What he wrote what he said because I there's exact same comments each time.
So I knew he was reading it There it was. So I hope you enjoy that As most I did, all right,
I'm obviously not to get to everything I was planning on today but big news in my life
That probably is only big news in my life and about a hundred other people on the planet But while I've been traveling and we knew it was coming and my sets been ordered
But while I've been traveling the ECM volumes for mark came out.
Aren't you all thrilled? You should be let me explain why ECM as you probably know or as you've heard me say in the past, but if you're new to the program
ECM is additional critical mayor it is the Currently most exhaustive full edition of scholarly edition critical edition the
Greek New Testament Right now only mark acts and The general pistols are finished.
I think John's next But it's all due by 2030 so it's gonna start coming a little bit faster than it has
I Was told when I was in Munster in January of 2019 that mark was done. Well, it took over two years
For mark to see the light of day, even though it was done in January of 2019 and so the printed edition is on its way and Who knows maybe it'll be there by the time
I get back but the electronic edition is Already available and so if you recall in the past and You have to be doing more of this and this this of this more than anything else to be honest with you
Illustrates the schizophrenia that I experienced today. I Still have a passion for textual criticism.
I have a passion for the history of the text. I think this is important work I'm even more committed to doing it as a post -millennialist than I was before because It's gonna be needed
Long into the future But I still feel the schizophrenia because how different from vaccine mandates and passports and Tyrants petty tiny little bureaucratic tyrants and no one ever voted for who now think they have the very power of God in their hands
How far from that is a discussion of CB GM and ECM and textual variants and p45
It feels like a different life a different planet it's not
When I often point out for example that There are no textual variants in 1st
Corinthians 6 When it says and such were some of you there are no manuscripts to say such are some of you
Well, you've got to have that foundation. Someone's got to do that work So there's a there's a connection there, but still it makes me feel
Schizophrenic So if it's been a long time, so let me let me show you
What the ECM looks like So here is
Mark one one and this was of all the variants In mark, and I've had very little time very little time
I've just Haven't I've had no time Census became available just a few days ago to Look up other
Particularly interesting variants in mark, but thankfully the first one comes up when you bring it up Anyways is one of the most interesting variants in the gospel of mark some of you will recall
That in my debate with Shabir Ali in 2006 at Biola University.
This is a variant that should be or brought up and of course, I knew about it, but It was one that he quoted and so I was very interested in knowing the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the
Son of God and so in the
ECM data which includes the CB GM data as well
You you define where you are by the word positions So the space before is one then two then three then four then five and six seven eight
And so it's it's positions 12 through 16 That might be somewhat counterintuitive as to why they do it that way, but it's the only way to actually make it work.
So some manuscripts Do not contain
The Son of God or some manuscripts have Son of God without so for example, here's
The a reading is who you tooth a you so we you tooth a or the red up here
We go to the Son of God Here's the reading Son of God, but without to say you these manuscripts son of the
Lord 1241 The Son of God 3 2 7 40
No son at all just simply the one of God and Then it's omitted by Sinaiticus 0 3 8 28 15 55 and lectionary 20 22 11
ZZ means these Are manuscripts that will be cited elsewhere in mark notice my precious little p45 there
But of course that means it is not contained in this
Particular manuscript and just notice something in passing because I mentioned this on a program last week or before Notice the first four here p45 p84 p88 and p137 all the papyri there are only four papyri manuscripts that have any portion whatsoever of Mark and all of them do not contain this why because it's the very beginning of the book and as I said beginnings and ends of books are
Most likely the ones that will be damaged In that situation so The point being that the
ECM does have son of God in its reading
You'll notice here is the local stemma. So this the idea here is the original text the outstanding text leading to the a reading the a reading is son of God and Then all the other readings are derivative from son of God and Then you have your coherence at variant passages
This is Looking at the consistency of It's called coherence between manuscripts,
I won't go into right now we still need to do more of this in the future and then your coherence in attestations and I can't even um
Notice how I have to scroll just in light of how many manuscripts we have for Mark to show where They all fall and how they are related to one another and things like that Now I'd have to drop down to where P45 is found because then you can see where it fits in this this
Schema of things that's going to be one of the main things. I need to be working on myself and then here is general textual flow
Again, I I do notice that this is much larger much wider Than in the pastoral epistles and an axe because we just have so many more
Manuscripts of Mark obviously then we do the others but so obviously this is
CBGM is not the end of the discussion It's the beginning of a discussion but one thing that is very very important about CBGM is
That we now have a Genuinely available computer database and when it's finished of the entire
New Testament Available to anyone that is far more in -depth Far more specific than We've ever ever produced before that.
