Matt Slick Bible Study, Baptism, 5/20/2021



Matt Slick Bible Study, Baptism, 5/20/2021


Let me know when you're live. Yep, you're gone. You're on All right
So what are we studying tonight? Oh, that's right baptism. That's right. I was Got so busy going here.
Okay, let's pray. We'll just jump right in. Okay. I hope you have your Bibles with you We're gonna be doing a lot of scripture references and some theological
Ideas and some stuff like that. Okay. All right Lord Jesus, thank you. Thank you for this time and I ask
Lord that you would bless it bless those of us here Bless those of us who may be coming here and that they get here safely
We asked Lord for the viewers to be blessed as well Lord as we open up your word and look to your scriptures.
I ask for your guidance. I ask for your mercy and We just look to you
Lord. We just look to you. We give you thanks. We ask this in your precious name Jesus. Amen Alright so So, let me ask you some questions
Does baptism necessarily mean you have to be immersed in water No, no, no
They were preview, what do you think the answer is no can baptism be immersion
Can be okay, I'm gonna make the case later that baptism can be sprinkling pouring and of course immersion
And there's different kinds of baptisms. Now. I have a lot of notes here and I've been working on an outline on baptism for months.
I what I mean by that is not every day not all the time just You know, I'll open that up and add that to it and close it
You know at the file So what is baptism? Let's get to it. It is a religious right a religious ceremony
That uses water and it signifies Generally uses water and it signifies
Conversion and a symbolic ritual symbolizes ritual clean cleansing
Some people say that you cannot be saved from your sins without being immersed in water
That's a false teaching. It's a heresy. It is adding a ceremony to the work of Christ and Stating that there's a legal requirement that you must perform in order to be saved now another thought about this is this if Baptism is necessary for salvation.
And the question I'm going to ask people who have that is Is salvation dependent upon God or upon you
If it's the parent upon God then the faith that God grants lipbins 129 will be sufficient
But if it's the third upon you, then you control when you get saved by when you get baptized
And that would be interesting because what if you put yourself at your baptism off for a few days Then I guess you you're the one who's in control of when you get saved before God and that is a form of arrogance
Now baptism is used in different senses and in different ways, but It's somebody
Things I can get into And we'll see how it goes In Leviticus 8 6 and Moses and Aaron and his son came near and washed them with water
In Leviticus 15 8 it says you have to write all these down because there's a lot we're gonna be going through it
I can send you guys a note If the man with his discharge spits on one who is clean
He too shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening In numbers 8 7 this is a verse will be coming to later thus you shall do to them
This is for the entering into the priesthood for their cleansing sprinkling Sprinkle purifying water on them and let them use a razor over their whole body
Numbers 1918 a clean person shall take this up and dip it in water hyssop is a plant and would often grow by the by the river and Sprinkle it on the tent and all the furnishings and on the persons who are there
And on the one who touched the bone or the one slain or the one dying naturally or the grave That's numbers 1918 in Ezekiel 36 25
Some people think that When when in John 3 3 through 8 when
Jesus talks at Nicodemus and says don't you know? You should you should know these things about Being born again and all this stuff people often will refer to Ezekiel 36
They'll say this is what he's talking about. He's referencing Ezekiel 36 Not everybody references that but a lot of people do but this is what
Ezekiel 36 25 says Then I will sprinkle clean water on them on you and you'll be clean the sprinkling of water
I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols Ezekiel 36 25 now
What's interesting about this is? that when Something is used and I've got a lot more verses.
Let's see if I can find them When an instrument or something is to be used for holy use for example then
The element was applied to the object or the person So second
Chronicles 28 15 for example And they gave them clothes and sandals fed them and gave them a drink anointed them with oil
Led all their feeble ones on donkeys, so they were anointed with oil All right,
Psalm 23 4 through 5 you have anointed my head with oil This is just the oil verses in Ezekiel 16 9
Then I bathed you with water washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil and I got a lot more verses in fact in James 5 14 is anyone among you sick?
He must call for the elders of the church and there to pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord so Those are verses anointing with oil and here's
The phrase anoint with Anointing with oil mark 613
They want to anoint the body of Christ mark 16 1 Anointing them with perfume
That's when the woman was kissing the feet of Jesus in Luke 7 and anointing the feet with perfume
It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment in John 11 to God anointed him
Jesus with the Holy Spirit acts 1038 They were to pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the
Lord James 5 14. We just went over So there's an anointing with There is a washing with there is cleansed with He was 922
One might almost say that all things are cleansed with blood. You can be filled with the
Holy Spirit Exodus 31 3 I have filled him with the Spirit of God of wisdom and then
I did all kinds of research I've been this for months and months off and in The verb with object baptized with water for example a verb to do something with something and girded with the sash
And give references, but you know Israel struck him with the edge of the sword So this is a whole bit
I baptize you with water for repentance. Now, that's Matthew 3 11 so John the
Baptist is stating that He is
Anointing people or excuse me. He's baptizing them with water, but he who comes after me is mightier than I I'm not fit to remove
Sandals, he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire now That's Matthew 3 11 also in Luke 3 3 it says that I baptize you with or Jesus has
John baptized you with water. I will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Nice. Let's talk about this
There's a lot to cover so If if John baptized with water most people are going to assume that he that the people were immersed into water
I'm going to show you why there's some impracticality about that later Not that it can't happen but anyway because when
I do baptize I baptize by immersion I prefer it that way this thing is cool It's fun It's enjoyable, you know, but he baptized with water and Jesus baptizes with the
Holy Spirit So what does it mean to be a baptized with the Holy Spirit? Does it mean that you're immersed in the
Holy Spirit Doesn't mean that because that's not what happens.
In fact, I Should get over here get this view my outline notes on the side navigation pane.
Here we go So many things
I have this done alphabetically not topically in my notes so the
Holy Spirit is poured okay, and If you go to Joel 2 28 and 30
What you'll see there Okay, let's go here poor p -o -u -r
There we go Okay, good so Pouring the
Holy Spirit is poured. Never is never by immersion And so I'm gonna go through a bunch of verses here eight nine ten verses maybe
I Want you to see what this what the Bible says? I'm gonna go through the Old Testament verses first, of course,
Isaiah 32 15 until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high Isaiah 44 3
I will pour out my spirit on your offspring Ezekiel 39 29 for I have poured out my spirit on the house of Israel Joel 2 28 that I will pour out my spirit on all mankind
Joel 2 29 I will pour out my spirit in those days. So the
Spirit is poured Now that's interesting because how could this spirit be spirit be poured if he's a person?
Well, I don't know but the way the language is the spirits poured upon There's a kind of anointing that comes upon in Acts 2 17
Peter is quoting Joel 2 28 Remember I said Joel 2 28. I'll pour out my spirit on all mankind and that's exactly what he quotes in Acts 2 17
I'll pour out my spirit on all mankind and then verse 29 goes 20 Joel 2 28 29 is found in Acts 2 17 and 18
And in verse 18, I'll pour out my spirit in those days and Acts 2 20 and 2 33 The promise of the
Holy Spirit has been poured forth This what you both see in here Now this is this is getting interesting to me
I think this is good stuff because when we talk about baptism and what baptism is because remember Jesus said in Luke 3 3 he said that John baptized with water, but he'll baptize with the
Holy Spirit. So what is baptism of the Holy Spirit? What does it mean? the pouring of the
Spirit upon That's what it means that's how it's spoken of if baptism of John is immersion, then it would be
John immersed with water and I will pour the Spirit on you, but it doesn't say that It says
John baptized with water and I'll baptize you with the Holy Spirit So the context of the baptism the same word baptizo is used there and It's in reference in the second part
B is in reference to pouring but in part a what's it reference to some say automatically
It will must be Must be immersion because that's what baptism means and I'll show you that's not the case.
Not always if it does sometime, but not always so now The promise of the
Holy Spirit has been poured forth That's Acts 2 33 the promise of the Spirit that means the father had promised the
Spirit and What had been happening in Acts 2 they were speaking in tongues
Okay, so, let's see. I got my notes here
Let's see if these are the right notes people were gathered in one place Acts 2 1
There came a noise like a violent rushing wind Acts 2 2 they saw tongues of fire resting on each one
Acts 2 3 They were hearing the disciples speak in tongues Acts 2 4
Others were amazed hearing the Galileans speaking in multiple languages Acts 2 verses 5 to 11
Peter preaches and quotes Joel in Acts 2 14 through 21 We just went over that proclaims
Christ's death and resurrection in verses 22 through 24 Quotes David in verse 25 and 30 through 31 talks about Jesus being raised in Acts 2 32 and quotes
David in Acts 234 through 35 says Jesus is Lord in Acts 2 36 and Peter commands baptism in Acts 2 38
And 3 ,000 were baptized in Acts 2 41 Now we're gonna talk about this for a little bit so what happens is
All this is precursor to understanding baptism when we get into it later So Excuse me
So what we have here we have here is
The promise of the baptism of the Spirit is manifested in the charismatic gifts upon the believers in Acts chapter 2
Jesus had prophesied in Acts chapter 1 Verse 5
I believe that I'm gonna make sure I get that right But in Acts 5 actually 1 5 he says
John baptized you with water I'll baptize you with the Holy Spirit not many days from now Well, not many days there's the fulfillment the gift of the
Holy Spirit is not Salvation in the context the gift of the
Holy Spirit is the charismatic movement Because that's what the context necessitates
I know that some people are gonna say well Matt you're just flat -out wrong Oh, maybe I am but when
I look at this and I read it I Do it this way and I read it.
I don't see that Okay So what we see here is
There we go in Acts 1 5 It says this it says
For John baptized with water, but you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days for now That's what Jesus says and then in verse 8 he says but you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you So he's prophesying that the Holy Spirit's gonna be coming upon the disciples and the people in the upper room
Now the house of Israel is spoken of Slow it's big words.
This is my sharing thing Let me do this. Well, I'll do it in a sec. So it says men of Israel verse 22
Listen to these words So he's talking about the men of Israel and the people of Israel are so you guys are crazy you're drunk
Well, who are the men of Israel the house of Israel talking about the other people who were followers of Christ?
