This Week in Witchcraft - S1:E5

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You are surrounded by witchcraft every day, but in a much more subtle form than in previous centuries. Find out how you can learn to "spot it in the wild." Our hosts will also provide media recommendations for those searching for thought-provoking content:


Welcome to this week in witchcraft The elements have been conquered with intense heat and witchcraft has become more cosmopolitan can you spot it out in the wild I'm, andrew hudson and joining me today are michael dirham and kyle smith
So today we have in this week in witchcraft a note from our producer The idea of self -love has a heightened sense of loving self as an idol we understand you love your neighbor as yourself, but This growing trend of extreme self -affirmation seems witchy
What do you all think? Yeah, so there has been a lot of talk in not just recent days months and years, but Really even in the last couple of decades about loving the self
Being comfortable with oneself approving of oneself self -help self -empowerment
Everything from you know, be yourself everything has been centered around the self
The idea that one must love themselves Some would say would be a biblical idea after all jesus said love your neighbor as yourself and Wouldn't it be wrong?
To hate oneself if you hate the self, then how are you going to treat others? Right? What kind of condition are you going to be in there?
And so this has been used to try to teach self -love as a christian doctrine as something that should be used in christian discipleship
Now what we need to recognize is that when the world when the paganism in which we live uses the term love
They're not using the same definition that we're using That we're we're given in the scriptures
When you take a word and you leave it the same word and then you give it a new definition
You're enchanting it with something else. You are bringing a new meaning to it. That wasn't there prior
You're twisting the meaning in some fashion And then we have the word self the self.
How is that actually understood? When somebody says love yourself, are they are they saying love in the biblical way?
are they saying self in the biblical way and Well If somebody's going around saying, you know, the most important thing is that you love yourself.
That's probably not going to be operating with biblical standards
So we have to use the text use the scriptures to define our terms so in first john chapter three we read
In verse 16 by this we know love Because he laid down his life for us
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren So we're giving we're given a definition of love and how helpful is that first john 3 16?
That's easy to remember if you can remember john 3 16, you can remember first john 3 16 And here's our definition of love.
He laid down his life for us by this We know love because he laid down his life for us and we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren
So what is love? Scripture tells us that love is a righteous and sacrificial devotion that christ did
What was right and good? for us Even though it cost him even though it cost him his very own life
He laid down his life for us a righteous and sacrificial devotion. I'm going to be for you For you in the right way, even if it costs me
That's what love is and it's defined by the greatest act of love and the greatest one to love who is jesus christ
So what a great definition i'm going to be for you in the right way, even if it costs me That's love.
So Is that what people mean when they use the word love today? And concerning the self who is the you know, what is the self?
Very often we're talking about talking about the the person that god made in his image that he made in his likeness that we are
Uniquely in relationship to god and one another in this created world That we are not two different parts
Flesh over here spirit over there And we're just two different parts every once in a while co -mingling, but god made us
Body and soul a psychosomatic hole. It's a foreign condition for the
For the spirit to be absent from the body that's because of death and death is not plan a right resurrection is ultimately the
Reuniting of the body with the spirit just some thoughts about how god has made us so What does it mean to love the self?
Well, jesus says love your neighbor as yourself, well, don't we do things that are hard, you know
Don't we know that it's good to get up when we want to sleep that we know that it's Uh good to work hard even when it hurts don't we know that it's right to go through the extra effort
Uh to provide for ourselves so that we can you know Eat sleep and be in comfort and so on and so forth
What jesus is saying is you know, love your neighbor as you love yourself, too You know, it's not just about your self -preservation here.
It's about loving others as well About being in right relationship with them. This isn't a i'm gonna put me first kind of thing which left to ourselves
Wouldn't be very selfish and only look out for me as number one, right?
But we are to love our neighbors as ourself what jesus is talking about is very practical and applies to Many of the ten commandments right do not murder do not steal do not commit adultery
These are all examples of how to love others That we refrain from I mean we wouldn't uh harm ourselves, right?
We we wouldn't take some of our money out of our pocket make a big chunk of change out of our you know Here's five hundred dollars.
I'm gonna go, you know, drop it down the sewer grate, you know, or or give it to the government You know, so we wouldn't do that.
So why would we steal from others? So jesus saying, you know, love your neighbor as yourself Now, how is the neo -paganism at work here?
