The Doctrine of Satan

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From the MCC Statement of Faith. -Visit our website -


Alright, so we're gonna be looking at the personality of Satan. This is from the Morris Corner Church doctoral statement.
I'll just read it It says we believe that Satan is a person
Satan is a person the author of sin and the cause of the fall and that he is the open and declared enemy of God and man and that he shall be eternally punished in the lake of Fire and then there are the scripture references that we're going to look at throughout this class and probably add one or two to this
So just as we talk about the Holy Trinity as being one God in three persons
The Father is a person Jesus Christ is a person and the Holy Spirit is a person
So the devil is also a person now Don't let there be any misunderstanding
Obviously, we're not saying that means he's a human being right? The devil is not a human being
Jesus was a human being But the devil is not human, but he is a person
So what does it mean when we say that he is a person while we're saying he has personality
He can think he can reason he makes decisions The devil can speak
So he's making decisions and he's going to be held responsible For these decisions.
So let's go through the Bible verses listed and turn to the book of Job chapter 1
Job chapter 1 so a person is being
Capable of attributes again such as reason also morality or a lack thereof
Consciousness or self -consciousness a few more things about Satan when he was created he was created as what?
An angel he was created a holy angel originally Lucifer Until he rebelled and we'll get into the timing of this in just a moment
But let me just read from Revelation 12 verses 7 through 9 It says and war broke out in heaven
Michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail
Nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer So the great dragon that's the serpent of old called the devil and Satan He was cast out
Who deceives the whole world and he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him?
So Satan was in heaven until he rebelled and then he was cast out and thrown to the earth
Satan has many names. What are some other names for Satan? Lucifer Beelzebub The enemy the adversary so usually
Satan and the devil are the two primary names we use Belial good
Good the tempter excellent all right, so he has many names and He's called that serpent of old all right
Yeah Devil means accuser and Satan means adversary.
So that's what those terms mean. All right, let's look at Job 1 verses 6 & 7
Job some people Believe this is the oldest book in the Bible that it's probably true
Job chapter 1 verses 6 & 7 and it says now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the
Lord and Satan also Came among them and the
Lord said to Satan from where do you come? so Satan answered the
Lord and said from going to and fro on the earth and From walking back and forth on it
Here's one of the biggest Misconceptions about the devil if you go up to someone on the street and say you've heard of Satan and the devil, right?
Of course, where is he? Oh, he's in hell, right? That's that's the devil's domain.
He is in hell is Satan in hell I mean he's going to be someday but no
Satan is Here on the earth walking to and fro so he is busy deceiving the nations and You know anyone who's born again can clearly see that he's active doing that So in the book of Job chapter 1 were transported to this scene in heaven where the angels present themselves before the
Lord Now what does it say angels? What does it say? Sons of God now, we're usually as New Testament Christians We usually think of the sons of God as being believers in Christ and in the
New Testament That's true the New Testament sons of God that's believers in Christ But when the
Old Testament talks about the sons of God the Hebrew term is the B 'nai Elohim And it almost always in the
Old Testament refers to angels So the angels are presenting themselves
Before God and who's among them? Satan because He's an angel.
So it's that it's that simple so the angels present themselves before God Satan is among them and The point of this reference in our doctrinal statement is to prove the personality of the devil
So here the devil is having a conversation with God There's people out there
Who would think that the devil is sort of like an impersonal force or the devil is evil
It's just a concept. Well a force or a concept can't have a conversation. So it's clearly presenting
Satan as a Person right any questions so far Jim If he was walking with the angels sons of God He had to do something.
There had to be something about his personal appearance that he was identified as Satan Okay You know the
Bible talks about Satan and describes him We've all seen the caricatures of Satan He's he's red and he's got the pitchfork and he's got the tail and the hooves and everything
I mean some of that is that imagery is found in the Bible Is that really what the devil looks like?