We've ever even dreamed of before you it's hard for me to explain honestly
What Textual critics only 60 years ago would have thought of what we have today let alone the
Erasmus is and and and everyone who came before Looking at what we have now.
It's just like it's astonishing and apologetically
Having that kind of information is vitally important. I see the TR guys poo -pooing it all the rest of stuff and I Think that's sad but so obviously one of the things that we will be doing more of When I get home and then
I have to make it so I even when I'm traveling I can still Work on These issues is we've got to be doing more stuff on CBGM Because I'm finally able to get back to what
I've been working on before now that we have mark Mark increases the data set that I have for manuscript p45
By 55 % over what I had just for axe.
And so now what I can do finally is Approach the question of the textual
Sources describe a p45 used for mark and for axe but now
I can use CBGM databases to do that and I'm excited about that.
And as rich just reminded me The reason that we can buy that set of books and Make it possible for me to be doing that work even while traveling is because you
Help support us and you help support the ministry resource list and the travel fun. Ta -da.
Ta -da I really stink at marketing, but you are the ones that make that possible.
So if For so all for all 11 of you
Don't really go. Yeah, that's important We need all 11 of you to be supporting
Our work in that way. All right, I I had Gregory all queued up and stuff
Went too long. I should have known I was gonna go too long because I had Just too enjoyable a time at the grace agenda conference and meeting everybody up there and stuff like that, but I did
Queue up and so I might as well go ahead and give you this information and then we can at least read this one and we're ready to go for the next program and if I Really push myself hard today and get everything done and get out of here at a really decent time in our morning
Who knows? Maybe I've got a shot at tomorrow, too. It's a long leg. I'm not sure I Don't want to promise
Anything along those lines, but I did want to I have
Often referred to the fact That the the best
Quran program that I have found is For iPad now, by the way, sorry didn't mean to shake the shake everything there
There is a Quranic molecule
Right Find this again here. There is a Quranic app or Module modules
I was looking for module in accordance So here is the accordance.
So you've got Shakira's translation. You've got the Quran tagged except it doesn't seem to be
Linked to Shakira and then in tools and stuff word lists and things But even accordance does have at least something available to you
But still by far There used to be an old Windows program called
Aleem 6 .0. I think was the last edition and then there was a
Another one that I found really useful that I had to run Some special program to make it work wine.
I think it was But they're just they haven't been supported forever as far as I know and there are windows only and I so This is called my
I think it's called on a second here But didn't what my Quran my
Quran not the most Ostentatious name, but here's my
Quran There's there's the light that I stare into the whole time. We're doing this there it's so easy to see that way my
Quran and You might say how's that so sales in Arabic it has
Transliteration and translation Below it and then it has roots
So you can if you do know some You can
Go in and it will It'll it'll give you the the root
So you you choose a particular? Term and then you hit the root and then it brings up All the uses in the an exhaustive concordance the entirety of the
Quran so you can really sort of check your translation to see whether it's Playing around which sometimes it is
But my Quran is the app that I I use very frequently and I highly recommend to you
And so I had queued up the first text that we I said in last program we'd finally get into and I Went too long, but I do want to read it
Because what I said if we want to do is we wanted to look at surah 4 and surah 5
We could go back all the way to surah 3 like I said There's an entire chapter on this in whatever Christian needs to know about the
Quran that I would recommend to your reading But Oh People the scripture this is now this is not
Shakir. This is the sahih international translation, which I've found To be pretty solid
It really is. Oh People the scripture. It's a lot you thought people the book literally
Do not commit excess in your religion. Do not go beyond the bounds
I've tried to pronounce the Arabic word to agloo, but I just my Scottish tongue.