Who are now speaking in tongues because the tongues of fire moved upon them and that is the prophecy of Joel which?
Pete which Peter quotes in Acts 2 16 and 17 out of Joel 2 28 29
He says this is what this is and that's the baptism of the Spirit baptism here does not mean immersion.
Does it? That can in other places. We'll talk about stuff, but it certainly doesn't in that moment.
Okay? Well, and when you go to because this is one of the most famous verses in in people's
In baptismal regeneration So to teach you to be baptized we say but Peter said act 238 repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Which is interesting
Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Oh So it's not this is not an issue of salvation
This is an issue of the charismatic gifts. Now. It might be an issue of salvation. I gotta be careful here
I'm gonna say it's not because it's the Jews as it says in verse 36 that Peter said let there
Therefore that all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord in Christ this Jesus whom you crucified
So he's talking to the Jews the Jewish people. This is you crucified him And when they heard this they were pierced of the heart they said, well, what do we do?
What I do for what? Does this what I do to get saved? Well, it doesn't say that I mean it could be it
I think the Jewish Mentality here's okay. He's the Messiah. Here's these people speaking in tongues
We're hearing the gospel or we're hearing stuff in different languages. They'll see the fire coming down on their heads
Supernat stuff. They're they're taken aback by this and He that he says you guys did this you guys crucified him and then what do we do?
What do we do? Well, this is what you do repent Turn from your sins and each of you each individual get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins
Now is he saying here that the baptism here is to get forgiveness of sins It wouldn't be the case because the baptism deals with the anointing of the
Holy Spirit That's why he says you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit It has to do with the promise of God coming mentally to the house of Israel That's what's going on here
That's why it says for the promises for you and your children and for as many are far off now
Some will say well the children means, you know your children they grow up and then they become believers and they get baptized That's not what it might be
But he says this is for you and your children The words children here not in Greek. I'm just saying the word children is is
Typical of covenantal language out of the Old Testament because God always included the children
Well almost always depending on the nature of the Covenant, but he included children all over the place We're gonna go through the
Abrahamic Covenant in a little while He included children constantly in the Covenant all the time.
It happened all over the place So some people will fix up. That's why I believe in if a baptism and I'm gonna defend that tonight
If you don't agree, that's okay, you know, I'm not gonna die in that hill, but I'm gonna make a case for it later now So Well, this is interesting to me because the gift of the
Holy Spirit here in Acts 2 38 is demonstrated Because as and you will receive the gift
Well, what gift are they talking about the promise because his for the promises for you and your children? It's that which came before which is the charismatic movement there.
Now if you go to Acts chapter 10 44 While Peter was still speaking these words the
Holy Spirit fell upon poured on fell upon all those who are listening to the message and the circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed because the gift of the
Holy Spirit. What is that the charismatic movement? Had been poured out on the
Gentiles also for they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God That should be it should nail it right there.
That's what it is Then Peter answered surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized who have received the
Holy Spirit just as we did now Some people will say that baptisms necessary for salvation and that you cannot be saved until you get baptized in water
Which has to be by immersion Which we're gonna tackle again later now
In Acts 2 38 the order is baptism and you will receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit Here in Acts 10 44 through 48 it you received the gift of the Holy Spirit and then you get baptized
They're reversed If baptism is necessary for salvation based on Acts 2 38, then why is the order reversed in Acts 10?
44 through 48 and I asked baptism or generationists, I'll say Okay, were they not saved before they got baptized in Acts 10?
Because They're speaking in tongues and they're glorifying God and the Bible says that the unbelievers are slaves of sin haters of God Don't do any good.
How are they gonna exalt God? well that you know, they don't receive the things of God, but these do and Then there's sometimes come back.
Well, where's Cornelius really one of them and we get into some stuff, but that's another thing Yeah, they try to have counter arguments because they they have to hold on to their idolatrous position that baptism is necessary for salvation
Because they believe in works righteousness They believe in the in the necessity of getting dunked in water
Dunked in water in order to be made right and complete before God As though the faith in Christ that God grants is not enough to justify us man, anyway, so Peter says no one can refuse water for these who be baptized who have received the
Holy Spirit just as we did So they received the Holy Spirit Do you
Peter saying Dave said just like us Well, are those people unsafe?
I think people say I've had people say to me gonna slow down get looks less excited People say to me they're speaking in tongues or glorifying
God. Yes. They've received the Holy Spirit, but they're still in a state of damnation Why could they hadn't been baptized?
It's ludicrous It's just ludicrous Yeah, of course
Scripture says they've Experienced the Holy Spirit It's actually was 6 4 through 6 they partook of the
Holy Spirit and But doesn't mean they were saved because Peter I mean
Judas was enlightened partook, etc And then was it's impossible to renew them again to repentance which means in that case you could never get saved
Again, and that's a whole nother topic and direction So, let's keep going with this stuff, that's interesting
Okay. Now just this is just this
I could tell you this is geek information. Okay So Bob Tito is pair is number 907 in the
Strong's concordance and you can search by numbers in longest Bible program And it means baptized baptized baptizing it occurs 77 times baptism occurs 19 times and Now now check this out.
Okay 907 is Bob Tito 908 is baptism.
Ah 909 is Bob baptist moss Okay, do you think and baptist moss?
means washings And we're gonna go to that later in Hebrews What I'm going to show you
Where the washings baptist moss means sprinkling, okay
From the context and And it means to immerse that's and it does in places in 9 9 11
Okay. Now let's go over some other stuff here God's people were baptized on dry land as the
Israelites crossed the Red Sea first Corinthians 10 worth 1 through 4 For I do not want you to be unaware brethren that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea and all
Were baptized into Moses in the cloud in the sea Wait a minute.
They walked across on dry land. How were they baptized? Doesn't baptism mean that they had to be immersed in water
No, they're baptized into Moses baptized into Moses is a dent of public identification and typological movement, but Identification with the work and the authority of Moses and what he was doing being called by God, right?
Okay You baptized in the name of Jesus is the same thing
Because it means by the authority of but you're already baptized into Christ. We'll get into that It's the same kind of a thing what's going on Okay All right.
Now Of course I can get in I won't do this
But there's always the point of Colossians 2 14 having canceled the certificate of debt The certificate of debt the sin debt was canceled at the cross
But they're gonna have to say that it's canceled When you get baptized because if it's canceled when you have faith and it does if you get baptized or not, you're saved
That's a whole nother issue. But anyway And there's I got lots of stuff
I could talk about this, okay I'll stay with baptism.
Okay Now John the
Baptist baptism of Luke 3 3 So I'm gonna go
I think it's Luke 3 3, I'm just gonna take a quick look Last one there is a semi -Pelagian and he came into all the district around the
Jordan preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
So John the Baptist was bet was preaching a baptism of repentance
For the forgiveness of sins and acts 238 be baptized name the Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins if acts 238 baptism
Brings you forgiveness of sins Then it would be you get baptized name of Jesus in order to get forgiveness of sins
For the forgiveness of sins baptized for the forgiveness of sins here in Luke 3 3 Preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
So then the baptism of repentance is what got your sins forgiven right by the same token the same logic
But how can that be? Because Christ hadn't been crucified yet, and they weren't putting their trust and hope in Christ yet It doesn't make any sense
So it can't be that it was the battles of repentance is what brought them
Salvation the forgiveness of sins because repentance is a mind change Towards following the issues of the law
So we got to be very careful what we're saying here. Okay? now Let me go on some more stuff
Okay All right, so much heresy so little time and All right
So let's do this Let's go to Romans chapter 6
I'm gonna go through some stuff and we'll go back to Acts 2 some other places
Romans 6 Verse 3 or do you not know that all of us who've been baptized into Christ have been baptized into his death right
Okay. No, wait a minute baptized into Christ have been baptized into his death
They were baptized into Moses In first Corinthians 10
Talking about this one or two So if they're baptized into Christ, does that mean that when you're saved is when you're baptized into Christ?
It's not what is going on here and I'll show you why from the context it can't be
So I had to change my view. Let's get back to it.
Okay, so Do you not know that all of us who've been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death
Verse 4 therefore you have been buried with him through baptism into death So that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the
Father, so we too might walk known as of life Now buried with him in baptism. Does it mean immersion?
Doesn't say it so it can and It seems to suggest the idea of being buried in baptism being buried in water.
Now, let's talk about this So Buried with Jesus, how was
Jesus buried? in a tomb above the ground in a room laid on a slab with a door
Stone put over this room human thing and that was a burial Is that how we're buried when we are baptized if we get immersed in water
Is that how we're doing what happened to Christ now, they might say well he was immersed in the rock Yeah, it's doesn't it's there's some issues here.
I've been in Jerusalem and been to one of the there's like two or three traditional tombs of Jesus and It's about the door is about four and a half inches four and a half feet high and you you know
I'm six feet. So walk get in there a little bit and this room is probably Five feet wide maybe six at the most and then seven eight feet deep and there was a
Like trying to remember best my memory and then it was this area to put the body on Okay, and there was a stone.
So let me ask you a question So that's a burial. In fact, a lot of people don't know this but different cultures bury in different ways and some cultures they bury you up to your waist and You're exposed up and then the animals get you that's called burial another culture
They how do I say this politely they insert a large pole? into a certain area of your body up into your head and then they tie you in a tree and Then the body decays and that's how you're buried different cultures are different things.
You can be burned. That's burial. Let's see to be In a water and in sci -fi you're shot out at warp speed and that's so that's a better way to go so stuff like that now
Would it be a burial if? We take if we put someone in took a side of a hill
Dug a hole into the hill put a body in there and sealed it up with a big rock or or door
You would be burial. What if we were to take a home a house?
And add a room onto it Put the body in there put a door over and just seal it with mud or whatever it is.
Is that a burial? So, okay So this burial relates to our baptism but people will say that the baptism must be by the going down into the water and Being submerged in the water and that's the baptism of Jesus There's a bit of a stretch in that direct one -to -one relationship because that's not what happened
He didn't go down into the earth But he did go into the earth didn't go down into it, but he went over to it
And you know, I'm not gonna play with words here make too much out of it, but I want people to think okay Yeah, I see what you're saying.