I don't think so. That's how he's described because he's evil But the
Bible and we're going to touch on this The Bible says the Apostle Paul says that he transforms himself into an angel of light
If he were to and I don't think this actually happens in this this world
But if he were to manifest himself to where a human being could see him He wouldn't be this grotesque creature because his whole job is to deceive people he would present himself as an angel, right and there are some major religions of the world that have been founded because Joseph Smith or Muhammad claimed that they were visited by an an angel of light who came with this new
Teaching and revelation and we've seen the fruit of that. But yes Yeah, if it was an angel it was it was either him or one of his fallen angels, yes
Honestly, I can't remember I think it's an Isaiah It describes him or maybe Ezekiel, but I think it was more than Isaiah It describes him as what his position was in heaven.
So I think The identifier would be that he would be clothed in Righteousness looking clothing or you know, it's something that would distinguish him for maybe anything else that was there, right?
Because when he was expelled kicked out Moved on whatever your phrase you want to use.
He may have continued to have that Clothing or robes?
What does the term Lucifer mean? Yeah light bearer
Okay Satan here's just a few things you can make a note of this 2nd Corinthians 4 4
Calls him the god of this age Ephesians 2 2 calls
Satan the prince of the power of the air and then 1st John 5 19 says that the whole world is under his sway or Influence so at this point in the book of Job, which was written about 3 ,500 years ago
Satan has access to heaven. We just read that Maybe not full reign or access.
Maybe it's by invite only but you still has access from heaven Yes, Carolyn I Think they are it's just a term that for all the angels
So there's holy angels. There are fallen angels, which are demons and Then there are a separate class of angels that are chained in the bottomless pit
So sons of God would have been referring Likely to all of them or To the holy angels, but Satan is there that's that's what we know
So Satan has access to heaven or at least he did maybe not full access
Like I said by invite only perhaps before the fall though in Genesis chapter 3.
He would have had full Access in heaven, let's turn to Isaiah 14
And we're not exactly sure how all of that works, obviously But that verse that I read from Revelation 12 a few minutes ago about Satan being cast out of heaven
We believe the book of Revelation is a book of future prophecy. So we do not believe he has been fully cast out of heaven yet in the end of days
There will be a time where he is cast out never Allowed to return he's cast to the earth and then he's going to know that he has a short time
Left and that's during the great great tribulation. So the way
I understand it He was created as Lucifer full access to heaven After he fell the access was limited and the day is coming when he will be banished once and for all
I don't think that Has happened yet Revelation 12 12 says for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows he has a short time
So that that's still yet to happen. I believe okay, so you're in Isaiah 14, right? This is one of the key texts when it comes to the origins of the devil this is the only place in the
Bible that mentions his original name Lucifer again meaning light bearer and That ties in with what the
Apostle Paul said that he Transforms himself into an angel of light
So make a note of this the devil's primary Operation is to work in and through false religion
You might think of somebody who's just the dregs of society a serial killer someone you might look at like an
Adolf Hitler and not I'm not saying that Satan isn't involved in any of that stuff But I don't think
Satan is primarily involved in in crime and those things
Satan deceives the world through false false religion So let's look at Isaiah 14 12 through 15, but it's all part.
That's all part of the devil's domain Isaiah 14 12 through 15 Says how you have fallen from heaven
Who Oh Lucifer okay, so I know there's translations that remove the name Lucifer, but we use the
King James or the new King James Well, at least I do I say we because I'm the pastor so I get to say that So some of your some of your
Bibles will not use the term Lucifer But mine does now how you have fallen from heaven
Oh Lucifer son of the morning How you are cut down to the ground you who weakened the nations for you have said in your heart
Here's his original sin. You have said in your heart I will ascend into heaven and I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high
That was Satan's sin, I will be like God I Will be like the most high and what does the
Lord say? No, you won't Yet you shall be brought down to shield the lowest depths of the pit so Satan is a
Personal being a fallen angel the author of sin the cause of the fall the whole world is under his sway
And because man chose to obey Satan in the garden instead of God The world is the way it is people sometimes ask the question.
Why do bad things happen? Because men choose to obey Satan rather than God It's that simple and it started at the beginning with Adam and the results has been well, that's world history
That's what we've seen ever since death and destruction and warfare and every evil thing
Under the Sun is the result of man listening to the voice of Satan over the voice of God So what let me pose the question back to you.
What was Lucifer's downfall? I Will right so Sometimes we call this pride that that was the first The first sin was pride.
