Reformed Thug Life Evangelism


#reformed #baptist #evangelism #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #exmormon Share the truth at all times!


Gospel Trek. Would you like a Gospel Trek, sir? Why would I want that? Oh, because Jesus says he's the only way, truth, and life.
And no one can come to the Father. My whole heart. Sir, I used to be LDS for 19 years. And I know this gospel is true, right to the nuts.
So can you tell me what the gospel is then? Now let me tell you this. This is for savings. Would you like a Gospel Trek? Guys, not right here.
Not right here. Let me step over there. What is the gospel? We're driving the bus here, okay? Oh, okay. I understand. So what's the gospel go there?
Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Have you been through there? Yes, sir. I have. Do you know the gospel? I went through and learned about that.
Can you tell me what the gospel is then? It is a saving ordinance for the dead.
We do our work for the dead in there. Sir, that's not the gospel in the Bible. I tell you to run away from that and look to Jesus Christ alone.
So can I tell you where the gospel is found in the Bible? In 1 Corinthians 15, 1 -4. No, you don't because you just told me a false gospel, sir.
Yeah, that's not the gospel. I promise you it's not. Would you take one of these and just read it later then?
I have no interest in it. Why, sir? So you don't want to know Jesus as the way he describes himself? Sir, what you just told me is a different gospel.
Nope. Gospel track, guys. Gospel track. Don't you guys have anything better to do?
Oh, sir, no. Preaching Jesus Christ crucified is the best thing I can do, sir. So would you like to take a gospel track, sir, and know who he is?
Okay. Glad you guys are here. Well, thank you very much. This is not a waste of my time. Even if it falls on deaf ears,
God is glorified today. So please... ...glorified
today. So please, here's a gospel track, guys. Hi, how are you?