Revelation 12:1-2 (The Woman)


Who is the Woman of Revelation 12? Is she Mary? Is she Israel? Is she the Church? Or is she something more extraordinary than what we might first imagine? Join us


Thank you for subscribing to the Shepherds Church podcast. This is our Lord's Day Sermon We pray that as we declare the
Word of God that you would be encouraged Strengthened in your faith and that you would catch a greater vision of who
Christ is May you be blessed in the hearing of God's Word and may the Lord be with you
Revelation 12 is a complicated passage for many reasons and And as we talked about last week
I think the main reason why it's such a complicated passage is because we mess up and we miss use and confuse the signs that are given we take the signs as though they were applied to our time and our day and our culture and our
Situation and when we do that when we rip the signs out of their place Well, then we
Get into all sorts of trouble The signs were given
For a particular people at a particular time For them and if we understand that rightly then we'll understand revelation 12 if we understand that wrongly
Then we'll do what we talked about last week and want to talk about this week on the broadcast which is is looking at uncle
Sam as if he's uncle Samuel from the Old Testament and us looking at the
Locusts as if they're Apache helicopters in our time if we take the time or the signs out of the times we will bring confusion into everything now
Today, I want to apply this teaching to specifically to Revelation 12 because in Revelation 12, we have an incredible scene of a woman who's
Pregnant who's ready to give birth we have a scene of a woman who is near it with child and she's in the throes of her labor and we have to understand who that is because The bad teaching on this passage has abounded for 2 ,000 years
Today I want to discuss six wrong views quickly of Who this woman is and then
I want to discuss who? She really is and all of her beauty and her glory and by the end of that I want us to figure out what that means for Christmas How does that apply to us today?
now With that let us read our passage in Revelation 12
Let us pray and let us begin Revelation 12 1 through 2 says this a
Great sign appeared in the heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of 12 stars and She was with child and she cried out being in labor and in pain to give birth.
This is the word of the Lord Let us pray Lord help us today as we try to understand and consider who this
Revelation 12 woman is Lord our understanding of Christmas will be deepened and enriched by understanding who she is, but also
Our understanding of Christmas will be depleted and diminished if we do not understand who this woman is
Lord help us to see the truth in This passage help us to feel it to enjoy it to praise
God for it. It's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen the first wrong view of who this woman is is this woman is
Israel national Israel and The reason that this view is wrong, even though it has lots of biblical support
Why because the Old Testament refers to Israel as a woman. There's other passages in my notes that are not here
There's other passages like Micah and Isaiah that talk about Israel is being pregnant
So here you have two Old Testament signs that are pointing to Revelation 12 you could say all this must be
Israel and The Messiah is born out of this woman so you could think okay, maybe this is
Israel But the reason that this view is wrong, or I would say the reason this view is limited
Is that it doesn't go far enough. This can't be national Israel for one very explicit and powerful reason
Because national Israel was destroyed in 722 BC by the Assyrian Empire the
Assyrian Empire came in and Totally destroyed the ten northern tribes
Israel by the time of Jesus's day was ten tribes that were totally decimated in the revolt or in the in the siege of Samaria by the
Assyrians what the Assyrians did was they took the Israelites and they broke families apart.
They would move father. Let's put it into our context They would move father to California to that pagan land and then they would move mother to Massachusetts that pagan land
So they would separate families so that families would have to be remarried children wouldn't have parents and by the end of it what you
Had is you had Israel ethnically genocided They intermarried in with the people.