All right if Baptism is something that occurs to a person and it's pouring for the sake of the
Holy Spirit then When we're baptized into Moses or they were baptized in the
Moses It was an identification with the work of Moses to baptize into Christ It's an identification with the work of Christ and that work of Christ was a sacrifice in the cross
So that's what it means to be baptized into his death To have a public declaration of that that relationship that you have covenantally with Jesus now
Continuing on in John Romans 6 Verse 4 therefore we have been buried with him through baptism into death
So that as Christ was raised from the dead to the glory of the Father We too might walk into the midst of life for if we have been united with him in the likeness of his death
Certainly, we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection now at this point. I do like Baptism by immersion get someone coming in What Okay, and so I like the idea of it of being raised up with Christ and in the waters of immersion
I like that and when I baptized Nathan and Lindsay and the
Boise River a while back You know, we did complete immersion and when I was baptized
I was baptized in the ocean and you know, it's great now So I like that image
Verse 6 knowing this that our old self was crucified with him. Okay. Now, wait a minute if Baptism is when?
We died with Christ No, that can't be right because he died with Christ on the cross
Okay, so I see I can't be that baptism will be died So baptism is when our sins are removed, but that's not what is talking about being baptized into Christ is the identification
Okay, so that's not it because we were united with Christ in his death Which means because that's federal headship the male represents a descendants.
So then the male Jesus we were in Christ Right in Christ 1st
Corinthians 15 22 in Adam all die in Christ All shall be made alive the in crisis are in reference to those who are in Him as he represents them
They're baptized in to Moses the representation of Moses through what he was doing
They're identifying with that in his power and in his work with in Christ It's his work and we are in him in that and that's what it means to be baptized in Christ And so just but we have died with him on the cross.
We're crucified with him We died we're crucified with him verse 6 and we died with him verse 8.
Well, when was he crucified? 2 ,000 years ago If baptism is required for salvation and part of the salvation methodology
Then how is it that we were crucified with Christ 2 ,000 years ago? And if it means you can lose your salvation, how are you crucified with Christ 2 ,000 years ago?
Are you crucified with Christ and then uncrucified with Christ because it'd be crucified with Christ means you died to the law
Romans 7 4 and If there is no law, there is no sin Romans 5 13 This is heavy theology and the people who say that it's baptismal regeneration here aren't
Thinking and the reason they're not thinking because they have one frontal lobe tied behind their back by the issue of baptismal regeneration
Now let's go back to acts 2 Let's go back to x2
We're gonna have fun with x2. Oh There's one of my favorite things to do x2
So I think it's 241 So then those who'd receive the word were baptized and that day there were added about 3 ,000 souls
All right now So we're all 3 ,000 baptized but certainly appears to be the case.
We're all 3 ,000 immersed Okay, let's let's work let's assume they were immersed let's do some math
We can do some math we can do so we can do some explanatory numbers exploratory numbers, okay
Yeah, so I've done this before in other Bible studies, which I know you guys have been around So this is for the people who are listening
Online as well. So we don't know how many people were doing the baptisms Let's just say just I want you to see the numbers let's just say 12 disciples are doing the baptism.
Who's that? Okay, so when
When my wife and I went to get baptized we were in Southern California and Chuck Smith the founder of Calvert Chapel baptized us and There was a big crowd around him and a big crowd around some other elders and they were doing baptism
They and they did not not that this makes how it was or wasn't done But it wasn't that this person got baptized and then that person baptized somebody else and then they baptized other people and then they all
Got baptized, you know one did one and then that one did another one now you got three
So that means three can now baptize one each So what didn't you know and it's a in two three minutes now you got three
Well, that means you got six now, then you got twelve, but then you know, you'd be done in Half hour, okay
So people are getting baptized most probably by the disciples most probably
Let's just assume that the twelve disciples were baptizing for eight hours
An eight -hour workday not that they were not that that's just how it has to be but let's just do the numbers.
I Did the calculations for 3 ,000 people? That's a baptism roughly every two minutes and 20 seconds now
For eight decide for twelve disciples baptizing for eight hours Non -stop, I've been to the
Jordan River if they were in the Jordan River. Now remember they were up in the upper room And there were people coming up to where they were in the room was it preaching that's another issue
Where were they at? Where were they? But anyway, so if they were out in a body of water and the twelve disciples are doing this they say they walk to the
Jordan a bit like I said been to the Jordan and Yeah, I would need a spring suit, you know spring suit which is a wetsuit for spring because the water is too cold
It's okay It's a thinner wetsuit. Usually with shorts and so I used to have a spring suit
Anyway, I would need something like that to kind of do. Okay, and Because it was it was cool.
Definitely cool. Now This is say a person weighs a hundred pounds and And they get dunked in water
They come up weighing a hundred and three pounds instead of a hundred pounds. Let's just say three pounds of water.
I don't know But that means they come up heavier than they went down in the water Now if the water is only because of hypothermia the water is too cold in the
Jordan River Say the water is up to your hips that still will get you chilled after a couple three hours because from Southern California used to go surfing and Body boarding all the time.
I mean You last yeah, you could have a suit on you I was out there once at 58 degree wet water for for two hours and I got out because I couldn't feel anything anymore
I couldn't feel my legs rubbing against each other and that's 58 degree water and I Hear your fetal freeze, yeah, and that's only in an hour to two hours and So this was
I need to average temperatures like 62 or 67 degrees so it's definitely on the cold side
You get my point if you're up to your waist or whatever so that you you don't if it's because if your waters only knee
Deep you got to reach them way down and then way up 100 pounds down 103 pounds up Idea, you can't do that for very long.
I don't care. What kind of guy you are unless you're maybe Jack LaLanne He might have been doing he's superhuman probably for another world
You can't do that for very long. Well, okay. So the water has to be higher. So they have to bend down so much
Well, then you get hypothermia after eight hours. Well, that's not gonna work It just doesn't make sense that they were all immersed inside of three thousand people inside of eight hours by twelve disciples
So some people say was a hundred and twenty people up in the room So that's how many people were doing about this in order to get out of this issue.
What they're doing is recognizing. There's an issue If the
Baptism is with a hyssop branch member We talked about that earlier that they would actually baptize them with the hip of hyssop band branch in the
Old Testament Where was that? Let me find this okay, h y s s a
Clean person shall take the hyssop and dip it in the water and sprinkle it on the tent and the furnishings and the persons
So that's a form of baptism. Okay By having the water sprinkled on well, I'm going to show you how
Jesus was sprinkled in a little bit So get the get the article ready
Charlie and so It would make more sense to say that John the
Baptist took a hyssop branch which grows on the banks Dipped it in water like it did in the
Old Testament and sprinkled it on people That then you could do 3 ,000 or what not just just John the
Baptist. Excuse me, but the twelve disciples Theoretically, they could do it that way now. I'm not saying that is what happened
I'm just saying that's one of the possibilities. It could also be that That they could have walked out in the water and it could have it could have been up to their thighs and just take in their hands and Gripped it like that and poured it over the people and there were shorter back then too
So the bending movement wouldn't have been as much I'm six feet and I think you're six two or something like that So if we were doing that, that's that's a lot of bending down But if you're only four to four foot three four,
I think it's that with the average It's not that far to bend down really if it up to the thighs
I guess as proportionally it would be but at any rate I'm trying to get y 'all thinking so that's that's another possibility
Not saying this is or is the case is or isn't I'm just getting you to think It makes more sense.
Otherwise now The jailer let's go to act 16
You just did that you're done Yeah He says it says that day there were 3 ,000 added but some people are gonna say that they were baptizing
So that baptism was how you entered the church Which would make sense if the visible churches entrance is baptism, which replaces circumcision
Which we're gonna get into So I Gotta find this.
I didn't think I was gonna go to this. This is act 16 27. Now. This is after the earthquake the people left
The J people in jail left and they came back the jailer awoke and saw the prison doors open He drew his sword.
It was ought to kill himself Supposing that the prisoners had escaped Paul cried out with a loud voice saying do not harm yourself for we are all here
For he called them on the lights rushed in and trembling with fear He fell down before the before Paul and Silas and he after he brought them out
He said sirs What must I do to be saved and he said believe in the Lord Jesus and you'll be saved you and your household
They spoke the word of the Lord to him this house It took that very hour in the night and washed their wounds and immediately he was baptized.
He and all his household now So baptism is not said to be saved but baptism follows that which is said to be that which saved which is belief
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. That's specifically the answer to the question
Baptism followed for the whole household Whether no whether infants and children in the household doesn't say yes doesn't say no
Now But it does say that his household was baptized that most probably meant they went to the man's house to baptize his family
Wait a minute What the heck is going on? The jailer is
Seeing that these guys are still there Paul and Silas And the reason he's gonna kill himself is in the
Jew in the Roman system If your prisoner escaped you took his place so they were in trouble he's gonna be in jail
He's gonna okay. Don't do that. He's Paul says we're here and what do we do to get saved get believe the
Lord Jesus Christ Okay, and then the whole household gets baptized Why would the whole household get baptized?
That's an important question Now if he is the federal head of his family and as a people he goes the family goes
That's why his whole house will get baptized that would be a covenant sign and Consistent with a covenant sign because Paul is the one doing it
Paul and you're administering the baptism right Now that would mean wait a minute baptism means you're saved
Didn't know then the baptismal generation it's got to say They all believe the gospel doesn't say that it says the jailer believed he said let me make sure
I'm right That is he and all his household he brought them in his house and set the food before them rejoice having
Rejoice great having believed in God with his whole household kind of make sure to look like that the whole household did believe
Okay, that's good. I Remember to think it's in the back of my head This is verse 34
So they went to the household to get baptized now, here's a question were they immersed That's the right question they got their bathtub they've turned on the water and they got it.
