Bully Tactics used against NYS Healthcare Workers

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NYS healthcare workers are in danger of losing their ability to practice anywhere for “noncompliance” if they reject the mandate. We are experiencing a divide-isolate-destroy scenario and other industries and states better take notice. Caesar is not Lord, Jesus is. worldviewconversation.com


Good afternoon, everyone. It is September 1st 2021 and I have a bit of news to share with you
I wanted to share this as quickly as possible Because not only will it help those who are reacting to it.
I hope in New York State I want to encourage them but also those in other industries and other states who may be
Experiencing soon the same thing what I'm talking about is the mandate that has gone out to New York State health care workers that they must
Take the shot or they will suffer consequences. This could even be a testing ground.
I don't know I think a lot of people are watching this to see how far they can push things and If you're not prepared in your state or in your industry, you're gonna want to get prepared
The writing's been on the wall But I think people in New York State are feeling very unprepared and this morning and this afternoon and so I want to share with you a few thoughts hopefully of encouragement also of warning and And Let you know give you an update about actually what's going on.
So I got this this morning This is from a nurse as of September 27th whoever doesn't have the shot is considered resigning within seven days notice, so The way that this is being categorized if you do not comply
With the mandate it's on you. You are the one resigning and you're only giving seven day no seven days notice
That's how they're categorizing this. So they're taking that choice away from you and they're just putting it in this particular box
They're saying this is what you've done. Even if that's not what you're doing So it's it's not so much being fired
It's you resigned and you've only given seven days notice And so this will have a lot of consequences as many of you know who work in the health care field
The policy at many places and I know this my wife has been in the health care field for years
My sister -in -law is in the health care field. I have many friends in the health care field This this generally holds true if you work for a hospital or a clinic
You have to give them four weeks notice generally because if you're an essential worker, they can't just have people walking off the job
So it stands true with this particular nurse if you resign with less than four weeks notice
You are blacklisted. You will never be able to work at that hospital or clinic again And the the consequence if it is categorized as non -compliance
This could could very well and if it's reported to the state It could very well show up on your nursing license forever, which could basically preclude you from getting a license in another state
So many people think in New York. Well, you know what it's going downhill I'm just gonna move out of the state and I'm going to be a nurse somewhere else
I'll work in the health care field in Georgia or something Well, it may be very difficult for you if you didn't give four weeks notice and now you're forced to they're writing it up as if you gave seven days notice and It's due to non -compliance.
You may not get that job in Georgia. You may not be licensed in Georgia. That's the problem that's the threat and You and if you are give you give the four weeks if you give that month's notice
Then you get all your benefits. So this is forcing people to resign and It's a lot of people feel very alone.
They feel like they it is them verse an all -powerful state and The mandates of that state and then the institution they work at and and standing alone is very daunting and difficult and I I'm not personally judging or blaming anyone who decides to Give that four weeks notice, but As far as I know and according to this when this this
Announcement went out the nurses who got it were only given about 24 hours before that four weeks would be you would be within that four weeks and so if you want to keep those benefits if you want to try to avoid the consequences that would come with only giving seven days notice and being written up as A resigning because of non -compliance then you would have had to make a decision within a day
As to whether or not you would resign. That's what's going on. I think we're past that point at this point. So This has happened fast
This the pressure is just insurmountable. There are no exceptions. No religious exemptions even are permitted with this policy and And that's where we are in New York State and it happened very quick and nurses are very frightened even ones who got the shot are very frightened because they they're looking at this precedent and they're looking at the bully tactics and I had a few thoughts some
Some biblical and some just historical. I'll start with historical in my own study of post
Industrial Revolution totalitarian regimes this is What they always do pretty much.
I was actually just recently reading a biography of Mao Zedong, which was excellent and they
Turn people against each other. They isolate them so they feel alone and That's what's happened for the last few years.
We've had the me to movement the social justice BLM movement. We've had now the disagreements over various reactions and policy concerning the kovat issue and And this has all been politicized this has all been managed to some extent this has all been funded by left -wing sources and the result has been
I think one of the intended results from the beginning people are divided against one another and They've not only been divided but they've been cooped up in their house
I know of even churches that I would consider to be Theologically generally solid that still don't do
Bible studies because of kovat people are not interacting with each other still the way they were about a year and a half ago and It's it's had a permanent impact now on the society we live in You form habits within a few weeks and this has been a year and a half and so people are getting used to being alone and isolated and now tyranny is coming and They're standing alone.