He wanted to exalt himself Above God and all of the angels.
All right, so let's look to Ezekiel chapter 28 turn there if you would Ezekiel 28
This is kind of how you can remember these two passages it's Isaiah 14, so these are two prophets
Isaiah 14 and 14 plus 14 is what? 28
Zeke say Isaiah 14 Ezekiel 28. That's how I remember it.
It's helpful for me. So it might be helpful for you All right.
So when when did that happen his fall? When did he first fall?
We know it was sometime before Genesis chapter 3 When we don't we don't really know
There's different theories on that that we don't have time to get into but by the time we read about the serpent in the garden in Genesis 3
Lucifer had fallen by that point and he came to Eve presenting himself as a what a
Serpent But he did come In a very deceptive cunning manner, he didn't start out with hey,
I hate God You should join me and we can rebel against God together. That's not how he did it.
He was very Subtle. Okay, and that's the way false teachers Work, they're very subtle.
They're not going to come out with the the blasphemy right away They're gonna try to trick you into following following that that path
Just before we get into Ezekiel just a few more things on this God told Eve not to eat of the tree right and she did it.
Anyways, and what was the temptation you will be like God So Satan said
I will be like God and his temptation for us is that we shall be like God there is a strain of Christianity where the
The teaching is you can be just like God It's called the word faith movement and they say that human beings are little gods.
You can be like God This is a very dangerous teaching which makes up most of what you see on Christian television today so There are a few good preachers on TV I think but most
I would say be very careful be very careful. Oh But but they're talking about Jesus though Yeah, well the devil subtle You just have to watch out
Satanism is not about drawing pentagrams and holding seances, although that is within that realm, but it's not about Someone drawing a pentagram and having a goat's head and doing all that kind of dark weird stuff
Satanism really when you boil it down is do what you want Do as thou will there is actually something called the
Church of Satan In the United States, there is something called the Church of Satan. Their mantra is do as thou will
How does that tie into? Genesis 3 God told Eve Adam and Eve don't eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and what does
Satan say? You can do what you want Do what you want Revelation 22 14 says blessed are those
Who do his commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life?
Revelation also talks about those who have the testimony of Jesus That's how we're saved by believing in Jesus as the
Son of God Who died on the cross for our sins rose again the third day were saved by faith alone the
Revelation talks about those who have the testimony of Jesus and Keep the commandments of God one of the devil's current scams is
That you can just ignore the Old Testament scriptures you can ignore God's law, you know, we're not under law
You can do what you want do as thou will and if somebody comes along and Preaches about how you should obey
God's commandments there. They're smeared as a legalist So that's a that's another thing you have to watch out for.
I know I told you to turn to Ezekiel. I haven't forgot Okay, we're gonna get to that in a second But we need to know how the devil is operating
So didn't you know disregard the commandments? All you need to do is love your neighbor love your neighbor as yourself
We've heard a lot about that the past couple of years right love your neighbor as yourself.
Do we believe that? Yeah, Jesus said you should love your neighbor as yourself.
Does anyone actually do it? You know, that's that's a whole other That's a whole other thing
Well, I'll just answer the question nobody actually loves their neighbor as themselves you realize that Love God with all your heart with all your strength.
You realize nobody does that perfectly Love your neighbor as yourself. Nobody can live up to that You know what?
That is that's not the gospel. Love your neighbor as yourself. That's God's law That everyone has fallen short in that area when
Jesus said love your neighbor First of all, he's quoting from the Old Testament. So people want to hold on to that phrase
It comes from the Old Testament scriptures. That's a summary of the Ten Commandments Love God, that's the first half of the
Ten Commandments. Love your neighbor as yourself. That's a summary of the second half. So Even that term love your neighbor as yourself if someone's presenting that as the gospel
That's a false gospel See how Satan can be very very cunning very very subtle Okay, you're in Ezekiel 28.
Let's look at verses 11 through 16 I want to give you a chance.
Do you have any questions on that? What I just said and please don't be afraid to ask questions
No, all right Ezekiel 28 11 through 16 moreover the word of the
Lord came to me saying Son of man take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre and they said to him thus says the
Lord God Here's another difference between Old and New Testament. The Son of Man in the
New Testament is who? Jesus Well here the Son of Man is Ezekiel.