Where's the witchcraft here when it says, you know, love yourself So what's your sense kyle andrew about the way that the world uses the term love?
so i've done some studying on Alistair crowley who was maybe the most celebrated satanist of the 20th century early 1900s where he was most active he wrote
I say he wrote he's credited as writing but claims it was a channeled book writings from the other side about the book of the law
And in the book of the law It there's a quotation that says do what thou wilt is the whole of the law law under love
So self -love is doing as you will and extending that into reality
So I heard some conceptions of on valentine's day Love yourself
Man, don't forget to love yourself. Yeah, it sure does sound like My identity
Whatever I want to do to indulge it Is what I should do and therefore that's love so i'm going to love myself by indulging
Anything I feel like doing Whatever I will to do You've heard of name it claim it in the neo -pagan conception of love it's name it approve it
So love yourself means name anything about yourself and you must approve it to celebrate it Give it two thumbs up five stars all the way
Which is why we have all these different isms and classes and Intersectionalities and so on and so forth.
So I saw a little clip of somebody reading 45 Identifiers about themselves
Right. This is their identity, you know, they're all of these little isms They're all these little ists.
There are all these little things all put together and so They they're loving themselves everything about themselves.
They approve of I find that sometimes I I have a sexual proclivity towards Towards men now.
It's women now. I'm not sure um, sometimes I Scratch myself and bark like a dog sometimes
You know, I have these certain types of thoughts also i'm overweight I'm all these different things, you know, my ankle hurts and so all of these different things i'm going to name about myself
All these different things i've been everything I identify is me And so i'm going to prove it all name it all prove it all because i'm going to love myself and celebrate myself
And anything that I can identify in the self Is something I am to love and approve of and to rejoice in and I must not change
What is this this is exactly what romans 1 says In exchanging the truth for the lie and worshiping and serving the creature rather than the creator
They are treating the self as the absolute The self is the absolute and the self must be celebrated worshiped adored and revered
They do unto themselves what only god deserves This is what god deserves that every single thing who god is that he is righteous and loving and and pure and holy uh that he is immutable and that he is
Impeccable impeccable that he is indivisible that all these things about god Every single one of those things we praise and honor and adore and revere
But this love of the self bit is witchcraft redefining love redefining self
So that we are adoring the ultimate of the individual person ourselves
It's idolatry. It's It's false worship placing the self upon the throne
Yes, would you say it's the motto of post -modernism? in terms of I'm worth it
Yeah, and that's just another way to say, you know, love yourself It's a great tagline when you're trying to sell a product to somebody.
Well, where else do you gotta go with post -modernism? It's only you trapped in your world with your own thoughts and nobody else can understand you and you can't understand anybody else
So it's it's just me myself and I in here and and who knows if anything is real Okay, so if you're reduced to the self
As the only point of meaning right so that it's all reader response What does this art mean to me?
What does this text mean to me? What does anybody's words mean to me? then it's the deification and the glorification of the self
And how much in our pop literature do we see that? It's only when only when?
The hero or the heroine or whoever it is in crisis finally stops listening to everybody else
And only listens to themself And only and then finally gives in to really embracing
Everything there is about themself that finally they break through And they become who they really should be and they win the day
I mean that is the literature of that's the literature of the day love yourself means
Affirm worship and adore the self as the absolute Right. No, right. No wrong. No rules for me
Let it all go so on and so forth Do you think? I'm about to light a really short fuse here are particular genders
Uh susceptible to this The love of self. Yes. Well, which one of the 45 are you talking about?
Oh, that's right I'm, sorry about that if we were to biblically look at genders. Yes Men or women are they more susceptible to fall for the lie of self -love?
I don't know equal. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if I can answer that I think that I think that uh, the way that self -love is sold
Is different with men and women? The way it's packaged. Yes the way it's packaged and I think and I think that that is in itself
An acknowledgement of their two genders is because these this this self -love
Uh religion is sold differently To men and then to women can you give an example of both?
Yeah, so I would say for instance the whole the whole heavyweight movement about how
You know It's good to be overweight Right, and you can't really say you can't see overweight or whatever
But to be a sizist is bad and so on and so forth if you're 450 pounds You need to own that and you're beautiful Okay, no matter what they say, yeah, yeah, so that's that's sold to women
That doesn't play well with men. You don't see 450 pound men You know
Stretching out in their underwear saying look how beautiful I am Okay, that's what the women are doing
Okay, so it's being sold to them in a certain way whereas with the man
You know self -love is more like You know Doing what you really enjoy and don't give a care about what everybody else says just go do it
You know that kind of thing so it's about you know getting in everybody's faces and just being you I think with a man it's going to be sold as don't listen to anybody right, and then with the women it's like only listen to those who will
Who will say what you want them to say and you say it too. It's more of a group Think than it is for the man.
Yeah, I think Being a man myself, I mean it always goes back for me to ephesians chapter 5
What am I called to do? as a man a husband and a father
As a father modeling this to my kids What does it mean to love my wife?