So the only legacy that we have of national Israel the ten tribes is The Samaritans in the
New Testament who are the half -breeded Israelites and Gentiles and if you'll remember the
Jews hated the Samaritans, so how could Israel? Which national
Israel is the ten northern tribes? How could she be the one that gives birth to the Messiah? That's a huge glaring point
About all of this also national Israel died in her idolatry. You remember that for most of Israel's life
She was bowing the knee to Baal or she was bowing the knee to Asherah. She was bowing the knee to Moloch This is not the picture of a celestial woman
Who's ready to give birth to the Messiah? This is a woman in Revelation 12 that that's an exalted woman
This is a woman who's been pure this woman who's beautiful This is a woman who loves God who's getting ready to give them forth the
Messiah. How could this be Israel? She was destroyed in 700 years before Jesus was born and she died in utter
Idolatry not in an elevated heavenly posture. So that's the first view that she's
Israel. I don't think that that's right The second view is that she is the church
Now the first century that were the third century. There's there's lots of people like Hippolytus and Victorinus look at my memory
Victorinus I remember his name because I was like one letter difference and his name would be victorious and that's pretty epic
Victorinus Maybe we'll name a child that if we have more anyway He thought that this was the church because he said that the church is always bringing forth the birth of Christ always declaring the birth of Christ to the nations and it is the church if you remember in Revelation 12 and the later parts who's persecuted the woman is persecuted
So he said this must be the church and I would say that this is the most prominent view in the third fourth century of who this woman is but it does not go far enough because Logically think about it this way if this was the church
How could the church? Give birth to her Messiah Right how a child can't give birth to its mother
So the church can't give birth to its Messiah because the church doesn't even exist Until Jesus dies on the cross and raises from the dead
So this view is on its own the surface. It's flawed the third view of the three reasonable views that I'll give you is the least reasonable and It's that this woman in Revelation 12 is
Mary Roman Catholics see this woman as Mary and this became a part of Marian devotion in the
Middle Ages this view does not show up in the first second third fourth all the way to the 10th century this view does not show up and The view of Mary starts being elevated to where Mary is this
Elevated heavenly woman who we pray to and we do all of this. Mary is our maitre d not your fancy waiter
It means in Latin the mother of God She's the Queen of Heaven according to Catholic theology.
She is this high and exalted woman and As veneration for her increased so did this passage
Revelation 12 being pointed to by Popes and Catholic scholars as proof that this woman was
Mary Now there's many reasons and we could go through the history of this because this view is well supported in the
Catholic Church They love this passage There's many reasons why we could do that But I think just to suffice it to say this is a false view
For a couple different reasons number one The woman in this passage is not a person the woman in this passage is a collective.
She's a corporate She is not an individual. She is a nation. She is a people She is a corporate group, which is why the
Bible talks about her with heavenly language did you know that there is nowhere in the Bible where an individual human person is compared to constellations
Astrological phenomenon and all of that. It's always nations nations are described in this way or Satan But we're not talking about him
Nations are described in this way. For instance Isaiah 54 1 through 6 and Micah 4 10 talk about the nation of Israel being being pregnant with the
Messiah to Zion is going to be the one who brings forth the Messiah and it talks about this in astrological language
Or astronomical, excuse me. This woman is
A corporate symbol Isaiah Ezekiel and Joel talk about sun moon and stars going dark.
Why not at the end of the world? Isaiah 13 talks about Babylon and its downfall.
The Sun will go dark. The moon will not give its light The stars will fall from the sky When Tyre and Sidon are destroyed in Ezekiel sun moon and stars go dark
Strange things happen in the heavens when nations fall in the Old Testament and in Joel chapter 2 a passage about the downfall of Judah Which happened shortly after the
Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost Joel to prophesy go read it. It's amazing After the
Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost Judah will be destroyed Do you know what happens the Sun goes dark the moon doesn't give its light and the stars fall from the sky
This is not end -of -the -world language in the Bible This is the downfall of nation language because think about it this way in the ancient way of viewing things
It was there's two groups of things two groups of creatures or created things that are given the responsibility to rule do you know what it is in Genesis 1 human beings were told to rule and it was the
Sun the moon and the stars that were told to rule to rule over the heavens and Humans were to rule over the earth
So when the rulers of earth start turning their back on God the rulers in the heavens turn their back on them
That's what that means when you see the Sun going dark in the moon and all of those It doesn't mean that the
Sun falls out of the sky because if that were the case The universe would have been totally ripped apart six different times in the
Old Testament because the Sun goes dark The moon doesn't give us light and all the stars fall from the sky about six times in the
Old Testament These are not end -of -the -world Phenomenon this is nations are falling nations are dying nations are being judged by God And what
I mean the reason I say that Mary can't be the woman Because no woman no human is talked about with such
Astronomical phenomenon it has to be a nation that's being talked about Another reason that this is not
Mary is that Mary does not adopt in history a wilderness lifestyle After in Revelation 12, it says after the ascension of the of the child
He ascends to heaven that the woman goes out into the wilderness. Mary did not do that Mary did not become a monastic or an aesthetic and move out into the wilderness to live out her days on locust and honey
This is not what happened in history Mary is not the candidate and while the
Romanist and the papist adopt this view it fails to account for Scripture So it's a false view Now there's those are the three reasonable use that this woman is
Israel This woman is the church and this woman is Mary all three are wrong The first two are pretty good.