So that's just another difference The chapter begins with the Lord addressing who? the king of Tyre so this was a large city sort of like a nation state or a city -state.
Excuse me So it's talking about the prince of Tyre and then it turns to address the king of Tyre So in one sense the
Prophet or God through the Prophet is addressing a man the king but then he's
Moves to it start to address the devil himself Why because human rulers what did they have a tendency of doing same thing the devil did to exalt themselves as God or to be above God so that's the transition from the king of Tyre who's exalted himself like the devil, so The Prophet can speak of this man, but he's actually speaking of the the spirit behind the man, which is
Satan All right, look at that verse continuing the
Lord says to him you are the seal of Perfection full of wisdom and perfect and beauty verse 13
You were in Eden the garden of God in every precious stone was your covering
Was the king of Tyre or the prince of Tyre the man in the Garden of Eden no
Who is in the guard who is he talking to he's talking about Satan obviously we're speaking to the devil so you are in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was your covering and Then he lists these gems
In verse 13 he says The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day
You were created now. I know this I know this kind of steps on people's toes a little bit
So, please don't be offended But there there is a different translation.
This doesn't say timbrels and pipes. What does it say? Okay Settings and mountings.
So again, this would be a difference between the King James version of the Bible You're not upset with me
Stacy, right? Okay, good. All right. Good. That's your choice. Okay Settings okay, so Jim's with you.
Okay, you got a deacon on your side Listen this my point is not to fight over Bible translations
But I'm gonna give you my understanding and if you want to disagree, that's up to you But you see a difference here, right?
settings and mountings in Timbrels and pipes one is talking about the settings for gemstones.
The other is talking about musical instruments These are not the same. Okay, so I Guess logically both translations could be wrong
But one thing I know for sure they both can't be right So, what is he saying here the idea that many theologians have
Believed that Lucifer originally was involved with music
One theologian described him that he was in charge of the heavenly choir
So if you think of praise and in worship happening in heaven Singing praises to God in heaven.
Originally. The idea is that Satan would have been the director of heavens
Heaven's choir how many of you have heard this before that the devil is closely associated with music
Yeah So It's no surprise then if that's true, and I believe it is it's no it's no surprise that The devil still uses music as a very effective tool
Doesn't he do that? The devil can use music in order to seduce people
Just an example of this. I remember I was on YouTube and I looked up come now found that's my favorite him
Come now found of many blessings and I typed it in come now found Congregational singing and it came up the
Mormon tabernacle choir Well, you know I listened to it and halfway through the thought in my mind
Something or someone placed the thought in my mind The singing was glorifying to God.
It was so beautiful and I had the thought how can these people not be Christians? I Know better than that But that's how music is able to seduce people not just teenagers and the stuff they listen to that's that's one area
That can lead people away from God Satan. I believe uses Music he uses all sorts of things to draw people away
Do you agree music has a powerful influence? over people very powerful
Now it's interesting just to go back to the difference of Bible translations most modern Bible translations
Probably the majority translate this Differently to where this at this verse has nothing to do with music timbrels and pipes
Versus mountings for the gemstones now. He does talk about gemstones So you could say well that kind of fits the context that would be mounting for the gemstones
Right Right and I think that's why they
Interpreted it that way because it seems to fit the context. However, if you look up the
Hebrew words The Hebrew word translated timbrel go ahead and check it out
It's almost always a reference to musical instruments almost always and the word that's translated
Pipes is only found once so you have nothing else to compare it to so at least
I take the position that Satan was involved with music originally or Lucifer was involved with music originally and he still uses music
To seduce people to this very day so we can agree to disagree.