We're talking about love I'm laying down my life For her and just as we talked about earlier just as christ
Laid down his life for the church It is a daily dying
We daily die to our sin just like christ, but we're dying
In ourselves for the sake of our wives In going to work right in doing the hard things as the men that's that's love
Right and there's things that are going away right like if think about love in the neo -pagan conception
Love is retaining everything And affirming everything in you In order to love others you have to love yourself, right?
So you have to accept everything in you so that you can accept everything and everybody else But when you you just read that definition
About how the husband is laying down his life for the wife as christ laid down his life for the church
We have to lay things aside we have to give things up We've got to leave them behind in order to love and then christ loves the church
And he washes her with the water of the word which means what? There's stuff in the church that needs to be left behind and loving our wives means
That there's going to be some times when we're going to be talking with them From the word of god and saying look there's some things that need to be left behind So it's not love means
I affirm everything about me. I lose nothing I affirm everything about you and you lose nothing. It's i'm laying down my life
Sacrificing many things about me to be for you for your good in the right way, even if it costs me And I love you, which means there are things about you
Which need to go away? Right exactly because that's the standard of truth that we're in if I don't love you then
I don't care Right god loved jacob and he hated esau He did not let jacob rest in his deceitful
Manipulative ways he hounded jacob until he limped for the rest of his life for the recognition that god is god and he was not
But god hated esau and god let esau just go be esau Now this is how wicked the definition of love is today by the pagan witchcraft of the day god's hatred
Is manifest by just letting people be who they are the world's definition of love is
Letting people be who they are That's how twisted it is Well What have you been reading listening to?
watching That you'd like to share about well, I got a great book, uh lent to me by kyle
Is how an economy grows and why it crashes by peter schiff and andrew.
That's great. Yeah Peter schiff's a good author. All right. Well, i'm you've already read this I bet he's a gold monetarist
Okay, awesome. Well, i'm enjoying it It's giving me ideas of how to teach my kids and I do fun things and um, i'm a big board game aficionado
So i'm thinking about various board games that do a good job of showing a microcosm of economy i'm planning on playing some of these games with my kids and then explaining things and Identifying those mechanisms when we come by them, so i'm really looking forward to it, but it's a really fun read it's easy to get your head around and Economics is one of those subjects that I know
I could learn a lot more about and this is a great book how an economy Grows and why it crashes peter schiff.
It's a it's a helpful little primer All right, so the book that I would like to talk about is a
Strangely on the economics theme it's a book called devil take the hindmost by edward chancellor
And it's an overview of financial speculation and the consistent boom and bust cycle that's brought on by financial speculation it's informative in many ways as to What to look for in economies that are experiencing speculative cycles but also it hints at Where true value lies and that true value will be seen and those who
As warren buffett might put it who are swimming naked when the tide goes out. We're going to see that they have no clothes on Yep as far as what i've been reading, um
Any of you who may lurk on my social media at some point in time know that i'm have an affinity for doug wilson
Ever since his documentary came out in 2009 collision um just blew me away in terms of his ability to articulate
Reasonable arguments boldly up against somebody i've always always loved doug wilson
And so this is a book that i'd actually just finished a couple days ago put out last year gash mu
Sayeth it the subtitle of it is how to build christian communities That save the world and his goal in in writing this really is a couple different reasons the first is kind of to refute maybe some of the critics who come out and say well
Christian communities that sounds kind of like a cult That doesn't sound very christian.
That doesn't sound very new testament. That doesn't sound very you know get into the world like yeast and And work into it and it sounds like you're separating yourself off and then he also wrote it really as a matter of principles for pastors and church leaders the need for Christians today particularly within our culture
To be that remnant that remains As the culture continues to spiral out of control one of the quotes from the the epilogue that he puts he says
We're living in a time when all the wheels appear to be coming off pharaoh's chariots But this should not distress us because we are israelites and we're already standing on the opposite shore thought that That was pretty good, but it's not really filled with practical methods necessarily for building christian communities, but he has a lot of principles in there like the idea of The medieval city with the cathedral at the center
And wherever you are in that city when you look up Your view is dominated by that spire
That's going up to heaven and so that affects The way that you do your work
It gets into ideas of the governments that god has instituted on earth the government of the family the government of the church the government of civil government
And how they interact with one another within the context of building these christian communities
You know what the church is supposed to do in speaking truth into those other governments
And yet the church is not the father the church is not the civil magistrate dealing out punishment
But it still has a lot to say to those spheres It's just a really good read
I would commend it to you Gashmu sayeth it how to build christian communities that save the world
And that wraps it up for today We are always very thankful for our listeners tuning in every week and for supporting us by rating reviewing and sharing the show