And that's how they feel. So That is not an accident I think this is by design and just I think the first step is knowing what's happening to you
Knowing what's happening around you so that you're not This doesn't take you by surprise that this is this is something that's happened before it's happened all across the world
Dividing people and isolating people so that they don't have the strength to stand on their own against an all -powerful
Government, so that's number one number two. I had to thought about the early
Union movements and how they They were somewhat organic somewhat.
Yes, I understand. There's a lot of socialism and outside influence with the early
Union movements, but I want to think from the from the bottom up for a moment here people who wanted to change policy or Prevent policy from taking effect or whatever.
They wanted some kind of change in their places of employment and they formed unions they there was a
There was discontent among the workers whether that was stirred up or whether there was legitimate discontent they got together they formed a block and basically, the point was if you fire one of us if you if you
Don't change a certain policy Then we're all leaving and you're gonna be up a river and that's really what needs to happen here
And I realize yes, there's unions already in place But the today the unions are they're not very bottom -up they're very top -down and they're just as corrupt as many of the corporations that they're supposedly supposed to be standing against and shielding people from So now it is up to in New York State Nurses and health care workers to stand together and I'm not a nurse
I'm not a health care worker as I'm recording this but I Was at a rally earlier this week.
I know that there is some loose organizational resistance in place and that just a lot more time needs to be an effort needs to be put into this in my opinion and I would never counsel someone.
I don't want to don't take this as an individual counsel to make sure that your nursing license is marred forever, but Everyone's got to make their own decision on this but from a macro standpoint looking at this from a bird's -eye view
The only thing that I can see that would change this short of a miracle is people standing together and And and enough a large enough block saying that and it is this includes people who maybe even
Got the shot but saying you know what? I don't like this policy and I could see where this will lead and Standing together and saying on a certain date.
You have an ultimatum. We are going to leave we are we are gonna go on strike and I realize there's a number of consequences.
I understand that I realize even with the Union you could get in big trouble But without some kind of encouragement and leadership people getting together
Feeding off one another encouraging one another and without strong leadership confidence
I I don't think I don't see how this is going to be rectified and it will I believe spread to other states and other industries and so If you're someone with that kind of platform and you happen to be hearing this video
That's that would be my encouragement is form those those channels Get involved with people in your community in fact,
I'm going to be calling later today someone to see if we can get maybe local pastors to just not only preach the gospel, but to preach against the religion of totalitarian government, which is what is starting to happen and I'm gonna explain that in another video what
I mean by that, but suffice it to say people who treat the government like God and Ascribe to it attributes of deity.
That's what's happening. And so Do what you can where you can if you can and that's that's my main encouragement here
There's a lot of examples in Scripture of people standing together biblically Sometimes the consequences may even look very dire.
I mean you think of Shadrach Neshach and Abednego, right? They would not bow and we are facing a situation that's not parallel in every way but there is a
Force that wants people to bow to government and bow to to a totalitarian regime that has the that requires you to make sacrifices and that Basically wants people to think that it has the attributes of deity perfection and in it's inerrant and it's it's got a
Pure as the driven snow goodness and these kinds of things I'll expand on this more in another video, but all that to say we we have that moment right before us
And they wouldn't bend they wouldn't bow They wouldn't burn as one of an old song goes and that's what needs to happen in this situation
And look, I I believe it look if you're a believer you have God's promises that he's going to provide for you if you seek first his kingdom and righteousness and There are other industries you can work in there are other places you can move there are there will always be options in fact right now
Maybe this will encourage you a little bit. I've been traveling quite a bit and in Alaska and California There are massive shortages of labor and I think that holds true for the rest of the country
There and I actually know that in New York there to some extent. This is also the case There are so many people that are collecting unemployment and content to do that that industries are having a hard time
Hiring people so there are a lot of open jobs right now And I know most people who went through an education in the healthcare field
They don't want to switch careers, but right now there's this is a time when you could do that. So I just want to encourage everyone you're gonna be okay, and I don't know what it looks like And that's a scary thing and I get that I've been there myself before where I've lost a job
And I don't know what how am I gonna pay my bills? but the Lord's always come through so I'd encourage everyone have the courage to stand the government is not
God and They what they're doing is absolutely wrong. There is no doubt about this that this is wrong.