Reformed Thug Life Evangelism
#reformed #baptist #evangelism #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #exmormon
Share the truth at all times!
- 00:00
- Gospel Trek. Would you like a Gospel Trek, sir? Why would I want that? Oh, because Jesus says he's the only way, truth, and life.
- 00:08
- And no one can come to the Father. My whole heart. Sir, I used to be LDS for 19 years. And I know this gospel is true, right to the nuts.
- 00:15
- So can you tell me what the gospel is then? Now let me tell you this. This is for savings. Would you like a Gospel Trek? Guys, not right here.
- 00:21
- Not right here. Let me step over there. What is the gospel? We're driving the bus here, okay? Oh, okay. I understand. So what's the gospel go there?
- 00:26
- Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Have you been through there? Yes, sir. I have. Do you know the gospel? I went through and learned about that.
- 00:32
- Can you tell me what the gospel is then? It is a saving ordinance for the dead.
- 00:37
- We do our work for the dead in there. Sir, that's not the gospel in the Bible. I tell you to run away from that and look to Jesus Christ alone.
- 00:43
- So can I tell you where the gospel is found in the Bible? In 1 Corinthians 15, 1 -4. No, you don't because you just told me a false gospel, sir.
- 00:50
- Yeah, that's not the gospel. I promise you it's not. Would you take one of these and just read it later then?
- 00:56
- I have no interest in it. Why, sir? So you don't want to know Jesus as the way he describes himself? Sir, what you just told me is a different gospel.
- 01:03
- Nope. Gospel track, guys. Gospel track. Don't you guys have anything better to do?
- 01:09
- Oh, sir, no. Preaching Jesus Christ crucified is the best thing I can do, sir. So would you like to take a gospel track, sir, and know who he is?
- 01:15
- Okay. Glad you guys are here. Well, thank you very much. This is not a waste of my time. Even if it falls on deaf ears,
- 01:20
- God is glorified today. So please... ...glorified
- 01:28
- today. So please, here's a gospel track, guys. Hi, how are you?