The last one is not so good. The next three are really bad This is the view of the heretics and I only picked three because if you study church history
There is a lot of heresy that we could sort through There's a dumpster and I pulled out three pieces out of it
The first one is Joanna Southcott Joanna Southcott was a self -proclaimed prophetess in the 18th century and she claimed that God told her that She was the woman of Revelation 12 and that she was going to get pregnant with a son
She announced this great vision from God when she was 60 years old About 10 years later when she died childless
All of her followers had to basically say well, it was a spiritual birth The next wrong view is by Ann Lee.
Do you know who Ann Lee is? She's the founder of a group called the Shakers The Shakers were a group that were the opposite of Gnostics or no, no, actually they were hyper
Gnostics, excuse me She believed she also was the Revelation 12 woman, but instead of being pregnant she said no
That's not what this passage means I'm the Revelation 12 woman and I'm here to declare to you that no one should ever get pregnant again
So they forbid sex they forbid marriage they forbid any of that because they thought that the flesh was evil and that the mind and the spirit was good and Thankfully such a view doesn't do well in history because they fail to reproduce
So there's varying there's probably very few Shakers left on earth The third wrong view is by a man named
David Berg The children of God sect. This is more recent. You may have heard of it.
Have you heard of Joaquin Phoenix the actor? There's another lady who was in this too.
Their parents brought them up into this sect Terrible awful cult where the man who was over it said that he was
He was the messianic figure and that his church was the woman and Because of that he did awful despicable things
He prostituted the females and his group with hundreds if not thousands of men as a way of evangelizing
To try to get people into this revelation cult that they had. He used his authority for abuse in despicable ways and There's some people that think that River Phoenix From the trauma that he suffered through this cult one of the reasons why he ended his life so getting revelation wrong
Badly wrong is a big deal Now we've looked at the six wrong views that I want to show you there's a lot more
But those are the six that I want to show you that the woman is Israel The woman is the church. The woman is Mary and then these three heretical views now
I want us to look at the identity of who the woman actually is. Who is she? Because we need to understand that if we want to understand
Christmas What I'm gonna argue is that the woman is not national Israel and she's not national
Judah She's spiritual Israel. She's true Israel. She's the Israel of God. That's what I'm gonna argue
I'm gonna argue that she's not the blood Descendants of the Jews or of the
Israelites She is the past present and future people of God who are bought and paid for by Jesus Christ She's a people not limited by time space or geographic boundaries
She is the Old Testament elect the New Testament elect both Jew and Gentile male and female slave and free this woman is the
Israel of God Now in order to get to that point We actually have to do some work
Because what I want to show you is that she's she's got sort of a trifold nature to her.
She's prototypical Israel Which means she's like quintessential Israel, which
I sorry I had to find another word with a larger word She's she's like pure Israel She's prophetic
Judah and she's also the persecuted Church. She's all three of these things now, let me show you this
She's prototypical Israel. She is the Israel that was supposed to be Israel from the very beginning
Revelation 12 says it this way a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the
Sun and with the moon Under her feet and and her head a crown of 12 stars
Now we are not going to be able to exhaust the meaning of this passage by no means whatsoever
I spent lots of hours cutting things out of the sermon We are not going to be able to get an exhaustive treatment
But I want to identify the signs because I want to teach you how I came to this conclusion in Revelation I want this to be somewhat teaching also as it's preaching
Okay When you look at this passage, you see a woman you also see
Sun Moon and stars. Where do we see Sun Moon and stars? Well, we can look at astrological things or we can look at the
Bible because the source material for the signs that these That's in Revelation is the
Old Testament So, where do we see the Sun the moon and the stars together in one place?