Oh, they didn't have running water Oh, that's right. Sorry about that. I didn't have a big bathtub. Okay, so that's a problem
Water truck. Yeah, and They got the house or the hose outside and then they
Know it could be done any place. Yeah, it could be done any place. Yeah, and then they went to the temple So I Used to have a roughly 30 30 30 gallon aquarium now 8 .3
gallons of water or it's gonna be eight three point three pounds of water for 30 gallons. We're talking 240 pounds of water the most
I've ever bench -pressed in my life is 265 and I could not lift this 240.
Okay, I couldn't do it And it was only this big It was heavy.
How could you get baptized in something like that now in a house that they have large bodies of water and bathtubs?
They did not they did not and So if they went to the household the household got baptized what they did was they went to the well
Though usually the women went to the well in groups and they would get the water And it would be a bowl and it would carry it maybe two gallons.
That's 16 pounds Now we're women sturdier than let's get in the benefit of the doubt and say three gallons and that's a times three 24 24
Say 25 pounds. Okay, 25 pounds are carrying. Okay, no problem three gallons
Can you get baptized immersed in three three gallons of water? Not happening They'd have to go every day to get this and they would pour
Over their hands to get back. They baptized the hands to dip to immerse the hands Of course it was poured on the hands.
So now they would have a bowl they put their hands in and that's also called baptism so We start putting flesh and blood on this you go.
Wait a minute. It does not make sense to say that they were immersed in water Unless you want to say that what they did was they went to the house and then all of them went to a river and And got baptized
But to say that and at night it wouldn't be really the case and then
It Jerusalem. I've been to Jerusalem. Okay, and and you know, I remember driving in the bus.
I didn't See any bodies of water any rivers? so if they're in Jerusalem nothing there weren't there at that time or whatever, but Do all the households because all households are getting baptized
Were they all going to the one place to one river and you certainly weren't going to go to a common Fountain and put your dirty bodies into the common fountain where people would go in and You know like the pool of Siloam, you know
So they would they would rush into that because they wanted to get they thought the angels turning up the water and they wanted to get
Saved they were doing that but This is a public thing of water, you know, you don't do that Okay, so you start you go?
Wait a minute. You know what this immersion thing of all the householder It starts raising questions, so you certainly start raising questions 3 ,000 baptized
It's it's not working. You know, there's a problem here the whole household getting baptized
All right now Why was Jesus baptized asks
Matt to those who already know the answer why was he baptized I Think 315 is the answer
To fulfill all righteousness someone has been studying and learning You were a highly intelligent and bright and all that kind of stuff.
I wasn't talking about you. I said, you know somebody else That's right. Okay Okay So why was
Jesus baptized he said to fulfill all righteousness, what does it mean to fulfill to Old Testament law?
so If he had to fulfill the Old Testament law If I have my notes in here,
I got so much to add to this thing. Yeah, I can do from memory. It's alright
So Jesus has to fulfill all righteousness that means he had to fulfill the requirements of the law and we know from from Galatians 4 4 he was made for little
I mean he's made under the law and he came to fulfill the law Matthew 5 17 and 18
All right That means that what he was doing was to fulfill the law where is that law spoken of where is it?
Well, not every detail of the Old Testament law was done by Christ or at least recorded recorded by Christ.
I believe that what Matthew did was he took out of the
Old Testament those elements that showed The relationship of Christ in the
Old Testament in their regard to entering into the priesthood Because in order to enter into the priesthood
No, she might find it here I got I know I got it someplace In order to enter into the priesthood
I'm gonna find it. I read this because if they're okay, he had to be 30.
Are you slum? I just had it then I touched the screen They'd be 30 years of age.
That's numbers 4 verses 1 and 3 and that's how old Jesus was There's a reference for it being 30 years old when he started and The priest in order to enter into the priesthood
He had to be washed with water washed with water and Remember folks just so you know
Jesus is the high priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 620 Hebrews 725. That's for the people there and In Exodus 29 1 and 4 this is what you're to do to consecrate them that they may serve me as priests
Take a young bull and two ramp without defect verse 4 Then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the doorway the tent and meeting and wash them with water
They weren't immersed in water. The water was applied to them Leviticus 8 6
Then Moses and Aaron and his sons came near and washed him with water numbers 8 7 then thus you shall do to them
For their cleansing Sprinkle purifying water on them and let them use a razor over their whole body
So they enter into the priesthood they had to be sprinkled Now this is sprinkled purifying water.
Now someone might say well Jesus didn't need to be purified Okay, that's true. Didn't he be purified and there's no evidence that he took a razor over his whole body and Ordinary wash his clothes.
Okay, we get that and I agree But we where else in the scriptures is what
Jesus said to fulfill all righteousness Where else is it found in Scripture? I looked all over Could not find anything could not and this is the only place in Leviticus 8 numbers chapter 4 and numbers 8 7 and Exodus 29 where it talks about the things that are
Are mentioned in the New Testament 30 years of age verbal blessing given washed with water sprinkled with water oil applied the oil is the anointing from the
Holy Spirit and that's you can go to Exodus 29 7 then you shall take the anointing oil and pour it on his head and anoint him and Leviticus 8 again
Now the Levites shall lay their hands on his head to the bowls and offer one of the sin offerings Another for hope to make atonement that's gonna go wrong verse in there
Oh verse John 1st John 1 1st John 2 27 Verse 20 and 27 verse 20, but you have an anointing from the
Holy One and you all know verse 27 and as for you the anointing which you receive from him abides in you and you have no need for anyone to teach you
But his anointing teaches you About all things and it's true is not a lie just as it has taught you you abide in him the anointing you received is the
Holy Spirit Because he says the anointing from the Holy One and you have received from him abides in you the anointing
Abides in you that's the Holy Spirit. The Holy the oil is as a type of Holy Spirit It comes upon you which is poured upon the head
Which is the Holy Spirit being poured upon you Okay verbal blessing given and that's
Exodus 49 39 43 and Moses examined all the work and behold that he had done Just as the
Lord had commanded this is there should be done So Moses blessed them number six
Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to Aaron and the sons Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel it goes on and on and Matthew 3 17
God says this is my beloved son in whom I well pleased so it seems to be
Seems to be that what Jesus was doing to enter into that priesthood was fulfilling the
Old Testament law requirements Of the anointing being 30 years of age
And being sprinkled with water now, I gotta get my shoes on cuz my feet are freezing So take me 30 seconds, so sorry
I would do that but Jesus was baptized what makes sense according to the scriptures was the mode of his baptism
And I'll keep talking because I got the mic portable mic it makes sense to say that it's the baptism of the sprinkling
It makes sense to say that Now it's not proof But it certainly seems to be the case
You with me? Okay now
But wait, there's more All right, let's go to Hebrews 9.
Okay. I'm gonna go rusty on this one. So you got to bear with me okay now so I'm gonna read through this and Hebrews 9, okay, and Let's see
Okay, let's start at verse 6 Now when these things have been so prepared he's talking about the
Tabernacle and the incense the Ark of the Covenant in verse 4 and the veil in the temple
This is the context Verse 6 and when these things have been so prepared the priests are continually entering the outer tabernacle performing the divine worship
But into the second only the high priest enters once a year not without taking blood which he offers
For himself and for the sins of the people committed in ignorance The Holy Spirit is signifying this that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the outer
Tabernacle is still standing which is a symbol for the present time Accordingly both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper purpose in conscience verse 10
Since they relate only to food and drink in various washings. The word washings is baptismus
Regulations for the body imposed until a time of Reformation, but when Christ appeared as a high priest
For the good things to come he entered through the greater more perfect tabernacle not me with hands Not with the blood of goats
Verse 13 for if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of the heifer Sprinkling those who have been defiled sanctified for the cleansing of the flesh
How much more will the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself a blemish cleanse your conscience from dead works?
The word washings is talking about the sprinklings that was going on right
The word baptismus is about the sprinklings right there in Hebrews 9.
Isn't that interesting? Let's go to Acts chapter 8.
I think it's actually 8. Yes the
Ethiopian eunuch in verse 25 and Verse 26 an angel spoke to Philip go there went up verse 27 so he got up and went and there was an
Ethiopian eunuch a court official of Candace Queen of the Ethiopians who was in charge of all her treasure and he had come to Jerusalem to worship and he was returning and sitting in his
Chariot was reading the prophet Isaiah And the Spirit said to Philip go up and join this chariot
Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and he said do you understand what you're reading? he said well, how could
I unless someone guides me and He invited Philip to come up and sit with him now the passage of Scripture which he was reading was this
He was led as a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before the shearer is silent
So he does not open his mouth in Humiliation his judgment has taken it was taken away who will relate his generation
Then the eunuch answered to Philip and said please tell me of whom does this prophet say this of himself or someone else and Philip Opened his mouth beginning from the scripture.
He preached Jesus to him as they went along the road they came to some water and the eunuch said look water what prevents me from being baptized and Philip said if you believe with all your heart you may
And he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Because he'd been preached to about and he ordered the chariot to stop and they both went down into the water
Philip as well as a eunuch and he baptized him now They went into the water where they both immersed because it says
Philip was what as well as a eunuch and he baptized him. They both went down into the water
If into the water means that the Ethiopian eunuch was immersed in the water then Philip was immersed in the water
You can be up to the water up to your knees up to your hips When I was at the beach with my kids when they were this high
Come out of the water. Okay You know and it was a lot of fun now
He's reading Isaiah 53 Okay, go to Isaiah 53
Come on, because he's talking about how we carry our griefs away smitten of God afflicted right as a 53
But look at what's the last verse of 52 says what's the context?
Thus he will sprinkle many nations Kings will shut their mouths on account of him
But what had he been told they will see and they had not heard they will understand who believes our message
And to whom with the arm of the Lord spoken and he goes on he was despised forsaken of men
Now the only reason I'm bringing this up is the context of Isaiah 53 Is important and when you look at it?
What was happening here is that if if the Ethiopian eunuch had been reading through he would have read the baptism thing
But it doesn't say he was he could have only been focusing on that one section That's perfectly legitimate and not been aware of the baptism thing
Which I don't really think was the case or the sprinkling thing because it's good me because you know
They didn't have chapter breaks. It was a scroll. He'd had to find it and okay
I just think it's interesting that the Ethiopian eunuch when he said when he talked about baptism reading
Isaiah Isaiah's context was interesting, but before it was sprinkling doesn't prove anything.
