Christian Lifestyle Blogger On ‘The Divine Feminine’!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. In today's video, we're going to review a clip of Jen Hatmaker, a
Christian lifestyle blogger who became well -known after writing the New York Times best -selling book,
For the Love. A few years ago, she became LGBT -affirming, and was rightly criticized for that in the evangelical community.
In the video you're about to see, Jen Hatmaker talks about exploring the ideas of the divine feminine.
This is the mystical concept that God is not actually exclusively masculine, but is more complexed and nuanced and, well, feminine.
Watch this video. Most of us have heard the phrase, at some point, God is a woman, right? Maybe from Ariana Grande, or maybe you've come across thoughts and theology from others who have really mused about our
Creator using a wider lens, like scholars and theologians who have spent years and centuries, of course, looking into this idea of a feminine divine.
And so, as you can imagine, that creates quite a swirl in the evangelical
Western Christian community. So that's the first clip I wanted to show you, and unfortunately there will be many more, and they're all terrible.
Sorry for the spoiler. In any case, the first thing she says here is that we've all apparently heard, at some point, the idea that God is a woman.
And the only scholar she can actually offer the name of is Ariana Grande, Ph .D. For those of you who don't know,
Ariana Grande is a secular music artist who came out with the blasphemous song entitled,
God is a Woman. To follow this up, Jen says that this divine feminine idea causes, quote, quite a swirl in the
Western evangelical community. My response to that would be, yes. It causes a problem in the
Christian community, because the idea is patently anti -Christian. It causes quite a swirl among those who believe in God's Word, because it is an idea that directly contradicts
God's Word. It has absolutely nothing to do with being a Western Christian at all.
It has everything to do with simply being a Christian. Let me offer a short argument against this nonsense with regards to the divine feminine.
To begin, we must acknowledge that the Bible is breathed out by God himself, 2 Timothy 3 .16, and that every word of the
Lord proves true, Psalm 18 .30. When Jesus himself was tempted by Satan in the wilderness in Matthew chapter 4, he quotes the
Scriptures, the Word of God, as being authoritative. In fact, in Matthew 4 .4,
Jesus plainly says, quote, " shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God," end quote.
So we must start out this conversation by acknowledging wholeheartedly that God's Word is ultimately true and perfect because God himself is the source of it.
He breathed it out. Now let us consider how God's Word describes him, specifically with regards to masculinity.
Just a disclaimer, there is absolutely no way that you can believe that the Bible is true and perfect and the
Word of God and also at the very same time believe that God is not masculine. There is not one verse, not one passage, not one word in all of sacred
Scripture that uses a feminine pronoun with reference to God. Not even one time.
Every time he is called he or him, never she or her, God is masculine.
Jesus refers to God as God the Father about 170 times in the Gospel accounts alone.
Notice that's God the Father, not God the Mother. God the Father is masculine. When Jesus came to earth, he came as a man, and he was called the
Son, not the daughter of God. God the Son is masculine. When Jesus talks about the
Holy Spirit in John 14 .16, Jesus says, quote, "...but the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the
Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things." End quote. Notice the passage says he, not she.
God, the Holy Spirit, is masculine too. In the New Testament epistles alone, that's Acts to Revelation, the
Greek word theos, a masculine noun, refers directly to God himself about 900 times.
So again, I will say it clearly, directly, and without hesitation, there is absolutely no way that you can believe the
Word of God, that it is true, that it is perfect, and also at the same time say that God is feminine.
To say that is unbiblical, blasphemous, and a lie about God himself. But Jen is going to offer us her argument in the next clip, and it's really weird.
Watch this. And not just that, I mean even others, since most religions have had a very strong patriarchal bit since the beginning of time.
They've been crafted and held together and governed by men. And so those in power tend to shape their deities as they want to see them, which looks a lot like them, right?
So here Jen says that she will definitely acknowledge that the Bible and other non -Christian religious writings have a quote, patriarchal bent to them, whatever that means.
She says that the reason God is referred to as masculine in these religions then is because they were, quote, crafted by men.
And these men wanted God to be manly and masculine, like them. Jen calls herself a
Christian influencer. But this is not Christian teaching at all, it's not even Christian influencing.
In fact, it's wrong on every account, both biblically and historically. So biblically, was the
Bible crafted by men? Nope. The Bible explicitly says, as I've mentioned earlier, that the scriptures were breathed out by God himself.
If you believe that the Bible is true, then you cannot say it was crafted by men, because the Bible clearly says that it was crafted by God himself.
This is basic Christian doctrine, folks. So Jen has two options, really we all have these two options.
She can actually believe the Bible is God's Word and dispense with this secular nonsense, or she can believe the secular nonsense and dispense with the
Bible as God's Word. Those are her only two options. These statements contradict each other. Biblically speaking,
God presents himself as clearly masculine by inspiring scripture to say that. It says exactly what he wants it to say, because he inspired it.
The Bible is God's own divine revelation, it's him revealing himself. The view that Jen has here is the polar opposite of that.
She's presenting the Bible, the Word of God, as if it was crafted by men as a tool to oppress women.
That idea comes from secular critical theory and modern psychology, and it is antithetical to everything
Jesus taught about the purpose of God's Word. Christ even says in John 10 .35, quote, and the scripture cannot be broken, end quote.
Christ also constantly rebuked the Pharisees for rejecting the Word of God for the sake of their traditions.
Jesus calls the Bible the Word of God. After all, he inspired it. He is God in the flesh.