Well, I think one of the most prominent places that we see this is in Genesis 37
Genesis 37 says this if you remember this is Joseph just had a dream and The dream made his family really frustrated to say the least here's the passage
Now he had still another dream and he related it to his brothers and said no
I have had still another dream and behold the Sun and the moon and 11 stars were bowing down to me and He related it to his father and his brothers and his father rebuked him and said what is this dream that you've had?
Shall I and your mother and your brothers actually come to bow ourselves down before you to the ground
It's at this point that Jacob was questioning his parenting style He's like I've given him a coat of many colors
I got him candy every time we went to the gas station and now he thinks that we're all gonna worship him
But Jacob in this passage tells us what he thinks this means He he does the work for us on what this dream actually means he interprets this he says that the meaning of the dream is that Joseph is gonna rise up and that Jacob Leah and his and his other wives and the twelve sons are all gonna bow down and worship
Joseph He tells us the interpretation of the dream and this is exactly what happens in history
The Sun representative of Jacob the moon representative of Leah the 11 stars representative of the 11 brothers
What happened in the following chapters of Genesis? Well, the brothers got angry that he said that they were gonna bow down and worship him
This is like a great Greek tragedy play where it all turns in this incredible way in the end so they get angry at Joseph and then they throw him into a pit whenever their father sends him to go find them and give them a message and Then they take his coat of many colors and they coat it in blood and they say to the father
We don't know what's happened. Is this your son's coat and The father assumes that Joseph is dead but Joseph wasn't dead because his brother sold him into slavery to a
Traveling caravan of Midianites who the Bible says just so happened to be coming while they were debating on what to do with him
There is no just so happens by the way in the providence of God So he sells him into slavery
Joseph ends up in a man's house named Potiphar who becomes his master and Joseph becomes the most trusted slave and then his wife
Lies about him and gets him thrown into prison and he sits in prison and he sits in prison and he sits in prison
And he becomes the most trusted prisoner and the favor of the Lord. It says was upon him and what happened two men come down into prison they have dreams and Joseph by the
Lord by the Lord's providence and grace interprets the dreams and He tells them when you're restored by Pharaoh.
He tells this to the one who was going to be restored Remember me and tell him that I was the one that interpreted the dream and guess what happened?
The chief baker and the cupbearer got out of prison and they forgot
Joseph and left him in prison For years and years and years until one day Pharaoh has a dream himself and the cupbearer says, oh,
I Know someone who can interpret really hard dreams And they call for Joseph.
I don't know how long he was in prison, but it was a long time They call for Joseph. He's probably stunk so bad the scripture says that they made him shave and take a bath before he went into the presence of Pharaoh and He goes into the presence of Pharaoh and he tells him the dream and what happens
Pharaoh elevates him to the second position and all the kingdom a great famine happens and Israel Jacob all his wives and the eleven brothers come and bow down to Joseph So the dream actually was true, but the dream refers to Israel It refers to Jacob and all of his children
That is Israel if you remember Israel was founded when Jacob wrestled with God and his name was changed to Israel Israel never meant bloodline
Israel meant those who wrestle with God those who belong to God through covenant standing with God So you have here this woman is prototypical
Israel sun moon and stars same thing that shows up in Joseph's vision She is true
Israel She's the true Israel that wrestles with God, which means that she is the
Old Testament believers Not the Israel who turned their back on God in the wilderness and who died there in that whole generation
Not the ones who the earth swallowed up and consumed them. This is the Israel that wasn't just circumcised of the flesh
This was the Israel that was circumcised of the heart. This is the true Believers in God throughout
Israel's history. That's who this woman is She's not typical Israel that bows down and worships
Baal She's Prototypical Israel, she's pure Israel. She's the
Israel that Israel was always supposed to be Revelation 12 says that she has the sun moon and stars motif and it tells us that she is
Israel But because of her glorified state, she's faithful Israel That's the first thing but the second thing is that can't account for everything because she's also prophetic
Judah It says in the passage and on her head was a crown of 12 stars
If you remember in Joseph's dream, there's only 11 stars so now there's 12 what is going on Well, you remember when
Judah or when Jacob goes to bless his sons. He divides Joseph into two tribes and He sets apart
Judah as the ruling tribe so that the ruling tribe has the crown and then there's 12
Brothers who were underneath him and subservient to him We look at Genesis 49 8 through 10 to see this aspect of the passage
At the end of his life Jacob looks at his son Judah and he says this Judah your brother shall praise you
Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies your father's sons shall bow down to you
Judah is a lion's welt from the prey my son you have gone up He crouches he lies down as a lion and as a lion who dares to rouse him up and this is really important the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor the ruler staff from between his feet until Shiloh comes and To him shall be the obedience of the peoples in this moment
Jacob is putting the crown on top of Judah's head. He's saying you are the ruling tribe You're the one who's in charge of the people of Israel.