I just think it's interesting Okay now What That's okay, he'll get up so now let's do some more study on baptism
But is this interesting, okay, you ever heard this stuff before This is different, huh, you're like what we're gonna discuss
Abraham now The covenant with Abraham it is.
Oh, is it cold in here to you guys? Okay, yeah, just shut yeah if you would shut that and shut that those doors cuz yeah
Sorry, I didn't know they're thinking about I guess I'll involve the teaching that I forget everybody got jackets and sweaters on it is cold
Yeah, my apologies. You're gonna light off in there the the middle light middle switch. There you perfect.
Thanks Thanks. Hey, how'd he get out? That's what happened well as long as I the front doors close he's okay.
All right now Genesis 12 3
God says to Abraham in you all the nations shall be blessed
That's what he says in Genesis 12 3 In you all the nations shall be blessed
Okay, and That verse
Genesis 12 3 is quoted by Paul in Galatians 3 8 we're gonna get to that later Okay but what he says there is
Interesting so God had promised in you all the nations shall be blessed now.
Paul calls at the gospel in Galatians 3 8 He literally quotes this verse and says the gospel was preached beforehand to Abraham saying in you all the nations shall be blessed
He calls it the gospel That's a promise that God had made with Abraham in you all the nations shall be blessed
That means the Messiah is coming through you That's what it means. Okay In Genesis 17 10 through 11.
This is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and your descendants after you Because God had made a promise that in you all the nations shall be blessed and he's making a covenant promise to fulfill that requirement and In he says this is the covenant which you shall keep between me and you and your descendants after you every male among you shall be circumcised and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be the sign of the covenant between me and you
Genesis 17 10 through 11 and Notice what Paul says in Romans 4 11 we're going back to Genesis here in a minute, but it says and He received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith, which he had while uncircumcised
So that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised
That righteousness might be credited to them Now notice what he says.
We receive the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith, which he had while uncircumcised
The circumcision was a seal the righteousness of faith that he had but he hadn't even been circumcised yet So the circumcision was a retroactive seal upon what had already been accomplished
I Think I had the baptism okay, but Now So the
Abrahamic Covenant in you all the nation shall be blessed and the sign of the covenant was circumcision
Now here's a stupid question. Why is it only the males were circumcised? Okay, Matt doesn't know
Biology's got some problems. All right Now you're on the right track head of the household
Circumcision obviously for the male females don't have the male organ Okay, and so in circumcision, there's the shedding of blood on the male reproductive organ which symbolizes descendancy which symbolizes being in someone because It my children so to speak are in the seed of the father
Now you may have been being aware of the cultural understanding of this kind of a thing when
Abraham and Sarah and they didn't have any children and so Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham in order for him to place his seed into her so that that Sarah would have a son
Well, wait a minute We you know, that's that's weird. But not if you understand the context they believed back then a
Seed pumpkin seed corn seed mustard seed you put it into the ground. You can put it over there
You can put it over there and you put over there Just knees the ground and the right circumference and it'll it'll go you put that woman that woman or that woman.
It's his seed Doesn't matter which one and so that's why the child is his
She just happened to be the Dirt not to be disrespectful to women in pregnancy that dirt in which that sin was there
That's that seed was placed. It could have been that dirt. It could have been that dirt It could have been a power of flower pot. All right, so that's the mentality
That's why I said so he could she could have a son because it she's married to Abraham and the seed was his
She just what her pot was dry. Her soils dry. Let's put it over there Can I use your pot to put my my pumpkin pea watermelon seed it yeah, it's still mine, isn't it?
That's the mentality. All right so The male representation is very important here circumcision is a sign of that So this is one of another reason why only the males were circumcised other than the obvious reason
So So now what we have is the
Abrahamic Covenant which is ratified in Genesis 17 10 to 11
Which is a sign of the seal is circumcision, which is a sign of the
Abrahamic Covenant and You all the nation shall be blessed. It's called the gospel is the
Abrahamic Covenant still in effect. Yes, it is
Does the Abrahamic Covenant require children to be included in it? Is there any
New Testament admonition to exclude infants children from the same Abrahamic Covenant?
There is none That's interesting now then if that's the case
Matt, why is it that you baptize instead of circumcised? Let's go to Colossians chapter 2 last one.
There is almost a baptismal regeneration is so We turn to verse 9 get a little bit of context
Colossians 2 9 for in him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form and in him you have been made complete and he is the head over all rule and authority verse 11 and in him you are
Circumcised with a circumcision made without hands in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ Having been buried with him in baptism
In which you're also raised up with him through faith in the working of God who raised him from the dead now
Buried with him in baptism. I think the best way we can make a strong case that it's immersion down into water
But we also know of being baptized into Christ Romans 6 4 and we haven't gone to Galatians 3 27 yet We'll talk about that probably
And first Peter 3 21 baptism and stuff like that. This is all related. Okay, go to you know, actually 216
We'll get some verses. Oh, we got to go to John 3 That's up to do So, I know this is this is deep and we've been at it for an hour and 15, right it's good stuff though, right okay, so Paul I'm not gonna say equates circumcision in baptism, but he certainly compares them and relates them and In him you verse 11.
You were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands The sir have been buried with him in baptism.
Paul is saying you were circumcised without the hands but by baptism circumcision of the heart baptism circumcises your heart
It doesn't justify you The circumcision of the heart is the removal. It's a regenerative thing it's a it's a sign in the seal of what's going on because circumcision was a covenant sign and And it said it was a seal of the righteousness with what that Abraham had while yet uncircumcised he
Romans 11 or 4 11 the question here is can we then say that circumcision and baptism are closely related as a
Covenant sign a covenant seal Now yes Why then would it be though that only the males are circumcised not females because there's a technical way to circumcise females, but So, why do we include females and males now in circumcision and the best answer
I have about that is that it's because the
The circumcision including the blood has been fulfilled in Christ and that blood symbol is no longer necessary and the covenant sign for the church
Which is what circumcision ultimately was pointing ahead to circumcision of the heart and the true church that it's the entrance sign for that And since it's the gospel that is it's talking about then the case could be made that infants can be baptized
Because it's still the Abrahamic Covenant Which is why we could say whole households were being baptized
This is not proof for infant baptism, and I will tell you there is not a single verse that says an infant was baptized
But let me ask you this question and then we get to other these some other verses We'll talk about other scripture probably go another half hour, then you guys are probably worn out two
Jews are walking along the road and they once on On a certain day of the week they go into town for whatever reason and they've been doing this for years
And they have a weekly meeting and they how's your family? How's your family? How's this? How's the cows? How's the cattle?
How's the whatever not cows? How's the whatever? How's there? You know, whatever your plants? Okay, and Well, it's been great.
Thank you for asking and how's your son so -and -so and how's that going and it's also over that illness Oh, yeah. Thank you.
All right One of them has been listening to Paul the Apostle and And now he's a convert
They're walking along the road and the convert says to the The guy who's still not a convert says they're both
Jews. He says, you know now I understand a lot more about the coming Messiah and The covenant of God and now
I understand that since Jesus is here the Messiah Now I understand we don't include our children in God's covenant faithfulness to his people anymore
You'd be going what are you talking about? We are so far removed from the culture of the time that for us
We take of course, you don't baptize infants because it's not described in Scripture If they were doing it in the scripture and it was a problem
It would have been corrected and the fact is the early church was doing it all the time and it's well recorded
Yep, it was recorded So there was no need to correct it because it was being done but whole households are being baptized
And so but it does say however to come back to their side. They all believed in Acts 16 32 31 the they all believed well that doesn't really imply infants
So I'm just trying to be fair. This isn't solid. I'm just giving you stuff to think about. All right
And Her whole household is baptized, let's go to that's act 16. So acts 16 14, okay woman named
Lydia from the city of Thyatira a seller of purple fabrics the worship of God was listening and the
Lord opened her heart to Respond to the things spoken of by Paul and when she and her household had been baptized
She urged us saying if you have judged men to be faithful in the Lord kind of blah blah blah It happened that we were going to a place of the prayer of slave girl.
Have a gate So it doesn't say that the household believed the implication would be that from Acts 16
Later that it seems to be that they would seem to be But we could make the case whole household been baptized.
But then was she the federal head? It's the male who's a federal head not her But with that does it mean that the husband was gone?
We just get in these conjectures. We don't have answers to But the whole house was baptized if this was happening in Israel whole households were getting baptized
It's reasonable to say that children were included But there's no proof of this. That's why I'm not gonna die in this hill
What I'm trying to do is stretch people's imaginations and understanding so that when someone says
I affirm infant covenant infant baptism But not for salvation you go. Okay, I can see why you would
I Don't agree, but I can see why you would you're not such an idiot like I thought you were
There's reasons for it That's what I want. That's my goal to accomplish. Okay, let's have some fun
John chapter 3 John chapter 3 verse 3
Jesus answers had to him Nicodemus truly truly I say to you unless one is born again
He cannot see the kingdom of God Nick Nicodemus said how can a man be born when he's old?
He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born can he Jesus said or answered truly truly
I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit He cannot enter into the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh
And that which is born of the Spirit of Spirit Now my position on this is not the dominantly held position the commentators and stuff like that even within the reformed camp
My position is that the water refers to the mother's womb That's my position and if you don't agree, that's fine
I guess that's not a problem and most of the commentaries don't agree with me Some have said done with this and they've get counter -arguments.
I'm not satisfied those kind of arguments Let me open this up a little bit why I believe this
And again, if you don't agree, that's okay. It's not a big deal It may or may not be depending on what you attach to it.
He says in verse 3 you'll be born again Nicodemus has entered them the mother's womb again
Jesus says in verse 5 that which is born of the water is water and spirit of spirit That's born of the flesh verse 6 flesh is flesh and spirit of spirit.
He seems to be equating spirit. I mean the flesh and water That's why
I affirm that position To me that makes sense Some will say and that's just my opinion.