We can still be friends, right? Yes, okay So just be aware
While music can be used to glorify God Music is also an effective tool used by the
God of this age so anyways If you are not convinced that this is talking about Lucifer or the devil instead of the
Prince of Tyre Now look at verse 14. He the Lord comes right out and says who he's addressing
He says you were the anointed cherub who cover so now he's saying you were an angel
I Established you you were on the holy mountain of God you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones
So this gives the idea that Lucifer originally was probably the highest ranking of all the angels in charge of Glorifying or guarding
God's throne the fiery stones probably going back to a reference of the gems in Exodus chapter 24 verse 10
It gives a vision of God and under his feet We're all these these gemstones in the book of Revelation John sees a vision of heaven and he sees an array of these
These colors he's shining colors like gems so Satan We believe
I believe he is the highest ranking angel in heaven or Lucifer You understand that I'm going back and forth with the terms, but he was the highest ranking angel in in heaven
Who's the highest ranking angel now Michael Michael is called the
Ark angel some people have the idea Because we want to dispel some of the myths some people have the idea that okay here's
God right and then below God is is Jesus and Jesus and Satan or Jesus and Lucifer are kind of like equals
Is that true I Remember there was a meme some of you know what a meme is
I was going around on Facebook and it was it was about like one of the elections back in 2020 I think and it had a picture of Satan and Jesus arm -wrestling it was it was really popular for a while We just think about that Jesus and Satan arm -wrestling as if they're equal and oh who's gonna win
That's not the way it is No, it's no contest One major religion
Who think that Michael and Jesus were brothers Right. Yeah Mormonism teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are equals in that sense now
They I think they would have to put Jesus ahead. He's the Savior they would say but yeah They say that they were brothers so that they started out on equal footing the
Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus is the Archangel Michael Well, here's the here's the big difference between Lucifer and Jesus not only are they not equals
Lucifer is a creature Lucifer was created by God Jesus is
God So one is a creature The other is a creator if you were to just read the first few verses of the
Gospel of John It's very clear that everything was created by the Son of God So don't ever make that mistake to think that Jesus and Lucifer are somehow
Equal they they are not the Bible says that Christ is the power and wisdom of God.
That's first Corinthians 1 24 Satan is a fallen creature headed for where It's right here
He's headed for the Lake of Fire so they have never been equals
They never they never will be a few other things to consider Satan is powerful
That's true. Satan is very powerful But God is all powerful
The Lord we say the Lord is omniscient. What does that mean?
He knows everything says that the Lord not only knows the end from the beginning Isaiah 46 verse 10 says the
Lord declares the end from the beginning is Satan omniscient
No, Satan does not know everything. There's no I mean he he's very knowledgeable But he does not have all knowledge.
He does not have all Power it was the Protestant reformer Martin Luther who said about?
The devil he said even the devil is God's devil if you read the book of Job Satan had to get permission before he did anything
Now this does raise a question. Why did God create the devil to begin with how many you've heard this?
Some of you have probably asked that question He didn't create. Okay It's true
God did not create the devil, but he did create Lucifer and he knew Lucifer was going to become the devil
So why did God create Lucifer to begin with? Who wants to who wants to answer that question?
Carolyn To give man a choice Okay, I think that's a
I think that's a common response Good good answer
Jen You can you can ask that question about any bad person.
Yeah Sure Okay Okay So yes,
God knew what was going to happen and he chose to create and do this
Anyways, and while we cannot call evil good It I believe it somehow
It was good that God did what he did. I Don't know why
I don't know how exactly maybe it's the contrary. Maybe it's about giving man a choice
Because if man doesn't have a choice to love God And he makes that then it's you know, if if God forces people to love him, it's not really love.
That's the argument So it's about giving man a choice Yeah, is it about the contrast light and darkness makes
God that much brighter, you know is about Giving more glory to God.
There's all sorts of different Answers here's the one thing we can never say God is not the author of sin
There's a lot of things. We don't understand just this whole spiritual realm and angels and demons and And the spiritual warfare and the fighting that go
I don't have any idea how that works or what's going on in that realm You just need to trust in God's Word because the devil
What what he does he's trying to get you to doubt God's Word or doubt God's goodness That's what you got to watch out for Kathy Yeah, the whole question of why
Yeah, it's kept theologians busy for 2 ,000 years and they still haven't Cracked the code.