You're the one who's gonna rule with an iron fist You're the one who's gonna make the nation's obey you. You're the one who the ruler staff is not going to depart from you until Until what?
the Shiloh comes So the rule of Judah as the ruling tribe has an expiration date and The expiration date is the coming of Jesus Christ You will rule the scepter will not depart from your feet until the
Shiloh comes and this is exactly what happened in Israel Judah became the ruling tribe when
Moses designates the positions that the tribes are gonna be in in relationship to the
Ark of the Covenant Judah was the ruling tribe Judah was the tribe from where the Kings come from if you remember
Judah is where David came from Because Judah is the ruling tribe of Israel. It's where the
Kings come from So in this sense, this woman is both Israel But she's also true
Judah She's the one who is going to lead. She's the one who's going to rule. She's the one who has the crown on top of her head
There's another proof that this woman is Judah. The first is that She actually survives to give birth to the
Messiah Judah doesn't get destroyed And the Old Testament you remember that Israel was destroyed as we talked about earlier the ten tribes
But Judah wasn't Judah in the prophets It says that she was worse in her idolatry at times than her older sister
Israel and yet God did not destroy her. Why? Because the scepter shall not depart from Judah until the one to whom it belongs comes
God was protecting Judah Keeping Judah not because she was faithful But because she had a purpose and her purpose
Was to bring forth the birth of Jesus Christ and she would not be put down Until she accomplished that very purpose
Micah 4 9 tells us this tells it this way Now, why do you cry loudly?
Is there no King among you or has your counselor perished?
Let me just stop right there for a second in 586 BC Judah was destroyed by Babylon.
Her king had his eyes poked out Their nation was led in chains to Babylon and for the next 586 years until the birth of Christ.
She had no king. No no legitimate King at least She was ruled by Babylon Then she was ruled by Persia Then she was ruled by Greece Then she was ruled by the
Seleucids Then she was ruled by Rome and then Rome installed a fake Edomite King over her named
Herod. She never had a king again even though God promised that the scepter will not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes
For 586 years People were wondering what has happened. Where is the scepter?
It was Christ who came to reinvigorate it It says why do you cry out loudly? Is there no King among you or has your counselor perished that agony has gripped you like a woman in childbirth?
Writhe and labor to give birth daughter of Zion like a woman in childbirth for now
You go out of the city dwell in the field and go to Babylon there You will be rescued there. The Lord will redeem you from the hand of your enemies.
Do you see what this is saying? this is an important passage for understanding Revelation 12 here you have a a
Woman who's representative of Judah? She's crying out in her travails. She's crying out in her labor pains and She's being promised deliverance.
What does Revelation 12 say the woman in Revelation 12 cried out in labor?
waiting for the Savior to come this woman is a representative of prototypical
Israel at the time of of Jacob and his and his offspring, but she's also Representative of Judah who from the exile all the way into the birth of Christ was in great labor pain
Waiting for her Messiah to come because she had no King She's true
Israel She's true Judah, and she's also the persecuted
Church Revelation 12 Takes a really surprising turn
Right after we get past the birth of Christ and his ascension to heaven. This is what it says in verse 5 through 6 and also verses 13 through 17 and She gave birth to a son a male child.