Jen, on the other hand, says she is a follower of this very same Jesus, and that's why all of this is so dangerous.
Because Jesus calls the scriptures the Word of God, which exists for perfect and holy reasons,
Jen, on the other hand, calls the scriptures the Word of men, by which they accomplish their sinful purposes.
Jen does not follow the teaching of Christ. Every word you've heard her say is dishonoring to Christ, and that's the biblical truth.
Now, how about the historical truth? Jen says that these patriarchal societies have made God into man because they were led by men.
Really? If that's the case, then how do you explain the fact that there were Greek gods who were women? An ancient, pagan religion made by patriarchal men had female deities.
That is a historical fact. So to create this monolithic category of patriarchal religions, as if this is all an idea of people generally, it's all coming from the mind of men, and then to attach the
Bible to this category of men is unbiblical, ahistorical, and just plain foolish.
But let's hear the next clip, where Jen gives us her more underlying worldview. Watch this.
But I wonder, like, what if there's mystery? What if there's more mystery here than we've been taught, than we've been allowed to consider?
What if God isn't something or someone we can personify to fit our view of him?
Like, what if one of the main things that the Bible tells us about God, that he is love, like that center part, doesn't actually look like anything we can paint to suit our view, but really can only be defined in that he is representative of all the people that he created, just as love is for all, right?
Look at the logic here, or really, lack thereof. It always comes back to the same thing.
Where have I heard this before? The reason I'm spreading this unbiblical nonsense and heresy and denying the Word of God is because God is love.
That's all. It's honestly so predictable at this point. Every popular modern heresy is coming in the name of God's love.
Just look at Christian TikTok. We need to be aware of this, guys. Also, this new thing is becoming more and more popular in the
Christian content -creating community of podcasters and YouTubers and such. It used to be that people wanted to know more than others.
They wanted to study and learn and understand as much truth as they could. If anything, at worst, they could be accused of trying to be know -it -alls in their search for truth.
But as our society has declined and devolved, we can now see clips like the one you just watched, where people seem to be having a much different competition.
In this new competition, it's a race to the end to see who has the least knowledge, to see who is the most clueless.
Jen Hatmaker and the other Christian mystics will ask these weird and vague questions, usually without answers.
They'll say things like, what if God can't be put into a box? What if we can't define any of this stuff?
What if it's all totally different, totally mysterious? In response to all of this, I just want to say, what if God actually revealed himself in his word clearly?
Because that's exactly what he did. You can read it and see that God is masculine. There's no mystery here at all.
It does it like hundreds of times. But since being clueless has basically become an intellectual trend now, the
Christian mystics like Jen Hatmaker, they want to make everything nuanced, complex, completely unable to be understood in any intelligible way.
When in reality, all of this is some of the most basic Christian doctrine there is.
They are intentionally burying their heads in the theological sand and pretending they don't know anything, because frankly, telling the biblical truth is no longer popular.
It's easy to be clueless. They want to be cool Christian hippies, and that means no truth and all love.
But don't take spiritual advice from people who can't answer simple spiritual questions. In any case, here was basically
Jen Hatmaker's reasoning. God is a God who loves all people. All people includes both men and women.
Therefore, we shouldn't call God masculine and put so much emphasis on that, because God is representative of both male and female.
This is some of the most confusing mental gymnastics I've ever seen. She's basically suggesting that God's love overrides his masculinity.
But let's go back to Sunday school and read John 3 .16. Maybe you've heard of it. For God so loved the world, there's
God's love, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
So there it is. God so loved the world. That's true. But it is immediately followed up by the words
He, His, Son, and Him. That's four different masculine words with reference to God in John 3 .16
alone. This verse talks about God being loving and loving the whole world, even, which includes men and women.
That's true. Yet it unashamedly calls God masculine in four different ways at the very same time in the very same passage.
So to suggest that there's some kind of tension, some sort of disagreement between God being masculine on the one hand and Him loving the whole world on the other, it's absurd.
It's as unbiblical as it gets. But pay attention, because there's another problem here when
Jen says that God cannot be exclusively masculine because He's meant to reflect all of the people
He created. The problem, the central problem, is that this is completely backwards. In Genesis 1 .27,
it is said, So God created man in His own image. In the image of God, He created him.
Male and female, He created them. In this passage, we clearly see men and women were created in God's image.
This is the actual account of that happening. Yet the words His and He are used to refer to God in that very same passage.
Again, there is absolutely no biblical tension whatsoever between men and women being made in God's image and God being referred to as masculine.
The only tension that exists here is being completely made up and fabricated and manufactured by Jen Hatmaker, because, respectfully, she has no idea what she's talking about.
You see, in Jen's view, effectively, God must be remade into the image of all people He created.
In the Bible's view, all the people He created from the beginning were made in His image. Man reflects
God. God does not reflect man. Jen has it completely backwards. So do the rest of the
Christian hippie crowd. This is the height of man -centered theology, and it's infesting our culture right now.
It's even drifting into the church in many areas. Jen's worldview is a lot of things, but it's not
Christian. Her ideas are serving a lot of people, but they're not serving the God of the Bible. They're serving the enemy and herself.
This kind of stuff, coming from a trendy Christian lifestyle blogger, and many of them actually, confuses vulnerable
Christians and baby Christians. And it's all being done in the name of God's love. So we need to stand up and condemn it wholeheartedly.
So please, let's pray for Jen, that she would stop deceiving people, and instead turn to the truth of God's Word.
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