All right, so God created Lucifer. He created him a perfect being look at verse 15
You're still in Ezekiel. You were perfect in your ways from the day You were created till iniquity was found in you by the abundance of your trading
You became filled with violence within and you sin therefore I cast you I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God and I destroyed you
Oh covering cherub from the midst of the Fiery stone so going back to the
Morse corner church statement of faith says we believe that Satan is a person the author of sin in the cause of the fall and he is the open and Declared enemy of God and man and he shall be punished eternally in the lake of fire
Okay, let's turn to Revelation chapter 20 We're talking about the names of Satan somebody brought this up that one of his names is
Beelzebub All right, you know Beelzebub means who knows what that means?
There's a there is a well -known book that was written called the Lord of The flies that's what
Beelzebub means This was a derogatory term used by the Jews to call
Satan. Oh, yeah his kingdom He's the Lord of the flies which basically means you know, what a fly is circle around He's the
Lord of the dung heap basically is what what that meant his kingdom is going to come to naught
Now he's also identified Many would identify Satan as the king of the bottomless pit
How many of you are familiar with Revelation chapter 9? the Hebrew word is a badden
The Greek term is a polygon So this is the king of the bottomless pit at some point the bottomless pit where some of the angels are chained in darkness
In the end of days the bottomless pit is open and they have a king over them who is a
Polygon and many identify that king as as Satan This is interesting.
Okay, this I'm just throwing this in as a bonus because I think it does prove a point
Some of you are gonna say wow, this is really far out. How many of you have heard of CERN? CERN or the
Large Hadron Collider. It's beneath the ground in Switzerland And a few of those countries, yeah, they study it's a science research
Center and there's it's a they're studying nuclear physics or nuclear research
You say what in the world does this have to do with with Satan? Okay, so he's called a polygon, which means what the destroyer
So another term for the devil is the destroyer Outside of CERN and this was in the news.
This is the only reason I bring it up. This was in mainstream news about 2009 somewhere around then
With the research they were doing at CERN. There was a lot of concern that Because it's a particle accelerator
The fear was that they might create a black hole that might destroy the earth again
This was in all mainstream media outlets. This is not a conspiracy theory so a black hole if Created on earth would destroy the earth
Do you know what they have outside of CERN? they have a statue of the
Hindu goddess Shiva Who is in Hinduism called what the destroyer
Outside of the United Nations this past year they erected a statue of a beast that had wings and it was basically the
Beast of Revelation a Perfect description of the Beast of Revelation now. I'm not trying to float some grand conspiracy.
I'm just saying that The the God of this age is active Okay, what does the
Bible say the whole world is under his sway in? Influence so people who are of the world
Do this kind of a thing? So again, that's just a bonus.
I just thought that was that was interesting I don't not saying there's anything really behind it there could be
I suppose Revelation chapter 13 this is relevant Revelation 13 talks about the
Beast and the false prophet Preached on this several times that the whole world follows after the
Beast So there is a one world government under the Beast and his man of sin the
Antichrist a one -world government one world religion all peoples will be forced to worship the
Beast and there will be a one world economy because Every man woman and child would be forced to take what?
The mark of the Beast otherwise, they cannot buy or sell one world government one world religion one world
Economy, I preached a sermon on that and on YouTube it got slapped with a conspiracy label
Yeah Well, you know, I'm just saying it's it's in Revelation 13. So I Did not come up with this.
All right Anyway, let's get back to the text. We just have a couple more minutes left
Where'd I tell you to turn Revelation 12 20 okay
Well, I'm gonna read from Revelation 12 Revelation 12 11. Oh What should we do about this?
Revelation 12 11 they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony
Don't get all worried and stirred up about what's happening in the world. Just know the world that's one kingdom
Christ kingdom is different You can overcome How by the blood of the
Lamb and by the word of your testimony? Okay now Revelation chapter 12 or excuse me 20 verse 10
This is the devil's fate says the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the
Beast and the false prophet are and They will be what? Tormented day and night forever and ever and one of the saddest things about hell
Hell was not created for man Jesus says in Matthew 25 that hell was created for the devil and his
Angels, but people who choose to follow Satan Will end up being with Satan in In hell
The other option is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ so in conclusion
We cannot be ignorant of Satan's devices We know how he first ensnared man to rebel against God by questioning
What? his word did
God really say Don't fall for that trick. All right, let's close
Heavenly Father we thank you that your word is true Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone
But by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God and we have this admonition from Scripture Therefore submit to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you.