That's Jesus Who will rule all the nations how many? Just making sure we know that who rule all the nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God That's the ascension and to his throne.
That's his reign Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God So that there she would be nourished for 1260 days and when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth
He persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place
Where she was nourished for a time and a times and a half a time From the presence of the serpent and The serpent poured out water like a river out of his mouth after the woman so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood but the earth
Helped the woman and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth so that the dragon was enraged with the woman and Went off to make war with the rest of her children who keep the commandments of God and who hold the testimonies of Jesus This woman in Revelation 12 is true
Israel Who believed in God and who would be saved when Christ came? She's true
Judah who wailed and waited for the Messiah to come and to be born in Bethlehem of Judah She's also the persecuted church
Who fled to the wilderness as soon as Jesus ascended into heaven and was persecuted by the
Jews Day and night What Paul did to Stephen was what many
Jews were doing to many Christians all throughout the first 40 years of the church She was persecuted.
She was murdered. She was delivered up into their synagogues. She was falsely accused. She was beaten. She was whipped
She was martyred And you may be asking how is it that the Jews?
Did this when you said that this woman is true Judah? It's because the
Jews that persecuted Christians were not true Judah they were false Judah They're the
Judah in Revelation 17 who's drunk with the blood of the Saints They're the Judah in Revelation 18 who as a harlot is destroyed
The true Israel of God that includes Israel Judah in the church is this woman?
Who fled into the wilderness? Who was rescued by God time and time again just as this woman was rescued in the wilderness
She is the spiritual true people of God past present and future So what we have here is this woman represents the elect of God Those who were saved in the
Old Testament. Did you know that that people were saved in the Old Testament? How were they saved they were saved by Christ in the same way that we were
They looked forward to the coming of Christ we look back to the coming of Christ, but we're all looking at Christ This woman is the elect of God past present and future
But here's what's so interesting about this woman Judah and Israel were separated in the
Old Testament and when you get to the New Testament the church and Judah are separated as well
So what I want you to see here is that this woman is all three of these things because of one very important reason
She's come to unite the people of God who were fractured She's coming to bring Israel Judah and the church together
Jesus came to make one people of God out of all the people of God to unify them to bring them together
He was born into this Eschatological woman the people of God so that he could save the people of God so that he could unite the people of God so that He could weave them together as one people
Jew and Greek male and female slave and free one people one Lord one faith One baptism, this is why
Jesus was born. This is what Christmas is about Christmas is not about stables and cattle mowing.
That's great It's not about tinsel and shiny paper and all of that It's not about Christmas trees and lights
Christmas is about the reunification of the people of God through the Messiah He came to bring
Old Testament believers and New Testament believers together with his blood Not if that makes sense
Social pressure is real she is the tree that Israel and the
Gentiles were both grafted into Ephesians 2 14 through 16 says for he himself is our peace who made both groups into one and Broke down the barrier of the dividing wall by abolishing in his flesh the enmity which is the law of commandments
Contained in ordinances so that in himself he might make the two into one new man The Old Covenant people the
New Covenant people into one Thus establishing peace and he might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross
Ephesians 2 14 through 16 says quite easily what Revelation 12 says quite
Densely with image Galatians 3 28 through 29 talks about this as well.
There's neither Jew nor Greek There's neither slave nor free male nor female for all are one in Christ Jesus and if you belong to Christ and you are
Abraham's descendant heirs according to the promise Did you know that you're Israelites?
Did you know that if you have faith you're children of Abraham Did you know that you are more authentically
Israel than the secular demet democratic nation that is in the Middle East? You are the people of God you are
Israel and you're that because the Messiah came born at just the right time to Reunify the
Old Testament people in the New Testament people into one people for his purposes Romans 9 6 through 8 says it like this for they are not all
Israel who are descended from Israel nor they are all children Because they are Abraham descendants, but through Isaac your descendants will be named
That is not the children of the flesh who who are the children of God But the children of the promise you my friends are children of the promise.