Okay Some will say well what this means is it's baptism. You've got to be baptized to be saved.
Let's talk about that So if that's baptism that needs to be saved, what baptism is it?
What baptism is it the baptism of John? Or the baptism of the
Trinitarian formula later on after the crucifixion Because the only baptism if it was water baptism was meant here only baptism was that of John the
Baptist And that doesn't fit that that would be the means by which you've got to be saved
You gotta be born of water Which is John's baptism because that's what it would have been at that time Unless Jesus was secretly holding in his mind the future baptism of the
Trinitarian formula later on That's what you got to know about We've got to know about that Because if he goes to Ezekiel 36, it says that I Talked about the sprinkling, right?
And let's see Remember what verse was that? I got so much stuff
I got to memorize Ezekiel 36. Anyway, I'll see you can find it quickly.
Yeah, 36 25 to 40 37. This is why some people reference this Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you'll be clean
I'll cleanse you from all your filthiness from all your idols moreover I will give you a new heart put a new spirit within you I'll remove your heart of stone from the flesh give you a heart of Flesh I'll put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statues and you'll be careful to observe my ordinances
They say see the waters there. I don't go put a sprinkling Was John the
Baptist sprinkling if he's baptizing people all the time and Whole groups of people they said hordes of people are going out.
How is he baptizing them? By immersion, it's gonna wear them out So A Part of the water.
Yeah. Well, let's go to that. We're always gonna look at the verse Okay out of the water, let's see we can find the verse
When they kill up out of the water, that's acts 839. We did the Ethiopian eunuch Mark 1 10 immediately coming up out of the water.
He saw heavens opening Okay, it just says coming up out of the water They could be down in the water up to their their hips
It does not say that they were immersed underneath the surface of the water and that's when they came up It does not say that people have got to stop saying well baptism just means that normally when
I teach this I'll jump to a side and I'll go Two men are in the field one is taken one is left.
That's the rapture, right? Yes. It's the rapture. No, it's not read the context it's the wicked who are taken and People get blown away when they read the context every time they go you're right
Yeah, it's one of those lights on Yeah, and I'll say the point
I'm trying to make is real simple You assume too many things and read into the text and don't even think that you're doing it
What do you mean baptism always means immersion and I am showing you repeatedly. That's not necessarily the case repeatedly
I Say to them
Show me where it says it was immersed and there what they're doing is repeating what they've been told over and over and over again
They're not thinking now. One of the things I love that people tell me is besides you are very annoying is
And I'm humble about it. That's right, and they'll say you make me think That's what
I want to hear. I challenge people make them think Without commentaries
Right Yeah, it'll cripple
I feel like it stifles the Holy Spirit because right question That's right.
Do you believe whatever they say? That's right Wrestle with it.
You need to have a journey. Yep struggle with the word toward I mean,
I have like a pretty massive library with that, but I haven't touched any of that because I want to get a firm foundation I don't want to have any other filters
So people in the radio sometimes will call me up, but they'll say well Matt. What do you study? What did you get to learn all this stuff?
I go Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans great. Yeah And that's what I do and I do this by far the most.
I mean, what have we done scripture scripture scripture scripture scripture? That's the idea
Yeah, George Mueller Yep If you just believe what you're told that's a problem and certainly you do not want to trust a guy named slick
You've got to make sure that you are Studying this stuff out.
All right now so John 3 Must be born again Doesn't make sense to say that it's a
Trinitarian baptism because it hadn't been instituted yet If it was a water baptism that he was speaking of that needed to be in the case
Then it would have to be the baptism of John, but that's not in the case anymore well, then someone would have to say well that was replaced by that well, then
Then that doesn't make sense because that meant that Jesus was not telling him what really had to be the case a future baptism
Furthermore, it certainly seems to be the case that the water is that of the womb the baptismal generations are gonna
They're gonna have to refuse that it can't be but he's but Jesus in verses 5 and 6 says
That was born of the what was it let me get back to it Okay, let's go back over here
John 3 whoops, John 3 3 he says verse 5
And this one is born of water and the Spirit and then in verse 6 the flesh and the
Spirit That's why I affirm What I do and I'm gonna tell you again and yet again, that's not the majority position held
If they want to say it has to do with the Spirit, that's fine And I have no problem with that that the water represents the
Holy Spirit that's fine I just don't see it as being baptism All right now, so we've gone to John Romans 6 about being at the end baptized into Christ.
We've gone to John 3 We've gone we've already done acts 238 We've referenced acts 238 repent each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and For the forgiveness of sins can't mean in order to get that Because in mark
Luke 3 3 no. Yep. I got these verses in my head baptism baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Repentance doesn't give you forgiveness of sins So the phrase for the forgiveness of sins can't mean that you obtain it by that Okay, but there's anyway
So now let's go to a more famous verse. Let's get an easier one to deal with Acts 22 16 and then we'll go to 1st
Peter 3 21 Oh after this, we'll go to Galatians 3 27 and then we'll go to 1st Peter 3 21 and then we can just take questions
At 22 16 You from verse 15 you'll be a witness for him
To all men who have been heard that you have seen and heard now What why do you delay get up and be baptized and wash away your sins calling on his name?
And what they're gonna say is baptism means the washing of the sins away But the
Bible says that the blood of Christ is what cleanses us of our sins so washing
It has to refer to the issue of calling on his name Wash away your sins calling on his name
And I got a quote here from a Greek scholar about it someplace. Let's see if I can go to 2216 find it
Don't not 1516. Oh You slimeball I talked about computers
So it was 914 the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God cleanse your conscious from a dead from dead works
Romans 5 9 having more than having now been justified by his blood Ephesians 1 7 redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses
The blood of Christ forgives us of our sins 1st John 1 7 through 8 So Then there's other questions.
We'll get into it. We have time. I won't get into all this stuff
There's a lot there because Paul said in Acts 16 30 31 what must you do to be saved?
He says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ If baptism is necessary, he would have said that that it was necessary to be baptized, but he did not he specifically
Did that in fact if you go to 1st Corinthians 1 17, I think it is Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel
Not a cleverness of speech of the cross would not be made void Cleverness of speech is what the people do who believe you have to add a ceremony to salvation
Yes And Wash away your sins 22 16
Yeah, and watch where get baptized and wash away your sins calling on his name
Yep, in fact that reminds me get back to that quote. I don't I thought I had it
I did I read it today Where's another way of translating it Literal translation would reveal that there are two commands in the strict sense which associated with a participle
Participles an ing word walking talking eating the command be baptized. It's connected. What that's where the words get up Which are one word in Greek and a participle while the
Command wash away your sins is connected with a participle calling on his name Thus baptism does not cleanse from sin
But calling on the Lord faith does to summarize by a more literal rendering having gotten up Be baptized having calling on the
Lord be cleansed from your sins And that's from Elville Walter evangelical commentary in the
Bible. So what I'd like to do is go into Greek Scholars because there's you know,
I've had Greek But I'm very rusty at it And here's an expanded translation of the
New Testament Greek scholars Kenneth Wiest and he's a Greek scholar books out Puts it having arisen be baptized and wash away your sins having previously called upon his name.
That's what he says. So People are gonna and that's yeah. Anyway, so there's issues there.
All right now So we've already went to so Paul said He didn't baptize he thanked the
Lord that he didn't baptize Anybody except for this person that you know, yeah, I thank
God that first one is 114 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Christmas and Gaius so that no one would say they're baptized in my name
Now I baptized also the household of Stephanus beyond that I do not know what I baptize any other for Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel and First good is 15 1 2 4 says the gospel is a thing by which you're saved and you're gonna believe the gospel
So, all right now let's go to Galatians 3 27 last one there is a non -satirical list
That's a good thing Once I was preaching in a church literally preaching from the pulpit
I've been there a couple three four times and I said, okay turn in your Bibles. This is halfway through the sermon
I said, okay turn your verses and I hear the pages and I go last one. There's a Mormon and and They looked up at me and they're confused.
I said, that's right. It was a joke It's okay to say that and they kind of smiled like that. He started going like that.
I remember that Okay verse 20 3 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ now that people are gonna say you're baptized into Christ That means that when you're baptized that's when you were clothed with Christ and that's when you became a
Christian That's when you were saved doesn't say any of that there But the context is very important.
Look at verse 24 Therefore the law has become a tutor to lead us to Christ So that we may be justified by faith
Why does it say it's a tutor and then why is he saying verse 27 clothed? Because In that culture and the
Roman Empire memories right into the Galatians Okay, the
Roman Empire Slavery was there different kinds of slavery. I could teach on slavery sometime. That's an interesting topic.
So What they did was they had various slaves And a lot of times the slaves had very high positions they could go to battle they could be redeemed
In a sense a bot But they could also buy themselves out They would pierce their ears on the doors of the post in order called a dooloy
Slave and they were that we meant that meant they were choosing to stay with their master. Some of them were tutors some of them were they were hired as slaves and Grafted into the family as slaves and the end you worked for this wage, but you're really kind of a slave
They call it a slave. It's a we have lots of different ideas about it But they only had this one big word for this all this concept
So a tutor would take the master's children say a son and tutor him
For years and years and years. He's trusted to do this. That's how much that's a valuable He was and trusted he was when that son was
Ready when he graduated he was given New clothes a robe to put on What is what they do in graduation ceremonies you put a robe on?
It's it comes back for this ancient thing so Verse 24 the law has become a tutor to lead you to Christ so that we may be justified by faith
But now that faith has come we are no longer under a tutor But for all the sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus for all are okay
For all of you who are baptized in the Christ have clothed yourself with Christ You know you go.
Oh, he's not talking about baptismal regeneration He's alluding to the idea that the law is a tutor and it's close
You're once you graduate from the law into faith in Christ You're clothed with Christ and baptism is that place of the symbol of the clothing of Christ because it's the identification of That you've made it you've matured you understand who the
Messiah is you understand what the requirements of the law are now you have to Go with Christ you know you're clothed with Christ now.
We get it. It's not about salvation regeneration bright Okay, let's go to the last verse
We'll look at tonight unless I forgot something and I remember it and then I lie to you all first Peter 321 people say
But Matt baptism saves you where's the say that in the Bible, and they will say well first Peter 321
Okay, quote it to me Baptism now saves you I Say well, how about this?