I Can do a Scottish bird, but I can't say that would Do it needs to go beyond it.
There's a there's a proper boundary and you keep going beyond it and So the people of the scriptures and this is specifically addressed to Christians here
Do not commit excess do not go beyond the bounds in your Dean your religion or Say about a law except the truth do not say anything about a law that is over the bounds
You have to say only what is truthful about a law the Messiah Jesus the son of Mary Was but a messenger and the the form that is used there is properly translated with that is
Only is but a messenger Some people have tried to say no. No, you're you're emphasizing that.
No it I have proven to my own satisfaction anyways from the grammatical sources that These translations are rendering it correctly
Jesus son of Mary was but a messenger of Allah and his word which he directed to Mary and a soul created at a command from him now, that's actually a
Text a lot of missionaries have used down through the years. I'm not sure if they used it fully appropriately
But like when it says and his word Which he directed to Mary. Well a lot of Chris like our word logos
John one one. Let's run with it. I Don't have any evidence That the author of the
Quran had any earthly idea What logos meant how it was used anything like that?
So I've always hesitated at that point to be honest with you besides that the
Muslim interpretation is that That the fulfillment of this is a law saying to Mary be and Jesus became so it's just simply a command rather than an overshadowing the
Holy Spirit, which Muhammad didn't understand either A Word which direct to Mary and a spirit or a soul created at a command from him
Created at a command is in brackets because there's nothing in the Arabic that says created as a command So believe in all and his messengers
Do not say three Now, I think it's the use of Ali Translation.
It says do not say Trinity. I Agree that that's what it's talking about But it doesn't use the word for Trinity it used the the ordinal number three
And so it's proper to say do not say three just desist still very smoky
Desist it is better for you Indeed a law is but one
God. So as I've said Over and over and over again and as hopefully we'll pick up if Lord allows me to get to Reno and I I'm just doubtful.
That's gonna work. I think it's gonna be the next day from Vegas I'll be honest with you because not only am
I hooking up with Chris, but my wife's actually gonna be in Reno and We're not gonna be able to see each other very long
But I she gave me some stuff that I have in here that I need to give to her and you put all that together And chances are not good, but you never know, you know so anyway, um,
I Said over and over and over again every time the
Quran says Do not say three. The next line is there is only one
God but in any fair rational sane world
Where interpretation is driven by Common sense
Taking into consideration context It is self -evident
That the Quran is accusing the Trinity of polytheism That the author the
Quran Believes the Christians are polytheists. There is no question about that none and so Is that the truth is that the issue is that is that really what the issue is so that's text we're gonna start with There's more that comes afterwards.
Obviously all the way through I have 175 but I Used up all our time and went really long and I'm gonna try to jump on another program here as quick as I can
With someone who's contacted me through Twitter, so we're gonna I'm I sort of have a bunch of checklists boxes to check off for this trip and Who knows maybe by the time
I get done, I will actually have to hook up the unit in the rain Just get all the experience you can get it all done so you can go.
Yeah done that before We can get it done. And here's what the issue is gonna be and here's good dividing line then do somebody else's program and See how it all works.
So there you go. So again Your support making all this possible.
Thank you very very much for it Continue on I think I I think it but part of this leg.
I got 11 .3 miles to the gallon Of course, I was paying $4 gallon, but hey, there you go
Thank you President Biden we appreciate you. All right. Anyways, so just watch the app watch for us on social media will
When I'm road tripping could just pop up at any moment You never know I might be beside the road someplace and I something
I want to say and Bing and if you don't have the app You won't know So get the app so it can let you know.