You are not children of the flesh descended from Israel There's probably no one here who's over 50 %
Jewish and yet all of us are true Israel because of Christ This is why
Paul can conclude by saying in Galatians 6 16 and those who walk by this rule peace and mercy be upon them and upon the
Israel of God this woman is the
Israel of God that Jesus was born into and So that he could die for her
So that he could reunite her fractured state So that he can make one people out of her true
Israel true Judah and the church one people of God From now and forevermore and I want to end with this
Unity is not normally a Christian Message so much as light and joy and presence and gifts and all of that But how could we not talk about unity when
Christ entire purpose was to reunify that which was fractured? What I see happening in the
Christian world today Really breaks my heart to be honest with you Jesus Christ left heaven to be born in stables to eat or to lie in a feeding trough for pigs the king of heaven came to be treated as a pauper so that he could bring unity to his people and what
I see is So much hellish disunity that it makes my heart sick
Just go on Twitter for five minutes Lately, and you'll watch people who call themselves reformed and mature acting like fools
You look at the state of how charismatics talk about Cessationist you look at how the reformed talk about Arminian you look about how we make jokes about the
Catholics, whatever What I see and and there is value and not uniting an error
I get that But there's also value in recognizing that Jesus Christ came to bring unity
That he came to weave together the people of God into an unbreakable
Union that he says in his high priestly prayer that he will perfect in unity
So what I would say is to the church at large anybody in this room or anybody who's listening stop the brother wars
Stop the fighting stop the disunity it dishonors Christ He came for unity not for division
Jesus did not come to enable church splits. He did not come to Enable backbiting.
He did not come to enable gossip. He did not come to bring disunity in his church He did not bring or come to bring controversies alive
He did not come for us to live in our childish and silly and useless divisions that I have seen all throughout my
Ministry, I've been in ministry long enough to weep one of the most discouraging things
That I've seen in the five years of this church Is how easily people will divide?
Over things that don't need to be divided over I've had someone tell me that I can't go to Shepherd's Church because I don't like the music
Because I don't like the guitar because I don't like singing the Psalms Is that really a
Reason for us to look at Jesus and say yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know you came to bring unity
But you didn't you didn't come to bring it that far. I mean a guitar People have told me that children are too distracting
We had at least 10 people leave this church because children We decided children were supposed to be in church with their parents because that's what the
Bible says The most controversial decision this church ever made was that Ten people left this church not because we were preaching heresy, but because we love our kids so much
We want them to hear the Word of God We had families leave because this church has a
Bible study at a cigar lounge because we can't possibly praise the Lord there That people leave the church because we don't offer grape juice and we only offer wine
We've had people leave this church because they disagree with a narrow interpretation on a small doctrine
That's not even consequential. We've had people leave the church because they don't like our biblical position on this or that We have every week 60 to 70 souls that come and worship with us
Do you know there's been over a hundred people who've left the church for silly and stupid reasons and I'm not saying this is a tirade
I'm saying this stand before your King and justify yourself. Did you leave the church for biblical reasons?
Did you leave the church that Jesus came to unify? For godly holy reasons or did you leave because your preferences did not get met?
we're a consumeristic culture that that Idolizes and deifies our preferences because if I don't like the subscription service
I'll get another one and we treat church like Amazon and Netflix May God Almighty bring unity back to his church and may he bring repentance in this area my job and Pray for me and this is
Ron asked earlier my job is to preach what the word says not what people want to hear and my prayer is that the church would be unified as Christ intended it to be and That our unity would be a symbol to the unlooking world of the reality of how good and how glorious he is
That's the message of Christmas Let us pray Lord Jesus we thank you
That you came to bring unity that you came to bring peace You came to tear down the dividing wall you came to bring your people into the kind of relationship that the world would envy
Lord, I pray that we would be leaders in unity Lord, I pray that we would be like iron sharpening iron that we would
Encourage one another and help one another and help each other grow deeper in doctrines that we would have civil and godly discussions about Doctrine Lord that dispensationals would talk to post -millennials and they would understand the right view eschatology like this.
That's good But Lord, let us not be the kind of people who just because we disagree with something can't worship together because that's not the church
You died to make Let us have robust conversations about doctrine, but at the end of the day, let us lock arms and worship