I'll be asking another question misquoted for me Baptism now saves you Okay Corresponding to that Baptism now saves you not the removal of dirt from the flesh
But an appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ now in Greek the word corresponding to that is the
Greek words and T to pawn and T to pawn an antitype a representation a type typology
Corresponding to that what's the antecedent of the word that? What's the antecedent of corresponding to that?
What came before well, let's read let's go two verses before Jesus in which also he went made proclamation of the spirits now in prison who once were disobedient
When the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah During the construction of the ark in which a few that is eight persons were brought safely through the water
Corresponding to that baptism now saves you What saved
Noah The ark it wasn't the water that saved him
Some will say well Matt you don't understand it's the water that washed away the bad people Just says the water washes away your sin and said that's not what it says.
It says that they baptism saves you Just and it's because it says that the they entered the ark eight persons now incidentally.
I gotta do the trivia thing What day of the week was the an infant circumcised?
I mean what how old was he? Eight days eight days what day how many days was it after?
What day of the week was Jesus resurrected on eighth day
Seven plus one the first day of the week and playing with the words there. Okay got that from Chuck Missler.
I love that now in Greek Gematria, so alphabetic gamma
Delta Epsilon Zeta one two, three, four five It's just the letters are also the numbers when you write a word in Greek you get a number
Yes, who Christos? eight eight eight eight people brought through Noah's Ark eights called a number of new beginnings
And you take the word eight you do a search for it. You'll find out that it's used like that And then
I guess some other mathematical things won't get into that about eight but Eight persons were brought safely through the water
Corresponding to that that doesn't now saves you the ark How many doors did the ark have?
One Jesus is called the door Who shut the door of the ark God who opened the door of the ark
God What Jesus said what God shuts no man can open what man
God opens a man could shut the door So they entered into the ark by faith
Now some will say yes, man, but you're missing the whole point The faith didn't save them.
They had to do something and get in the ark Yeah, that's true they had to get in the ark that they didn't and they would have died
That's right. That's true. But this is not a correspondence of justification by faith
It has to do with faith in God who commanded to go do something so they wouldn't be killed by water But the issue of justification by faith, which is
Romans 3 28 We maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law Romans 4 5 to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his
Faith is credited as righteousness. There's no mention of anything there about baptism or certainly doesn't do that and Having therefore been justified by faith and you know glaciers 216 221 talks about this
So corresponding to that baptism now saves you not the removal of dirt from the flesh not the water on the body
Because the water was a means of cleansing That's how they would do that and it was a form of baptism you dip your hands in you'd wash
Okay, not but an appeal which is a faith thing For a good conscience what baptism is being spoken of here.
Is it a water baptism? Well, maybe because a baptism is being spoken of in context of the water the flood
Well, that's a that's one case, but then we also know that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not by water
But it's by a pouring Okay, it could be the case, you know,
I'm not gonna stretch things too far, but I'm just saying what is the water What is the baptism that is here?
If we're gonna say baptism must be water immersion We can't make that case. You could
I mean you can't prove the case You could suggest it and give arguments, but I could also do it by sprinkling pouring and immersion
So Just as Jesus was buried but not under the ground he wasn't immersed in the ground
But went into a hole in the side and was sealed off They too went into the ark in the side and a single door and it's a type of death
You could say in that ark You could say that am I stretching it?
Maybe a little maybe not, you know But it's there's interesting parallel there and the one door and then they came out
You could say the ark is a type of representation of the death. I Never really heard that before, but I'm just playing with words and playing with stuff.
We got to be careful how far we go okay, but Corresponding to that baptism now saves you my opinion is that that refers to the ark
Most of the commentators I've read say that it refers to the water. I don't buy it
They say because the antecedent usually is that what the noun closest? In proximity grammatically and a spirit zodiac days who's a great
Scholar in Greek says now it's got to refer to the water. I mean to the ark Because the ark is what saved them period and that's what
I agree I mean it's dark is what saved them so you can't prove out of this verse that baptism is necessary for salvation
So Let me kind of summarize this because there's a lot we've been going through a lot, huh?
You go to all this you got it all down, right? Listen like 20 times.
Okay, baby, you'll probably listen to it probably three times. I'm just I'm just Yeah for five bucks each maybe you know
For the notes I can send them to you guys are not finished and you can see you know, you go all this what you know but So baptism
Seems to replace Circumcision as the covenant sign of entering into the community of Christ as a public declaration it's not the sign of the new covenant because that is
Wine and the body the blood But as circumcision did not save anybody neither does baptism
Baptism can I can show from the Greek words in? Hebrews 9 is in context of sprinkling in John 3 we could connect it with sprinkling.
You know, it must be born again Because if it's talking about Exodus as a lot of people do
Ezekiel 26 25 36 25 that's talking about sprinkling we get the interesting
Context of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 8 reading Isaiah 53 And that's just right after the bit about God sprinkling the nations doesn't prove anything
But there you go And then being baptized into Christ just as we're people were baptized into Moses in first Corinthians 10 1 through 2 they're baptized into Moses, but on dry land.
So that baptism there is proof that the baptism Into does not mean that or necessitate water even but identification
But some people might say well they were under the water to the sides Well, then you admit they didn't get wet.
Did they it wasn't applied to them, right? so Then we have the issue of the host households being baptized that's interesting
Doesn't prove anything but it's just interesting. We have the issue of Acts 2 38 repent each of you be baptized for the mission in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you will see
The gift of the Holy Spirit for the remission of sins Well, remember and I think it was a loop 3 3
That you got baptized for repentance for the remission of your sins, but I didn't bring them refreshing the remission of sins
So that phrase can't mean that that's what gets you remission of sins Particularly since you will receive the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. It's tough for the charismatic gifts That's what the context is and the order in Acts 2 38 is baptism and gifts
But next 10 44 through 48 the AB the order is gifts than baptism and Galatians 3 27 which went over Actually went to X 22 16 next wash away your sins calling on the name of the
Lord I haven't even got into the phraseology of calling on the name of the Lord what that means because that's a whole other study and then
First Peter 3 21 we just covered with the glasses 3 27 but the context has to do with a tutor and being clothed.
That's the whole thing It's not talking about putting on Christ. We went to Romans chapter 6 verses 2 through 8 roughly and You've been baptized into Christ been baptized into his death from 6 4
But that can't be the place where you died because in verse 6 it says you're crucified with him in verse 8
It says you were you died with him. So the baptism isn't that place of death and cleansing? It is the place on on the cross which works with Colossians 2 14
That he canceled the certificate of debt on the cross another tangent and get into then let's get the first Peter 3 21 which we just completed and first Peter 3 21 talks about the issue of Corresponding to that baptism now saves you
I believe it's the ark. There are probably some good scholars who'd wouldn't agree with me but that's just my position and because of what
I've raised and There you go on baptism great conclusion okay, so Any questions
We've been wait with my phone Because I have my phone then Charlie could give me
What I'm gonna do is to hold on. I'm because I don't people have questions. I'm gonna get into the room Charlie and Sorry, hold on one sec
And then that way I can see questions if anybody has them by getting into there I should be able to do that and then we can
I'm clicking off how many tabs open up with my setup
There we go, yeah, I have a lot of stuff going on don't
I Let's see, okay And I'm gonna enter the studio entering
Because this is exciting, isn't it? That's right. I'm entering right now and then master
Bible study. There I am and just put this as Matt slick and then enter and There we go,
I'm muted, okay, so now I can see questions if anybody has questions, okay, you guys got any questions
See from the cross, okay They say that when people who say that baptism is necessary for salvation and the thief of the cross is saved
They'll say that he died under the old shoot two options two main ones he died under Although three it's an exception if they say it's an exception and that means they admit that it's not necessary Yeah, there's one it could be more exceptions, right
So the other thing is well, he must have been baptized. He must have been baptized some other time doesn't say so So you completely add it into the text to make it say what you wanted to say at this point and the other thing is
They'll say well he died under the old covenant And didn't need to be baptized because a baptism is for the new covenant
Toward the arguments except that Jesus died first. I have the notes on that. I know and that does all the stuff he died first and according to Hebrews 5
Hebrews 9 15 through 17 the New Covenant is instituted with the death of Christ so he died under the new covenant, so He did there's no record of him being baptized.
That's a very good question. So therefore he was justified by faith without baptism and Here's a question.
I asked somebody recently is probably watching People die on the deathbeds in hospitals and I used to work at a hospital as a runner and also registering patients in emergency and I remember, you know,
I take bodies to here and there move this patient there there. I remember going into a room once I'll never forget him. I don't know how old he was, but he was old and wrinkled and he had tubes and as he was gaunt and And he was afraid
He looked into my eyes and I saw Fear he was dying.
There wasn't much left of him. I'm not mocking. I'm not teasing. It's just It just stuck with me.
I just remember his his eyes looking at me He just I wanted so much just goes hold his hand, but I'm not supposed to do that I get in trouble, you know, there's other people to do this and that, you know, you got to do this
You got to help that patient, you know And I felt I still feel bad about it. Okay, I talked to The chaplain of that hospital who used to go to my church that I went to Hey, does
Do people receive Christ in a deathbed? Oh, yes Yes Now that man as an example couldn't be moved
Hardly, maybe he could maybe couldn't I remember one of our women who was also also a runner said that There was a woman.
She was an elderly woman. She was taking on a gurney across the carpet and Where the doors would close there was this little
Ridge With a metal and they try to make them smooth and she pushed her over that and skin fell off of her
She's so frail The people who get into the elderly condition can be in some pretty disastrous situations
So I've asked you know, do people receive Christ? Yeah, so I was asking this baptism or generation this guy God grants them to have faith sleep is 129 if they're believing in Jesus Christ is because God granted it to them
But if they don't have the ability to get baptized that means they go to hell Then why would
God grant them faith if they're gonna go to hell it makes no sense
It makes no sense at all Horrific sinner is stationed at the
North Pole Military station And he listens to a gospel presentation on the radio on the radio
The Christ same thing, how's it gonna be baptized can't Everything's frozen
Yeah Yeah, what are you gonna do? Yeah, so this baptism or generation stuff is ridiculous.
You had a question Those your question, all right, let's get two questions inside the chat room and Charlie I guess you can put him up there like that question from Jason Roloni asked slick this one time
Why was God pleased when Jesus was baptized? No one I'm not exactly sure.
I understand what the question is This is mo but he did God said this is my beloved son in whom
I'm well pleased because probably because he had never sinned first Peter 2 22 and he was doing all that was necessary before God and God was
The father was just pleased with what he was and how he was Cody Robbins says hey, that's
Chad Prigmore Hey Cody, he says Can you hear can you hear when when
Chad's talking everybody in the room? Can you tell me the verse in Ephesians 4 5 1
Lord one faith one baptism? Yes What it means is there's one faith one Lord one baptism That's that's what it is and So what is the one baptism?
We're baptized into Christ by the Spirit, that's the important one we can be baptized into the church by Water, is that what he's talking about?
And to be honest, I don't know which one it is And I it's there on purpose. That's not clarified.
And So, I don't know to be honest. That's I'm just telling you I was playing with you, but that's it. Okay were the disciples
With the disciples baptized before Christ was crucified That's a good question
They probably were having Been with John the Baptist. They probably were baptized
By John the Baptist but doesn't say and and were they actually born again before Christ died on the cross
Or were they just Christ chosen before that time? That's good question Not sure how to answer that one but it would certainly appeal appear that they were truly believers at that time and Just as old as people in the
Old Testament were justified by faith because if you go to Romans 4 3 Actually, let's do this from memory. Romans 4 1
What then shall we say that Abraham our forefather according to the flesh is found for for Abraham was justified by works
He has something most about but not before God verse 3 For Abraham believed
God and it was credited him as righteousness so That's Romans 4 3 says that he believed
God and the belief is what credited to him as righteousness So I would say that the same thing applied to the disciples that They're credited with righteousness at that point in that time.
Okay All right. Let's see. Oh There it is. Yeah right there
That's right. Charlie's under my name putting putting stuff into my name Faker We have these different accounts.
He has all my passwords and stuff Charlie's great guy. He's the guy who got me started apologetics 41 years ago
Okay, any other questions? That way you get the blame.
That's right. Okay. Let me ask you guys in the room What do you think of the study and what
I'm asking is? Did you learn anything new tonight? Did you really get shaken up in a couple ideas?
You're really forced to think new light that kind of stuff That's what I know about you guys can answer me that to here too.
I'm just curious This is probably a lot more new you didn't expect to get this much and to have this much told about baptism and there's more
Yeah Yeah, because they why do they preach on it more maybe because they just say baptism is emergent let's go away
I Don't know. I Want to teach
I Want to teach like this? I wish it's some pastor in a church to say
Matt you be the teaching pastor You just come in and teach That's what I'd be great. I'd say yeah, but you'll lose people
Okay, I Found it helpful Andrew Gesundheit Chocola, that's what
I call him. Chocola. It's a little Gesundheit Andrew cuz he's in Wales Laura Anderson Yeah You okay?
Nick We all heard a female voice It was okay
Different modes of baptism was surprising Protestant warrior says good. I'm glad Enjoyed it very much some things reaffirmed humbled clay
Charlie's spine I think it was very informative and Debbie wants to go through it later at a study pace looking at the links good
Martial arts Shema no mecca was not. Okay a great study.
I want to watch this again Tonight was great because apologetics live wasn't on first time
I've caught it from the beginning Good that's cuz Andrew Eppleport's a complete loser.
I Always assumed Christ was immersed in baptism. So it's interesting to know he may not have been see
I like that He may not have been but he may have been that's the
I'd like that. That's good You are a great okay, I learned a lot over the nine years and followed you good
Randall Dobbins good. Oh I forget this next week.
We've got to start the Bible study an half hour later Because I got to be on a BN sat
TV hosting some stuff for Islam stuff So I do a host Just just next week just a one week
And then the week after that I may or may not be here so what good we're gonna go or not or what so we'll Figure it out.
Okay Great. Okay wind burn From Canada A B and set are good guys.
Indeed. That's right. It means that that's right. No, it's anybody got any questions or you're just like Wow, I had no idea like that kind of thing
This is interesting The strong correlation
If you'll confess me before man, okay, I'm gonna spend nine or ten between that and the baptism
Oh, that's your you're doing that very thing Well, they say that well,
I don't reminds me of church fathers, but um, we get up again I'm not sure what the correlation they would be saying because you got to confess
Lord Some of the day they confess it after baptism and some people would associate it together I think referring to it being an after -the -fact event
I'm speaking now about believers as opposed to infant baptism,
I suppose because infants aren't making that proclamation of It's normally happening
Came on off the idea of You got to confess and you need to infants are a wholly different topic
Altogether And that goes into some tangents about some other things but yeah
Yeah, then should you be baptized again that's another topic people I could talk about that if you guys want This is what someone says.
Can a woman teach from the pulpit in any sense? Yeah, of course. This is how you take the mustard to me and make a sandwich
For example Said yeah, you can hit me you can hit me but I normally do at this point is
I hand my hand I go ahead listen to my wife so she can slap my hand to just punish me from my male chauvinism
Which I love doing but she's oh She's having fun
In any sense? Yeah, I you know if I were a pastor of a church Would I let a woman get up into the pulpit on a Sunday morning and teach something depends?
It would not be the exposition of Scripture in an authoritative context But if it was folks, this is let me tell you how we built this house for that family
Let me tell you how we got the funds together for whatever. That's a teaching thing and Where'd it go again?
And so Okay, Matt, can you expand upon the issues of immersion cleansing such as the mitzvah
Which I don't know what you mean by mitzvah in the Old Testament. So Can you expand upon the issue of immersion cleansing?
I don't know what that means immersion cleansing with the mitzvah. Sorry Let's see, let's go he says it's a very helpful references to learn about women in the ministry.
Oh, yeah car women in ministry This one says some very helpful. Let's go this one. So I'm very helpful.
Okay, let's go this one Because it goes into three different times Matt can you expand on the issue of immersion mitzvah? That's okay.
That's all I got Is it just my internet or is video a little choppy?
It might be a little choppy because it went down just for a second they might be here's watching the
Internet On the on the thing, but we have pretty good Internet here.
So we're supposed to all be on it at the same time and and everything And as you guys have seen my computer one guy said
I could launch the shuttle space shuttle from that thing. Yes My computer is awesome
Yeah, we had a guy who contributed it to the car and that's that's why so I Went to a place and He goes on buy you a better computer because I'd having troubles and we needed his replacement and some stuff and did some stuff to it anyway,
I Said yeah, it's working. He goes. No, let's do it this way and I said, okay.
We went to this place and I said, okay Well, it's I need to know the price range and he gave me a price range. Okay, that's right.
That's very good He said just want to help you out and so we get to this place and this guy who knows me
Christian guy and computers he goes. Well, what do you need it for this this idea as well If you do it this way and if you do it that way through this way the price kept going up No, we can't and he goes.
Yeah, you can but this that's too much and this is what happened. It kept going up I should have gone for even more, you know
Five CPUs with three, you know graphics cards in there and I want a curved holographic
Monitor, you know That and I want the glasses that I could just look at and there's there's there's sensors there so that when
I go like this it stays there, but it's only right here and I could put on the the oculus stuff
Actually, you can do it You could they have the oculus stuff where you can actually all your computer stuff is right there
You just type and you don't see anything Well, that's my next level of Geekdom I need to get into The emergence they did in the
Old Testament for ceremonial cleansing. Oh, that's what that means I don't have a research on that handy on those immersions so There was
I know there was somewhere immersed I believe somewhere immersed, but I'm not sure but I know that they were anointed and sprinkled and poured upon do you guys think it was interesting the part about the spirit being poured upon and That's the baptism that was being spoken of and it's in connection with the baptism of John I thought that was interesting that doesn't prove anything
Yeah Yeah, okay. Well good So remember next week
We'll start a half hour later, which mean, you know from what we did normally did and I'll let people know
Put you in a part one for you. Okay, very helpful choppy in and out here Okay, very helpful good
You know what? I could do if people are really interested Just more work for me. I could take my information and put it on a web page on carm and You guys could have this we can take this video and embed it in there kind of and I think that might be a good
Idea. What do you think you guys like that? Because for 1995 I can help you find that URL Not a problem
It's probably a good idea they'll take me a few hours to do that kind of work Maybe not maybe so I don't know.
We'll find out Okay Good. All right
Officially done and we'll hang here for a little bit and just see what happens Okay All right slick used cars and Bible study
Matt may be using up some of his bandwidth since he joined on an additional computer. That could be it.
Yeah Matt may be using some maybe a god bless Laura. Okay All right, good stuff though.
I love this stuff And there's some a little bit more he'd go over more technical stuff, but yeah, this is good
So that I'd convince anybody of infant baptism or just made you think that's good enough Made you think that's all that's what makes me happy That if you saw other people go you made me think
I see it but I still don't agree, okay Yeah, yeah
Convinced but I I think back to my own baptism at 18 years old and how
Yeah, yeah So Yeah, I can see the value and absolutely
I can't support that it needs to be that way You have to be an adult or you have to be whatever
All right Yeah, yeah nothing in scripture says you must be of a certain age or a certain maturity or certain level in order to be baptized
Now they'll say repent amy baptized believe amy baptized that but doesn't say you that you that's the only condition
It says you must do this. He's talking to adults but yeah Why should we get baptized?
Good god bless. Good night. All good. Good. All right Okay, well then
I'm gonna shut it down then okay guys Long I was two hours a lot of stuff. There's a lot of stuff.
I know Try to make it too much But that's what it is. Wanted to do it all in one night that way people can have one study
They can go through it. Okay, everybody so god bless and you gotta close the door and What am
I I could go ahead and end the live streams. All right Okay, we'll talk to you.
What'd you say Charlie? I said I can let end the live streams now for the broadcast All right, end it.